HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-01-28; Parks & Recreation Commission; 0113-2; Department ReportPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL
AB# 0113-2
Receive a presentation from the Parks and Recreation staff.
Sue Spickard, Recreation Services Manager, and Kyle Lancaster, Parks Superintendent will
report on recently completed and upcoming Parks and Recreation activities, donations and
grants, as well as other topics of local interest.
1. Department Report
Parks & Recreation
January 28, 2013
1. Personnel
At the December Employee Breakfast the following parks and recreation employees were recognized for
their years of service.
5-year sen/ice pins:
• Michael Bodman, Supervisor-Recreation
• Thomas Elg, Park Maintenance Worker II - Parks
• Christopher Hinojosa, Park Maintenance Worker II - Parks
• Brian Locher, Parks Maintenance Worker II - Parks
• Nick Marquez, Parks Maintenance Worker II - Parks
• Galdino Mendez-Osorio, Parks Maintenance Worker 11 - Parks
• Rogelio Romero, Parks Maintenance Worker II - Parks
• EricSmith, Tree Trimmer II-Parks
• Kristie Young, Office Specialist II - Recreation
10 year service pins:
• Eric Biggin, Recreation Specialist - Recreation
• Bonnie Elliott, Management Analyst - Parks & Recreation Admin.
• Lolly Sangster, Management Analyst - Parks & Recreation Admin.
15 year service pins:
• Robert Cooper, Parks Maintenance Worker II - Parks
• Michele Hardy, Sr. Office Specialist - Parks & Recreation Admin.
20 year service pin:
• Rebecca Falk, Office Specialist II - Recreation
25 year service pins:
• Bruce Amdall, Park Maintenance Worker II - Parks
• Paul Meadows, Parks Supervisor - Parks
• Joe Pimentel, Park Maintenance Worker III - Parks
2. Completed Event(s) / Donation(s)
7/18/12 - Carlsbad Lightning Soccer Club - The Parks & Recreation Department was presented with a
check in the amount of $3,000 from Carlsbad Lightning Soccer Club. In appreciation of the service they
received from the City, Lightning Soccer generously offered this donation to be used to support the
Department's Opportunity Grant Program, as well as the efforts of the Park's division. Per Carlsbad
Lightning Soccer Club's direction, $2,000 will be used towards the Opportunity Grant Program, with the
remaining $1,000 used by the Parks division to refurbish the landscaping along a slope of Aviara Park
where soccer goals were previously stored.
7/1/12 -12/31/12 - Donations to the Leo Carrillo Ranch Trust Fund - From July 1, 2012 through
December 31,2012 the Carlsbad Parks 8i Recreation Department has received and deposited a total of
$6,939.36 in donations to the Carrillo Ranch Trust Fund. The donations, in support of Leo Carrillo Ranch,
were in part due to the significant contributions from the following donors:, Ms. Elaine Hoyt, Mr. Garry
Higginbotham and Mr. John & Candice Hurley.
Additional donations were generated through the sale of gift items, private decent led tours of the
historic rancho and concession sales at the Carrillo Ranch Film Festival. No single donation was in excess
of $500.
10/2/12 - Donation from Kindle Familv - A longtime supporter, and President and Founder of the
Friends of Carrillo Ranch, Inc., Mr. Alan Kindle, passed away at age 85. At the request of the Kindle
Family, the Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Department has received and deposited a total of $2,660 in
donation revenue to the Carrillo Ranch Trust Fund in memory of Mr. Kindle. Two separate $500
donations were received from Ms. Martha Rhein and Mr. Gary Nessim.
12/1/12 - Holiday at the Rancho - It was a cool winter night at Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park on
December 1, as hundreds of people joined us to kick off the holiday season at the Holiday at the Rancho
community event. Families gathered around the pool area to watch Santa light the tree and carolers
sing. Hand-led pony rides took visitors across a portion of the park donned with animated holiday
themed lights. Santa visited with the children in the Cabana, volunteers read holiday themed stories in
the hacienda. Holiday shopping, fun crafts, face painting and cookie decorating was available to all
visitors. The Parks 8i Recreation Department hosted a "Toys for Tots" drive at the event and collected
over 100 toys. Local businesses, Starbucks and Costco, donated in-kind items in support of the event in
the value of $205.
