HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-09-03; Planning Commission; ; SDP 96-13|SUP 96-09|LFMP 87-05D|LFMP 15A - PALMER WAY INDUSTRIAL PARK• City of CARLSBAD Planning Departmel
P.C. AGENDA OF: September 3, 1997
Application complete date: March 10, 1997
Project Planner: Elaine Blackbum
Project Engineer: Clyde Wickham
SUBJECT: S».:e:-.::-9~6-137SUP 96-09/LFMP 87-0S{D)/LFMP 15{A) -PALMER WAY
INDUSTRIAL PARK -Request for a Site Development Plan, a Special Use Permit,
and a Local Facilities Management Zone boundary adjustment to allow development
of an industrial office park on a site located South of Cougar Way on the east and
west sides of Palmer Way within Local Facilities Management Zone 15.
That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 4169, 4170, and
LFMP 87-05(D)/LFMP 15(A) based upon the findings and subject to the conditions contained
This project application is for a Site Development Plan (SDP), Non-residential Planned Unit
Development (PUD), Special Use Permit (SUP), and Local Facilities Management Plan Zones
Amendment. The project includes development of two industrial office buildings immediately and
creation of a third pad for a future industrial office building. The fourth parcel is to remain
undeveloped (an open space parcel). Finally, the applicant proposes to detach the project site from
Local Facilities Management Zone 15 and place it within Local Facilities Management Zone 5 by a
boundary adjustment. All issues have been resolved and staff is recommending approval.
This project application is for a Site Development Plan (SDP), Non-residential Planned Unit
Development (PUD), and Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow development of an industrial office and
open space parcel project and an amendment to the boundary of Local Facilities Management Zones
15 and 5 to remove the project site from Zone 15 and place it into Zone 5. (Because the project
involves only four lots, the PUD will be decided by the Planning Director. Approval of the PUD
would occur following all of the necessary Planning Commission and City Council actions. The
Minor Subdivision of the property into four lots has already occurred.) The project site is an 11.59
acre undeveloped site. Of the total of four proposed parcels, two (Parcels 1 and 2) are to be
developed immediately with industrial office uses. Parcel 3 will be developed at a future date with
an industrial office use. Parcel 4 is designated as an open space parcel. No development is proposed
for Parcel 4 which is severely constrained. (See detailed discussion below.)
Parcel 1 is the northernmost parcel of the project and is located at the corner of Cougar Drive and
Palmer Way. The proposed development for Parcel 1 is an industrial office building which will
serve as corporate headquarters for Hot Dog On A Stick. The building will contain a total of 10,115
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SDP 96-13/SUP 96-09/LF. 87-0S(D)/LFMP 15(A)
square feet of gross floor area. The building will be a single story structure with a height of 21 feet.
It will be made of tilt-up concrete painted a muted beige/tan color, with windows of green reflective
Parcel 2 is located adjacent to, and slightly South of, Parcel 1. The proposed building for Parcel 2 is
an industrial office building for First Mechanical Company. This building will contain a total of
15,250 square feet of gross floor area. It will be 27 feet in height, and will also be made of tilt-up
concrete. It will be painted a lighter cream color and will have windows of blue reflective glass.
Parcel 3 is located at the corner of Cougar Drive and El Camino Real. No development is proposed
for Parcel 3 at this time. However, the current project does involve creating a building pad for future
development with a similar industrial office building.
Parcel 4 is located on the East side of Palmer Way separated from the other three parcels. This
parcel, totaling 6.3 acres, is proposed as an undeveloped parcel. Parcel 4 is contiguous to a larger
open space area containing a canyon, and it is highly likely that portions of the canyon contain
sensitive habitat. Parcel 4 consists primarily of steep slopes. It also contains some sensitive habitat
which would make much of the parcel undevelopable under Section 21.53 of the City's Municipal
Code which addresses restrictions on environmentally sensitive lands. Finally, Parcel 4 is included
within Preserve Planning Area 2 of the City's Habitat Management Plan. Due to the slope and
habitat conditions of the property, it is unlikely that Parcel 4 could meet the required standards to
allow it to be a usable lot under its current zoning (M -Industrial). It may, however, be a candidate
property for designation as a mitigation bank parcel. Such a designation would require an evaluation
of the potential value of the parcel as habitat and the processing of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP)
to establish the mitigation bank use. That process has not been initiated and is not a part of the
current project application.
