HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-08-16; Parks & Recreation Commission; 804-9; Community Activity Grant Review Committee? > PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL 0 INFO AB# 804-9 - TITLE: MTG. DATE: 08/16/04 COMMUNITY ACTIVITY STAFF: BEVERLY GRANT REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTION Appoint Parks and Recreation Commissioner to the Community Activity Grant Review Com m ittee. Each year, the City solicits individuals or community organizations to apply for grant funding from the City’s Community Activity Funding Source. Initially, the funds were established by Council as a means of funding activity requests that benefit, for the most part, the citizens of Carlsbad. Several years ago, Council took $1,000,000 and established an endowment of sorts. Each year that $1,000,000 generates interest income, which is then used to fund many activities that benefit the citizens of Carlsbad and may also benefit others outside the community. The Finance Department is requesting that one member from the Senior Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission and Library Board serve on a committee that reviews each request for funding. Ultimately the grant recipients are recommended to City Council for award of grant funding for community activities. Staff is recommending that a commissioner be appointed to serve in this capacity. The commitment to serve should consider approximately three-week day afternoons requiring about three hours each afternoon. The committee member should also consider a requirement of ample time to review a multitude of community activity grant requests. Last year, the review process was spread over a three-week period. Once a Commissioner is selected, the name will be submitted to the finance department and the staff person that facilitates this program. The Commissioner will then be informed of the meeting times and dates. EXHIBITS: 1. Memo to City Council from Senior Accountant - July 27, 2004 July 27, 2004 TO: CITY COUNCIL VIA: FINANCE DIRECTOR \b- FROM: Senior Accountant COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANT CITIZEN REVIEW COMMllTEE It is once again time to begin the annual Community Activity Grant Process. An important part of the process is the establishment of the Citizen Review Committee, which is to consist of a representative from each quadrant of the City, one member of the Senior Commission, one member from the Library Board and one member from the Parks and Recreation Commission. Attached is a list of the members that served last year. Please forward to me the names of the citizens (one for each quadrant) that you would like to have serve on the committee. I would like to have the recommendations by September 15" so that the committee can begin its work for the 2004-05 funding recommendation. We will have the Library Director and the Recreation Director seek volunteers for this panel from the appropriate Boards and Commissions. It is anticipated that the $50,000 that Council appropriated for the 2004-05 grants program will be distributed in December 2004 as shown on the following "tentative schedule": Council to appoint review committee Grant applications due to Finance Department Committee to review applications Recommendations on funding made to Council September October 1 October/Novem ber December Please feel free to call me at extension 2428, if you have any questions. Thank you. CHERYL &RHARDT Attach men t Cc: Recreation Director Library Director EXHISIT 1 . .. FY 2003-2004 COMMIITEE MEMBERS COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS Marie Bradley (has served one year) 2824 Cacatua St. Carlsbad, CA 92009 (Southeast Quadrant) (Appointed by Ann Kukhin) 760-43 1-0738 Gordon French (has served two yeas) 2913 Lancaster Road Carlsbad, CA 92008 (Northeast Quadrant) (Appointed by Ramona finnila) 760-720-9200 Jerry Tarman (has served one year) 3535 Bedford Circle Carlsbad, CA 92008 jtarman@pacbell.net (Library Board of Trustees) 760-729-4333 Laura Segall (has served one year) 1353 Corvidae St. Carlsbad, CA 92009 (Southwest Quadrant) (Appoint& by Matt Halo 760-929-2784 Seth Schulberg (has served one year) c/o Planning Systems 1530 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-931-0780 X108 (Parks & Recreation Commission) Susie Becker (has served two yem) 3445 Spanish Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 (Northwest Quadrant) (Appointed by Mark Packard) 760-729-7082 Peggy Savary (has served one year) 6528 Persa St. Carlsbad, CA 92009 (Senior Commission) 760-438-4377 JULY 22,2004 KEITH BEVERLY PARKS & RECREATION COMM PARKS & RECREATION TO: MAYOR LEWIS and COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: Planning Director SUMMARY OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 21,2004: 1. