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1997-02-19; Planning Commission; ; SDP 90-05B - PRICE CLUB PROPERTY ADJUSTMENT
*~<) City of CARLSBAD Planning Departmbm. A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Item No. I P.C. AGENDA OF: February 19, 1997 Application complete date: October 25, 1996 Project Planner: Eric Munoz Project Engineer: Ken Quon SUBJECT: SDP 96-05/CUP 96-07/CDP 96-06 - CARL'S JR./GREEN BURRITO DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANT - Request for approval of a Site Development Plan, a five year Conditional Use Permit and a Coastal Development Permit to allow the development of a Carl's Jr./Green Burrito Restaurant with a drive-thru lane on a site currently occupied by Nurseryland at 925 Palomar Airport Road in the Commercial Tourist-Qualified Development Overlay Zone (CT-Q) Zone located east of the 1-5 freeway on the south side of Palomar Airport Road within the Coastal Zone and Local Facilities Management Zone 3. SPP 90-05(B) - PRICE CLUB PROPERTY ADJUSTMENT - Request for approval of a Site Development Plan Amendment to the existing Price Club Site Development Plan to allow for a property adjustment whereby a western portion of the existing site will be removed and placed within the Carl's Jr./Green Burrito property to facilitate the above described project. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 4061 APPROVING the Negative Declaration for SDP 96-05/CUP 96-07/CDP 96-06 and ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 4062, 4063, 4064 and 4065 APPROVING Site Development Plan SDP 96-05, Conditional Use Permit CUP 96-07, Coastal Development Permit CDP 96-06 and SDP 90-05(B), respectively, based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. INTRODUCTION This application is a request for a drive-thru restaurant and related parking and landscaping for a site on Palomar Airport Road (PAR) as shown on the attached Location Map. The site is located at 925 Palomar Airport Road which is currently occupied by "NurseryLand" (a retail nursery use). A portion of existing Price Club owned property adjacent and to the east is proposed to be transferred to the Carl's Jr./Green Burrito project for parking spaces, landscaping and secondary access. Specifically, the proposal requests to demolish the existing nursery, and to construct a 3,086 square foot restaurant with an outdoor eating area and a drive-thru lane with related landscaping, parking spaces, setback areas, circulation aisles and a trash enclosure. An amendment to the SDP 96-05/CUP 96-07/CDP > - 06 - CARL'S JR./GREEN BURRITO Dk, v E-THRU RESTAURANT & SDP 90-05(B) - PRICE CLUB PROPERTY ADJUSTMENT FEBRUARY 19,1997 PAGE 2 Price Club site development plan is required to formally remove approximately 14, 740 sq. ft. of property, and transfer it to enlarge the proposed Carl's Jr./Green Burrito property. Staff has reviewed the proposal and all the required findings of approval can be made. Required Entitlements and Project Exhibits The land use designations on the site are as follows: Local Coastal Program - Travel Service Commercial (T-S); General Plan - Travel-Recreation Commercial (T-R); Zoning - Commercial- Tourist with the Qualified Development Overlay Zone (CT-Q). A restaurant is allowed by the underlying CT zoning designation; a site development plan (SDP) is required by the Q overlay. The Q overlay is intended to bring out the highest quality development possible while maintaining compatibility with adjacent existing and future permitted land uses. The conditional use permit (CUP) is to allow the drive-thru lane component and a coastal development permit (CDP) is required because of the coastal zone location of the project. To accommodate the Price Club property adjustment, an amendment to the existing Price Club SDP is being processed (SDP 90-05(B)). The Carl's Jr./Green Burrito project site plan, elevations, floor plans, roof plans, landscape