HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-06-17; Parks & Recreation Commission; ; 0619-3 DEPARTMENT REPORT Meeting Date: June 17, 2019 To: Parks & Recreation Commission From: Kyle Lancaster, Interim Parks & Recreation Director Staff Contact: Mike Pacheco, Recreation Services Manager Subject: Parks & Recreation Department Report Recommended Action Receive a presentation from the Parks & Recreation staff. Executive Summary Mike Pacheco, Recreation Services Manager and Kyle Lancaster, Interim Parks & Recreation Director will report on recently completed and upcoming Parks and Recreation activities, donations and grants, as well as other topics of local interest. Exhibits 1. Department Report 9 of 18 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT REPORT June 17, 2019 GENERAL & RECREATION Annual Pre-Summer Lifeguard Training Alga Norte Aquatic Center and Monroe Street Pool were closed on June 8, while over 120 lifeguards participated in pre-summer training. Human Resources staff provided respectful workplace and mandated reporter training and the Carlsbad Fire Department trained with lifeguards using full-scale emergency scenarios. Thanks to everyone coming together, staff will be ready and well-prepared to plunge into the busy summer season. Tech Talk with Teens Featured in Symposium Sage Creek High School’s Rose Peterson was recently selected to present her project in a TED-Style Talk to peers and community members during the Genius Project Showcase Symposium. Her innovative program, “Tech Talk with Teens”, was hosted with the Senior Center and taught in the Pine Avenue Community Center. The intergenerational program offered Adults 50+ an opportunity to talk tech with Rose and her talented teen friends. Rose and her tech students had positive experiences on both sides of the table. According to Rose, “They came in with worried faces and left with smiles”. Impact, passion and challenge are the objectives of the genius projects and Rose accomplished all three. Red Cross Gold Level Award For the second year in a row, the City of Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Department has been awarded the Gold Level Learn to Swim Provider award. This award is bestowed upon American Red Cross swim lesson program providers that service a minimum of 1,000 participants per year. Thanks to staff’s continued dedication, hundreds of people are certified water safe. The American Red Cross will be delivering a plaque to recognize Parks & Recreation Department aquatics staff for their continued efforts and achievements. Intergenerational Programs A full time Recreation Specialist is being hired this month to focus on intergenerational and age-inclusive programs for the Senior Center and Pine Avenue Community Center to further integrate these age groups to enrich the lives of both youth and adults. Program implementation has already begun with the Jefferson Elementary School Make A Wish letter campaign with the Home Meal Delivery program. Upcoming Events • Carlsbad Triathlon, Sunday July 14, 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. at Tamarack State Beach • Aloha Plunge: Saturday, July 20, 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Alga Norte Aquatics Center • Snores & S'mores: Aug. 10 through Aug. 11, 5 p.m. - 9 a.m. at Aviara Community Park PARKS Aviara Community Park Ph. II & Poinsettia Community Park Ph. III Construction Projects In September 2017, the City Council rejected all bids received for the Aviara Community Park Ph. II and Poinsettia Community Park Ph. III Construction Projects and directed staff to revise the plans and specifications to remove the dog park from the previously planned location and project scope at Poinsettia Community Park. At that time, the City Council also directed staff to explore relocating the dog park to the area in Poinsettia Community Park previously envisioned for a multigenerational community center. In November 2017, city staff requested community input on this possible relocation of the dog park at Poinsettia Community Park. Park users 10 of 18 and neighbors provided input through an online survey, emails, social media and temporary on-site information centers. City staff completed review of the community's input on this topic, and found it to be overwhelmingly supportive of a dog park at the alternate location. In February 2018, the City Council approved staff’s recommendation to pursue plans to place the dog park at the alternate location, as a separate project. At that time, the City Council also approved the revised plans/specifications and authorized staff to advertise for bids on the remaining planned improvements to both Aviara Community Park and Poinsettia Community Park. The projects were then advertised to the public, with a bid opening in April 2018. The award of a construction contract to the lowest responsive bid was approved by the City Council in June 2018, and construction commenced on the projects in August 2018. Steady progress continues on the outdoor gathering space and support structures at Aviara Community Park, as well as on the expanded playground, arena sports field, and pickleball courts at Poinsettia Community Park. All amenities are expected to be completed by late summer. Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Public Outreach On March 9, over 70 individuals - represented by all age groups - participated in the first community workshop for the Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan. The primary purpose of the workshop was to get input on the community’s values, needs and priorities for the park. The themes that emerged leaned towards a desire for passive uses/amenities that would take advantage of the outstanding views and natural setting of the site, including trails. In addition, paying homage to veterans in meaningful ways and in multiple locations was frequently expressed. Also articulated was the need for ADA accessibility to various uses and areas of the park site. Participants generally recognized the park site isn’t suitable for athletic fields or other activities associated with mass grading, high impact lighting and significant noise. Directly after the workshop, staff led a tour of the site that was attended by about half of the workshop participants. Staff described the site’s current features at the various planned stopping points, listened to comments, and answered questions along the way. Following the workshop and tour, an online survey was available - where community members were able to provide (additional) input regarding planning this unique park site - until March 23. The city’s Communications Division is in the process of compiling a summary report of the survey results. Upon initial review, the themes from the survey appear to be consistent with those gathered at the workshop, but also include an interest in expanded mountain biking opportunities, including a pump track and/or a skills track. The results of the public engagement (both at the workshop, and via the online survey) will be used by staff and the consulting design firm to prepare conceptual renderings of the park, which are anticipated to be ready for review by late summer. Village H Property Status On April 23, 2019, during the City Council’s Regular Meeting, staff advised that the terms of a restrictive, conservation easement over the northern section of the Village H property had been fulfilled. This fulfillment allowed staff to proceed with the recording of the property’s deed, consistent with the City Council’s previous action on Jan. 8, 2019. Staff expected the recording of the deed to be completed within two weeks. On April 26, 2019, staff published a ‘Village H Next Steps’ News Release and on May 1, 2019, staff posted a ‘Village H South Trail’ webpage on the city’s website. On May 2, 2019, staff posted ‘New Ownership/Upcoming Work’ signs along the perimeter of the southern section of the property and placed ‘Village H Update’ fliers near that section’s pedestrian entry gate. On May 7, 2019, staff performed the following activities: completed the recording of the property’s deed, posted ‘Temporary Closure/Maintenance Work Underway’ signs along the perimeter of the southern section, installed supplemental construction fencing and locks at the southern section entries, and initiated the required maintenance work to the southern section. Staff expects the above maintenance work, and the corresponding trail delineation and improvement work, to be completed within the subsequent 90-day period. 11 of 18 Per City Council action on April 23, 2019, staff will also publicly notice, and conduct an outreach workshop and an online survey during the above referenced 90-day period. The workshop has been scheduled for June 29, 2019, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., at the Calavera Hills Community Center. The online survey will be posted to the city’s website immediately after the workshop. As directed, the purpose of this public engagement will be the development of a plan to integrate an off-leash dog run as part of the southern section of the Village H property. Buena Vista Reservoir Site Park Planning The site of the former Buena Vista Reservoir will be turned into a small park as part of a set of agreements approved by the Carlsbad City Council in March 2017. The property was previously considered to be sold for the construction of up to 14 new homes. The agreements, which stemmed from a lawsuit against the city over its updated General Plan and Climate Action Plan, will also ensure the completion of the missing link of Poinsettia Lane, the creation of new trails and the addition of protected habitat in Carlsbad. The new park will be approximately three acres and will include the following amenities: the existing water tank, children's play area, loop trail around park, picnic areas with shade, enhanced landscaping, benches throughout the park and 11 new parallel parking spaces. The city asked for input on the vision for the new park and three draft conceptual park designs through a neighborhood workshop and an online survey in June 2018. The design was revised based on the input received. A second public meeting was held in September 