HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-11-18; Parks & Recreation Commission; ; 1119-4 DEPARTMENT REPORT Meeting Date: November 18, 2019 To: Parks & Recreation Commission From: Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director Staff Contact: Mike Pacheco, Recreation Services Manager Subject: Parks & Recreation Department Report Recommended Action Receive a presentation from the Parks & Recreation staff. Executive Summary Mike Pacheco, Recreation Services Manager and Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director will report on recently completed and upcoming Parks and Recreation activities, donations and grants, as well as other topics of local interest. Exhibits 1. Department Report 78 of 83 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT REPORT November 18, 2019 GENERAL & RECREATION Fall Youth Basketball Season The Parks & Recreation Department wrapped up their inaugural fall youth basketball season with a schedule full of championship games this past Saturday. The City of Carlsbad is the only municipality in the county that offers year-round youth basketball leagues due to a partnership with Master Sports. Games and practices are held at the Calavera Hills, Pine Avenue, and Stagecoach Community Centers. Veterans Day Celebration The Senior Center invited the City of Carlsbad’s adopted Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 169 to the annual Veterans Day Lunch and Marine Corps Birthday Celebration. The luncheon featured the “missing man table” as well as a large sheet cake for the oldest and youngest veteran in attendance to cut together. This is a tradition for the United States Marine Corps Birthday that is celebrated every year on Nov. 10. The oldest veteran was 95-year-old Walt Travis, who served in World War II after joining the Marines in the summer of 1942 and was assigned to Marine Fighting Squadron 115. (See article “A Witness To History”). Walt cut the cake with an 18-year-old Marine from the squadron. Aquatics Maintenance Supervisor On Oct. 28, the Parks & Recreation Department welcomed the new Aquatics Maintenance Supervisor, Chris Gray. Chris comes to Carlsbad with a breadth of aquatics and maintenance experience. Having started his career in aquatics as a lifeguard in Fullerton, Chris continued to gain knowledge and experience as a pool manager in the City of Irvine where he helped lead, train, and schedule a staff of over 100 lifeguards and swim instructors. While there, Chris was involved in the management of large aquatic events such as USA Swimming Nationals, Pan Pacific Championships and Crossfit games. As his career evolved, Chris became instrumental in the corrective and preventative maintenance operations of these and other facilities, and was eventually promoted to facility maintenance technician. Since 2016, Chris has overseen the maintenance operations for Irvine's aquatic facilities as well as The Great Park's many diverse facilities, including recreation buildings, ice arenas, carousels and restrooms. We are very fortunate to have him joining the City of Carlsbad team, overseeing aquatic maintenance at Alga Norte Aquatic Center and Monroe Street Pool. Monster Bash Dance Party On Oct. 31, the Pine Avenue Community Center gym transformed into a Monster Bash Dance Party! Adults of all ages arrived in their finest Halloween costumes to dance the night away. The night began with a social dance class led by City of Carlsbad dance instructor Abigail Astley. Participants received a brief intro to dance styles, including the two-step, jitterbug and the cha cha. Afterwards, the live band, Alias, lit up the dance floor. The event was accented by a costume contest for most creative, funniest and creepiest costumes. More than 75 dancers enjoyed the bash and are looking forward to the next dance party on Nov. 21. In December, social dance classes are available on a drop in basis. Haunted Escape Teen Event On Nov. 1, middle schoolers celebrated Halloween at the Haunted Escape teen event in the Friday Nights @ Pine series. Teens were encouraged to face their fears in the haunted corridor and navigate the cemetery themed escape room. For teens looking for a more relaxed Halloween, they gathered upstairs for gaming, and hung out with friends in the gym where Halloween lights and music set the scene for the spooky theme. This event 79 of 83 C cityof Carlsbad Parks_ &_RecreatLon featured a costume contest that brought out the best and most creative costumes in Carlsbad. Friday Nights @ Pine in November will showcase a movie night in the gym. Carlsbad Village Street Faire The Parks & Recreation Department permitted the Chamber of Commerce presents their biannual Carlsbad Village Street Faire from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Nov. 3. This year marked 45 years of what is known as the largest one-day street faire in the nation. Approximately 70,000 people will descend on the heart of the Village to enjoy more than 750 unique booths, family entertainment and a delicious international food court. Challenge Walk MS The Parks & Recreation Department permitted the Challenge Walk MS, a three-day, 50-mile fundraiser for multiple sclerosis research. 