plans, water conservation plan, grading concept plan and sign program are shown, respectively, on Exhibits "A" - "L" dated February 19,1997. The Price Club property adjustment is reflected on Exhibit "X" dated February 19,1997. III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND This project involves the development of a 3,064 square foot restaurant building with approximately 215 square feet of outdoor eating area. The overall height of the restaurant structure will be 18 feet to the parapet with a vertical tower projection to 25 feet. The contemporary architectural style features mission tile roofing, variety in roofline, white stucco walls with architectural details including cornices and reveals, and storefront wood framing around the windows. A 10 car deep drive-thru lane that will not conflict with internal circulation or adversely affect the PAR street system is proposed. Extensive landscaping and the use of screen walls are also proposed primarily to landscape the setback and to adequately screen all parking areas and the drive-thru lane. The subject site, with frontage on the scenic highway of PAR, serves as a gateway to the City's industrial and office corridor and airport area which highlights the need for visually sensitive architecture and site design. During the review, a variety of revisions were made to the project to respond to this objective. Because of the prominence of this site, staff has attached Exhibit "Z" to this report, entitled "Summary of Project's Design Revisions", which itemizes the specific changes made to improve this project as it underwent staff analysis and review. SDP 96-05/CUP 96-07/CDP>v,-06 - CARL'S JR./GREEN BURRITO Dki ^E-THRU RESTAURANT & SDP 90-05(B) - PRICE CLUB PROPERTY ADJUSTMENT FEBRUARY 19, 1997 PAGE 3 A playground structure was initially proposed with this project, however, it was eliminated in response to the visual concerns of a brightly colored apparatus reaching up to 15 feet in height and located adjacent to the scenic highway of Palomar Airport Road. A project condition specifically prohibits the construction, erection, placement or use of any type of playground apparatus in the future. An amendment to the existing Price Club Site Development Plan is necessary to exclude property currently from the Price Club Site Development Plan and make it available to the Carl's Jr./Green Burrito project. This is being processed concurrently. As shown on the Carl's Jr. exhibits as well as Exhibit "X" dated February 19, 1997 for SDP 90-05 (B), an area of approximately 14,740 sq. ft. is proposed for transfer from the Price Club project into the Carl's Jr./Green Burrito project. This is necessary because the Carl's Jr./Green Burrito project is proposing to locate some of its required parking spaces into this area. Thirty-three parking spaces are required based on the total square footage of outdoor eating/restaurant space. Of the 33 required spaces, 25 are provided on the existing nursery lot; the balance of 8 required spaces will be provided on the Price Club transfer piece. The transfer piece is designed to provide 22 parking spaces so that the project will have 14 spaces more than is required. The project has been conditioned such that, prior to building permit issuance, an adjustment plat shall be submitted and approved by the City Engineer to include the Price Club portion into the Carl's Jr./Green Burrito lot. To the east of the site an internal access road will connect with the Price Club thereby allowing traffic from the Price Club to access the Carl's site without using Palomar Airport Road. To the north of the site across Palomar Airport Road is the location of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan area and Flower Fields. Directly to the west of the site is the existing "7-11" building and related commercial uses. To the south is the Caltrans maintenance yard. All of the required SDP, CUP and CDP