HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-11-16; Parks & Recreation Commission; 1109-3; Naming Rights of Parks and Municipal FacilitiesPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AB# 1109-3 MTG. DATE:11/16/09 STAFF: | CALARCO INFO AMENDMENT TO COUNCIL POLICY NO. 48 "NAMING RIGHTS OF PARKS AND MUNICIPAL FACILITIES" lx| ACTION RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive report and recommend the City Council accept revisions to Council Policy No. 48, "Naming Rights of Parks and Municipal Facilities." ITEM EXPLANATION: On May 18, 2009, the Parks and Recreation Commission received a presentation from city staff regarding the naming of baseball field No. 1 at Poinsettia Park. At that meeting, the Commission voted unanimously to recommend that the City Council posthumously rename the field to Thorp Field in honor of Mitchell Thorp. The naming rights proposal and the Commission's recommendation was presented to the City Council for consideration at their meeting of July 21, 2009. While the Council voted unanimously to approve the naming rights proposal, the Mayor and Council members expressed concern regarding the existing naming rights policy specifically related to the criteria for naming rights. The Mayor and Council Member Blackburn remarked that the criteria for naming rights were too vague and not clearly defined. As a result, the Council generally felt that the sheer volume of naming requests would eventually far outweigh the number of available parks and facilities within the city. The City Council requested that staff review and revise the naming rights policy criteria with an emphasis on defining and evaluating what merits a "significant contribution" to the City of Carlsbad. Recently, staff received a new petition to rename an athletic field in the City of Carlsbad, which in part prompted staff to seek the Commission's input on Council's concerns. At their meeting of September 21, 2009, the Commission reviewed and discussed the existing version of Council Policy No. 48, and provided their suggestions and feedback on how it may be revised to be reflective of the City Council's direction. Staff received the Council's and the Commission's feedback, and has revised Council Policy No. 48 with an emphasis on defining what merits a significant contribution to the City of Carlsbad. Major subject area revisions include (Exhibit 1): 1. Policy Title: "Naming Rights of Parks and Designated Municipal Facilities" The title (and policy) was amended to reflect the fact that the City may not want to offer naming rights for all (designated) municipal facilities, including City-owned facilities leased to commercial tenants, City core service facilities (City Hall, fire stations, and police stations), naming of streets, and naming of programs, events, or other types of sponsorships. 2. Types of Naming Rights: Naming or Renaming Rights and Commemorative Naming Two distinct categories were created. Naming or renaming rights are usually granted in exchange for a significant financial contribution to the city, while commemorative naming is generally granted without a financial contribution to the City of Carlsbad. Each type has a unique list of criteria to consider, as well as general criteria that applies to both types. Page 2 3. Criteria for Naming Rights Additional criteria for naming rights were included to aid in the decision making process, and to further define a "significant contribution to the City of Carlsbad." In the current policy, costs were to be defined by the department. A market value assessment requirement was added to the process to help the City determine true costs associated with the naming opportunity. 4. Additional Criteria for Commemorative Naming Additional criteria for commemorative naming were added to aid in the decision making process, and further define a significant contribution to the City of Carlsbad. Moreover, criteria was added which stipulates that in the case of individual commemorative naming rights only, the person must be deceased for a period of three years before the name will be considered. This strategy will allow ample time for consideration, an opportunity to evaluate the individual, and the significance of individual's contribution to ensure that the criteria are met. 5. Renaming Additional criteria for renaming were added to clarify under what circumstances the City will consider renaming opportunities. Renaming of parks, designated municipal facilities, an amenities within those facilities will be permitted when the park, facility, or amenity has been replaced, substantially renovated, or developed for another use. 6. Duration and Renewal of Naming Rights Duration of naming rights will be specified in a Naming Rights Agreement to be developed in cooperation with the City Attorney's Office. Renewal of naming rights will be by reapplication and at the sole discretion and approval of the Carlsbad City Council. EXHIBITS: 1. Summary of Major Revisions to Council Policy No. 48, "Naming Rights of Parks and Municipal Facilities." 