TO :
November 8, 1978
Planning Commission
Planning Department
City of Carlsbad
A Conditional Use Permit To Construct A Municipal
Swim Complex At Carlsbad High School
The proposed swim complex would be 4.68 acres in size, built on property adjacent to the Carlsbad High School, which is located on the west side of Monroe between Chestnut Avenue and Basswood Street. At the present time, the site contains a parking lot, tennis courts, and
vacant area.
Subject site:
East: West:
0-s R- 1
R- 1
R- 1
R- 1
Subject site:
North: South: East: West:
High School, tennis courts, parking
Single family houses Single family houses, greenhouses Church, greenhouses, apartments Single family houses
CUP-l28(A), City of Carlsbad Community Center, Resolution No. 1378. On June 22, 1977, the Planninq Commission approved a Conditional Use Permit to allow new activities and parking facilities for Harding Street Community Center. This request involved the use of structures formerly owned by a church, and now used for community activities. Although the activities would be expanded through this proposal, the Commission found that the existing street system was adequate to support traffic generated by the new uses. Parking on the site was also found to be adequate.
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CUP-118, Magee House, Resolution No. 1241. On April 28, 1976, the Planning Commission approved a Conditional Use Permit to remodel an existing residence (Magee House) on city land into a public building for office and public assembly use. That CUP was modified by the Commission earlier this year to allow occupancy of the house by the City Parks and Recreation Depart- ment and the Historical Society prior to installation of public park and street improvements, and the development of an on-site
parking lot.
The Land Use Element of the General Plan indicates H, High School for this property.
The City Utilities Department indicates that this CUP will put a
severe strain on the unimproved streets in this area; full public improvements are recommended. The Fire Department requires adequate access around all areas for rescue and fire protection of all
All other public facilities are available to serve the site.
An Environmental Impact Report (EIR-380) was certified for the
subject project by the City Council on July 19, 1977.
The Council concurred with the staff that the following potentially
significant issues could be mitigated through proper design and
operating procedures: noise, energy and water consumption, traffic
circulation, and impact on surrounding residences.
1. What adverse impacts will the swimming pool facility have on the surrounding neighborhood?
2. What conditions should be applied to this CUP in order to
mitigate adverse impacts, particularly noise?
There will also be an accompanying increase in traffic. The Commission should be aware of that when reviewing this CUP.
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The proposed project includes an Olympic-sized pool, 180 parking
spaces (in addition to the 141 spaces available at the high
school), decking, a spectator area, 96 bicycle parking spaces,
landscaping and the main building containing 8,500 square feet.
This will all be developed on a 4.68 acre site which is owned
entirely by the City of Carlsbad. with the school district for some years now to develop a joint-
use swimming pool complex.
The City processed an EIR for this project which was certified in July of 1977.
earlier this week for your review. The EIR identifies one im-
pact to be significant. This will be the intensification of land use with the resultant noise, people and traffic. Noise
seems to be the largest concern. The impact is identified as
being "locally significant". That is, the impact will be con-
fined to the area immediately surrounding the project site.
Mitigation measures are proposed within the EIR to mitigate the
project impacts. These mitigating measures are listed below:
The City has been working
A copy of the EIR has been distributed to you
The land use and noise impacts of the project should be
lessened by reversing the position of the pool area and
locker-room complex so that the majority of noise will be directed away from the existing residence.
The City should carefully consider the maintenance impacts
of a concession stand before approving such a facility.
Competition events at the pool should be scheduled during
the daylight hours.
The City and pool architect should study the economic feasi- bility of using a solar heating and storage system, thermal blanket over the pool at night, boiler flue gas recovery, waste water heat recoveryand extra building insulation.
The City should build a solid wall around the pool facility
and locate lifeguard towers and bleachers in a manner which will reduce noise impacts.
Use of the pool should be restricted between the hours of
9:OO P.M. and 6:OO A.M. in order to reduce noise.
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The City should cons,der a fee structure (if there is an
admissions fee) which considers the needs of low income and
handicapped users.
Low volume toilets, faucet and shower fixtures should be in-
stalled to reduce water consumption (and sewage generation).
Faucets and showers should be equipped with automatic shutoff valves.
The pool deck drains should be fitted with a pump which re- cycles water through the pool filter and back into the pool.
Landscaping around the pool should be limited to locations necessary for function (grassy areas for sun bathers) and modest aesthetic purposes. Plant species should be selected on the basis of suitability, durability and low water/main- tenance requirements. Irrigation systems should be designed
to reduce water consumption. Irrigation should be accomplished
during the early morning or evening hours and shrubbery should
be mulched to help prevent evaporation.
The Public Works Director shall study methods for installing a walkway along Basswood Avenue and shall forward his recommenda- tions to the City Council prior to construction of the Com- munity Pool.