findings can be made for this project. Staff is recommending approval of the Carl's Jr./Green Burrito project (and related Price Club property adjustment project) as presented and conditioned. Applicable Regulations The proposed Carl's Jr./Green Burrito project (SDP 96-05/CUP 96-07/CDP 96-06) is subject to the following regulations: A. CT-Q Zone/Site Development Plan (Chapters 21.29 and 21.06 of the CMC); B. Conditional Use Permit Regulations (Chapter 21.42 of the CMC); C. Mello II Segment of the City's Local Coastal Program; and D. Growth Management (Chapter 21.90 of the CMC). The proposed Price Club Property Adjustment project (SDP 90-05(B)) is subject to the following regulations: A. C-2-Q Zone/Site Development Plan (Chapters 21.28 and 21.06 of the CMC); SDP 96-05/CUP 96-07/CDP ..-06 - CARL'S JR./GREEN BURRITO Dkx v E-THRU RESTAURANT & SDP 90-05(B) - PRICE CLUB PROPERTY ADJUSTMENT FEBRUARY 19, 1997 PAGE 4 B. Mello II Segment of the City's Local Coastal Program; and C. Growth Management (Chapter 21.90 of the CMC). The Analysis section below has two sections: Carl's Jr. and Price Club adjustment analysis. IV. ANALYSIS ANALYSIS FOR THE CARL'S JR. PROJECT - SDP 96-05/CUP 96-07/CDP 96-06 A. CT-Q Commercial Tourist-Qualified Overlay Zone/Site Development Plan CT-O Zone The site's underlying zoning designation of CT (Commercial-Tourist) allows restaurants as an outright permitted use. Section 21.29.050 (5) of the Commercial-Tourist chapter of the Zoning Ordinance allows restaurants that provide drive-thru business with the approval of a conditional use permit. The Qualified (Q) overlay requires a site development plan to be approved in implementing the CT zone. The appropriate applications have been submitted to the City. All applicable findings can be made and applicable standards are complied with, resulting in staffs recommendation of approval. Site Development Plan Findings All the required site development plan findings can be made and are contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 4062 for SDP 96-05. A descriptive summary of the findings is provided below. The proposed drive-thru restaurant use is consistent with the site's land use designations and will not be detrimental to existing or permitted uses in the area which includes a variety of motels, restaurants and other uses geared towards the traveling public. The use has been designed to be properly related to the site which can accommodate the design requirements of this use while complying with applicable standards and policies. Setbacks, screen wall and landscaping are used in combination to adequately screen the use and drive-thru lane. The project will contribute approximately 2,145 average daily trips (ADT) to the prime arterial of Palomar Airport Road which is designed for greater than 40,000 ADT. The proposed use will provide a commercial- tourist serving use which will be used by the growing numbers of tourists to the City as well as employees and residents from the area. B. Conditional Use Permit - CUP 96-07 - Carl's Jr./Green Burrito A conditional use permit is required for the drive-thru lane component of the project. All the required CUP findings can be made and are contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 4063 for CUP 96-07. A descriptive summary of the findings is provided below: SDP 96-05/CUP 96-07/CDP >^-06 - CARL'S JR./GREEN BURRITO DKi vE-THRU RESTAURANT & SDP 90-05(B) - PRICE CLUB PROPERTY ADJUSTMENT FEBRUARY 19, 1997 PAGES The drive-thru component of the requested use is necessary and desirable for the development of the community by providing an element of vehicular convenience to a restaurant use on a site intended to serve the traveling public. The drive-thru lane will not be detrimental to adjacent uses since it will be adequately screened, designed to allow for efficient on-site vehicular circulation and is supported by the Engineering Department since up to ten