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2002-09-04; Planning Commission; ; CT 02-01|CP 02-03|CDP 02-03 - PACIFIC VIEW CONDOMINIUMS
.The City of CARLSBAD Planning Department • A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION P.C. AGENDA OF: September 4, 2002 ItemNo.@ Application complete date: May 31, 2002 Project Planner: Barbara Kennedy Project Engineer: Clyde Wickham SUBJECT: CT 02-01/CP 02-03/CDP 02-03 -PACIFIC VIEW CONDOS -Request for approval of a Tentative Tract Map, Condominium Permit and Coastal Development Permit to develop a six-unit residential condominium on a site located at the southeast comer of the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Juniper Avenue within Local Facilities Management Zone 1. L RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 5264, 5265, 5266 and 5267 ADOPTING the Mitigated Negative Declaration and APPROVING CT 02-01, CP 02-03 and CDP 02-03 based upon the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. INTRODUCTION .... The applicant proposes to consolidate and develop three vacant lots totaling 0.379 acres with a 6- unit air space condominium project on an infill site located at the southeast comer of Carlsbad Boulevard and Juniper Avenue. The development of the condominium project requires the processing and approval of a Tentative Tract Map? Condominium Permit and Coastal Development Permit. The project is located within the Beach Area Overlay Zone (BAOZ) and would normally require a Site Development Plan (SDP). However, because the project is concurrently processing a condominium permit (pursuant to Chapter 21 .45 of the Zoning Ordinance), an SDP is not required. The site lies within the Mello II segment of the Local Coastal Program and therefore, a Coastal Development Permit will be issued by the City of Carlsbad. The project's proposed density of 15.8 dwelling units per acre is below the 19 dwelling units per acre allowed per the growth management control point for the property's Residential High (RH) General Plan designation. The project meets the City's standards for planned developments and subdivisions, and as designed and conditioned, the project is in compliance with the General Plan, Subdivision Ordinance, and relevant zoning regulations of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The project would not have a significant effect on the environment and a mitigated negative declaration has been issued for the project. The project conforms to all applicable standards, there are no outstanding project issues, and findings can be made for approval of the project. III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The 0.379 acre project site is rectangular in shape and is located at the southeast comer of the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Juniper A venue. The site is currently vacant and devoid of any significant or sensitive vegetation. · , c~ 02-011cP 02-03/CDP 02f-P ACIFrc VIEW coNDos September 4, 2002 Pa e2 • The site is zoned R-3 and is within the BAOZ. It has a General Plan designation of RH. Surrounding properties to the north, south, and east are also zoned R-3 and designated RH. The surrounding development consists of an attached multi-family apartment building to the north, older single-family dwellings to the east and south, and the Pacific Ocean lies to the west of the site. Surrounding properties within the immediate neighborhood have already been developed with a variety of residential uses, including older single-family residences, and newer two-family and multi-family projects. The applicant is proposing to develop a six-unit residential condominium project on the subject site. The six condominium units are configured in a row of "townhouse" style units in a single building. The units are two-story split-level structures with a basement level laundry room and the overall building height is 30 feet. Five of the units contain approximately 2,100 square feet and have an enclosed two-car garage. One of the units (Unit 5) contains 1,400 square