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2003-11-19; Planning Commission; ; CDP 02-50|V 03-01 - RUSSELL REMODEL
• The City of CARLSBAD Planning Department • A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Single Family Coastal Development Permit ItemNo.@ P.C. AGENDA OF: November 19, 2003 Application complete date: June 5, 2003 Project Planner: Greg Fisher Project Engineer: David Rick SUBJECT: CDP 02-S0N 03-01 -RUSSELL REMODEL -Request for approval of a Coastal Development Permit and a Variance to allow for the modification and remodel of an existing duplex into a single-family residence within the City's Coastal Zone located at 2643 Ocean Street, within Local Facilities Management Zone 1. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 5496 and 5497 APPROVING CDP 02-50 and V 03-01 based upon the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. INTRODUCTION The applicant is proposing to modify an existing duplex into a single family residence on a 0.18 acre site located on the west side of Ocean Street between Beech A venue and Cypress A venue. The site is located within the appeal area of the Coastal Zone. The applicant has requested one variance for a reduced front yard setback. The requested variance is similar to those approved previously on the west side of Ocean Street and can be supported by staff. The Coastal Development Permit (CDP) application was reviewed for consistency with Local Coastal Program (LCP) policies and implementation. The proposed project (remodeled residence) is consistent with the Mello II segment of the City's LCP. There are no unresolved issues. III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The applicant has requested approval of several permits to allow the modification conversion of an existing duplex into a single family residence on a 0.18 acre site located on the west side of Ocean Street. The existing improvements consist of two attached, two story units with basement area. The project consists of remodeling the existing duplex into a single family residence by removing one of the existing kitchens and performing some minor interior work. This work will consist of expanding the basement, first and second floor living areas by approximately 25%, and adding an elevator, new storage area, and a central staircase. The proposed 5% living area expansion is located in the middle of the lot and is located within the existing perimeter of the building footprint. The project application includes a Coastal Development Permit (CDP) and a Variance (V). The project site is an improved in-fill lot located on the west side of Ocean Street. The site consists of one rectangular shaped lot, 7,000 square feet in size. The site slopes downward from East to West (towards the beach) and has a gradient of < 25%. The site is currently developed with a duplex and the western slope contains mainly ice plant and other non- native plant species. There is no significant vegetation ( coastal sage scrub or chaparral habitat) on the site. CDP 02-50N 03-01-RUS,LL REMODEL November 19, 2003 Page2 The site is zoned R-3 and is within the Beach Area Overlay Zone. It has a General Plan designation of Residential -High Density (RH). Surrounding properties to the north and south are also zoned R-3 and also have a General Plan designation of RH. The properties to the east of Ocean Street are zoned R-3 with a General Plan designation of Residential -Medium to High density (RMH). Surrounding properties are developed with a variety of residential uses which include single-family residences and multi-unit projects. The proposed remodel will increase the living area from 4,557 sq. ft. to 6,125 sq. ft. in size and the building footprint will increase by five percent. During the remodel process, the architectural style of the building will be modernized through the use of fac;ade elements, decorative exterior trim and a new roofline. Decorative open fencing will replace the existing solid gates along the side property lines increasing the ocean view amenity to the west along Ocean Street. The remodeled residence will be compatible with surrounding redeveloped properties, newly constructed structures as well as the existing development. The applicant is requesting a variance to reduce the front yard setback to zero feet from its existing five-foot setback. This zero foot setback is a result of the City's Engineering Department's requirement for an additional five foot dedication of public right-of-way. There are other surrounding properties, located on the west side of Ocean Street within the R-3 zone that have been similarly developed through the approval of variances. Staff is recommending that the necessary findings for the requested variance can be made and that the project complies with all other applicable regulations. IV. ANALYSIS The project is subject to the following regulations and requirements: A. General Plan R-H (Residential-High Density) designation; B. Beach Area Overlay Zone and R-3 (Multiple-Family Residential) Zone regulations (Chapters 21.82 and 21.16 of the CMC); C. Variance regulations (Chapter 21.50 of the CMC); D. Coastal Development regulations for the Coastal Shoreline Development Overlay Zone (Chapters 21.201 and 