HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-09-17; Parks & Recreation Commission; 0912-4; Receipt of Donation from Friends of Carrillo Ranch Inc.AB# 0912-4 • INFO MTG. DATE: 9/17/12 RECEIPT OF DONATION FROM FRIENDS OF CARRILLO RANCH INC. IN SUPPORT OF LEO CARRILLO RANCH HISTORIC PARK \x\ ACTION STAFF: GRANSE PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL RECOMMENDED ACTION : Receive donation and recommend acceptance by the City Council. ITEM EXPLANATION : As part of their continued support of Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park, the Friends of Carrillo Ranch, Inc. have donated several hundred artifacts to be permanently accessioned and stored in the Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park archives. These items will be used for research, education, and interpretive displays. Prior to the opening of Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park in 2003, the Friends of Carrillo Ranch, Inc. systematically collected artifacts and memorabilia associated with Leo Carrillo for their use in educating the public about the significant contributions of Leo Carrillo, and his time spent at Rancho de los Quiotes (Exhibit 1). Friends' volunteers visited local schools and shared his story; bringing the passion they had for Leo and his Rancho into public view. While many items they had collected were already donated to the park, until recently many pieces remained in private storage. During the spring of 2012, the Friends of Carrillo Ranch, Inc. felt it was an appropriate time to donate most of the remaining objects in their collection to the archives at Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park. During the past several months, staff has been busy reviewing and accessioning a majority of the donated objects into the Pas^ Perfect database, an archival tool used to identify and catalog items donated to the Carrillo Ranch. Examples of donated items include professionally framed photos of Leo Carrillo at his ranch, personal photos autographed by Leo Carrillo, a color lithograph of Carrillo Ranch, memorabilia from his work in Hollywood, copies of sketches by Leo Carrillo, housewares and items from his time spent living at Carrillo Ranch, and all 156 episodes of the Cisco Kid television series in both English and Spanish. The number of items the Friends has amassed over the 25 years they have spent working toward the successful opening and operation of the Historic Park is a tribute to their efforts—over 5000 in total. In addition to the memorabilia, part of the collection included notes and contacts amassed by volunteer curator, Joan Kindle, from her years of work devoted to researching the items. This in and of itself is a valuable tool for staff to use when telling Leo's story. The notes document places visited, sites researched, and valuable contacts made. This information is priceless, as it provides a framework for a deeper understanding of Leo Carrillo, his ranch, and the historic park. These notes spanning 25 years represent history that would otherwise have been lost, and which now can be retained in the park archives and made available to the public. Page 2 Since forming in 1990, the Friends of Carrillo Ranch, Inc. have remained a dedicated advocacy group for the park, and have helped support its operation in a variety of ways. They have provided funding for the 4*^ Grade Art and History Program, the annual Friday Night Film Series, and numerous other interpretive exhibits still used today by parks & recreation staff. The donated items will create learning opportunities and provide information to be able to share Carlsbad's diverse history with both its residents and visitors. The City of Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Department wishes to acknowledge the outstanding and devoted support of the Friends of Carrillo Ranch, Inc. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost for accessioning and maintaining the items donated by the Friends of Carrillo Ranch EXHIBITS: 1. Friends of Carrillo Ranch donated items inventory n Friends of Carrillo Ranch Final Artifacts Collection Inventory, August 2012 Items (s) Recommendations, actions taken Cisco Kids VHS copies, 156 tapes, 2 per tape, English/Spanish. Complete collection of Cisco Kid episodes from Rhodes Productions. Some of these episodes are not available from other sources. Transfer to DVD as staff time permits; DVD format needed to archive the shows (three sterilite tubs of tapes in archives.) 