feet and has a one-car garage and one designated open parking space. Three additional open parking spaces are provided for guest parking. An enclosed storage space is provided for each unit and a small storage building is located at the southwest corner of the project to be used to house landscape maintenance equipment. Each unit has a raised porch at the entry, an ocean-facing deck or balcony, and a roof-top deck at the rear (east side) of each unit. The contemporary Cape Cod style structure will have wood siding, custom wood trim elements and knee braces, a decorative cultured river rock veneer around the base of the building, and a composition asphalt shingle roof. The proposed colors and materials for the building are light gray colored walls and roof, mixed gray river rock veneer, medium slate blue doors and fascia, white wood trim and knee braces; and white metal balcony railings. IV. ANALYSIS The project is subject to the following regulations and requirements: A. General Plan R-H (Residential -High Density) designation; B. Beach Area Overlay Zone (BAOZ), R-3 (Multiple-Family Residential) Zone, and Condominium Permit (Planned Development) regulations (Chapters 21.82, 21.16, and 21.45 respectively of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); C. Local Coastal Program (Mello II Segment); D. Subdivision Ordinance (Title 20 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); E. Inclusionary Housing (Chapter 21.85 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); and F. Growth Management (Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code). The recommendation for approval for this project was developed by analyzing the project's consistency with the applicable City regulations and policies. The project's compliance with each of the above regulations is discussed in detail in the sections below. . , C~ 02-01/CP 02-03/CDP 02-'-PACIFIC VIEW CONDOS September 4, 2002 Pa e3 A. General Plan The proposed project is consistent with the policies and programs of the General Plan. The property has a General Plan designation of RH. The RH designation allows the development of multi-family residential units at a density of 15 -23 dwelling units per acre. The growth control point is 19 dwelling units per acre. The proposed project involves six condominium units being developed on a 0.379 acre rectangular shaped lot. Development at the growth control point would allow 7.2 units on the property. The proposed project is for six condominium units at a density of 15.8 dwelling units per acre. The project complies with all the Elements of the General Plan as outlined in Table I below: Table 1 -GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE USE, CLASSIFICATION, PROPOSED USES & COMPLY ELEMENT GOAL OBJECTIVE OR IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM Land Use Site is designated for Residential Multi-family residential Yes High at 19 du/ac. units at 15.8 du/ac. Housing In-lieu contribution for the Project conditioned to Yes inclusionary requirement per pay an in-lieu Objective 3.6 contribution on a per unit basis per Program 3.6c Public Safety Provide project review that allows Project improvements Yes consideration of seismic and will not significantly geologic hazards. impact or be impacted by geologic or seismic conditions. Noise Residential interior noise standards The project is conditioned Yes of 45 dB(A) CNEL. to comply with the 45 Exterior noise level of 60 dB(A) dB(A) CNEL noise CNEL in private open space areas standard and east facing roof decks comply with the exterior noise standard. Open Space Minimize environmental impacts Project will not have any Yes & to sensitive resources within the environmental impacts Conservation City. to the existing pre- graded site. Utilize Best Management Practices The project will conform for control of storm water and to to all NPDES protect water quality. requirements. Circulation Requires new development to All public facilities Yes construct improvements needed to including curb, gutter serve proposed