cars can be stacked waiting for service without impacting on-site circulation or PAR. The drive-thru lane will be extensively screened by landscaping (with up to thirteen 24 inch box screening specimens) and screen walls. It will be a feature of the project that will be visually and functionally compatible with adjacent existing future permitted uses. Since a conditional use permit is involved, project aspects such as screening, landscaping and on-going adequate traffic circulation are all subject to the CUPs annual review and continuous monitoring efforts to ensure long term land use compatibility. C. Local Coastal Program - Carl's Jr./Green Burrito The site is located in the coastal zone of the City and specifically within the Mello II Local Coastal Program (LCP) Segment. The project is consistent with, and in compliance with, the Mello II LCP segment. The coastal land use designation for the site is Travel-Service (T-S) Commercial. The proposed use of a drive-thru restaurant directly implements this designation which primarily is intended to provide commercial uses for the traveling public. Redevelopment of this site with the proposed use will not impact any coastal resource or access situation. As required by the applicable Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone, all drainage impacts have been designed to be adequately handled by implementing the City's Master Drainage Plan and related pollutant runoff control measures. A Coastal Development Permit (CDP 96-06) is required with this project and is being processed concurrently with this entitlement package. D. Growth Management - Carl's Jr./Green Burrito This project, proposed for a site intended for tourist-serving commercial uses, will not impact any projected public facility or service requirements anticipated for the area. Specifically, the project will not impact any of the provisions of the Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) for Zone 3 as provided by the City's Growth Management Ordinance. Attached to this report is a summary of the applicable impacts to public facilities and services (Facilities Impact Assessment Form). No adverse impacts to such services are anticipated from the proposed use which implements the site's General Plan, LCP and zoning designations, as well as the corresponding LFMP. SDP 96-05/CUP 96-07/CDP ^-06 - CARL'S JR./GREEN BURRITO DK, vE-THRU RESTAURANT & SDP 90-05(B) - PRICE CLUB PROPERTY ADJUSTMENT FEBRUARY 19, 1997 PAGE 6 ANALYSIS FOR PRICE CLUB PROPERTY ADJUSTMENT - SDP 90-05(B) The following analysis relates only to the portion of the Price Club property which is proposed to be transferred to Carl's Jr. A. C-2-Q General Commercial-Qualified Overlay Zone/Site Development Plan C-2-Q Zone The site's C-2 zoning allows a full range of commercial uses, however, the subject site is part of the Price Club setback area and will not support commercial buildings or development. As shown on Exhibit "X" for SDP 90-05 (B), the subject area is part of the western flag portion of the irregularly shaped Price Club property and will be strictly regulated to only allow parking, landscaped areas, circulation aisles and setback areas. The Qualified (Q) Overlay Zone requires that a site development plan be processed prior to or concurrent with any entitlement. Since a site development plan already covers the subject area, an amendment to that existing entitlement is required and proposed (SDP 90-05(B)). The original Price Club, SDP 90-05 was amended in 1995 via SDP 90-05(A) for an expansion area. Site Development Plan Findings All the required site development plan findings can be made and are contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 4065 for SDP 90-05(B). A descriptive summary of the findings is provided below. The proposed property line adjustment will not affect the General Plan or be detrimental to existing or future permitted land uses since only the