HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-05-18; Parks & Recreation Commission; 0509-6; Rotary gazebo relocation updatePARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AB#: 0509-6 STAFF: LANCASTER MT_ neMoino UPDATE ON THE RELOCATION OF THEMTG. DATE. 05/18/09 H|STOR|C RQTARY GAZEBQ TQ MAGEE RARK INFO ACTION RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive an update on the relocation of the historic Rotary Gazebo to Magee Park. ITEM EXPLANATION: On October 1, 2007, the Carlsbad Hi-Noon Rotary Club sent the attached letter to the City Council advising of the pending demolition of the historic Rotary Gazebo from the North County Transit District's property northeast of the intersection of Washington Street and Carlsbad Village Drive - commonly known as Rotary Park. The letter further provided a brief history of the gazebo, and informed the Council of the Rotary Club's desire to save the structure from demolition, restore its roof, and rebuild it on a new site to meet current building standards. Lastly, the letter sought the Council's guidance on selecting a new site for the gazebo, and requested that the item be agenized for discussion at an upcoming City Council Meeting. On November 2, 2007, the Hi-Noon Rotary Club's Committee for Restoration of the Gazebo sent the attached letter to the City Council, reiterating the club's desire to have the structure restored and placed in a prominent location of the city. The letter also included a more detailed history of the gazebo, and photographs of the structure in its original location at the Twin Inns Hotel on the northeast corner of present day Carlsbad Boulevard and Carlsbad Village Drive. On November 6, 2007, the attached Agenda Bill Item (#16) was presented to the City Council by the Hi-Noon Rotary, requesting consideration for relocating of the Rotary Gazebo. As noted in the City Council Meeting Minutes (attached), several Rotarians and Recreation Director Ken Price addressed the Council on this matter. Although a number of city park and facility locations were reviewed, staff concluded that Magee Park would be the most appropriate site for relocation of the structure. After receiving inquiry responses from Mr. Price and the Rotarians, the City Council Voted unanimously to approve the request to relocate the Rotary Gazebo to Magee Park. After completing the initial dismantling of the structure, the Rotarians transported its roof and other historically significant components to a storage site for performance of the restoration tasks. Over the course of the last year and a half, those efforts have continued, and Rotarians Robert Richardson and John Simons have served as the primary points of contact with Parks and Recreation Management Staff. Several meetings have been held between these parties to review site plans (attached) and structural drawings for the gazebo's relocation, which Mr. Richardson drafted via the use of his skills as a landscape architect. Those plans have now been approved by the applicable city departments, and a building permit has been issued for current code assembly of the structure. Since the date of the City Council approval, the Hi-Noon Rotary Club has also held a fundraising campaign to address the costs associated with the relocation of the gazebo. Part of this campaign included the sales of inscribed pavers that will serve as the flooring components of the gazebo, and other extenuating features. An advertisement for the paver fundraiser is attached for the Commission's review. To date, the Rotarians have raised over $18,000 to put toward this effort. The Rotarians and staff have also preliminarily agreed upon a contractor to perform the bulk of the structural related work. Within the next several weeks, staff's intention is to return this item to the City Council for an update on the progress made and for the acceptance of the corresponding monetary donation by the Hi-Noon Rotary. Presuming that action is completed according to plan, staff would then process a contract with the agreed upon contractor, and schedule the work as soon as practical thereafter. FISCAL IMPACT There will be a moderate direct fiscal impact to the city associated with this project. The majority of the funding needed for the relocation of the gazebo will be provided from the Hi-Noon Rotary Club. Staff, however, has committed to separately contract and fund the electrical wiring and lighting to structure, and assist with the conversion of the existing shuffleboard court to a decorative pad for the placement of portable tables and chairs during events. These costs are expected to be absorbed within the existing Parks Maintenance Budget. Likewise, the ongoing maintenance costs for the structure, after it is relocated, are expected to be absorbed by the existing Parks Maintenance Budget. EXHIBITS: 1. Letter from Hi-Noon Rotary Club to the City Council, dated October 1, 2007 2. Letter from Hi-Noon Rotary Club to the City Council, dated November 2, 2007, with Attachment 3. City Council Agenda Bill #19,221, 'Rotary Park Gazebo', dated November 6, 2007 4. City Council Minutes of Agenda Bill #19,221, 'Rotary Park Gazebo', dated November 7, 2007 5. Photograph of the Rotary Gazebo, as Previously Located on North County Transit District Park 6. Site