development. and sidewalk exist along the property frontage. . , C~ 02-01/CP 02-03/CDP 021 -PACIFIC VIEW CONDOS September 4, 2002 Pa e4 B. Beach Area Overlay Zone/R-3 Zoning/Condominium (Planned Development) The proposed project is subject to the BAOZ regulations, the R-3 Zone regulations, and the Planned Development (PD) regulations. The PD regulations are the development standards for condominium projects. Projects located within the BAOZ require the processing of an SDP or a Condominium Permit (or Planned Development Permit) to ensure consistency with the BAOZ standards per Section 21.82.040 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The BAOZ is intended to supplement the underlying zoning by providing additional development regulations to: 1) ensure that proposed development is compatible with existing surrounding uses; 2) provide adequate parking for residential developments; 3) ensure that public facilities exist to serve the beach area; and, 4) protect the unique mix of residential development and aesthetic quality of the area. The proposed two-story structure, with a building height of 30 feet, will be compatible with existing and proposed developments and complies with the BAOZ regulations. The proposed parking (2 spaces per unit and 3 guest parking spaces) provides enough parking to satisfy the BAOZ requirements. All public facilities including curb, gutter and sidewalk exist along the property frontage. The building elevations have been designed to include elements currently found in the neighborhood in order to blend into the surrounding development. The proposed six-unit condominium project is also subject to the regulations of the R-3 Zone and the PD (condominium standards) regulations. Table 2 (below) illustrates how the project complies with the applicable BAOZ, R-3 zoning, and PD development regulations. Table 2: BAOZ, R-3 ZONING, AND PD (CONDOMINIUM) STANDARDS COMPLIANCE PERMITTED/ STANDARD REQUIRED PROPOSED Min. Lot Size 7,500 sf 16,509 sf Max. Lot Coverage (R-3) 60% 49.3% Arterial Setback (PD) (Carlsbad 20' measured from ROW 20' to structure Boulevard) (uncovered porches may extend 6' into the front yard setback) Min. Street Setback (R-3) 10' 10' Min. Side Setback (R-3) 10' 10' Min. Rear Setback (R-3) 20' 42' Max. Building Height (BAOZ) 30' /2 stories 30' /2 stories Assessory Structure Setback 5' side/rear 5' side/rear (R-3) Resident Parking (BAOZ) 2 spaces/du-11 covered spaces 1 covered/I uncovered 1 uncovered space (For Unit 5) Visitor Parking (PD) 3 spaces required 3 spaces {l sp/2 du) . . C~ 02-01/CP 02-03/CDP 02-•-PACIFIC VIEW CONDOS September 4, 2002 Pa e5 Table 2: BAOZ, R-3 ZONING, AND PD (CONDOMINIUM) STANDARDS COMPLIANCE (continued) Recreational Space (PD) 120 sf. balcony or deck 220 sf -330 sf deck/unit plus ocean-facing balconies & decks Storage Space (PD) 392 cubic feet unit 392 cubic feet or greater/unit C. Local Coastal Program compliance The proposed project site is located outside the appeal area of the City's Coastal Zone and lies within the Mello II segment of the Local Coastal Program (LCP). Mello II Segment The proposed project is consistent with the Mello II segment of the LCP which contains land use policies for development and conservation of coastal land and water areas within the segment boundaries. The policies of the Mello II segment emphasize topics such as preservation of agriculture and scenic resources, protection of environmentally sensitive resources, provision of shoreline access and prevention of geologic instability and erosion. The project is consistent with the coastal act policies as follows: a) no agricultural lands exist on the project site, therefore no impacts to such will occur; b) the site does not contain environmentally sensitive habitats, water or marine resources; c) the site is geologically stable and the proposed grading for the site has been limited to the area necessary to develop the site; d) the project has been designed to reduce the amount of off-site runoff by surface drains and has been