allowed uses of parking, landscaping and vehicular access will be proposed for the purpose of constructing the Carl's Jr./Green Burrito project. The property adjustment will accommodate a previously required 30 foot access easement and allow for all the Carl's Jr./Green Burrito improvements to be located on one lot. The second access to the Price Club will provide an alternative for the Carl's users which will reduce the demand on the PAR access point provided by Carl's. B. Local Coastal Program - Price Club Property Adjustment The existing Price Club site development plan was required to obtain a coastal development permit from the California Coastal Commission because of its coastal zone location. This existing coastal permit can only be legally amended by the Coastal Commission. Therefore, a project condition for SDP 90-05 (B) will be to obtain an amendment to the existing Price Club coastal development permit from the Coastal Commission prior to any building permit issuance for the Carl's Jr./Green Burrito restaurant structure. SDP 96-05/CUP 96-07/CDP , J6 - CARL'S JR./GREEN BURRITO Dlv.. E-THRU RESTAURANT & SDP 90-05(6) - PRICE CLUB PROPERTY ADJUSTMENT FEBRUARY 19, 1997 PAGE? C. Growth Management - Price Club Property Adjustment Since this entitlement only involves the removal of property of from one entitlement to another, it will not affect the allocation or demand of public services and/or facilities per the Zone 3 LFMP. The proposed property adjustment will not create any impacts to Zone 3 and therefore this project (SDP 90-05(B)) does not contain a calculation of the impacts made to facilities and services (no Facilities Impact Assessment Form). Because of the lack of impacts, this project does not adversely impact the Zone 3 LFMP and is therefore consistent with the City's Growth Management Program. V. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review for this project was performed and determined that no significant environmental impacts will result from the approval of the requested project. The project design and conditions of approval will reduce significant impacts to visual aesthetics, drainage/urban pollutants, circulation and land use compatibility. In addition this project qualifies as a Subsequent Project as described in the Master Environmental Impact Report (MEIR) for the 1993 General Plan Update. There will be no additional significant effect not analyzed therein and no new or additional mitigation measures or alternatives are required since all feasible mitigation measures or alternatives identified in the MEIR which are appropriate to this Subsequent Project have been incorporated. A Negative Declaration has been prepared for Planning Commission approval. The Negative Declaration was noticed for a 30 day public review period on November 8, 1996. No comments were received during the public comment period. SDP 90-05(B) - Price Club Property Adjustment Since this entitlement only involves the removal of property from one entitlement to another, it qualifies for a categorical exemption under the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Class 5, categorical exemptions (Section 15305). A Notice of Exemption will be filed after project approval in accordance with Section 15374 of CEQA. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4061 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4062 3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4063 4. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4064 5. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4065 6. Location Map - Carl's Jr. 7. Location Map - Price Club 8. Background Data Sheet 9. Facilities Impact Assessment Form 10. Disclosure Forms 11. Exhibit "Z" - Summary of Project's Design Revisions 12. Reduced Exhibits "A"-"L" dated February 19, 1997 (SDP 96-05/CUP 96-07/CDP 96-06) 13. Reduced Exhibit "X" dated February 19, 1997 (SDP 90-05(B)) 14. Exhibits "A"-"L" dated February 19, 1997 15. Exhibit "X" dated February 19, 1997 EM:bk SITE*PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLS JR./GREEN BURRITO DRIVE-THRU SDP 96-05/CUP 96-07/CDP 96-06 PRICE CLUB PROPERTY ADJUSTMENT SDP 90-05(B) BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: SDP 96-05/CUP 96-07/CDP 96-06/SDP 90-05fB^ CASE NAME: Carls Jr./Green Burrito Drive-Thru Restaurant APPLICANT: Nancy Patterson Urban Solutions 315 First St. Suite U-130. Encinitas. CA 92024 . Phone: (619) 350-6255 REQUEST AND LOCATION: Development of a Carl's Jr/Green Burrito fast food restaurant with a drive-thru lane at 925 Palomar Airport Road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Parcel 3 of Parcel Map No. 195 as recorded on January 30. 1970 in San Diego County. File No. 18100 and a portion of Parcel 2 Parcel Map No. 17542 as recorded on June 27. 1995 in San Diego County. File No. 1995-0267703 APN: 211-050-06/portion of 211-040-35 Acres: L02 Proposed No. of Lots/Units: N/A GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation: Travel-Recreation Commercial (TR) Density Allowed: N/A : Density Proposed: N/A Existing Zone: CT-Q Proposed Zone: CT-Q Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: Zoning Land Use Site CT-Q NurseryLand North Prime Arterial Palomar Airport Road South R-A-10 Caltrans Maintenance Yard East C-2-Q Price Club West CT-Q 7-11 Convenience Store PUBLIC FACILITIES School District: Carlsbad Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: Carlsbad Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): 7.43 Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated: April 9, 1996 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Negative Declaration, issued November 8. 1996 Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated_ Other CITY OF CARLSBAD GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM LOCAL FACILITIES IMPACTS ASSESSMENT FORM (To be Submitted with Development Application) PROJECT IDENTITY AND IMPACT ASSESSMENT: FILE NAME AND NO: SDP 96-05/CUP 96-07/CDP 96-06 - Carl's Jr./Green Burrito Drive- Thru Restaurant LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE: 3 GENERAL PLAN: JR ZONING: CT-O - Commercial-Tourist w/Oualified Overlav Zone DEVELOPER'S NAME: Nancv Patterson ADDRESS: 315 First St.. Encinitas. CA 92024 PHONE NO.: 350-6255 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 21 1-050-06 & Dortion of 21 1-040-35 QUANTITY OF LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT (AC.. SO. FT.. DID: 1.02 acres ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: A. City Administrative Facilities: Demand in Square Footage = N/A B. Library: Demand in Square Footage = N/A C. Wastewater Treatment Capacity (Calculate with J. Sewer) N/A D. Park: Demand in Acreage = N/A E. Drainage: Demand in CFS= N/A Identify Drainage Basin = N/A (Identify master plan facilities on site plan) F. Circulation: Demand in ADTs = 2.145 (Identify Trip Distribution on site plan) G. Fire: Served by Fire Station No. = 4 H. Open Space: Acreage Provided = N/A I. Schools: N/A (Demands to be determined by staff) J. Sewer: Demands in EDUs 7.43 Identify Sub Basin = 3B (Identify trunk line(s) impacted on site plan) K. Water: Demand in GPD= 1635 L. The project is N/A units the Growth Management Dwelling unit allowance. City of Carlsbad ^r •^•^•^••^•^•^^'^•••••^•••••^Planning Department DISaOSURE STATEMENT APPUCANTS STATEMENT OF DISCLOSURE OP CERTAIN OWNERSHIP INTERESTS ON ALL APPUCATIONS WHICH WILL REQUIRE DISCRETIONARY ACTION ON THE PART OF THE CITY COUNCIL, OR ANY APPOINTED BOARD. COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE. PIMM Print) ie following information must be disclosed: Applicant List the names and addresses of all persons having a financial interest in the application. Owner List the names and addresses of all persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. I rJ ( VcoU If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a