HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-01-05; Planning Commission; ; CT 04-11|PUD 04-10|SDP 04-09|CUP 04-15|CDP 04-26 - POINSETTIA.e City of Carlsbad Planning Departmen,,
P.C. AGENDA OF: January 5, 2005
ItemNo. @
Application complete date: August 18, 2004
Project Planner: Barbara Kennedy
Project Engineer: David Rick
SUBJECT: CT 04-11/PUD 04-10/SDP 04-09/CUP 04-15/CDP 04-26 -POINSETTIA
COMMONS -Request for a determination that the project is within the scope of
the previously certified Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan Program EIR 96-01
and that the Program EIR adequately describes the activity for the purposes of
CEQA; a recommendation of approval for a Tentative Tract Map, Non-
Residential Planned Unit Development Permit, Site Development Plan, and
Coastal Development Permit; and approval of a Conditional Use Permit to
develop a mixed-use project consisting of the subdivision and development of
18,337 square feet of commercial/retail uses, a 3,296 square foot day care center,
51 live-work condominium units, 15 loft ~ondominium units, and 12 affordable
apartments, on 5 .29 acres generally located south of A venida Encinas and north of
the east-west segment of Embarcadero Lane within the Mello II Segment of the
Local Coastal Program and Local Facilities Management Zone 22.
That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 5806, 5807,
5808, and 5810 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of a Tentative Tract Map CT 04-11, Non-
Residential Planned Development Permit PUD 04-10, Site Development Plan SDP 04-09, and
Coastal Development Permit CDP 04-26; and ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No.
5809 APPROVING Conditional Use Permit CUP 04-15, based on the findings and subject to
the conditions contained therein.
The subject property is located in Planning Area 6 (PA 6) of the Poinsettia Properties Specific
Plan (SP 210) which is identified as a mixed-use development site. The proposed project would
subdivide and grade a 5.29 acre site and develop a mixed-use project consisting of 18,337 square
feet of commercial/retail uses, a 3,296 square foot day care center, 51 live-work condominium
units, 15 loft condominium units, and 12 affordable apartments. The site is located south of
A venida Encinas and north of the east-west segment of Embarcadero Lane within the Mello II
Segment of the Local Coastal Program.
The project requires approval of a Tentative Tract Map and a Non-residential Planned
Development Permit to subdivide the project as an air-space condominium which will allow for
individual sale of the market-rate live-work and loft units. A Site Development Plan is required
for the affordable housing component and a Conditional Use Permit is required for the day care
center. Approval of a Coastal Development Permit is necessary due to the project's location
within the Mello II Segment of the City's Local Coastal Program. The project is not located
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CT 04-11/PUD 04-10/SDP fo9/CUP 04-15/CDP 04-26 -POINsEWIA COMMONS
January 5, 2005
Pa e2
within the Appeal Jurisdiction area, therefore the CDP is not appealable to the California Coastal
Commission. fu. order to achieve the 78 units proposed, the project requires an allocation of 17
dwelling units from the City's Excess Dwelling Unit Bank. The requested actions require
approval by the City Council because the subdivision contains more than 50 units. The proposed
project is within the scope of the previously certified Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan Program
BIR, is consistent with the zoning and land use provisions of the Poinsettia Properties Specific
Plan, and incorporates a transit-oriented design focus. As designed and conditioned, the project
is consistent with all relevant City regulations and policies.
fu. January 1998, the City Council certified the Final Program BIR (BIR 96-01) and approved the
Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan. This document addresses eight planning areas wrapping
around the east, west and south sides of the Poinsettia Coaster Station as shown in Attachment
10. The Specific Plan was designed to create a transit-oriented development (TOD) project
located near the rail station and the nearby major transportation corridor, fu.terstate 5. The plan
incorporates numerous features to create a pedestrian-focused environment where residents can
accomplish their daily activities without driving. Six of the eight Planning Areas (PA) have been
developed. A total of 448 single-family detached units are located within PAs 2, 4, 7, and 8; PA
3 contains a community recreation area (for PAs 2 & 4); and 92 affordable housing units are
located within the multi-family project in PA 5. PA 1, located at the southeast comer of
Carlsbad Boulevard and Ponto Road allows for future travel/recreation commercial uses. PA 6 is
designated as a mixed-use development site and allows for up to 80,000 square feet of
commercial uses and 61 residential units.
The 5.29 acre site is located within the southwest quadrant of the City in Local Facilities
Management Zone 22. The proposed development is located on two parcels that are separated
by Embarcadero Lane, which is currently a public street. The west side of the site is adjacent to
the parking lot for the Poinsettia Coaster Station and the eastern portion of the site is adjacent to
the Poinsettia Station affordable housing project. The Water's End single-family residential
development is located to the south and the property to the north across A venida Encinas, owned
by Encina Wastewater Authority, is vacant. The property is zoned C-T (Commercial-Tourist)
with a General Plan Land Use designation of T-RIRH (Travel/Recreation Commercial and
Residential High-Density 15-23 du/ac). The site has been previously graded, is currently vacant
and does not contain any sensitive vegetation.
The primary entrance to the site is located on the northern intersection of A venida Encinas and
Embarcadero Lane. Embarcadero Lane runs in a north/south manner throughout the project site
and turns to the east at the southern end of the site to reconnect with Avenida Encinas, The
north-south segment of Embarcadero Lane is proposed to be vacated, realigned and
reconstructed as a private street. Redesign of the street results in more surface parking due to a
diagonal parking layout and privatization will allow for the use of decorative paving in the street,
unique parking design features, and a project entry element. A Parking Management Plan has
been prepared and parking time limitations will be enforced by the owner's association to ensure
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that there is adequate parking for the commercial/retail uses and for guest parking, and that the
project is not impacted by overflow parking from the Poinsettia Coaster Station.
The entrance to the site is accented by decorative entry signage as well as a clock tower/project
entry feature in a round-about. The project has been designed as a pedestrian :friendly
community and pedestrian connections are located throughout the site to connect this community
with the Poinsettia Coaster Station and the Water's End residential community. The primary
east-west pedestrian connection to the coaster station aligns with the project entry element and
includes a wide pedestrian plaza that is adjacent to the commercial/retail uses. A pedestrian
walkway has also been designed along the western edge of the project to allow for convenient
pedestrian access between the project and the Poinsettia Coaster Station.
The buildings have been laid out to create a walkable environment with a mixture of uses that
encourages people to park their cars and walk throughout the site. All commercial/retail space
will be located on the ground floor, including the 'work" portion of the live-work units, while all
residences will be located on the second and third floors to create a traditional urban
environment. Commercial/retail uses are located near A venida Encinas for visibility purposes,
and the daycare center will be located in the northeast comer of the site. The sidewalk along
Embarcadero Lane is a minimum of 11.5 feet adjacent to the commercial buildings to create a
strolling boardwalk. Sidewalks along Embarcadero Lane will be at the same grade as the street
to allow for a smooth transition through the site. The diagonal parking spaces will be separated
from the boardwalk with a raised· planter, large potted plant, bollard, or street light located at the
end of each parking space.