2018 to share the revised designs and the public provided comments to city staff via email. Lennar Homes, in partnership with the city, submitted an application for a Conditional Use Permit for the project on Dec. 13, 2018. The application has been reviewed by city staff and deemed complete. The permit application followed presentations to the Parks & Recreation Commission and the Carlsbad City Council at their meetings on Oct. 15 and Oct. 30, respectively. The permit will be considered at an upcoming Planning Commission Meeting, with advance notice provided to the public. National Trails Day at Lake Calavera Preserve On Saturday, June 1, at Lake Calavera Preserve, 40+ people came to celebrate National Trails Day with the Carlsbad community. It was a perfect cool overcast morning for people to come ready to learn about trails, open space and habitat, and to take a naturalist-lead hike around the lake. The hike docents, Diane Nygaard and Rocco Valluzzi from the Preserve Calavera, provided in depth information on the local flora and fauna. Participants expressed their admiration and enthusiasm while gazing at the majestic flowers in bloom and wildlife along the trail. At the end of the hike there were a lot of happy smiling faces, with one participant saying, “I had no idea there was such a great natural treasure here in the City of Carlsbad”. The open space and trails awareness built through participation in National Trails Day events reinforces the city’s mission of providing a trail system that meets the recreational and leisure needs of Carlsbad residents, while supporting the protection and preservation of open space. 12 of 18 Parks & Recreation Department Report Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting June 17, 2019 Mike Pacheco, Recreation Services Manager Kyle Lancaster, Parks Services Manager Summer Special EventsTGIF Concerts in the Parks Summer Special Events –cont’d Flicks at the Fountain Summer Special Events –cont’d Carlsbad Triathlon Summer Special Events –cont’d Carlsbad Music Festival Summer Special Events –cont’d Snores & S’mores Summer Special Events –cont’d Art in the Village Aviara Community Park Ph. II Master Plan Construction Aviara Community Park -Ph. II / In Progress Poinsettia Community Park Ph. III Master Plan Construction Poinsettia Community Park -Ph. III / Arena Field Poinsettia Community Park -Ph. III / Playground Poinsettia Community Park -Ph. III / Pickleball 14 THE CROSSINGS AT CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE(CITY OF CARLSBAD) Master Planning Elements 15 •Three rounds of community outreach intended •First focuses on needs, values and priorities •Input used to help shape conceptual designs •Conceptual designs later presented and refined Master Planning Outreach Master Planning Schedule •March –December 2019 -Public input on priorities for the park, creation and review of conceptual park design •January –May 2020 -Preparation and submittal of the Conditional Use Permit application and environmental report •June –October 2020 -Approval of park master plan through the City Council Village H Property -Northern Section -Southern Section •Southern Section -R.V. Storage -Preserve Area -Open Space Village H Improvement Work •On the Southern section, including the trail: −Work commenced after the recording of the deed −Work is to be completed within 90 days after the recording −Public access is to be allowed upon completion of work Village H Improvement Work •Early June Conditions Village H Improvement Work •Early June Conditions Existing Regulations, Plan and Programs •Below to be applied to Village H upon its opening: -Dogs will not be allowed off-leash along the trail(s) -Dogs will not be allowed in the balance of the property -An off-leash dog park will be subject to an exploration and planning and permitting process Public Outreach and Involvement •Per Council direction, staff will conduct public outreach on potential dog run on southern section of the property −Outreach to be concurrent with performing improvement work −Work commenced when the deed recorded on May 7, 2019 Public Outreach and Involvement •Initial public outreach will include: A direct mailing to residents and property owners in the area A workshop at Calavera Hills Community Ctr. on June 29, 10am An online survey structured similarly to the workshop •Staff will compile the results of this public outreach process and seek direction from the Council in the fall Buena Vista Reservoir Site •Conditional Use Permit application deemed complete: -Awaiting scheduling of a hearing at the Planning Commission -Pending approval of the C.U.P., next steps will include preparing construction documents and bidding the project -Start of construction remains several months away INSERT REVISED DESIGN AND ANY RENDERINGS OR ILLUSTRATIONS 27Concept Plan National Trails Day –Info Booths and Hike •June 1 –Lake Calavera Preserve Parks & Recreation Department Report Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting June 17, 2019 Mike Pacheco, Recreation Services Manager Kyle Lancaster, Interim Parks & Recreation Director