21.204 of the CMC); and E. Growth Management (Chapter 21.90 of the CMC). The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project's consistency with the applicable city regulations and policies. The project's compliance with each of the above regulations is discussed in detail in the sections below. A. General Plan The proposed project is consistent with the policies and programs of the General Plan. The property has a General Plan designation of RH. The RH designation allows the development of multi-family residential units at a density of 15 to 23 units per acre. The allowable density at the growth control point is 19 units per acre. The project's proposed net density of 5.5 du/ac is below the Growth Management Control Point density (19 du/ac) used for the purpose of calculating the City's compliance with Government Code Section 65584. However, one single- CDP 02-50/V 03-01-RUS,LL REMODEL November 19, 2003 Page3 family dwelling is permitted to be developed in any residential designation as a m1mmum development right. Consistent with Program 3.8 of the City's certified Housing Element, all of the dwelling units, which were anticipated toward achieving the City's share of the regional housing need that are not utilized by developers in approved projects, are deposited in the City's Excess Dwelling Unit Bank. These excess dwelling units are available for allocation to other projects. Accordingly, there is no net loss of residential unit capacity and there are adequate properties identified in the Housing Element allowing residential development with a unit capacity, including second dwelling units, adequate to satisfy the City's share of the regional housing need. B. Beach Area Overlay and R-3 Zone Regulations As shown on the Coastal Development Compliance Table below, the proposed development is in compliance with all BAOZ, R-3 Zoning and all applicable Local Coastal Plan regulations. COASTAL DEVELOPMENT COMPLIANCE TABLE LCP Land Use Plan RH (Residential High) General Plan RH (Residential High) Zoning R-3 Grading Permit Required Yes Hillside Development Permit Required No Native Vegetation Impacts None STANDARD REQUIRED/ALLOWED PROPOSED Front Yard Setback 5' O' (See Variance Discussion) S1de/Rear.Yard Setback 5'/10' 5 'I 60' (Existing/Unchanged) Building Height 30' 30'(New roofline) Lot Coverage 60% 38.8% (Increase of 5%) This project also complies with the string-line structural ocean setback standard. This standard specifies that no structure is permitted further seaward than similar structures on adjacent properties. The proposed remodel will not expand any new living area seaward of the existing structure and is located within the existing footprint. C. Variance Regulations The applicant has requested a variance for a reduced front yard setback. A 20-foot front yard setback is required in the R-3 zone. The property has an existing five-foot setback. The applicant is proposing a zero foot front yard setback to comply with the City's public right-of- way dedication requirements. Other projects on the west side of Ocean Street have been approved with front yards reduced to zero feet because of the site topography and the City's dedication requirements. Staff believes that the necessary findings can be made for the approval of this variance request as discussed in the following table: CDP 02-50N 03-01-RUS,LL REMODEL November 19, 2003 Page4 VARIANCE FINDINGS TABLE FINDING RESPONSE That there are exceptional or extraordinary The lot has a number of constraints which circumstances or conditions applicable to include an undevelopable coastal bluff, a coastal the property or to the intended use that do stringline structure setback, sloping topography not apply generally to the other property or and the availability of only approximately 50' of class of use in the same vicinity and zone. developable flat pad west of the 20' front yard setback. This limits the ability to design a residential structure with garage similar in size to those presently located on the west side of Ocean Street without granting a front yard setback variance. These conditions also exist on other lots on the west side of Ocean Street where similar variances have been granted. However, they do not generally exist for other properties located along the east side of Ocean Street and in the R-3 zone. The City is also requiring the applicant to dedicate an additional five feet of public right-of-way in order for the City to improve the road way to its ultimate width of 50 feet. That such variance is necessary for the The majority of lots on the west side of Ocean preservation and enjoyment of a substantial Street provide garages or parking structures property right possessed by other property within the front yard setback due to the lot in the same vicinity and zone but which is constraints described above. Without the denied to the property in question. approval of the variance, a significant portion of the level area of the lot would be undevelopable, preventing the applicant from achieving similar lot coverage and square footage enjoyed by other properties located on the west of Ocean Street. D. Coastal Development Regulations The project site is located within the appeal area of the Coastal