HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-04-18; Parks & Recreation Commission; ; LEO CARRILLO RANCH UPDATEPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AB# 0416-3 INFO MTG. DATE: 4/18/16 LEO CARRILLO RANCH UPDATE ACTION STAFF: LIZ KETABIAN RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive a presentation from Park Planning Manager, Liz Ketabian regarding the Stables Restoration and Chicken Coop/Restroom project at Leo Carrillo Ranch. ITEM EXPLANATION: Background In December 2013, the City Council formally accepted the parks & recreation department’s needs assessment and comprehensive action plan. One of the resulting short term action items was to update park master plans to ensure that the amenities were consistent with the community vision that was identified in the needs assessment. The first step towards implementing Phase 3 of the Leo Carrillo Ranch Master Plan, was to reevaluate the 1998 adopted master plan to ensure that the proposed amenities will serve the needs of the community. In April 2014, the city entered into a professional services agreement with KTU&A to prepare the Carrillo Ranch Phase 3 prioritization and cost estimate update. The city held a community workshop on July 23, 2014 during which attendees) were asked to consider how the remaining Phase 3 projects should be prioritized based on the following four focus areas: • Deterioration of structures & Secretary of the Interior Standards • Public use of the park - How does the community access it? • Private events - How do service vehicles access the park? • Community desires from the City of Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Department’s Needs Assessment and Comprehensive Action Plan, December 2013 No new park features for the ranch were identified with the update, however a prioritization of pending projects for the park were identified. The first priority project identified was restoration of the horse stables and reconstruction of the chicken coup with an adaptive reuse for restrooms. Status of Project Implementation Funding was secured in the CIP FY 2015-16 budget for hiring a consultant firm specializing in historic preservation to prepare the construction documents for the project and last September the city entered into a professional services agreement with Page & Turnbull to prepare the construction bidding documents and updated costs for construction. The scope of work associated with the restoration of the stables includes installation of new concrete flooring, repair of existing clay tile flooring, repair of worn wood features, interior lighting and security system, drainage improvements, and replacement of the 20-year-old wood shingle roof. The work associated with the construction of the chicken coup includes new construction to replicate the structure just southwest of the stables as it was in the late 30’s and 40’s. However, this time the structure will be repurposed to serve as public restrooms for daily patrons who visit the park and for special events. On April 12th 100% construction plans and specifications were provided by the consultant architect for the project and are undergoing city review. It is anticipated that staff will return to City Council in June seeking authorization for bidding the project. EXHIBITS: 1. Rendering and elevations of the stables restoration 2. Rendering of chicken coop/restroom reconstruction X z 0 i== 0 <( z 0 -"' "' -:E :E 0 0 □ □