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES - Following discussion, the Commission voted to forward the revised Council Policy 44 to City Council for its consideration. (6-0) 2. GPA 03-13/ZCA 03-02/LCPA 03-12 - RESIDENTIAL GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING CONSISTENCY AMENDMENTS - By a 6-0 vote, the Commission recommended adoption of a Negative Declaration and Addendum, and recommended approval of a General Plan Amendment, Zone Code Amendment and Local Coastal Program Amendment to amend the residential policies and land use designations in the Land Use Element of the General Plan and the residential regulations in the Zoning Ordinance to ensure consistency between the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance; and also to ensure consistency between City policies and State law. 3. GPA 04-11ILCPA 04-10 - THOMPSON/TABATA GPA - The Commission voted 6-0 to recommend adoption of a Negative Declaration, and recommended approval of a General Plan Amendment and Local Coastal Program Amendment to adjust the boundary between the Residential Low-Medium Density (RLM) and Residential Medium Density (RM) General Plan designations over approximately 7.9 acres on property generally located west of Aviara Parkway, south of Poinsettia Lane. MICHAEL J. % UL C: City Manager Assistant City Manager Department Heads Lori Swenck/Keith Beverly/Mark Steyaert Peter Gordon, Mgr. Arts Office JULY 8,2004 KEITH BEVERLY PARKS & RECREATION COMM PARKS & RECREATION TO: FROM: Planning Director MAYOR LEWIS and COUNCIL MEMBERS SUMMARY OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 7,2004: I. CUP 04-13 - BRESSI RANCH WELCOME CENTER - By a 5-0 vote (Segall absent) the Commission approved the request to install a temporary modular building for commercial purposes within Planning Area 15 of Bressi Ranch generally located at the intersection of Paradise Road and Gardenlane Way. 2. GPA 02-051ZC 02-061SDP 02-131SUP 02-09 - CARLSBAD FAMILY HOUSING - By a (5-0) voted the Planning Commission recommended adoption of a Negative Declaration, and recommended approval of a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Site Development Plan, and El Camino Real Special Use Permit for a 56 unit affordable apartment project located at the southeast corner of El Camino Real and Cassia Road. 3. CDP 04-111AV 04-03 - CASA DI MARE - The Planning Commission voted (5-0) to approve a Coastal Development Permit and voted 3-2 (Heineman/Montgomery) to deny the appeal of the Planning Director’s approval with conditions of an Administrative Variance for an additionlremodel to an existing single family residence within the City’s Coastal Zone located at 5019 Tierra del Oro Street. 4. GPA 04-071ZCA 04-071LCPA 04-06 - ENHANCED RETAIL OPPORTUNITIES - After receiving the staff report and taking public testimony the Planning Commission voted (5-0) determining that before the Commission can adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 5659 recommending adoption of a Negative Declaration, and adopt Planning Commission Resolutions No. 5660, 5661, and 5662 recommending approval of General Plan Amendment GPA 04-07, Zone Code Amendment ZCA 04-07, and Local Coastal Program Amendment LCPA 04-06, a city wide fiscal and detriment study be completed. - Hbc114/ MICHAEL J. C: City Manager Assistant City Manager Department Heads Lori Swenck/Keith BeverlylMark Steyaert Peter Gordon, Mgr. Arts Office @ff>** Keith Beverly Parks & Rec Commission July 13, 2004 TO: MAYOR LEWIS COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: Assistant Library Director SUMMARY REPORT OF HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 12,2004 1. The Commission elected Commissioner German Gutierrez as the Chair for next year and Connie Trejo agreed to serve again as the Vice Chair. No other action items: 2. The Commission reviewed the draft for the Heritage Tree tour brochures. 3. The Commission discussed the Historical marker plaques for the Gaus House, Ramirez House and Neiman’s (Twin Inns.) 4. The Commission discussed the Wiegand Adobe and the Red Apple Inn properties. 