Zone and within the Mello II segment of the Local Coastal Program. The site is also located within the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (Chapter 21.203) and the Coastal Shoreline Development Overlay Zone (Chapter 21.204) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The project proposes the modification and remodel of an existing duplex to a single-family residence in an area designated for residential development. The LCP Land Use Plan designates the subject site for RH density development, which allows 19 du/ac. Based on a density of 19 du/ac, the lot could accommodate three dwelling units. CDP 02-50N 03-01-RUS,LLREMODEL November 19, 2003 Page5 1. Conformance with public access and recreation policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act Per the Local Coastal Program, the subject site is not required to provide beach access, as there is an existing beach access stairway located approximately 400 feet south from the subject site and public beach access is also available west of the subject property. 2. Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone The subject site is located in the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone, however, because the project is not proposing to develop upon slopes >25% inclination (including the coastal bluff) and there is no native vegetation on the property, additional submittals, standards or requirements do not apply. Based upon estimated grading quantities, the project will not require a grading permit. Construction of the project will adhere to the City's Master Drainage Plan, Storm Water Ordinance, Standard Urban Stormwater Management Plan (SUSMP) and Jurisdictional Urban Runoff Management Plan (JURMP) to avoid increased runoff, pollutants and soil erosion. 3. Coastal Shoreline Development Overlay Zone The proposed development complies with all applicable requirements of the Coastal Shoreline Development Overlay Zone as described in the table below: COASTAL SHORELINE DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY ZONE COMPLIANCE STANDARD PROVIDED Lateral Access 30' dry sandy beach seaward of development. 25' dry sandy beach Bluff Top Access Beach is accessible via an existing stairway located Applies to lots where no beach is approximately 400' feet south of the subject site. present or where beach is not Since the access is available and the beach is present, accessible. therefore the requirement does not apply to the project. Geotechnical Report A geotechnical analysis and wave run-up study of the Analyze cliff erosion and geologic project were prepared. The analysis concluded that the conditions. proposed development will have no adverse effect on the stability of the coastal slope. Appearance The remodeled residential structure has been designed Building developed on site with a with attractive architectural features (fac;ade elements, general attractive appearance related decorative exterior trim, new roof line), which are to surrounding development and compatible with the surrounding development and natural environment. natural environment. CDP 02-S0N 03-01-RUS,LL REMODEL November 19, 2003 Page 6 COASTAL SHORELINE DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY ZONE COMPLIANCE CONTINUED STANDARD PROVIDED Ocean Views The remodeled residential structure is consistent with Building designed to preserve to the the other adjacent buildings and the existing structure extent feasible ocean views. complies with applicable side yard requirements, which will, to the extent feasible, continue to preserve existing ocean views from the street. Decorative open fencing will replace the existing solid gates along the side property lines increasing the ocean view amenity to the west along Ocean Street. The side yard setbacks will remain unchanged as the exterior footprint is not being expanded. Natural Features The proposed project consists of remodeling an To the extent feasible, retain natural existing duplex into a single family dwelling with no features and topography. alteration to the existing topography proposed. Grading The improved site has been previously graded to Grading executed so as to blend with accommodate the existing structure. Grading is for the existing terrain. excavation of the basement area only and grading quantities will not warrant a grading permit. "Stringline" The project adheres to all coastal "stringline" setback Maintain a "stringline" setback for requirements. The project consists of remodeling an structures, patios, decks, pools and existing structure and the proposed addition/expansion spas. will adhere to the "stringline" setback requirement. E. Growth Management The proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 1 in the northwest quadrant of the City. The conversion of an existing duplex to a single-family residence will have no adverse impacts on public facilities. V. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is exempt from CEQA per the exemptions listed below: 1. Section 15303(a) of CEQA exemptions (Class 3) exempts the construction of single- family residences in urbanized areas from environmental review. A Notice of Exemption will be filed by the Planning Director upon project approval. CDP 02-S0N 03-01-RUS,LL REMODEL November 19, 2003 Page7 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5496 (CDP) 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5497 (V) 3. Location Map 4. Disclosure Form 5. Background Data Sheet 6. Local Facilities Impact Assessment 7. Reduced exhibits 8. Exhibits "A" -"J" dated November 19, 2003 SITE RUSSELL REMODEL CDP 02-50/V 03-01 7 "c· ·t I 'i of I . Carlsbad IRFl,i,i•el·■·J§•Elii,,i§hl DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. Note: Person is defined as "Any individual, firm, co-partnership, joint venture, association, social club, fraternal organization, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, in this and any other county, city and county, city municipality, district or other political subdivision or any other group or combination acting as a unit." Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name and entity of the applicant and property owner must be provided below. 1. 2. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL pe:r,-sons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership. include the names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON- APPLICABLE (NI A) IN THE SP ACE BELOW If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessa~.) f7 Person fi~l'~'t<LCU ~ Corp/Part. __________ _ 1 Title ;?114P'i1~ Title ______________ _ 1 Address ~£Jci2. 677)-7/r ST. '7Ulff/ C. Address, __________ _ t;h{L>-',~, Cl) fU-08 OWNER (Not the owner's agent) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e, partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc} If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (NIA) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly- owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person .JC¾J (Zv~,Hl)._ I Title l)IIJµi::i'{L Address q;z,qo fl· ,lH'.a-1/~ ?~~ Corp/Part. ____________ _ Title. ______________ _ Address, _____________ _ 5· c,,arr, P...-}'-t;t$ I 1--z. 8~,z t;r;., 1635 Faraday Avenue• Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-4600 • FAX (760) 602-8559 @ .. .. • FROM :Joan Russell .. .. , ..... ~AX NO, :480 4734813 ~ NO, ! ?a!! 434+9493 ,,. 29 2002 01:01PM P1 Oct,. 29 2e02 01:13FM Fl • • • • .. •(, "I .... I,.,,,. I ' ), NON-PROFIT OJlGA.NIZAnON Oil TRUST If Bil1 ~n identifted pursuant to (1) or (2) a'bovt i• • nonprgfiar,pnfzntigp or u m>M, list the names. and addreSIOI of A1!I pcra,on tffllinS u an officer or director of the non-profit organiution 0'I' as trustee or beneficiary of the. Non Profh/Truat'--------Non Jl'rofit/TruS\·--------- ·• · Tiil,,._·· ··-· _, ----------Ad~--------- Title, ___________ _ Adctreu~---------- 4. Ht.vt you bad inare than $250 worth of WSUI.CM ttlnllCT.Cd wjth MY member or City staff, Boards. CommistiOl'lt, Cop,mittaea and/or Coumril within the i,ut twelve ( 12) months? 0 Yes ~No Jfyes.'J)leeJcindicatepmon(1)i, __________ _ NO~: ~Ulch •~ditional iheeU ifneoenaey. Print or t>'P9 nmr~e ot .;;iicant Sig:n,tur= of owner/applicant'• agent ifapplicable/dete Prmt OT 1.YJ'I name of owner/applicant's agent BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: CDP 02-50 -==--=-"-=--=--"--------------------------- CASE NAME: Russell Remodel =~~=~~----------------------- APPLICANT: Karnak Planning & Design REQUEST AND LOCATION: Remodel/modify existing duplex into a single-family residence located at 2643 Ocean Street. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 11 and 12 in Block "A" of Hayes Land Company addition to Carlsbad Map No. 2, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to the map thereof No. 1221, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, November 4, 1909, including that portion if any lying between the above described property and the line of ordinary high tide of the waters of the Pacific Ocean and excepting that portion, if any, of said lots lying below the line of the ordinary high tide of the waters of the Pacific Ocean. APN: 203-140-09 Acres: .:ll. Proposed No. of Lots/Units: -=-1 ____________ _ GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation: =RH==--=R=e=si=d=en=t=ia=l-"'-H=io:gh"'--------------------- Density Allowed: 15 -23 units per acre Density Proposed: -=-on=e"--=un=i=t _________ _ Existing Zone: _R_-3 ________ _ Proposed Zone: N~/A'-"'-------------- Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: (See attached for information on Carlsbad's Zoning Requirements) Zoning Land Use Site R-3 Single Family Residential North R-3 Multi-Family Residential South R-3 Single Family Residential East R-3 Single Family Residential West OS Ocean PUBLIC FACILITIES School District: Carlsbad Unified Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: ~C_ar~l~sb~a_d ____ _ Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): =O=n=e _________________ _ Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated: =-N~/A'-=--------------------- ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT D Negative Declaration, issued'----------------------- □ Certified Environmental Impact Repo1i, dated ________________ _ !ZI Other, Exempt Sections 15303(a) CITY OF CARLSBAD GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM LOCAL FACILITIES IMPACTS ASSESSMENT FORM (To be Submitted with Development Application) PROJECT IDENTITY AND IMP ACT ASSESSMENT: FILE NAME AND NO: CDP 02-50 -Russell Remodel LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE: l GENERAL PLAN: ~RH~------- ZONING: R-3 ---------------------------- DEVELOPER'S NAME: Karnak Planning & Design ADDRESS: 2802 State Street, Ste C, Carlsbad, Ca 92008 PHONE NO.: 760-434-8400 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: _20_3_-1_4_0_-0_9_-0_0 _____ _ QUANTITY OF LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT (AC., SQ. FT., DU): -=0-=18~ac=-re=s ____ _ ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: =D-=-ec=-=e=m=b-=er'--=2=-=0-=-0-"-4 ____________ _ A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. City Administrative Facilities: Demand in Square Footage= "---3.'