Plans of the Rotary Gazebo, as to be Relocated at Magee Park 7. Advertisement for the Hi-Noon Rotary Gazebo Flooring Paver Fundraiser SENT BY: COS PBINTINO;760 438 2512;OCT-2-07 11 :12AM;EXHIBIT 1 EXHIBIT 1 The Carlsbad O-Noon Rotary Ctab City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 10/01/2007 Honorable Mayor Bud Lewis and Council Members. A part of die history of Carlsbad is in danger of being demolished and with it many fond memories will be gone forever. We are writing mis letter to you on behalf of the Carlsbad Hi-Noon Rotary Club with the intention to save the historical Gazebo, now located in Rotary Park. The roof structure, which we warn to preserve, is said TO be made of materials from the original twin Inns dated back to the late 1920s. The remainder of the structure will be rebuilt on die new site with current building material, yet with the same historical details as the original Gazebo. This Gazebo has been a part of Carlsbad's past, a garnering place, a wedding destination, a birthday party to remember and to cherish. Our LOO-strong membership has unanimously voted to save Carlsbad's historic Gazebo, which is scheduled to be demolished by NCTD at me end of October 2007. We intend to move the Gazebo and refurbish it to its previous glory. The move and reconstruction entails a great deal of attention to details, community involvement and most importantly, the City Council's guidance. We request that the Council direct staff to schedule the Gazebo for a near future Council Meeting agenda so our members can present the past, present and future of this Gazebo in detail to the Council Members and seek your advice. Please keep in mind that (he Gazebo will be demolished by the end of October if our members are not able to move it. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call John Simons at 760-729-6865. You* attention to this request is greatly appreciated. Hi-Noon Rotary Club's 100 Members, P.O. Box 741 Carlsbad, CA 92*99 AGENDA ITPii / G> EXHIBIT 2 November 2,2007 Mayor Bud Lewis Members of Carlsbad City Council Re: 'Twin Inns' Gazebo I understand that subject will be on your agenda Tuesday, Novemb 6. Marcela and I will be on vacation and will be unable to attend but would appreciate your serious consideration of Carlsbad Hi-Noon Rotary Club's Restoration Plan of subject Please note a brief history of subject compiled by Kip McBane. There is so much sentiment attached to this over these many years By residents and tourists that we feel it should be restored and placed in a prominent location Your positive vote on this matter would certainly be appreciated. Yaws truly A> Smith ittee for Restoration of Gazebo A Brief Informal Hletory of the Twin Inne" Rotary Gaxttoo July 12,2007 The Gazebo wo* bulrr in -Hi* early 197O* by Edd* llup" Kentner, Jr., ion of Eddte Kentner, ST., and manager of the Twin Inns at the time. Bub recall*: "A* for the Sazebo, I designed It airly in the 7O*. I had undertaken the restoration of the Twin tnne butldhg hi 157O, In hope* of having It flntahed for the tt-centennlal year [1976]. At that time about the only trace* of me original 1Sfi7 bulking were a portion of the "front" face, and the South facing «lde. I decided, among other change*, to duplicate the original Victorian look" by replacing all the plain siding with fancy-butt *hingle*. An employee, EmlHo Lopez, began cutting ehingle* In the Inn'* workshop uelng a *maJ Sear* bond sow. He would cut a few hundred shingles, then stos and dip them In white paint, then cut a few hundred more whilst the first hundred dried, and so on. Because the bundle* of shingles come in random widths, there were dozens upon deans of shingles too narrow to out for the & fancy-butts. What to do wHh the left- over* «va* the Impetus fer the design of the Gazebo. They would be used to roof a Gazebol Notice that several shingle pattern* arc visible In tt* roof... It all depended on the wkhti of the scrap* from the band sowi As I remember, we eld use some shingle scraps for 5" fancy- butts on the towers, but If* been a long whle ago! The octagon shape of the structure is pure Victorian, which also He* In nicely wHh the main (firming room architecture. Perhaps it would be of some Interest to anyone trying to preserve, or restore, the Gazebo to mention some details of It* construction. The eurvij in the roof One I* a catenary curve... the Victorians seldom, If ever, built a tower or a Sazebo roof wrm straight lumber. To generate tfie catenary curve I suspended a Vght chain between two of the floor joist* of we main dining room, draping the chain to nearly the bast msnt floor, then using a spray eon and a 4' x & piece of plywood, transferred the curve to -me plywood. The Gazebo roof rafters were then constructed from this pattern by Robert (Bob) LMnger, the resident carpenter. As you probably know the Sazebo woe In great deriand for weddings. Marie MacPherson, my banquet manager, handled aR the logistic* for the** events. She probably ho* many *tories to relate, if the [Historical] Society Is Irrrarwea1 In personal raeoNeetten*. Marie <riso served the Rotary Club of Carlsbad for many years, aidsomoy be of Interest to the current members. She Is now retired, living on Redwood Str.»et in Carlsbad." The Kentner* owned the Twin Ims from 1919. The