The project is subject to the following regulations and requirements:
A. General Plan PI (Planned Industrial) regulations;
B. Non-residential PUD (Non-residential Planned Unit Development) regulations
(Chapter 21.47 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code);
C. M (Industrial) and Q (Qualified Overlay) Zone regulations (Chapters 21.32 and
21.06 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code), and Parking regulations (Chapter 21.44 of
the Carlsbad Municipal Code);
D. S-P (Scenic Preservation Overlay) regulations (Chapter 21.40 of the Carlsbad
Municipal Code) and El Camino Real Corridor Development Standards;
E. McClellan-Palomar Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP); and,
F. Growth Management regulations (Local Facilities Management Zones 15 and 5)
SDP 96-13/SUP 96-09/LF, 87-0S(D)/LFMP 15(A)
A. General Plan
The project site is designated for PI (Planned Industrial) uses by the General Plan. The proposed
project consists of two industrial office buildings on two parcels, a third industrial office lot (Parcel
3) to be developed at a later date, and an open space parcel to remain undeveloped. These uses are
consistent with those allowed under the PI General Plan designation. In addition, the project is
consistent with the General Plan goals and objectives as demonstrated in the table below.
Land Use Industrial Land Uses, Objective B.5.: encourage planned industrial parks as
the preferred method of accommodating industrial uses;
Circulation Streets & Traffic Control, Objective B.l .: to provide an adequate circulation
infrastructure concurrent with or prior to the actual demand for such
Scenic Roadways, Policy C.7.: approve projects adjacent to El Camino Real
only if the proposed project is consistent with the El Camino Real Corridor
Development Standards;
B. Non-residential Planned Unit Development regulations
The City requires a Non-residential Planned Unit Development (PUD) whenever a shared access or
parking arrangement is proposed. In the case of four or fewer units (i.e., the proposed project), the
Non-residential PUD is approved or denied by the Planning Director. The proposed project of four
units includes shared access from Palmer Way. The applicant will be required to provide the
necessary shared access agreement. Therefore, the approval of the Non-residential PUD can be
granted by the Planning Director if the other required permits (SDP and SUP) are approved by the
C. M (Industrial) and Q (Qualified Overlay) Zones and Parking regulations
The project site is zoned for M (Industrial) uses and also carries a Q Overlay. The Q Overlay zone
contains no applicable development standards but requires approval of a Site Development Plan for
development. The M Zone generally allows uses as permitted in the commercial and industrial
zones. The M zone has no specific development standards which apply to the proposed project
except for the building height regulation (35-foot maximum height) and employee eating area
requirements. The building on Parcel 1 is 21 feet in height, and the building on Parcel 2 is 27 feet in
height. Therefore, both buildings are well within the maximum allowed height. The project also
satisfies all employee eating area requirements, providing 606.9 square feet of outdoor dining area
for Parcel 1 and 941 square feet for Parcel 2. Therefore, the proposed project complies with all
applicable requirements of the M Zone.
The proposed project also complies with the City's Parking requirements. The development for
Parcel 1 requires and provides 34 parking spaces. The development for Parcel 2 requires and
provides 43 spaces. (The parking requirements for Parcel 3 will be evaluated when development is
proposed for that lot.)
SDP 96-13/SUP 96-09/LF. 87-05(D)/LFMP 15(A)
D. S-P (Scenic Preservation) Overlay Zone and El Camino Real Corridor Development
The project site is located between El Camino Real (a Scenic Corridor) and Palmer Way.
Consequently, a portion of the site (Parcel 3) is subject to the development standards contained in
the El Camino Real Corridor Development Standards and requires approval of a Special Use Permit
The El Camino Real Corridor Development Standards apply to lots which have actual frontage on El
Camino Real. Therefore, Parcel 3 of the proposed project is required to comply with these
standards. Parcel 3 is located within Area 4 of the El Camino Real Corridor, which extends from the
College Avenue intersection to the Sunfresh Rose Company. Since no development is currently
proposed for Parcel 3, some of the Corridor development standards (e.g., building height restrictions)
cannot be applied until development is proposed. At that time an SUP Amendment will be required,
and the proposed project will again be evaluated for compliance with the applicable development
standards. However, because the future development pad for Parcel 3 is being created with this
project, it is appropriate to require an SUP now and to design the future site in compliance with
those corridor development standards which can be applied now. These would include grading
standards and setback requirements.
