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2002-08-21; Planning Commission; ; EIR 98-08|GPA 97-05|ZC 97-05|SP 200B|LFMP 16A|CT 97-13|HDP 97-10|PIP 02-02|SUP 97-07 - CARLSBAD OAKS SPECIFIC PLAN
........ ---, .. • • The City of Carlsbad Planning Department A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION P.C. AGENDA OF: August 21, 2002 ItemNo.@ Application complete date: May 11, 1998 Project Planner: Anne Hysong Project Engineer: Clyde Wickham SUBJECT: EIR 98-08/GPA 97-05/ZC 97-05/SP 211/SP 200(B)/LFMP 16(A)/CT 97- 13/HDP 97-10/PIP 02-02/SUP 97-07 -CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN -Request for a recommendation of certification of a Program Environmental Impact Report, and recommendation of adoption of the Candidate Findings of Fact, Statement of Overriding Considerations, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; recommendation of approval for the General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Carlsbad Oaks North Specific Plan, Carlsbad Airport Center Specific Plan Amendment and Zone 16 Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment; and approval of a Tentative Tract Map, Hillside Development Permit, Planned Industrial Permit, and Floodplain Special Use Permit for the development of an industrial park that will include 23 industrial lots, 3 open space lots, and one passive recreation lot located north of Palomar Airport Road between El Camino Real and the City's eastern boundary in the P-C Zone and Local Facilities Management Zone 16. Public Works projects that are associated with the Carlsbad Oaks North project include the extension of Faraday Avenue, the extension of El Fuerte Street, and Reaches A through D of the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor (SAHI). I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 5244 RECOMMENDING CERTIFICATION of BIR 98-08 and RECOMMENDING ADOPTION of the Candidate Findings of Fact, Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 5245, 5246, 5247, 5275, and 5248 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of GPA 97-05, ZC 97- 05, SP 211, SP 200(B) and LFMP 16(A), and ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 5249, 5250, 5251, and 5252 APPROVING CT 97-13, HDP 97-10, PIP 92-02, and SUP 97-07, based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. INTRODUCTION The applicant is requesting a recommendation for certiiic:tlion of the Carlsbad Oaks North Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report (EIR 98-08), a recommendation of approval of a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Local Facilities Management Plan, and Specific Plan, and approval of the necessary entitlements to allow the subdivision and grading of an industrial park including the extensions of Faraday Avenue, El Fuerte Street and Reaches A through D of the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor sewer generally located north of Palomar Airport Road between El Camino Real and the City's eastern boundary in the northeast quadrant. \ • • EIR 98-08/GPA 97-05/ZC 97-05/SP 211/SP 200(B)/LFMP 16(A)/CT 97-13/HDP 97-10/ PIP 02-02/SUP 97-07 -CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN August 21, 2002 Pa e2 The Specific Plan area and future roadway extensions are proposed on land currently designated by the General Plan for Planned Industrial (PI) development and Open Space (OS). The proposed General Plan Amendment will adjust the PI and OS boundaries within the Specific Plan area to correspond with proposed industrial development and a Habitat Management Plan (HMP) hardline conservation area. The proposed zone change for the Specific Plan area from P- C to P-M and O-S will provide consistency with the proposed General Plan designations. The proposed Carlsbad Oaks North Specific Plan will regulate industrial and auxiliary commercial development within a 194.5 acre industrial park as well as provide for the preservation and management of 3 open space lots consisting of 219.5 acres. Subdivision of the site is proposed by a tentative tract map with 23 industrial lots, one passive recreation lot, three open space lots, and onsite and offsite public infrastructure including Faraday Avenue, El Fuerte Street, and the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor sewer. A detailed description of the proposed development and necessary discretionary actions is provided below in the Project Description section of this report. EIR 98-08 is a joint public/private environmental document that analyzes the environmental impacts of a 414 acre private industrial development (Carlsbad Oaks North Business Park), two General Plan circulation arterial roadway extensions (Faraday Avenue and El Fuerte Street), and the SARI sewer. The combined project area is approximately 650 acres of land. The Carlsbad Oaks North project requires the proposed infrastructure as part of its development. The construction of Faraday Avenue, El Fuerte Street and the SARI sewer will avoid anticipated Growth Management circulation failures and sewer deficiencies. The project complies with CEQA and all applicable City policies and standards. All project issues have been resolved, and all necessary findings can be made for the requested approvals. III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The Carlsbad Oaks North Specific Plan Program EIR analyzes the impacts of development over 650 acres that includes the development of a 194.5 acre industrial park and preservation of 219.5 acres of open space, the extensions of Faraday Avenue and El Fuerte Street, and a 3.4 mile long gravity flow trunk sewer to serve existing and planned industrial development within the South Agua Hedionda Basin. The Program EIR includes an analysis of potential environmental impacts associated with the following issue areas: Land Use and Planning Transportation/Traffic Air Quality Noise Biological Resources Geology/Soils The EIR concludes that the project will result in: Hazards and Hazardous Materials Hydrology/Water Quality Cultural Resources Paleontological Resources Aesthetics Public Services and Utilities Population/Housing (1) unavoidable significant traffic, air quality, and biological environmental impacts; ' , • • EIR 98-08/GPA 97-05/ZC 97-05/SP 211/SP 200(B)/LFMP 16(A)/CT 97-13/HDP 97-10/ PIP 02-02/SUP 97-07 -CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN August 21, 2002 Pae 3 (2) significant noise, biological, hazards, water quality, paleontological, and aesthetic impacts that can be mitigated or avoided; and (3) impacts considered in the EIR but found to be less than significant. (See Section V. Environmental Review, of this report for a more detailed discussion of the EIR analysis). The project necessitates the following discretionary actions: (1) General Plan Amendment (GPA 97-05) adjusts Planned Industrial (PI) and Open Space (OS) boundaries to be consistent with the City's negotiated Habitat Management Plan (HMP) hardline conservation area boundaries for a wildlife habitat corridor within the Specific Plan area. This change will reduce the acreage of PI designated land from 282 acres to 194.5 acres and increase the acreage designated as OS from 135 acres to 219.5 acres; (2) Zone Change (ZC 97-05) rezones the property from Planned Community (P-C) to the Planned Industrial (P-M) and Open Space (O-S) zoning classifications that are consistent with the proposed General Plan land use designations; (3) Zone 16 Local Facilities Management Amendment to incorporate updated facilities requirements and methods of financing for the Specific Plan area; (4) Specific Plan (SP 211) establishes zoning regulations for the proposed industrial park. To enable implementation of the Specific Plan, the proposed tentative tract map, hillside development permit, planned industrial permit, and floodplain special use permit are required to subdivide and grade the industrial park including the necessary road and sewer infrastructure; (5) Specific Plan Amendment (SP 200(B)) deletes the northern 414 acres identified by the SP 200 as Area B and now proposed as the Carlsbad Oaks North Specific Plan; (6) Tentative Tract Map (CT 97-13) subdivides the 414 acre Specific Plan area into 23 industrial lots, one passive recreation lot, and three open space lots in conformance with the Subdivision Ordinance (Title 20 of the CMC); (7) Hillside Development Permit (HDP 97-10) regulates hillside grading permitted in accordance with the Hillside Development Regulations Ordinance (Chapter 21.90 of the CMC); (8) Planned Industrial Permit (PIP 02-02) requires the industrial subdivision to be consistent with the Planned Industrial Zone (Chapter 21.34 of the CMC). A PIP will be required for the future development of each industrial lot; and (9) Floodplain Special Use Permit (SUP 97-07) requires development with any area of special flood hazard (Agua Hedionda Creek) to be in compliance with the Flood Plain Management Regulations (Chapter 21.110 of the CMC). I , • • EIR 98-08/GPA 97-05/ZC 97-05/SP 211/SP 200(B)/LFMP 16(A)/CT 97-13/HDP 97-10/ PIP 02-02/SUP 97-07 -CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN August 21, 2002 Pa e4 In general, the combined 650 acre property is vacant and characterized by three different topographic areas: the north-facing hillside slopes that extend down from the southern project area, the rocky hills that cover the central and northern portions of the project area, and the intervening east-west canyon drainage known as La Mirada Creek, a tributary to Agua Hedionda Creek. La Mirada Creek is a broad riparian drainage area with mature oak trees that traverses the southern half of the site in a roughly east-west direction and the Agua Hedionda Creek traverses the northwestern portion_ of the project area. Linear riparian woodlands consisting of oaks, willows and sycamore trees are the primary habitat type associated with these creeks. Many sensitive plant habitats including southern maritime chaparral/nuttall's scrub oak, southern coast live oak riparian forest, and coastal sage scrub are located throughout the project site. These vegetation communities provide nesting and foraging habitat for various sensitive and non- sensitive wildlife species. The project area is bounded by a single-family residential neighborhood and future commercial area in the City of Vista to the east; the Carlsbad Oaks East and West Business Centers to the south, vacant land owned by the County of San Diego and leased by the Coast Waste Trash Transfer Station, and the Carlsbad Safety Center to the west, and the Dawson Los Monos Canyon Reserve to the north. The 218 acre Dawson Los Monos Reserve is part of the University of California Natural Land and Water Resources system and is used by the University for scientific and educational purposes. The majority of the project area is located within the McClellan-Palomar Airport Influence Area and the southern portion of the property is located in the Flight Activity Zone. The proposed development is therefore subject to the McClellan-Palomar Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP). In 1986, the proposed 414 acre Carlsbad Oaks North Specific Plan area was approved as Area B in the Carlsbad Airport Business Center Specific Plan (SP 200). Area A of SP 200 included the Carlsbad Oaks East and West Business Parks located east of El Camino Real and directly north of Palomar Airport Road. SP 200 set forth development regulations for Area A to enable industrial development within the southern portion of the Specific Plan area along Palomar Airport Road and required that an amendment be processed in the future with development regulations for Area B. Area A is now fully developed and physically separated from Area B; therefore, a separate Specific Plan (SP 211) is proposed for the area formerly identified as Area B of SP 200. This necessitates a companion amendment to SP 200 to delete Area B from that Specific Plan. The proposed Carlsbad Oaks North Business Park Specific Plan will guide the development and operation of the Carlsbad Oaks North Business Park and ensure the preservation, maintenance and funding of open space in perpetuity. The Specific Plan provides zoning regulations for the development of a 194.5 acre industrial park consisting of 23 industrial lots, 1 passive employee recreation lot, and preservation and maintenance of 3 open space lots consisting of approximately 219.5 acres for a total of 414 acres. The proposed industrial lots, ranging in size from 2.6 acres to 20.8 acres, will accommodate a projected 1,921,000 square feet of planned industrial development in the Specific Plan area. Permitted industrial uses include manufacturing, warehouse, research and development, and offices; however, the Specific Plan restricts the use of hazardous materials on lots that are located within 1,000 feet of any ) , • • EIR 98-08/GPA 97-05/ZC 97-05/SP 211/SP 200(B)/LFMP 16(A)/CT 97-13/HDP 97-10/ PIP 02-02/SUP 97-07-CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN August 21, 2002 Pae 5 residential unit. Commercial land uses that directly support the industrial park are also permitted on specified lots with a conditional use permit and commercial uses are required on either Lot 1 or 2 at the intersection of El Fuerte Street and Faraday A venue. The intent of this requirement is to provide commercial services such as eating establishments that would serve the existing and proposed industrial developments in this area. Lot 9, located near the proposed intersection of El Fuerte Street and Faraday A venue, is reserved for passive employee recreation unless a sewer pump station is necessitated by selection of an alternative force main sewer in Faraday Avenue. This area is proposed to be developed with landscaping, 8 parking spaces, picnic tables, trellises and benches to enable employees to visually enjoy the natural open space located below El Fuerte Street to the east. Lot 9 will also act as a trailhead for the proposed Citywide Trail Segment 26 that will follow the alignment of an existing sewer easement road located south of La Mirada Creek from El Fuerte Street to the project's eastern boundary. The trail will connect to the east with the trail segment proposed along the western boundary of the recently approved Carlsbad Raceway and Palomar Forum Business Parks. Trail Segment 26 will continue north within the El Fuerte Street right-of-way and proceed west in the Faraday Avenue right-of-way to the Specific Plan boundary. A second small mini-park is proposed at the northeast corner of Faraday Avenue and El Fuerte Street that also provides a landscaped picnic area with tables, benches, and trellises. Public road access is not currently available to the Specific Plan area. Primary access to the site is proposed by Faraday Avenue, a General Plan circulation arterial roadway. This four lane secondary arterial roadway would be extended 1.3 miles from its existing terminus at Orion Way in the City of Carlsbad, across County of San Diego owned land and through the Specific Plan area, to its existing terminus in the City of Vista. An existing Settlement Agreement recorded on August 14, 1997 between the County of San Diego and the City of Carlsbad requires San Diego County to make an irrevocable offer of dedication to the City of Carlsbad for the alignment of Faraday Avenue through County property. Faraday Avenue will cross the south fork of Agua Hedionda and La Mirada Creeks and will require approval of a Floodplain Special Use Permit. The proposed location of the roadway creek crossing will minimize road construction impacts to sensitive riparian habitat and also reduce the flow of the 100-year storm event by the construction of a 6' x 7' box culvert under the roadway. This design will create a detention basin during a 100-year flood event to attenuate downstream flooding of the Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park and reduce stream bed erosion. Adjacent to the culvert, a large diameter (24 feet wide by 12 feet tall) arched pipe culvert is proposed to allow wildlife