HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-09-18; Parks & Recreation Commission; 0911-4; COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANT REVIEW COMMITTEEAB# PARKS & RECREATION 0911-4 MTG. DATE: | 09/19/11 STAFF:| SPICKARD COMMISSION COMMUNITY ACTIVITY CITIZEN - AGENDA BILL GRANT REVIEW COMMITTEE D INFO ACTION RECOMMENDED ACTION : Appoint a Parks and Recreation Commission member to serve on the Community Activity Grant Citizen Review Committee for FY 2011/2012. ITEM EXPLANATION : Each year the Housing & Neighborhood Services Department is tasked with facilitating the distribution of Community Grant Activity funds for qualifying programs. (Exhibit 1) Part of that process involves the selection of members to a review committee that will evaluate grant applications (Exhibit 2), and make recommendations to the City Council for grant awards. Similar to previous review committees, a representative from the Parks and Recreation Commission has been requested to serve in this capacity. Therefore, the Commission is requested to provide a member of the commission to serve on the Citizen Review Committee to evaluate and make recommendations regarding current Community Activity Grant applications. EXHIBITS: 1. Memo from Housing & Neighborhood Services 2. Community Activity Grants information and application EXHIBIT 1 CITY OF ^ CARLSBAD Memorandum August 23, 2011 To: Lisa Hildabrand, City Manager From: Courtney Enriquez, Management Analyst Via: Debbie Fountain, Housing & Neighborhood Services Director* Re: Community Activity Grants As staff prepares to move forward with the process for awarding Community Activity Grants this fall, there will be a need for the City Council to appoint the seven-member grant review committee. As a reminder, the review committee is to be comprised of the following: • One representative from each quadrant of the city • One member of the Senior Commission • One member of the Library Board • One member of the Parks & Recreation Commission. This committee will meet at least twice during the month of November to review applications and host potential applicant interviews. It is the responsibility of this committee to make recommendations to the City Council for final approval in early December. Staff will be requesting that the City Council appoint the Committee at their meeting on September 27th. Therefore, it is suggested that the Mayor and Council give consideration to these appointments and identify the candidates for the appointments by September 12, 2011. If acceptable to the Mayor and Council, staff will contact the City commission and boards for a recommendation on a candidate for appointment to the review committee. If you have any questions regarding Community Activity Grants or the award process, please contact my office at x2812. Courtney Enriquez Attachment • Community Activity Grants, application and schedule cc: John Coates, Assistant City Manager Chris Hazeltine, Parks & Recreation Director Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Housing & Neighborhood Services 2965 Roosevelt St., Suite B I Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-434-2810 I 760-720-2037 fax www.carlsbadca.gov e?- EXHIBIT 2 /3'R1 SB AH,'' "' 'I "^*fc,»,* W* / \ i*a.<" COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS Have a good idea for Carlsbad? Here's your opportunity... The City of Carlsbad is accepting applications for Community Activity Grants. The grants are designed to provide enrichment programs to the Carlsbad community and jump start new ideas. An enrichment program is any program that enhances the quality of life for Carlsbad's residents and/or visitors; grants for neighborhood improvements or enhancement programs are strongly encouraged. These grants are intended to provide alternatives to other City programs such as the Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) by providing grants for services that may not be eligible under these other programs. Thus, any organization currently receiving funding from another City program is not eligible for a Community Activity Grant. The City Council has set aside $1 million from which the interest earned will be allocated for the various community service activities. The amount available for the 2011-12 fiscal year is $50,000. The full amount of the funds may not be disbursed if there are not sufficient qualifying applications. In order to apply for the grant funds, the attached application must be completed with the necessary attachments and received no later than 5:00 PM on Friday, October 28,2011, at: City of Carlsbad Housing & Neighborhood Services Department Attn: Courtney Enriquez 2965 Roosevelt Street, Ste. B Carlsbad, CA 92008 In the past, recipients were limited to three years of funding. Three year grant recipients may now reapply for the grant as long as they have not been awarded any funds from this program for the last two years. Applications will be reviewed by a Citizen Grant Review Committee. This seven-member committee is comprised of one representative from each quadrant of the City appointed by Council, one member of the Senior Commission, the Library Board and the Parks and Recreation Commission. This Committee will then make a recommendation to the City Council for final approval in early December. It should be noted that programs approved for funding in previous years have no expressed or implied guarantee for future funding. If you have any questions regarding the funding for Community Activity Grants, please contact Courtney Enriquez at phone 760-434-2812 or email Courtney.Enriquez@carlsbadca.gov. COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Applicant Information: Please provide the requested information including: name, address, phone, Federal Tax ID or Social Security Number, and two (2) contact names. Two contact names are required for the application to be considered complete. Amount of Grant Request: Enter the dollar amount of City funds you are requesting. Eligibility Requirements: Both individuals and organizations are eligible to apply for grant funds. The basic requirements which must be met for an organization to be eligible to apply for Community Activity Grants are: 1. A Carlsbad City Council Member cannot be on the board of the organization. 