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1993-01-06; Planning Commission; ; MP 177H - AVIARA SIGN PROGRAM
APPLl~fION COMPLETE DATE: JULY 21, 1992 SfAFF REPORT @ DATE: JANUARY 6, 1993 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: MP 177(H} -AVIARA SIGN PROGRAM REVISION -Request for a master plan amendment to generally allow off-site directional signage for major public-use facilities within the master plan, including an off-site sign at the southeast comer of Alga Road and Batiquitos Drive for the Aviara Golf Club and Restaurant, in Local Facilities Management Zone 19. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission determine the master plan amendment to be minor in nature and ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 3485, APPROVING MP 177(H), based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND Aviara Land Associates is requesting an amendment to the existing Aviara Master Plan text (MP 177) to allow off-site directional signage for major public-use facilities within the master plan (i.e. the resort hotel, sports center, golf club, and restaurant). Specifically requested at this time is an off-site sign at the southeast comer of Alga Road and Batiquitos Drive, directing traffic to the Aviara Golf Club and Restaurant, located to the west on Batiquitos Drive. As shown on Exhibits "A -B", dated January 6, 1993, the sign would consist of raised letters on a textured veneer mounted upon the exterior stucco community wall for Planning Area 5. The 62 square foot sign measures 8'6" wide by 7'4" tall and would be surrounded by a split block border. Consequently, a portion of the stepped wall would be raised 8 inches to accommodate the sign. According to the applicant, the sign is necessary to notify east bound traffic on Alga Road to tum southward onto Batiquitos Drive to the golf clubhouse by the lagoon. Chapter VII of the Aviara Master Plan contains the approved community sign plan for the master plan area. The master plan text refers to a "family of signs", which includes community and neighborhood identification, facility identification (for hotel, recreation and commercial areas), street names, and future development signage. Since the approval of the master plan, future development signs have been approved in the form of "Coming MP 177(H) -AVIARA Sihrq PROGRAM REVISION JANUARY 6, 1993 PAGE 2 Soon" signs and temporary directional kiosks, as allowed by section VII.B.8 of the master plan text. "Coming Soon" signs are intended to advertise the impending sale of the new subdivisions and must conform to the regulations regarding size, location, and display period contained in section 21.41.070(4)(0) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The temporary neighborhood directional kiosk signs are intended to direct visitors to the various neighborhoods currently selling. These directional kiosk signs are strictly temporary and will be removed once the neighborhoods are completely sold. Illustrations of these signs, along with additional descriptive text, are contained in Attachment "A", dated January 6, 1993. This master plan amendment would allow the placement of identity signage for major public-use facilities within the master plan in order to direct traffic to the facility. As opposed to the directional kiosk signs, the facility directional signs would be permanent in nature and integrated into existing walls or slopes. Since the signage is contained within the master plan and matches the existing entry monument signage, staff supports the master plan amendment request. The applicant is requesting only one facility directional sign and does not anticipate any additional facility directional signs within the master plan. In addition, staff is recommending some revisions to the master plan text to update the street signage and temporary development signage regulations. These revisions would bring the master plan text into conformance with current City standards. m. ANALYSIS 1. Is the proposed master plan amendment minor in nature, as described in section 21.28.120? 