200 walkers participated in the event on Nov. 8 in Carlsbad. Vettes for Veterans All-Corvette Car Show The Parks & Recreation Department permitted the 8th Annual Vettes for Veterans All-Corvette Car Show at The Shoppes at Carlsbad from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Nov. 9. The North Coast Vettes hosted the event that featured 250 Corvettes of all generations, music, raffles, goodie bags and a silent auction. My Life, My Story: Genius Project On Oct. 30, Sage Creek High School students presented “My Life, My Story” at the Carlsbad Senior Center. This program was a Sage Creek Genius Project created by high school senior, Belle Flanegan, who wanted to present life stories that would transcend generations and speak to a wide range of people. The process demonstrated to the audience the value of intergenerational connections within a community and exemplified the magic of a great story. Preparation began in the summer when students came to the Senior Center to interview senior volunteers, and ask them about their life. Students transcribed the interviews, creating verbatim scripts to retell the seniors’ life stories. What’s Out There Weekend Nearly 1,000 people attended What’s Out There Weekend San Diego, two days of free, expert-led tours throughout the region on October 26-27. The event was organized by The Cultural Landscape Foundation (TCLF) and various local partners. The Parks & Recreation Department received this nice note from the event organizer: “We want to pass along our gratitude to the city for your involvement in the What’s Out There Weekend San Diego and to express how successful the tour led by Mick Calarco was of the Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park! The content Mick delivered was informative and the participants enjoyed his stories of the ranch and of Leo. Mick talked about the cultural landscape aspects of the ranch and why this ranch was located where it is. The Cultural Landscape Foundation What’s Out There Weekend and to our local partner – the group I’m associated with …. The Historic American Landscapes Survey of the San Diego Chapter of ASLA appreciates Mick’s fun and informative tour, and all that the city does in support of cultural landscapes and public parks. The weekend was a success, with 25 tours, over 900 tour participants, 100 people at the Friday reception and a lot of good publicity including a piece on Midday Edition KUAT radio. Here is a summary of the weekend.” Lancer Day Parade The Parks & Recreation Department permitted the Lancer Day Parade on Friday, Oct. 18 at 2 p.m. The annual parade began on Pine Street in front of the Senior Center and circled the Barrio neighborhood. Later in the evening, Carlsbad High School hosted a firework display at the end of their Homecoming football game against El Camino High School, which they won by a score of 28-14. Bike MS: Bay to Bay The Parks & Recreation Department permitted the Bike MS: Bay to Bay event on Oct. 19 and Oct. 20. Approximately 2,000 cyclists participated in the two-day cycling event from Irvine to San Diego to raise funds benefitting the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. 80 of 83 A Note of Thanks To Everyone at the Parks and Recreation Department, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the work you do and how much energy you put into your events. Five months ago our family (4 year old boy and 4 month old girl) moved to Carlsbad from Colorado and so far we have been to: Luau at the pool, 2 concerts in the park, camping in the park, the Super Hero race as well as countless trips to the pool. You completely outdid yourself with the last Super Hero Race this Sunday. My 4 year old had the time of his life and my wife and I have memories we will cherish forever. Your staff and volunteers made every single kid feel like the race was only for them. I just can't believe how kind and energetic your entire staff and volunteers were. It was hot and I'm sure a long day yet they met every kid with smiles and energy. I particularly remember the commitment and excitement the volunteer at the "Save the world" station put in as my 4 year old son pushed an inflatable world around different obstacles. It is those details and kindness that turn these events from "great" to "epic". My family and I are forever grateful for all the hard work and dedication you put into your job. There is an entire undercurrent of positivity that you may not realize you are creating. If I feel this compelled to write to you then I am sure there are many, many more people out there that feel the exact same way. The work you do makes our community stronger and better. Thank you. Upcoming Events • Holiday at the Rancho: Dec. 7, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., Leo Carrillo Ranch PARKS Grand Opening of Aviara Community Park – Ph. II Improvements On Tuesday, Oct. 22, from 9:00- 10:30 AM, the department celebrated the Grand Opening for the new Aviara Community Park Community outdoor gathering area. Located on a 1-acre site at the northwest corner of the park, the new improvements are ideally positioned to take advantage of the outstanding views of the surrounding habitat preserve on three sides. The