HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-09-24; Planning Commission; ; ZC 208| CUP 172 - PALOMAR AIRPORTSTAI~F REPOR'J'
DATE: S~ptember 24, 1980
TO: · Planning Commission
FROM: Planning Department
SUBJECT: ZC 208/CUP 172 -PALOMAR AIRPORT -.Request for a
Change of Zone from L-C -to fi and for a Conditional
Use Permit to allow the operation of the existing
Palomar Airport facility located on the nortpwest
corner of Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real.
The applicant is requesting a Zone Change from L-C
(Limited Control) to M (Industrial) and a Conditional
Use Permit to operate the existing Palomar Airport
tacility at the above described location. The request
for the Zone Change is made subsequent to the annex-
a.tion of Palomar Airport from the County of San Diego
to the City of Carlsbad. The Conditional Use Permit is
to allow the operation of the existing airport and
a.dditional development as defined in this permit. This
application does not apply to any future expansion of
the airport facility. If such expansion is proposed,
an application for same must be approved by both the
Planning Commission and City Council and the Condi-
tional Use Permit must be amended.
These applications were originally submitted in Decem-
ber, 1979. At that time, staff had a number of con-
cerns relating to adjacent land uses, noise abatement
and th~ possible expansion of the airport. Staff
decided to postpone processing of these applications
pending the completion of the Palomar Airport Land Use
Plan to be conducted by CPO, a noise abatement and land
use compatibility study to be funded by the F.A.A. and
coordinated by San Diego County, and the resolution of
the possible expansion of the airport.
Since that time, staff has been under increasing pres-
sure to issue building permits for minor improvements
and building e~pansions of on-site airport related uses.
At this time, building permits cannot be issued by the
City without the prior approval of a Zone Change and a
Conditional Use Permit. Further, it is expected that
both CPO's Land Use Plan and the County's noise abate-
ment and land use compatibility studies.will not be
completed in the very near future nor will the issue
· of the expansion of Palomar Airport be resolved.
, C ~ .'Given the incomplete studies whjch are needed to fully
assess the airport use and the demand to allow building
activity for airport related uses, sta£f is suggesting a two
phased approach for considering the issues associated with
the airport: Phase I is a short term consideration and
entails the immediate rezoning of the property to Mand the
approval of a Conditional Use Permi·t. for ·the existing air-
port and to allow airport related-development and uses.
Phase 2 would be a longer term consideration and entail a
further review of the Conditional Use Permit after the
completion of the CPO and County land use and noise abate-
~~nt studies. Phase 1 would provide a mechanism to allow
the issuance of building permits for airport related uses
while holding open the option to reconsider the Conditional
Use Permit after the completion of the above mentioned
studies. During Phase 2, sta.ff would be. in close contact
with CPO and the County staff to monitor progress of the
studies and to see if detailed development and noise abate-
ment standards are established.
At the completion of these studies, the Planning Dfrector
would bring the CUP back to the Planning Commission for a
review. At this review, if it is determined that any new
1nformation of a significant nature has resulted from the
studies or from additional staff review the Planning Com-
mission shall have the option of setting the CUP for recon-
sideration at a new public hearing. Fu~ther, the issue of
expansion of Palomar Airport may be resolved at that time
and would be considered as part of the reconsideration of
the cur. I;f the Planning·cornmission concurs with this
approach, then tonight the Commission will be addressing
Phase l only. ·
i,1·anning Issues (ZC 208)
1) Is the M Zone consistent with the General Plan
des~gnation of G (Governmental)?
2) Are uses allowed ·in the proposed M Zone compatible
with existing and future surrounding land uses
and zoning?·
The subject parcel is designated as G (Governmental Facility)
on the Land Use Plan of the General Plan. This category has
been applied to all governmental facilities in the City i~-
cluding the civic center, libraries, fire departments, etc.