conditioned to implement the NPDES standards to ensure the quality of the water leaving the site; e) the project meets the parking requirements of the zoning ordinance; f) the project does not preclude any recreational opportunities or shoreline access as the property is located on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard; g) and the development does not obstruct views of the coastline as seen from public lands or public right-of-way. Given the above, the project is consistent with the Mello II segment land use policies. D. Subdivision Ordinance The Engineering Department reviewed the proposed tentative map and concludes that the subdivision complies with all applicable requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and the City's Subdivision Ordinance. The project is conditioned to install all infrastructure improvements concurrent with development. Access to the site will be from a private driveway off of Juniper A venue. The proposed building setbacks will allow for adequate air circulation and the opportunity for passive heating and cooling. E. Inclusionary Housing The City's Inclusionary Housing regulations require that a minimum of 15% of all approved units in any residential project be made affordable to lower income households. The inclusionary housing requirement for this project would be 1.05 dwelling units. However, residential projects involving six or fewer dwelling units may satisfy their lower income , , C~ 02-01/CP 02-03/CDP 02'-PACIFIC VIEW CONDOS September 4, 2002 Pa e6 inclusionary housing requirement by paying an in-lieu fee or other in-lieu contribution. Therefore, this project has been conditioned to pay an in-lieu fee prior to building permit issuance. F. Growth Management The proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 1 in the Northwest quadrant of the City. The impacts on public facilities created by the project, and its compliance with the adopted performance standards, are summarized in Table 3 below. Table 3: GROWTH MANAGEMENT STANDARD IMPACTS COMPLIANCE City Administration 20.86 sf Yes Library 11.13 sf Yes Waste Water Treatment n/a Yes Parks 0.04 ac Yes Drainage Basin A Yes Circulation 48ADT Yes Fire Stations No. 1 & 3 Yes Open Space n/a Yes Schools CUSD Yes Elem.= 0.54, JH = 0.23, HS= 0.29 Sewer Collection System 6EDU Yes Water 1,320 GPD Yes The project is 1.2 dwelling units below the Growth Management Dwelling Unit allowance of 7.2 dwelling units for the subject property. V. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The initial study (BIA-Part II) prepared in conjunction with this project determined that the project would not have a significant effect on the environment. The project is considered an infill type development that is consistent with the General Plan and zoning. The project falls within the scope of the City's MEIR for the City of Carlsbad General Plan update (EIR 93-01) certified in September, 1994, in which a Statement of Overriding Considerations was adopted for cumulative impacts to air quality and traffic. MEIR's may not be used to review projects if it was certified more than five years prior to the filing of an application for a later project except under certain circumstances. The City is currently reviewing the 1994 MEIR to determine whether it is still adequate to review subsequent projects. Although the MEIR was certified more than five years ago, the City's preliminary review of its adequacy finds that no substantial changes have occurred with respect to the circumstances under which the MEIR was certified. Therefore, the MEIR remains adequate to review later projects. All feasible mitigation measures identified by the MEIR which are appropriate to this project have been incorporated into the project. , , C~ 02-01/CP 02-03/CDP 02'-PACIFIC VIEW CONDOS September 4, 2002 Pa e7 An average daily trip (ADT) rate of 48 trips would be generated by the proposed project. This ADT is consistent with the generation rate analyzed for the site in the MEIR. All feasible mitigation measures