2. Is the proposed off-site signage consistent with the City-wide regulations regarding community identity sign programs and the City's off-site signage restrictions, as described in sections 21.41.075(a) and 21.41.050(3) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code? 3. Is the proposed off-site signage consistent with the intent of the Aviara Master Plan with regard to signage function, design and aesthetic value? DISCUSSION 1. Magnitude of the Master Plan Amendment Section 21.38.120 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code describes the procedure for considering a master plan amendment. According to this section, a master plan amendment could be considered minor in nature if the amendment does not change the densities or the boundaries of the subject property, or involve the addition of new uses or rearrangement of existing uses within the master plan. If the master plan amendment is deemed to be minor in nature, then the Planning Commission could approve the amendment without need for a public hearing. MP 177(H) -AVlARA srt;,Q' PROGRAM REVISION JANUARY 6, 1993 PAGE3 The proposed master plan amendment involves only the enhancement of off-site signage within the master plan area. No adjustments to the existing residential densities or boundaries of the master plan area are being proposed. Community identity and directional signs already exist within the master plan and no rearrangement of existing uses is proposed. Given the above, the proposed master plan amendment meets the criteria for a minor amendment. Staff therefore recommends that the Planning Commission find this master plan amendment to be minor in nature in accordance with section 21.38.120(3) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 2. Consistency with Carlsbad Municipal Code Sign Regulations Section 21.41.075(a) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code addresses additional community identity and freestanding signage. Since no controls on aggregate sign area and dimensions are contained within the Aviara master plan, the regulations found in section 21.41.075(a) apply to the master plan signage. According to this section, planned communities may have community identity signage provided that the aggregate sign area not exceed 100 square feet plus 3 square feet per acre, and that no one sign exceed 150 square feet in area or 15 feet in height. Excluding Batiquitos Lagoon and associated wetlands, the Aviara master plan covers approximately 1,015 acres. Therefore the maximum aggregate sign area for all community identity signs is 3,145 square feet. Taking into account all existing and potential signage within Aviara (including primary and secondary community entry signs, neighborhood entry signs, facility entry signs, future development signs, and the proposed facility directional signs), the estimated maximum potential aggregate sign area is 3,048 square feet. A likely breakdown of the potential sign areas is contained in the following table, however the relative amount of signage can change provided the aggregate area does not exceed 3,145 square feet. illustrations of the sign types detailed in the table, along with descriptive text, are contained in Attachment "A", dated January 6, 1993. All signs in the table, except for the proposed facility directional sign, are currently allowed through the master plan. The proposed facility directional signs do not violate the City's strict prohibition on off-site signage since they are contained within the boundaries of the master plan and direct traffic to major public-use destinations in the master plan area. Considering the above, the proposed master plan amendment is consistent with the City-wide sign regulations regarding community identity and off-site signage, as contained in the Carlsbad Municipal Code. MP 177(H) -AVIARA Siti,q PROGRAM REVISION JANUARY 6, 1993 PAGE4 SIGNAGE 1YPE QUANITIY COMMUNI1Y ENTRY 8 NEIGHBORHOOD ENTRY 30 FACILI1Y ENTRY 7 "COMING SOON" 11 TEMPORARY KIOSKS 8 FACILI1Y DIRECTIONAL 1 SIGN AREA 75 sq. ft. 30 sq. ft. 30 sq. ft. 100 sq. ft. 22 sq. ft. 62 sq. ft. AGGREGATE COMMUNflY IDENITIY SIGNAGE AREA AGGREGATE AREA 600 sq. ft. 900 sq. ft. 210 sq. ft. 1,100 sq. ft. 176 sq. ft. 62 sq. ft. 3,048 sq. ft. 3. Consistency with the Intent of the Aviara Master Plan Regarding Signage The Aviara master plan text calls for a "family of signs" to "provide necessary identification and directional information in a functional well-organized manner, while complimenting architectural and landscape design themes, and enhancing the overall aesthetics of the development." As discussed above, there exists a need to direct traffic to major public-use facilities within the master plan. This signage cannot be accommodated by the existing neighborhood directional kiosk signage because the kiosks are temporary in location and duration. To accomplish the goal of providing necessary directional information while complimenting architectural themes, the proposed facility directional signs will match the existing entry monument signs. This is detailed in the master plan text amendments (Exhibit ''X'', dated January 6, 1993) and .shown in Exhibit "B", dated January 6, 1993. The proposed signage is therefore consistent with the intent of the Aviara Master Plan with regard to signage. IV. ENVIR.ONMENfAL REVIEW Since this off-site signage request proposes a minor alteration to an existing structure, the Planning