The mixed-use project includes commercial/retail space, day care, live-work units, loft units, and
affordable housing units as described below.
Commercial/Retail Space
There will be 18,337 square feet of commercial/retail space on the first floor of Buildings 1 and
2, which are located in the northern portion of the site on either side of Embarcadero Lane. This
square footage will accommodate a mix of uses such as real estate offices, coffee houses,
banking, bakery, bookstores, restaurants, video rentals, bike shops, tailors, gift stores, etc. It is
envisioned that the uses within these commercial buildings will be designed to cater to transit
commuters as well as nearby residents and employees of the surrounding business area. Open
plazas and benches are incorporated into the project design to create focal points and gathering
places and to establish a pedestrian-oriented center for the neighboring communities.
Day Care Center
The plan includes a 3,296 square foot day care center as required by the Poinsettia Properties
Specific Plan. The day care will cater to area residents, and employees of the surrounding
commercial uses, and commuters who utilize the nearby coaster station. The day care center will
be incorporated into the mixed-use building (Building 1) located in the northeast portion of the
site, but will be completely separated from the commercial and residential uses through building
design and entrance locations. The day care site includes a playground area that will conform to
applicable City and State regulations. Designated parking spaces will be provided in front of the
daycare allowing parents to park and drop-off or pick-up their children.
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Live-Work Units
Eleven separate live-work buildings containing a total of 51 units are located on the western
portion of the site between Embarcadero Lane and the Poinsettia Coaster Station parking lot.
Each building will contain four, five or six live-work units, ranging in size from 1,930 to 2,562
square feet (total live-work space). All of the units will be three stories with the ground level
designed as a work studio and the upper two stories containing the residential portion of the unit.
The buildings are designed so that the work space fronts on Embarcadero Lane, the plaza area, or
the coaster parking lot. The back side of the buildings face a private interior courtyard area for
the residents.
The work studios are either 741 or 1,000 square feet, and are designed to encourage commercial
uses by incorporating commercial style interior finishes and utilizing commercial storefront
doors and windows. As shown on the elevations, the work studios will be equipped with rollup
glass doors that open up to the pedestrian walkways. There will also be a commercial door,
which can be used when the rollup door is closed. The work studios will be designed with only
half bathrooms, a feature that will help to encourage the use of the downstairs level as· work
studios rather than extra bedrooms by the owners. Additionally, an interior stairway provides the
only access from the first floor work area to the living area above.
The residential portions of these units are located on the second and third floors and will be
designed as lofts, giving the owner maximum flexibility and the ability to create traditional
bedrooms if desired. The "live" portion of the loft spaces contain between 1,189 and 1,562
square feet of living area. These units will be offered as market-rate, for-sale condominium
Loft Units
Fifteen for-sale market-rate loft condominiums will be provided above the commercial building
located in the northwest portion of the site (Building 2). These units will range in size from
1,163 to 1,215 square feet within a two-level, open floor plan, providing flexibility for a unique
living style that is not currently available in Carlsbad.
Affordable Apartments
Twelve affordable apartments will be located above commercial uses in the building on the east
side of Embarcadero Lane (Building 1). The 12 stacked-flat units each contain 825 square feet
of living space. Each of the units are designed with one-bedroom and one bathroom within an
open floor plan for maximum flexibility.
The parking plan for the Poinsettia Commons project has been designed to adequately meet the
parking needs for all proposed uses. Because the project includes common parking facilities for
the residential guest parking and commercial uses, the applicant is requesting a 15% (19 space)
parking reduction as provided in Section 21.44.050(a)(5) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The
proposed parking reduction is discussed in the analysis section of this report.
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The project includes 107 surface parking spaces and 151 underground parking spaces for a total
of 258 spaces. The diagonal spaces located along Embarcadero Lane are proposed to satisfy the
parking requirements for the commercial uses, day care parent parking (6 spaces)~ 6 spaces for
the affordable housing project (of the 18 required), and guest parking spaces for all of the
residential uses. An underground parking garage containing 151 spaces will be located on the
west side of Embarcadero Lane beneath the live-work units and Building 2. Access· to the
underground parking is located near the midpoint of the north-south segment of Embarcadero
A total of 132 enclosed garage parking spaces (66 two-car garages) will be located within the
underground parking garage for the 51 live-work and 15 market-rate loft condominium units. In
some instances, an internal stairway will be provided between the private garage space and the
live-work unit above. An elevator and a number of stairwells are also conveniently located
throughout the parking garage. Twelve open parking spaces will be provided as an option item
for the affordable apartments, six spaces will be reserved for the employees of the day care
center, and one handicap parking space will also be provided. Private storage units are also
provided as an option item for each of the 66 live/work and market-rate loft condominium units.
These storage units will help to free up garage space for vehicle parking. Gates will be installed
at the entrance to the underground parking garage and no visitor or commercial parking will be
provided in the underground structure. Access to the garage will only be allowed through the
use of key cards. On weekends, the spaces reserved for the daycare center will be available for
use by any of the project residents.
The architectural theme for the project will be Beach style, which draws on the architectural
elements of California coastal communities. The buildings utilize a variety of materials and
siding types to create an individual identity for each unit. The siding materials include stucco,
horizontal and vertical siding, and burnished CMU block. Roof designs are varied and include
parapet roof structures; shed, mansard and hipped roof designs with composite roofing; and
accent areas with metal seam roofs. Each dwelling unit will be designed with operable windows
to take advantage of natural ventilation opportunities and each unit has a small balcony area.
Accent elements, varied window designs, and building color will be used to create architectural
interest and to reinforce the project design theme. The architectural style and design is in
conformance with the requirements of the Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan and the buildings
have been oriented to create an urban, pedestrian friendly environment.
Thirty-foot wide landscape buffers with meandering sidewalks will be provided along Avenida
Encinas. This area will be landscaped with a semi-formal planting design featuring Mexican Fan
Palms, Melaleuca trees, and turf areas which undulate between massed plantings of colorful
shrubs and groundcovers to reinforce the existing planting theme along the street frontage.
Groups of Mexican Fan Palms mixed with London Plane Trees are also shown along the western
edge of the site, adjacent to the coaster station parking lot. London Plane Trees will be the
primary street tree along Embarcadero Lane, with Magnolia trees used as an accent element near
the clock tower. Smaller scale accent trees in raised planters will be used within the plaza area
and in the private interior courtyard areas between the live-work units.