Palomar Airport is considered a governmental facility, thus,
it was designated as G. Since the airport is existing and
is allowed in the·M Zone, sta!f feels that a finding can
be made that the proposed zone and existing airport land use is
consistent with the General Plan.
Uses allowed in the M Zone include all industrial uses. The
surrounding existing future land uses include the future
Koll Industrial Park to the north, Beckman Instruments to
the ea~t, vacant property to the w~st, arid Palomar Business
Park to the south. Industrial uses on the subject property,
thus, would be compatible with surrounding land uses. Staff
is therefore recommending approval of the requested zone
change from L~c to M.
'Planning Issues -CUP 172
1. Are the proposed uses allowed by this Conditional Use
Permit compatible with existing uses and all other uses
permitted in ~he M Zone?
In considering a Conditional Use Permit for the existing
airport, staff 1 s primary concern is the determination of the
types of uses that should be allowed. Staff feels.the uses
that would be appropriate are those directly related to and
incidental to the airport itself. Table 1 indicates the
-suggested proposed uses for the airport. This Table separ-
ates uses that are allowed without additional descreation-
ary review those allowed by a Planning Commission deter-
minatioh, and those allowed by the Planning Director. Staff
feels the existing uses in Palomar Airport arid those uses
listed in Table 1 would not be detrimental to the City and
would be compatible with .existing and proposed surroµnding
land uses. Therefore, staff is recommending that the Plann-
ing Commission adopt the uses listed in Table 1 as part of
the Con~itional Use per~it. Building permits could then be
requested for any use listed in Table 1 according to the
appropriate approval procedure listed in the Table. Approval
of any other uses would require amendment of the Conditional
Use Permit. Again, an expansion of the airport facility
would also require amendment of the Conditional Use Permit.
It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt
Resolutions 1698 and 1699 APPROVING ZC 208 and CUP 172
based on the findings and subject to the conditions con-
tain~d therein. ·
Background Data Sheet
Location Map
Disclosure Form
Resolution No. 1698
Resolution No. 1699
Exhibit "A", dated January 14, 1980
Table 1, dated September 24, 1980
BH: jt
CASE NO: zc·20C/CUP 172
APPLICA!\'T: _County of San Diego,. D2,pt. of Transp.:)rtation
REQUES1' Ai.'ID liX'ATION: Zone Ch:inge from LC .to M and a Conditional Use Permit to
allO\v the_-9....r.x::ration of the existinq Palomar A.ir;::ort facility on UQJ;t;b.west earner
of E.C.R. & P.A.R. .
That E9rti5:m of Palomar JiJ.~rt lying within Int "G" of
Rancho Agua. Hedion2-a, County_gf .. San Di~sro_.._r,,_R_..P_N_o._8_2_3_. -----------------
213 020 18
Acres 268 No. of Lots 1 ____ .,..... __ _
General ?·.lan La..11d Use Desi;:-.ation G (Covernmental· Facility)
IR..nsi ty Allc-.-;s<l Density Proposed
Proposed Zone
~~--~ ............. ~~·
Surrour.c..:..,..g Zoning 2.n::l La:.""ri. Use:
Land Use
Nor-:...11 CM _..;;;:...;;;c.---Vacant
South -"""P!';...;1 __ _ PalOIT'6£. Business Park
East A-1(8) Vacant & County Shredder
West O-S,R_:1-10000,M-Q Vacant
Water i:Jis t....>'"i::t Costa Real Muncipal l7ater District
City of carlsba.d ·· EDU's · ---'=-----------------l,\c'lequate E:x:1 sting
P,.i:Jlic Facilities Fee Ag=-2:err.ent, dated Exempted as goverrnnental facility •.
x Negative Declaration, issued fleptEmber 9, 1980 Log No. ----638
E.I.R. Certified, dated ----
Zc. 208/eup 172.
PALO MA~ A l~f?oR:r
) ., .
Jf after the information you have submitted has becn~viewcd, it is dei.ennincd
that f.urthe~ information is required, you. will l.Je so advised.