1/26/13 - Teen Scene - Teen Scene, the city's largest sponsored teen event, celebrated its 10th
anniversary on January 26 and brought out over 600 teens to Calavera Hills Community Center. The
night's activities entailed a dance room with a D.J., a teen art exhibit, a film festival with film shorts
written and directed by teens and a luxury video game trailer sponsored by GameTruck. The featured
event. Battle of the Bands, brought 11 extremely talented bands who compete for the title of 2013
Carlsbad Battle of the Bands Champions along with professional recording time in the Hurley recording
studios. Big Bear mountain resort lift tickets, a gig at the "Rock the Library" series and much more. The
bands were Judged by professionals in the music industry who volunteer their time to support young
upcoming musicians. This event brings in our second largest amount of in-kind support from the
community donating prizes for our winners valued at $6,044.
3. Upcoming Events
Saturday. March 30 - EGGstravaganza Soring Festival - from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Poinsettia Park is
Carlsbad's largest egg hunt. The featured activity is the "Egg Scramble" where kids race to collect candy-
filled eggs. Attendees have the opportunity to play in the Fun Zone, decorate spring themed cookies,
soak the Easter bunny and have their faces painted. This event also highlights the Carlsbad Parks &
Recreation summer camps with demonstrations and activities that children can participate in.
EGGstravaganza is the largest volunteer supported event outside of the Carlsbad Triathlon with over 80
volunteers helping to host this popular community event.
1. Alga Norte Community Park
In spite of cold, wet, wintery weather, good progress continues for the construction of the park. The
base concrete and shotcrete installations have been completed on both pools and the spa. Nearly all of
the structures, (except for the maintenance building), have masonry walls up, the roof framing is
completed, and all of the major underground utilities are in. Construction also continues on the north
parking lot with the concrete curbing installed and the first layer of asphalt for the parking lot underway.
The next month's construction will focus on the skate park, and the buildings at the aquatics complex
and at the ball fields. Progress of the construction can be observed at the Parks and Recreation home
webpage (under Trails, Parks, Open Space/Alga Norte Community Park, where there is a link to the 'Park
Construction Cam'), with time lapse photography the ball fields, aquatics complex, and skate park.
2. The Crossings at Carlsbad
In October, a Request for Qualifications and Proposals (RFQ/P) was advertised for the golf course
management and operations. In early November, 10 proposals were received and reviewed by a
selection committee. The committee's recommendation for contract award was then forwarded to the
Carlsbad Financing Authority for approval. The Carlsbad Financing Authority awarded the agreement to
Kemper Sports Management at its December 4,2012 meeting. The agreement for managing the golf
course is for 5 years. Kemper Sports Management's primary responsibilities will include:
• Acquiring all necessary goods and services for day-to-day operations, including building and
course maintenance, course reservations, tee times, course marshals, cart rentals, driving range,
golf instruction, and tournaments
• Hiring, training, and supervising of all employees
• Managing all marketing and promotional activities
• Acquiring all necessary permits and licenses including those related to food preparation and
alcoholic beverages
3. Beaches, Lagoons, and Open Space
Sandag Regional Beach Sand Proiect II - This project concluded depositing sand on the regions beaches
on December 8th. North Carlsbad received approximately 220,000 cubic yards of beach quality sand,
and south Carlsbad also received approximately 140,000 cubic yards of beach quality sand.
Staff from the Parks and Communications division prepared a video on beach nourishment projects,
which includes RBSP II and the maintenance dredging of the Agua Hedionda and Batiquitos Lagoons.
Buena Vista Lagoon - Sandag has executed an agreement with the California Department of Fish and
Wildlife to establish Sandag as the lead agency for the completion of the Buena Vista Lagoon
Enhancement Plan's Environment Impact Report (EIR). On October 4, 2012, Sandag staff met with
Carlsbad staff and Oceanside staff to provide an overview of the intended scope of work. On January 24,
2013, Sandag's environmental consultant/mediator met with Carlsbad staff and Batiquitos Lagoon Joint
Powers Committee Member Keith Blackburn to perform a stakeholder's interview regarding the recent
history of the lagoon's condition, prior involvement of property owners and resource agencies in
research and studies, and the currently identified potential alternatives for the lagoon's enhancement.