movement below the roadway and above the anticipated high water mark. El Fuerte Street is also proposed to provide access to the site. This four lane secondary circulation arterial roadway is proposed to be extended through the Specific Plan area 2,800 feet from north of Loker Avenue to future Faraday Avenue. The proposed South Agua Hedionda Sewer Interceptor will provide sewer service to the Carlsbad Oaks North project and the approved Carlsbad Raceway and Palomar Forum industrial projects to the east. SARI Reaches A through D of the South Agua Hedionda Sewer Interceptor are proposed to be constructed from the southeast corner of the project area (at Melrose Drive) to the northwest connecting with the existing Agua Hedionda trunk sewer located in Sunny Creek Road. The alignment of the sewer is proposed to stay within an existing dirt road located south of La Mirada Creek until it reaches the proposed extension of El Fuerte Street. At that point, the sewer will turn north, staying within the rights of way of proposed El Fuerte Street and Faraday I , • • EIR 98-08/GPA 97-05/ZC 97-05/SP 211/SP 200(B)/LFMP 16(A)/CT 97-13/HDP 97-10/ PIP 02-02/SUP 97-07 -CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN August 21, 2002 Pae 6 A venue. The sewer would then exit the right of way of Faraday A venue and continue in a northwesterly direction until it reaches Sunny Creek Road. This portion of the sewer will generally follow the contours adjacent to Agua Hedionda Creek at a minimal depth, maintaining a gravity system. A 20 foot wide easement will be required for the construction of a 12 foot wide all-weather maintenance road to be located over the sewer line for this segment of the sewer. The area proposed for development is established by the proposed HMP hardline conservation area boundary. The HMP conservation area surrounds the area proposed for development on three sides and limits the development to the northern half of the property. The proposed subdivision and grading design consists of terraced industrial lots that are consistent with the north-south descending landform of the project area to reduce grading amounts where feasible. Grading quantities for the project exceed the Hillside Ordinance "potentially acceptable" range and manufactured slopes exceed 40 feet in height at some locations due to grade alteration required for Faraday Avenue and El Fuerte Street as well as extensive cut and fill required to achieve large flat industrial building pads on the existing undulated/sloped terrain. Faraday A venue will be intersected at two locations by a loop access road that will provide access to the majority of lots within the subdivision. Three cul-de-sac streets that intersect with the loop road will provide access to interior lots. The project is subject to the following land use plans, policies, and ordinances: A. Carlsbad General Plan 1. General Plan Amendment/Draft Habitat Management Plan 2. General Plan Consistency B. Specific Plan 211 C. Carlsbad Municipal Code, Title 20 (Subdivision Ordinance) D. Carlsbad Municipal Code, Title 21 (Zoning Ordinance) including: 1. Zone Change/Planned Industrial Zone (Chapter 21.34) 2. Zone Change/Open Space Zone (Chapter 21.33) 3. Hillside Development Regulations (Chapter 21.95) 4. Floodplain Management Regulations (Chapter 21.110) E. McClellan-Palomar Comprehensive Airport Land Use Plan (CLUP) F. Draft Habitat Management Plan G. Growth Management Ordinance/Zone 16 Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment . , • • EIR 98-08/GPA 97-05/ZC 97-05/SP 211/SP 200(B)/LFMP 16(A)/CT 97-13/HDP 97-10/ PIP 02-02/SUP 97-07 -CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN August 21, 2002 Pa e7 IV. ANALYSIS The recommendation of approval for this project was developed by analyzing the project's consistency with the applicable policies and regulations listed above. The following analysis section discusses compliance with each of these regulations/policies utilizing both text and tables. Al. General Plan Amendment The Specific Plan area is currently designated by the General Plan for Planned Industrial (PI) and Open Space (OS) land uses. A portion of the project site is proposed as a hardline conservation area (Core Area 5) in the City's Draft Habitat Management Plan (HMP). This hardline area is proposed to be entirely designated as OS, however, the existing boundaries of PI and OS designations do not coincide entirely with the boundaries of the negotiated hardline conservation area (see the attached "General Plan Open Space Revision" map). The proposed General Plan Amendment is, therefore, necessary to adjust the boundaries of PI and OS. Policy C.20 of the Open Space Planning and Protection Section of the General Plan Open Space and Conservation Element requires findings to adjust the boundaries of any open space shown on the "Official Open Space and Conservation Map" dated September, 1994. The necessary findings are: (1) The proposed open space is equal to or greater than the area depicted on the Official Open Space Map. The proposed adjustment in open space boundaries will increase the acreage designated as OS from 135 acres to 219.5 acres; (2) The proposed open space area is of environmental quality equal to or greater than that depicted on the Official Open Space Map. The open space adjustment will eliminate PI land use designations and preserve additional acres of open space within a wildlife habitat corridor that contains critical wetland and riparian habitat surrounding La Mirada Creek; and (3) The proposed adjustment to open space is within close proximity to the open space presently shown on the Official Open Space Map. The proposed amendment will change and increase the acreage of open space within the project boundaries by 84.5 acres. The additional open space is contiguous with existing open space. A2. General Plan Consistency The proposed project is consistent with the applicable policies contained within each relevant element of the General Plan. The following table indicates compliance with the General Plan: GP ELEMENT/GOAL COMPLIANCE OBJECTIVE/POLICY LAND USE Overall Land Use C.3/C.5 The project reqmres more stringent performance standards and substantial buffers between adjacent residential development in the City of Vista and industrial lots in the development to ensure compatibility. • • EIR 98-08/GPA 97-05/ZC 97-05/SP 211/SP 200(B)/LFMP 16(A)/CT 97-13/HDP 97-10/ PIP 02-02/SUP 97-07 -CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN August 21, 2002 Pae 8 Industrial Goal A/Objectives B.l, B.3 Objective B.4 Policy C IO/Objective C.3 Objectives C.8/C.9 Policy C.12 Policy C.13 Environmental Goal A Policy C.7 CIRCULATION Streets and Traffic Goals A.1/A.8 Provides for light industrial uses thereby developing a base of light, pollution free industries m the City with minimal impacts to surrounding land uses through landscaped buffers, restrictions on noise generation, use of hazardous materials, and lighting. The industrial park is located within the boundaries of the existing Planned Industrial (PI) corridor as shown on the General Plan. The industrial park is designed with lots that are large and level enough to accommodate industrial development including adequate parking, loading, storage, landscaped perimeter setbacks and manufactured slopes, and properly functioning internal roads with adequately spaced driveways. The Carlsbad Oaks North Specific Plan includes a requirement for one lot located at the intersection of Faraday A venue and El Fuerte Street (secondary arterials) and provides for other lots to be developed with commercial uses designed to serve the occupants of the industrial park through issuance of a conditional use permit. The Specific Plan performance standards for the industrial project meet or exceed performance standards required by the P-M Zone and include more stringent noise, air quality and safety, and lighting standards. The industrial park provides two passive employee recreation areas with views of natural open space and trailhead access to a trail within the development unless the selection of a force main sewer requires a sewer pump station within one of these areas. The project protects and conserves natural resources and fragile ecological areas by providing 219 .5 acres of open space identified within Core Area 5 of the HMP and buffers adjacent sensitive preserve areas from the development. The project's impacts to natural resources have been analyzed in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act through the preparation of an EIR. The project will complete the final segments of two circulation arterial roads that will meet the local and regional transportation demand and accommodate alternative modes of transportation. . .,. • • EIR 98-08/GPA 97-05/ZC 97-05/SP 211/SP 200(B)/LFMP 16(A)/CT 97-13/HDP 97-10/ PIP 02-02/SUP 97-07 -CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN August 21, 2002 Pa e9 Objective B.1 Policies C.16/C. l 8 OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION Special Resource Protection Policy C.4 Objective B.l Policy C.6/C.19 Trail System Policy C.3 Fire Risk Management Goal A.l The project will dedicate and improve all circulation facilities required by the project, including circulation arterial roadways, concurrent with demand. he project will result in the preservation of 219.5 acres of open space hat will establish and maintain a regionally significant multi-species ildlife corridor consistent with the City's HMP, provide a citywide trail egment, and rezone the open space to the Open Space zone. he project has been conditioned to require the proposed wildlife habitat reserve to be managed and financed in perpetuity consistent with an pproved maintenance program. he project provides a minimum 300' wide buffer to protect the adjacent awson Los Monos Canyon Reserve natural resource area, which is tilized for educational and scientific research. he project requires an irrevocable offer of dedication for Trail Segment 6 of the Citywide Trail System. he fire risk presented by adjacent natural open space is mitigated hrough requiring fire suppression buffers within the boundaries of the evelopment to avoid impacts to surrounding sensitive native vegetation. Air Quality Preservation , he Specific Plan requires the formation of a business association to Policy C.3 ncourage usage of buses and vanpools and to provide incentives for car- Water Quality Objective B.2/Policy C.3 ooling, flex-time, shortened work weeks, and telecommuting. he project incorporates storm water quality control measures (BMPs) onsistent with a conceptual Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan repared for the project to avoid adversely impacting sensitive water I' • • EIR 98-08/GP A 97-05/ZC 97-05/SP 211/SP 200(B)/LFMP 16(A)/CT 97-13/HDP 97-10/ PIP 02-02/SUP 97-07 -CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN August 21, 2002 Pae 10 NOISE Goal A.2 PARKS& RECREATION PUBLIC SAFETY Flood Hazards Policies C.3/C.5 Hazardous Materials Policy C.3 Airport Hazards Policies C.2/C.3 A. Specific Plan 211 Noise generation and interior noise standards for future development ~re required by the Specific Plan in compliance with the City's Noise Standard, McClellan Palomar CLUP, and P-M zone performance standards, and environmental mitigation measures as applicable. Payment of park-in-lieu fee The project is required to install properly sized drainage facilities to handle the 100-year flood conditions and to ensure compliance with Titles 18 and 20 pertaining to drainage and flood control structures. The project reduces the risk of exposure to hazardous substances from future industrial development by restricting the use of hazardous materials within 1,000 feet of residential land use. The project conforms with the n01se, height, and location requirements of the Carlsbad Airport Land Use Plan (CLUP). Government Code Section 65451 governs the content of specific plans. The Carlsbad Oaks North Specific Plan contains all information required by state law. The plan consists of both text and diagrams which specify the following detail: (1) distribution and location of land uses; (2) infrastructure; (3) development standards; ( 4) implementation measures including financing measures; and (5) a statement of the relationship of the Specific Plan to the General Plan. The purpose of the proposed Specific Plan is to provide for the design, development, and operation of a light industrial park within an area currently designated by the General Plan for Planned Industrial (PI) land use. As indicated in the General Plan Consistency Table above, the project complies with the goals, objectives, and policies of the various elements of the General Plan pertaining to PI land uses. The proposed land use and development regulations ensure an industrial development that conforms to community goals and values and implements the City's Habitat Management Plan by preserving and protecting a wildlife habitat corridor consistent with a negotiated hardline conservation area. The Specific Plan also identifies the necessary public infrastructure to serve development within the area and provides for its installation prior to or concurrent with development in accordance with the proposed Zone 16 Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment. I { • • EIR 98-08/GPA 97-05/ZC 97-05/SP 211/SP 200(B)/LFMP 16(A)/CT 97-13/HDP 97-10/ PIP 02-02/SUP 97-07 -CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN August 21, 2002 Pa e 11 The permitted uses, development standards and design guidelines provided in the Specific Plan are adequate to properly develop the project site. The proposed industrial and auxiliary commercial uses will be appropriate in area, location and overall design to the purpose intended thereby creating an environment of sustained desirability and stability. Large, industrial pads with adequate area for buildings, parking lots, setbacks and landscaping are proposed to enable campus type corporate development. Commercial uses located in proximity to the industrial uses will contribute to the balance of land use so that commercial services are available to employees of the proposed and· surrounding industrial parks. The street system includes two secondary circulation arterial roadways that will provide access to the site and internal streets that provide access to each industrial lot, is designed in accordance with City standards and will ensure proper and efficient traffic circulation to the site and throughout the development. Appropriate measures are proposed to mitigate any adverse environmental impact as noted in the environmental impact report (EIR 98-08) prepared for the project. The proposed Carlsbad Oaks North Specific Plan generally sets forth Planned Industrial (P-M) zone development and performance standards in accordance with Chapter 21.34 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. More restrictive standards are required by the plan to avoid and/or mitigate land use compatibility impacts resulting from the project's proximity to existing residential development and natural open space. These standards require: (1) The provision of a 30-foot fire suppression setback inside the property line of industrial lots that are adjacent to natural open space. (2) Specific landscape standards that require naturalizing landscaping adjacent to open space boundaries that is sensitive to the surrounding natural environment and avoids the introduction of invasive species. (3) More stringent performance standards for noise and lighting in some areas to ensure compatibility with the surrounding residential and open space land uses. Noise generation standards are reduced to 5 5 -60 Ldn during the evening hours for lots adjacent to residential development. A separate lighting plan is required for each lot abutting either residential development or open space to avoid negative impacts from light spillage. (4) A storm water pollution prevention plan that requires BMPs on each industrial lot after grading and after development of each lot in compliance with approved drainage and storm water pollution prevention plans. (5) Restrictions on the use of hazardous materials within 1,000 feet of any residential structure. (6) Special 75' -150' rear building setbacks and 50' landscape buffers for lots abutting residential development. (7) Operational standards for blasting and rock crushing during the grading operation that prohibit rock crushing activities within 850 feet from the eastern and northern property lines. (8) Restrictions on locations of loading areas so that none will be visible from Faraday A venue or El Fuerte Street, and none are allowed between the rear of buildings and rear property lines oflots adjacent to residential development. (9) Architectural and landscape guidelines intended to ensure quality development are included and will be implemented through the formation of a Carlsbad Oaks North ' , • • EIR 98-08/GPA 97-05/ZC 97-05/SP 211/SP 200(B)/LFMP 16(A)/CT 97-13/HDP 97-10/ PIP 02-02/SUP 97-07 -CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN August 21, 2002 Pa e 12 owner's association that will be responsible for performing architectural review prior to submittal for City administrative approval of subsequent planned industrial permits. The Specific Plan provides for one less restrictive front yard setback standard for Lots 15 -19 and 27 than is allowed by the P-M Zone. Chapter 21.34 (P-M Zone) required a 35-foot average front yard setback but not less than 25 feet, while the proposed Specific Plan allows a minimum setback of 25 feet for Lots 15 -19 and 27. These lots are located along the loop road at the northern boundary of the project where a 300-foot setback from the Dawson Los Manos Canyon Reserve is required as part of the HMP hardline boundary and a 30-foot fire suppression zone is necessitated by the adjacent native vegetation. Given these additional requirements, it is appropriate to allow somewhat reduced front setbacks to enable development of the lots. Actual development of the majority of these lots will result in a greater than 25' front yard setback due to manufactured slopes in the front setback and the . 