2. Council Policy No. 48 (current version dated January 16, 2007) 3. Council Policy No. 48 (as revised) EXHIBIT 1 Summary of Major Revisions to Council Policy 48 Naming Rights of Parks and Municipal Facilities I. POLICY TITLE Current policy: "Naming Rights of Parks and Municipal Facilities." Revised policy: "Naming Rights of Parks, and Designated Municipal Facilities." Explanation: The title (and policy) was amended to reflect the fact that the City may not want to offer naming rights for all (designated) municipal facilities, including City- owned facilities leased to commercial tenants, City core service facilities (City Hall, fire stations, and police stations), naming of streets, and naming of programs, events, or other types of sponsorships. II. TYPES OF NAMING RIGHTS Current Policy: Opening and reopening of parks and facilities, recognition for financial contribution, and honorific. Revised Policy: Naming or renaming rights and commemorative naming or renaming. Explanation: Two distinct categories were created. Naming or renaming rights are usually granted in exchange for a significant financial contribution to the city, while commemorative naming rights are generally granted without a financial contribution to the City of Carlsbad. Each type has a unique list of criteria to consider, as well as general criteria that applies to both types. III. CRITERIA FOR NAMING RIGHTS Current policy: General criteria (applies to both types of naming opportunities): honors individuals - living or deceased that have made a significant contribution to the City, must be consistent with the contribution level, provides a sense of place and continuity, recognizes historical or cultural significance of an area, reflects unique characteristics of the site. Revised policy: Naming or renaming rights: significant financial contribution to the City of Carlsbad, naming request must be consistent with the contribution level, provides a sense of place and continuity, recognizes natural, historical or cultural significance of an area, reflects unique characteristics of the site, consistent with the mission, vision and values of the City of Carlsbad. The cost of implementing the naming option should be established according to a current market value assessment of the potential value within the marketplace of the naming for a specific property. Commemorative naming: generally without a significant financial opportunity to the City of Carlsbad, in honor of outstanding achievement, meritorious service, or exceptional community contribution. Explanation: Additional criteria for naming rights were included to aid in the decision making process, and further define a "significant contribution to the City of Carlsbad." In the current policy, costs were to be defined by the Department. A market value assessment requirement was added to the process to help the City determine true costs associated with the naming opportunity. IV. ADDITIONAL CRITERIA FOR COMMEMORATIVE NAMING Current policy: Revised policy: Explanation: V. RENAMING Current policy: Revised Policy: No specific criteria for commemorative naming rights specified, as this is a new naming category in the revised policy. A significant, positive contribution to the community without which the park or facility would not have otherwise existed; a contribution that enhanced a park or facility in an extraordinary way; demonstrated exemplary public service community volunteerism, or outstanding achievement, contribution must be well documented and widely acknowledged within the community. In the case of an individual commemorative naming opportunity, the person nominated must be deceased for a minimum of three years before the proposal will be considered. Additional criteria for commemorative naming were added to aid in the decision making process, and further define a significant contribution to the City of Carlsbad. Moreover, criteria was added which stipulates that in the case of individual commemorative naming rights only, the person must.be deceased for a period of three years before the name will be considered. This strategy will allow for ample time for consideration, an opportunity to evaluate the individual, and the significance of individual's contribution to ensure that the criteria are met. While renaming was permitted, there was no specific criteria outlining under what circumstances renaming would be considered. Review shall include due consideration of all pertinent documents and information relating to the original naming and proposed renaming; park, designated municipal facility, and amenities within those facilities that are replaced, substantially renovated, or developed for another use, the replaced or renovated park, designated municipal facility, and amenities within those facilities may be renamed, and;, a reasonable effort will be made to notify in advance the individual (or immediate family members), group, or community organization of the renaming. Explanation: Additional criteria for renaming will help to clarify under what circumstances the City will consider renaming opportunities. VI. DURATION AND RENEWAL OF NAMING RIGHTS Current policy: Duration of naming rights shall be decided on a case-by-case basis, and may be renewed by mutual agreement between all parties. Revised policy: Duration of naming rights will be specified in a Naming Rights Agreement to be developed in cooperation with the City Attorney's office. Renewal of naming rights will be by reapplication and at the sole discretion and approval of the Carlsbad City Council. /fe EXHIBIT 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD Page 1 of 4 Policy No. 48 COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT Date Issued