-'-7~06~5 ____ _ Library: Demand in Square Footage = Wastewater Treatment Capacity (Calculate with J. Sewer) Park: Drainage: Demand in Acreage = Demand in CFS = Identify Drainage Basin = (Identify master plan facilities on site plan) Circulation: Demand in ADT = (Identify Trip Distribution on site plan) 1.978 lEDU .01 .55 A 10 Fire: Served by Fire Station No. = =-1 _____ _ Open Space: Schools: (Demands to be determined by staff) Sewer: Acreage Provided= N/ A'-------- Elm=.261, JHS=.072, HS=.136 Total=.469 Demands in EDU lEDU Identify Sub Basin = (Identify trunk line( s) impacted on site plan) lH Water: Demand in GPD = 220 ~ PACIFIC. OGE, ,N ~ PATtlOFTRAVfl}---1.~~ el!AGH:>MI> -'-----&:! I ~~f.fi5~0 =•"" ~Tfllc::.AI.. Nl06AS~EreR PMPOSC:PCOHC-, Rll:l:,o)I 6tlTTl:R .2' l'GOE ...U. l'IO.RK i:,::)t,!e; IM~ O/"F•91TE AAl!A l'IILL Be PERFORMED NTH >.ti ~,',GH!-!l:NTPERl'fJT. :~;,:.~AN ~ NOTE, O;N!R l'tLL PRGP,JH;,C nte l'OU.Ol'fTITTo, PRO~ 1"11/C FCl!T IAA~Ae!..e orr~ or t>?:OJGAnON f'C)R; f'LIPLIG ~KT-of'•l'IAY TOGIT'l" Of' ~!:IAO, JOAN RUSSELL REMODEL COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SHEET INDEX ARCHITEC.n/RAL GI.O COVeR. SH!!ST ~ filTE PLAN A5J.O ~gp SITf: PlAt-1 Al, eA$.!:MCNTEXIHJl3IT At.Q l'IRST' PL.OOR Ft.AA AIJ $!;GON)f'i..OdRP!-AJ-1 A!,,o ROOl'Pt.AN MO l:.KTtRJOR EI.CVATIO~ ASD sE,:;.Tio:-:s UTILITIES/SERVICES 5El-'!eR AND HA Te:R , G.~S!:IAP M:INGIPAL l'IATl!R OlfimlGT ~ !!L (;AMINO REAL c.ARLf,5At>, GA "1200& ("160] 4e&-2122 (160) 60.2•21.20 5CH00l. Dl5TRIC T• CARLS8A0 l.Nlrll'::t) %tl0o'w OISTRIC:.T 801, P1HE AVC!l)I? GAAL'39AD, CA q:zoaei C,60)12<!-<l:2<11 CONSULTANT INFORMATION Fl.ANNING KARIi.AK PL.ANNlt:6 AHO 0lafitei-N .2W.2 STA'l'l! $TRC!!T, WIT!! C', GARLS!:ll<C, CA '1200& c,~o, 4'4·&400 CONTACT, ROl31:RT RIGHARPOON SOILS ENGINEER VICINITY MAP PROJECT DATA APPLIGANi / OY'INER.'S AGENT 01-iNERr JOAN~l!LL :Z649()GeAflSTRfaT GARL.seAO, CA. q:zoc,a F'ROJEC.T ADDRES:n :Z649 OGEA.ff STFtE!:T GAR!..SeAP, GA. q3oc,a ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER, :20i'.lot40-0'I LE;G-AL D.l:SCRIPTION1 LOTS u t 12, et.OGK A, MAP l:!:Zl PROJECT DESCRIF'TION1 Rl!MO"llL AN l!l'CIST!Na-"'-"'l...eX PRO.!ZGT TO INei.UOll Ci<PAN"l/-16 BA.SllMIThl.T GAMl'l ROOM N~ CU!I/ATOR TO AU, FLOORS, M!:~ STOR,>,,61!, N=W CENTRAL STAl/tS. Nl:I\ GLOS!:!r ~PAN!, f:HTRT' AA£,,,, COINERT STReOT su:il? CECK TO etllLDJN,$ $PACE, All() GO»VfA.r TH!! SCGONO 11/'IIT J'tTO A 81LLIAROS A.'lP f>AMILT' ROOM REt".OVE Tl-I: l!i<ISTING KITCHEN AAD MME! JT A ~.ST BAA AAD MINOR MAtrlret(AGI! R!!PAIR.5 ANO REPLACE mi;; f!i<!STit.6 GAOnurrs REPAIR TI-II!'. l;i<l$TJ~ ROGr::. SC.~LL i'llnt STAIRS ~eFU: wu:o,:p POR !;AST' ACG~IBL!lf'I' 81" O~ER 8JJILDIN6 DATA: l!XISTIN6 ~POSC:O ADDITION TOTAL BA$!:MENT F!R:$T FLOOR ~~ FLOOR TOTAL 03'1 S P, '70"!1-SJ', 1445.SS-F 3<14.SS f' :1:21:2.e, SP. 460,1 S F, -4551.9 5.F. 15611 $1'. 6AQ.A6E 000 S, F. l!i<lSTING-tk!lTS l PR.Or'OSt:P WlfS J CONS~TIOllTYFI:• N/l'-1~ Of' STOR!CS • SITE PATA • TYPi:!-V t,:o'-1 RATED :Z PI.\F.>A6A$Ct,'ENT f!/(l~iTLI-G ' F'ROPCSEO l.NIO lee, R-3 l!l(JSTI~ t,e.lSltl', lt,I IINITWAG~~ LOT SlZI:! • 'J/fg'j,,ff~T, ZON!N6, ~ -• GUAAeNT , R-5 PROPOSl!.O , RMl'I GQASTAL 5Sll'!AG~, -l'RaNT 5' BY VAAIANCI! SIOE5 """""° PAAi<;ING, ~ -REalll'I.EO 2 •l"ROF'OSCI' 4 f,~f:f. e-1.2ss-r-· LOT COVeR;l,GI!, t?i<!5TIH5 j32S.5 S,P P~I' .21.20 5P, ll~.O :It,. ~APE ARfA, ei<ISTIN:;;, 2200 5P PMPOS~ .2200 SJ'. llJ4 :It,. l~AFe ~, la,ICJSTII-U .2414.S 5J', PROPC5EO 201b SF, 91A ~ GRADING GvANilTIES. UNITS PIRST '1-00R GUT • WU) GU.YD. FILL --· 50 GU.T'I'. (,4tlb} Ex.PCRT• <f1.0 <JJ'l'O, N:, GRAOltldo l'llU. DC Rta.l!RCI' On.'eR THAN E.><GAVATJON OP 1l-!C G>,~T &.e-C.RAO!: AS IIOTI!D otl TJe e<irL,:,11'1:, !:-CC.TICN CD? D2-D5 l'IEV•SION5 n0_P.CORR 0~.13 0 ~ O}'/N.CORR 05-11 ~ ig i E g i -w-£: ! <V a Q j • '1j u i.. E ~ iE B .. < t cJ i ~ i 3 a ·E 1 ~ g <: ~ C Jg ~ i e 0.. i'l ~ ~ ~ (i) ~ ~ ;! ~ j ~ g ~ N C 1 ~ :g ~~ ~ t5 -g il :] ::: ~ !I.1i ~ ~ . § g ~ 0:: ~ ~ g B ~ ~ ~ ! SITE PLAN mTEO I 10-29-0 s°AfHirl JP,ofte1""'i,a ShQof CI.O or,.ID:illi ---------~-------------;;------...... --.--_ ----------f-j/l -·-'--)---J ,:!',-----::::::-g:;;_,---" ~ -, /Jitd' -~-=-~-----~} _______ .,.._ --------/ • --;,-__ _,_,__, ---;7:"':C / ;....::-==-----,s'-'-"--;.i..._.t __ -;~;:;;~::.-=::--:.::-=-:-::--:.~-=-~i}:4_-:_- / I'_ / ------~&§ t-,_ I--~-~\ -i--:{/' : :~~g.; <'o~ I I~ I \ . ,, ,il' /II: y -t -/'.,-· -.::-t-=------,,,-----,, --;::-::::_ ---:,-J1t>r-, ,, \...