Interviews with other stakeholders will be conducted over the next several weeks, at which time the
collective results will be forwarded to Sandag staff for consideration of next steps in the EIR process.
Open Space - The mapping of the city's open space is complete and the map has been posted on the
Parks and Recreation webpage (under the Open Space tab). The updated acreages will also be
incorporated into the upcoming General Plan update. The map will be reviewed annually by Parks and
Recreation staff and amended as needed to reflect any additions to the open space acreage.
4. Parks and Tree Maintenance
Staff and contractors performed winter renovations to turf (e.g., aerating, over-seeding, sodding, infield
lip reductions) at various parks/facilities. At Poinsettia Park, staff began mulching the flat vacant lots for
aesthetic and erosion purposes. At Aviara Park, staff completed the placement of the new concrete
recycling containers throughout the site. At Chase Fields, staff continued working on the repair of the
chain link fencing on the three baseball fields in anticipation of the upcoming baseball season. At Leo
Carrillo Ranch, staff re-graded the parking areas due to erosion from the recent rains. At Magee Park,
contractual refurbishment of the monument sign. Staff and contractors completed proactive tree
pruning on residential streets and medians of the Northwest quadrant. Proactive tree pruning was also
completed at several city facilities, including the Las Palmas building, the Hawthorne property, and the
Faraday center.
5. Completed Trail Events
10/13/12- Old Rancho Santa Fe Rd. Trail - Partnerships with Carlsbad's business community is one of
the ways that local companies provide support to the trails in Carlsbad. This was the case for the
October Saturday trail volunteer event, when 30 employees from Taylor Made Golf partnered with
regular citywide trail volunteers to spruce up the trails near Cadencia Park, including the Old Rancho
Santa Fe Road trail. Trail improvements provided by the volunteers included:
• Building new timber stairs at the trailhead at Fire Station No. 6 at the Bobcat Trail
• Repainting preserve signage in the adjacent Rancho La Costa preserve
• Installing 4 new trailhead signs
• 120 hours of volunteer service were provided for these trail improvements
Huge kudos to the Taylor Made Golf company team who made a huge difference supporting this event!
11/10/12- Rancho Carrillo - The trail work on this particular Saturday morning began a little damp, as
the first rains of the season occurred the prior evening. However, a few hardy volunteers did provide
maintenance work on these ever popular trails near Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park. Volunteer work
completed at this trail event included:
• Installing several sections of wood post-n-rail fence
• Placing decomposed granite in various eroded areas along the trails
• Cub scouts from Troop 716 also hiked the approx. 2 mile El Fuerte Road trail in nearby Bressi
Ranch and picked up several bags of litter, resulting in a clean and more enjoyable trail
• 35 hours of volunteer service were provided at this trail volunteer event
12/8/12 - Lake Calavera Preserve - A very cloudy, misty and cold morning did not deter the generous
holiday spirit of 30 volunteers of all ages, and abilities. Improvements provided by volunteers at the
Lake Calavera Preserve included:
• Planting 175 one-gallon native plants to assist in the restoration of coastal native habitat
• Installing approximately 70 linear feet of garden pavers for a section of single track trail
• Litter pick-up on approximately 4 miles of trails
• 78 hours of volunteer service were provided at this event
Special recognition for this event goes to Habitat Restoration Sciences and Dudek Environmental and
Engineering staff/experts, who provided training and extra volunteers for planting the native shrubs.
1/12/13 - Carlsbad Oaks North Business Park and Palomar Forum - Why not start the New Year
volunteering or getting some exercise working on trails? This may have been the case for January's
volunteer work, as several new faces were among the volunteers who came out to help with the trail
efforts on the second Saturday of the year. Improvements completed during this trail event included:
• Installing post-n-rail fence to protect endangered thread leafed brodiea along one section of
• Erosion repairs
• Weeding to restore the trail width
• 55 hours of volunteer service were provided at this event
6. Upcoming Trail Events
Saturday. 2/9 - Hosp Grove - 8:30 am-ll:30 am. Parks staff and volunteers will be working on trails at
Hosp Grove on the second Saturday in February, performing routine maintenance duties such as clearing
weeds, restoring trail tread, erosion repairs, and trash pickup. More information Is available on the
Parks and Recreation webpage (under the Trails tab, and Volunteer & Events sub-tab).
For additional events please visit the City web site @ www, corlsbodco. gov