HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-04-21; Parks & Recreation Commission; 0408-4; Hidden Canyon Park citizens concernsPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AB# 10408-4 MTG. DATE: [4/21/08 STAFF: SWENCK UPDATE ON CITIZEN CONCERNS REGARDING HIDDEN CANYON PARK ACTION RECOMMENDED ACTION : Receive staff report regarding citizens' concerns at Hidden Canyon Park. ITEM EXPLANATION : On September 17, 2007, staff presented Hidden Canyon residents' concerns to the Parks and Recreation Commission in response to letters received by the Recreation Department in June and August 2007 (Exhibit 1). Resident concerns included the use of party jumps and gasoline powered generators, the location of the designated picnic area, the size of permitted picnic rentals, and traffic and parking congestion along Vancouver Street On November 19, 2007, staff returned to the Commission and presented a report and recommendations to: (1) organize a meeting with Hidden Canyon residents, representatives from the Carlsbad Police Department and the Traffic Engineering Department to discuss parking, traffic safety, and activity in the park before and after posted operating hours (2) encourage proactive resident monitoring and reporting of park use (3) post signs in conspicuous locations clearly listing park rules and regulations (4) increase routine staff patrols of the park (5) emphasize passive park use (6) eliminate the use of gasoline powered generators throughout the park (7) limit size and placement of inflatable party jumps (Exhibit 2). This staff report is the third and final update to the Commission. ACTION: On March 13, 2008, staff met with Hidden Canyon residents and representatives from the Carlsbad Police Department and the Traffic and Engineering Department to discuss their concerns related to parking issues and unlawful activity occurring in the park. Deputy City Engineer Carlton Urban presented a Parking Monitoring Study for Vancouver Street at Hidden Canyon Park conducted between December 29, 2007 and March 9, 2008 (Exhibit 3). The study revealed that there were minimal on-street parking violations during the time of the investigation. The four Hidden Canyon residents in attendance indicated that the December- March park use is typically low and requested that an additional study be conducted during peak park use during the summer months. Additionally, Carlsbad Police Department Sergeant Jason Jackowski reported that over a nine month period, less than a dozen calls had been received regarding concerns at Hidden Canyon Park. Sergeant Jackowski encouraged the residents to continue to call the Police Department any time they observe activity before or after park hours or any time they observe unlawful activity occurring. AB # 0408-4 Page 2 Recreation Department staff discussed the other areas of concern previously reported by the residents. Signs clearly listing park rules and regulations are currently being designed and will be placed in conspicuous locations once completed. Staff has increased routine park patrols and continues to encourage passive park uses. The park is patrolled a minimum of twice daily, and more frequently during busy weekend periods to ensure compliance with park use rules and regulations. In an effort to keep noise and neighborhood disturbance to a minimum, an electrical outlet has been installed on a light bollard located adjacent to the designated rental area as an alternative to the use of gas powered generators to inflate party jumps. Staff also monitors the placement and size of the inflatable party jumps, to ensure that they are placed in the proper location at a sufficient distance from residences. CONCLUSION: The four residents in attendance thanked staff for their reports and were satisfied that their concerns were addressed in a timely and professional manner. Carlton Urban agreed to perform the requested Parking Monitoring Study during the summer months, and he encouraged the residents to contact him directly if they had any questions regarding parking and traffic safety concerns in the future. Once the additional parking Monitoring Study is complete, the residents will be directly notified of the results by the Traffic and Engineering staff. Staff will continue to regularly monitor and supervise activities at Hidden Canyon Park to ensure full compliance with the rules and regulations outlined in Council Policy 28 Facility Use Regulations and the Carlsbad Municipal Code. FISCAL IMPACT: None EXHIBITS: 1. Letters from Hidden Canyon Residents (June and August 2007) 2. Update on Citizen Concerns Regarding Hidden Canyon Park - Parks and Recreation Commission Agenda Bill #1107-10(November 19, 2007) 3. Parking Monitoring Study for Vancouver Street (March 13, 2008) EXHIBIT 1 June 28, 2007 Ken Price Recreation Director, City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: KIDDY BOUNCE HOUSE USE AT CITY OF CARLSBAD HIDDEN CANYON PUBLIC PARK AND SUBSEQUANT NOISE