HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-09-18; Parks & Recreation Commission; 906-3; Eagle Scout Trail Projects Donations & RecognitionPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AB#906-3 MTG.DATE: | 9-18-06 STAFF:I KETABIAN RECIEPT OF DONATIONS & RECOGNITIONS EAGLE SCOUT TRAIL PROJECTS D INFO GO ACTION RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive donations and recommend acceptance of the donations of Aron Gunnar and Howard Tsai by the City Manger and of Chris McFadden by the City Council. ITEM EXPLANATION: As part of the Citywide Trail Volunteer Program, projects are often paired up with local Boy Scouts who are attempting to obtain the rank of Eagle Scout. Over the past several months, three Eagle Scouts have completed projects related to improving the City's trail network. These projects were completed by Aron Gunner, Troop 748, Chris McFadden, Troop 784 and Howard Tsai, Troop 748. The table below summarizes each of the Eagle Scout projects and associated contributions to the Citywide Trail system. Eagle Scout Aron Gunner Chris McFadden Howard Tsai Total Project Title Hosp Grove Signage Arroyo Vista Trail Bridge El Fuerte Trail Kiosk & Signage (Bressi Ranch) Volunteer Hours 175 400 160 735 Amount Donated/Fundraised $ 150.00 926.00 213.56 $1,289.56 In addition to the recommendation that the Commission accept the above donations, staff would also like to give special recognition to these Scouts. A brief presentation (attached as Exhibit 1) showcasing each trail project will be provided by staff along with a special Certificate of Appreciation, signed by the Mayor, for each of the Eagle Scouts mentioned above. FISCAL IMPACT: If City labor was used to construct the above improvements, it is estimated that additional funds of approximately $18,000 would have been expended from the Trails Maintenance and Operations budget. This is a significant cost savings to the City for these trail improvements. Letters of appreciation were sent to each of the scouts and to their respective troops for their generous fund raising and volunteer efforts for each of the projects. EXHIBITS: 1. Power Point presentation/photos of Eagle Scout Trail Projects 2. Copy -North County Times Article, August 26,2006 -Scout Builds Bridge on South Carlsbad Hiking Trail \o EXHIBIT 1 Troop 748 27 Trail Markers Trail Regulation Signs 175 Volunteer Hours \\ Troop 784 Fundraised $926 400 Volunteer Hours Construction Completed in 2 days I Special Thanks to Matt O'Donnell Typical Trail Matter Along Poins«ttiaLatw-4total \3 Troop 748 Fundraised $213 160 Volunteer Hours Informational Kiosk and Trail Marker at Trail Head at El Fuerte and Poinsettia LaneCompleted End July Scout rallies volunteers, builds bridge in Carlsbad Editor's note: North County is filled with people who volunteer their time to help others. This is the story of one of those volunteers. TOM MORROW STAFF WRITER CARLSBAD — Life Scout Chris McFadden, 15, of Carlsbad's Troop 784 has completed a foot- bridge along the Arroyo Vista Trail in south Carlsbad. A sophomore at Carlsbad High School, Chris built the bridge to fulfill his Eagle project require- ment for the top achievement rank in Scouting. He said he saw a need and went to work promoting his plan to city officials. The Ar- SCOUT Continued from B-l Scout says bridge project is the one he's most proud of foot and bicycle traffic on the Arroyo Vista Trail. "I am very fortunate to be able to live in such a great community and wanted to do something that would benefit the citizens," Chris explained. "Since so much of Scout- ing involves camping, hiking and the out of doors, it only seemed natural to select a project that would make a community hiking trail more usable to all members of the community." After the planning period, Chris put together a crew of 22 people to complete the project. "These folks volunteered their time, tools, and sweat to make this bridge happen," he said. Part of the project was to raise money to buy building materials, and a lot of folks helped out. In addition to oth- er Scout families and his own family members, major con- tributions were made by the Carlsbad Firefighters Associ- ation, Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Department and the Home Depot in Encinitas. "I owe an extraordinary amount of thanks to Mr. Matthew O'Donnell," Chris said. "At our first group plan- royo Vista Trail is part of the city of Carlsbad's hiking trail system. Chris spent four months work- ing with Liz Ketabian, ^ who is the city's parks planner, and Parks Maintenance Supervi- sor Michael Bliss.phris said he identi. W fied the need and de- veloped a plan for the footbridge to span a concrete drainage ditch that interrupted > SCOUT, B 6 Life Scout Chris McFadden is seen building his bridge on Arroyo Vista Trail in south Carlsbad. PHOTO COURTESY OF HONDA MCFADDEN , .-3s--," Life Scout Chris McFadden has finished his bridge project on the Arroyo Vista Trail in south Carlsbad. The project was a requirement for his advancement to the rank of Eagle, the highest in Scouting. ning meeting on the trail, Mr. O'Donnell volunteered his construction expertise and willingness to teach me about bridge building. "He was always available to help review building plans and fine-tune my materials list and measurements, and was a very hard-working vol- unteer on each day the work crew was on site. His guid- ance was invaluable, and IY3 appreciate all the patience, hours and effort he has in- vested in me and this proj- ect. He is an awesome men- tor and has a truly giving heart." After nine years in scout- ing, Chris has collected more than 30 merit badges. He said the bridge con- struction project is, by far, the one he's most proud of. He said only about 4 per- cent of all Boy Scouts ever achieve their Eagle rank. What are his plans for the future? "I'd like to do something that will help others and make a positive difference in my community," he said. Contact staff writer Tom Morrow at (760) 901-4074 or tmorrow@nctimes.com. To comment, go to nctimes.com.