oi/ift/07 Effective Date Q1/16/Q7 General Subject NAMING RIGHTS OF PARKS AND MUNICIPAL FACILITIES Cancellation Date Supersedes No. Specific Subject: Naming Rights Of Parks, Municipal Facilities, And Amenities Within Those Facilities Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File BACKGROUND: The intent of this policy is to: • Confirm the current practice of naming parks, municipal facilities, and amenities within those facilities, after significant geographical, neighborhood and historical elements; • Recognize significant contributions that organizations or individuals have made to the public life and the well-being of the citizens of the City of Carlsbad; • Provide guidance on how to apply for approval to name or rename parks, facilities, and amenities within those facilities; • Expand the current practice of naming parks to include all appropriate municipal facilities and any amenities within a park or municipal facility. PURPOSE; To revise and establish the criteria and procedures for the naming rights of parks, municipal facilities, and amenities within a park or municipal facilities in consideration of financial contributions or in recognition of any significant contributions to the City of Carlsbad that it wishes to honor. STATEMENT OF POLICY; There are three types of naming situations this policy intends to address: • The opening or reopening of parks, municipal facilities, and amenities within those facilities; • Providing recognition of financial contributions to the City of Carlsbad; • Honoring persons, organizations, corporations, or foundations in recognition for their significant contributions to the City of Carlsbad. Criteria for Naming Rights: • Honors individuals, living or deceased, who have made a significant contribution to the City of Carlsbad; • Consistent with contribution level; • Longstanding affiliation with the City; n CITY OF CARLSBAD Page 2 of 4 Policy No. 48 COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT Date Issued 01/16/07 Effective Date m General Subject: NAMING RIGHTS OF PARKS AND MUNICIPAL FACILITIES Cancellation Date Supersedes No. Specific Subject: Naming Rights Of Paries, Municipal Facilities, And Amenities Within Those Facilities Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File • Provides a sense of place, continuity and belonging reflecting the geographic location, community, neighborhood or street where the park, municipal facility or amenity within the facility is located; • Recognizes the historical and/or cultural significance of the area; • Reflects unique characteristics of the site. Names will not be chosen that: • Cause confusion due to duplication or names sounding similar to existing locations within the City of Carlsbad; • Are the names of companies whose business is substantially derived from the sale of alcohol, tobacco, firearms, pornography, and/or sexually explicit goods or services; • Are discriminatory or derogatory considering race, gender, creed, religious or political affiliation, or other similar factors; • Recognize the birth, marriage or anniversary of specific individuals. The City of Carlsbad reserves the right to reject or revoke naming rights opportunities by individuals, groups, or organizations whose views or public statements do not promote the mission, norms and values, or interests of the City. Names of persons, organizations, corporations, or foundations will be considered when they have made a significant contribution to the City of Carlsbad by: • Enhancing the quality of life and well-being of the City and its Citizens; • Contributing to the historical or cultural preservation of the City; • Contributing toward the acquisition, development, or conveyance of land or building to the City; • Exemplary or meritorious contributions to the City; • A direct relationship or association that exists between a former place of residence of the person or group and the parks, facilities, and amenities within those facilities to be named. Where the name of an individual is recommended after an internal discussion, written consent shall be obtained from the individual, their next of kin, or their estate prior to the City Council's public consideration. CITY OF CARLSBAD Page 3 of 4 Policy No. 48 COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT Date Issued 01/16/07 Effective Date 01/16/07 General Subject: NAMING RIGHTS OF PARKS AND MUNICIPAL FACILITIES Cancellation Date Supersedes No. Specific Subject: Naming Rights Of Parks, Municipal Facilities, And Amenities Within Those Facilities Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File Where the naming opportunity is the result of a financial contribution, the following factors must be considered: • The significance of the contribution made relative to the construction and operating costs of the parks, municipal facilities, and amenities within those facilities; • The cost of establishing the naming option (costs to be determined by the responsible Department on an individual basis). The duration of naming rights of parks, municipal facilities, and amenities within those facilities shall be decided or negotiated on a case-by-case basis. Naming rights of parks, municipal facilities, and amenities within those facilities may be renewed by mutual agreement between all the parties. Existing names will not be changed without consideration of the historical significance