90 promotional Cisco Kid videos, offered for donations to Trust Fund Offer for sale in Visitor Center (10) 20"x32" framed posters of Ranch scenes taken by Wayne Donaldson. Framed in brushed aluminum, no glass. Possibly display temporarily in the Hacienda or Deedie's House? (18) Framed photos from the Keller collection, signed by Leo Carrillo (K.T. Keller was chairman of Chrysler corporation who gave Leo the car to match his horse.) Removed from damaged, non-archival frames, all scanned and some digitally reproduced, to use for display as needed. Glassware purchased from the Carrillo Estate Sale in 1979 by Norman Shultz and donated to the Friends. Three pieces. Items can be seen in pictures we have of Ranch. Display in case currently in Hacienda, along with additional glassware from the sale. Replica of cast iron dinner gong previously used at Ranch in the 1940s. Accurate replica by blacksmith Kenneth Weaver, works well and is loud. Possibly use as teaching material, or in a display. Ted Wade color lithograph, "Leo Carrillo's Adobe Ranch House", signed, dated, and numbered by artist. Removed from original frame, scanned and archived, copied original print to display in Hacienda. Framed photo of Leo Carrillo on horse SuiSan at LCR c. 1940, inscribed in Spanish to Conrad Hilton. Keep in original frame, exhibit on wall at some point. Material documenting Carrillo's role in "Hellhound", 1931. Includes 8"x 10" movie still of Carrillo, one 15" x 14" framed watercolor from photo (painted by E.G. Shipman and autographed by Leo Carrillo), and media releases. Display in glass case at Caretaker's Cottage. Original 1931 summer stock contract between Leo Carrillo and the Bainbridge Players, Inc. Scanned for archive. Copies of six sketches that appeared in the 1900 San Francisco Examiner, attributed to Leo Carrillo by cartoonist She! Dorf. Scan, research attribution. Artistic reproduction of LC brand by Rick Engineering. Use as needed. (2) DVDs/Videocassettes of "Leo Carrillo's Dude Ranch" 1951 television show. Donated Show to Ranch visitors. by UCLA Film 8i TV Archive. DVD of (4) episodes of the Cisco Kid, donated by KABC-TV. Copy and archive as needed. (32) Carrillo-related reproductions from the USC Regional History Center. Useful for documentation; scanned for archive and print/display as needed. Collection of Leo Carrillo photos from the Borrego, CA, Sun archive. Useful for documentation; scanned for archive and print/display as needed. Collection of (16) B/W 8" x 10" photos taken by Dan Bartletti (LA Times) and Charlie Newman (SD Union) at LC Ranch. Artistic B/W renderings of the Ranch in the 1980s can be used for documentation or display. Scanned for archive, reprint if needed. (32) Color photos of Leo Carrillo's Santa Monica House, taken in 1988. Useful for documentation; scan for archive. Book, "Mr. Polk's War", by Bob and Jan Young. Add to archive library. Book, "Romualdo Pacheco, Governor of California", by Anthony Ramirez, Jr. Add to archive library. Book, "concha My Dancing Saint", by Rebecca Lawrence Lee. Add to archive library. Book, "Yesterday's Hollywood, the Untold Stories of the Stars", by Lillie Lorraine. (2) Copies. Add to archive library. (30) Personal Carrillo photos from Bartels, Heaney, Wright and Fisher, all friends of Leo Carrillo. Useful for documentation; scanned for archive and print/display as needed. Photographs and memorabilia from Clampers Ranch tour, 2000, taken by Wayne Donaldson. Useful as documentation; save. (39) B/W ~8" X 10" glossy photos individually mounted on 11" x 14" mat board. Photos taken by Robert and Heather Fenner. Scanned for archives. Possibly used for stand-alone temporary display in Hacienda. Artistic representation of various Ranch elements. Binder of approximately (40) archival records of Leo Carrillo's personal letters, party invitations, congratulatory telegrams, etc. Useful for documentation; scan for archive and print/display as needed. (485) Negatives of photographs, copy negatives and unprinted processed negatives. Save for archive, scan when time permits. Approximately 100 miscellaneous historic photos, mostly 8" x 10", some in color. Scanned for archive; print/display as needed. Useful for documentation. (20) Photographs of Ranch building by Wayne Donaldson. Useful for documentation; print/display as needed. Photo album of 1980s-1990s Ranch events and photographic documentation; approximately 50 photos. Useful for documentation; keep in archives. Framed 10" x 14" photograph of Leo Carrillo with Marlin. Scanned for archive; print/display as needed. Useful for documentation. Nicely framed studio portrait of Leo Carrillo. 11" X 14" B/W framed and matted to 16" x 20". Carrillo in Western shirt holding hat. Scan for archive; print/display as needed. Approximately 15 frames in good condition that can be re-used, miscellaneous sizes Keep in Wash House until needed. Binder of correspondence to/from Friends and donors. Valuable for explanation of provenance of items. SUMMARY REPORTS FROM PREVIOUS COMMISSION/COMMITTEE MEETINGS CARLSBAD Memorandum September 6, 2012 To: City Council From: Peter Gordon, Arts Manager Re: Summary: Arts Commission Meeting, September 6, 2012 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Commissioner Voll, second by Commissioner Aquallo, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held May 3, 2012. AYES: Commissioners Aquallo, DeForest, Johnson, Markovits, Schmidt, and Voll NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Friese NEW BUSINESS A. The Commission received a presentation from Courtney Enriquez regarding Halloween on Elm. B. The Commission received a PowerPoint presentation