corporation or partnership, list the names and addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% or the shares in the corporation or owning any partnership interest in the partnershi rv\ If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a non-profit organization or a trust list the names and addresses of any person serving as officer or director of the non-profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the trust rRM0001 12/91 2O75 Las Palmas Drive • Carlsbad, California 92OO9-1576 • (619)438-1161 (Over) Disclosure Statement Page 2 5. Have you had more than $250 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards Commissions, Committees and Council within the past twelve months? Yes No 2< If yes, please indicate person(s) ; P«r«on w defined •*: 'Any individual, firm, copartnership. Joint venture, aetodrton. cocial club, fraternal organization, corporation, aetate, troet receive syndicate, this and wry other county, city and county, city municipality, district or other political •ubdMaion, or any other group or combination acting M unit" (NOTE: Attach additional pages as necessary.) Si of Owner/date r\i Print or type name of owner ignatu^ejof applicant/date Print or type name of applicant FRM0001 12/91 URBftN SDLLJTIDNS PHONE ND. : 619 634 0200 Dec. 04 1996 03:07PM P4 Citv of CarlsbaH O«-p;irtmont DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Of CERTAM ACT.CN CM r«.g a*m* or TVC cffv CCUNOL. on AKV APPOIMTIO so/mo, ccuxaINTEPESTS ON AU. ApPUCATlCNa WHO* «wu. *»6CW£ he following information must be disclosed: Applicant * • the names and addresses of alt persons having a financial interest in me application..Te. Owner the names and addresses of all persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. """ " " iMuan if any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a corporation or partnership, list the names ar addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares in the corporation or owning any paroriersr interest in the partnership. ^«ra7 "Tvo> ^ri If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a non-profit organization or a trust list the names arc addresses of any person serving as officer or director of the non<profit organization or as trustee or benefioar. of the trust FRM00013 8/90 2O75 U«*Oriv« •. California «afi9 • <619) LJRBHN SULJJl IQNb fHLlNc Nu. • 01 => o-J-. isdosun Statement fOver; Page 2 Have you ftad more than $250 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff. Scare: Commissions. Committees and Council within the past twelve months? Yes NO Y rt y«'« please indicate eoumy. e*y «nd county,greuo e> Attach additional pages as necessary.) Mil ffUMA Signatura>ot applicant/data 31 OUrt " Astf. Prim or type name of owner fa* Co. Print or type name of applicant FRM00013 8/90 SUMMARY OF PROJECT'S DESIGN REVISIONS EXHIBIT "Z" Site Revisions: 1. Playground apparatus (up to 15' in height) removed from the site due to PAR frontage and the scenic highway objectives of PAR. 2. Drive-thru lane evergreen screening trees increased in quantity and size (all are 24" box specimens). 3. Landscaped berm screening drive-thru lane and eastern parking area replaced with 42 inch high screen wall planted with bougainvillea. 4. Addition of tall growing trees and shrubs on the PAR side of the screen walls for another layer of screening. 5. Screen walls have been extended and tapered to more effectively screen the site. 6. Drive-thru lane car stacking revised to accommodate up to 10 waiting cars. 7. Screen wall, wood trellis and landscaping including "Bird of Paradise" plants added to outdoor patio seating. 