improvements include a large passive gathering space with a stage, individual and group picnic areas, and a community building that contains restrooms and a catering support room. The new outdoor community gathering area will be ideal for hosting weddings, birthdays, small concerts, company or family picnics, and other similar gatherings. It is also envisioned that the area will function as an observation point where residents can come to watch the sunset, see summer fireworks, or spot private airplanes landing at the McClellan-Palomar airport. Village H Property Status On April 23, 2019, staff advised the City Council that the terms of a restrictive, conservation easement over the northern section of the Village H property had been fulfilled. This fulfillment allowed staff to proceed with the recording of the property’s deed, consistent with the City Council previous direction. Staff expected the recording of the deed to be completed within two weeks. On May 7, 2019, staff performed the following activities: completed the recording of the property’s deed, posted ‘Temporary Closure/Maintenance Work Underway’ signs along the perimeter of the southern section, installed supplemental construction fencing and locks at the southern section entries, and initiated the required maintenance work to the southern section. On August 2, 2019 the required maintenance work was completed, and trail was officially opened to the public. A small ceremony was attended by Council Member Cori Schumacher, city staff and many members of the public - accompanied by their dogs (on-leash). As a concurrent task to the above, staff also followed City Council direction in conducting a public engagement process to develop options to integrate an off-leash dog run as part of the southern section of the Village H property. The workshop was held on June 29, 2019, at the Calavera Hills 81 of 83 Community Center, with approximately 100 participants. The online survey was posted to the city’s website on July 5, 2019 and was open until July 28, 2019. On Nov. 13, staff posted the Village H South Public Input Report/Appendices and Conceptual Plan Options to the city’s Village H South webpage. Staff subsequently sent an email notification of those postings to individuals who had expressed an interest in being advised of updates. On Dec. 10, 2019, staff will return to the City Council for review of the Village H South Public Input Process and direction on any next steps related to the property. Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Public Outreach On March 9, over 70 individuals - represented by all age groups - participated in the first community workshop for the Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan. The primary purpose of the workshop was to get input on the community’s values, needs and priorities for the park. The themes that emerged leaned towards a desire for passive uses/amenities that would take advantage of the outstanding views and natural setting of the site, including trails. In addition, paying homage to veterans in meaningful ways and in multiple locations was frequently expressed. Also articulated was the need for ADA accessibility to various uses and areas of the park site. Participants generally recognized the park site isn’t suitable for athletic fields or other activities associated with mass grading, high impact lighting and significant noise. Directly after the workshop, staff led a tour of the site that was attended by about half of the workshop participants. Staff described the site’s current features at the various planned stopping points, listened to comments, and answered questions along the way. Following the workshop and tour, an online survey was available - where community members were able to provide additional input regarding planning this park site. The themes from the survey are consistent with those gathered at the workshop. The full Public Input Report is now available for viewing on the city’s website. The project team used the public input, as well as other sources of information including the physical characteristics and location of the site, the core values of the Carlsbad community, and the city’s parks and recreation needs assessment, to prepare two draft conceptual plans for the Veterans Memorial Park site. Those draft conceptual plans were then shared with the public at a second community workshop on Saturday, Sept. 21, 2019 at the Faraday Administration Center. Participants had an opportunity to provide input on the array of elements included in the conceptual plans by rotating through four facilitated stations. Later that day, the draft conceptual plans were posted on the city’s website and the public was invited to provide further input via an online survey. The survey closed on Oct. 6 and the resulting data is now being reviewed by the design team for potential incorporation into a single conceptual plan. Buena Vista Reservoir Site Park Planning The site of the former Buena Vista Reservoir will be turned into a small park as part of a set of agreements approved by the Carlsbad City Council in March 2017. The property was previously considered to be sold for the construction of up to 14 new homes. The