APPLJCAN'l': ~ou_nty of_San_ Diego . ------·---------
Name ( indi vidu.:i.l, partnership, joint ventm;e, corporation, synd~cation)
!_6 OQ Pac if ic _ _!!igJ1Wc1y, San _D_1'--· e_,g-<-o--L., _C_A_. _ _.c...9_2_1_0_1 _____ -"----
Buf: i_ne ss Addres:J
-----·---~---t.~------Telephone Number
AGENT: R. J. Massman, Director of Transportation --------~-----Name
5555 Overlar.~ Ave., San Diego, CA. 92123
Business Add:-css ·
'l'elephone Number
MEMBERS: A. C. Waldman, Airports Director
Name (individual, partner, joint -----1-io-r-ne_A_d __ d_r_e_.s_s _____ .
venture, corporation, syndication).
1960 Joe Cro.sson Drive, El Cajon, CA. 92020 ------------Business Address
Telephone Number Telephone Number
P. R. Safford, Palomar Airport Manager
Name Home Address
2198 Palomar Airport Rd.
Business Addres-s--·--------------------'---------
·Telephone Number Telephone Number
(Attach more sheets if necessary)
I/We declare under penalty of perjury• that.the information contained in this dis-
closure is true ancl correct and that :i.t will remain true and correct and may be
relied upon as being true and correct until amended.
September 24, 1980
I .. The following uses are permitted by this Conditional
Use Permit without the need for additional discretion-
ary review:
a. Structures and Facilities
Airport structures and facilities that are necessary to
the operation of the airport and to the control o_f air
traffic in relation thereto, include, but are not
necessarily limited to, the follo~ing:
(1) Taxiways and parking aprons, including lighting.
(21 Aircraft hangars, tie-down areas and maintenance
(3) Air traffic control towers and facilities.
(4} Navigational aid equipment and structures.
(5) Airport administration buildings, which may also
include airport passenger terminal facilities.
(_6} · A.irport passenger terminal buildings and air tels,
and facilities which may include as uses inci-
dental thereto, consumer service establishments,
including automobile rentals, retail shops norm-
ally op~~ated for the convenience of the users of
terminal fa·cilities.
(}) Heliports.
(8) Aviation fuel farms.
(9} Automobile parking lots and structures.
(10) Buildings for housing operations and equipment
necessary to the maintenance, security and safety
of the airpo:i;:-t.
b. Commercial Activities
Commercial aviation activities as follows:
(1) Aviation flight and ground schools, including
pilot and student equipment sales.
(2) Aircraft sales, including radio and na~igational
equipment, parts, supplies and accessory equip-
.. C
(3) Aircraft hangar and lie-down rentals.
(4) Aircraft leasing, rental and charter.
(5) Airframe, engine, radio, navigational and acces-
sory equipment repair, maintenance and modifica-
(6) Aircraft ground support equipment repair, main-·
tenance and modification.
(7) Aircraft cleaning services.
(8) Aircraft painting.
(9) Aviation fuel facilities.
(10) Aircraft and engine mechanic schools.
(11) Airlines, scheduled and non-scheduled.
(12) Air taxi and air ambulance services.
(13) Air freight terminals and trans-shipment facilities.
(14) Aerial crop dusting and spraying enterprises.
(15) Aerial fire fighting.
(16) Aerial photography and surveying.
(17) Parachute rigging sales and s~rvice.
II~ The following uses are allowed if the Planning Com-
mission determines that they are consistent with
the airport facility: ·
a. Incidental eating and drinking establishments
b. Incidental commercial, professional office and/or
industrial uses not specifically mention in Sec-
tion I a and b provided that such uses are permitted
in and are consistent with'the intent of the M Zone.
III. The following uses are allowed if the Planning Director
· determines they are consistent with and related to the
airport facility:
BH: jt
a. Signs -Identification, directional and safety
b. A single-family dwelling occupied exclusively by a
·caretaker or superintendent of such use and his