identified in the MEIR which are appropriate to this project have been incorporated into the site design. No additional mitigation measures in the form of roadway improvements are necessary. The project site has been disturbed by previous grading. The adjacent properties are developed with residential land uses and all the support utilities and infrastructure has been constructed or has been conditioned to be constructed. Since the project is subject to noise impacts, an acoustical analysis was prepared for the project. The required private recreation areas (roof decks) located to the east side of the building will be subjected to noise levels not exceeding 60 dBA CNEL. The project will be required to implement the recommendations outlined in the Acoustical Analysis to ensure that interior noise levels do not exceed 45 dB(A) CNEL. In consideration of the foregoing, on May 20, 2002, the Planning Director issued a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the proposed project. The environmental document was noticed in the newspaper and sent to the State Clearinghouse for public agency review. No public comments were received during the 30-day public review and comment period. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5264 (Mit. Neg. Dec.) 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5265 (CT) 3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5266 (CP) 4. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5267 (CDP) 5. Location Map 6. Background Data Sheet 7. Local Facilities Impact Assessment Form 8. Disclosure Statement 9. Reduced Exhibits 10. Exhibits "A" -"J" dated September 4, 2002 BK:cs SITE • PACIFIC VIEW CONDOS CT 02-01/CP 02-03/CDP 02-03 BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: CT 02-01/CP 02-03/CDP 02-03 CASE NAME: PACIFIC VIEW CONDOS APPLICANT: James Zathas =-===c-=.:=c=...._ _____________________ _ REQUEST AND LOCATION: 6 Condominium Units located at the southeast comer of the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Juniper Avenue. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1, 2 and 3 Block "E" of Palisades, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 1747 filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, February 5, 1923. APN: 204-251-01, -02, & -03 Acres: 0.379 acres Proposed No. of Lots/Units: �6�u=m=·t�s __ _ GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation: =RH==------------------------Density Allowed: �19�d_u/_a_c ____ _ Density Proposed: �15�·�8�d=u/�a�c _______ _ Existing Zone: =R=-=-3=----------Proposed Zone: N:....:....:../=A=-------------Surrounding Zoning, General Plan and Land Use: Zoning Site R-3North R-3South R-3East R-3West OS General Plan R-HR-HR-HR-HOSPUBLIC FACILITIES Current Land Use Vacant Multi-family units Single-family residence Single-family residence Carlsbad Blvd./Pacific Ocean School District: CUSD Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: -=C=ar=ls=b=a=d'---------Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): ,,..6-=E=D:....:U:::.,._ _____________ _ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT IZ! Mitigated Negative Declaration, issued =M=a;:,;.y-=2;..:::0..:r..., =20=0=2=--------------D Certified Environmental Impac� Report, dated _____________ _ D Other, ________________________ BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: CT 02-01/CP 02-03/CDP 02-03 CASE NAME: PACIFIC VIEW CONDOS APPLICANT: James Zathas "-===c-=-:=c=...._---------------------- REQUEST AND LOCATION: 6 Condominium Units located at the southeast comer of the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Juniper A venue. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1, 2 and 3 Block "E" of Palisades. in the City of Carlsbad. County of San Diego. State of California. according to Map thereof No. 1747 filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, February 5. 