HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-12-21; Planning Commission; ; GPA 05-12|LCPA 05-08|ZC 05-11 - HMP HARDLINE GPAGP A 05-12/LCP A 05-08/ZC 05-11 -HMP HARD LINE GP A
December 21, 2005
Pa e4
Element Use Classification, Goal, Proposed Use or
Objective, or Program Improvements
Housing Allow development of The residentially-designated
sufficient new housing to meet areas proposed for revision are
Carlsbad's share of the total already constrained and
regional housing need, as precluded from development
defined in the Regional by being within the HMP
Housing Needs Assessment hardline preserve, therefore
(RHNA). they are already not available
for development and not
included in the City's
provision of adequate vacant
land to meet its share of the
Open Space Implement the City's HMP The proposed project includes
and including making all necessary revisions to the Zoning
Conservation changes to applicable City designations to ensure
ordinances. consistency with the General
Given the above, the proposed HMP Hardline GP A is consistent with the applicable portions of
the General Plan.
B. Local Coastal Program
Some of the subject properties proposed for land use and zoning designation revision are located
within the City's Coastal Zone and, therefore, are subject to the provisions of the LCP. The LCP
consists of two parts -the Land Use Plan and the implementing ordinances. For the Coastal
Zone subject properties, the implementing ordinances consist of the applicable portions of the
Zoning Ordinance. This section only addresses compliance with the Land Use Plan since Zoning
Ordinance compliance is discussed in Section C below. The policies of the Land Use Plan
emphasize topics such as preservation of agricultural and scenic resources, protection of
environmentally sensitive resources, provision of shoreline access, and prevention of geologic
instability and erosion.
The proposed land use designation changes to Open Space are consistent with the policies
contained in the Land Use Plans for the City's LCP. Since allofthe existing hardline areas are
precluded from future development, no impacts to any physical features such as scenic resources,
environmentally sensitive areas, or geologic features will occur. No agricultural lands exist
within the natural habitat preserve. The proposed Open Space designation for the properties has
no impact on any existing or future shoreline access opportunities since trails are allowed within
open space areas and none of the properties is located between the shore and the first public road.
GPA 05-12/LCPA 05-08/ZC 05-11-HMP HARDLINE GPA
December 21, 2005
Pa e 6
aside for preservation in perpetuity, no residential or commercial growth was anticipated for
those sites. Therefore no· impact to future housing provision or non-residential square footage
estimates will occur. No additional facilities are required to serve the open space areas .
. Therefore, no impacts to the Growth Management Program will occur as a result of the proposed
land use and zoning designation changes.
The properties proposed for land use and zoning designation changes are already precluded from
development due to their identification as hardline preserve areas in the City's Habitat
Management Plan. They are covered by open space easement and/or conservation easements
that also preclude their further development. In addition, many of these properties are identified
as open space lots on the subdivision map that created the, parcel. Therefore, the change in
designation to open space does not affect their development potential or otherwise impact their
existing or future land use. The proposed action constitutes a mi~or alteration to land use
limitations and is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15305 of the State
CEQA Guidelines. A Notice of Exemption will be filed upon final project determination.
1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5999 (GPA)
2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6000 (LCP A)
3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6001 (ZC)