5. The Commission received updates on the following Carlsbad Historical Society projects: o Magee Barn renovations, displays & signage o Gastelum family reunion o New “Council Interpreting North County History “ (CINCH) brochure o Upcoming displays and programs c: City Manager Assistant City Manager Department Heads Staff Liaisons to Boards & Commissions Boards & Commissions Staff Liaison KEITH BEVERLY - RECREATION July 15, 2004 TO: MAYOR LEWIS CITY COUNCIL FROM: Deputy City Engineer, Transportation TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 12,2004 The following is a summary of the action items from the Commission meeting. 6A: Ocean Street / Cvpress Avenue intersection - Request to establish an all-wav stop. By a 4-0 vote, the Commission recommended installing a stop sign on Cypress Avenue to create an all-way stop at the intersection since stop signs have previously been installed on Ocean Street. 6B: Paseo Del Norte, Poinsettia Lane to Camino de las Ondas - Request to establish a parkinq restriction from 12:OO midniqht to 5:OO a.m., seven davs a week. The Commission recommended, by a 4-0 vote, that a parking restriction be implemented on both sides of Paseo Del Norte from Poinsettia Lane to Camino de las Ondas seven days a week between the hours of 12:OO midnight and 5:OO a.m. and that this parking restriction be considered a pilot program for six months. A report shall be prepared and presented to the Commission after the six-month trial period is completed. 6C: Receive report reqardinq the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). The Commission received and filed the report. ROBERT T. JOHNSON, JR., P.E. Deputy City Engineer, Transportation RTJ:tlg c: City Manager Assistant City Manager Deputy Public Works Director, Engineering Services Department Heads Staff Liaisons KEITH BEVERLY PARKS & REC COMMISSION July 23, 2004 TO: MAYOR LEWIS COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: Library Director SUMMARY REPORT OF LIBRARY BO, There were no action items. RD EETING OF JULY 21,2004 1) The Library Board received an update on the Carlsbad City Library Learning Center. 2) The Board reviewed the plans for CARLSBAD READS TOGETHER. 3) The Board reviewed and discussed the phases of the Library Technology Implementation Goal for FY 04-05. C E ICs c: City Manager Assistant City Manager Department Heads Boards & Commissions Liaisons July 12,2004 TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: CCTVF Staff Liaison COMMUNITY TV FOUNDATION SUMMARY REPORT MEETING JULY 8,2004 I MINUTES The minutes of the Regular Meeting held on May 13,2004 were approved. 11 NEW BUSINESS A. Grant Application for Consideration 1. "The Election Process" Applicant: Mary Crowley - League of Women Voters; Amount Requested: $4,142.00 Approved fir $4,142.00 Applicant: Amanda Hinkle; Amount Requested: $8,000.00 Approved jb~ $4,000.00 "Youth Oriented Shorts for Adelphia Channel 3 News Applicant: Alli Dixon; Amount Requested: $3,179.28 Amount Approved: $3,179.28 2. "Static TV" 3. B. Review and Approve Proposed CCllrF Budget for Fiscal 2004-05 Approved C. Review Request by Applicant (Joe Garuba/City of Carlsbad) for "New Video Equipment", Grant No. 01/02-3 to extend grant timeline. Approved. Grant extended to November, 2004 at which time a plan of action will be on the Agenda fir this grant D. Review and file the City's Monthly Financial Report for the CCTVF. Approved 111 GRANT UPDATES A. Ned Augenstenborg of Adelphia Cable gave an update on recently completed projects as well as productions currently under way. IV INFORMATION ITEMS The Grant Applications sorted by Date of Action were reviewed. Page 1 of 2 Boards & Commissions Staff Liaison KEITH BEVERLY - RECREATION August 3,2004 , TO: MAYOR LEWIS CITY COUNCIL FROM: Deputy City Engineer, Transportation TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 2,2004 The following is a summary of the action items from the Commission meeting. 6A: , 0'. I Calle Barcelona, El Camino Real to the southerly city limit - Request to establish a prima facie speed limit. 1 By a 2-1 vote, the Commission recommended establishing a 40 mile-per-hour. prima facie speed limit upon Calle Barcelona from El Camino Real to the south city limit. Paseo Almendro/Avenida Ciruela intersection and Paseo Almendro/Camino qerbal intersection - Request for a stop sian. The Commission recommended, by a 3-0 vote, that a stop sign be installed on Avenida Ciruela at its intersection with Paseo Almendro and that a stop sign be installed on Paseo Almendro at its intersection with Camino Serbal. Adopt a Resolution of Commendation for Commissioner Jim Courtnev. ' The Commission adopted the Resolution of Commendation by a 3-0 vote. t ,I 6B: 1 *\, a 6C: * I- n Deputy City Engineer, Transportation RTJ:tlg c: City Manager Assistant City Manager Deputy Public Works Director, Engineering Services Department Heads Staff Liaisons