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The project is subject to the following plans, ordinances, policies, and standards:
A. General Plan T-RIRH (Travel/Recreation Commercial and Residential High-
Density 15-23 du/ac) Land Use designation;
B. Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan (SP 210);
C. C-T Zone (Commercial-Tourist) Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) Chapter 21.29;
D. City Council Policy 43 -Proposition E "Excess" Dwelling Unit Bank;
E. Common Parking Facilities (CMC Chapter 21.44, Section 21.44.050(a)(5));
F. Subdivision Ordinance (Title 20 of the CMC);
G. Non-Residential Planned Development Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.47);
H. Inclusionary Housing (CMC Chapter 21.85 and 21.53);
I. Conditional Use Permit/Child Care Ordinance (CMC Chapters 21.42 and 21.83);
J. Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Plan, Coastal Development Permit
Procedures, Coastal Agricultural Overlay Zone, and Coastal Resource Protection
Overlay Zone (CMC Chapters 21.201, 21.202, and 21.203); and
K. Growth Management Regulations (Zone 22 Local Facilities Management Plan).
The recommendation for approval for this project was development by analyzing the project's
consistency with the applicable regulations and policies. The project's compliance with each of
the above regulations is discussed in detail in the sections below.
A. General Plan
The proposed project is consistent with the policies and programs of the General Plan. The T-
R/RH (Travel/Recreation Commercial and Residential High-Density) General Plan Land Use
designation for the site was adopted concurrently with the Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan and
allows the development of commercial uses which serve the travel and recreational needs of
tourists and residents as well as allowing residential development at a density of 15-23 du/ac.
The proposed project complies with all of the elements of the General Plan as outlined in Table 1 ·
Land Use Site is designated for Mixed-use, transit-oriented Yes
Travel/Recreation development consisting of 18,337
Commercial and square feet of commercial/retail
Residential High-Density. uses, a 3,296 square foot day care
center, 51 live-work units, 15 loft
units, and 12 affordable apartments.
Net residential density is 18.6 du/ac.
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Housing Encourage increased Live-work units, loft units, and Yes
integration of housing with affordable apartments are mixed
non-residential development. with commercial/retail uses.
A minimum of fifteen 12 affordable apartments will be Yes
percent of all units approved constructed on site. These 12 units
for any master plan constitute 15% of the total number
community or residential of residences.
specific plan shall be
affordable to lower income-
Public Provide project review that Project improvements will not Yes
Safety allows consideration of significantly impact or be
seismic and geologic impacted by geologic or seismic
hazards. conditions.
Noise Interior noise standards of 45 The project is conditioned to Yes
dBACNEL. comply with the 45 dBA CNEL
interior noise standard.
Noise from railroad travel An acoustical analysis was Yes
through Carlsbad is not prepared and showed that the
disruptive to adjacent land project meets all requirements
uses and activities. concerning railroad noise. In
addition, a disclosure statement
regarding railroad noise will be
provided to all buyers and tenants.
Open Space Minimize environmental The project has been designed in Yes
& impacts to sensitive accordance with all mitigation
Conservation resources within the City. measures from the Poinsettia
Properties Specific Plan Program
Utilize Best Management The project will conform to all Yes
Practices for control of storm NPDES and BMP requirements.
water and to protect water
Circulation Requires new development All circulation improvements Yes
to construct improvements including the vacation and
needed to serve proposed privatization of Embarcadero Lane
development. will be a part of this project.
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B/C. Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan and C-T Zone
The Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan provides a :framework for the development of the
properties within the Specific Plan area to ensure the logical and efficient provision of public
facilities and community amenities for future residents .. The proposal is subject to the C-T
(Commercial-Tourist) zone development standards as well as the standards included in the
Specific Plan. A Non-residential Planned Development Permit, in conjunction with the
Tentative Map, is required for subdivision of the project into air-space condominium units. The
on-site affordable housing requires approval of a Site Development Plan and a Conditional Use
Permit is required for the day care center. These actions are discussed in subsequent sections of
the staff report.
The Specific Plan allows PA 6 to be developed with up to 80,000 square feet of commercial/
retail uses and up to 61 residential units. Residential units were anticipated to be either
residences above commercial/retail areas or live-work units. The proposal includes both types of
units. In order to provide more housing opportunities within the context of a "Smart Growth,"
transit-oriented development, the applicant is requesting an allocation of 17 units from the City's
Excess Dwelling Unit Bank for the project. City Council Policy 43 authorizes consideration of
allowing excess units to be allocated to future "qualifying" residential projects and is discussed
in more detail in a subsequent section of this staff report.
Commercial/retail uses are proposed within the ground floor of Buildings 1 and 2, which are
located closest to Avenida Encinas. Building 1 contains 7,542 square feet of commercial/retail
space as well as the 3,296 square foot day care center that is required for this planning area.
Additionally, 12 stacked-flat apartment units, each containing 825 square feet, will be located on
the second and third floors of Building 1. These rental units will be used to satisfy the 15%
inclusionary housing requirements for the project.
Building 2 contains 10,795 square feet of ground floor commercial/retail space and 15 residential
units on the second and third floors. The two-level loft units range in size from 1,163 to 1,215
square feet.
The 51 live-work units will be located within 11 separate buildings which front on Embarcadero
Lane, the public plaza, or the coaster station parking lot. The ground floor work spaces are either
741 or 1,000 square feet for a total of 45,820 square feet of work space in the live-work units.
Each unit also has two levels ofliving space above which ranges from 1,189 to 1,562 square feet.
The live-work and loft units will be for-sale, market-rate condominium units.
The proposed development within PA 6 meets or exceeds all applicable requirements of the
Specific Plan and CT zone including the focus on a pedestrian-oriented development. The
project's compliance with the applicable development standards is demonstrated in Table 2
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Table 2 -Compliance With Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan/C-T Zone
Permitted Uses
Building Height
Parking Standards
Affordable Housing
80,000 square feet commercial
daycare shall be included
61 residential units ( see also
Density discussion below)
Maximum of 35 feet or three
Maximum of 61 units with
provisions to allow for transfer
of units between PA's as long as
the total SP 210 dwelling unit
allowance of 823 units is not
A density of 15-23 units per acre
is allowed under the RH zone
276 spaces for sum of all uses.
Requires approval of common
parking facilities (15% parking
reduction) pursuant to CMC
S2 l.44.050( a)(5).
15% of units will be affordable
a. 18,337 square feet of
b. 3,296 square foot
day care center
c. 51 live-work
condominium units
d. 15 loft condominium
e. 12 affordable
35 feet, three stories
The project has requested 17 units from
the City's Excess Dwelling Bank for a
total of78 units.
Results in a total of 618 units within SP
The project's net density is 18.6 du/ac
( excluding Embarcadero Lane).
258 spaces provided
151 garage parking spaces
• 2 car-garage for market-rate
units -132 spaces
• 12 underground parking spaces
for affordable units
• 6 underground spaces for day
care employees
• 1 handicap parking space
107 surface parking spaces
• commercial and guest parking
• represents reduction of 19
spaces (15%)
12 affordable units (15%) are provided
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Table 2 -Compliance With Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan/C-T Zone Contmued
Building Setbacks
All buildings shall be setback a All buildings are setback a minimum of
minimum of30 feet from 30 feet from Avenida Encinas.