agreements, which stemmed from a lawsuit against the city over its updated General Plan and Climate Action Plan, will also ensure the completion of the missing link of Poinsettia Lane, the creation of new trails and the addition of protected habitat in Carlsbad. The new park will be approximately three acres and will include the following amenities: the existing water tank, children's play area, loop trail around park, picnic areas with shade, enhanced landscaping, benches throughout the park and 11 new parallel parking spaces. The city asked for input on the vision for the new park and three draft conceptual park designs through a neighborhood workshop and an online survey in June 2018. The design was revised based on the input received. A second public meeting was held in September 2018 to share the revised designs and the public provided comments to city staff via email. After presentations to the Parks & Recreation Commission and the City Council, Lennar Homes - in partnership with the city - submitted an application for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for the project on Dec. 13, 2018. On Oct. 2, 2019, the Planning Commission unanimously approved that CUP. The design team has is now preparing construction plans and specifications for the project. Once those documents are approved, the project will be bid and a contractor will be hired for the construction phase. The park is anticipated to be open to the public by the end of January 2021. 82 of 83 Stagecoach Community Park Synthetic Turf Replacement On July 23, 2019, the City Council approved the plans and specifications and authorized staff to advertise for bids the replacement of the synthetic turf at Stagecoach Community Park. The existing synthetic turf on the two multi-purpose fields is nearly 14 years old and has well surpassed its eight-year warranty period and expected useful life. Bids were received on Sept. 12, 2019 and the second low bid was determined to be responsive, responsible and within the project budget. On Oct. 22, the City Council awarded a construction contract for this project to Ohno Construction, Inc. The associated work is scheduled to commence on Dec. 9, 2019 and be complete near the end of February 2020. Hosp Grove Trail Maintenance On Oct. 27, 2019, 24 trail volunteers accomplished many tasks at Hosp Grove, and collectively put in over 50 volunteer hours. Community members worked side-by-side on a very warm morning repairing trails and improving the overall aesthetics of the grove. The work included re-surfacing of the bench pads, mulching and picking up trash. Volunteers assisted in preparing for the rainy season by installing straw wattles, cleaning drainage channels and setting up check dams with sand bags. After the event was finished, a hiker praised the group on the outstanding job they did. The City of Carlsbad appreciates all the volunteers and staff that worked so hard to make this event a success. Promotion of Tim Selke to Parks Services Manager The department is pleased to announce the promotion of Tim Selke to the position of Parks Services Manager. Tim competed in an open recruitment with 82 other applicants, and proved he was the best person to assume the associated duties. Tim is a tremendous asset to the Parks & Recreation Department and the city organization as a whole. Tim joined the City of Carlsbad in February 2017, as one of our Parks/Trees Supervisors, with initial oversight of the maintenance of community parks, passive parks, school fields, and facility landscapes. He quickly demonstrated his adept mix of technical knowledge, administrative skills, collaboration and customer service. He was subsequently promoted to Parks Superintendent in October 2018. His scope of responsibilities in that role included supplemental oversight of the above maintenance areas, plus supplemental oversight of the maintenance of trees, medians/streetscapes, coastal parks, historic parks, trails and community gardens. As the Parks Services Manager, Tim will head up the Parks Division, and will now be responsible for the general management of its core elements, including planning and development, preserves monitoring, resource agency coordination, lagoons and beach preservation, golf course administration, as well as all of the above referenced maintenance areas. His duties will include strategic planning/budgeting, maintenance contract solicitation/management, and capital improvement program project implementation. Tim has over 20 years of progressively responsible supervisory experience in the parks and landscapes maintenance industry, in both the public and private sectors. He has previously held positions as the Parks Manager and the Horticulture Manager with the Teton County/Jackson Parks & Recreation Department, and the General Manager with Wyoming Landscape Maintenance. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental and Forest Biology from the State University of New York College of Environmental Sciences and Forestry, and an Associate’s Degree in Natural Resources and Conservation from Finger Lakes Community College. Additionally, Tim is a Certified Parks & Recreation Professional, and a Certified Arborist. 83 of 83