The El Camino Real Corridor Development Standards identify one common characteristic for this
area: a "campus" look. The proposed project is designed to provide this campus look. The
structures will include a clustered appearance and will share access off Palmer Way. The standards
require that cut or fill for Parcel 3 not exceed 15 feet from original grade. The Minor Subdivision
associated with the project demonstrates compliance with this requirement. The standards also
require a 30-foot setback from the right-of-way line to any proposed structure. The grading for
Parcel 3 is designed to easily accommodate this requirement, since the buildable area of Parcel 3 is
at least 45 feet from the property line. Therefore, staff believes the proposed project is consistent
with the El Camino Real Corridor Development Standards.
E. McClellan-Palomar Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)
The project site is located within the Flight Activity Zone north of the Airport. The Airport CLUP
suggests that these areas be held free of intensive ( e.g., "high-rise") development) and uses which
involve the assemblage of large groups of people (greater than 100). The proposed buildings
(Parcels I and 2) are small in scale, containing only 10,115 and 15,250 square feet of floor area and
having a maximum height of 21 feet and 27 feet. Neither of the proposed industrial office uses
would involve large assemblages of people. Therefore, the proposed project is consistent with the
Airport CLUP.
F. Growth Management regulations (Local Facilities Management Zones 15 and 5)
This application includes a proposed amendment (boundary adjustment) to Local Facilities
Management Zones 15 and 5 to remove the proposed project site from Zone 15 and place it within
Zone 5. Because there is no finance plan for Zone 15, it is currently not possible to obtain building
permits for any project within the zone. Since no finance plan has been prepared or submitted for
SDP 96-13/SUP 96-09/LFI 87-05(D)/LFMP 15(A)
review, staff cannot predict how long this situation may last. Consequently, the current proposed
project would not be allowed to proceed beyond discretionary approvals unless the requested
boundary adjustment is approved.
The proposed project site currently forms the southern-most parcel in Zone 15. Staff believes it is
reasonable to detach the subject property from Zone 15 and make it a part of Zone 5 due to the
facilities requirements and relationships of this project. Some of these requirements and
relationships are as follows:
Land Use and Circulation:
The proposed boundary adjustment would place the Palmer Way project site in a zone with
more similar (i.e., industrial) uses. The majority of the properties in Zone 15 are
designated/zoned for residential development. The Palmer Way project site is part of a small
amount of industrial property located at the southern edge of Zone 15. The Sunny Creek
Specific Plan area, which currently provides for some commercial development, is also in
Zone 15 and is located north of the Palmer Way site. When the Zone 15 Plan was approved
(in 1990), it was expected that the Palmer Way project site would be connected to the Sunny
Creek commercial development area (by the extension of Palmer Way). However, the
Sunny Creek property owner has proposed to revise the Sunny Creek Specific Plan to change
the commercial designated property to a residential designation. Therefore, the connection
between the two properties ( one residential and one industrial) would no longer be desirable.
The pending Sunny Creek Plan revision eliminates any through-connection between the two
sites and thus, eliminates the reason for extending Palmer Way further north.
The proposed boundary adjustment also makes sense from the perspective of shared
facilities. The Palmer Way project site generally relates more closely to Zone 5 than to Zone
15. Topographically, it (and neighboring Zone 5 property) is a mesa-type area which results
in its sharing drainage facilities with other Zone 5 properties. It will also utilize circulation,
sewer and water facilities which are a part of Zone 5. One of the major facilities issues to be
addressed is a drainage issue. There may be several financing methods required for Zone 15
properties in order to ensure provision of the necessary facilities. However, should the
requested boundary adjustment be approved, the Palmer Way project will still be required to
bear their share of this responsibility. Properties within Zone 5 which impact or will utilize
this drainage area are conditioned to participate in the provision of adequate drainage
facilities even though they are not within Zone 15. Therefore, the requested boundary
adjustment will not negatively impact the necessary provision of facilities.
Parks: The subject project is an industrial development which, because of its industrial
nature and its location, will impact the need for recreational/park facilities within Zone 5.
Zone 5 properties currently pay a non-residential park impact fee of $.50 per square foot to
offset this impact. By placing the project site within Zone 5, the subject project would then
contribute to a benefit area the development will impact.