1923. APN: 204-251-01, -02. & -03 Acres: 0.379 acres Proposed No. of Lots/Units: ~6~um=·ts~-- GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation: =RH==------------------------- Density Allowed: =19~du/~a~c ____ _ Density Proposed: ~15~·~8_d=u/~a~c _______ _ Existing Zone: R~-3~-------Proposed Zone: ~N~/_A __________ _ Surrounding Zoning, General Plan and Land Use: Zoning Site R-3 North R-3 South R-3 East R-3 West OS General Plan R-H R-H R-H R-H OS PUBLIC FACILITIES Current Land Use Vacant Multi-family units Single-family residence Single-family residence Carlsbad Blvd./Pacific Ocean School District: CUSD Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: Carlsbad ~=~-------- Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): ~6_E_D_U~-------------- ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ~ Mitigated Negative Declaration, issued =M=a=.,..y-=2C--"0_,_. =20=-0=-=2=-------------- D Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated ______________ _ D Other, ________________________ _ JAN 05 '01 12:50PM HAMSTEAD PARTNERS P.2 • • • City of Carlsbad IA&ihh■ei·M·A·iiiiJii§,11 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretion action on the part of the City Council or any ap ointcd Board, Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. Note; Person ii defined as "Any wdividual, firm, co-partnership, joint venture, association, social club, fraternal organization, corporation, estate, tru5t, receiver, syndicate, in this and any other county, city and county, city municipality, district or other political subdivision or any other gro\lp or combination acting Ha unit." Agents may sign this document: however, the legal name and entity of the applicant and property owner must be provided below. · 1. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) 2. Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ~ persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnm;ship. include the names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE ~0% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON- APPLICABLE (NIA) IN THE PA B LOW If a publicly .. owned comoratiou. include the names, titles, and addresses of e rate 1cers, (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person.__ ______ --1--=-"""" Corp/Part ____________ _ Title ________ ~..,...--Title _____________ _ Address __________ _ Address ____________ _ OWNER (Not the owner's agent) Provide the COMPLEIE, LEGAL names and addresses of~ persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide the na~ of the legal ownership (i.e. partnership, tenants in common, non•profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a coxpora.tion gr partnership, include the names, title! addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (NIA) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly- owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person J&;M,: 2,M'7~ 'title @A) efl..: Address.__ ________ _ Corp/Part,...,&.k~,/;..;.~-'---~---------- Title. __ ...,.(9....,W.....,Wi ..... 'erl.-____. ______ _ Address. ____________ _ 1935 Faraday Averiue • Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 • (760). 602-4600 • FAX (760) 602-8559 f) . .• JAN 05 '01 12:50PM HAMSTEAD PARTNERS 3. NON-PROFIT OR&ATION OR TRUST P.3 If any person identified pursuant to ( 1} or (2) above is a nmmrofit organization or a. trust. list the names and addresses of ANX person serving as an officer or director of the non-profit organization or as trustee or b e iary of the. Non Profit/Trust, ____ -1--+-~-Non Profit/Trust. _________ _ Title·---------++------Title ____________ _ Address _________ _ Address. ____________ _ 4. Have you had more than $250 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? 0 Yes .,@' No If yes, please indicate person(s): ____________ _ NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. I ccrti~ll the above ~tiw, is true and com:ct to 1ho best of my knowledgo, X Stgnatme of ~er/d111e Signature of app~ J /tl',f GS 2-rPrr-h4-~ Printortypenameofowner Print or type name of applicant X ~ki, ~ I Signature of owner/applicant's agent if applicable/date Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent H:AOMIN\COUNTER\DISCLOSORE STATEMENT 5/96 Page 2 of 2 , . .,,, :.