HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-02-22; Parks & Recreation Commission; 0210-2; Department ReportPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AB# 0210-2 MTG. DATE: | 02/22/10 STAFF: | COATES DEPARTMENT REPORT |_| INFO fifl ACTION RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive a presentation from the Parks and Recreation staff. ITEM EXPLANATION: John Coates, Parks & Recreation Director, will report on recently completed and upcoming Parks and Recreation activities, donations and grants, as well as other topics of local interest. EXHIBITS: 1. Department Report 5" CITY OF PARKS & RECREATION CARLSBAD DEPARTMENT REPORT Parks f-i Recreation February 22, 2010 1. Alga Norte - Phase I - Grading - The City Council awarded the grading contract to KTA Construction at their January 12th meeting. The contract was for approx. $1.5 million (engineer's estimate was $2.6 million). Grading is anticipated to begin around the end of March after the rainy season and should be completed by summer 2010. 2. Poinsettia Park - Parking Lot Additions - Two additional parking lots with a total of 97 new parking spaces have been completed and are awaiting final project acceptance. The two new lots are located near the park entry off of Hidden Valley Road on both the north and south sides of the entrance. Both lots are consistent with the approved park master plan and will provide needed parking for major ball field events and the tennis complex. Cost of the project was $340,000. 3. Radio Controlled Aircraft Ordinance - Per the recommendation of the Parks & Recreation Commission, the Carlsbad City Council voted on January 12, 2010 to amend section 11.32.030 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code to allow for the regulated use of radio controlled aircraft in parks. Radio controlled Park Flyer models (electric powered, weighing less than two pounds, and incapable of reaching speeds greater than 60 miles per hour) may be used on natural turf baseball fields from 8:00am to 2:00pm. Athletic field use takes priority at all times, aircraft users agree to be a current member in good standing of the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA), and consent to abide by the AMA National Model Aircraft Safety Code. Staff will be monitoring the use of radio controlled aircraft in parks and returning to the City Council with a status report in six months. 4. Lake Calavera Trails - Lake Calavera Trails Master Plan - The HMP permit for the Lake Calavera Trails Master Plan was approved on January 25, 2010. The approval of the HMP will allow volunteers to officially begin trail improvements and implementation of a signage system for the approximately 6 miles of designated trails further improving the enjoyment, safety and overall protection of the natural resources of this popular recreational and open space area. 5. Carlsbad Sr. Center - The Carlsbad Senior Center celebrated its 20th anniversary with a festive lunch on December 7, 2009. Guests were treated to a look back into the history of the Sr. Center by Sue Spickard, Recreation Services Manager. Over 100 seniors joined in the celebration along with a special anniversary cake sponsored by Elizabeth Hospice and listening enjoyment provided by the singing duo "Global Affair". 6. L.I.T.E Program - The L.I.T.E. (Leadership in Training and Education) is spending the month of February by focusing on local and state history. They are exploring different Carlsbad historical sites learning about their significance. They are also testing their knowledge by participating in Teen Jeopardy. 7. Realignment- As part of the city's recent organizational realignment, the Parks and Trees Maintenance Division, of the Parks and Recreation Department, will now be responsible for the functions of beaches and lagoons coordination, and city-owned preserves management. The concept of aligning these functions with the Parks and Recreation Department comes from the city's long term vision for enhancing its influence in coastal preservation, and the protection of its open spaces. In order to accomplish these functions, Steve Jantz has been transferred from the engineering department. 8. Department Personnel Changes - John W. Coates joined the City on January 4, 2010 as our new Parks & Recreation Director. Effective January 2010, Steven Jantz transferred from engineering and is now reporting to Kyle Lancaster. 9. Donations- October 2009 - Donation from Eagle Scout candidate Blake Campbell at Leo Carrillo Park - In Spring 2009, Eagle Scout candidate Blake Campbell submitted plans for the design and construction of an informational kiosk to be installed in an area adjacent to the parking lot at the Leo Carrillo Ranch. By July 2009, the project really took shape with the completion of the kiosk which features shade, bench seating, and room for three full-color graphic interpretive and educational panels. Materials and supplies donations totaled $50, and the value of the in-kind labor donation from numerous volunteers is estimated at approximately $3,169 (using the City's established rate of $23.65 per hour multiplied by 134 hours of service). The Eagle Scout project saved the City of Carlsbad's General Fund an estimated $3,669 in goods and in-kind services. 