CONCERNS Dear Mr. Price: Carlsbad is a predominantly residential community which I would hope seeks to maintain a high quality of life for its residents. As a long-term resident of Carlsbad, who owns a home directly adjacent to the new public park Hidden Canyon, I can say that a quiet environment is very important to my quality of life. My ability to enjoy, relax, and have meaningful use on my property has been significantly diminished by the use of Bounce Houses adjacent to my property. I am writing this letter to request that the City of Carlsbad address and respond to my noise concerns. The specific concern is the use of Bounce Houses in the Park; Bounce Houses have become a regular fixture in the Park. In addition to the inordinate amount of space the inflatable itself requires (rope tie downs, extension cords, an inflating fan, and generator), the noise being emitted by the generator has become an increasing obstacle is the meaningful enjoyment of my property. A noisy environment detracts from the quality of life for the residents of this area. The generators associated with these inflatables are run for hours and are being placed directly adjacent to homeowner's backyards. I can assure you the noise levels are in excess of 60dBA which is usually considered acceptable noise levels. I am requesting that the City of Carlsbad address and I recommend ban, the use of Bounce Houses in the Hidden Canyon Park. The impact of noise increase in quiet areas should have been evaluated prior to construction of this Park, per the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The CEQA document should have considered a substantial increase in noise levels to be a potentially significant effect. If Bounce Houses were not considered in the any of the planning for this Park, they should not now, as an afterthought (or lack of thought) be allowed to continue. The residents of this community are unwilling to tolerate the high level of disturbance that has become a normal part of the use of this park. It is my understanding that Carlsbad does not currently have a noise policy. I would also request that as The Carlsbad General Plan is updated this is a consideration in the noise section, as required by the State of California Noise Control Act, California Government Code Section 65302. Sincerely, cc: City Council Members and Mayor To: City Of Carlsbad Recreation Department 6-2 8-2007 Complaint: Gasoline fueled generators required to operate a fan that inflates "Kiddy Jump " playhouses and accompanying annoying noise. 1) These should be banned from "Hidden Canyon" park.These require an inordinate amount of space with rope tie downs,extension cords an inflating fan and a noisy gasoline fueled generator that is required to inflate the "Jump". 2) These generators must run the entire time the "Jump" is in use and at "Full Throttle" and must be refueled after 2-3 hours and require a spare supply of gasoline,usually stored right next to the hot generator,if there is a spill during refueling this could ignite some of the dry brush surrounding this park or injure someone.Since Carlsbad "permits this activity some liability could exist. 3) These noisy generators are usually placed adjacent to some homeowners fences(backyards) and has hi effect,denied us the peace,tranquility,and the use of the backyard during the operation and use of these generators. 4) There is NO alternative to the use of gasoline fueled generators to operate these fans because there is no external electrical outlets to plug into.Therefore a BAN on the use of this equipment would be appropriate for Hidden Canyon Park. The following are homeowners whose property is adjacent to Hidden Canyon Park; Beth& John Thomas Margie Martich Jean&Barry Elliott 2669 Vancouver St. 2657 Vancouver St. 2665 Vancouver St. Carlsbad,CA.92010 Carlsbad CA. Carlsbad,CA. August 12, 2007 Lori Swenck Recreation Area Manager City of Carlsbad Thank you for taking time to discuss my concerns regarding the neighborhood problems produced by the inflatable jartyjumr^at Hidden Canyon Community Park. The purpose of this letter is to docurrlenrffiose concerns and the comments I have received from my neighbors, for consideration to Staff, the Parks and Recreation Commission, and the Carlsbad City Council. The use of inflatable party jumps are inappropriate and unsuitable in Hidden Canyon Community Park for the following reasons: We join and support our neighbors to the west and their documented issues concerning the noise problems and safety issues regarding generator powered party jumps. However, we take exception to your proposal to designate the grassy area near the restrooms as the party jump location. The party jump noise is in proximity to the homes and the hillside reverberation is intolerable and disturbing to the neighbors and the other park patrons. Due to the topography of the park, even one party jump in the proposed area is loud throughout the entire park. The party jump events