by Tonya Rodzach regarding the 2012 Summer Arts Camps. C. The Commission received a report from Peter Gordon regarding the 2012 TGIF Jazz in the Parks Concert Series. D. The Commission received a report from Peter Gordon regarding FY 12-13 staff goals. OLD BUSINESS A. The Commission received an update from Peter Gordon regarding various public art projects. PG:ijp cc: John Coates, Assistant City Manager Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Carlsbad Boards and Commissions Cultural Arts Office fe^^ 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive I Carlsbad, CA 92011 I 760-434-2920 I 760-730-0329 fax www.carlsbadca.gov CITY OF ^ CARLSBAD Memorandum July 12, 2012 To: Mayor Hall Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin City Council Members Blackburn, Douglas, and Packard From: Steven Jantz, Associate Engineer Via: Chris Hazeltine, Parks 8i Recreation Directo^^^^ Kyle Lancaster, Parks Superintendent Summary of the Beach Preservation Committee Meeting of July 10,2012 ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Petruccl, Committee Members Rocco, Hatheway and Timberlake Absent: Vice-Chair De Monchy, Committee Member Barger CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Approval of the minutes of the June 12,2012 meeting was continued to the next meeting. 1. SURFRiDER FOUNDATION SURF MONITORING PROGRAM: Julia Chunn-Heer, representing the San Diego Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation, provided a brief status of the installation of six surf monitoring cameras near the receiver sites of the upcoming Sandag Regional Beach Sand Project II. Currently, Surfrider has installed four cameras and is finalizing the permits to allow the installation of the final two cameras. One of the cameras is proposed at the State Parks' Tamarack Avenue restroom building. 2. CLEAN BEACHES INTIATIVE GRANT PROGRAM; Committee member Timberlake discussed the recently advertised Clean Beaches Initiative Grant Program. Staff provided a brief explanation and status of the city's storm water program, as related to pursuing such grant opportunities. The Committee suggested this grant program should be considered by the lagoon foundations. Staff will forward the applicable information to the foundations. COMMITTEE MEMBER DISCUSSION: 1. STATE PARKS REPORT - Robin Greene, State Parks Superintendent of the San Diego North County Sector indicated her department is finalizing the permit for the installation of the Surfrider surf monitoring cameras at both Tamarack and Cardiff State beach. Also, with the current discussions of the state budget, there is a possibility of the elimination of California State Lifeguards which could go into effect in November 2012. PUBUC COMMENT: None NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 cc: City Manager Department Directors Assistant City Manager Staff Liaisons Deputy City Manager Parks & Recreation 799 Pine Ave., Suite 200 I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-2826 I 760-434-5088 fax I www.carlsbadca.gov 4,^^ CITY OF ^ CARLSBAD Memorandum September 6,2012 To: Mayor Hall and Council Members From: City Planner Re: Summary of Planning Commission Meeting of September 5,2012 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By a 4-0-3 vote (Arnold and Nygaard abstained; Siekmann absent), the Planning Commission approved the minutes of the August 1,2012 Planning Commission meeting. 1- MP 12-01/LCPA 95-lOfC) - VILLAGE MINIMUM DENSITIES - By a 5-1 (Arnold) vote, the Planning Commission recommended approval of an amendment to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual to implement part of Program 2.1 of the 2005-2010 Housing Element, and determined that the amendment Is within the scope of the Mitigated Negative Declaration previously adopted for the 2005-2010 Housing Element. DON NEU City Manager Assistant City Manager Deputy City Manager Department Heads Peter Gordon, Mgr. Arts Office Commission Staff Liaisons Community & Economic Development 1635 Faraday Ave. I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2710 I 760-602-8560 fax <^ CITY OF ^ CARLSBAD www.carlsbadca.gov Memorandum September 11, 2012 To: Mayor Hall Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin Council Members Blackburn, Douglas, and Packard From: Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director ^^pr^f Re: Summary of September 10, 2012 Historic Preservation Commission Meeting 1. Approval of the minutes of the May 14, 2012 meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission was tabled until the next regular meeting. 2. The Commission tabled the selection of the Chair and Vice Chair until the next regular meeting with all the Commissioners in attendance. 3. The Commission viewed the State of the City video. 4. The Commission received an update on the status of the proposed ordinance revisions. SNS:cs c: City Manager Assistant City Manager Deputy City Manager Department Directors Boards & Commissions Liaisons Library & Cultural Arts bWf 1775 Dove Lane I Carlsbad, CA 92011 I 760-602-2049 I 760-602-7942 fax