7 to 1 top of slope setback required by the Specific Plan and Hillside Development Regulations. C. Subdivision Ordinance The proposed tentative tract map complies with all requirements of the City's Subdivision Ordinance (Title 20 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code). The proposed project would subdivide the project site into 23 industrial lots, 1 passive recreation lot, and 3 open space lots that surround the development on threes sides. The site is physically suited for the proposed development since the site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the industrial lots. Project grading consisting of 2,660,000 cubic yards of cut and fill to be balanced on site during a single phase of mass grading can be justified as discussed below in Section D.3. Hillside Regulations. All infrastructure improvements required by the project including Faraday Avenue, El Fuerte Street, internal industrial streets, the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor sewer, water and reclaimed water lines, and all drainage and flood control facilities will be installed concurrent with development. Potentially significant impacts resulting from the project have been identified and will by mitigated in accordance with the Environmental Impact Report prepared for the project. Dl/D2. Planned Industrial Zone/Open Space Zone The project includes a zone change to rezone the Specific Plan area from the previous Planned Community (P-C) Zone to the P-M and O-S Zones. The P-C zoning was applied to the project area in 1981 as part of the former residential Valle Verde Planned Community which was never developed. The former Specific Plan (SP 200), approved in 1986, indicates that the property will be rezoned to the Planned Industrial (P-M) zone because the P-C zoning is inconsistent with the Planned Industrial (PI) and Open Space (OS) land use designations; the P-M zone is the implementing zone for PI designated areas and the O-S zone implements the OS land use designations. The proposed rezone of 194.5 acres to the P-M zone and 219.5 acres to the O-S zone will ensure consistency between the General Plan and Zoning since the proposed zone boundaries are consistent with the proposed adjustment to the PI and OS General Plan designation boundaries. The proposed subdivision in the P-M Zone is subject to Section 21.34.060 of the Zoning Ordinance requiring a Planned Industrial Permit (PIP) for all industrial subdivisions. Specific Plan 211, which establishes the zoning and development regulations for the future subdivision • • EIR 98-08/GPA 97-05/ZC 97-05/SP 211/SP 200(B)/LFMP 16(A)/CT 97-13/HDP 97-10/ PIP 02-02/SUP 97-07 -CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN August 21, 2002 Pa e 13 and/or development of each lot within the Specific Plan area, specifies that subdivisions must conform to the P-M zone subdivision standards. The proposed subdivision complies with the applicable development standards and design criteria for industrial subdivisions. The proposed industrial lots exceed the minimum one acre lot size, and the proposed circulation system ensures a safe, efficient, and functional street system by providing two points of access from Faraday A venue via Street "D" and driveways that are adequately spaced and located with the appropriate site distance. A PIP will be required for the future development of each industrial lot. The proposed wildlife habitat corridor consisting of three lots (Lots 10, 11, and 12) within the proposed subdivision will be dedicated as permanent open space in accordance with the City's Habitat Management Plan and rezoned to the O-S zone in accordance with provisions of the O-S zone. The Specific Plan requires compliance with the provisions of the O-S zone and requires a conservation easement to be dedicated that will preclude any use of the open space beyond the existing and proposed utility easements, proposed trail and passive recreation area, and permanent drainage basins. D3. Hillside Regulations A Hillside Development Permit is required for the project because the property contains slopes of 15 percent and greater with elevation differentials greater than 15 feet. The project consists of a terraced grading design to create a landform that is consistent, with some modification to the City's Hillside Development Regulations. Necessary modifications include the project's grading volume of 11,928 cubic yards/acre, which exceeds the acceptable range of 10,000 cubic yards/acre, and slopes that exceed 40' in height. Hillside regulations are intended to ensure that hillside landforms are developed in a sensitive manner and that the majority of manufactured slopes are undulated and do not exceed 40' in height. Although the Hillside Ordinance excludes industrial subdivisions from grading volume limitations and slope height restrictions, justification for exceeding the acceptable grading volume is still required. The following table provides justification for requested modifications and describes compliance with hillside development regulations: HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS STANDARD PROPOSED PLAN COMPLIANCE Undevelo:gable Slo:ges: The Specific Plan area contains 21.2 Yes Natural slopes of over 40% acres of 40%+ slopes. 4.7 acres will be gradient with elevation disturbed by industrial development, differential > 15 ', a minimum however, the 40%+ slopes located of 10,000 square feet, and a within the development area are prominent land form feature. scattered within small drainages which are not prominent land form features. Additional areas will be disturbed by the road alignments, however, Section 21.95.130(1) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code excludes those areas for circulation arterial roads provided that the alignments are environmentally preferred. • •• BIR 98-08/GPA 97-05/ZC 97-05/SP 211/SP 200(B)/LFMP 16(A)/CT 97-13/HDP 97-10/ PIP 02-02/SUP 97-07 -CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN August 21, 2002 Pae 14 Grading volumes > 10,000 11,766 cubic yards/acre excluding Yes cubic yards/acre allowed if Faraday Avenue and El Fuerte Street* project qualifies for an exclusion or modification Maximum manufactured slope Maximum manufactured slope height is Yes height: 40 feet approximately 70 feet within the Specific Plan area and approximately 50 feet along offsite Faraday Avenue. The majority of slopes comply with the standard. Higher slope heights are required to create large industrial pads that are terraced down the hillside within a reduced developable area consisting of sloping and undulating natural terrain.* Contour Grading: Contour grading is proposed along Yes Manufactured slopes > 20 feet slopes visible :from Faraday A venue to in height and 200 feet in the north. length and visible from circulation element road and/or useable public open space. Slope edge building setback: Buildings are not proposed at this time. NIA 0.7 foot horizontal to 1 foot Slope edge setbacks are required by the vertical imaginary diagonal Specific Plan and will be analyzed with plane measured from edge of future Planned Industrial Permits. slope to structure. Screening manufactured All manufactured slopes are landscaped Yes slopes: Landscape in accordance with the City's landscape manufactured slopes manual with the exception of perimeter consistent with the City's slopes that will be revegetated with Landscape Manual naturalizing species to avoid the introduction of invasive species to adiacent natural areas. *Exclus10ns are permitted for grading volumes, slope heights and graded areas which are directly associated with circulation element roadways, provided that the proposed alignments are environmentally preferred and comply with all other City standards, and unusual geotechnical conditions. Pursuant to Section 21.95.140 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, grading in excess of 10,000 cubic yards/acre for non-residential projects is allowed. Justification for the proposed grading volume above the acceptable range is based on grading quantities necessary to create an industrial subdivision on existing sloping and undulating terrain. The area proposed for development is limited by the HMP to between the proposed Faraday Avenue alignment and a minimum of 300 feet from the property's northern boundary. This area descends from north to south from approximately 429 feet to 290 feet at the western end of the development and from approximately 540 feet to 310 feet at the eastern end. The property is undulated due to drainages across the property that generally flow in a southeasterly or southwesterly direction. The proposed grading design consists of large quantities of cut and fill necessary to create large, flat, terraced industrial lots across terrain that undulates and slopes in both directions. This design enables the preservation of significantly more open space that is part of a hardline conservation area in the City's HMP. • • EIR 98-08/GP A 97-05/ZC 97-05/SP 211/SP 200(B)/LFMP 16(A)/CT 97-13/HDP 97-10/ PIP 02-02/SUP 97-07 -CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN August 21, 2002 Pa e 15 D4. Floodplain Regulations The project is consistent with the provisions of the Floodplain Special Use Permit. The purpose of the regulations is to promote the public health, safety and general welfare, and to minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions. The proposed Faraday A venue crossing of La Mirada Creek is subject to the City's Floodplain Management Regulations. This area of the project site is located within an area inundated by a 100-year flood. A 100-year flood is defined as a flood which has a one percent annual probability of being equaled or exceeded. A Special Use Permit is required to be obtained in addition to any other required permits or entitlements before construction or development begins within an area inundated by a 100-year flood. Hydrology studies have been prepared for the project and reviewed by staff. The proposed grading and drainage improvements will modify the configuration of the 100-year floodway by creating a detention basin at the Faraday Avenue crossing of La Mirada Creek. A 6' x 7' box culvert under Faraday Avenue in La Mirada Creek is proposed to detain a portion of the 100-year flood. The Faraday A venue detention basin is part of an overall plan to reduce peak flows that impact the Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park downstream. Upstream, the Carlsbad Raceway and Palomar Forum projects are incorporating a similar improvement to reduce peak 100-year flows along La Mirada Creek at Melrose Drive. With the approved and recommended basins in place at Melrose Drive and Faraday Avenue and two others adjacent to the College/Cannon roadway improvements, the peak discharge through the Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park is decreased by approximately 10 to 15 percent necessary to reduce downstream flooding. E. McClellan-Palomar Airport Land Use Plan (CLUP) The project is located within the boundaries of the airport influence area and flight activity zone as indicated in the CLUP. The flight activity zone covers the southern portion of the property which is proposed as open space; therefore, no development is proposed in the flight activity zone. The proposed development is consistent with the Planned Industrial land use designation that existed at the time the CLUP was adopted; therefore, compliance with the P-M zoning regulations at the time the proposed lots are developed will ensure consistency with the CLUP. Additionally, the project is subject to Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 77 referenced by the CLUP as Appendix D, which establishes a horizontal surface or plane that is 150 feet above the established airport elevation (478 feet) for a distance of approximately 10,000 feet from the center of the primary surface of each runway. FAR part 77 recognizes that the highest natural elevation on the Carlsbad Oaks property is 548 feet and that it penetrates the 478-foot FAR Part 77 surface elevation. In 1995, the FAA indicated that structures or protrusions on any lot in a previously proposed residential subdivision would not be allowed to exceed an elevation of 548 feet, the highest natural elevation on property prior to development. The highest pad elevation proposed on the tentative tract map is 54 feet below the 548 feet maximum. The maximum building height permitted in the P-M Zone is 45'; therefore; no development will exceed the highest natural elevation on the property. The project is conditioned to require the developer to submit an airspace determination from the FAA indicating that the project is in accordance with FAR Part 77 prior to approval of a final map. I • • EIR 98-08IGP A 97-05IZC 97-05ISP 21 llSP 200(B)ILFMP 16(A)ICT 97-13/HDP 97-101 PIP 02-02ISUP 97-07 -CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN August 21, 2002 Pae 16 F. Draft Habitat Management Plan The project area is identified as a proposed hardline conservation area in the City's Draft Habitat Management Plan (HMP). The project is consistent with the HMP in that the hardline conservation area is proposed as open space in accordance with the plan and mitigation ratios set forth by the HMP have been used to mitigate impacts to sensitive species proposed for disturbance within the development area. Upon completion of project grading and improvements, ownership of the conservation area will be transferred to a natural lands management entity. Simultaneous with the actual transfer of ownership of open space to a natural lands management entity, the developer will provide funding or other financial mechanism acceptable to the City to provide for management and conservation in perpetuity. G. Growth Management An amendment is proposed to the Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) for Zone 16 to reflect adjustments to the Planned Industrial and Open Space land use designations and changes to facilities requirements. The proposed zone plan covers the entire zone and analyzes the requirements of the 11 public facilities included within the growth management program. For each of the eleven public facilities, the plan lists the required performance standard, provides a facility planning and adequacy analysis, required mitigation and financing sources for any required mitigation. Special conditions of the LFMP amendment include drainage, sewer, water and circulation facilities. The zone will be in compliance with the required performance standards by satisfying the general and special conditions listed in the zone plan. The facilities impacts of the project are summarized in the following table: GROWTH MANAGEMENT COMPLIANCE STANDARD I IMPACTS I COMPLIANCE City Administration NIA Yes Library NIA Yes Waste Water Treatment 658 EDU Yes Parks 1,921,000 sq. ft. Yes Drainage BasinB Yes Circulation 22,650ADT Yes Fire Station 5 Yes Open Space 219.5 Acres Yes Schools NIA Yes Sewer Collection System 658 EDU Yes Water 144,760 GPD Yes V. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW A Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared for the project in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the CEQA Guidelines, and the Environmental Protection Procedures (Title 19) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The EIR addresses the environmental impacts associated with all discretionary applications for the I • • EIR 98-08/GPA 97-05/ZC 97-05/SP 211/SP 200(B)/LFMP 16(A)/CT 97-13/HDP 97-10/ PIP 02-02/SUP 97-07 -CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN August 21, 2002 Pa e 17 proposed project. City staff prepared an environmental impact assessment of the project to determine the areas of potential impact and issued a Notice of Preparation (NOP) on May 15, 2000. The NOP was distributed to all Responsible and Trustee Agencies, as well as other agencies and members of the public. Staff conducted a public scoping meeting on January 18, 2001, to solicit feedback from interested persons regarding potential impacts that may result from implementation of the proposed project. At the public scoping meeting, the public was presented with a project description and invited to provide written comments on the scope and content of the EIR. Written responses were received by staff and these comments were taken into consideration prior to developing a detailed scope of work for the EIR. The Carlsbad Oaks North Specific Plan EIR, which analyzes the impacts of an industrial subdivision, two circulation arterial roadways and the SAHI sewer alignment, considers the following areas of potential impact: Land Use and Planning Transportation/Traffic Air Quality Noise Biological Resources Geology/Soils Hazards and Hazardous Materials Hydrology/Water Quality Cultural Resources Paleontological Resources Aesthetics Public Services and Utilities Population/Housing Additionally, the Draft EIR includes other sections required by CEQA such as an Executive Summary, Project Description, Long Term Effects (Cumulative, Growth Inducing, Significant Irreversible and Unavoidable, and Not Significant), and Alternatives. Four alternatives are considered in the EIR. The alternatives include the no project alternative that is consistent with the General Plan, a northerly Faraday Avenue and SAHI sewer alignment, a Faraday Avenue bridge crossing over La Mirada Creek, and a reduced project that would exclude Lot 24 thereby reducing the acreage and intensity of industrial development. Notification that the Draft Program EIR was available for public review was accomplished through the publication of a Notice of Completion dated April 12, 2002. The Notice of Completion was published in the newspaper and forwarded to Responsible and Trustee agencies as well as other agencies and interested parties. This action commenced a 45-day public review and comment period that ended May 30, 2002. At the request of the Public Works Department of the County of San Diego, the review period was extended through June 14, 2002. A total of 11 comments were submitted prior to the close of the review period. Responses were prepared and mailed for each of the letters. Response letters also provided notice of the availability of the Final EIR. The analysis contained in the EIR concludes that all significant impacts would be mitigated to below a level of significance with the exception of direct project specific and cumulative impacts to air quality and transportation, and project specific impacts to biology. Direct project specific impacts, also referred to as primary effects, are those caused by the project and that occur at the same time and place. In contrast, cumulative impacts refer to two or more individual impacts that, when considered together, are considerable or that compound or increase other environmental impacts. The cumulative impacts all arise from the marginal contribution the . ' • • BIR 98-08/GP A 97-05/ZC 97-05/SP 211/SP 200(B)/LFMP l 6(A)/CT 97-13/HDP 97-10/ PIP 02-02/SUP 97-07 -CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN August 21, 2002 Pae 18 proposed project will make, when combined with the impacts from existing and other future projects, to pre-existing conditions that fail to meet applicable standards currently. Under CEQA, before a project which is determined to have significant, unmitigated environmental effects can be approved, the public agency must consider and adopt a "Statement of Overriding Considerations" pursuant to CEQA Guidelines 15043 and 15093. The primary purpose of CEQA is to fully inform the decision makers and the public of the environmental effects of a proposed project and to include feasible mitigation measures and alternatives to reduce any such adverse effects below a level of significance; however, CEQA recognizes and authorizes the approval of projects where not all adverse impacts can be fully lessened or avoided. The Lead agency must explain and justify its conclusion to approve such a project through the statement of overriding considerations setting forth the proposed project's general social, economic, policy or other public benefits which support the agency's informed conclusion to approve the project. The CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations are attached to the Planning Commission Resolution for the BIR. ATTACHMENTS: I. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5244 (BIR 98-08) 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5245 (GP A 97-05) 3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5246 (ZC 97-05) 4. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5247 (SP 211) 5. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5248 (LFMP 16(A)) 6. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5249 (CT 97-13) 7. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5250 (HDP 97-10) 8. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5251 (PIP 92-02) 9. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5252 (SUP 97-07) 10. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5275 (SP 200(B)) 11. Location Map 12. Background Data Sheet 13. Local Facilities Impact Assessment Form 14. Disclosure Statement 15. Letters and E-mails to the Planning Commission and City Council 16. BIR 98-08 (previously distributed) 1 7. Specific Plan 211 (previously distributed) 18. Zone 16 Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment (previously distributed) 19. Zone 16 Executive Summary 20. Reduced Tentative Map Exhibits 21. General Plan Open Space Revision Map 22. Exhibits "A" -"UU" dated August 21, 2002 (on file in the Planning Department) AH:cs:mh 'I • • CITY OF VISTA CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN EIR 98-08/GPA 97-05/ZC 97-05/SP 211/ SP 200(8)/LFMP 16(A)/CT 97-13/HDP 97-10/ PIP 92-02/SUP 97-07 • • BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: EIR 98-08/GP A 97-05/ZC 97-05/SP 211/SP 200(B)/LFMP 16(A)/CT 97-13/HDP 97- 10/PIP 02-02/SUP 97-07 CASE NAME: CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN APPLICANT: Techbilt Construction REQUEST AND LOCATION: The certification of a Program Environmental Impact Report, Candidate Findings of Fact, Statement of Overriding Considerations, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Carlsbad Oaks North Specific Plan, Zone 16 Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment, and approval · of a Tentative Tract Map, Hillside Development Permit, Planned Industrial Permit, and Floodplain Special Use Permit for the development of an industrial park located north of Palomar Airport Road between El Camino Real and the City's eastern boundary in the P-C Zone and Local Facilities Management Zone 16 that will include 23 industrial lots, 3 open space lots, and one passive recreation lot. Public Works projects that are associated with the Carlsbad Oaks North project include the extension of Faraday Avenue, the extension of EI Fuerte Street, and Reaches SAHTl A through D of the South Agua Hedionda Sewer Interceptor. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: That portion of Lot "B" of Rancho Agua Hedionda, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to partition map thereof no. 823, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, November 16, 1896. APN: 209-050-04; -12; -22; -23; -24 Acres: 414 Proposed No. of Lots ~2~7 ________ _ GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation: =-P=I/-=O=S'-------------------------- Density Allowed: N"-"-"/A'-"-------- Existing Zone: ~P--C~-------- Density Proposed:N ~~/ A~------------ Proposed Zone: =-P_.-M/~O:::..-_,,S=--------------- Surrounding Zoning, General Plan and Land Use: Zoning Site P-C North O-S South P-M East City of Vista West O-S General Plan PI/OS OS PI City of Vista PI/OS PUBLIC FACILITIES Current Land Use Vacant Vacant/Dawson Los Monos Canyon Reserve Carlsbad Oaks East and West Business Parks ResidentialN acant Vacant School District: Carlsbad Unified Water District: CMWD Sewer District: Carlsbad ~=~-------- Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): ~65.,_,8"--------------------- ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT D Negative Declaration, issued. _______________________ _ !ZI Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated "'-'Ae::u:ogu""s"-"t-=2=1-'--', 2:::c0,,_,0e.::2=-------------- 0 Other,, ____________________________ _ • • CITY OF CARLSBAD GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM LOCAL FACILITIES IMPACTS ASSESSMENT FORM (To be Submitted with Development Application) PROJECT IDENTITY AND IMP ACT ASSESSMENT: FILE NAME AND NO: EIR 98-08IGPA 97-05IZC 97-05ISP 2lllSP 200(B)/LFMP 16(A)ICT 97-13/HDP 97-101 PIP 02-02ISUP 97-07 -CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE: _lQ GENERAL PLAN: =PI/=-O=S=c__ ____ _ ZONING: P-MIO-S --~------------------------ DEVELOPER'S NAME: Techbilt Construction ~--~~~~--------------- ADDRESS: P.O. Box 80036, San Diego, CA 92138 PHONE NO.: (619) 223-1663 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 209-050-04; -12; -22; -23; -24 QUANTITY OF LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT (AC., SQ. FT., DU): ~41~4 =A~CRE=S~--- ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: Unknown ~~~~-------------- A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. City Administrative Facilities: Library: Demand in Square Footage= =-N:a..=IA=--------- Demand in Square Footage= =-N:a..=IA=--------- Wastewater Treatment Capacity (Calculate with J. Sewer) 658 EDU Park: Demand in Acreage = NIA Drainage: Demand in CFS = Identify Drainage Basin= =B _____ _ (Identify master plan facilities on site plan) Circulation: Demand in ADT = 22,650 (Identify Trip Distribution on site plan) Fire: Served by Fire Station No. = 5 Open Space: Acreage Provided = 219.5 Schools: NIA (Demands to be determined by staff) Sewer: Demands in EDU 658EDU Identify Sub Basin = 16 (Identify trunk line(s) impacted on site plan) Water: Demand in GPD = 144 760 Sent By: WILSON ENGINEERING; • 7604380173; Aug-5-02 9:30; Page 4/5 •, •• • I I • City DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Applicant's st.aternent or disclosure of certain-ownership interests on all applications which \Vill require discretionary action on the art of the City Council or an a ointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of:application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is complet.ed. Please print · ~ . 1. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE. LEQAt. narp.es and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes :a corporation or partnership, include the names, title, addresses of all individuals owning 'more than 10% of the shar~s. IF NO TNDJVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE. INDICATE NON- APPLICABLE (NIA) IN THE SPACE BELOW If a publicly-owned cgrooration. include the names1 titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person....._ __________ _ Corp/Part Techbi.lt Construc.tion Corp, Title ______________ _ Title~·-------------- • Address ·----~-------Address 3575 Kenyon St., San Diego, CA 92110 2, OWNER (Not the owner's agent) . . Provide the COMPLETE, LEG.At names and addrefises of ALL persons having any-ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide ;the nature of the legal ownership (i.e. partnmhip, ten.ants in common, non-profit, corpo~tio~ etc.). If the ownership :includes a c2moration or p<1ix:.t:Bsr§hi;Q, inciude the names, title, ~ddres3es of all individuals 0W11ing more than 10% of'the shares. IF NO 1NDIVIDUALS OWN MORE m.AN 10% OF TI:IE SHARES, PLEASE INDlCA1E NON-APPLICABLE (NIA)~ THE. SPACE BELOW. If a publicly- owned corporation. include the names, titles, and addresses of the corpo:rate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) · · Person Paul K. Tchang 'M, Rose S. Tchang ~asLorna Tchang Alcala Genevieve Tchang Theodore Tchang Corp/Part Carlsbad Qaks Nartb Partners, L.P. Title : -,-----------....,....-~- Address3575 Kenyon St., San Diego, CA 92110 1635 Faraday Avenue• Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-4600 • FAX (760) 602~8559 @ t-~10'l.l V Sent, By: WILSON ENGINEERING; • 7604380173; Aug-5. 9:30; Page 5/5 I I 3. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above i~ a nonprofit organization QI a trust, list the names and addresses of .ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non-profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the. Non Profit/Trust.________ Non Profit/rrust._~~-------- Tille ____________ _ Title._·_. ____________ _ Address. ___________ _ Address. _____________ _ 4. Have you bad more than $250 worth of business ti;ansacted with any member of City staff, Boards~ Commissions, Committees and/or Council wi~ the past twelve (12) months? D Yes pocj No If yes, please indicate person(~):, _____________ _ NOTJi!: Attach additional ~beets if necessary. ve .infonnation is tru~ and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature of o Carlsbad Oaks North Partners, L.P. ·By: Sun Tech Investments Corp,' General Paul K Tcbaug, PRESIDENT Partner Print or type name of owner Signature of owner/applicant's agent if applicable/date Print or type name of own~/applicant's agent H:ADMINICOUNTER\DISCLOSURE STATEMENT 5/98 ·-c:.-f' :'.:=~~lo fo-z_ .- Sign.a~ of applicant/date Tech?ilt Construction Corp. By:: Theodore Tchang. VICE PRESIDENT Print or type name of applicant Page 2 of 2 • ATTACHMENT15 August 13, 2002 Chairperson Trigas and Planning Commissioners City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 '-----.:._1_· ~ ---- Subject: Carlsbad Oaks North.