Director has determined that the project is exempt from environmental review per Section 15301 of the State CEQA Guidelines. SUMMARY Given that the proposed master plan amendment is consistent with the City's regulations regarding community identity sign programs and off-site signage, and meets the intent of the Aviara Master Plan regarding signage, staff recommends approval of MP 177(H). MP 177(H) -AVIARA SI~ PROGRAM REVISION JANUARY 6, 1993 PAGES ATTACHMENTS 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 3485 2. Location Map 3. Disclosure Statement 4. Attachment "A", dated January 6, 1993 5. Exhibits "A" -"B", dated January 6, 1993 MG:km:lh EXI-IlBIT "X" JANUARY 6, 1993 AMENDED TEXT FOR AVIARA MASTER PI.AN ADD TO CHAPTER Vll~ SECTION B: AMEND OIAPTER. VII, SECTION B AS FOLLOWS: 7. Street Name Signs Street name signs facilitate vehicular traffic flow through the master plan area. a. b. c. Quantity: One of two Type B Street Name signs required at each non-signalized intersection. 4'ype A: Locations: Sign Types: Type A: 4'ype B: Signal ana type quantities as specified by City Traffic Engineer. (See location plan) Two types required: Double-faced, hanging sign attached to mast arms at signal poles (at major signalized intersections along Alga Road). Single faced, lew m~nume~t wall .signs at miner intcrscctiens. d . Sizes: e. Type A: 18" high, either six or eight feet in length, as necessary. Type B: JO" high, £iwc e•,;,crall length. £cot ~= Restricted to street name, ascending street address number and small, identifying Pacific Rim menegram er mark. g. 9. f. Materials and Colors: Type A: ':l?ype Bl Standard cabinet structure; letter face white, sign background area and eabinet finished epa(JUe darlc eeler frem &:;~:j:rnwaa~¢;,;;..~Jlll!I Cempliment Paeifie Rim entry signage, with individ\:lal dimensional darlc oxidised east bronse · letters on atone and et\:1008 meft\:lBlCftt. ~~ Illumination: Type A: ':l?ype Bl Internally -illuminated with florescent fixtures. Cepy area of faee wash lit with reeessed fl\:lorescent t\:lbe. ••~~uu,u;+nr~wwen• i ma1e Deve 1 opment s igns,zmmo11a~::~1 wt,cfil :p3a lj Prior to the first final map the Master Plan dcvcleper shall s\:lbmit a sign program to the Pla1ndft':J Director for appro.-.,=al ohowift':J the signing of vacant lots which wo\:lld identify the type and intensity of f\:lt\:lre development. A~PORT 11•11111111• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~u•-: : : .......... : : , .. 11,: : -• -• • • • • • • • • • • • \ -. ,,. 1,111111111• . . . • • • --. • • • --. . -. -. . • • • ••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • ...111111•• • • BATIQUITOS LAGOON City of Carlsbad AVIARA SIGN PROGRAM REV~SION MP 177{H) ..J < u., a: _C_it~y----.;::;of Carlsbad ... :.:. bi, i, ii •f· l•l4•6t,;, ,t§ ,i I DISCLOSt:RE STATEMENT ..i..::i=1..1c..:.NT·s s-:-.:.7';\;le.,,. CF CtSCLCSURE OF CEi:ITAIN OWNE~HIP 1NTe;:;esrs ON ALL A;IP'JCA1'10NS WHICH WIU. .:;c-:1..1.::; c 1sc.:;E7;cN;.;:;y ..i.cr:c .-. CN 7i-,c ?..i.;:rr CF r,;e C:TY CCUNCIL OR ANY APPOINTcO SO.AMO, COMMISSION OR C~MMIT7::. (Please Prinr) The following information must be disclosed: 1. Apclicant list _tr.e names and adcresses of all persons having a financial interest in the application. Av1ara Land Associates Limited Partnersh · 2011 Palomar Airport Rd. --------------- SU1te 206 Carlsbad, CA 92009 2. Owner Ust the names and addresses of all persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Aviara Land Company, a Delavare Republi~ Dev~lopment Co:, corporatio~ a Cal1forn1a coD¥orat1on 450 Newportenter .Drive 180 N. Riverview rive Suite 304 S11; te 1 30 NeKl)crt Beach, CA -92660 Anaheim, CA 92808 3. It any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2). above is a corporation or partnership, list the names a: addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares in the corporation or owning any partners, interest in the partnership. Henry Hillman 450 Nexport Center Drive suite 304 Newport Beach, CA 92660 4. It any person ldentffled pursuant to (1) or (2J above is a non-profit organization or a trust. list the names a addresses. of any p~rso~ serving u officer or director of the non-profit organization or as trustee or benefici, of the trust ' N/A FRM00013 8/90 2075 Laa Palma• Orive • Carlsbad. California 92009◄~9 • (919) 438·1161 .er) Disclosure Statement Page 2 s. Have you had more than S250 worth of business transaded with any member of City staff. 