have also significantly exacerbated the traffic and parking problems on Vancouver Street. Regardless of whether electrical outlets or quiet generators are used, these single party events are permitted for up to 25 persons. On occasions, past individual party events have exceeded this limit, and there have been multiple same day events. Typically, these events have lasted from 4 to 8 hours each. The Carlsbad Planning Commission Report defines Hidden Canyon Park as "passive, containing only picnic facilities, tot lots, and a restroom building". Actively powered party jump houses are not passive. I strongly doubt the planning report considered the use of such event equipment in the noise and traffic evaluations. Residential community home owner associations (HOAs) and the City of Encinitas do not allow inflatable party jumps in recreational parks. These groups have already determined this equipment is a noise problem, nuisance, and disturbance to the homeowners and park patrons and their opportunity to enjoy the parks. Whenever I talk to the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation staff, they empathize with our concerns, and agree they would not want to have these party jumps in their backyards. I ask you to present these concerns to the Parks and Recreation Commission, and request your support to recommend eliminating the use of party jumps at Hidden Canyon Community Park. As discussed, please notify the residents of the scheduled commission and city council public comment meetings. Sincerely, Paul & Kathy Santy Volly & Molly Williams Mike & Coleen Foster Margaret Moritz 2693 Vancouver St. 2689 Vancouver Street 2697 Vancouver Street 3347 Concord St. Chris Fulcher TimMackey Betty Betzold Jackie Behrhorst 3351 Concord Street 3355 Concord Street 3363 Concord Street 2696 Waterbury St &TCCPARKS &TTECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL EXHIBIT 2 AB# 1107-10 MTG. DATE: |11/19/07 STAFF: | SWENCK UPDATE ON CITIZEN CONCERNS REGARDING HIDDEN CANYON PARK INFO ACTION RECOMMENDED ACTION : Receive staff report regarding citizen concerns at Hidden Canyon Park and, if the Commission concurs, enact staff's recommendations. ITEM EXPLANATION : In August 2007, City staff received a letter from a group of residents living adjacent to Hidden Canyon Community Park regarding their concerns involving certain activities at the park. The residents requested that staff present their concerns at an upcoming meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission, and ultimately recommend eliminating the use of inflatable party jumps in the park entirely. The Residents' concerns included, (1) the use of inflatable party jumps and the noise and safety issues associated with the gasoline powered generators required to operate them, (2) the location and placement of a designated picnic area for rentals, (3) the size and frequency of rentals, and (4) the parking and traffic problems along Vancouver Street specifically associated with picnic rentals and inflatable party jumps. In addition, staff has received unrelated complaints regarding skateboarding in the park, and activity in the park before and after posted park operating hours. On September 17, 2007, staff presented the Hidden Canyon residents' concerns to the Commission. Several of the residents spoke to the Commission and reiterated their concerns that were outlined in their August 2007 letter. Staff was instructed to return to Commission with a full report in two months. On October 16, staff met with six Hidden Canyon Park residents at the Harding Community Center to discuss their concerns and propose possible solutions. RECOMMENDATIONS: After meeting with Hidden Canyon residents staff has formulated the following recommendations: 1. Organize a meeting with Hidden Canyon residents, a representative from the Carlsbad Police Department and the Traffic Engineering Department to discuss the residents' concerns pertaining to parking, traffic safety, and activity in the park before and after posted operating hours. 2. Encourage proactive resident monitoring and reporting of park use. Inconsistent or illegal activities should be immediately reported to Recreation Department staff or the Carlsbad Police Department as appropriate so accurate records may be kept; 3. Post signs in conspicuous locations; which clearly list park rules and regulations. AB# 1107-10 Page 2 4. Increase routine staff patrols of the park. Make sure that staff is present to check in and check out all park rentals and that any equipment (tables, chairs, inflatable party jump, etc.) is placed in the designated rental location; 5. Emphasize passive park uses, discourage organized sporting activities and practices; 6. Immediately eliminate the use of gasoline powered generators throughout the park. The use of an inflatable party jump will still be permitted as part of an approved Park Use Permit, and an electrical outlet will be provided to power the blower; 7. Continue to pursue and enact changes to Council Policy 28 and the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Proposed changes may include limiting the size and placement of inflatable party jumps, and addition of special event and permit triggers. 