- Dear Chairperson and Commissioners: Preserve Calavera is a non-profit grassroots organization whose goal is the protection and preservation of the largest remaining native habitat in a coastal north county city-the Calavera area of northeastern Carlsbad. Our organization is not proposing no development, but we are proposing responsible development that minimizes the impacts to the sensitive natural resources in this area. The Carlsbad Oaks North Project would have significant adverse environmental impacts-many of which cannot be mitigated. The majority of these adverse impacts are not from the project itself, but rather from the associated public infrastructure-the extension of roads and sewer lines. Enclosed are three summaries that identify our key issues with this project, and our proposals to address these issues. Our recommendations will result in a project with greatly reduced impacts to sensitive upland and wetlands habitats, but with no impact to the industrial sites and the revenue anticipated from them. Our recommendations will cost a little more to implement, but there will be a permanent benefit to the residents of this area. We urge you to adopt these recommendations as part of your actions on this project. We would be happy to take you on a hike of the project site or provide any additional information to assist with your consideration of this request. Sincerely, Diane Nygaard on behalf of Preserve Calavera cc: Gary Wayne Anne Hysong 5020 Nighthawk Way -Ocean Hills, CA 92056 www.preservecalavera.org \ \ , '', . , • • Wildlife Corridors-Carlsbad Oaks North-Issue Summary What is Proposed The Carlsbad Oaks North Industrial Park project also includes the extension of two roads- Faraday and El Fuerte, and several miles of sewer line extensions to serve this area. There are direct impacts from the destruction of habitat, but even greater impacts from opening up isolated areas to damaging off-road vehicle use. Issues • Agua Hedionda Creek and the slopes that parallel the creek are a major regional wildlife corridor from the San Marcos Hills, through Carlsbad and Oceanside and into Camp Pendleton Protection of wildlife corridors is critical to the success of our ten year effort toward regional habitat conservation-without wildlife movement the ecosystems will all decline. • This is a "core" habitat area-and part of the largest remaining contiguous native habitat in coastal north county. These "core'' areas are of sufficient size to support breeding and nesting populations of endangered species. Small, isolated habitat :fragments will not ensure that these species can survive-we must preserve blocks of core habitat for the entire preserve system to work. • Much of this area is currently protected by its isolation and steep terrain. The city proposed to top the sewer line with a 20' road-and added this into their "trail system". Off-road vehicles have destroyed acres of habitat in the adjacent areas, cause siltation of the creek, and compact the soil making any future restoration projects more difficult. There is essentially no police enforcement. Opening up vast new areas will just open them up for destruction. • The proposed roadway design and location will cause much more damage than is necessary. The road crossing of Agua Hedionda creek should be done with a bridge-not just a culvert. The roads are over built for the projected traffic-4 lane divided highways in 112' wide right-of-way-a huge path of destruction with erosion, noise and air quality impacts that cannot be mitigated for the sensitive plants and animals. Preserve Calavera Proposal Our proposal is to reconfigure the roads to reduce their impacts and use a bridge crossing of the creek to reduce the road impacts. But most important is to eliminate the sewer line extension. The environmentally preferred alternative to the city's proposal is to place a new sewer line along the existing and new roads,and use a pump station instead of extending the sewer line for miles through prime quality habitat. ,' I FaradayAuerte Extensions -Issue Sum~ What is Proposed The last missing 1.3 m segment of Faraday Avenue from its existing terminus at Orion St in Carlsbad to the existing terminus in Vista at the city limit(by Brookhaven Pass )will be completed In addition, El Fuerte St will be extended about .Sm to the north from its existing terminus off of Palomar Airport Rd to connect with the extension of Faraday Avenue. Both roads are classified as Secondary Arterials in the General Plan of the city of Carlsbad which provides for an 84' right of way, with 2 lanes of travel in each direction. Issues • While the project is located within the city of Carlsbad, it will cause traffic congestion in neighboring cities-at Park Center/Melrose, Sunset/Melrose, Sycamore/Melrose in Vista, Melrose/Rancho Sante Fe and San Marcos/Grand in San Marcos, and El Camino·Real/ 78 in Oceanside. • Neither ~e project developer, nor the city of Carlsbad will provide any funds to improve the roadways in neighboring cities-leaving it to local residents to deal with the traffic-or pay for the improvements themselves. • The city of Carlsbad has not updated the Circulation Element of their General Plan since 1978-resulting in a roadway plan that is not properly integrated with changes made in the neighboring cities, or changes in regional population growth projections. • The long term Regional Transportation Plan will place a much greater emphasis on public transit improvements as the way to address increasing north county traffic congestion. Palomar Airport Rd is the major focus for public transit in north county- because it will carry the greatest number of work trips-yet this project has not been designed to support this regional plan and consequently will be part of the long term problem-not the solution that it could be. • Both of these proposed roads traverse sensitive native habitat in an area that serves as a regional wildlife movement corridor-a violation of the regional Multiple Habitat Conservation Plan. • The roads will impact the Agua Hedionda watershed-an area that drains directly to the impaired lagoon and our precious coast. The road will directly cross Agua Hedionda Creek-but the alignment is not at the least damageing location as is required by law. Preserve Calavera Proposal Our proposal is to first update the city's Circulation Element instead of continued piecemeal transportation planning. Public transit needs to be fully integrated in project planning. All developers must pay their "fair share" toward traffic improvements-regardless of what city they fall in. ', I • • Carlsad Oaks North Trees-Issue Summary What is Proposed The proposed project impacts a riparian area along Agua Hedionda Creek-an area that has remained relatively untouched for hundreds of years. The project proposes to remove and replant,some distance away, Coast Live Oak trees. The project is named for these magnificent trees~ some estimated at 200 years old-trees that will not survive. Issues • Oak woodlands are one of the most biologically diverse wildlife habitats in California. The Ca Wildlife Habitat Relationship Program identifies over 50 special status species that "prefer or make great use of' the coast live oak woodland habitat. The loss of the trees will impact many other dependent species. • Mature riparian areas support tree covers that provide shade and protection for a complex understory of riparian plants that require this shade to survive. Canopy cover data is the standard used to assess these areas-but was not done for this project. • There is little evidence that transplants of mature oaks can be done successfully. Recent studies continue to report low success rates and high maintenance costs-with long term survival projected at I 0-14%. The few transplanted trees that do survive are no longer self-sustaining natives, but rather high-care exotics that require intensive long-term maintenance. • A "habitat" does not just consist of a few . trees. Other habitat elements such as cavities, acorns, and woody debris are part of the ecology-and will take 50 years to return to pre-project conditions-if they ever do. • The City of Carlsbad has adopted policies that provide for the protection of mature trees. Neighborhoods care about protecting the few remaining native mature trees left in this area and have organized to protect them from road widening, sidewalks and other public infrastructure. We are all the neighborhood for these oaks who were here before us. Preserve Calavera Proposal Our proposal is to revise the roadway alignment to eliminate impacts to mature trees. If any must be removed it should only be done as a last resort-and only with ~ommitments for long term monitoring and care. 'I From: To: Date: Subject: • • "Patricia Bleha" <pcb@sbcglobal.net> <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us>, <gwayn@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> 7/11/02 9:36PM Carlsbad Oaks North Project Here's yet another "improvement" project to reconsider, for what it's worth. (Why not make real news and really save the environment for a change!) Carlsbad Oaks North project needs changes before it should be approved-first: -update the circulation element of the General Plan before you cause more traffic nightmares -Carlsbad needs to be a good neighbor in North County-and not cause traffic congestion in Oceanside and Vista without having developers pay their fair share. -it is ludicrous to name a project after the majestic (in some cases estimated 200 years old ) coast live oak trees-and then destroy them. Mature trees do not survive uprooting and replanting a few hundred feet away-revise the roadway plan to save these trees that are irreplaceable- the proposed sewer extension will damage acres of prime high quality habitat-and subject a major regional wildlife corridor to destruction by off-road vehicles. The alternative is putting the sewer line in the roadway alignment with a pump station-approve the alternative and save the regional wildlife corridor. From, Pat Bleha, 3209 Fosca St., Carlsbad CA 92009 • r July 11, 2002 City Council City of Carlsbad • 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear City Council Members, • -. ... 1• ..... ' ••• :;·-.·· ru\,i,, l,:. J\ carls~ad I am writing in support of the Preserve Calavera organization. They have several proposed changes to the Carlsbad Oaks North development plan that will go before the Council members on August 21, 2002. One of the most important changes Preserve Calavera proposes is to revise the roadway plan to save the mature coast Live Oak trees that the development project is named after. The current plan proposes to uproot and move the trees a few hundred feet. I feel this would be costly and unsuccessful. These trees are mature with extensive root systems that have been in place for years. Uprooting the trees would require cutting their roots severely and I have grave doubts that the trees would survive the operation. The trees are successful now because they are located where they can find the most natural water. Who can say whether their proposed new location would provide the same water supply they have now? It is also very expensive to move such large trees. A change to the roadway plan makes far more sense from an economic and esthetic point of view. The people who eventually live there will want the trees preserved-rather than watch the spectacle of the trees dying slow deaths from unsuccessful transplantation. Another problem addressed by the Preserve Calavera group is the sewer line extension. The proposed sewer extension will damage acres of prime high quality habitat such as coastal· scrub and sage, and subject a major regional wildlife corridor to destruction by off-road vehicles. I support the alternative, which is putting the sewer line in the roadway alignment with a pump station. The people of North County need intact open spaces to take their kids on walks. Preserving the wildlife corridor will give them a chance to see animals on their walks. Please take the time to consider changing the roadway and the sewer line to provide a long-term benefit to the environment and to future generations of people using the area for the enjoyment of nature. Sincerely, fb.krh'IJ~~ Lful~e McPherson North County Resident since 1983 cc Gary Wayne, Planning Commission From: To: Date: Subject: john troike <meinbenz@yahoo.com> <council@ci.carlsbad.ca. us> 7/13/02 8:23PM Carlsbad Oaks North Dear Council Members; Carlsbad Oaks North project needs changes before it should be approved-first: -update the circulation element of the General Plan before you cause more traffic nightmares -Carlsbad needs to be a good neighbor in North County-and not cause traffic congestion in Oceanside and Vista without having developers pay their fair share. -it is ludicrous to name a project after the majestic (in some cases estimated 200 years old ) coast live oak trees-and then destroy them. Mature trees do not survive uprooting and replanting a few hundred feet away-revise the roadway plan to save these trees that are irreplaceable -the proposed sewer extension will damage acres of prime high quality habitat-and subject a major regional wildlife corridor to destruction by off-road vehicles. The alternative is putting the sewer line in the roadway alignment with a pump station-approve the alternative and save the regional wildlife corridor. Sincerely, John Troike Graduate, Calsbad Citizen's Academy #2 Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Autos -Get free new car price quotes http://autos.yahoo.com . ' Monday, July 15, 2002 7.22 PM To: Gary Wayne Planning Comm1ss1on From Lon Homstad. 760.720.2003 • • July 15, 2002 Planning Commission Attn: Gary Wayne 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Honorable Planning Commission Members: The Carlsbad Oaks North project needs changes before it should be approved. Please assure that you will: update the circulation element of the General Plan_; be a good neighbor in North County -and not cause more ttaffic congestion in Oceanside and Vista without having developers pay their fair share; do not name a project after the majestic (in some cases estimated 200 years old) coast hve oak trees -and then destroy them; save the trees that are irreplaceable (mature trees do not survive uprooting and replanting a few hundred feet away), revise the roadway plan usmg the alternative option of putting the sewer line in the roadway alignment with a pump station, and; approve the alternative option and save the regional wildlife corridor. (The proposed sewer extension will damage acres of prime high quality habitat and subject a major regional wildlife corridor to destruction by off-road vehicles.) Sincerely, Lori Bomstad Homemaker 3608 CHESHIRE AVENUE• CARLSBAD/CA• 92008 PHONE 760-720-2003 • fAX 760-720-2003 Page. 2 cf 2 From: To: Date: Subject: Joni Ciarletta <jciarlet@ece.ucsd.edu> <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us>, <gwayn@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> 8/5/02 12:29PM Carlsbad Oaks North Project To Whom it May Concern: I have been a resident of Carlsbad for the past 10 years. In this little time, I have seen a beautiful community filled with rolling hills and oak trees, turned into an asphalt-paved nightmare. I have seen bird and animal habitats destroyed for yet more mini-malls, industrial parks, and houses. Just how much tax revenue does this city really need? Don't you understand you are destroying the very reason people moved here in the first place? Why are you bent on turning Carlsbad into another Oceanside? Is that what you really want? The latest issue is the project referred to as "Carlsbad Oaks North", an area located hear S. Melrose and Palomar Airport Road. This new project would include 22 new industrial sites. This project would cut across important wildlife corridors, which is a violation of the regional Multiple Habitat Conservation Plan. It will also destroy many mature live oak trees, which is rather ironic considering the project is being called "Carlsbad OAKS North". Further, it will causes even more traffic congestion since the project does not require the developer or the city to fund roadway improvements for adjacent streets. The currently proposed road will directly cross Agua Hedionda Creek, which will be very damaging to the area watershed; which is also unlawful. Please reconsider this