of the existing name, the impact on the individual or organization previously named, the cost and impact of changing existing signs, rebuilding community recognition and updating records (i.e. letterhead, databases, and promotional materials). Each naming right application will be considered on a case-by-case basis. PROCEDURE; Applicant(s) shall submit a written request for naming rights to the corresponding Department Director, with justification to aid in considering the proposal. The proposed name shall be placed on the Board and/or Commission agenda (if required), allowing appropriate time for review by the Board and/or Commission and subcommittee if necessary, and to publicize and receive input from the public at the Board and/or Commission meeting. The Board and/or Commission's recommendation will be forwarded to the City Council for their determination of the official name. In the case of City-sponsored support groups raising funds on behalf of the City (i.e. Friends of the Library and/or Friends of Carrillo Ranch), it will be necessary to establish naming rights gift levels prior to soliciting gifts and offering naming rights to prospective donors. No final commitment to name a park, municipal facility or amenity within the facility can be made to a potential donor without the appropriate CTTY OF CARLSBAD Page 4 of 4 Policy No. 48 COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT Date Issued ni Effective Date 01/16/07 General Subject: NAMING RIGHTS OF PARKS AND MUMCIPAL FACILITIES Cancellation Date _ Supersedes No. _ Specific Subject: Naming Rights Of Parks, Municipal Facilities, And Amenities Within Those Facilities Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File approvals as outlined within this policy. The support groups will first establish recommended gift levels for naming rights. The recommended gift levels will then be submitted to the corresponding Department Director for its review and then submitted to the corresponding Board and/or Commission. The Board and/or Commission's recommendation on the gift levels will then be forwarded to the City Council for its final approval prior to the support group soliciting donations for naming rights. EXHIBIT 3 CITY OF CARLSBAD Page 1 of 4 Policy No. 48 COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT Date Issued Effective Date General Subject: NAMING RIGHTS OF PARKS AND DESIGNATED MUNICIPAL FACILITIES Cancellation Date Supersedes No. Specific Subject: Naming Rights of Parks, Designated Municipal Facilities, and Amenities within those Facilities Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File BACKGROUND: The intent of this policy is to: • Confirm the practice of naming or renaming parks, designated municipal facilities, and amenities within those facilities, after significant geographical, neighborhood and historical elements; • Recognize substantial personal and financial contributions that individuals, groups, or community organizations have made to the public life and the well-being of the citizens of the city; • Promote the practice of naming or renaming parks to include designated municipal facilities and amenities within a park or municipal facility; • This policy does not apply to (1) city-owned facilities leased to commercial tenants, (2) city core service facilities (e.g. City Hall, fire stations, and police stations), (3) naming of streets, and (4) naming of programs, events, or other kinds of sponsorships, and; • No vested rights shall be conferred or received by any individual, group, or community organization as a result of this policy. PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to: • Establish criteria and procedures for the naming or renaming of parks, designated municipal facilities, and amenities within those facilities;. • Provide guidance on how to apply for approval to name or rename parks, designated municipal facilities, and amenities within those facilities, and; • Provide a clear and consistent evaluation framework and approval process for City Council in considering naming or renaming requests. STATEMENT OF POLICY: There are two types of naming opportunities this policy intends to address: • Naming rights of parks, designated municipal facilities, and amenities within those facilities usually granted in exchange for a significant financial contribution to the city by an individual, group, community organization, company, corporation or foundation; • Commemorative naming of parks, designated municipal facilities, and amenities within those facilities in honor of outstanding achievement, meritorious service, or exceptional community contribution, generally without a financial contribution to the city by an individual, group or community organization. Names of individuals, groups, community organizations, companies, corporations, or foundations will be considered when they have made a significant contribution to the city by: EXHIBIT 3 CITY OF CARLSBAD Page 2 of 4 Policy No. 48 COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT Date Issued Effective Date General Subject: NAMING RIGHTS OF PARKS AND DESIGNATED MUNICIPAL FACILITIES Cancellation Date Supersedes No. Specific Subject: Naming Rights of Parks, Designated Municipal Facilities, and Amenities within those Facilities Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File • Enhancing the quality of life and well-being of the city