Landscape Setbacks A venida Encinas.
Setback area includes a 20 foot 20 foot landscaped parkway is
landscaped parkway. provided.
10-foot side/rear setback if 10 foot or greater setback south of
adjacent to residential. Building 1.
87.9-foot building setback from east
property line.
24.9 foot or greater building setback
from south property line.
11.6-foot setback from west property
line to building.
8.6-foot setback from west property line
to balcony.
10 foot building separation 12 foot or greater building separation.
Architectural Design The design scale of buildings
should be reduced to a more
pedestrian level.
Pedestrian activity is encouraged
throughout the project. Walkways and
connections to the adjacent transit
center have been provided and
pedestrian focal points where people
can gather have been incorporated into
the design.
Encourage housing on upper
All residential units will be on the
second and third stories of all buildings.
Discourage buildings less than Three story buildings will be
two stories high. constructed.
Offer commercial uses which are related to the Allowable commercial uses include:
use of the Poinsettia Coaster Station.
Offer low cost residential opportunities very
close to the Poinsettia Transit Station.
restaurants, bakery, coffee houses, video rental,
banking, dry cleaners, book store, office,
professional, and other uses related to the use of
the coaster station, which may be approved by
the Planning Director.
12 affordable loft apartments will be
constructed in the northeast portion of the site.
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Offer a "mixed use" environment for people to The proposed project provides a mixture of uses
work and live in one location, yet have that allows people to live and work at the same
transportation services available to them. place.
Reduces need or use of an automobile.
Benches and/or outdoor seating shall be Outdoor seating areas have been provided
provided along all pedestrian pathways. throughout the project.
Use pedestrian-level design scale, discourage Buildings are close to the street, large expanses
use of automobiles, provide trails and of glass are provided for display areas,
pedestrian focal points. pedestrian links are provided to the coaster
station, numerous seating opportunities are
located along the streets and within the plaza
area, bicycle parking is provided.
Streets may be public and/or private. The north-south segment of Embarcadero Lane
Encourage narrow local streets of 28-foot width will be vacated and redesigned as a 28-foot
with canopy trees. wide private street with angled parking on both
sides and canopy street trees between parking
A childcare center shall be incorporated into the The construction of a 3,296 square foot daycare
development of PA 6. center is planned for the northeast portion of the
Encourage housing on upper floors and Residential loft units are located on the second
discourage buildings less than two-stories high. and third floors of Buildings 1 and 2. Live-
work units are three-stories with the work space
on the first floor.
Encourage connections to residential Pedestrian connections are provided to the
neighborhoods and direct pedestrian access Poinsettia Station apartments and Water's End
between buildings and at the Poinsettia Coaster development. Mixed-use pedestrian link
Station. corridors are provided to the coaster station at
several locations.
Provide sidewalk amenities such as outdoor Tables, chairs, and benches are provided within
seating area and other public gathering spaces. the plaza and along the streets and walkways.
The plaza area provides a public gathering
space and focal point. Lighting is provided
throughout the site.
D. City Council Policy 43 -Proposition E "Excess" Dwelling Unit Bank
In order to "qualify" for an allocation of Excess Dwelling Units, a project must possess certain
characteristics. The development possesses two of these characteristics:
1. Transit-oriented, "smart growth" development projects where increased residential
density is being placed in close proximity to major transit facilities, employment
opportunities, and commercial support systems, and
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2. Housing development for lower-income households where a density increase is requested
to implement the City mandated 15% low-income requirement of the Inclusionary
Housing Ordinance.
The project is located adjacent to the Poinsettia Coaster Station, incorporates commercial uses
into the project and is also adjacent to employment opportunities. The Specific Plan allows 61
residential units on this site and anticipated that 15% of the units (9 units) would be for low-
income households. The proposed dwelling unit increase would result in 14 additional market-
rate units and 3 additional low-income units. The resulting density is 18.6 du/ac which is slightly
below the growth management control point of 19 du/ac for the RH (Residential-High) General
Plan Land Use designation.
The Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan anticipated a total residential build-out of 823 units
within the various planning areas. Many of the planning areas could not reach the anticipated
density due in part to the detached product type required for several of these planning areas. To
date, 540 units have been constructed or approved. With the 78 units proposed in PA 6, a total of
618 units will be provided, or 205 units under the dwelling unit allowance. As each planning
area has been developed, the excess units have been transferred to the City's Excess Dwelling
Unit Bank. The Specific Plan allows for a transfer of dwelling units between planning areas, and
reallocation of the excess dwelling units may be achieved through the discretionary review
process. Given that the project meets two of the criteria to "qualify" for allocation of excess
dwelling units and that the residential build-out of the Specific Plan area is well under the
original number of units anticipated, staff supports the allocation of 17 dwelling units for the
E. Common Parking Facilities
The project is requesting approval for common parking facilities and an associated 15% parking
reduction as provided for in section 21.44.050(a)(5) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. This
section of the Parking Ordinance provides that when a common parking facility is to occupy a
site of 5,000 square feet or more, then the parking requirements as specified in the code for each
of the two or more participating buildings or uses may be reduced not more than 15% upon
approval of development plans in the manner prescribed for a conditional use permit. The 15%
reduction is only proposed for the 126 surface parking spaces required for the commercial/retail,
day care, and guest parking and would result in a reduction of 19 parking spaces for a total of
107 parking spaces on Embarcadero Lane. Required parking for the residential units would not
be affected.
A parking analysis, dated May 10, 2004, was prepared for the project by Linscott Law and
Greenspan. The study concludes that the types of uses planned for the site should not be
evaluated as entirely separate uses since shared parking between facilities is expected to occur
and this shared parking should be accounted for in planning for the project. Parking along
Embarcadero Lane will provide guest parking, drop off/pick up parking for parents with children
at the day care center and parking for commercial and retail patrons. While the demand for
parking for the commercial and retail patrons and the day care center will mainly occur during
the day, most of the demand for visitor parking will occur during the evening hours or weekends
when residents are home and retail parking demand is at a minimum.
• • CT 04-11/PUD 04-10/SDP 04-09/CUP 04-15/CDP 04-26 -POINSETTIA COMMONS
January 5, 2005
Pae 13
The parking analysis includes details regarding parking occupancy by peak demand. The
analysis shows that the peak demand for residential parking is 75% of the total demand and
would occur at 8:00 p.m. At that time, the parking demand for retail uses drops to 60%,
demonstrating that the uses contained in the project operate in a completely different manner
with different parking demand peaks and are able to share the same parking supply.
A Parking Management Plan has been prepared for the project and is included as Attachment 11.