-,,,,. I I I / \ .... ~..... \ _ I I I ,. ,,, \ I / ' v , \ , .... ___ .... ', j I \ ',_\ l~I 11 ,o~d'r l _ _l ~--------... ...----.... ,,,. ', ,,. ._ _____ ,.../~ 'I -------30,.. ______ _ ·-----. .,.,J~""' rrr 403~) ~ :=JJNOTe, OWilZR ti!LL PROVIPC Tile POU-0111tl$, FMPOS£1) l'l\'la R?l!T IRReVOG.Aet.t? OFFER OF OfCllCAT!ON l'OR. F\ISL.lc; RICSHT-cl"~J'\l,,,'f TO CITY OF eARLSBACl, --H-------t--- ..,-.,, -t:Ou!! OJ' !!XlfiTlt.$ ""'-J" f'AVEMOIT f'IR.fl HYDAANT ~1~; .::.AN @ GRADING, QUANTITIES, V:UTS FIRST """" PllJ.. • 50 GU:t0/4<1b} !!~RT• -<111' (JJYO, HO GRA!,\1'!6 l'IIU. al! Rea.llR!!C> Offl::R ilW-1 l!.i<(:AVATION OP nie a~ ~AAt)I; AS NOreo ~ nll! alll.1'1N5 S=C-TIOH CDP 02-05 RtvlSIONS COP,CORR.02.13.0 i0WN.C0RR,05-1 t IC,} - ~ . ~ ' ~ g g t:: t'I! ;; • d:f • 1 , ,g ci: 5 I < i . s SI ~ i § : J i ~ " -~ i 1 ~ ~ ~ E ! ~ ('3 ! en --"' 0 0 n'! ffi ~<11,.111~ 1;.11111 <,r,,1f,W 1,1 ::2 ~: ~ ~ u ~ ~ -cl il ~ ~ ~] 0 ... Cl) u ~.~ ~! ~ a "' . 0 ,g § "' a:: t') ;g re N L ~g-!l SITE PLAN ~ ti iii IOT£0 :s1c"ifi Sheet 10-29-0 1AS~I.O or.filillt I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ''~'--, I I s< I I I I EXISTI.'IIG POSTS ,f-6'-0" t EXISTING GAME ROOM j FFE 30.76 J I NEW / J E?Ev. EQUIPMENT j, \ 1s'-2- 1 I I I 2!t-s· I , __ J i BASEMENT PLAN 22'-4" EXISTING Q_ECK FFE 30 66] G'-0" 1/4''=1'-o" ( EX1HIBIT FOR DETERMINATION OF BASEMENT ) '• .:. s·-o· '.11 ! ~ . FLOOR PLAN KEY NOTES THEO\ltl[R/C<mmACTo.tlSRE:SPONSlDLtrOi? StLtcnON Of ALL INTERIOR nxruRtS. FRIISHES, APPUAllctS .UIO TH(IR INSTAU£RS IT IS EXCt.USIVELY rm:: COOTRI.ClOR"s RESPO.'IIS161LITY TO VERIFY. APPROVE AllO SUPERVISE lllSTAUAllON OF All IHTtRIOR FIXTURES AUD APPLIANCES PER l!ANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS, uac. ANO LOCAL coot. BASEMENT WALL CALCULATIONS. f~ HAIN LEV!L 40JS LOV,fR BASEMENT 3076 01rm1tNC£959 Sor. flOOR AREA (4 79) JSSS n1sn110 WALLS LESS THAN 5'-0"R(TAINIIIO 11 0 \VALLS MORE: THAI-I s·-o· R[TA!NlllO • so'-10· TOTAL ., ~o•-10• PROPOS'a:D l'IALLSlE'.SS Tt!A/.1 5'-D"Rf.T~IING "DLFT \'/ALLS MORE nlAN 5'-D" R~JAll{ll/G a 81°-31.FT (100 l:) TOTIJ. ., 81'-J"LfT (100 ,:} D ~ ~ \'/ALLS LESS THAii s·-o· R[l>JNINO W.:.t.LS IAOR[ THAN s·-o· RETAIW«G 8ASWENT ROOIJ tXPAtlSION AREA GRADING QUANTITIES l/UITS FIRST FLOO~ "1478 C(PO, ritt • ~ co:ro (tjq,6) EXPORT ,Jl,;/coYO IIOGRAO,IIGv..tL8tREQIJIREOOTH[A1NAN EXCAVATION OF THE 8ASEM(IIT Sl/0-0RAOt AS NOTED OU THE. 8l/1L01NO SCCTIO/l (100,:) (100:.) COP 02-os ~ g ! C N "i 6h £ : i II·~ ii':j ! < t! . g .5 ! ~ l ~ ~ ~ ! ii: ~ ~ ~!~ E t ~ ~ .s ii} i -"" -1 ~ ~<11,Jll~ 13:!11111 '<'qr,dP 1l ~; -0: ~ u ~ cJ .., p;!.., .2 i:: _g = i! d 11> c, a ~ 8 3 ~ J., _, 0::-» 0 <II !:: ~ ~ § tll l9~1 ~' ;s gj N g ~ ~ l 1-2 I-w m :z-w* C/l X <( w ro :01EO I 10-29-0: SAc'Hit~ Sh<t<tl A 1. M.>l!I>. [XISnNo POSTS i 22•-4• ,r-•·-,·~-I' .-. , .. ./'1 NEW EXISTING I\, GAME ROOM ! FFE 30.76 ! ELEV EQUIPMENT I "vi'/ 2_!1'-5" LOWER LEVE.L PLAN FLOOR PLAN NOTE 2 REPAIR AU, HARDWARE' ON EXISntlC: PER A DOOR ANO Yomoow 1/4"a1'-o" ! EXISTING BREAKFAST NOOK EXISTING KITCHEN EXISTING UTILITY EXISTING GREAT ROOM /EXLSTINC:_/ □✓ POST 18-5" $ EXISTING FIREPLACE I FFE 40.351 /FUNE'();' ✓ LR A8t}Vc: EXISTING EXISTING BEDROOM EXISTING EXISTING BATH 2 CAR GARAGE 2 CAR GARAGE IFFE 39 181 l = STREET LEVEL PLAN 1/4":1'-0" ~ ~ t ~ ~ EXISTt/10 OAS METER FLOOR PLAN KEY NOTES THt 01\1/ER/COHlltACTOR IS RESP0:1S18LE fOR SELECTION OF ALL INTERIOR FIXTlJRtS, FINISHtS, fJ>PLIANCESAflOIHE!RLNSTALL!'.RS ITIS EXCLUSIVELY THE CONIBACTOR'S RESPONSlBIUT'I' TO V[Rff'I', APPROVE ANO SUPERVISE ltlSTAUATIOtl OF ALL INTERIOR FIXIURES ANO APPUAtlCE:S PER MAIUJFACTURER'S SPEC1r1CATIONS, U,B C ANO LOCAL CODE, 0 ;,~D~~L!N~E~~:sfii~T~L~is0~t~ :1?, L~~~T~~1~T GRtAT CARE NEEDS TO BE TAKEN TO PilESSURE ETCHED CLASS, <€> ~\ST~Lf bi}\,t?1o?ifilt,nbr.l~":~1b8i!fl:sWeL Y A-. REIJOVE EXIST1IIO STAIRCl,.SE Al,0 REPAIR WAlLS Ct'.IUNCS ~ AS IIECESSA.RY TO IJATCH ElUSIINO FINISHES AIIO TEXTURE. ~ I 0 RWO\t mr EXISTING VANOOI'/ AtlO Fill m PER CCOE PltOl/10[ I-HR, SEPERATI0/1 FROM OARACE AREA ~ PROl/10[ IIEl'I RESIDENTIAL ELE\IATOR ON J FLOORS 1\llll 2 DOORS AS REOUIREO LOCATE 11ECtlAlllCAL EOU!PHEIIT Ul LOV.tR LEVEL STORAGE AREA. <§> ltlSTALLtlE'NSTAIRCASEANOHAtlORAll SYSTEI.IP[RCOOE <z> IIISTAll rlEW 6'-0" ,,; s·-o· mEO INSTALL AIITIOUE' STAIN GI.ASS PROl/lOEO BY 0\\NER <!> REFURBISHCLQS(TUNOERSTA!RSVATHIHR FlRERAmlC: PER COO[ <&> VERlrV EXISTING DOOR AUO ASSWBLV IS 1-HR FIR!'. RATE REPLACE If REQUIRED <@> 1/EW 2 ~4 FRAIAEO WALLS (I HOUR AS REOU!REO) fH11NSlllATl0'1ALLWPTY8AYS <j}>, DRYWALL EXISTIIIO 2 X 4 sruo \'/ALLS ltlSTALL R-11 lflSULATIO'I Ill AIIY [XISTIIIO EMPTY BAYS <O> ELEVATOR COtlTROLS AtlO PUMP UNIT ,<'h EXCAVAT£ AS REOUIREO At10 PROV.OE NEW t.lASONARY ~ VI.ALLS AS REOUJREO <9> O[IAOUTION EXISTING \/AUS AflO PR0\110[' UEW SEAMS .A:l FR.I.MINO AS REOIJIREO FQ;! 2668 DOOR ~ I ! C: .2 0) g ~ C. i 'filll i= j .,, ' " ' <.., u .. bO _g r,J j i:::: 0 (.> .l, ... ft: ~ !: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~u " 0 0 M °to CJ ~ .s U) g -N C ire I <@> J:ISTAll t1E,1 OAS BARBECUE AflO HOOD <8> llEIJOV[' EXISTl/10 DOOR At:0 INSTAll 2-6 • J-0 ox ~·••llillli,,. VtllOOW PAT~ AS REOUIREi, ..._....._<. \lllllllh ~ REPLACE EXlSTINO CA81tl[T At/0 COUNTER TO?S 1~ f~ I REPLACE [XISTLNO FREUCH DOORS \\Ill-I tlElt VlNYl. 