and its Citizens; • Contributing to the historical or cultural preservation of the city; • Contributing toward the acquisition, development, or conveyance of land or building to the city; • A direct relationship or association that exists between a former place of residence of the person and the parks, facilities, and amenities within those facilities to be named. General criteria for naming rights (including commemorative naming): The city will consider naming proposals according to the following criteria: • Must be consistent with personal or financial contribution level; • Provides a sense of place, continuity and belonging reflecting the geographic location, community, neighborhood or street where the park, municipal facility or amenity within the facility is located; • Recognizes the natural, historical and/or cultural significance of the area; • Reflects the unique characteristics of the site; • Consistent with the mission, vision and values of the city; • Where the name of an individual is recommended after an internal discussion, written consent shall be obtained from the individual (for non-commemorative naming), their next of kin, or their estate prior to the City Council's public consideration. Additional criteria for commemorative naming: The city will consider commemorative naming proposals according to the following criteria: Parks, designated municipal facilities and amenities within those facilities may be named in honor of a individual, group, or community organization provided the individual, group, or community organization has: • Made a significant, positive contribution to the community without which the park, municipal facility, or amenity within those facilities may not have otherwise existed, or; • Made an important contribution that enhanced a park, municipal facility, or an amenity within those facilities in an extraordinary way, and; • Demonstrated continuous and longstanding track record of exemplary public service, community volunteerism, or achieved such unique distinction as to warrant recognition, and; • Had a longstanding and beneficial affiliation with the city. In the case of an individual commemorative naming opportunity, the person must be deceased for a minimum of three years before the proposal will be considered. EXHIBIT 3 CITY OF CARLSBAD Page 3 of 4 Policy No. 48 COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT Date Issued _^___ Effective Date General Subject: NAMING RIGHTS OF PARKS AND DESIGNATED MUNICIPAL FACILITIES Cancellation Date. Supersedes No. Specific Subject: Naming Rights of Parks, Designated Municipal Facilities, and Amenities within those Facilities Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File The contribution of the individual, group, or community organization must be well-documented and widely acknowledged within the community. Where the naming rights opportunity is the result of a financial contribution, the following factors must be considered: • The significance of the contribution made relative to the overall construction and operating costs of the parks, designated municipal facilities, and amenities within those facilities; • The cost of establishing the naming option according to a current market value assessment of the potential value within the marketplace of the naming for a specific property (assessment to be coordinated by the responsible Department on an individual basis). ( Renaming: A proposal to rename or add a second name to a park, designated municipal facility, and amenities with those facilities shall adhere to all applicable criteria outlined above. In.'addition, the following guidelines shall be followed: • The review shall include due consideration of all pertinent documents and information relating to the original naming and proposed renaming; • When a park, designated:municipal facility, and amenities within those facilities has already been named, and will be replaced, substantially renovated- or developed for another use, the replaced or renovated park, designated municipal facility, and amenities within those facilities may be renamed ,and; • When a park, designated municipal facility, and amenities with those facilities is proposed for renaming, a reasonable effort will be made to notify ia. advance the individual (or immediate family members), group, or community organization of the renaming. Names will not be chosen that: • Cause confusion due to duplication or names sounding similar to existing locations within the city; • Are the names of companies whose business is substantially derived from the sale of alcohol, tobacco, firearms, pornography, and sexually explicit goods or services; • Are discriminatory or derogatory considering race, gender, creed, religious or political affiliation, or other similar factors, and; • Recognize the birth, marriage or anniversary of specific individuals. The City of Carlsbad reserves the right to reject or revoke naming rights and commemorative naming proposals submitted by individuals, groups, community organizations, companies, corporations and foundations whose views or public statements do not promote and support the mission, vision and values, or interests of the city. EXHIBIT 3 CITY OF CARLSBAD Page 4 of 4 Policy No. 48 COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT Date Issued Effective Date General Subject: NAMING RIGHTS OF PARKS AND DESIGNATED MUNICIPAL