12/5/09 - Holiday at the Rancho - The 2009 Holiday at the Rancho was held at Leo Carrillo Ranch. Staff would like to thank our new sponsors Point Loma Credit Union, Gorilla Rentals, La Costa Roasting, and Starbucks Coffee for their generous donations valued at $943.20. 12/23/09 - Leo Carrillo Ranch - Received a donation in the amount of $800.00 from the Friends of Carrillo Ranch for an ad in the Carlsbad Traveler's Information Guide. 12/31/09- Leo Carrillo Ranch - During the first half of fiscal period (7/1/09 - 12/31/09) numerous visitors donated $3,640 towards the Carrillo Ranch Trust Fund. Many of the donations were generated by private guided tours of the Ranch led by City staff and docents. Additional monies were received from the sale of Joan Kindle's handcrafted gifts. No single donation was in excess of $500, however key donors were Fallbrook Women's Club, Great Western Tours, California FMCA and Gerry Matter. 12/31/09 - Donation of In-kind services and materials valued at $2,760 from the California Coastal Rose Society-The California Coastal Rose Society during the 2009 calendar year donated 230 volunteer hours to help weed, feed, mulch, dead-head, prune and plant roses in the Magee Rose Garden. They estimate their hourly rate at $7 per hour, which calculates to an in-kind donation of $1,610. Materials were also donated to help in the care of the roses with a value of $1,150. 1/3/10 - Leo Carrillo Ranch - Received an in-kind donation valued at $740 from Joan Kindle. She donated an inventory of collectable ornaments, 4 foot lighted tree which will be used during the holiday seasons in the Horseman's room at Leo Carrillo Ranch. Joan has been handcrafting and accumulating this collection since 1989 in anticipation of showcasing one of the ranch rooms during the holidays. Donations continued... 1/30/10 - Battle of the Bands - Prizes were donated by eleven community businesses that J included ski lift tickets, t-shirts, hats, speakers, and much more. Hurly donated and presented ] the winner, Make It Last Kid, with the grand prize, a full day of recording at their studios in Costa j Mesa. Jaco Clothing, Hurly and Big Bear all presented prizes valuing over $500. Total in-kind j donations for this event valued at $5,474. Opportunity Grants Donations - 1st Donation - On behalf of Narcotics Anonymous, Mr. Lester Andrews donated $100 to the program. 2nd Donation - The City Manager's Office decided that in lieu of gifts this year for the holidays, they would donate $270 to the Parks and Recreation Opportunity Grant program. Ms. Sandra Holder also donated $100 to the Opportunity Grant program in honor of the Community Development Leadership Team this holiday season. Both donations make the total contribution to the Grant program $370. The Opportunity Grant program contributes to the future growth, well being, and development of Carlsbad youth, ages 17 years and younger, from low-income families. By awarding grants to Carlsbad families, the Parks and Recreation Department aims to encourage the development of positive self-esteem and social responsibility, decrease juvenile crimes, and promote physical fitness and health, thus creating a safe community. Because of these generosities, we can continue to "Create Community through People, Parks and Programs." 10. Events Completed Last Month - 12/5/09 - Holiday at the Rancho - This event was held at Leo Carrillo Ranch with over 600 people participating. This year the event highlighted the addition of carriage rides. The decorated and lit carriage took attendees on a ride through the upper lot of Carrillo Rancho. Weather held for the event this year making the night a beautiful yet chilly night! Kids sang and danced along with the provided holiday entertainment. Plenty of activity was on hand allowing kids to get their faces painted, listen to Holiday stories, and watch the tree lighting ceremony, create ornaments and gift tags, create letters to Santa and reindeer puppets or just visit with Santa. Cookie decorating was also available and an outdoor movie, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer was projected on the side of the barn. 1/30/10 - Battle of the Bands-The Parks & Recreation Department hosted the annual Teen Scene special event at Calavera Hills Community Center from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. An estimated 600 attendees enjoyed a teen art exhibit, a teen film festival, and the featured event, Battle of the Bands. Eight teen bands competed for prizes that were donated by several of our community businesses that included ski lift tickets, t-shirts, hats, speakers, and much more. Hurly donated and presented the winner, Make It Last Kid, with the grand prize, a full day of recording at their studios in Costa Mesa. 2/20/10 - Trail Volunteer Opportunity - Event was held at Lake Calavera 8:00a.m. until noon. More details will follow in next months Department Report. 11. Upcoming Events - 3/13/10 - Trail Volunteer Opportunity - Rancho Carrillo from 8:00am until noon. 3/18/10 - Quarterly Trail Volunteer Meeting @ Sr. Center beginning at 5pm. 4/3/10 - Eggstravaganza Spring Festival @ Poinsettia Park from 10am to 1pm. 4/10/10 - Native Plant Seminar - Location TBD 5/15/10 - Wild West Fest @ Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park from 11am to 2pm