The plan indicates that the 107 spaces on Embarcadero Lane will be limited to 3 hour parking
Monday through Friday between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. in order to deter all-day commuter
parking. No time limits will be imposed on Saturdays or Sundays. Six parking spaces adjacent
to Building 1 will be set aside to accommodate parents picking up their children at the daycare
facility. Parking in these spaces will be limited to 15 minutes between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
on weekdays. With the privatization of the street, the City of Carlsbad will not be responsible
for the enforcement of any time limits established along this street. A private company will enter
into a contract with the project's Homeowner's Association and will enforce parking space time
F. Subdivision Ordinance
The Engineering Department has reviewed the proposed tentative tract map and concluded that
the subdivision complies with all applicable requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and the
City's Subdivision Ordinance (CMC Title 20). All infrastructure improvements, including
frontage and project-related roadways and the extension of existing drainage and sewer facilities
will be installed concurrently with development.
The primary entrance to the site is located on the northern side of the site at the intersection of
A venida Encinas and Embarcadero Lane. Embarcadero Lane runs in a north/south manner
throughout the project site and turns to the east at the southern end of the site to reconnect with
A venida Encinas. Adequate vehicular circulation has been provided and the street will be wide
enough to accommodate fire and trash trucks, as well as other delivery vehicles. With the
development of the project, the north/south segment of Embarcadero Lane will be vacated,
realigned and reconstructed as a private street with diagonal parking on both sides. The
conversion of this segment of Embarcadero Lane from a public to a private street will allow the
following to occur:
1. The number of parking spaces will be greatly increased by the use of diagonal parking
spaces (26 existing, 107 proposed).
2. Enhanced street paving and an architectural focal point within a round-about will be
3. Parking time limitations will be enforced by the owner's association to ensure that there
is adequate parking for the commercial/retail uses and live/work units and that overflow
parking from the Poinsettia Coaster Station does not impact the project.
4. The north/south segment of Embarcadero Lane will be maintained by the Poinsettia
Commons Owner's Association.
CT 04-11/PUD 04-10/SDP 109/CUP 04-15/CDP 04-26 -POINSEPrIA COMMONS
January 5, 2005
Pa e 14
The project is conditioned to install private street improvements, including curbs, gutters,
sidewalks, planting, street lights, and fire hydrants on Embarcadero Lane. An easement
dedication is required to ensure that access rights for residents of P As 2, 4 and 5 will be reserved
in perpetuity. Embarcadero Lane is adequate to handle the project's pedestrian and vehicular
traffic and adequate emergency access can be accommodated along the street.
The project grading includes 28,000 cubic yards of export as a result of excavation for the
underground parking garage. The City's Engineering Department has indicated interest in using
this export for the City's future Opportunistic Sand Replenishment Program. The developer is
conditioned to participate in this future program if it is determined that the soils types are
suitable for use as sand replenishment along the beach, provided that the Opportunistic Sand
Replenishment Program is in place prior to commencement of grading the underground garage.
G. Non-Residential Planned Development
The intent and purpose of the Non-Residential Planned Development regulations are to ensure
that projects develop in accordance with the General Plan and applicable specific plans and to
provide a method to approve separate ownership of units within multiple-unit buil~ings or
planned development lots. The proposal to allow separate ownership of residential units within
multiple buildings and to allow for development of a portion of Embarcadero Lane as a private
street necessitates the requirement for a Non-Residential Planned Unit Development Permit
(PUD 04-10) be processed to supplement the proposed Tentative Map (CT 04-11).
The site would be subdivided into five lots. Lot 1, a triangular-shaped lot located east of
Embarcadero Lane, is the site for Building 1, which includes the day care and 12 affordable
housing units over commercial/retail space. Lot 2 is adjacent to the west side of Embarcadero
Lane and includes Buildings 2 through 13. These buildings will be further subdivided into air-
space condominiums to allow the sale of the 51 live-work units, 15 loft units, and one
commercial/retail space (located on the first level of Building 2). An underground parking
garage (beneath Buildings 2 through 13) will provide private parking for all of the residential
for-sale units, 12 spaces for the affordable housing units, six spaces for the day care center
employees and one handicap parking space. The driveway access and diagonal parking spaces
located along the north-south segment of Embarcadero Lane are contained within Lot 3. Lots 4
and 5 encompass the 20 foot wide landscape buffer areas along A venida Encinas that will be
commonly maintained by the owners association.
The project complies with the General Plan and zoning development standards as addressed in
the previous discussions. The subdivision will not be detrimental to the health, safety or welfare
of persons working or residing in the area and the Specific Plan specifies mixed-use development
for this site. The proposed project will provide services and facilities which will contribute to
the general well-being of the community and no modifications to the development standards are
required to protect public health, safety, and general welfare. There are no size or configuration
standards for non-residential planned development lots beyond those imposed as a part of the
permit, except that they shall be reasonable as to the intended use and relation to the project.
Two lots are being created to accommodate the buildings and are related to the size of the
buildings and underground parking garage. The remaining lots will encompass the HOA
maintained landscape areas and private street/surface parking areas.
CT 04-11/PUD 04-1 O/SDP.-09/CUP 04-15/CDP 04-26 -POINSl,IA COMMONS
January 5, 2005
Pae 15
Although the project includes a residential component, the Specific Plan states that a Non-
Residential PUD is required, rather than a Condominium Permit (CP). Therefore, the Planned
Development Standards for residential air-space condominiums are not applicable to this project.
H. Inclusionary Housing
The City's Inclusionary Housing regulations require that a minimum of 15% of all approved
units in any residential project shall be made affordable to lower income households. The
developer is proposing to satisfy the affordable housing requirements on site with the
construction of 12 apartments which will be located on the northeast portion of the site. The
units are each 825 square feet in size and are located on the second and third floors of Building 1.
The parking requirement for a one-bedroom apartment is one and one-half spaces per unit, plus
guest parking spaces. Each unit will have one designated parking space within the underground
parking garage. The remaining six required parking spaces will be provided on Embarcadero
Lane along with the guest parking spaces required for the entire residential component of the
The developer has been conditioned to enter into an Affordable Housing Agreement to deed-
restrict these units as affordable to lower-income households at 80% of the Average Median
Income for a period of 55 years. The Affordable Housing Agreement typically requires that the
inclusionary housing units shall be constructed either prior to or c·oncurrently with the market-
rate units. The developer has indicated that this will not be possible since the eastern parcel must
be used as a staging area for construction of the parking garage and podium. After construction
has been substantially completed on the western parcel, the playground for the daycare will be
used as the staging area for Building 1 which will contain the affordable units.