2. The organization cannot have received money or in-kind services from other City sources (including CDBG) for the current fiscal year. 3. The program cannot be in competition with other City programs. 4. Social service programs and educational institutions are ineligible for grant funds. 5. Organizations funded by the Community Activity Grant may receive grants for 3 years and then cannot apply for grant funding for a minimum of 2 years. After at least a 2 year hiatus, organizations can again apply for grant funding and receive a maximum of two additional years of grant funding 6. Consideration will be given for the provision of matching funds from other sources. Program Description/Scope: The program description should describe the nature of the program, the benefits to the Carlsbad Community, and the projected percent of Carlsbad residents served by the program, i.e., if the program only serves Carlsbad residents, then this would be 100%. Please provide an implementation schedule for the program showing the timeline and activities required to implement the program. If this is an ongoing program for which you are requesting funds, describe how the program will be funded in the future without the City grant. Applicant Background: Provide the requested information on your organization. If available, please attach an organization chart. Experience in Program Area: Provide information relating to the applicant's and other employees' experience in the program for which funds are being requested. Include the number of years providing similar services and the experience level of the individual(s). Provide any other information which would be useful to the reviewers in understanding your capabilities to provide the services for which the funds are requested. Financial Capabilities/Budget: In addition to providing a detailed budget for the program request, please include a funding schedule (your request for the timing of disbursement of the funds). Funds will only be disbursed in advance if a separate bank account is maintained. Applicant must also provide the requested information on current funding sources, and previous City funding received or requested within the past three years. Signatures: We require two contact names and their signatures. Reporting Requirements: A report on how the funds were spent will be required to be filed with the City annually, or when funds are spent, whichever comes first. This includes a detail listing of revenue and expenses for the program and a narrative explanation of what the program accomplished. Proof of program expenses (i.e. receipts) are required to be held for two years during which time the City reserves the right to audit the records. CARLSBAD COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS APPLICATION Submit to: City of Carlsbad Housing and Neighborhood Services Department 2965 Roosevelt Street, Ste. B Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: Courtney Enriquez or FAX to (760) 720-2037 or email to Courtney.Enriquez@carlsbadca.gov Please complete the following application using the instructions provided on the last page of this application. You may attach additional pages if necessary. Name of Applicant: Address: Phone: ( ) Email: Contact 1 name phone Contact 2 name phone Federal Tax ID # or Social Security #: Amount of Grant Request: $ Eligibility Requirements: Please answer the following questions: Y N Is a City Council Member on your board? [~~| I I Is your program a social service program or educational institution? [~~| | | Have you or will you be receiving support in 2011-12 for this program from other City sources? ' [~"1 | | Are you aware of any other City program providing this service? [~~| I I If so, which one? Has your organization received three years of Community Activity Funding? I I I I // you answered yes to any of these questions, your request is not eligible for this grant program. Please contact Courtney Enriquez at the City of Carlsbad (760-434-2812) for further information, if desired. Program Description/Scope (please use additional pages if necessary but no more than 3): Describe your program: How will the program benefit the Carlsbad Community? % of Carlsbad Residents Served Applicant Background: This applleant is a (an): Non-Profit State Public Agency Other Local Public Agency Individual Years in Business: Number of Employees: Number of Volunteers: (Please attach an organization chart, if available.) Names of Officers and Board of Directors: Name Title Experience in Program Area: Financial Capabilities/Budget: Current funding sources and levels: Previous City funding received or requested in the past three years: Please attach a budget for program request including funding schedule. Reporting Requirements: A report on how the funds were spent will be required to be filed with the City annually, or when funds are spent, whichever comes first. Proof of program expenses (i.e. receipts) are required to be held for two years during which time the City reserves the right to audit the records. We agree to adhere to the reporting requirements described above. Yes I I No [~~1 Other Requirements Grant recipients will be required to recognize on all printed material that grant program is funded in part by the City of Carlsbad. Certification: We, the undersigned, do hereby attest that the above information is true and correct to the best of our knowledge. (Two signatures required) Signature Title Date Signature Title Date COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS FY 2011-12 SCHEDULE The following is the schedule for the application and disbursement of funds for the 2011-12 fiscal year: Council/Commissions to form citizen review committee, authorization To send proposals to community organizations September 27, 2011 Applications due to Housing & Neighborhood Services Department October 28, 2011 Citizen committee to review applications * November 2011 Recommendations on funding made to Council December 13, 2011 During the application review process, applicants may be asked to come in and do a short presentation on their program request.