8. Trash enclosure architecturally integrated into the site 9. Addition of stamped concrete to the driveway entrance (about 900 sq. ft.) off of PAR. Building Revisions: 1. Aluminum door frames and storefront windows changed to wood. 2. Primary colors changed to toned down colors: Blue trim removed from building; bright white stucco replaced with "off white"; purple and other primary colors replaced with subdued colors of pale gray/Silverado; red awnings replaced with burgundy awnings. Signage Revisions: 1. Primary colors on sign can returns changed to bronze (Carl's red letters and yellow star still proposed). 2. Monument sign lowered from maximum potential height of 8 feet to the proposed 6 feet. -. !' 4 iiji X*1 FEB 1 2 1997 Carls Jr. / Green BurntaDrive thru Restaurant 15 SP OUTDOOR EATING ABE A ,1^" SF TOTAL * I/IOO • [_33 STALLS ggQUIBEDJAPPLICATIONS:SOP n-osCUP.CDP RAM-KING PPOVIDED^' X 1^' STANDARD STALLS -HC STALLS " V*.M'i VEMICLE'f X IS' COMPACTRELATED APPLICATIONS SOP 15-O5IB)Price Club Prop*ri(| Adjii»t»*ntSeKool D801 f=W Aw arltbad. Ca 12008 RELQC4TE SIRtCI LIGHT «NO UTILITIES FOR NEW OP'VEWAY AS REQUIREDALLEY APRON 250' TO EXISTING DRIVE- la-d,c=p. s*«, r«,i . 70:1 sr,.._ WAY TO WEST * ^u K 30' Minimum euriamq S«rbach MENU BOARD TO BE ADEOUATEL SCREENED FROM PAR 10 THE SATISFACTION Of THE PI .APPRQX. 240' TO EXISTING DRIVEWAY TO EAST, 30-X3CT AREA OF APRON OUT CITY R.O.W3H SCREEN WALL INCORPORATED IN LANDSCAPING MONUMENT SIGN-SEE "SN- V NOSCAPE SETBACK 42" HIGH SCREEN WALL tSEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) PATIO SFATINO2 IS b.K 6 STALLS AT 9'=541-0' PROPOSED CARL'S JR — PLANTERS(SEE LANDSCAP PLANS) 18' HIGH STRUCTURE */ 84 SEATS 3OM SO. FT. • ' APPHOXr K)5' FROM WAJ 6 STALLS AT 9'=54'-0 TRASH ENCLOSURE PER CITY STDSSEE WALL CAP DETAIL-I/A, t 9 STALLS AT 9'-0"= 8V-0 PLANTER "ACTION AL SIGN- "DS- la- 1h TRANSFORMER(SEF\L»NDSCAPF. PLAN) 5' MIN. REAR YARD FLATUIILL BE PROCESSEDPRIOR TO ISSUANCEOF ANY BUlLDINCi IANDSCAPFD AND ^PRINKI FRFP ARFA TRASH ENCL. CAP MATCH LINE SEE SHT."A EXISTING ACCESS TO PRICE C"'CO NEW LOT LINE LOCATION -EXISTING I ANDSCAPFD AND SPRINKIFRFO AREA - - 250.43' NS7 54'OB" W EAST ELEVATION © TO HATCH M.BG WEST ELEVATION SEE FINISH SCHEDULE ONSHEET "D" v-f ny of j. 8KKKKM pdott— [r:- rOrown br—| I " -. ..... I G«. ./>»• . r-T I [job numbtf*—| iM-ori | MNWCt 0 AND CA* lsjswv'ig'.wfes!.tsasrsiw, NORTH ELEVATION-IP ALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) SOUTH ELEVATION EXTERIOR FINISHES lit. T*.l C0 -IV (T) ?MI 0 »M (T) © (?) »*MT, TO NATCM «4 myiMC « *M.VI*AOO- 2° r*o.n 6, I " -. ,,.^. rje* numbw— ^ 193-078 I Jotrnzran-1 0 DO DO TTrvi life! IF g< «« KITCHEN EQUIPMENT PLAN I i/r-r-a rgwn by- •M ::- rjot> numo«r—-. HS-OT» | I I I I I I- t--H-l-I I I I II I I I II I I I I I I I I I TYP. SECTION r*°*» "r I rioo nutmxf i m-on I SR mr. L-irati LCOCMD • wrm EXISTIt G ACCESS to PRICE COSTCO AIRPORT ROADPALOMAR CM o—-—-• ' CO «*t n P •!*•»*•«« «•««• »""»--™.< '^' ' ll'~ ~* ~ 1— , v T? IA- ^ CARL'S JR. RESTAURANT TYPE UR r.r. * ISM i-i -xm-n y- ~i — -7* I^B«BMM* — ** H9T5Q-JO"* v *i S ,' ~t "j I ti ~fi>\ JZOOt' A*-, ^ _r^T»—r .. ^,-> [f^^Pf coNsrwcnwiL- **•-. , ^ I ^r_ _^-^^ *^ ^ D4T. ciLnipn wwnrtmMf ' x TIM njUf IB! PRELIMINARY MOT roff eoiNrmwneM C Tlu»* MO AIIOCUTT1. 'MC. «S •sheet t'tie UJ X Ku— 1Z O o j-aaic— 1C BULC*Q SON mCnCATONS ^/1 i V"i\ ^-^ 0 aMIO-T* VMt <MUY F t" -j"B " M OH. BASg PLAN VEW n BS- BUILDING SIGNS SIGN CALCULATIONS ' LETTS? orr • I i i C«^ LT 14' STAB £ ttt« KM I*1 » sizes !*«IU f-4' azes LO«C*« !«• •o.w. * * SOU* 1* MONUMBSTT SIGN S0MOB MU 90. PT. 1* V S*3N AUOWANCC- BULONO fttCN\ • fWT r ASe-Ua- x Ifiifar ran TOTAL It 9* • •• 4 r l* v QRMO TOT*. «0 V .5 - 6O 3.F. © DPIVg-n-PU MENU BOAPP DS-Ib DIRECTIONAL SIGNS i|S Sl'i r » >i_^v [jok ixnUMr 1 **•«" I PRICE CLUB PROPERTY ADJUSTMENT PA L 0 MA R AIRPORT MOVE LOT LINE CARL'S JR./ GREEN BURRITO SITE 7-tJ SITE A.P.N. 221-050-06 31,826.21 S.F. (0.731 ACRES) OF AREA TO BE REMOVED FROM EXISTING PRICE CLUB SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN (SOP 90-05(A)) AND ADDED TO SDP 96-05 CARL'S JR./GREEN BURRITO SITE EXISTING ASPHALT DRIVEWAY SERVICE Scale 1" = 80'RESTAURANT SJTE CALTRANS MAINTENANCE YARD SCALE: \ 1"=80'