plan before it is approved. Consider the impact this project will have on the environment. How it will affect current human residents (as well as animals, birds and plants). And what this continued building is doing to our once beautiful city. At a minimum, I hope you will revise the roadway alignment and sewer installation to avoid oak tree removal and watershed damage, and minimize the negative impact on the environment by complying with the Multiple Habitat Conservation Plan and other current laws in effect. Thank you for your time, Joni Ciarletta Concerned Citizen of Carlsbad From: To: Date: Subject: "Suzy" <sdenner@ix.netcom.com> <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us>, <gwayn@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> 8/7/02 2:28PM Carlsbad Oaks North To Whom it May Concern, As an appreciator of the precious natural landscape that makes our area so desirable, I urge the Council and Commission to complete the task of planning for the Carlsbad Oaks North subdivision so as not to destroy the mature oaks that need to stay rooted as they live. -update the circulation element of the General Plan before you cause more traffic nightmares -Carlsbad needs to be a good neighbor in North County-and not cause traffic congestion in Oceanside and Vista without having developers pay their fair share. -it is ludicrous to name a project after the majestic (in some cases estimated 200 years old ) coast live oak trees-and then destroy them. Mature trees do not survive uprooting and replanting a few hundred feet away-revise the roadway plan to save these trees that are irreplaceable -the proposed sewer extension will damage acres of prime high quality habitat-and subject a major regional wildlife corridor to destruction by off-road vehicles. The alternative is putting the sewer line in the roadway alignment with a pump station-approve the alternative and save the regional wildlife corridor. "Climb the mountains and get their good tidings." J. Muir 1895 "Wildness is a necessity." J. Muir .... even in small areas your citizens need wildness Thank you for your consideration. See you on August 21 at the Council hearing, Sincerely, Sue Denner concerns , ,, A" ,'A,• From: "kmerrill" <kmerrill@cts.com> To: "Carlsbad Planning Commission" <gwayn@ci.carlsbad.ca.us>, "Carlsbad City Council" <council@ci.carlsbad.ca. us> Date: 8/1 /02 3:42PM Subject: Carlsbad Oaks North project concerns Dear Council Members and Planning Commission, I have several concerns regarding the proposed Carlsbad Oaks North industrial park project.I would sincerely appreciate your careful consideration of these issues: 1: The Circulation Element of the General Plan has not been updated since 1978. The extension of Faraday Avenue and El Fuerte will cause severe impacts to the Palomar Airport Road and neighboring cities' traffic woes because it is not current in its' assessment of traffic and growth. The Circulation Element must be updated before any more roadways or development occurs to assure the data is consistent locally and regionally. 2: Carlsbad has a Habitat Management Plan, part of the regional Multiple Habitat Conservation Plan (MHCP), with this area identified as "core" habitat. How can the fragmentation of this remaining native habitat contribute to the success of the regional conservation effort? How then can you allow the impacts to the Aqua Hedionda watershed? As I am sure you are aware, this watershed and the lagoon (coastal waters too) are already distressed. The proposed roadway across Aqua Hedionda Creek is NOT at the least damaging location as required. Furthermore, the roadway should be constructed as a bridge to lessen the impact to the watershed and provide adequate wildlife corridors. 3: It is unacceptable to destroy mature Coast Live Oak trees. Some of these could be 200 years old! It is unlikely they would survive removal and transplanting. At best, they would be high care exotics. They would no longer be part of an oak woodlands habitat; saving a 'tree' does not constitute a habitat with it's complex relationship with other plants and over 300 species (50 of which are listed as threatened or endangered) of wildlife. These Coast Live Oaks should be avoided. 4:The proposed sewer line, topped by a 20' road and then called a 'trail' definitely needs some re-thinking. Not only will the sewer line and road· destroy healthy native vegetation, it will invite more off-road activity to the area. Off-roading has already been a major problem in the whole open space area. I have seen little or no success in curbing this destructive behavior. I do not believe you can afford to allow these impacts to what is left of our native resources. Installing the sewer line along existing and proposed roads and using a pump station would eliminate the need for this impact. 5: Are you aware that there are only 13 nesting pairs of Northern Harrier in Southern California, one of which will be impacted by this project with no mitigation? The fact that there is no suitable habitat in which to mitigate should be sending up a red flag. Instead we get an 'oh well'. This should raise the alarm of how little of our natural resources are left!!! My concerns are heartfelt and if addressed properly will greatly improve the quality of our lives, as well as the plants and animals dependant on this land. Thank you, Karen Merrill 4743 Live Oak Court Oceanside, CA • • ZONE16 ,, ' The purpose of this document is to provide a plan for supplying the public facilities that will be needed to accommodate development within the Zone 16 area of the City of Carlsbad, in accordance with the City's Growth Management Program. The plan has been prepared in accordance with Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan of 1986. This document is the first amendment to the Zone 16 LFMP. The original Zone 16 LFMP was adopted by the City of Carlsbad on February 19, 1992. Since the original approval of the Zone 16 LFMP, a number ofland uses, development and demographic changes have occurred. These changes resulted in inconsistencies between the desired development and the findings and special conditions for land use, drainage, sewer collection system and circulation. In order to maintain consistency between the development requirements for Zone 16 and the changing land uses, this LFMP Amendment supersedes the previously approved Zone 16 LFMP. The primary purpose of this amendment is to revise the previous Zone 16 LFMP special conditions to reflect a General Plan amendment to accommodate the proposed development of Carlsbad Oaks North, which is east of El Camino Real and north of Palomar Airport Road. The Carlsbad Oaks North project generally decreases the overall impacts to public facilities when compared to existing general plan uses previously approved for this site. This change in land use is the catalyst that warrants the revisions to the LFMP Special Conditions. The revisions also consider the reduction in development area and the increase in open space as a result of the "hard line" designation of the Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan. In addition, a finance plan has been prepared as a part of the LFMP amendment to provide additional details regarding the financing of the necessary public facilities within Zone 16. The finance plan will accompany the LFMP Amendment in a separate document. The Introduction chapter provides the details regarding the land use changes and the justification for the preparation of the amendment. Development Assumptions The first step in developing this plan is to estimate the amount of development that will be allowed in the zone. The types of land uses assumed for the zone are those shown in the Carlsbad General Plan. Exhibit 7, on Page 18 shows the location of the General Plan land uses, Planned Industrial (PI) and Open Space (OS), within the zone. Zone 16 is entirely zoned Planned Industrial (PM) and Open Space (OS) as shown on Exhibit 8, on Page 19. There are no residential land uses proposed within the zone, so no residential density analysis has been included. For determining the nonresidential development potential, it is assumed that building coverage would be approximately 35% of the net developable pads. This method yields an ultimate nonresidential development estimate of approximately 1,921,000 square feet. This is only an • I • • estimate or assumption for facility planning purposes and is 53% of the square footage assumed in the 1992 Zone 16 plan. Actual nonresidential development may vary. To determine the developable acreage, the following constrained lands were deducted: Major Power Line Easements Future Right-of-way of Circulation Element Roads Railroad Right-of-way Slopes Greater than 40% Riparian Woodland Wetlands Floodways Permanent Bodies of Water Other Environmental Features including HMP corridors and open-space Future School Sites The Plan includes phasing schedules that indicate the estimated non-residential square footage development projections for each year from 2005 to 2012. The property owners are not required to adhere to this phasing, and it is intended for facility planning purposes only. The schedule is used to determine approximate threshold years for constructing or upgrading various public facilities to maintain compliance with the Performance Standards in the Growth Management Program. The threshold years arrived at in this way are only projections for facility planning purposes. The actual thresholds must be monitored as development takes place in this zone. Facilities may be needed sooner or later than the threshold years shown in this plan, depending upon the actual timing of development. The development, phasing and buildout years referred to in this document are used for facility planning purposes only. The actual timing of development will depend upon many outside factors. This zone plan assumes development phasing starts at the south and proceeds north with regard to the provision of public facilities. Zone 16 Requirements for Public Facilities The development assumptions outlined above are used to estimate the demand for public facilities generated by development in Zone 16 based on the eleven adopted Performance Standards in the Growth Management Program. The following table (Exhibit 2 on Page 6) shows the current status of each facility with respect to the Performance Standard, given the existing amount of development in the zone. Because there is currently no developed land in Zone 16, the public facility demands are presently minimal. Of the eleven Performance Standards, five are currently being met (Wastewater, Parks, Drainage, Fire and Open Space). The City Administrative, Library and School Performance Standards are not impacted by development in Zone 16 as they are residentially based. There are no existing Sewer or Water facilities serving Zone 16. ' I • • In order to assure compliance with the Performance Standards as development occurs in the zone, the Plan contains specific conditions of approval which are listed in Exhibit 4, on Page 8. Exhibit 4, on Page 8 contains the General Conditions which are applicable to all zones of the City. Exhibit 5, on Page 10, contains Special Conditions for Zone 16. The Special Conditions state each facility that must be provided, whether it must be financed or constructed, and when it must be provided. The following is a list of the public facilities required to serve development in Zone 16. This chart shows whether the facility would otherwise be provided as a condition of approval of a development project, whether a special funding mechanism is needed, or whether the facility is funded by the Citywide Community Facilities District. City Administrative Facilities -Combination of Public Facilities Fees (PFF) and Citywide Mello-Ross Community Facilities District (CFD). Library-Combination of Public Facilities Fees and Citywide Mello-Roos Community Facilities District. Park Facilities -Standard Public Facilities Fee is required. A special growth management park fee of 40¢ per square foot of non-residential development is required. Drainage Facilities -Condition of approval of development project. Circulation Facilities -Combination of condition of approval of development projects, Mello- Roos CFD, or other financing mechanisms. Fire Facilities -Standard public facilities fee is required. Wastewater Treatment Capacity-Funding provided by sewer connection fees. Open Space -No special funding required. Schools -Payment of statutory school fees is required. Sewer -Condition of approval of development project and/or Sewer Benefit Area Fees. Water -Condition of approval of development project. . ' • • Financing for Facilities Section 21.90 .110(3) of the Municipal Code requires that Local Facilities Management Plans contain a discussion of various methods of funding the facilities and improvements identified in the plan. This plan for Zone 16 provides an estimated cost for each facility and one or more possible methods of funding. General Condition No. 10 states that annexation to, and participation in, the Citywide CFD is necessary in order to find that development within the zone is consistent with the Public Facilities Element of the Carlsbad General Plan. All Facilities not funded via the CFD will be provided as part of normal development requirements. Pacific Ocean Legend • City of Oceanside ....... ·"• ,... ...... ·•... ·, .. _ .. ., ····... 25 : ··.. .. ..... , ···•:·•··········· '---··---· ·•.. •--.: r··r··, \ lo Y\. •• .. . ..... . 2 \ 7 f . 14 i .··········.J .................. .A::::~········'········1 • • ♦·, . / L.. •• ..._: : ,. 15 , 1 7 City of Vista 10 (···~.. : : ! ····~.r·••............. ! City of / ···· "? San Marcos . . L. •• 12:J City Boundary • /,_)-->·~·:</ LFM Zone Boundary /-: r··-. . I City of Encinitas • . I 23 ···········:' ..... •· _:. ·······! 12 ·····: ·······•·· 11 . . I . . I J.• . ••-• L • ••-l : S.D. Co. { . I • • EXHIBIT 2 -Zone 16 Existing Public Facilities Summary Chart LFMP89-16A Facility Conformance with Adonted Performance Standard City Administrative Zone 16 has no impact upon the residential based performance standard for this facility. Library Zone 16 has no impact upon the residential based performance standard for this facility. Parks Yes, existing facilities meet the adopted performance standard. Drainage Yes, existing drainage facilities meet the adopted performance standard. Circulation Yes, existing circulation facilities meet the adopted performance standard. Fire Yes, existing fire facilities meet the adopted performance standard. Wastewater Treatment Capacity Yes, existing facilities meet the adopted performance standard. Open Space Yes, existing open space meets the adopted performance standard. Schools Zone 16 has no impact upon the residential based performance standard for this facility. Sewer Collection There are no existing sewer collection facilities serving Zone 16. Water Distribution There are no existing water facilities serving Zone 16. • • EXHIBIT 3 -Zone 16 Buildout Public Facilities Summary Sheet LFMP89-16A Facility Conformance with AdoQted Performance Standard City Administrative Existing and planned facilities meet the adopted performance standard through build out. Library Existing and planned facilities meet the adopted performance standard through build out. Parks Existing and planned park facilities meet the adopted performance standard with the proposed mitigation measures through build out. Drainage Existing and planned drainage facilities meet the adopted performance standard with the proposed mitigation measures through build out. Circulation Circulation facilities meet the adopted performance standard with the proposed mitigation measures through build out. Fire Existing and planned fire facilities meet the adopted performance standard through build out. Wastewater Treatment Capacity Existing facilities meet the adopted performance standard. Open Space Existing open space meets the adopted performance standard through build out. Schools Existing and planned school facilities meet the adopted performance st~dard. Sewer Collection Sewer facilities meet the adopted performance standard with the proposed mitigation measures through build out. Water Distribution Water facilities meet the adopted performance standard with the proposed mitigation measures through build out. • • EXIIlBIT 4 -General Conditions for Zone 16 LFMP89-16A 1. All development within Zone 16 shall conform to the provisions of Section 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and to the provisions and conditions of this Local Facilities Management Plan. 2. All development within Zone 16 shall be required to pay a public facilities fee pursuant to the standards adopted by the City Council on July 28, 1987, and as amended from time to time and all other applicable fees. Development in Zone 16 shall also be responsible for any additional fees to be incorporated into this Plan that are found to be necessary to enable facilities to meet the adopted performance standard. 