HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-12-16; Parks & Recreation Commission; 1205-6; Carrillo Ranch Barn Theater Grant Funding RequestAB# 1205-6 MTG. DATE: 12/16/05 STAFF: CALARCO RECOMMENDED ACTION: If the Commission concurs, recommend approval to the City Council for a grant application to develop the barnhheater at Carrillo Ranch. INFO ACTION TITLE: GRANT FUNDING REQUEST/ CARRILLO RANCH BARN THEATER - PHASE II ITEM EXPLANATION: Earlier this year, Carisbad received a grant administered by the National Park Service for stabilization efforts to the barnltheater structure identified in the Carrillo Ranch Park Master Plan. In essence, the grant was for $197,535 that required a 1:l match by the City, which would provide necessary architectural and stabilization work to the barnitheater until the structure could be completely restored. More recently, staff has learned of additional grant funding opportunities which would allow for complete restoration and public occupancy of the barnhheater building prior to it's planned development as currently outlined in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget. The time frame currently outlined in the CIP would not allow for occupancy and operation until sometime between fiscal year 201 5-2020. In accordance with administrative order #51 , there is a procedural review process that a grant application request must follow prior to Clty Council consideration. The review process among city staff has been completed. Before consideration by the City Council, departmental staff is requesting support for this grant by the Parks and Recreation Commission prior to submittal for City Council review. Please refer to the attached memo for further detailed information concerning this request. EXHIBITS: I. Memo to City Manager - November 16,2005 2. Administrative Order No. 51 ,-’ November 16,2005 TO: CITY MANAGER VIA: RECREATION DIRECT FROM: RECREATION AREA MANAGER, CALARCO AUTHORIZATION TO PURSUE GRANT FUNDING REQUEST IN ACCORDANCE WITH COUNCIL POLICY #51 In April 2005, the City was awarded $197,535 in grant funding fiom Save America’s Treasures, a program administered by the National Park Service, to be applied to the Carrillo Ranch bdtheater mbilization project. Council approved a required 1 : 1 match, and $395,070 has been earmarked for Phase I of the barn project. Phase I includes proposed stabilization efforts consisting of, (1) architectural ,design, plans, qnd specifications (currently underway), (2) structural stabilization, (3) repair existing foundation and add new foundation where existing is absent, (4) repairheplace exterior wall planks, (5) install new roof, (6) replace plank flooring in loft, and (7) restore exterior staircase. To assist in the grant application process, the City retained the services of Heritage Architecture to prepare the Leo CmiIIo Ranch Barn Stabilization and Restoration report, which includes a project background, proposed scope of work, drawings, and an opinion of probable cost. While funds ($395,070) were earmarked to complete only Phase I of the project at this time, Heritage Architecture also provided the City with cost estimates to complete the project, which culminates in the operational badtheater as outlined in the Carrillo Ranch Master Plan. Heritage Architecture estimates the probable cost for completion of Phase I1 at $500,000. Recently, staff learned of an opportunity to pursue Proposition 40 grant funding through the second rouna of the California Cultural and Historical Endowment (CCHE). More than $40 million dollars is available in the form of individual grants ranging fiom a minimum of $25,000 to a maximum $3 million per approved project. Completed applications for this grant program are due no later than January 3 1 , 2006. . Staff is requesting approval to proceed for City Council consideration to apply for $250,000 in CCHE funding necessary to complete the barn theater project. A 1:l match is also required in this instance, and therefore the City would be required to match any grant award from the state. The City match would provide a t0.M of $500,000 in funding to complete phase I1 work and provide, (1) Phase I1 architectural design, plans, and specifications, (2) interior wall and roof furring, (3) a complete restroom, (4) chair storage/office, (5) displays, (6) WAC, and (7) electrical and communications. Once completed, the barn theater will have a large 70 movable seat theater and multipurpose room, as well as a small visitor center and reception area. In addition, pedestrian access to the bdtheater is more direct and on a level approach from the existing parking lot, providing a desirable alternative to the present visitor center access which is located at the bottom of a relatively steep incline. This past summer Carrillo Ranch held its first annual Friday Night Film Festival, and community response was quite positive-attendance at the event averaged between 100- 150 people per evening. EXHIBIT 1 . More recently, on Saturday November 12,2005, the Carrillo Ranch was the venue for a Fall Festival in which over 1,000 members of the community were in attendance throughout the day. The park site continues to increase in its popularity and the completion of the badtheater will add an attractive amenity as currently outlined in the Carrillo Ranch Master Plan. At this time, the use of grant funds to complete the project will not require any additional operation expense, as current staffing levels are sufficient to handle operational demands. However, based upon the current formula used by Facilities Maintenance of $6.94 per square foot, it is reasonable to conclude that additional maintenance expense of up to $8,300 annually, may be expected. The matrix listed below summarizes hding for completion of the bardtheater project: FUNDING PHASE I - -- _I-__ @-eater Stabilization currently underway) @ 197,535 - t Funds C-D-ed City Match - Funding Earmarked lL2zuuQ PHASE rr - @-eater Restoration to allow public occupancy) $250,000 - Grant Funds $250.000 - Req’d City Match - Funding through additional grant award 62; subject of this request $zzxuuJ TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 8LB2azQ If additional grant funds are awarded by the State & matched by the City in order to complete Phase I1 If the full fimding request of $250,000 is not approved by the State, then the City will withdraw the grant application during the final review and award process to avoid any potential project-fbnding shortfall. -If you should have any questions concerning our request to proceed with the grant-funding request through the CCHE, please feel free to contact me at 476-1678. MICK CALARCO cc: Park Development Manager - Steyaert Recreation Services Manager - Spickard Senior Management Analyst - Beverly Park Planner - Ketabian CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 August 30,1990 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 51 TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS FROM: PURPOSE To establish a process for the review of all grant applications made by the City of Carlsbad. gACKGROUND Presently in the City of Carlsbad, grant activitles originate in various departments. The majority of these grants are from the following departments: Library/Arts, Parks & Recreation, Planning and Redevelopment. An individual In each of these departments writes the grant request and follows through to the condusion of the process, Grants are placed in a number of loosely defined categories. The most common grants for Carlsbad are: block grants, which are broad general subject grants (Community Development Block Grants); formula grants, based on population, labor force, low income families or similar criteria; matching grants or challenge grants, where applicant must come up with a percentage of funds to be granted; categorical grants, made to implement a closely defined program; and declining grants, a multi-year grant which grows smaller each year with the expectation the receiving agency will pick up the costs to continue the program. ' PROCEDURE Prior to commencing the grants process with the City Council, Commissions, advisory bodies or citizen groups, ell grant applications or proposals from the City must first be reviewed in the following sequence: Department grant writer -> Department Head -> Finance Dircvctor --> Assistant City Manager -> City Manager EXHIBIT 2 - All appllcations or proposals shall include an analysis of the senrice, program benefits, present and future costs to the City assodated with ~~dnito~ih~~~'mplying with grant conditions and restrictions, the overall benefits to be deiived~oitr~e~i~ditions of the grant, competition for the grant, filing deadlines that need to be mst ahd staff person responsible for monitoring the progress of the applcation. ACT" This administrative Order is effective immediately. RAYMOND. R. PATCHElT city Manager ...