SDP 96-13/SUP 96-09/LFI 87-05(D)/LFMP 15(A)
To summarize, staff has reviewed the requested zone boundary adjustment and believes the request
for a boundary adjustment can be supported.
The impacts on public facilities created by this project and compliance with the adopted
performance standards for Zone 5 are summarized as follows:
City Administration n/a Yes
Library n/a Yes
Waste Water Treatment n/a Yes
Parks n/a Yes
Drainage n/a Yes
Circulation 400ADT Yes
Fire Station No. 2 Yes
Open Space n/a Yes
Schools CUSD Yes
Sewer Collection System 14EDU Yes
Water 3080 GPD Yes
The project has been reviewed pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and it
has been determined that the project will not result in any significant environmental impacts which
were not previously identified in the City's Master Environmental Impact Report (MEIR 93-01).
Therefore, the project has been determined to be in prior compliance with MEIR 93-01, and a Notice
of Prior Environmental Compliance was issued on July 18, 1997.
1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4169
2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4170
3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4171
4. Location Map
5. Background Data Sheet
6. Local Facilities Impact Assessment Form
7. Disclosure Statement
8. Reduced Exhibits
9. Full Size Exhibits "A" -"G" dated September 3, 1997
SOP 96-13/SUP 96-09/
LFMP 87-0S(A)/LFMP 15(A)
SDP 96-13/SUP 96-09/LFMP 87-05(D)/LFMP 15(A)
CASE NAME: Palmer Way Industrial Park
APPLICANT: Ron Lister/Lister Construction
REQUEST AND LOCATION: a 4-lot subdivision to create and develop 3 industrial office lots
and to create 1 open space lot
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A portion of Parcel 1 of P.M. 10060, and a portion of Lot "B"
of Rancho Agua Hedionda, all in the City of Carlsbad
APN: 209-040-39 Acres: 11.59 Proposed No. of Lots/Units: 3 industrial office & 1 open space
Land Use Designation: ---=P~I ...... (=-Pl=ann=e"-'d"""'I=n=d=us~tr=i=al=) _______________ _
Density Allowed: -~n/~a~----Density Proposed: __ n/~a _________ _
Existing Zone: ---'M=-=---O..,.__ ____ _ Proposed Zone: --=-M=--....,.O _________ _
Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: (See attached for information on Carlsbad's Zoning
Zoning Land Use
Site M-Q Undeveloped
North R-A-10, 0-S, L-C Undeveloped, Nursing Home
South M-Q Industrial/Office
East M-Q,R-A Undeveloped(Canyon)
West L-C, C-M Undeveloped
School District: CUSD Water District: CMWD Sewer District CSD _--=.;:~:;...__---=~~-----=-==---
Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): --=1~4 _______________ _
Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated:N "'-=o....:...v=em=be=r--=2=2"'--=-19"-'9"-'6'---------------
D Negative Declaration, issued ___________________ _
D Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated ______________ _
~ Other, Prior Compliance
(To be Submitted with Development Application)
FILE NAME AND NO: Palmer Way Industrial Park -SDP 96-13/SUP 96-09/LFMP 87-
05(D)/LFMP 15(A)
ZONING: M-O -....::a..:..:....X..-------------------------
D EVELO PER' S NAME: Ron Lister/Lister Construction
ADDRESS: 3365 Lakeview Terrace, Escondido, CA 92-95
PHONE NO.: 741-9800 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: =20::;..;;..9_;:-0;_:_40""--=-=39'------
QUANTITY OF LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT (AC., SQ. FT., DU): -=1-=l.=5"---9 =ac::....:cs=it=--e ___ _
ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: =n/-=a _______________ _
A. City Administrative Facilities: Demand in Square Footage= n/a
B. Library: Demand in Square Footage = n/a
C. Wastewater Treatment Capacity (Calculate with J. Sewer) n/a
D. Park: Demand in Acreage = n/a
E. Drainage: Demand in CFS = n/a
Identify Drainage Basin = B
(Identify master plan facilities on site plan)
F. Circulation: Demand in ADTs = 400
(Identify Trip Distribution on site plan)
G. Fire: Served by Fire Station No. = 2
H. Open Space: Acreage Provided = n/a
I. Schools: n/a
(Demands to be determined by staff)
J. Sewer: Demands in EDUs 14
Identify Sub Basin= 50
(Identify trunk line(s) impacted on site plan)
K. Water: Demand in GPD = 3080