$, El.EV. SIJOWN ON PW/ CONC. CURB MIERE" OCCURS END PIPE AT FACE: OF CURS AND FINISHED CIW)e JM£r FRmE .t CRATE' PER AI.W..W8R-\ F'D«f CQUPNff tro A-2012 (24•x24• IIIN) ~J",W '---'-'---""""--14 RDHF'. O tr OC E.W. =-= (2000 PSI MIN) "SIDE OUTLET" INLET DETAIL NOSCAL< D<IST. 5' sro£WALK· EX1ST • .5' SIOE:WJ.llt'· Dt. CURB NIOC<IfTU1 PACIRC ociMJ ~ 60' Ii;. _JQ' 1Q' _1_2_' ll!' rn: l_l' NO SCA!.£ (DCISTINGSffiEET) ~ 100' Fe ~ .,,_, ,, H'. ~,· !!' tt==~ EX/STN: PA\.'WG TYl'_ICAL STRJ!!J!IT S!f;CTIO N CARLSBAD BL VD. (CXIS'TING STRW) ~" ! NO SCAl£ ::fu"' RECEIVED JUL 18 2002 CIJY OF CARLSBAD-- PLANNING CITY OF CARLSBAD TENTATIVE MAP NO. CT-02-0·'1 w / ____ .,,,,, CITY OF CARLSBAD GP 02-03 AND CDP 02-03 AN AIRSPACE CONDOMINIUM PROJECT WITH A MAXIMUM OF 6 UNITS ON 1 LOT 1 I II I I 11 I I 1, .,,-I I 1' I 1: ✓ --PRAC!JC<S -= --I ,EX.BIJ/l.DlNG I I L_l /Nt.U-....._ / G!.L4ROF1U~TION ,,..,, !H/S5'S7EM 10 MAJNT,-JN THE tfrANTS IN A ~ \. -> -T ~com; ~A;-- -~ -J"4'"· ,MT - r,l ~ -< .f .fl_ .f .f __ , ------------------------CARLSBAD BOULEVARD ASPHALT SURFACE: OWNER I ""'10l'<T< Z4TmS, .w.fES »JO KIKI R.E'VOC481E TRUST 6384 LOURDES TERRICE SNJ MOO, CA. 92120 -SNI Ol£GO LAND SURVE:rlNG NID ENGINEERING, INC SITENXJRESSe I : I ·-1 ~ I I .,, 767 9&11> CHESAP£,IJ<E DRIVE, SUrTF: 20.f SNI DIE'GO, C4. 92f2J PHOM:. BSS 565-8362 THE' SOVTHEASTERI.Y CORHE'R or THE: lHTrnSE:C'TJOH OF CARl.SBAO BLW. mp JUNIPER AWUE. ....__ L01S I, 2 & J. IN BLOCK E, OF MAP OF PAI.JS'.DES. ACCORDING TO THE: R£CORDCO loW' THtREOF NO. 1747, 1N THE CfJ'Y OF CAALS8AD, COUHT'r' OF SAN DIEGO. S,ATf: Of CAUroRtll,, &RtHWORK or.wnm£S. FiU. SJO Cf cur ,.:,15 CY ft,lPOf(r 215Cf '\ '\ - <- """"'-IIOIES l<j t.) 0 >4 ~ <'I IX: ''.l -: Ml'E' OF PREPAAA110N IS w.RCH 15. 2002, ASSESSOR'S PARCR HUMBER IS 2CH-252-0I, 02 IJ,/0 OJ. PROJC.CT SfTE. AA£J,, IS O J798 ACRES. PROPOSED USE ~ MUl.TI-F'AMIL.Y R£SID£N1IAL THIS JS A CONOOU!NlUM PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SECT1CH 1351 OF' THE: CMt. CODE OF THE STATf: OF C'J./FORNP. NID IS FIi.ED PURSUW1' 10 THE SUBDMSJON fit.v> ACT. rorAL MIIIBD? OF /.JRSPACE UNfJS IS 6, CITY OF CARl.SB0 GE'.l','mAL Pt.AN 0£SIGHA7ION IS RH GRAPHIC SCALE '~ -JJ.-4° --r ( tK rar) I 111CH -20 rt. LEGEND: PROPOSED SU0.0/NG P)J) PROPOSfil IC PA\IJNG PROPOSED CURB ANO GVTTE1? PROPOS<O""'° PROPOSED SIDEWALK PROPSOro RUNNING ll'Al.1 PROPOW>CWNOUT pROPOS£1) STORM ORAIN PIP£ PROPOSED CURB /MET f.XlstrNG sroRII DRAIN EXISTING WA.Tm Mt;TER CXISTJNG FIR€ H'tOlWi1 ~NG Go\l'l'V.AI.VE' ~UCHrPOLE EX/StTNG POWER POlE DCIS11NG GUY/.ANCHOR POI.£ El(ISTI/-IO DRAIN /NUT DJS11NG 5£'WE'R /.WJHOIE DCISTING MI\NHOl.£ ::: C: :~ Fme£ EXtSTlllG BtOCK WAil ENGINEER OF WOf-?K: ~ ~ ---0--- --1!1 B :i;,: SUH s,w Df£00 WID SU1M:rlNG .t EJJGINEER1NG, INC. 961'1 ~ DRt\1£ StJfTE .204 SAN OICGO, CALIFORNIA 9212J ~ ,~, 565-8362 PROJE{;f' NO 20-f-251-01 DWG ffi' ~-JDf.OWG 80/CHM4RI< WJt. AT THE NORTHVSTfRLY SIDE or tl1llJ1Y POLC. T L.OCA.7£0 AT SOU1HWES'T CORNER or HEMLOCK A\IE'. & GAAFl0.0 ST. EUVATIOH,.. 63.61'. PER Crrt OF CAALS8W TEHTATIV£ MAP L CONC£PTIJJ.L GRADING PL.AN For the exclusive use of JAMES ZATHAS 833.f. LOURD£S T£RRAC£ SAN Dl£GO. CAUFORNIA. 92120 Sllll Diego Land Surveying & Engineering, Inc. 9810 Cbna~b Drl.,., Suit• 204, San Dlaao, CaJilonda 9212:3-1329 (BG8l 686-83152 ~e58J_ U5-""354 Date: 0J-rs-2002 !Revised: 06-21-200.!IRevised: Scelo: 1"•20' Drown by: MLS. Sbeel 1 of 1 She-el Dra"'1n&: COm-11)1-1 A.P.N. 20,-2s,-01. 02 & 03 .0--,IZ .0-tt .0-.t? J)-,'i VJNclO.:lllV:J 'OV8S7clV:J OA78 OV8S71lV:J M31A. 01=110Vd " flN:iIAV H:ildINnr """" ~ F' -· ·-1111 ----·./-··· · Sf~;-;;;;j ____ Hl r"1~--C!J ___ .::: _______________________ _ ------------ft-'"1'1 -f<Y!ill"fh. ~11~ EAST ELEVATION !lC'U:•\'T·f4 ]_ I I -'.\>~-i-·f~ <4 ..... f!LA""11', ')'cu,r,·11<va<-,..,,,_ Ml2..1 ..,,.~-.X, • _filyf>,Tl£!:!.. _ IIJAm.i:=AV&a,,,;11!..,. ~ Wl-nt :~ti~ FflJ.