Rational to defer construction of these units to the final phase of development can be made since
there are currently excess affordable units within the Specific Plan. At the time the Specific Plan
was developed, it was assumed that the affordable units within PA 5 would be just sufficient to
meet the inclusionary housing requirements of P As 2, 4, 7, and 8. Therefore, the Specific Plan
required PA 6 to provide its own on-site affordable housing, as opposed to utilizing housing
credits within the 92 unit affordable housing project (PA 5). As previously indicated, the
number of units approved in these planning areas was significantly lower than the number
allocated by the Specific Plan. Given the 540 units (market-rate and affordable) which currently
exist, together with the proposed 66 market-rate units in PA 6, the 15% affordable housing
requirement would be 91 units and 92 are currently provided. After construction of the market-
rate units in PA 6, an additional 12 affordable units will be constructed for a total of 16.8 %
inclusionary units within the Specific Plan area.
The developer has discussed the phasing issue with the Housing and Redevelopment Director.
Given the logistics and safety issues involved with construction, and the fact that there are a
sufficient number of affordable units to meet the 15% inclusionary requirement, the Housing and
Redevelopment Director supports the request to delay construction of the affordable units to the
final phase.
CT 04-11/PUD 04-10/SDP,-09/CUP 04-15/CDP 04-26-POINSl,IA COMMONS
January 5, 2005
Pae 16
I. Conditional Use Permit/Child Care Ordinance
The ~pecific Plan states that a day care shall be integrated into the mixed-use development for
PA 6, relative to the standards for the C-1 and C-2 zones. Although these zones require approval
of a Site Development Plan (SDP), the Specific Plan requires approval of a Conditional Use
Permit (CUP) for development of the day care center. The findings of approval are nearly
identical for a CUP and SDP, however a CUP has an expiration period and annual review to
ensure that the use does not have a detrimental effect on surrounding land uses.
The development proposal includes a 3,296 square foot day care center that will accommodate
60 children. The day care center will be located on the first floor of Building 1, located in the
northeast portion of the site. Parking for employees is required at the rate of 1 space per
employee and 6 spaces will be provided within the underground parking garage for employee
parking. One parking space for each ten children is also required and 6 spaces are provided in
close proximity to the building for drop-off and pick-up of the children. The surface parking
spaces will be restricted to 15 minute parking between the hours of 7 :00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on
The interior layout of the building has not been finalized because an operator has not yet been
selected. However, each classroom area will be required to have its own exit to the playground
area and the plan includes large windows to provide natural light into the building. The day care
is located within a single-story building attached to the east side of Building 1. The entrance to
the day care is located near the center of the building, facing Embarcadero Lane and is
completely separated from any entrances to commercial/retail or residential uses. The 11,600
square feet of outdoor play area is located east of the building and is enclosed by a 6 foot high
masonry block sound wall. The facility will be conditioned to allow a maximum of 60 children
and 6 employees to ensure that adequate parking will be provided. Hours of operation for the
daycare are not proposed at this time.
The required findings for approval of a Conditional Use Permit with justification for each are
summarized as follows:
1. The proposed use: a) is necessary and desirable for the development of the community in
that the day care is integrated into the mixed-use transit-oriented development and will
provide a needed service for the surrounding residents, commuters, and employees of the
commercial areas; and b) is consistent with the General Plan in that the Poinsettia
Properties Specific Plan required a child day care center to be incorporated into PA 6 and
the Specific Plan has been found to be consistent with the General Plan.
2. The proposed site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the use in that the
building is designed as a one-story structure with a security entrance and a large fenced
play yard is provided. An adequate number of parking spaces for drop-off/pick-up are
~onveniently located near the front of the building and parking spaces are provided for
employees in the underground parking structure. Conditions are included to limit the day
care to a maximum of 60 children and 6 employees to ensure that adequate parking will
be provided.
CT 04-11/PUD 04-10/SDP 109/CUP 04-15/CDP 04-26 -POINSE,IA COMMONS
January 5, 2005
Pae 17
3. All of the yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping and other features have been
incorporated into the project and the use is compatible with the surrounding apartments
and proposed mixed-use development.
4. The street system serving the proposed use would not be impacted by the proposed
conditional use in that the traffic generated by the proposed day care and the mixed-use
development is well below that originally analyzed in the EIR for the Poinsettia
Properties Specific Plan.
The Specific Plan requires construction of the day care either prior to or when 25% of the square
footage within PA 6 is developed and occupied. As discussed previously, the developer is
requesting to delay construction of Lot 1 due to the logistics and safety issues involved with
construction. To ensure that the day care is constructed pursuant to the Specific Plan
requirements, a condition is included to restrict occupancy of the live-work and loft units.
Occupancy for up to 28 live-work units may be obtained prior to issuance of a building permit
for Building 1, which includes the daycare. After the building permit for Building 1 is issued,
occupancy for the remaining 23 live-work units may be obtained. Occupancy for the 15
condominium loft units may not be obtained until construction has commenced and the
foundations are in place for Building 1.
J. Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program
The project, as proposed is consistent with all development and resource preservation policies of
the Mello II Local Coastal Program and its implementing ordinances, Chapters 21.201, 21.202,
and 21.203 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The property carries the same Coastal Land Use
designation as the City's General Plan and the land uses allowed by the Poinsettia Properties
Specific Plan were approved by the California Coastal Commission in October 1998. Therefore,
the proposed use is allowed upon Planning Commission approval of a Coastal Development
Permit pursuant to Chapter 21.201. The Coastal Agricultural Overlay Zone (Chapter 21.202)
requires payment of an Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee prior to development, and this
condition was also included as a mitigation measure for EIR 96-01. The intent of the Coastal
Resource Protection Overlay policies and zoning (Chapter 21.203) is to provide additional
protective regulations. The applicable regulations of Chapter 21.203 focus on deterring soil
erosion and sedimentation through the provision of adequate drainage facilities. Lots 1, 3 and 4
will drain to the existing storm drains in Embarcadero Lane. Drainage from Lot 2 will continue
to flow to the existing bio-swale located on the Water's End project as it currently flows today.
This channel directs drainage to the vernal pools located between the Water's End project and
the railroad right-of-way. The drainage channel in which runoff is diverted is intended to serve
as a water quality treatment area. The proposed vegetated swale is used not only to direct water,
but is also designed as a Best Management Practice (BMP), which is acceptable by National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) standards. Additionally, the project will be
required to comply with NPDES standards to reduce surface pollutants to an acceptable level
prior to discharge into the storm drain. A grading permit will be required for the project, and the
project is conditioned to comply with the City's erosion control standards during site preparation
and project construction.
CT 04-11/PUD 04-10/SDP '-09/CUP 04-15/CDP 04-26 -POINSE,IA COMMONS
January 5, 2005
Pa e 18
K. Growth Management Ordinance (LFMP -Zone 22)
The project site is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 22 in the southwest
quadrant of the City. The impacts on public facilities created by the project, and its compliance
with the adopted performance standards, are summarized in Table 3 below.