FACILITIES Cancellation Date. Supersedes No. Specific Subject: Naming Rights of Parks, Designated Municipal Facilities, and Amenities within those Facilities Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File Existing names may not be changed without consideration of: • Community input; • The historical significance of the existing name; • The impact on the individual or organization previously named, and; • The cost and overall effect of changing existing signs, rebuilding community recognition and updating records (e.g. letterhead, databases, and promotional materials).. Each naming or renaming rights and commemorative naming or renaming proposal will be considered on a case- by-case basis. Final approval is at the sole discretion of the City Council. Naming Rights and Commemorative Naming Agreement: The duration of naming rights and commemorative naming of parks, designated municipal facilities, and amenities within those facilities shall be negotiated by all parties, have a specified duration as outlined in the Naming Agreement, and may be renewed by reapplication and at the sole discretion of the City Council. PROCEDURE; Applicants) shall submit a written proposal for naming rights or commemorative naming to the corresponding Department Director with justification to aid in considering the proposal. The proposed name shall be placed on the Board and/or Commission agenda (if required), allowing appropriate time for review by the Board and/or Commission and subcommittee if necessary, and to publicize and receive input from the community at the Board and/or Commission meeting. The Board and/or Commission's recommendation will be forwarded to the City Council for their final determination of the official name. City-sponsored support group fundraising: In the case of cityrsponsored support groups raising funds on behalf of the City (i.e. Friends of the Library and/or Friends of Carrillo Ranch), it will be necessary to establish naming gift levels prior to soliciting gifts and offering naming rights to prospective donors. No final commitment to name a park, designated municipal facility or amenity within those facilities can be made to a potential donor without the appropriate approvals as outlined within this policy. The support groups will first establish recommended gift levels for naming. The recommended gift levels will then be submitted to the corresponding Department Director for review and then submitted to the corresponding Board and/or Commission. The Board and/or Commission's recommendation on the gift levels will then be forwarded to the City Council for final approval prior to the support group soliciting donations for naming. 11/16/2009 Amendment to Council Policy 48, "Naming Rights of Parks and Municipal Facilities" Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting November 16, 2009 Recommended action Receive report and recommend the City Council accept the revisions to Council Policy 48 Summary of major revisions - Policy title •- Types of naming rights > Criteria for naming rights -• Additional criteria for commemorative naming /• Renaming > Duration and renewal of naming rights 11/16/2009 "Naming Rights of Parks, and Designated Municipal Facilities" City may not want to offer certain types of naming rights . City-owned facilities that are leased to tenants . Core service facilities (city hall, police and fire stations) . Naming of street . Naming of programs or events Types of naming rights Naming or renaming rights . In exchange for a significant contribution to the City Commemorative naming . Generally granted without a financial contribution to the City Criteria for naming rights Naming or renaming rights • Significant financial contribution . Consistent with contribution level . Provide a sense of place and continuity . Recognize significance of an area . Reflect characteristics of the site . Consistent with the City's and Department's mission, vision, and values 11/16/2009 Criteria for naming rights (cont.) • Cost of naming should be established according to a current market assessment Commemorative naming . Without significant financial contribution . Honors outstanding achievement, meritorious service, exceptional community contribution Additional criteria for commemorative naming rights A significant, positive contribution to the community, without which the park or facility would not have otherwise existed Contribution that enhanced a park or service in an extraordinary way Demonstrated exemplary public service, community volunteerism, outstanding achievement Additional criteria for commemorative naming rights (cont.) • Contribution must be well documented and widely acknowledged within the community In the case of an individual commemorative naming opportunity, the person nominated must be deceased for a minimum of three years before the proposal will be considered 11/16/2009 Renaming Consideration of all documents and information related to original naming Renaming may occur in instances where a park or facility has been • Replaced . Substantially renovated . Developed for another or different use A reasonable effort will be made to notify all parties of renaming Duration and renewal of naming rights > Specified in Naming Rights Agreement > Renewal of naming rights will be • By application . At the sole discretion and approval of the City Council Questions or comments?