8car:3 Commissions. C~ittees and Council within the past twelve months? Yes _ No _V_ I lff v yEeS, please indicate person(s) ____________________ _ ~ ,s ,:elined u : •..i.ny 1ndi..,1d1.1al. H,m, c:oc:iar-.r,er,n,c,, I0,nt "•nture. usocialion, social cl1.1b. fraternal or;an,zation. c:or:cri uon u t~tt •r·~sr. ttc:a,,.e,. syndicate, tl'l,e and eny cU'ler c01.1n1y. c:~ and c:01.1n:y, C:lfy m1.1nic1pallfy. dietnct o, otller i:>olilicai 11.1bdN111on. or any au,e, ;ra1.1c:i 0, c:omo,nauon ac::1nQ u 1 1.1n1t.' (NOTE. Attach additional pages as necessary.) Owner: Aviara Land Associates Limited Partnership, a Delaware limited partnership BY: viara Land Co pany, a Delaware corp · n, General Partner 0 . L. Clemens/Vice President ~ _J.L . ~ Ted L Hoover/Assistant Seaetary By: Date: __ {4......_L._,n-......;;':la..:,,_.-_____ _ BY: Republic Devel.opment Co., a California co ation, al P'•-~ By: Date: w,sds-,. Applicant: Aviara Land Associates Limited Partnership, a Delaware limited partnership .. BY: ~ ompany, a Dela"\fe Geµ.eral Partner {..leee-11.SjVice President By: 2✓) 1-rrv--- Ted L. Hoover/Assistant Secretary Date: l,ltj\9:,, BY: Republic Development Co., a California ration, neral 0 . L. Clemcu/Vice President By: 9:JJ... I~ Ted L. HOOYCt/4ssistaar Seaetaty Date: I 6' • 1\ 1 >::::: 0 © ~ ~ ~ ~ = ={] ~ = g m ► ( 3 > ={] ~ w c:==i @2) -.~ ~ @?)' fMl COMMUNITY ENTRY The two community entries are located at the west and east- ends of Alga Road. These entries are the main gateways and therefore should create a distinct sense of arrival and a strong contrast to the surrounding area; The entry will include architecture and landscape architecture reflective of the hotel and central core area. Distinctly articulated entry walls with rock and stucco, large specimen oak trees and groves of citrus t(Q)~[ij]GJJ~~uw ~[ND,r ~1r or avocado trees will be used. Extensive use of flower colors will create the visual excitement to enhance this area. ---···--·--·--. ~------· . ------· All neighborhood project entry signage is to include type and color subject to Aviara approval. Landscaping is to include wa·ter element and trellis. Wherever reclaimed water is present, appropriate warning signs will be..- installed which meet the California State Health Code criteria, ,i.:._ ~110/i_ ,6.T .$109-I Af<'.p ENW-T ~•tv1Jt[' orJ [p~©JJ~t,r ~u@~£@[g NEIGHBORHOOD EN11ff This entry provides the primary access to a specific neighborhood or planning area. All entries shall conform to the entry wall standards, however, letter style, logo and color of entry signs may vary subject to approval uy the Aviara Design Review Board and City. Trees that have been designated f "'f the individual planning areas or alternatives approved by t1.-e Design Review Board may be used at the entry. All neighborhood project entry signage is to include the name of the community in the same type as "Aviara". Et n---,. ~ I I l I i ,. I I I l ~hh I' M.vMJ ~~~~~~ --h---~ l ~ 1 ll 1 1 1 rr ,,._ , ~---~----.. ,,. KIOSKS Kiosks will be used to direct potential home buyers to the~ different projects in Aviara. .. .,::_ I 'i ..;) ,...._I ':,II ), ~ -u . t-"l '-7'1 -r~,y) ~= I ~= ·i~= ~-t:OMMUNnv~ ~-I i ' r-~ ,,. i j ; I I 1 II I ~1.s:_ f.-• I I ~ -I -I I, -==;.==~\ ,: ,(5>_ -r-. II 11 I I ti ; ' cf 'I 'I ja_ ..,__ :'C) ,1 I' I' I I ~1'-.__/ ,, I I I! ~§ :1 ~$ 1' II ,, I It ,·. . Ii ,f:-VtAP-.A ' . i I I • ~~(Q)~~ ~~@~~@~ l(josks will be constructed of wrought iron with a painted finish (Frazee 5525N) and Sintrn panels similar in form to the wrought iron details on the Master Community walls. They . will be 8'0" in height,·5'3" wide and panels will be 4'7" in length r with a width of 6". Kiosks will have 6 panels maximum per sign, one of which will ~e an Aviara panel, and there _wiIJ 11e only one panel per subdivision per kiosk sign face. A.riy changes to the information on the signage is subject to review of the Aviara Architectural Review Committee and the City of Carlsbad. Panels will remain up until the last lot in the subdivision is ;old. Panels will be installed one week prior to the opening of .hat subdivision for sale. Each s,ubdivision has a maximum of eight (8) panels. Projl.. ~ losest to the sign location take priority in the sequential 1ttachment to the structure from top to bottom. •f'.== ~ 1 ---- ~L ___ --_--_-.______ -J .. ~ ~ (OM~NG SOON · !PRO][CI NAM[ .. ·= 000 SINGU: fAMILY LUXURY ~iOMES · : (0) (G ~ = ~ (0) (0) ~ - ' lSY . HI ~LtM AN rr5'~0fP[!R1 I[§; , .. ·Av!ARA ' .. ~ f\\ J ~ =.£½ -~ -- ~ =, t::::: .-. . ' /\:vJJL . . (C(QJ[ij]~(NI]@ ~(Q)(Q)[NI] ~~@[K!] "Coming Soon" signs will be to inform potential homeowners of upcoming projects in Aviarn, and will be located on the parcel with the approval of the Aviara Architectural Review Committee for location and designated information supplied by the developer. Standard design of the-signs will be provided by Aviara. All new signs require permits from the City of Carlsbad. Any relocation of these types of signs must be approved by the Aviara Architectural Review Committee and the C ity of Carlsbad.