City Administration 271.18 sq. ft. Yes
Library 144.63 sq. ft. Yes
Waste Water Treatment 89.18 EDU Yes
Parks 0.54 acre Yes
Drainage BasinD Yes
Circulation 3,437 ADT Yes
Fire Station No. 4 Yes
Open Space NIA Yes
Schools Carlsbad Unified Yes
7.0 elementary students
3 .1 junior high students
3.8 high school students
Sewer Collection System 89.18 EDU Yes
Water 19,619 GPD Yes
The project contains 78 residential units at a net density of 18.6 du/ac and the Growth
Management Control Point is 19 du/ac. The Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan allowed for 61
residential units within this planning area (PA 6). Therefore the project requires an allocation of
17 units from the City's Excess Dwelling Unit Bank.
The proposed project has been reviewed pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA). Staff prepared an initial study for the project and concluded that no potentially
significant impacts would result with the implementation of the project that were not previously
examined and evaluated in the Final Program Environmental Impact Report for the Poinsettia
Properties Specific Plan (SP 210) (EIR 96-01), dated July 1997, Cotton/Beland/Associates, Inc.
EIR 96-01 evaluates the potential environmental effects of the development and operation of the
"Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan" and associated actions including the proposed mixed-use
project reviewed herein.
The proposed activities would have no effects beyond those analyzed in the Program EIR, as
they are a part of the program analyzed earlier. With the additional 17 dwelling units proposed
for PA 6, the Specific Plan will have 205 units less than the 823 units allowed for the Specific
Plan, and 391 units less than the 1,009 units analyzed under EIR 96-01. Similarly, the traffic
generated by the development proposal is calculated at 3,437 ADT which is 1,933 ADT less than
the 5,370 ADT calculated for the 80,000 square feet of commercial and 61 residential units
previously anticipated for PA 6.
CT 04-11/PUD 04-10/SDP •-09/CUP 04-15/CDP 04-26 -POINSE.IA COMMONS
January 5, 2005
Pae 19
The City Council certified EIR 96-01 on January 27, 1998. At that time CEQA Findings of Fact,
a Statement of Overriding Considerations, and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
were approved. All mitigation measures contained in the adopted Mitigation Monitoring and
Reporting Program for BIR 96-01 which are applicable to the proposed project have been
completed, incorporated into the project design or are required as conditions of approval for the
project. Mitigation Measures for Noise Impacts required an acoustical analysis to identify all
necessary noise control requirements necessary to meet the City of Carlsbad interior and exterior
noise levels. The required studies were provided and the plans have incorporated the required
noise wall and interior noise mitigation will be required for the day care and for a number of the
residential units. The BIR 96-01 "Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations"
applies to all subsequent projects covered by the Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan Final
Program BIR. Since the mixed-use project is within the scope of Final Program BIR 96-01, no
further CEQA compliance is required. BIR 96-01 and the initial study for the development
proposal are available at the Planning Department.
1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5806 (CT)
2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5807 (PUD)
3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5808 (SDP)
4. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5809 (CUP)
5. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5810 (CDP)
6. Location Map
7. Background Data Sheet
8. Local Facilities Impact Assessment Form
9. Disclosure Statement
10. Poinsettia Properties Planning Areas
11. Parking Management Plan dated June 28, 2004
12. Reduced Exhibits (11" x 17")
13. Exhibits "A" -"FFF" dated January 5, 2005
CT 04-11/PUD 04-10/SDP 04-09/
CUP 04-15/CDP 04-26
CASE NO: CT 04-11/PUD 04-10/SDP 04-09/CUP 04-15/CDP 04-26
CASE NAME: Poinsettia Commons
APPLICANT: David DiRienzo, Urban+West+Strategies 421 North Main Street, Santa Ana, CA
REQUEST AND LOCATION: Approval of a Tentative Tract Map, Non-Residential Planned Unit
Development Permit, Site Development Plan, Conditional Use Permit and Coastal Development
Permit to subdivide and develop a 5.29 acre site with 18,337 square feet of commercial/retail uses, a
3,296 square foot day care center, 51 live-work condominium units, 15 loft condominium units, and
12 affordable apartments, on property generally located south of Avenida Encinas and north of the
east-west segment of Embarcadero Lane within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program
and Local Facilities Management Zone 22.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 5 of Carlsbad Tract No. 97-10, Poinsettia Properties, in the City of
Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 13785, filed in the
Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County on May 21, 1999.
APN: 214-450-30 Acres: 5.29 Proposed No. of Lots/Units: ~5~lo=t=s/~7~8~u=n=it=s ________ _
Land Use Designation: T-R/RH (Travel/Recreation Commercial and Residential High-Density)
Density Allowed: 80,000 sq. ft. commercial and 61 dwelling units
Density Proposed: 18,337 sq. ft. commercial, 3,296 sq. ft. daycare and 78 dwelling units (18.6 du/ac)
Existing Zone: C-T (Commercial-Tourist) Proposed Zone:N =-"'-'/A'-=---------------
Surrounding Zoning, General Plan and Land Use:
Site C-T
North PM/0
South RD-M
East RD-M
West RD-M-Q
General Plan
Current Land Use
Small lot SFR (Water's End)
MF affordable housing (Poinsettia Station Apts.)
Poinsettia Coaster Station
School District: Carlsbad Unified Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: ~C~ar~l~sb_a~d _____ _
Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): =89"""'.""1=8-"'E=D"""'U"'-----------------
D Negative Declaration, issued'-------------------------
D Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated'------------------
t;g] Other, Within scope of previously certified Program EIR (EIR 96-01)
FILE NAME AND NO: Poinsettia Commons -CT 04-11/PUD 04-10/SDP 04-09/CUP 04-
15/CDP 04-26
ZONING: C-T (Commercial-Tourist)
DEVELOPER'S NAME: David DiRienzo, Urban+West+Strategies
ADDRESS: 421 North Main Street Santa Ana, CA 92701
PHONE NO.: 714-567-9260 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: =-21=--4'----4=5--=-0---=-3--=-0 ______ _
QUANTITY OF LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT (AC., SQ. FT., DU): ~5."'"'29'---'-'-'ac~re=s ____ _
A. City Administrative Facilities: Demand in Square Footage= 271.18 sg. ft.
B. Library: Demand in Square Footage= 144.63 sq. ft.
C. Wastewater Treatment Capacity (Calculate with J. Sewer) 89.18 EDU
Demand in Acreage =
Demand in CFS =
Identify Drainage Basin =
0.54 acres
6.6 CFS
(Identify master plan facilities on site plan)
Circulation: Demand in ADT = 3,437 ADT
(Identify Trip Distribution on site plan)
Open Space:
Served by Fire Station No. = N=--c..=..o'-. 4.,:___ ___ _
Acreage Provided = =-N"'""I A'""'--------
Elementary: 7.0, JH: 3.1, HS: 3.8
Demands in EDU 89.18 EDU
Identify Sub Basin= _22_B _____ _
(Identify trunk line(s) impacted on site plan)
Water: Demand in GPD = 19,619 GPD
L. The project requires allocation of 17 units from the City's Excess Dwelling Unit Bank.
Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require
discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee.
