HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-05-09; Planning Commission; ; SP 19A - CAR COUNTRY• •
DATE: May 9, 1984
TO: Planning Commission
FROM: Land Use Planning Office
SUBJECT: SP-19(A) -CAR COUNTRY -Request to amend the existing
specific plan on property located in the C-2 zone
between Cannon Road and Palomar Airport Road.
It is recommended that the Planning Commission ADOPT Resolution
No. 2274, recommending APPROVAL of SP-19(A), based on the
findings and subject to the conditions contained therein.
In 1972, the City Council approved Specific Plan 19 to implement
development standards for the 50-acre Car Country automobile
center. Included within these standards was a condition
providing for one freestanding, freeway-oriented sign. The
type of on-site signs permitted was not specifically described
or enumerated, but it was stipulated that signs should not
exceed the requirements set forth in the Sign Ordinance. Over
the years, this has been interpreted to mean that because Car
Country is in a C-2 zone, each lot would be permitted one
freestanding sign. In those instances where two dealerships
share one lot, a conditional use permit was approved to allow
one sign for each dealership.
Staff has recently received two requests for conditional use
permits to allow additional freestanding signs at Car Country.
Upon reviewing both projects, staff realized Specific Plan 19
was unclear and that it would be appropriate to clarify the sign
regulations at this location by initiating an amendment to the
specific plan.
Planning Issues
1) Will the proposed amendment ensure compliance with the
intent and guidelines of the specific plan?
Staff is requesting this amendment to clarify the sign
regulations at Car Country. At present, the regulations are not
specific and open to interpretation. Staff's intent is to make
the regulations consistent with what is permitted by the Zoning
Ordinance for any C-2 zoned area. In the future, signs would be
categorized into those permitted by right and those permitted by
conditional use permit. Specific requirements are as follows:
Signs Permitted Without Conditional Use Permit
Signs permitted without a conditional use permit shall meet the
following standards:
1. Each lot will be permitted signage equal to one and
five tenths square feet per lineal foot of building
frontage as per the existing Sign Ordinance.
2. One freestanding sign may be placed on each lot
provided the sign area of the freestanding sign is
included within the aggregate sign area permitted as
stated in paragraph number one above.
a) The freestanding sign shall not exceed the height
of the building.
b) No portion of the freestanding sign shall be
erected in or extended in an area 12.2 feet
measured from the curb line.
3. All signs shall be oriented so that the primary view is
from surface streets; Interstate 5 shall not be
considered a surface street.
4. All signs will be reviewed by the Land Use Planning
Manager to ensure compatibility and to protect the
public interest.
5. Only one freestanding sign, advertising the entire Car
Country development, may be oriented to Interstate 5.
The sign shall be subject to review by the Land Use
Planning Manager.
6. All signs shall be reviewed by the Land use Planning
Manager to ensure compatibility and to protect the
public interest.
Signs Permitted by Conditional Use Permit
In addition to the signs permitted without a conditional use
permit, the following freestanding signs may be permitted when
more than one dealership is located on one lot if a conditional
use permit is approved by the Planning Commission:
1. Monument signs, not greater than six feet in height or
eight feet in length or pole signs not to exceed twenty
feet in height if the following standards are met:
a. Any sign must be located at least fifty feet from
any interior property line.
b. Any sign shall not be erected within two hundred
feet of another freestanding or monument sign on
the same property.
• •
c. The signs shall be so oriented that the primary
view is from surface streets; Interstate 5 or
Highway 78 shall not be considered surface
d. The aggregate sign area for the entire development
shall not exceed the sign area allowed for the
development according to the provisions of
Paragraph No. 1 above, Signs Permitted without a
conditional use permit.
e. No portion of such sign shall extend over the
public right-of-way, or be within fifteen feet of
any driveway or corner.
f. The maximum sign area for any such sign shall not
exceed fifty-five square feet.
The proposed amendment would not otherwise alter the terms or
guidelines of the Specific Plan. Staff believes the proposed
amendment will provide clear and precise guidelines for sign
regulation at Car Country and, therefore, recommends approval of
this amendment.
The Land Use Planning Manager has determined that this project
is categorically exempt from the Environmental Protection
Ordinance, Section 19.04.090(5).
1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 2274
2. Location Map
3. Background Data Sheet
APPLICANT: City of Carlsbad
REQUEST AND LOCATION: Request approval of a specific plan amendment to revise
sign regulations at Car Country
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1-11, Carlsbad Tract No. 72-3, Map 7492
APN: 211-060-06,07,08
Acres 50. Proposed No. of Lots/Units
Land Use Designation RRE
Density Allowed N/A Density Proposed N/A
Existing Zone C-2 Proposed Zone N/A
Surrounding Zoning and Land Use:
Zoning Land Use
Site C-2 Automobile Sales Center
North PU Agriculture
South CT-Q Vacant/Pea Soup Andersen's
East EA Agriculture
West M Freeway
School District Carlsbad Water Carlsbad Sewer Carlsbad EDU's N/A
Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated
Negative Declaration, issued
E.I.R. Certified, dated
Other, Categorically exenpt per Section 19.04.090(5)