3. The City of Carlsbad shall monitor all facilities in Zone 16 pursuant to Subsections 21.90.130(c), (d) and (e) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 4. All development in Zone 16 shall be in conformance with the adopted Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan as adopted by City Council Resolution 8797 on September 23, 1986. 5. Periodic amendment to the Zone 16 Local Facilities Management Plan is anticipated to incorporate newly acquired data, to add conditions and upgrade standards as determined through the required monitoring program. Amendment to this Plan may be initiated by action of the property owners, Planning Commission or City Council at any time. 6. If a public facility or service is found not to be in conformance with an adopted performance standard during the yearly monitoring, or at any other time, the matter will be immediately brought before the City Council. If the City Council determines that a non-conformance does exist, then no future building or development permits, which would impact the facility, shall be issued unless an amendment to the Citywide Facilities and Improvement Plan or the Local Facilities Improvement Plan for this zone is approved by the City Council, which addresses those facility shortfalls and brings those facilities into conformance with the adopted performance standards. 7. After adoption of this Plan by the City Council, no building permits will be allowed unless the performance standards are compiled with. This includes all projects which are exempt under Section 21.90.030(c) of the City Municipal Code. 8. Approval for this Local Facilities Management Plan does not constitute prior environmental review for projects within Zone 16. All future projects within Zone 16 shall undergo environmental review per Title 19 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Any mitigation measures determined during a project's environmental review shall be complied with i_n their entirety unless findings of overriding consideration are made by the City Council. • • 9. Approval of this Plan does not constitute prior discretionary review for projects within Zone 16. All future projects shall undergo review per Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 10. Approval of any discretionary permit within Zone 16 shall be contingent upon the provision of adequate public facilities to satisfy the Public Facilities element of the General Plan. At this time, a Mello-Roos Community Facilities District has been formed to finance the construction of several Citywide facilities necessary to serve new development. If the Zone 16 property does not annex into the district, the required General Plan consistency fmding cannot be made and no discretionary approvals, building permits, grading permits, final maps, or development permits would be issued or approved; therefore, the property is conditioned to annex into CFD No. 1 as a condition of the first discretionary approval. A Planned Community Master Plan or a Specific Plan for the purpose of this Condition is not the first discretionary approval. • • EXHIBIT 5 -Special Conditions for Zone 16 LFMP89-16A The following Special Conditions apply specifically to development in Zone 16 and must be complied with in addition to the General Conditions for Zone 16. These conditions are also listed separately under the analysis discussion of each facility. CITY ADMINISTRATION No special conditions. LIBRARY No special conditions. PARKS A growth management park fee of $.40 per square foot of non-residential development will be collected at the time of building permit issuance, to be used for park facilities serving Zone 16. DRAINAGE· All future development in Zone 16 will be required to construct any future Zone 16 storm drain facilities identified in the current Drainage Master Plan as determined by the City Engineer. Any facilities necessary to accommodate future development must be guaranteed prior to the recordation of any final map, issuance of a grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first, for any development requiring future storm drain facilities in Zone 16. As required, a storm water pollution prevention plan will also be prepared and implemented for each lot. The SWPP consists of guidelines and activities to select and carry out actions that prevent the pollution of storm water discharge. In addition to the selected BMP's for each lot, the permanent water quality basins, located downstream will serve as additional treatment in removing pollutant_s from storm water runoff prior to discharge into the existing natural drainage course. As each lot is developed, the temporary desilting basins will be replaced with permanent BMP measures that will be appropriate for the specific use of each lot. When each individual lot is developed, it shall provide both source control and treatment control BMP's as described in the "California Storm Water Management Proactive Handbook" for industrial and commercial projects. • • Prior to the recordation of a final map, grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first for any development within Zone 16, the developers of the project are required to: Pay the required drainage area fees established in the current Drainage Master Plan and; Provide the drainage facilities at the time of development to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Drainage facilities will include the detention basin upstream of Faraday Avenue and a 6' x 7' box culvert under Faraday A venue. This basin and the three other ones off-site were identified in a 1998 Rick Engineering Company report prepared for the City of Carlsbad. The report was prepared to address the existing flood-prone areas in the Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park at El Camino Real and Cannon Road. A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) will be prepared and approved prior to issuance of a grading permit. The approved SWPPP shall be implemented during the construction phase. The SWPPP will consist of the selected BMP's, guidelines and activities to carry out actions which will prevent the pollution of storm water runoff. The SWPPP will also include the monitoring and maintenance of the construction BMP's during the construction phase. CIRCULATION In order to address future Growth Management issues, the City of Carlsbad is developing alternative strategies to facilitate the construction of essential roadway circulation elements. Faraday Avenue is a significant arterial roadway element that will be needed to accommodate projected traffic volumes regardless of development within Zone 16. The City is attempting to secure the environmental clearances, financing and right-of-way necessary to construct the road in the event development within Zone 16 does not occur in a timely manner. Therefore, the City is requiring that the developer enter into a right-of-way agreement with the City within 120 days of the approval of this revision to the Zone 16 LFMP. The agreement shall require the dedication of all necessary rights-of-way for the construction of Faraday Avenue within 60 days of receiving all of the necessary Agency permits. The required rights-of-way shall include, but not be limited to, the standard secondary arterial road right-of-way, all necessary slope and drainage easements and any construction easements that may be necessary to allow the construction of Faraday Avenue and all appurtenant facilities. Prior to the recordation of a final map, grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first within Zone 16, a comprehensive financing program guaranteeing construction of the following circulation improvements shall be approved: IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED 1. Melrose Drive -Palomar Airport Road to the Vista City limits Melrose Drive shall be graded to full width standards for a six lane Prime Arterial roadway. Construction of the two inside lanes (4 lanes) and raised median shall also be • • provided. futersection improvements to Palomar Airport Road and Melrose Drive shall provide for the buildout configuration. 2. Melrose Drive and Palomar Airport Road futersection fu addition to Condition 1 above, Melrose Drive, on the south side of Palomar Airport Road shall be constructed to include modification of existing Melrose Drive and Palomar Airport Road intersection to provide one northbound through lane and one northbound Melrose Drive to eastbound Palomar Airport Road right turn lane. 3. El Fuerte Street-Existing Northerly Terminus to Faraday Avenue El Fuerte Street from its current terminus north of Loker Avenue to Faraday Avenue shall be constructed to include: a. Complete grading and improvements to ultimate right-of-way width of a secondary arterial standard. b. Modification of the existing traffic signal on the north side of Palomar Airport Road including restriping and signage. 4. Faraday A venue from Orion Street Easterly to Melrose A venue. Faraday Avenue from its existing terminus at Orion Street easterly to the Vista city limit shall be constructed to include: a. Complete grading and improvements to ultimate right-of-way width of a secondary arterial standard. b. Improvements to also include two animal crossings. 5. Faraday Avenue and El Camino Real Intersection Modifications shall be made at the intersection of Faraday Avenue and El Camino Real to provide one additional westbound to northbound right tum lane. No special conditions are necessary. WASTEWATER TREATMENT CAPACITY No special conditions are necessary. However, each sewer district to ensure adequate wastewater treatment capacity through buildout shall pursue the following action jointly. Monitor Encina Treatment plant flows on a monthly basis to determine actual flow rates and to have an early warning of capacity problems. OPEN SPACE No special conditions are necessary. SCHOOLS Payment of statutory school fees is required. • • SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM All development within Zone 16 is required to pay the appropriate sewer connection fee prior to issuance of any building permit. Prior to the recordation of a final map, issuance of a grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first for any development in Zone 16, a financing mechanism guaranteeing the construction of the following sewer facilities must be provided: Alternative # 1 : City Master Sewer Plan Alternative: The South Agua Hedionda Sewer Interceptor would serve existing and planned industrial development within the South Agua Hedionda Basin. The proposed interceptor segment is a 15- inch, gravity-flow trunk sewer and will be approximately 3.4 miles in length. Alternative #2: Project Proponent Alternative: The Environmental Impact Report for Carlsbad Oaks North (EIR 98-08), when certified will allow for application to the wildlife agencies to be completed. If for environmental reasons or agency requirements, Alternative #1 cannot be implemented, then Alternative #2 would be used for permanent sewer service for Carlsbad Oaks North Specific Plan. Sewer Alternative #2 would involve the construction of a force-main sewer rather than a gravity sewer. Under this option, the sewer would be carried in Faraday Avenue to El Camino Real and then head north and connect with the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor system near College Boulevard. If Alternative #2 is implemented, a sewer pump station would be constructed at Lot #9 in the Specific Plan area. Also, a gravity sewer would be constructed south of the La Mirada Creek to capture sewer flow from the Raceway sewer basin (LFMP Zone 18). Currently, the SARI in El Camino Real flows out of the basin to the North Agua Hedionda Interceptor. There is limited capacity in NAHl and cannot accommodate on a permanent basis additional out of basin flows. The Cannon Road Pump Station, force main and gravity line must be completed and operational prior to issuance of building permits. • • WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM All development within Zone 16 shall pay a major facilities fee based on E.D.U.'s to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and a capacity charge to the San Diego County Water Authority. Prior to recordation of a final map, issuance of a grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first for any development in Zone 16, a financing mechanism guaranteeing the construction of the following water facilities must be provided: Service Area A (700 Zone Water) The following water facilities will be required as a condition to the approval of future development within Service Area A to the satisfaction of the City. I. The proposed potable 16-inch water main in Melrose A venue from Palomar Airport Road to future Faraday Avenue, in future El Fuerte Street and in future Faraday A venue. 2. The proposed reclaimed 8-inch main in Melrose Avenue from Palomar Airport Road to Faraday Avenue and in future Faraday Avenue. Service Area B (550 Zone Water) The following potable water facilities will be required as a condition to the approval of future development within Service Area B to the satisfaction of the City. I. The proposed pressure reducing station in future "D" Street. 2. The proposed 16-inch water main in future "D" Street east of future El Fuerte Street, and in Faraday westerly to Orion Street. 3. The proposed 12-inch water main in the future "D" Street west of future El Fuerte Street. 4. The proposed reclaimed 8-inch main in a future street north of future Faraday Avenue. RECLAIMED SYSTEM Similar to the potable water system for Zone 16, there are two service pressure zones -Elevation 550 and 660. Elevation 550 Zone 1. A proposed 12" main in Faraday Avenue from El Camino Real east to westerly "D" Street. • • 2. A proposed 8" line in Faraday Avenue from westerly "D" Street to easterly "D" Street. 3. An 8" line in both "A" and "B" Streets. Elevation 660 Zone 1. A proposed 12" main in Melrose Avenue from Palomar Airport Road to Faraday Avenue. 2. · A proposed 12" main in Faraday Avenue between Melrose and easterly "D" Street. 3. A proposed 12" main in "D" Street. 4. A proposed 8' line in both "C" and "D" Streets. GRAPING ANALYSIS: -= .etJ!M1:LJIJI .D...BJ£l1JI -.Jl1L!L cur, :1,212.000 er Jr.,.ooo er ;r~ooo er 2.660,000 CY nu. 2.212,000 CY J7'.000 er 7~000 CY 2,6$0,000 CY _, IMAC: 27 AC 6 AC. 22.J AC. CY/ACRE: f1,76IJ IJ,l!J/11 P,l,r,, 11,92/J 10TAL CXPOR'r. o er GRAPING NOTE: N.P.P.E.S. NOTE: VlCINlTY MAP ©2002 O'Ooy Consultants, Inc, NOTE: + SHEET 7 1HSA'll7.lt:TID1£ml'lnt»IIM.llftlllt4/.M4PS»DPHASCS. Slil'HASNC~SIUTSU~/1 __:rft:._ GENERAL NOTES: .CSS~:S-PARCa. NO-----Ml-030-o,f, II, 12, 2J, 24 rorAt ACRES --------414.0 ~ CROSS C'XlSnNGZOMNG PC _CD,,,_,, _______ ""/OS EXISrlM; ~ PLAN (){'SK;MOON __ "/OS PROPOSCD CCM/1.11. PIAN DCSICNAllON __ Pf/OS (NOOln(IJ) N/Jll8£JI" CI.ASSV1CATTON OF LOTS ___ 2J INIJUml!AI. LO"TS ___ J OPOI sPACC LOTS ~-- + ___ 1 Sfl/lER Pt/W' STA110N LOT SUBDIVIPER: ___ 27 TOTAL LOTS NIN8£R 0, /H1S _______ N/A TOTA£ 8UtOINC ~C-C N/A BtM,{)IN(; SOt/.ME roorAGC N/.A 1¥.RCENT or S1TF LAN0SCAP£ 5£C LAN/JSCNI'£ PLANS PARXWG SP,l,C(S R!OOtR£D N/A DIPI.OYCE EA11NC AREA N/A Al-£R,IG'£ LWt.Y 11WRC 22,6.M) (P£,R 1/WTIC ST1.ID'1' D4TED ~-1'-01) SC1-,t)Ot OISrRICT CARLSBAD t)VIF1£D SCHoot Ol5l'1t1CT WAJI"R OtSrRICT C4RLSB40 AIUNICIPAI. WATrR DISTRJCT Sr»r.R-/JISrRICT CJRl$JUD AIUNJCPJI. WATUI DISTRfCT rrJPOCR.I.PHC SOURC! $AN-LO AEPJAI. S~ DATE:D .J-1-1-96 C0NrouR INTUIVAI. ______ 10' o· :?r 200 ..,. SCIU:1• .. ,00· ,, _______ _ ., _______ _ --,- SH[[T ! or I 8 SHffTS C.T. 97-13 TENTATIVE MAP FOR CARLSBAD OAJ(S NORTH BUSINESS PARK LEGEND: ~BIXA,fJ.ARY, lOTlH OJSTNCCCIITl:l.RS CJdSTN; WAl!Jf IU,II C)(ISTl,CS{11(JfM4/N~AH., {)(J$1/l,f;S(JI/Ofltlff2"MA.