property was sold In 1964, and after extensive remodeling and the development of the oejaeent Vffioge Fair* Shopping Centre It become Neiman's (now Ocean House) Restaurant. After the family cold the property, In order to make 'way for the development of the shopping center the Gazebo was moved to adjacent Rotary fork in 1065. Apparently tnte transfer wo* very casual. It seemed to take place between the developer* and the CHy, and the Kentner family doe* not appear to have been InvoHtid. The Carlsbad History Room at the Carlsbad City ©eorojna Cole LJbrary ha* no offlckti or forma! ownership transfer, nor any paperwork detailing how the (Sazebo got to the Jark. The president of the Carlsbad Historical Society knows of no *uch record* either. ^ The Crtv received the lease on Rotary Park and the Depot in May of 1963. Carlsbad Rotary Club member Chris Christiansen was Instruriental in gaining the permission for use from the Santa Fe Railway Company, with contact made through Raymond T. Anderson, also a member of the Carlsbad Rotary Club. The Park was Intended to be a memorial to Paul Harris, the founder of Rotary International. Over the years -Hie Gazebo has suffered neglect aid its location has made it a focus for loiterers considered undesirable by neighboring businesses and shoppers. In 2OO7 the City sf Carlsbad was considering demolishing -me Gozebo to clean-up the Pork and reduce liability. When members of the Carlsbad Hi-Noon Rotary Club (distinct from the Carlsbad Rotary C ub) heard about the proposed demolition in the Spring of 2CO7, they determined to try to move the Gazebo to a more appropriate location, restore it, and onca again make It a focal for visitors to and residents of Carlsbad. The CoHs&ad Historical Society and the Carlsbad -llstorical Sites Commission have been Hrormed of this effort and are supportive of the move. '-'-Noon Rctorian and author Dave Dana has offered to prepare an "oral history" of the Gazebo and will be put in touch with related parties who have agreed to be interviewed. Historical photos are used courtesy of the Carlsbad I- Istory Room, Georglna Cole Library. This history was created by Carlsbad Hi-Noon Rotation Kip Mclane from conversations with and Information provided by Susan Gutierrez. Carlsbad City Library History Roorr. Georglna Cole Library, and Marjorle Howard- Jones, local historian and author of jeekera of thaJedng (A History of Carlsbad). Historical photos are used courtesy ot the Carlsbad History Room, Georglna Cole Ubrary. Hlslorical photos are used courtesy of the Carlsbad History Rooi n. Seorglna Cole library. mis history was created by Carlsbad Hi-Noon Botorian Kip Me lane from conversations with and Information provided by Susan Gutierrez, Carlsbad City Library History Room. Georglna Cole Library, and Marjorte Howard- Jones, local historian and author ot Seekers of tr eJorJng (A History of Carlsbad). Historical photos are used courtesy of the Carlsbad History ROOM, Georglna Cole Library. Historical photos are used courtesy of the Carlsbad History Boon , Georglna Cole Ubrary. This history was created by Carlsbad H-Noon Rotation Kip McB ine from conversations with and Information provided by Susan Gutierrez, Carlsbad City Ubrary History Room, Georglna Cole Ubrary, and Marjorte Howard- Jones, loco) historian and author of Seekersjafjbf LJidtag (A History of Cgrlsbod). V J CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 16 EXHIBITS AB# 19,221 MTG. 11/06/07 DEPT. Recreation Rotary Park Gazebo DEPT. HEAD flb-ww CrTYATTY. dS* CITYMGR. \p~-~ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive presentation and consider request from the Carlsbad High Noon Rotary to relocate the gazebo currently located in Rotary Park. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City Council provides an opportunity for citizens and organizations to have an item placed on a City Council Agenda by submitting a letter to the City Manager. Attached is a letter (Exhibit 1), from Carlsbad Hi-Noon Rotary to make a presentation and "seek the City Council's guidance* on this issue. FISCAL IMPACT: None ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: None EXHIBITS: 1. Letter from the Carlsbad Hi-Noon Rotary Club dated 10/1/07 DEPARTMENT CONTACT: City Employee 760-434-2826 kpric@cj.carlsbad.ca.us FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED D DENIED D CONTINUED D WITHDRAWN D AMENDED D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC D CONTMUED TO DATE UNKNOWN D RETURNED TO STAFF OTHER-SEE MINUTES EXHIBIT 4 November 6,2007 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 6 ADJOURNMENT TO THE JOINT SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION. Mayor Lewis adjourned to the Joint Special Meeting of the City Council and Housing and Redevelopment Commission at 6:38 p.m. with five Council Members present. RECONVENE CITY COUNCIL MEETING Mayor Lewis adjourned the Joint Special Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council and Housing and Redevelopment Commission and reconvened the City Council Meeting at 8:35 p.m. with all five Council Members present RECESS: Mayor Lewis declared a recess at 8:36 p.m. Council reconvened at 8:44 p.m., with all five members present. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS; 15.AB #19.223 - REPORT ON EMERGENCY RESPONSE TO THE COUNTY-WIDE FIRESTORMS. Emergency Preparedness Coordinator David Harrison gave the staff report and PowerPoint Presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) on Carlsbad's response to the late October 2007, fires. Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin read a letter to the Carlsbad Fire Chief thanking the Carlsbad Fire Department, from Scott Fisher, Principal from Poway High School (not on file in the Office of the City Clerk). 16.AB #19.221 - ROTARY PARK GAZEBO. Ken Ryan, 3490 Seacrest Drive, Carlsbad, representing the Carlsbad High Noon Rotary Club, came forward requesting assistance from the City to save the gazebo currently located in Rotary Park, that is scheduled for demolition by North County Transit District. Kip McBane, 2961 Crest Drive, Carlsbad, provided the history of the gazebo with a PowerPoint Presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). John Simmons, 2744 Carlsbad Boulevard, Unit 209, Carlsbad, explained how the gazebo was moved to current site in Rotary Park and the current condition of the gazebo. Mike Pfankuch, 3532 Donna Drive, Carlsbad, addressed the Rotary Club's plans to repair the gazebo. Mr. Pfankuch said that the Rotary Club would like to keep the gazebo in the downtown area. Recreation Director Ken Price, stated that staff had reviewed the Rotary Club's proposal to relocate the gazebo. Mr. Price stated that the Rotary Club asked about Pine Avenue Park, and staff determined this would not be the best location. Mr. Price added November 6,2007 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page? that staff reviewed several other downtown parks and the area next to City Hall as potential sites. He said that staff recommended relocating the gazebo to Magee Park. In response to an inquiry from Mayor Lewis, Mr. Price said the gazebo would be located in an area between the bam and the house at Magee Park if the location does not conflict with irrigation systems. Council Member Nygaard asked when the gazebo could be moved. City Manager Lisa Hildebrand stated staff would return with a timeline to Council on site location and preparation. Mario Monroy, 749 Magnolia Avenue came forward to address Council. Mr. Monroy stated he felt that Pine Park was an ideal location to place the gazebo. Council Member Hall asked how and where the Rotary Club intended to repair the structure. Mr. Pfankuch replied that the Rotary Club had an offsite location to rebuild and repair the structure. In response to an inquiry from Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin, Mr. Pfankuch stated that the historical value of the gazebo is in the roof, and the intent of the Club is to save the roof and rebuild the remainder of the structure. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, Council adopted approved the request of the Carlsbad High Noon Rotary to relocate the gazebo to Magee Park after it has been repaired. AYES: Lewis, Kulchin, Hall and Nygaard and Packard. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. 17. AB #19.222 - AGRICULTURE CONVERSION MITIGATION FEE AD HOC CITIZENS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT. Mayor Lewis requested to continue this item to a future Council meeting to be determined. COUNCIL REPORTS AND COMMENTS: Mayor Lewis and Council Members reported on activities and meetings of some committees and sub-committees of which they are members. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: None. CITY ATTORNEY COMMENTS; None. EXHIBIT 5 EXHIBIT 6 oo toc o70 O i\ f" n"z Mil 's§'i lipI a KS?n CO Xmrn omX T> 71 O mo H o fl iipiiir*n s o ^ ? ° §s §3 I PIIS8 a BE OmCO ozo m s R« EXHIBIT? Carlsbad Gazebo Walk of Honor We invite you to immortalize yourself in Carlsbad's Future. Carlsbad's Hi-Noon Rotary is revitalizing our historic Gazebo which was the site of so many weddings, parties, and social gatherings. In order to restore it to mint condition, we need your help. In keeping with the redevelopment of downtown Carlsbad, the path leading up to our Gazebo will also get a new look. Please become part of our "Walk of Honor." This walkway will be comprised of bricks and granite pavers leading up to, as well as going inside of, the Gazebo. If you would like to have your family name or a personalized sentiment immortalized within this lovely walk, please fill out the form below. Thank you in advance for all your help, and for now becoming a part of history of Carlsbad Village. Architectural Rendering of the Gazebo in Magee Park Which paver would you prefer: n Brick for $100.00 or n Granite for $150.00 Each paving stone has three lines of inscription with a maximum of 22 letters per line including spaces. The lines will be centered on the paver. Please TYPE or PRINT your Paving Stone Message here: Payment information: Name: City: _Address:_ State:Zip: Home or Cell Number: / Pay By:n Cash nCheck # Expiration Date: / / V-Code Signature: E-mail: _VISA MasterCard Card #_ (last 3/4 digits) The name on the card: Please make your check payable to: Carlsbad Hi-Noon Rotary Foundation. Your contribution is tax deductible as a result of Carlsbad Hi-Noon Rotary's 501(c)(3) status. For more information, please contact: Dawn Van Siclen @ 760-521-4320 or e-mail dawn@teamvansiclen.com Thank you.