1'_:::. (t 111 1111 I ~ ANO 2 A\',:/tllGS \\-11100\~S ABOVE { 1101( All \',lNDO'IIS TC ~ ' 11111111w Ail\. :~~~~ !XISIINO 'MNOO/i \\ITH A FIKEO P1Ct\!RE 11,'IO.'.l\'I <ffff ~ ~TOSUO:NOFREIICHOOORS ~ PR0\10E FRAMED V,11100,'I SCREWS IN O?Er,H/GS ~ 11:SlA!.L IIEW \1N\1. SCREEN DOOR qp INSTALL A NEW 2-6 • 6-8 81,THROO~l 00.'.IR 4}> REi'L.ACE EXISTIIIO WALL S,tllC ~,\TH CABlllET Af/0 tlEW GRAll!TE COUIITER AND PORC~LEAN SINK ASSEIIOL Y, <$> INSTALL t/(W CERAMIC nLE SHO\\ER INClUD:110 SEAT, son SHELr POCKET, S.'-IOWER ENCLOSURE AIIO CEIUIO RtCESS(D UOHTUiO ~REAJR81SHA!.LEL[CTRICAL\\1RINOASRECUIREO ~REf\/llBISHORREPLACEDECKCOATINOSYSlfl.l ~ PROVIOt LOW VOLTAOE LICHT rJXTURES <8:i-NEIY ORAAITE COUNT(RS /4)> REPLACE tXISntlO 5036 1\IIH 5040 XO WIYL \\ltlOOV/ ~ EXISTtNO RETAJN,NO WALi. TO BE REMOVED, ~ RE~IOW: DOOR ~ REI.IOI/£ THE EXISTIIIC LOW VOLTAOE STAIR lJC:HTINO AND INSTALL Iii THE NEW STAIRS ~lNSTA!.LSHOtRACK <8> LIISTA!.L A NEW ~0X68 POCKET SUOlNO COOR ~ INSTALL A IIEW 3068 0000 <8> REPLACE 0~ REFURBISH THE EXISTING \\1N00\'I TO IJATCII EXISTING ~ ADO tlEW 4030 XO V,1NOOW TO MATCH EX1snuo ~CLASSDLOCK 1l ~ ~ i:i ~ l'i ] "'~ " § ~ ]i ~ ~ 5 ~ ~ I,., _,j ~,; ~] ~ ~ !-".' 01 ~ ~ I>:< N ~ i:J ,; C ~ re C ";::,g. ! 1 LOWER STREET LEVEL PLAN I FLOOR TYPES KEY NOTES I I IOT£0 10-29-0 ;SACHm P•ofodtfo [ucARPtT (IlsrouE (Ilm:x-O-TEX [!JctRAUICTILE III CARPET STAIRS COP 02-os Shoot A1 .0 er,~ b ~ 2·-s· lb=== EXISTING }I DECK 0--J' Ii EXISTING CLOSET TO BE EXtSTtNG MASTER BED ROOM REMOVED OPEN BELOW [ RD.'OVc:CASEOUT fOR LOUVERS EX.W EXISTING BEDROOM CXISTING CLOSET I FFE 49.351 ~ UPPER LEVEL PLAN I '---l I I 11 NEW \ I BEDROOM I I r, H t=-::.-:G ¼ EXISTING LIVING ROOM CONVERT INTO FAMILY /BILLIARD ROOM FPE4818 Ex.w 1L4"nl'-o" .~ FLOOR PL.ANGEN. NOTES li\lcoP.CORR 02.13,o', 0 RE'.IJOVE EXISTING oOOR, l',INOOl.S AI.O WALLS AS 1.EOUrREO A QWH,CORR,OS-16 I~ ;~i}fl'n&~w 2 ,. 4 swo WALL ASSEM5LE w/ R-11 1,6:,;.i_ ____ _. !* ltlSTAU.. llEW vmn 4•-0· ~ .a•-o· )(0 Y~NDOl'I A : 4 ~~:\~~~~:~\:.\;:~:';: 0 1i:C~~;YT:EA. REPAIR ASJl:£0\JlilEO <$> PR0\'l0( 2-Nt\'/ CARP.:TE0 STAIRS At!0 HANDRA!LS q:> NEW ElEVATION stt LO,','ER FLOOR (9 ~~~ 1:ii~~~l~~,.~~~:·~ov;SEE ELEVATIONS l ~NEWHANORAILSYSTEM-NEY/r/OOORAIL!IICS Al{O CAST METAL PICKtTS AS SELECTED '<&> PRO\olOC A SHELF FOR, A NEW SCULPTURE AS SELECTED 8Y OV,IIER <D> NEW 2 ~ 4 STUD \'/ALLS 111TH R-11 IIISULATIOII I AS REOUIREO. ~ ra:w 2'-6" ~ s•-a· DOOR <!} EXISlltlC DOOR TO ROIAl/l FOR lltlEN CLOSET i~ NE\V MIRROR 18" FROM FLOOR \1101tt 8Y 6' H!GH :<O> }'6':EN~:Eiiii JN tx1SnNc WALL ~ ~~~ ://~~~:£ S1£A\I t.11111 -0> ~~~:~~tt~~R~;~;JI ~~C~~~i~~G SHO~!R ltllO PR0\10E ~PROVIDE SHELF, POLE,AN0SIIELVESASRE0U!RE0 (ij> INSTALL NEl'/ IURROREO WARDROBE \',1TH SHEU' POLES AS OIRECTEO BY OV,NER, @, ~~~ F~:,;l~~G A1A~~~l:g AtlD STAIRS ANO fill IN 4? ~~A~~:i~~i~!!Rc~~:l~~t;'· HIGH courncR ~ ~~t;t~~Wt8fW TO IIATCli OTH[R IIEY/ \lltlOOIV /4) INSTALL t,EW s·-o· ~ s·-o· XO wrn. \',lNOOW !/4,> :::.~n~~w A~~~::~:~:.;~As ":A~SlEO OElOW oa EOUAL SYSTE1.18YAm 1£CHNOLOCIES (OR APPROVEO EOUAL) 2709A l'lCRTH TO,INE A'Vc. P01AOtlA CA (909) 399-9724 REPLACE DECK COAntlO s,s1w <0> ltlSTALL tlEW 2·-0· ~ s·-o· \.U/Yl FIXED GLASS ANO 1-,·-o· ~ s·-o· Vl!lYL \INDO'N l'r1TH FIXED TRAllSO\I GI.ASS ABOVE CONVERT TllE (XISllllG klTCHEN IIHO A \\ET BAR At.0 AtlO RE!.'OVE THE COQJl,101'/STOVE PROVIDE All ll(VI C,.SiNETS AllO GRAl<i1£ COO/HER lO?S ANO fl);TtJRES, tHE !IE\', CABUIETS TO HAVE SHU, 880 GRILL DISHIYASHER AIID REF"RICERATOR REPLACE Exismm U/nT \\1TH NEW VANITY ,,ND 5'NK AIIDFIXTURES. q),i.orusro <& SHOE RACK 4)> REMOVE AU. 8ATHROOU FIXTURES. TUBS, CABl!lETS, TOILETS, IUSC ITEl,IS. I ~ 30 HICH t.ABIN<.T WITH IAARBLE TOPS. 4}:> RELIOVE OISn/lG CLOSET DOORS q), HEW UIIEU Cl.OSET ArlO J LOWER DRA\\[R i4'? ~~.th RAi~st!~i.1iEr~ ~BJl~A~~€1111f-iR ?:tcfAL LOADS, ITEMS 119 Al-ID Jill, ~ Exisnuc DECK RAIUIIG AT 36" ASOVE Fll-lJSHEO rt.OCR lllSTAl,.L PER U.9 C TA8L£ 16-8, SPECIAL LOADS. JTE!AS j9 AUD f11. TO B£ REIAOVED/RELOCATEO ~ ADD litl'I 50(0 XO \\ltl00\'I TO tJATCH EXISTJllC 14? NEW GRANIT[ COUNTERS ~ NE\'/ BATH \\1'04 NEW VA/lllY VIC, 8ATHTU8/SHO\\'ER SINK ANO FIXTIJRES 4? EXISTING FL~EPLACE TO REOUILT CO!JPLETELY INCLUOING fLUE MID C,!J> <zy' ENTIRTAIN!JENTC£NTER FLOOR TYPES KEY NOTES CD CARPET I]) STOllE ffi PL Y\'/000 OEX-0· TCX III C£RAMIClltE {fil CARPET STAIRS CDP 02-05 ~ 11 ~-,,, " Q. ·g ~ ~ l 00,: -• (.> ~o ~ -~ •a I £ 8 C: " C " i -0:: .a : .!:: ~ " " " 3 ;:d j g :,; e 3 & ~ ... 1.111r. 13i11111 <qf1rl,W g ~ ~ t3 ~ c'j '0 c:: '0 2 § ~ ~] .!=! 8 ~:: :na .; <n -0 C ~ 1 ~ 0, M m i'§ (\I e " ~ ! UPPER LEVEL ei PLAN ~ 8 iii 'OTEO 10-29-0 SACH!N Sheel A 1.1 ... .sius. ,---- 1 I I I I I I I I I t- i' I ', I ' I >--- 1 // I / / I' I , I >----- 1 // ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' v / / 'I' //I', / / I ' / / / / / / 'I / I ' I // I ', I / I ' I // I ', l.l: ____ _,_ //1 // I ---< I , I ' I ', I I I I I _____ ,lj ROOF PLAN 'L4":::::1'-o" ROOF NOTES RE\l'ISlOIIS, I, ;J;E,.t,~1gt~~w: ~~J~~ :.:.r~~~~~~ ~:~CTiotl i :;·::~~~.1J.O: ~~tiot1~[:JHi~~i;~~i~~O:o~r?o ~ ~1~H~,m;:t~ir ~E~ANUFACTURER'S SPECIFJCAnOllS, ~ 2, ROOFING TO MATCH lHE t)uSTillG ROOF' , IIISTAU ROilFING PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFlCATONS VERJf'I' \'olNO TAB REOOIREt.lEIITS 111TH MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICAn0NS AND LOCAL 8UIL01110 OEPARTIJEtlT Ct.ASS "A" ltlSTALlEO J. ALL [AV[S TO l!ATCH EXISTING (T'VPlCAL} UNLESS OTHER\11SE NOTED 4, ROOF SI.O?E TO 8E AS N01EO (MINl'.4U!A I" PER FOOT) 5 CRICKETS 10 HAVE IJJlll!JUI.! CLASS "A" ROOrmo AN.> A r.lltlD.iUI.C SlOPE O" i-PER FOOT G GUTlER .:.tlO 001',HSPCUTS 7 ROOF DRAIN, oo,,t-lSPOUT & Ov:ERi'LOIY ➔ L'10!CAlES 9 (8 3/4) •12 ROOF PITCH MATCH EXISntl E~ISllNO ROOF PITCHES MAY VARY SLIGHTLY VENTILATION CDP 02-05 ~ g j i:: N ; So ~ : ~ ~-~ Q '.:I ;i i:::: II.. u ~ <c: t u i go & ~ ~ •a I Ji f i::: .., C. £ 1 ~:: ~ ~ i; ! E Ii ! ~ .s: t ~ re i .._-it•II~ 13}1111 -;:-,,fl I I WU, 1l 1 ! t5 "<.> ~ 0:: 'a .2 ~ ~ ~ 1 0 '-Ill U .... 8 ~..., 8.:: Ct: ~ ~Ji" 1 ~ 0: ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ 4'-67.60' <.o.R ~ '!18.85' rrc :., ~ "'◄818' tf( '> 3918.35' '" nlSTING GRADE ~ 67.60' 49.60' "' ; '> 4035' "' ~ 3066' l PROPOS~O _./iL ELEVATOR ~ --~ OJ I, """'"' ""'" .I BASEIJENT UtlllS --------}-PaO?OS[O El£VATO't -----~ PRo;:oos:o BASEMENT EXTENS!Oll ~ lll [,(tSTlNGGRAOE_/' NORTH ELEVATION sc,i.u: 1;,· .. 1·-0- EJ<JSJ1NG GATC SOUTH ELEVATION SC,1,lE:1/4",.1'-0' ~ ~ ELEVATION KEYED NOTES THE 0~,NER/CO'ITRACTOG' IS RESPO~BLE rOR SEU:CTIOl1 OF ALL [XTtRIOR IJAiERIAl.S AND THOR IUSTALLERS. IT IS EXCLUSlll[L'f THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO 'f'ERIFY. APPROVE AIIO SUl'ERVISE lllSTAl.lATION Of' AU. EXTERIOR IJATERIALS PER IJIJM"ACTUR£R'S SPECu'lCATlotlS, UBC, AliO LOCAL CODE. A NEW ROOF1U(l TO IJA.TCH [)(ISTIIIG ~ct.ASSASH111CLEROor <v ~~1,f~R1J~,f[i_Opi~~~~THS~01~M~LOl~% 2506 ~ FOA!J FASCIA DETAlllNG AS SELECTED 9'1 01\NER (9rnmYDOORPERBIJILOER ~ f"OAII TRI~\ AHO OEl.AIU.'lG AS SELECT[O 8'1' 0,'.?lER «> Ii[\', \'tlNDO\'IS W/ -W/rJJT ffiAIISOII AS SEl[CTED PER OESICN OR BY 0\1~,m ~ IIMUf'ACTURER APPROVEO OAlVA:.JZCO IJETAl TERl.llllATION CAP 111TH IC80, APPltOVEO SPARK ARRES10R, <e> [X!Snuo GRADE 0AOAACC(SS1GLEHAIIORAIL <&>t.orusro <E> tlEW ENTRY OOOrl AS SEL(CitO BY OV,NER/OESICll[R AIIO SPEC!FICAllOII BY llAIIUFACTURER <(pFOAllSLLASSELECICOBYTHCOV,tl[R 4)-ADO IIEVI RAILING SYSTEM AS LISIEO 8[LOV/ OR E'.OU,\L PAIIITED ALIJMI/JIU!I HAIIORA'L svs1n1 OY ATfl TECHIIOLOCIES {OR APPROVED EOUAL) 2709A //ORTH TOWN[ AV.: POl.'O:lal.CA(909)J99-9724 43> ADO t-W CO~CilETE SIEPS ~ AOO llEV/ \'/ALL TO IAATCH [XlSTitlO CDP 02-05 CDP,C0RR.02.13,0 ,~ OWN.CORR 05-11 ~ - l g 1 ~o::i ~-au j C : "' ' ~: u E bJ) ~ t.i * § ~ i ~ ~ -t g ~ j i l'tl d en E ~ ~ ~.st:> l ~ I ~ ... ~•tit. 13111111 ..,.<f_.,,IP' :g il I! "'-' ~ ~ -0 .2 s:: ..8 = 'C ~ ~ i ~ ~-i H ] ~ a o • n IZ c, ;f; re w ~ ~ '.:-1 (/1 0:: z 00 iY i= w <t t-> xw w _, w IOTEO I ID-29-0 :),b,,""' SACHJN Shoot A4.0 o,,..filil.S.. I ( I I I I l \ \ ~I I I~ I I I I \ \_ :i11do111,iao /JalJMO SNOll\1/\373 1:!0I1:!31X3 :31111133HS SECTION GENERAL NOTES SOLE PLATES OR IAUD SIUS IN CO.'-ITACI \1111l 3. Cot/CRETE SLABS SHALL eE PRESSURt lREAlEO SOU: PLAl[S ON THE SECOND FtOOR ARE 2~4 UNLESS OT>IER\\'lSE REOIJIREO, SECOND FLOOR Olt.lENS!ONS ARE TAK.Et/ FRO~l TOP or SUB FlOO.'? SHEATHING l,IATERIAl fOUNOATlON IS TO BE A CONCRETE SLA8 Otl Ga.ADE SYSlEll, UNLESS OtliER'MSE RECUl!l'£0 Si'.£ SlRLICTURAL DRAVroNCS REFER TO flMSH SCHEOUlE (W PR0'.10£0) FOR FIWSH INfORUATlOtl ANO t/0l[S. [XISTJIIC FLOOR ,1.80\1: ~~?o9ATHRO:JA ~ ADDITION NEW SHOWER @ PARTIAi BASEMENT SECTION SC/\LE:, 114" 11 1'-0' ® PARTIAi BASEMENT SECTION SCALC•Jl-''"l'-0" CALIF fill &R0Of' [XISTINC UtnT TO BE CO.~\>!RIEO INTO FAMILY ROOIJ 0.0SE IU EXISTING DECK E~ISTINC CAAACE w EXISTING BASEl.!£1/T .. D'ISTINC FLOOR ABO\IE E.<ISTitlC BASEMENT ADDITION AREA ADDITION AREA NEW ELEVATOR TO All FLOORS ~ " '-----::----. t ,-------; EX1sm-1c MASTER SEOROOU [XlSTINC UVlll0 R00\t [XIST1U08.\SW£1H ---------- © Rli\l DING SFCT\ON SCALE:,1/4'•1'·0• tXlSTniGtOl',tROECK ANO 880 AREA SECTION KEY NOTES ,. ,. G H, J lYPICAt UHERIOR WAI.L ASSEL'Bt. Y A, GJPSUM VIAttDOARO (Tl'P[ •x-WHERE REOIJIREOl STRUCTURALORA\',INGS J 5/8" HPt ·:,:• O'rPSUIA SOARD O WALLS ANO CEIL!tJGSOrAU USABLE Sl>ACt UNDER STAIRS D, < EXPOSEO TRUSS TAILS SEE H(VATIOUS EXPOSEO Rt:-SAV,N 11000 SEA!J 9 1~6 T&O STARTER BOARD O EAVc:S 10 SIUCCO OVER tllCill RIBSEO LATH O somT 11 SLOPl?IG srucco SII.L {TYPICAL) 12, OtCK RAIL SE£ ElEVATlOtlS 13 DRYWALL SHEl.r OVER J/8~ PLYWOOD A. 2 .. s1-mr FRAllltJG 14 I-" AU (S) PER HVAC COtllRACTOR \f;RIFY SlZt IJIO l0CATI0." muss LIAtil/rACTIJRER TO PR0"10£ REOUIREO CLEARANCE 15 22""31)" Ut«t!JUU Arne ACCESS W:R!FY SlZt .U.D LOCATl()!,I muss Ll/.l/UFACTURER TO PROV.OE REQUIRED a.EARANCE 16 ORYWAtlSOFFIT &2,;rRAI.IIIIG 17. FURRED CEl1.ING 18. 1,Ut/ll.lUM 5/0" TYPE ")(" GIPSUIJ 80AAO C WALtS ANO CEILING or GARAGE 19 CABINETS (BY OTIIERS) 20, FO'JNOATIOII {8Y OTHERS) 21 R-JO FLOOR INSULA1I0'1 {1',t1ERE REOUIREO) 22 5'('11.IGHT tNSTAlLPERl,IANUFACTURERS SP£CIF!CATl0tlS 2J NOII-S1RUCl\.lRAL SEAIJ PER PLAAS COP 02-05 COP,CORR,02.13.0 ovm.co_RR.o_s-11 t 8 ! ~ j ~ I £-g".i 'C • ,:: ! -:ju? i:: 0 G> ! •-< ~ ~ :;? ~ ~ $ ! a: i ~ ~ ~ ~ C: 0 • ~ is ... ~ .s (/) g i i t ,._-1!JII~ i3'!i11111 ..,<'!(11IWWW i ~ t3 ~ tJ ] "'~ " 1 I 1 ~ $., .... e::: f ti! l: C ~ " Q 0 1-~ -'sj • > 0: ~ N ] i ~ ff) 2'. 0 i= u w ff) li 0TE0 ] 10-29-0 'tA~HtN \~it No 1foh111>1 AS.O cr..fil:lli