8. Staff should return to provide a final update and report to the Commission at their April 21, 2008 meeting. CONCLUSION: At our October 16, 2007 meeting, staff requested that the Hidden Canyon residents allow a minimum of six months for staff to pursue and enact the proposed recommendations, and to monitor and document the results. The six residents in attendance agreed with our recommendations and suggested that we proceed and closely observe what happens as a result. In the meantime, staff will continue to maintain an open dialog with the residents to make sure that we are satisfactorily addressing their concerns and that the park rules and regulations are being followed. Staff feels strongly that enacting the recommendations above will greatly improve the existing concerns and issues, and eliminate the need for any further action. FISCAL IMPACT: None EXHIBITS: None EXHIBITS March 13, 2008 Parking Monitoring Study for Vancouver Street at Hidden Canyon Park Findings: At the request of the Recreation Area Manager, several concerns have been raised by the residents of Vancouver Street regarding motorists visiting Hidden Canyon Park. These concerns include blocked driveway and mailbox access. Therefore, Transportation Staff conducted several "wind shield" surveys for Vancouver Street. The study area was Vancouver Street, west of Concord Street, as shown on Attachment "A." The study period began on December 29, 2007 and concluded on March 9, 2008. Staff visited the site 52 times. Visitation to the site occurred at various times of the day and week to ensure an array of data. From the observations that were conducted in the field, Attachment "B" shows the dates and times the data was collected, along with locations where blockages occurred. The following summarizes staffs findings: • 0 instances where vehicles were impeding driveways; • 8 instances where vehicles were impeding a mailbox; and • 9.6% of staffs field visits showed that Hidden Canyon Park parking lot was at 100% occupancy. Recommendation: Overall, staff did not observe an abundance of on-street parking violations. However, staff is open to discuss potential solutions with the residents to address future parking concerns related to the park. These potential solutions include: • Develop an overflow parking plan that includes on-street pavement marking "T's" and signage. There is room to develop 15 on-street designated spaces between lot 2664 and lot 2690; • Contact Carlsbad Police Department when a violation is noticed; • Develop a courtesy flyer for residents to place on visiting vehicles wind shield if a violation is occurring; and • Add red curb in areas that are less than 20 feet to prohibit parking (20 feet is an average vehicle length). PARKING MONITORING AT VANCOUVER STREET HIDDEN CANYON PARK TR #07-274 PLEASE RECORD THE DATE & TIME OF YOUR OBSERVATION, THE LOCATION/STREET ADDRESS OF EACH VEHICLE PARKED ON VANCOUVER STREET WEST OF CONCORD STREET & INDICATE IF VEHICLE IS BLOCKING DRIVEWAYS/MAILBOXES. NOTE: IF VEHICLE IS PARKED NEXT TO OPEN SPACE/NORTH SIDE OF VANCOUVER ST. RECORD THE ADDRESS ACROSS THE STREET AND INDICATE WITH (OS) EXAMPLE 2673/OS NTS PARKING LOT SURVEY MARK WITH X IF SPACE IS FULL Observer:Date:Time:.Weather:. RECORD THE LOCATION/STREET ADDRESS OF EACH PARKED VEHICLE AND INDICATE IF VEHICLE IS BLOCKING DRIVEWAY (D) OR MAILBOXES (M). (OS)= NEXT TO OPEN SPACE EXAMPLE: 2665/M ATTACHMENT A PARKING MONITORING AT VANCOUVER STREET OF THE 52 VISITS STAFF OBSERVED 8 INSTANCES OF BLOCKED MAILBOXES AND 0 BLOCKED DRIVEWAYS. OF THE 52 VISITS STAFF OBSERVED 5 INSTANCES OF 100% OCCUPANCY OF THE HIDDEN CANYON PARKING LOT HIDDEN CANYON PARK LEGEND * = NUMBER OF TIMES A MAILBOX WAS BLOCKED He = NUMBER OF TIMES A DRIVEWAY WAS BLOCKED wrs SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 12/29/07 3:53 PM 03/02/08 8:25 AH 03/02/08 10:05 All 03/02/08 11:25 All 03/02/08 1:35 PH 03/02/08 3:15 PH 03/02/08 4:35 PH 03/00/08 10:27 AH 03/00/08 2:45 PH 03/00/08 4:47 PH 01/07/08 3:48 PH 01/14/08 0:30 AH 01/14/08 4:18 PH 02/11/08 9:45 AH 03/03/08 10:15 AH 01/08/08 1:00 PH 01/08/08 1:30 PH 01/15/08 8:08 AH 02/05/08 11:25 AH 02/05/08 2:40 PH 01/02/08 2:48 PH 01/09/08 12:24 PU 01/09/08 1:42 PH 01/09/08 5:45 PH 01/18/08 1:20 PH 01/30/08 9:29 AH 01/30/08 2:35 PH 02/06/08 2:01 PH 02/13/08 11:13 AH 02/27/08 8:35 AH 01/10/08 8:39 AH 01/10/08 3:23 PH 01/17/08 9:55 AH 01/17/08 10:00 AH 01/24/08 1:39 PH 01/31/08 4:07 PH 01/04/08 10:02 AH 01/11/08 10:05 PH 01/25/08 11:15 AH 02/01/08 9:06 AH 03/07/08 12:37 PH 12/29/07 3:53 PH 02/09/08 2:30 PU 03/01/08 8:48 AH 03/01/08 11:30 AH 03/01/08 1:05 PU 03/01/08 2:30 PH 03/01/08 2:34 PH 03/01/08 4:07 PU 03/08/08 9:05 AH 03/08/08 10:35 AH 03/08/06 2:00 PH 03/08/08 3:55 PH ATTACHMENT B