~aJ. ~~f U WE:'. . flill"cE We-kl-:. -.. . -~•,-;r;;--. .... . WEST (CALSBAD) ELEVATION 8:'.ll:•W•f-<r \._~~p) MATERIAL!,gOEND (D COMPOSOONASPHALT~(TYP.) @ WOOD BTAl!IED 8IONQ (TYPj @) 2X WOOD FASCIA PAtolTED © VINYL WP.Dows WI U1E DIVOERS @ EMRY DOOR Win-I LrrE8 @ 1-ETAL 6ECTloNAL AOU.-U? QARACE DOOR (z) KNEE BRACE ACCENT -PANTS> @ f.ETAL RA1UOOS -PAINTED @ AcceNTSONG mM -(~~~_v.') ""'1w<f""1<0>')'"'11 ·7=-7 --==~ ~ii =.-:::.~ I~ ~"'" It "t4b1 lncl,ftto-f<tw1~U:,.t.!W --~•>!'••· J, 8 'I"-f Note: Amlnlmumof 7 foot must be proYldodhorizontatly from the-toe of the footing to daylight whCf"O the ground slop(?$ away from lho base of the wall 'l't"",~.,,__...,"""'.--....,,,.--,..._.....,._.._i,_..,l'>i-l!llnt-•"""'fton--W~'ol ... .,Nll-a,~i,110Jr.'l,d._rl_.....,_,~cr .... ,ni1,.Wii,<1l_to..,~ ..... .,~l,,t<)"P,,~-~••-,....--,1,-.~~lll't<ll>nf4'o?ot.,,.,-_..t-.,.,;dko;,:..,.loool•p,o«a"'<C-.llo•.....,..,.~t .... n~~b,,,--,cr-.-o-..o. Co = """""""' i ~ ~ w s -z >o<>: >e ffi::; 00~ ~ . -~o ll. D: i -0~~ ~ t. EXTERIOR ELEVA110NS Prt>Jodli'11. ~_;~ Dab t>/e,§n.. l'lolDd• ~It, W,."~Jl-.,' nn .... JJ/'. A2 f 0 I .a? t 1&-,,• -~f\.._f'l.At--.1.. .. Vf'•l'o' ........ . ---~lli !',t.t,"'1/ATleN ~--~ : . .f::A<&"f. i;' LeV~CN ~"' .. ::[!2K111 eu:vA11at--.1 ·"Y.f!',,,,., b I "' ~ ~ l,; -~ l 1 ! i:r I ,1 !!!: ______ ..... ____ ~--- ·-------------------4~ -.• --•) ~ - . , . 3) " " " L ______ J SOJ..IIH..ELEllAlN ~i\i'•r-(J' •l ·±1 ---+ Ll,!$!l''fJ'l'-- ~,'l1') • 'r . ) l g ~ I i .J ti . J ,'I -11 _ 1 t.1 =••N r i- CROSS SECTION MA1ERIAL l.!;9END © C0MP09110N ASPHALT SHN<l..E8 (TYP J @ WOOD STAie> 60INO CTYPJ @ 2X WOOD FASOA PAINTED @wm. wnx,ws W/ Lm: DNOERS @ emrf DOOR WITH UTE8 @METALfECTIONALAOU.--lJPOARA00-0000 (Z} KNEE BRACE ACCENT-PAINTED @ )ETAI.. RAI..NOS-PAWTEO @ ACce/T SIOf.lO TRM -(~lb\ JJ .... -~t111'T!....,,/t'~l'7!1&~ ... -l1._.,_.,..,..,,.,,.._{,>noo!-<ntiot~ .. l~lt'..,..,l'<IM__,,.,,-,.,,. ... ::,,.,,.r,1"°1t,o,,...._.,...,a,,.fln""'l< ..... 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AR£ fr,1\Jl'L IU INllSCll'IIG IU BE PROW ~ CCIRlltlAACE W1l! Tl£ ool'S Uh1lSCAI'( U!IIJIL WATER CONSERVATION PLAN WA1ER rornr/lJ\!Xi! 5 PROl/0[0 TillflJGl 1l!E 'Hl1M101(X£" llm~G Of l'lNllS Wlll Sl!IURIR1<1GAIOOREWli9roiJ; PLANTING ZONE PERCENTAGES U/10SC!J'iiG 5 llASSfEO ~TO 2\MS REflECll<G 1ll[ l'l/llrS SS\J/1, WA1ER COOS\JI/PIOO NE UA1'101NIOC OiN1ACl!111SJCS. %11' SIT[ AREA WA1ERUSAG( l/lIDSCN'[ fffil</Jl ZONEl-ll/lll 37X 1,708 ZOliE2-Rrnll!D 62% Z800 ZONE ,-11111GmW. 011% 0 ZOHE4-HATIII: 011% 0 101/J.l!lllSCAFEIJ\EA 1,508 PffiCEH!AG(ll'SIT[UJllSCAfID 27% MAINTENANCE NOTE YH5'/SI 15-25'/S.f, s-10·;,r. rt/&f. !f1ER Cllll'lEllllll II' >Ii [Sl,BUS}\l\[H! 1'[11'11) BY 11£ msTAUAIIOO CC/l!RACTCII, UNH!!NNIOC ~LL BE PROWJ[O BY THE PRO,fCT O'INER PLANT LEGEND l!UIU'llStR!l!OCS,IHSMHO'J;.AClmS/KSA.l!"IJXFOS@ """ """""" _,,,.,, .,,,_,,,,., N!ECASl!MIROIIR!CffilJf.N .,,,, .. WA!1DNCTOOIAROOJSlA IOCNIFNIPN.M "" 12FT.IIH8tH 12FT.tnlllll1 ~-·-- """"'°'= i.tW2E~»lASlm: 24°80X ~--ll!OOELOOIJAT ISCML<.:rl ro.fRAPM\fllJIA "1ST\ll,IJll\\!Wllf ISG,lll.OI T"1ID'.Llff F(lll(E 15GA!LOI "'""""' N1'tAHSUII< 15 GJU(f( !HMIS ~nr:wmTN.RIHJS IOC1-J9HIJ ~=-==~ "'"" \G/Ll1" NATM.PUIN ''""" DA'l1.l.Y \'"10\ HANONA(.'(Ji(SJICA llfA\fJI.YSNllOO 5Clilltl @== ~DAlEPJJ..11 15GN.lat "101m 5GlilOH 00<\IJ\I'-ID 2UJ.Nfl JUX ''""" PITT~ 'HD.Elif -IIOOIIJIN<( 5G/Ll1'1 1'\JffirullSl'OOllllmESS' mM HAWIIIOOI 5G/LlON ""°""1M\JASIR\\\m SUR JAS!M 50/ll0\I lllfS Nff!OJJIIATflY4lOfll. lfJ,YfS ,.,,.,,,,,, .,.,. ... 1'M!LI.,..,, 1'lJCll\\lll£,\ 5GILllli -Q lr),(/-l(O( f[9l\[ TlllrlllASS &n>O!Sm<C IODHlflll~ m.c:-tme PO.ACtNIMPEttAlUU l'/f"'111"1 fUTS 1to.c. .N.1.9111LUNlW~ FRAGNllAQ!lCOGS iU.CH SlRAECRRY fUTS ,to.c. •' Steven M. Ahtes l.A!l1SCAPEAA011ECT P.O. Box 682 Cardiff, Callfomta 92007 z -<( _J Cl. Cl <C I-o:::z Cl. :;o:: w ~ (.) w[2 z w 5:J 0 > (.) o<C ro u w u oci Cl. <( LL. <( <( (.) ro ro en u en en Cl ..J..J z <( 0::0:: <( CL I <( <( _J (.)(.) 1STISSUE: 11 AUG 99 SHEET RfWONS: 0A1t Sill:: PLAN 26 JJN 00 SITE: Pl.AA 20 MAR 01 '""Pl.AA 20 JJ1. 01 S11E PWI 17 .Jm 02 ~S'ITE 14 MAR 02 ---- ORA'ftN BY: .,, ~ PRo.ECT NO.: 9940 51fEETTITlE< .. = -SHEET NO: L-1 "' ,.: