HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-07-17; Parks & Recreation Commission; ; 0717-3 REVISED DRAFT OF THE CARLSBAD TRAILS MASTER PLANPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION – STAFF REPORT SR# 0717-3 INFO MTG. DATE: 7/17/17 REVISED DRAFT OF THE CARLSBAD TRAILS MASTER PLAN ACTION STAFF: LANCASTER TROJANOWSKA RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive a report on the revised draft of the Carlsbad Trails Master Plan, and provide staff with comments on the revised draft master plan and the proposed General Plan Amendment. ITEM EXPLANATION: Executive Summary The revised draft of the Carlsbad Trails Master Plan builds on previous efforts related to trails and provides a reference document for developing and maintaining the citywide trails system. It sets the framework for a robust trails system for use by residents and visitors of the City of Carlsbad. The ‘Discussion’ section of this report summarizes staff’s previous efforts related to trails; recent years’ solicitation of public input and creation of a draft Carlsbad Trails Master Plan; the initial draft master plan, receipt of public input and the responses provided; the revision of the draft master plan; the consistency of the revised draft master plan with the General Plan; and the solicitation of additional public input. The ‘Next Steps’ section of this report provides a tentative schedule for staff’s responsive action to the additional public input, and the ultimate return to the City Council for consideration of adoption of the Carlsbad Trails Master Plan, Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP), and approval of the Carlsbad General Plan Amendment. Discussion Previous Efforts In 1990, an Open Space Ad Hoc Committee appointed by the City Council provided advice on the alignment of an open space trails system. Based on that advice, staff completed a Trails Feasibility Study. In 1992, the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan (OSCRMP) expanded upon that study, and provided the framework for the city’s trails development and maintenance. In 2001, the City Council approved the Citywide Trails Program Report, which outlined the future vision and immediate steps to implement the citywide trails plan. In 2002, the Citywide Trails Implementation Plan was created. It identified which existing segments of private trails would be accepted by the city as public trails. It also identified which segments of public trails would be built over the next 5 years, either by private development or by the city. Also in 2002, the Citywide Trails Maintenance Plan was created and implemented. Recent Years’ Solicitation of Public Input In 2013, the draft Open Space, Conservation and Recreation Element of the Carlsbad General Plan identified a need to provide a comprehensive Carlsbad Trails Master Plan to address diverse user groups and trails connectivity. Later that year, the trails master planning process began by hiring a consultant, KTU+A, and developing a public outreach program. Public input was a major component of the trails planning process, and it aided significantly in drafting the master plan. Input was collected through an engagement process that included an online survey and a public workshop. The online survey was conducted from November 27, 2013 to February 28, 2014, and X included an interactive map that was posted on the city’s website. In all, 332 surveys were submitted, and 272 comments on the interactive maps were provided. On February 26, 2014, a public workshop on the master plan was held at the Faraday Administration Building. There were 34 members of the community in attendance at the workshop, which was an open house format – with an integrated presentation. The workshop included display boards, maps, fact sheets, and other trails/transportation information. Several city staff and consultants were also available to answer questions throughout the workshop. The public provided a total of 101 written comments that evening, including many on the master plan vision, mapping components, and a variety of other topics. City staff and consultants then set out to create a comprehensive Carlsbad Trails Master Plan. Initial Draft of the Carlsbad Trails Master Plan and Receipt of Public Input During March 2015, the initial draft Trails Master Plan was available for public review. Over the course of that review period, an additional 95 written comments were provided. Many of those comments fell into the following general categories (with responsive action listed directly below): • Ensure consistency with Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan for development of trails o After reviewing the initial draft master plan with the Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan (HMP) preserve steward, and the applicable resource agencies’ representatives, it was determined that a program level environmental review of the master plan should be conducted. That review was conducted pursuant to the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act and Title 19 - Environmental Protection Procedures of the City of Carlsbad. In June 2015, Helix Environmental was hired to develop the constraints analysis, and subsequently the IS/MND and MMRP on the revised draft Trails Master Plan. • Increase protection of habitat and minimize habitat degradation o Efforts that were increased to minimize habitat degradation include the installation of trail regulation signage, fencing, and adherence to the HMP Guidelines for Recreation and Public Access on page F-11 through F-14. • Improve monitoring and enforcement of regulations on existing and proposed trails o Additional regulatory signs were posted and observance of violations were to be reported to the Carlsbad Police Department. A General Enforcement Authorization Agreement allowed the Carlsbad Police Department and other law enforcement agencies to enforce any federal, state or local laws on private properties that are part of the open space HMP Preserve. o Additional monitoring/enforcement resources deployed on trails and open space:  Private security firm’s contract for city trails and open space increased in monitoring from ~420 to ~1,250 hours per year, effective October 2015.  Preserve manager’s contract for city-owned preserves increased in monitoring from ~800 to ~1,500 hours per year, effective January 2017.  Police Department received approval of a pilot program for monitoring trails, open space and lagoons by two full-time rangers, effective July 2017. o The Safety and Enforcement section of the revised draft Trails Master Plan was revised for proposed trails to include the following provisions:  Review of trail design to ensure there are adequate emergency access points along the entire corridor.  Review of construction plans to include identification, regulatory and warning signs in accordance with city accepted standards and guidelines. • Remove proposed trails within the Buena Vista Creek Ecological Reserve and Highlands Reserve, owned by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), from the plan o This request was partially accommodated by depicting the segments as ‘potential trails’, not ‘existing trails’ or ‘future trails’, on the citywide map within the revised draft Trails Master Plan. These trail segments were not included in the IS/MND, nor in the updated citywide trails mileage. These segments would require separate environmental review, if determined to be feasible by the CDFW at a later date. Notes were also placed on the map adjacent to each of the trail segments, indicating the reserves are currently closed or extremely limited to recreational use. The notes further reflect the city still supports completing the trails, in accordance with the Carlsbad General Plan Mobility Element. The city will continue discussions with the CDFW to allow controlled and monitored trails passage through these reserves in the future. • Include trail program goals and implementation timeframe o The revised draft Trails Master Plan includes a program vision and supporting goals that are intended to provide guidance for decisions related to trails development, as well as an estimated implementation schedule.  Chapter 2 - Planning Efforts and Considerations, Section 2.2 – Trails Master Plan Goals and Objectives, describes the four major goals that were assembled as a result of the public input surveys and workshop:  Create a connected and complete trails system  Accommodate a variety of trail users in a safe and environmentally sensitive manner.  Identify existing and future trail development  Integrate transportation related facilities as part of the trails system objectives.  Chapter 2 - Planning Efforts and Considerations, Section 2.3 – Citywide Trails Network Collaboration, indicates that trails planning and construction is a complex process that most typically involves a collaboration between city departments, other public agencies, industry experts and stakeholder groups. Trails projects can often be part of a larger, public or private development. In many cases, proposed trail corridors lead through lands or easements owned by other entities, necessitating close cooperation.  Chapter 5 – Trail Development Implementation, Section 5.1 – Future Trails, identifies the estimated project costs and estimated implementation years of future trail segments. As noted above, the prioritization of developing these trail segments will be based on several criteria, including the conditions of approval for private development; transportation initiatives of government, and funding for public projects (both locally and regionally), such as: the Coastal Rail Trail Extension Projects and the I-5 Freeway Widening Project. The development of trails is an opportunistic and flexible process. Some of the smaller/shorter trails segments, such as Type 1 trails, may be constructed by city staff and volunteers – depending upon available resources from year to year. The majority of future trails, however, will likely be constructed as a part of larger projects. The initial step in considering development of most trail segments is the completion of an environmental analysis, which determines the necessary measures to avoid or minimize impacts to environmental resources. The process of revising the draft Trails Master Plan included further collaboration with resource agency representatives and other stakeholders over the subsequent year and a half. On March 3, 2016, staff held a meeting with the resource agency representatives to review the anticipated revisions to the draft Trails Master Plan. The meeting was attended by representatives from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the California Coastal Commission, the Regional Water Quality Control Board, the Army Corps of Engineers, the Center for Natural Lands Management, Helix Environmental, and staff from the Parks & Recreation, and Community & Economic Development Departments. The comments received during this meeting were considered in making the revisions to the draft master plan. Additionally, staff kept the trails volunteer community informed on the progress of the draft master plan via periodic email blasts, and during the Quarterly Trails Volunteers Meetings that were held in March, June and September 2016. Revised Draft of the Carlsbad Trails Master Plan Trails connect people to natural and cultural amenities, as well as to important destinations, such as parks, schools, libraries, community centers, businesses and transit stops. Carlsbad’s trails system enhances community and regional connectivity, sustainable transportation, and access to open space. In so doing, the city is encouraging community connectedness, healthy lifestyles, social interaction, economic vitality, and appreciation of natural resources. The revised draft Trails Master Plan includes a program vision to guide decisions related to trails development, and provides opportunities for both recreational and alternative transportation. The revised draft Trails Master Plan consists of the following chapters: • Chapter 1: Introduction & Project Background • Chapter 2: Planning Efforts & Consideration • Chapter 3: Analysis of Existing Conditions • Chapter 4: Trails Network Subarea Recommendations • Chapter 5: Trail Development Implementation • Chapter 6: Trail Standards and Design Guidelines • Chapter 7: Trails Operations and Maintenance • Chapter 8: Funding Opportunities The revised draft Trails Master Plan also supports the following Carlsbad Community Core Values: • Small town feel, beach community character and connectedness • Open space and natural environment • Access to recreation and active, healthy lifestyles • The local economy, business diversity, and tourism • Walking, biking, public transportation and connectivity • Sustainability • Neighborhood revitalization, community design and livability General Plan Consistency The revised draft Trails Master Plan includes a proposed General Plan Amendment that would: 1) incorporate the Trails Master Plan by reference; 2) delete redundant and obsolete tables and figures; and 3) update policy language to call for implementation of recommended trails projects and to update the Trails Master Plan as necessary over time. In this manner, the proposed amendment ensures consistency is maintained with the General Plan. In compliance with the Carlsbad General Plan, the Parks & Recreation Department intends to use the adopted Carlsbad Trails Master Plan as the principal guiding document for managing the ongoing sustainability of the citywide trails system. Solicitation of Additional Public Input Helix Environmental was hired to develop the constraints analysis, and subsequently the IS/MND and MMRP for the revised draft Trails Master Plan. The IS/MND and MMRP were completed in late March 2017, and circulated for public review and comment from April 3, 2017 to May 5, 2017. The revised draft Trails Master Plan was also posted to the Parks & Recreation web page and distributed to city facilities in early April 2017. Next Steps Staff will collect input from the public, the City Council, and the Parks & Recreation Commission, and then further revise the draft Trails Master Plan and the IS/MND and MMRP as necessary. It is anticipated staff will bring the Trails Master Plan and related documents to the Parks & Recreation Commission, the Planning Commission and the City Council for action, as follows: SCHEDULE FOR CARLSBAD TRAILS MASTER PLAN & RELATED DOCUMENTS Board Action for Consideration Meeting Parks & Rec. Commission Recommend adoption of Carlsbad Trails Master Plan Mid-Fall Planning Commission Recommend adoption of Carlsbad Trails Master Plan, IS/MND & MMRP, and approval of Carlsbad General Plan Amendment Mid-Fall City Council Adopt Carlsbad Trails Master Plan, IS/MND & MMRP, and approve Carlsbad General Plan Amendment Late Fall Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) An IS/MND and MMRP were prepared for the revised draft of the Carlsbad Trails Master Plan, and circulated for public review and comment from April 3, 2017 to May 5, 2017, in compliance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15073. At future public hearings, the final IS/MND and MMRP will be presented to the Planning Commission for its review and recommendation to the City Council, and to the City Council for its consideration of adoption, prior to taking action on the Carlsbad Trails Master Plan and General Plan Amendment. Exhibits 1. Quick Facts Sheet on the revised draft of the Carlsbad Trails Master Plan 2. Revised draft of the Carlsbad Trails Master Plan, IS/MND and MMRP, and proposed General Plan Amendment, on file at the City Clerk’s Office