The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot
be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print.
Person is defined as "Any individual, finn, co-partnership, joint venture, association, social club, fraternal
organization, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, in this and any other county, city and county, city
municipality, district or other political subdivision or any other group or combination acting as a unit."
Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name and entity of the applicant and property owner must be
provided below.
1. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent)
Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial
interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership, include the
names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO
APPLICABLE (NI A) IN THE SP ACE BELOW If a publicly-owned corporation, include the
names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if
Person David DiRienzo
Title President
Address 421 North Main Street
Santa Ana, CA 92701
2. OWNER (Not the owner's agent)
Corp/Part Corporation
Title Urban+West+Strategies
Address 421 North Main Street
Santa Ana, CA 92701
Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership
interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e,
partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a
corporation or partnership, include the names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more
than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES,
owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate
page may be attached if necessary.)
Person David DiRienzo
Title President
Address 421 North Main Street
Santa Ana, CA 92701
Corp/Part Corporation
Title Teak Investors, LLC
Address 421 North Main Street
Santa Ana, CA 92701
1635 Faraday Avenue• Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-4600 • FAX (760) 602-8559 fl1)
• •
If any person identified pursuant to ( 1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust, list the
names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non-profit
organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the.
Non Profit/Trust _________ _
Title --------------
Address ___________ _
4. Have you had more than $250 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff,
Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months?
0Yes ~ No If yes, please indicate person(s): _____________ _
NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary.
I certify that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
~ ~ :s c-;----, s
Signature of owner/date .S /7 / () 7 Signature of applicant/date
David DiRienzo, Teak Investors, LLC David DiRienzo, Urban+West+Strategies
Print or type name of owner Print or type name of applicant
Signature of owner/applicant's agent if applicable/date
Mike Howes, Hofman Planning Associates
Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent
Additional persons having a financial interest in the application:
Tom Schmidt
261 School A venue
Suite 400
Excelsior, 1\1N 55331
Don Augustine, Lynn Wells, Mukesh Assomull
1650 Hotel Circle North
Suite 200
San Diego, CA 92108
-"'f', -r-i
Parking Management Plan
Poinsettia Commons
September, 2004
Poinsettia Commons will be a true transit oriented project that has been designed to
reduce the dependence on automobiles. It is anticipated that a substantial portion of the
patrons of the future office and commercial uses will come from commuters on the
Coaster. They will be able to park at the Coaster parking lot and walk over to coffee
shops, cleaners and the day care center rather than making a number of separate trips. In
addition to commuters, a strong pedestrian connection will be established between the
Water's End project to the south, residential communities, time-share, and beach visitors
to the west and Poinsettia Commons to encourage residents, guests, and visitors to stroll
over to the future commercial uses.
The peak demand for parking will occur during weekdays between 7:00 A.M. and 5:00
P.M. when most of the commercial/office uses will be open and the adjacent Poinsettia
Coaster Station parking lot will be fully utilized. Parking on the north-south segment of
Embarcadero Lane will be strictly monitored and controlled during the peak demand
period on weekdays by the HOA management company and commercial property
management company.
On weekends there will be less demand for parking on Embarcadero Lane and plenty of
empty parking spaces in the Poinsettia Coaster Station parking lot. However, this mixed-
use community is not relying on any of the existing spaces in the Coaster parking lot to
fulfill its parking requirements.
Project Description
The Poinsettia Commons project consists of 51 live work, 15 market rate town home
lofts, 12 affordable "loft style" apartments, a 3,296 square foot daycare center that will
accommodate 60 children and an additional 18,337 square feet of retail/ commercial.
Project parking will be provided in an underground parking structure located below the
live-work and market rate lofts, and along Embarcadero Lane, the private street running
through the middle of the project site. The underground parking structure will be
accessed from Embarcadero Lane and will contain an enclosed two-car garage for each
live-work and market rate loft, one assigned parking space for each of the 12 affordable
apartments and six parking spaces will be reserved for employees of the daycare facility.
One handicapped space will also be provided. One hundred seven (107) parking spaces
Poinsettia Commons
Parking Management Plan
• •
will be provided on Embarcadero Lane for commercial/retail parking, visitor parking and
loading/unloading for the daycare center.
Underground Parking Garage
As previously mentioned, 66 two-car enclosed garages will be located in the underground
parking structure for a total of 132 parking spaces. In addition, 19 parking spaces
(including one handicapped space) in the structure will be reserved for the affordable
units and the daycare facility. No visitor or commercial parking will be provided in the
underground parking structure.
Gates will be installed at the entrance to the underground parking structure to ensure that
these spaces are reserved for residents and daycare employees. Access to the garage will
be allowed through the use of key cards. Key cards will be issued to residents at the
close of escrow and to daycare employees when they are hired. Residents of the
affordable project will be given a key card when they sign their lease.
On weekends, residents of the affordable units, live/work units and/or the market rate
lofts will be allowed to utilize any of the spaces reserved for the daycare center in the
underground parking garage.
Embarcadero Lane
One hundred and seven parking spaces will be located on Embarcadero Lane for
commercial/retail parking, visitor parking and loading/unloading for the daycare center.
Poinsettia Coaster Station currently has a parking problem and commuters would likely
take any additional parking spaces before most of the businesses in the Poinsettia
Commons have opened. To ensure that the parking on Embarcadero Lane is not used by
commuters heading to the Poinsettia Coaster Station, all parking on Embarcadero Lane
will be limited to three (3) hours Monday through Friday. Time limits will be enforced
from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. No time limits will be imposed on Saturdays or Sundays. A
private company that will enter into a contract with the project's management association
will enforce parking space time limits. Because of the privatization of the north-south
segment of Embarcadero Lane, the City of Carlsbad will not be responsible for the
enforcement of any time limits established along this street.
Signage will be posted along Embarcadero Lane to inform motorists of the time
restrictions. Additional information on the types and sizes of the signs being used can be
found in the Poinsettia Commons Sign Program.
Day Care Parking
Six (6) parking spaces will be located on Embarcadero Lane adjacent to Building One to
accommodate parents picking up their children at the daycare facility. These spaces will
Poinsettia Commons
Parking Management Plan
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be limited to a maximum of 15 minute parking between 7:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. on
Guest Parking
Guest parking will be limited to Embarcadero Lane. No parking spaces will be set aside
as "guest parking", although residents will be allowed to obtain a temporary parking
permit from the Poinsettia Commons management company for visiting guests that may
be staying for more than three hours. The management company will issue the visitor
parking permit for the requested number of days. Vehicles parked without a permit or
with an expired permit must comply with time restrictions or risk being towed.
Loading, Unloading and Deliveries
No parking spaces will be dedicated for loading, unloading and/or deliveries. Deliveries
will be limited to 7:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. on weekdays and 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. on
Poinsettia Commons
Parking Management Plan