Deciduous trees and flowering shrubs should not be planted in
close proximity to the pool because of potential maintenance problems.
The pool facility lighting should be designed with a view to- ward limiting energy consumption, maintaining sufficient lighting for functional and security purposes, and reducing
the reflection of lights on the surrounding properties.
Lightining with greater energy efficiency should be used, if economically feasible.
The pool architect should study the feasibility of covering the pool (either within a building, or utilizing a dome cover) as a means for reducing energy consumption and evaporation.
If the project changes significantly as a result of future studies, this EIR shall be amended or supplemented accordingly.
Several of the mitigation measures listed are not part of the project design, nor do they appear to mitigate any identified
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significant impacts. Staff suggests the mitigation measures, numbers 1, 3, 5, and 6 be included in the conditions of approval,
since they do in fact mitigate identified impacts. Mitigation
measures numbers 4, 8, 11, 13 and 14 have been fulfilled. Numbers
2 and 7 are suggestions that should be considered at some future
date. Staff feels that these are not really mitigation factors
since there are no impacts identified that would be mitigated by
these actions. Measures, numbers 10 and 12, have to do with land-
scaping. the intent of these measures is incorporated into one
of the conditions of approval. Measure number 9 would violate a
health code requirement. Therefore, it cannot be implemented. Number 15 is a legal requirement that must be fulfilled in any
The purpose of this hearing is to review the CUP and to ensure that the project discussed in the EIR is substantially the same
project that you are reviewing now.
opportunity to discuss the environmental issues related to the
project, except as they relate to the conditions of the approval.
It is not intended to be an
The purpose of a Conditional Use Permit is to allow the City to
have a degree of control over certain uses to ensure that the
particular use on a particular site is as compatible as possible,
with existing and proposed uses surrounding the site. The suggested conditions of approval are intended to fulfill this
intent. Project design should mitigate noise to an acceptable level. The City has already entered into an agreement with the school district to provide public improvements on Valley and
Basswood along the school frontage.
The proposed use is compatible with the school and its accessory
uses. That is not a major issue. However, there are always
potential problems whenevera use on a site is intensified. For example, security problems may be increased simply because more
people will pass by or be on the site. The same could be said for litter and facility maintenance. Staff does not consider these to be serious. The Commission should decide for itself.
We received one letter of protest from a nearby resident. A copy of that letter is attached.
That the Planning Commission approve the subject CUP based on the following findings and subject to the following conditions:
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That the requested use is desirable for the development
of the community, is essentially in harmony with the various
elements and objectives of the General Plan, and is not
detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically per-
mitted in the zone in which the proposed use is to be lo-
cated because (a) the development will provide a needed recreational and educational resource to the City and the school district in a manner consistent with the Parks
and Recreation element of the Carlsbad General Plan; and (b) the identified potentially significant effect will be mitigated by project design and facility management.
That the site for the intended use is adequate in size and shape to accomodate the use; (a) the site contains 4.68
acres. The Carlsbad General Plan anticipates a size of
3 acres for such a use; and (b) all necessary facilities
are included in the project design, which are comfortably
located on the site plan for the project; and (c) the ad-
joining high school provides extra parking and casual assembly
That all of the yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping, and other features necessary to adjust the requested use to existing or permitted future uses in the neighborhood will be
provided and maintained because the City has entered into an agreement with the school district to provide for such facilities and maintenance.
That the street system serving the proposed use is adequate to properly handle all traffic generated by the proposed use. This has been determined through the EIR process. Additional
street improvements will be provided as part of the project to greater facilitate traffic generated by the project.
(1) The approval is granted for the land described in the applica-
tion and any attachments thereto, and as shown on the site plan labeled Exhibit "A" and dated November 8, 1978.
(2) Development shall occur substantially as shown on the site plan labeled Exhibit "A" and dated November 8, 1978.
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Seven (7)
Prior to issuance of building permits, a landscape and
irrigation plan for the subject site shall be approved by
the Planning Department. Said plan to include: (a) Water conservation measures;
(b) Low maintenance plant material; and
(c) Automatic irrigation system.
A street tree planting plan shall be approved by the
Director of Parks & Recreation prior to the issuance of
building permits. The plan will include the street frontage
along the pool site.
The land use and noise impacts of the projects shall be
reduced by site design of the project for noise attenuation
and so that the majority of noise will be directed away from the existing residences.
Site design shall include a solid wall around the pool
Competition events at the pool shall be scheduled during
the- daylight hours.
Use of the pool shall be restricted between the hours
9:00 P.M. and 6:OO A.M. in order to reduce noise.
The driveway on Monroe to be abandoned will be remove1
replaced with curb, gutter and sidewalk.
A drafting hydrant shall be connected to the pool and
stalled on site to the satisfaction of the Fire Marshall. --