#IA-A.N cnsr,.c SrrRYOIW'I DfJSf1,/GFR£Htr)IW{f t:ASIW& SIRUTWIT PRrP0SCD •Tut MAM , -"ftl"tl5lDlifflMEl)ll<4l(J( Plt(p(J5[J),S(11£}1JU.N.tA.R ~SOllR/'00:fNAN ~SJW()lfht.AOWAl.i M(P(JS[J)-,,icm:r,OOWJ,{1 l'fiU'OS[J)Sll)llllCJ«dfd C.O _,.,,.,,,, ~f'IRilfl'UWif Pff'CPOSlDSTP.UTWII ~1,'ffJ.ll'IIIAX) -~,,,, ~SWAI.{ OlfE'Cnt,,/(Yfl.()I' 1/F-IW """"""""' SJQlfMr.w:t,. F/JMC N.P.JU.S. rAQJrr ($£I NOTC 1HS !Htr) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ---- ====$0==.= -I " __ ,,, __ ---RW-- ---{ ----.----- -I " __yz__ ~:T.:==:r:= -➔-➔ A P(;ff11(N(Tl0f ~•r, IWICMJAriV.I ~ #I 11CC'ffr(T CWS!Mt\ ctJI.MfY or $NI l>Cz:Q STA7l" er CAll1lNA. .l~t n, 1,1,AP 11£M(T .w: ,.,.l llE.D" lhC cma: er n,: mwrr Jr«OO){R v sm «'CDC't:Qln: IIO~ 16, I~ O'CEl'TrlC ~All l}IATP'{JltJDI ,"lfNCs()(JJICAr(T'TJ,f tQm£/f/.r1rcorc.1RtstWJ IR.ICINO 14-21, A~ ro I/AP ha tOJTZ nt1D N nK «net (T 1HC &rXNTY R["1'ttJ(JI r,-SAN~ m,wrr, Am TA /Ml, • onttffl:at STAN/MRI) sma:r su,n,,r:r MCWI/M£/fl lla9,.,. NOl1IH COUNTY VE,RncAI. COM'ROL D-47.A n-,lJOO J~.J.76 ~ 2972, MS.L .. _ e EASEMENT NOTES: .lIZll ~ -lJllF ~ = m ,,..,, ~ SNnA110N DIST. F'/N 2ntl.J6 11./11/6' -1%) -SOCK r/)1 T.J.-1$6nT •/1$.J ,,,_N tll -(•) CITYC>"""'-""" F/N IJ2-ITl$47 V,,,,N -ID HOr 10 CCNSTRIJCT CARLSllliJ PMTNClfS F',IN IHf-DI/JJ/1,IJJ J/~I IIOWN Ill -r:m'O,CfflSIMO F/'N 62-17''47 4/0,,N - J,DT # J,DTAJll<I (AC) l'ADAlll<I (AC) I .. ,, ~ ,. ., " ., ~~ ,, ., ,,. .. ,. .,, , .. ., ,,. l"'.1 .,, , . .,, IJ I.JI .. ' ,,, ., ,, ,, JI ,, ,, .. ., ., , . ~ " ,, <D JD ,. ~· Z1 . ., ,. ., ,, , ., J ., IUIN '140 Nf)Tf" flt.R&S1flE17$1KJ.Uf'lllACITS£C<HJAAYAII~ ,(.IC;! 11.I AC (T ~M STRII'fS .ll,pC,IJnr,'EJISl'A(< .. PU/lC VTIITY ior / ~ SPMX PLAN -FARADAY A VENUE ©2002 O'Ooy Consullon1s, Inc. $&,It.{:,•.,!(}' ':JY!'F w-12· WILOUF£ UNOERCNOSSIN6 (12', 2,• Al/CH SECTION) "'""' "'""' ,, ,.,,.,,.... r ;-.. ~,. ( ,,. ,,. ,,. JI' II' .,. E'XISTING £l FU£RTf "'""" ,.. ,.. I ,rt .,,. ,.. ,,. ~.:(* ...... _ J# Jl-"1,,"' P.CC.:Sll(MX _J!._ ___ I __ l_L_fi _____ ¾ ____ 'jd m'C't"OM #r;vmJf A.C.Plltf)E](fN-1~ EXISTING [ARADA Y A VE. (CITY OF CARLSBAO) "'""" ~It ,, . ~t ,,. ,.. ,. " Jt' I ,,. t ~,e.,.. I <, JJr ± JI, '/1},J(-=4=== ==-~~ "/.::., ------=c--> Mr t"OM ', #WTTVt AC.PMJD'TAICIMSC £X/STJN(1 FARADAY AV£; (CITY or VISTA) "°""" Sff Wl/.0/.IF[ (JNO[RCROSSIN(; SECTIONS, 711/S SH£[T TYPICAL SECTIONS "'"""' PROFILE DETENTION FACILITY "'sc," -er.-.. STAN/W?D SrREIT SI/RITT IJDMNCJIT lCDIIIIIII APPflo.t 1400 Far SOll1H or PAJ.OAWl AJRPORr ROAD ON ClNTUII.IN[ or fi Cb/lNO ROI. lltQII ,_ NOm1I COlJN1Y ~ CONTROi. DATA R-16/JO JOll<l-76 ~ 297.2$ AIS.l. SH[fT 2 OF ! 8 SHffTS C.T. 97-13 ''A.CP"'10JQll0A.6 (l,#NJCR,15,a:~ 1r..si:::.:s ~ £l FU£RT(/FARAOAY A V£NU( ,,. aJ'(nP) """"" ,•,4.c PWT, ~l'A.8 /JIN.) CR AS J/£COIMJCV 8( St:lt.S" £1Q,fI]I STRITTS ~ ' THROUGH 'D ' "'""" JI' JS SECTION c-c """'"' --- TrPICAL SECTION (1RA0£0 SWAL( o TOP OF SLOP! ""'"" S££ SHEET NO. 5 ©2002 o·ooy Consultants, Inc. === C(1CJll'IOII: STAH(JARD STREIT Sf/RIIO' lolOMN£NT ~ APPRCW 1400 FlIT SOI/TH or PAJ..OUAR AIRPORT ROAi) ON COIT!:RUNC Of' £1 CAMINO ROI. --,_ NOmH COUNTY ~ CONmOL D,fTA n-,aoo JM,1-1~ D..[VIICIN. 297.2.!JJ.JS.L ---_ _.n,:: ___ .., __ - SHEET 3 OF 18 SHffTS C.T. 97-13 SETBACK NOT[: SH SH[FJ 12rm 8/JllOING ANO FIRE S/JPPR[SSION SETBACI< SIGHT DISTANCE TABL ---= "'"'' J]{JfTII CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH BUSINE:55 PARK _ .. ......._ ______ -.. ---»JIL ------...., .....,.__,,.. .......__ ~. ·•. STANDARD STHfIT sumu MOMNCNT -~~ cb'#'!!/u:f tALOMlR ---~ca;zJ~ COHTROl. tkTA ©2002 O'Day Cansullanls, Inc. ~ 297.2$11.S.!, SHffT 4 or 18 SH[[TS C.T. 97-13 SOU I""' loo' S[T84CK NOT£: SE£ SH[[T 12 FOfl 80/lOING ANO FIR[ SUPPRESSION SU/JACK SIGHT DISTANCE TABLE s,m """' """",,,,, Q,lssn;.4,TQ( SffI1J ""'""' '"""'"' ''"'" IJ()f'CIT """" """'"'" """ """'' Sff SHEET NO. 7 ©2002 0'0oy Consullonts, Inc, S££ SH££T NO. 3 ''""" "'""' ,.,,,, .WRIT "'Q£M M(,,I• fr) I( MUITMG II iN (T !R{T II(} C,UCT !Jf,l/1 It HCIER 1HAN »: N:J.v:,11(; """""""' ~ APPROX. J,tOO llIT SOUTI-I O<' PAL~ AJRPORT MWJ OM cenERI.INf or Cl CAM/NO R£ll llal9,_M'JlmfCOtJNrY~CONT1IO£ll47A ft-1/W(} J~~1(J IWiOlllt 2J1..i!~ WS.I. 97-13 0 ?f;;g 100' SOU ,·,. 100' SUBACK NOT[: SE£ SHffT Tl FOi{ BU!lOI//C A//0 FIR[ SVPPR[SSJW SET8ACK 7 ©2002 0'0ay Consulton1s, Inc. \ ' 16'i~MNN .... '1 .,.,., \\.1 ll'HI-" r 1, '\ ~-ltl,,::, :.,\ \ ____ . SH££T 6 OF I 8 SHffTS C.T. 97-13 ~ SCIU 1• • 1DO' SUBACK NOT£- Sff SJl[[T 12 FOIi 8/110/NG ANO RRE SUPPRESSION SU8ACX • SIGHT DISTANCE TABLE "'"' D(S<N "'"'""''"' QASSt'ICAf'Oi ,,,,,,, DIST)!a """""'' ,,,,.,, u,,,rrr -"'Tfh• """'"'" ..,,,,, JJfJrrif - CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH BUSINESS PARK ..._ e + + SIGHT DISTANCE TABLE mu, ,,_ """"""" .,,.......,., ,,,,,, .. ,..,. _, ,._ ... flTT ,,.,.. --'""' J»flTT ©2002 0'0ay Consullon1s, Inc. === mtlnOlt STANDARD STR£J:r StJRVf'f MDM.N£/ff ..._ APPROX 1400 FlIT SOUTH CY' PAI.~ AIRPORT ROAD ON COITrRt.lNE ~ a CAMINO R£,A/, lltQ9 ,_ r.o,m/ COU'l1Y \.f'R11C\t CONTROL lUTA R-1/J(l(J .K>IJ"-76 ~ ;/97,2SMS.!, ( 1 OF 18 SHffTS C.T. 97-13 wu.1· .. ,w Sff SHEET 12 r. BVILOING ANO Fl SUPPRESSIOV SE :.W2 . -:,·--: CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH ;.:g, BUSINESS PARK ~::: I JRI .--cc, 1 '"" ~,t"lf TMI ~OlC.f l9iil ~!Z,PI IHI PRIFAIEJJJ.L M7 ... ,,__.._ .. ~ -~ e ... __ - MAP No. / ©2002 o'Ooy Consullon1s, Inc, ...._, \ ' ... ,, i.: ···----·-ff/1-#-W SIGHT DISTANCE TABLE + 511U:T = '°:'::' cw,n;,TIQ/ .srt'WlMr lOltl'H '411/TIT ,.,,,_ JOJI/IH .l.l:111I1 .. __ .,•.·,:: .. · ~4,,,r ~ :· '.,•' I ,, ', \, I \, ... ', '• 1·· .,.,,., / .. , i1i'i I 11 !I, ,I 't 11.JJJtJ '1 ' I ', I, ' """" ;-.J.J&t '.,,,, I \ \ \ \ SHffT 8 OF 18 SHffTS C.T. 97-13 •· CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH BUSINESS PARK 7 JJ JO - 29 - 28 27 25 - 24 - 1() JI' '1J'{TIP.) rA.t::rNrour . .u: /llll/C11,S,tt-lYll'l!t!lMt11 [ARAOA y AV(NU( forrsm:) HO SCAtr ©2002 O'Day Consultants, Inc. •=a I \ I I I .... ~~ \ I I I I I I I I I I ' ' I \ r \ t I ' 1?0Fll£ -FA 'ADX'i)i,VENUE HOIIJ7 ... , •• ,(JI)' t!XI; .. , ... 1(1' S111££TCI. CIW){ . G'WJf • STK££T Q OFFS/TE PLAN: FARAOA Y AVENUE (OFFS/TE) :r,,IIC t•• lt}I)' 26 ~ ij , , , , , , , , I I I \ ,~, \I 30 -., ,,, -, ' ...... --4. -.~,,.----------~ ---.::.: < ~~ \ \ .... ,, l ~I, \ -=-=== llttCWIOlt SfA}ION?/J SIR£CT SUR',fl' MONl.hlf/ff I.«-~ 1400 FEET SOUT1I Or PAJ.()UAR AJRPORT ROAD ON com:Rt.lN( Of' CJ. OOUHO REN. __ ,_ HORTH COlN1'1' ~ CONTROL D,47A R-1600 JIM#-16 ~ 2V.~:5WS.l.. 280 270 260 250 230 220 ....:-oJt! ___ ---= ... __ - SHffT 9 OF I 8 SHEETS C.T. 7-13 • CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH BUSINESS PARK I 56 - 20 - !Bl- 560- 320- 16 ©2002 o'ooy Consullonts. Inc. ·~ v~ // I / -\ .,,,/ v-' ,,, /., CfJST. GP.II}[ • ST/lffJ (' ---~ ~ !! PROFILE -J :4RADA Y A VEN I£ ION-SIT£ 26 30 PROFILE -EL FUERTE: SCN.f'IOfll."'f'•NO' n,a; .. , •• to' 36 SCfl.r H:Jllll ... r.JO.?· 1-Vi'T.•1·-1D' 40 n'I' -400 -JBO -J60 -.J20 -300 -280 -260 -·- \\._,.,..-✓,,,---... ___ - ,I) ,'6 ~ APR'l'Cw. l400FEE1'SOlmlorPAI.DAIAR ,IJ!fPORT ROAD ON CENTml.lN£ OF' a CAl,IINORE,1,/. ---NO/ml COUNTY~ CONTROL D,4TA R-llWO JOlt+7~ ~ ,2g7,2$MS.l. ----- SH[[T IO or 1 f SHffTS -510 C.T. '07-13 -5 0 '! II -3CO -210 --210 -2 0 -210 -fW 10 CARLSBAD OAK NORTH BUSINESS f i4RK -L. ~ , 'W" ...... ·1 QQlll ■IIL 'I'• ... ,..,_ ................ --:_5 = ii:Hi JWl ~~d~'f,;7 A'{· _,........__ _____ -a,...J,IJL Niia .t'!.W__ _....___ ... ..---. SH££T II OF It. SHffTS C.T. 97-13 540-RJJ'l(C -540 PtlST.I• <12JMJ l'I/Ofl'• 491.5 •• -~ --~r~ -. (X)' lc'C: ~· ,./ li:!;tJ ~ t'•·-. .. P)I ;4 • j(H,C 500-~s ,,.,,., .. , ~~ Plf ~+ISO -500 IDflt:t:. r-i,Z)S1IIIIl'CLCIWJ£ ,• ---' ""~'"'°'"" / --',, !~ ~~ --l'ilPfl'• 4/JT,5 -c-~., - ~-_,,,,,.-·_.. ~ . ,.,,, ~~ ~~ Pl/STA• "'"' l ~· '\ PR() /W C ,,.,,~ "'' ~---"----., ,< ~~ ~ 420-l'HSTA • ,,,. 110' "' ii -420 PHH(}' .,,,,, ! ~ v '• .. /1 i'--Dm CI/.IIX II ST11EET a 0 STR[[7 a __/,.,_ PH STA• 6.JJ.NJ ~ ~ -. PlfllIV• .Jl25 tDII Kt:. . i~ 'I ~ •,, ~rt1 l'tl ~A• fS#!JO --rJ EXIST. c.w, '•,,, " 380-~ ""i,.r,,.JtJ, ii ~~ -380 -!~,,~.,-f-,------~ . --~---~~c---, p,-,,.__ it ,.~ . ,,-•' it ""!!!!..:..r,:., ~ r.,, ~~/ i-------, I --~~---I~ V 340-~--~ ·~' -.... , ______ / -340 ~j f i, --_; ~ !. ~ v PRO 'l:"/LE STRff 'D' -300-~ = Hael[ .. ,·.100· -300 .z,c _,,.. ~ ... ,._ ,tf)' -,Cl ,is J:0 J6 10 16 ,o <6 I~ 16 10 16 - CARLSBAD OAK NORTH BUSINESS F 4RK 111lJW1 or;r,t,2«11 PRfPA.#!l]).U. .l 1117 -STANDARD ST!IC£TSlJR'lfl'Al(JNU1J!NT DL..,. -....... -------AP1'ROI(. ,,,oo F£f.7 SOI.ml or P~OMAR ~I _.,.....JIJ&.._ Aa.... AliPORT ROAD ON CEJITElll.lN£ or _ _..___ ... ...___ a CAJ,1/NOREAI.. CJD• a. U ' -* ---.. _ -·-~~c.-01/il --,_ NORTH COONTY ~ CONTROL G-t7A --ri.= = ----z-' r' .......J R-1800 .JC>a~7$ -----2V,2$MS.l. ,.. __ ©2002 O'Day Consultants, Inc, -·---~# -···· ·-- NO SCAU: ©2002 o·ooy Consollonls, Inc. @ OPEN SPACE \ \ \ \ \ \ I I + \ (------------------------------\ 'i --,--, \ ~,,~ l-=~- 1 \, \ l \ \ I \ \ -' ! ' -\i IOCJPl'Dt STANOARO S1REV' Sc.t'M'Y IIONUMEHT UIOIDlt ~ 1400 n:cr SOUTH Of" PAlOUA.R AIRPORT ROIJJ ON CENTFRt.lNt or !J. CAA/lh'O R£AJ. ... ,_ NORTW cou,nr 1,£1;'7,c.ll. CONTROL tl,t.T,I R-IIJOO Jl)8J.T6 ar-.. 29T2$J.l,S.l SHffT 12 Of 18 SHffTS C.T. 97-13 ,. ALL LOTS Al/£ SUBJECT TO D£V£LOPM£NT STANDARDS SIT FOi/TH IN SP 2 II. 2, Fl/ONT SETBACKS Al/£ 11£0Utll£0 TO 8c TH£ MINIMUM DISTANCE: SPE:CIFIF:O OIi TO TOP OF SLOPF:. WH/CH£V£11 IS llll£:AT£11. LOT LIN£ BU/LO/Nil S£r8ACK JO' WIDE: F/11£ SUPP/1£:SS/ON ZONE: BUILDING ANIJ FIRE SUPPRESSION SETBACK MAP /r--------------------------------------~_p_ -------------,,,.,,,,,,,.,, ---------------SHffT 13 OF 18 SHffTS C.T. 97-13 1 I I Ir • I 100 I SCttfl 1• • '1W \ I I I I I I I @ OPEN SPACE \, \ -----I -·--.. !'-_.,,,.~ ...,.~cm-crcw.saro~ \ .. __ .. \ a'tm'SC'IO \ I ..--;~~-~\.________________ / -.),,. v:· -c/ ------,--"' r:.------~---~~ \ \ ,_ ~0 , ..... ---... ©2002 O'Doy Consultants, Inc. C/TYOI'~ OPEN SPACE -------------------- / + TENTATIVE MAP FOR 'LSBAD OAKS NORTH BUSINESS PARK SEWER OPTION 1 LEGENIJ rtlllt(W.lll('ISTA) l9UEW. SA.Hl'JATION Olmic:T) _,,,.,,""" ► 7 A--- 1 I I Ir ,.,. ,W -----------------------------------1 ,_ ----------------~~-· --------------,---- @ OPEN SPACE + SH[[T 14 or I 8 SH££TS C.T. 97-13 TENTATIVE MAP FOR 'LSBAD OAKS NORTH BUSINESS PARK SC,tt.J:: 1·-m ( SEWER OPTION 2 - ©2002 O'0oy Consultants, Inc. \ ' OPEN SPACE ---------------- / - \ . I\ \ I \1 I LEGEND CAAYITI' SCWl'..l!W,.'N (CNlSAAD) rtRC£Witl(CNU8'0) ,.__ __ r<RCtWIN(YISTA) ---------{109E EMI.TEJ'l'ftl(JIASANIT,1J()f,jormaC'T) ► -•.IIJIL --------•--lol.A..-h.a----------..-- + ©2002 o'Ooy Consultonls, Inc. @ \ ,---~---.!!!:_EN SPACE \,./ -------',"', ''\-: PHASE 1 ,.,,,, ...... ~ NOSCN.£ -...-..... ~ /'JIASI 11 LO'TY -I~ .I"', .,,,, .f.t, .f~ a T, I, ', I~ II, I.I SEW£R -AU. SAN SC1IE1t FACVT1£S SHM.1 /JC CONSTRUCTFIJ ""1HN FAIWlO' ,IND a FVC/f1£ -TEJIPOIWfY Sf1l!'R FACIJ./11£S 77) EXIS1NC IJtJEw. SWTAT10N DISTRICT Pl.M,iPSTA~AS~ll)'IHTllfO,STWX:TACRED,1£/(T, -AU SCM1'I F,4CVT1£.S MTHN .PHU£ (AS 5HO#N <JN 1'.1,1,). -SEE S£1'fA PHASINC DtHIITf. SHEir Nru 12. 1.1, 14. PN4S£ /. W,,IJ'9 -AU FAOU11!S wm.rN PHASE IIOIJNONr1' (AS SHO#N ON TJ,1.) -AOOfT10HIJ, OFT'$l1C LOOP Sl$TDI AS ftCrJf.m£D 61' C.~W.O. ST(JRM DRMi -AU. fACM.mCS WfTHN PH4S£ 8()U4Wr( (AS $NOMI ON T.U). -TDll'1)IW(t fYlS/7£ STDH.11 ORA/NS nJP (XPORr/lMPONT snt$ ~ AS /t£r)llllfE/J 6Y (;(TY r,;.,cM.Of ~-~r=:--?1°~: C1W7INC -CUT -ltH.000 c.r. nu "' I, l.fJ,000 C'.Y /JIPOm., 2~9,000 C.Y. (2$9,000 ~r. FROM Pf44SC 2) + SHffT I 5 or ! 8 SHffTS C'. T. 97-13 ,------------------------1----------------··7 + ~ @) : \ OPEN SPACE ' \ : \ \ ' \ ' \ ' \ PHASE 2 NO SC<U i ' /' _,,/ \ ----------------~--.....----:I _: -------,,;,:-.._,___ -/ ,,,--~-----/ G ,,,-"-l OPEN SPAC[ \'-i-'-'.../ :1 / --------------....___ I "l------....__\ 'f ''~· : --~ """''·······~ ew,r~,r ..... ~ • P/IASZ R: LO~ -1..\ 14, 1£ 16. 17, 1~ I~ S£1ff1I -AU SC1ftJf FA&t./T1E'S MTT-IN PHASE (AS SHOWN ON T.U), -$CE $CWCR PHASIN(; CXH1/lff, SH£ET Mt II 1Z, I,.\ 14, ~ I. WATER -ALL FAC1UT"£S WfmfN PHASE OOUNDARY (AS SH:J#H OY T.U.). -ADOIT10N4I. OFTSIT!' LOOP S'/STEJI AS REOUIRED BY C.IJ WO. PROJECT PHASING $TtJIIJI DRAIN:: fiilltiM~s:1"~ f"f~w;,g:, ~ £TC. AS REOi/tro> 8'I CITY EJICINUJt. STR£CTS -POlfT10N or STmIT »• G/tADING -CUT • 1,010.000 C.Y. ru -~fXJO c:.r. D(P()lfT • ~7~,000 C,Y. (~.000 C.Y. TO PHIS£ I NO .J16.000 CZY TO PHASE ,J) -=• ICICIIP'IOI STANDARD SrR!IT SURYEY IJOMIJIOIT' 1iC1101aC11t N'P1KJX. 1400 ra:r SOllTH OF PAl.ou.cR AIRPOF(rflO',/JONC£N1UiJ..JNEor a CAMINO REAL .. ,_ NOltfH COUNT>' 1-0l~ CONTROf.. lMTA II-,aoo JO{N 16 nr-DI 2972!JMS.l ------~ ... _,,,_ - ... _ = FOR CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH BUSINESS PARK ----------•--1ol.&.--...._ --------- ©2002 o'ooy Consultants, Inc. -- .,. SHffT ! 6 OF I 8 SHffTS C.T. 97-13 r··----------------------J. __________________ 7 + : @) ~ \ oPEN sPAc£ .,.,e~~=""~Ko<"'-..... ..,.,~7-'.=a:v.:-:»--\ \ ~~~~~~~~~Z;Q.~~'IJ~ : ' ' I \ \ ' I ' ' I ' I /' ---\ ___ ./ ' -----' ,-------------·---;:_·· I _, --------..;,:;-"" _____ //,,--~ -;_-,, '2.Y ""\_ i OPF:N SPACF: \>,>,,__/ ;i !-------------) '-,[ "-I ,--------,· r '--\ ',' ~- I ~,J . \l PHASE 3 HO~LE PHASCJ,, .. ,, ~ _,,,n, ... ~ PllASK 3: wrs -zq ,,. 21, 2J, 14, 2~ n, 21 SCH£ll -AU 5Df'ER FJ.C(J11£S MMN PHASE {AS SHOWN ON T.J.l.), -SU .$l1'UI PHASINC tXHJIIIT, SN£E1' No.• ti, 1.1, t4. PHASC J, WA1Vi' -AI.L F""11r.i 'WflfflN PH4SC IJOUMWt't (AS SHO/fN ON TJI). -AIJOIT10NII.. OFrsnr LOOP S'/$1DI AS R£0UIR£D 6Y C,AIW.ll STORu MAIN: :JftW7~s~~ 1/1,J/:f)Z,%;, ~ f'/C .U HfOUIROJ 8Y CfTY lNCINllR STPUTS -STREET '8; smrrr 'C' J,N/) POR110N or STREIT v· C,WM\(;' ':.. CIR -7~000 C: Y. FU • 1,062,000 ~ r. IIJPOll1' • Jl6,000 a.r. (.Jl6,000 C.Y. F1IOM PHASE 2) weer ~ STANDARD SIRlIT ~ Jl{)Mlt,IEJIT ---~ 1400 ra:r SOllTH or PA/.0/,LUl A/flPORf ROAD OH CEIITrfit.lNE OF aCN,llhORC,4l --f1llt NOR1H COUNTY ~~ CON1ROi. D,4TA ll-lao<J .JM-'76 tllWl9I 297.2~11S.I., PROJECT PHASING FOR CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH BUSINESS PARK __ ..._ _____ -.. ------. -----_______ ..___ ©2002 O'Day Consultants, Inc. -- .1ffllE! STI11W11C"11A'rtJA1CIJ~1,llll.....,lfT'IEXSlWTm JIMOlll llf!lfA.-oMtr7, 19"111•-' 11WT1C~IC ,,,,,,,.,_rr,,.J -.,.___,_._.1-,----l'flO/'OJ(D mt"III' rr,,) PROPOSED IMPIIOV£M£N7S FOIi PALOMA/I All/PO/IT 1/0AD / £L F(J£1/T£ INT£11S£CTION I 11(¥;,Y DWn: SOUl Ml~ fXl1 HOT /MfC/J ro POI.I REJ.(Jt;ATfOI( ~ it\P.S ETC, ASR£fUfl]}8T'T1£(Jrtoa,rm ZNJD~~AS.«ntm l/£S'ffll'fSWNJ!()IM}a fl.fP'/£ ------- === «ICIPIOlt STAN{).ARJ) STNEET SURYCY JJOMN&fl' LOOl9II ~ '"oo rar SOUTH or PAI..OUA.R AJRPORT /fOAO ON CENTERt.lN£ OF El CAMINO R£AL lltOII ... NORTH rxx.wrr ~ CONrROL t.MTA R-lmJO JDiJ.J-70 ~ 2S7.2jAJS.L ....-~ ... __ - SH£[T 17 OF 18 SHffTS C.T. 97-13 \ r 10' ~o· g % k SC,ll.[l"•'-0' ---e OFFS/TE STRIPING PLAN FOR CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH BUSINESS PARK _ .. ....._ ______ _ ..,-11JL _ Aa..... --------- ~l.i!!l!~iM~'"?'!Caa=-jjifu SCAU:t•-400• r ', ·~ C • o• PLAN: SAH T1 A. B. o. ©2002 O'Ooy Consullonts, Inc. .. SH££T ! 8 OF 18 SHffTS C.T. 97-13 • SEWER NOTES ,. Af0l\)Sll) AI.DMJIT FfA Cft1 2. ~~~(J,l~~,:-;o' J. tFf&tSl.trSDIOI" ~sau CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH BUSINESS PARK m~ ,l iS 1~i:1a~ lt£HS£P.w i,l!A' 1wv«r.12= ~~:i::: l'L~~l(r.TXJ Pll£PM1]).«. 1617 -•.IIJL. -------_.IIJL-~ -~· ~ 7