HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-10-15; Parks & Recreation Commission; 1007-3; Update on La Costa Canyon ParkAB# PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL 1007-3 MTG.DATE: 1 10-15-07 STAFF:| LANCASTER UPDATE ON LA COSTA CANYON PARK- REPORTED DISRUPTIVE BASKETBALL PLAY AND RESTROOM REMODELING PROJECT 00 INFO D ACTION RECOMMENDED ACTION : Receive the update on La Costa Canyon Park, in relation to the prior reports of disruptive basketball play, and the status of the Conditional Use Pemnit/restroom remodeling ITEM EXPLANATION : Background Over the past two and one half years, The Parks Maintenance Department has participated in oversight of the contractual remodeling/reconstruction of selective restrooms within City parks to ensure compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). To date, three such restroom projects have been completed - two at Holiday Park, and one at Laguna Riviera Park. Prior to the issuance of building permits for the work at each of these sites, the Planning Department required that Conditional Use Permits (CUPs) be issued, as the parks had been constructed many years prior without having such documents on file. Entitlement applications for those sites were therefore submitted to the Planning Department. Planning Commission Public Hearings on those sites were later held, there were no objections voiced, and the CUPs and building permits were subsequently issued. Recognizing that the La Costa Canyon Park restrooms were in need of similar remodeling for ADA compliance, an entitlement application was submitted to the Planning Department for that site as well. A Planning Commission Public Hearing on the matter was subsequently scheduled for July 20, 2005, with the required public noticing of the matter being accomplished in advance of the meeting. On July 15, 2005, staff received an email message from Linda Lespesa, as an "ad hoc representative of the concerned residents" near La Costa Canyon Park. In that message she described problems associated with the basketball court that were "all related to a group on non-residents who fill the parking lot with cars on weekends, and ignore pleas and warnings from both the neighbors and Carlsbad police." During the subsequent nineteen months, City staff (Parks Maintenance, Recreation, Planning, and Police) were involved in various communications with the concerned residents and the subject basketball players, routine weekend monitoring of the activity on and around the basketball court, four Planning Commission Hearings, and one Parks and Recreation Commission Hearing related to the requested Conditional Use Permit and reported neighborhood disruptions. As a result of the hearings, a total of four signs were posted at the basketball court, requesting respect for the neighbors, and identifying the California Penal Code Section for Disturbing the Peace. In addition, residents were encouraged to contact the Carlsbad Police Department should they encounter any disruptive activity. Ultimately, the Planning Commission approved Resolution No. 6253 on February 21, 2007, summarily "...finding that La Costa Canyon Park does not have a substantial negative effect on surrounding properties or the public health and welfare and that the findings and conditions of Planning Commission Resolution No. 5934, including the condition requiring (only) annual review of Conditional Use Permit No. 05-05 by the Planning Director, were adequate." AB# 1007-3 Page 2 Since the adoption of this resolution, no resident concerns have been received regarding disruptive basketball play on weekend mornings. Neither the Recreation Department staff nor the Carlsbad Police Department staff have been called upon to address any such activity. In fact, the Recreation Department has continued to monitor the basketball court on weekend mornings, and has concluded that the players in question ceased patronizing this park site in February 2007, shortly before the Planning Commission's final hearing on the Conditional Use Permit. Over this same period, Parks Maintenance Department staff submitted and received approval on a Capital Outlay Request in the FY 07-08 Budget for remodeling the La Costa Canyon Park restroom (and refurbishing the Stagecoach Park restrooms). Upon receiving this budgetary approval, staff contracted with an architectural firm for the development of the remodeling plans. Staff subsequently reviewed various stages of these plans, which are now nearing final completion. The completed plans and specifications will next be advertised for public bid. It is anticipated that the contract for the subject project(s) will be awarded by Winter 2008, and that the related construction will be completed by Spring 2009. FISCAL IMPACT: None. EXHIBITS: None.