HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-03-15; Planning Commission; ; SP 19I| LCPA 02-11 - CAR COUNTRY SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENTe City of Carlsbad Planning Department
Item No.
P.C. AGENDA OF: March 15, 2006
Application complete date: N/A
Project Planner: Barbara Kennedy
Project Engineer: David Rick
- Request for a recommendation to adopt a Negative Declaration and to
recommend approval of Specific Plan Amendment SP 19(1) and Local Coastal
Program Amendment LCPA 02-11 on property generally located on the south
side of Cannon Road, north and west of Car Country Drive, and east of Interstate
5 within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program and Local Facilities
Management Zone 3.
That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 6041
RECOMMENDING ADOPTION of a Negative Declaration, and ADOPT Planning
Commission Resolutions No. 6042 and 6043 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of Specific
Plan Amendment SP 19(1) and Local Coastal Program Amendment LCPA 02-11 based on the
findings and subject to the conditions contained therein.
The applicant is proposing a number of modifications to the Car Country Specific Plan (SP-19(I)
which are discussed in detail below. The Specific Plan, which was adopted by ordinance,
implements the General Plan and governs the development of Car Country Carlsbad. Therefore,
the Specific Plan serves as the implementing ordinance for the Local Coastal Program (LCP) and
an LCP amendment is required.
The project will not have a significant effect on the environment and a Negative Declaration has
been prepared for the project.
Specific Plan 19, approved in 1972, established development criteria for the area known as Car
Country Carlsbad, located east of Interstate 5, south of Cannon Road, and north and west of Car
Country Drive. Specific Plan 19(C), approved in 1987, is known as the Car Country Expansion
area. This amendment incorporated the area west of Car Country Drive and south of Cannon
Road into Specific Plan 19.
The proposed amendment would combine the text of Specific Plan 19 and 19(C) into one
physical document. The amendment would also expand the list of approved structures to include
parking structures for the storage of new cars and employee parking. The ground level of the
parking structure could also be used for sales, service and/or parts. In order to accommodate a
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parking structure, the proposed amendment includes provisions for increased building coverage
(up to 50%) and building height (not greater than 35 feet to top of roof deck), as well as modified
setback requirements. These modifications would only apply to future parking structure
proposals. •
The proposed amendment reformats the sign criteria for the Comprehensive Sign Program into
one section and deletes the old sign criteria within the Specific Plan. The old sign criteria are
superseded, pursuant to SP 19(G) which established the new sign criteria but did not delete the
previously existing text. The amendment also modifies the parking criteria so that one set of
standards applies to the entire Specific Plan area (both "old" and "new" Car Country). There are
also a number of minor formatting and typographical corrections and incorrect street names that
have been amended as part of the proposed revisions.
The original Car Country Specific Plan pre-dated the California Coastal Act, which was enacted
in 1976. However, the SP 19(C) amendment was subject to an LCPA amendment. The
proposed actions include an LCPA amendment that will review the proposed amendments for
consistency with the Mello II Land Use Policies and will formally combine SP 19 and SP 19(C)
into one LCP implementation document.
The proposed project is subject to the following plans, ordinances and standards as analyzed
within the following sections of this staff report:
A. Car Country Carlsbad Specific Plan (SP 19(1));
B. General Plan Regional Commercial (R) Land Use designation;
C. Comprehensive Land Use Plan for McClellan-Palomar Airport;
D. C-2 and C-2-Q Zone (General Commercial/Qualified Development Overlay)
Chapters 21.28 and 21.06 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and
E. Local Coastal Program (Mello II Segment).
The recommendation for approval for this Specific Plan Amendment and Local Coastal Program
Amendment was developed by analyzing the project's consistency with the applicable
regulations and policies. The project's compliance with each of the above regulations is
discussed in detail in the sections below.
A. Car Country Carlsbad Specific Plan
The original Car Country Specific Plan was approved in 1972. Since that time, there have been a
number of amendments and this proposal represents the ninth amendment (SP 19(1)). A
summary of the previous amendments is included as Attachment 7.
The primary purpose of the proposed amendment is to expand the list of approved structures to
include parking structures for the storage of new cars and employee vehicles and to establish
parking structure development standards related to building height, setbacks and lot coverage.
The proposed amendment would also combine the text of SP 19 (Old Car Country) and SP19(C)
(Car Country Expansion Area) into one document. Several format changes are also included as
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well as corrections to typographical errors. A summary of the proposed changes are included in
Table "A" below:
Consolidate SP-19 and SP-19(C) into one document
Reformat table of contents and include a new Part 4 -
Comprehensive Sign Program
New Part 1 - Introduction & Background.
Add requirement for Site Development Plan approval in Old Car
Add parking structures to list of permitted uses
Increase allowable lot coverage from 25 % to 50% when a
parking structure is part of a Site Development Plan
Increase the allowable height limit to 35 feet for parking
structures. (Currently 24 feet west of Paseo Del Norte and 35
feet east of Paseo Del Norte and 30 feet in Car Country
Expansion area)
Revise Architectural Design Criteria to add Mediterranean style
in addition to existing Spanish Style, allow wall surfaces other
than slump block in the Expansion Area, in Expansion area
expand color palette from specific allowable colors to general
use of warm, muted earth tones for all of Car Country
Add parking structure cross-section
Add 50 foot setback requirement for parking structures
Revise parking standards (see Table B and Attachment 8) to
establish one set of standards for all of Car Country
Define use of parking structures for use of new car storage,
employee parking and/or areas for sales, service, and/or parts
Add additional lighting criteria limiting roof-level parking
structure lights to either bollards or parapet-mounted lights
Require screening for parking structures
Fix section K & M, Undeveloped areas
Delete superseded sign regulations and replace with
Comprehensive Sign Program approved by SP 1 9(G)
Various text amendments to refer to new section numbers,
correct typographical errors, and reflect new street names
Page number in
final text version
Pgs. i thru iv
Pgs. 1-1 thru 1-2
Pg. 2-5
Pgs. 2-6 & 3-8
Pgs. 2-6 & 3-9
Pgs. 2-6 & 3-9
Pgs. 2-7, 2-16 & 3-9
Figs. 2-2 and 3-4
Pgs. 2-9, 2-10 & 3-11
Pgs. 2-10, 2-11,2-18,
2-19, 3-12 & 3-14
Pgs. 2-11 &3-14
Pgs. 2-11,2-12,2-19
Pgs. 2-12 & 3-17
Pgs. 2-13 & 2-20
Pgs. 4-1 thru 4-4
Throughout document
(see strike-out
The amendment modifies the parking criteria so that one set of standards applies to all of the
auto dealerships within the entire Specific Plan area. The amendment also updates the parking
requirements for the commercial development areas (Lots 1, 4, 6 & 7 Old Car Country) to be
consistent with the Zoning Ordinance and Commercial Visitor-Serving Overlay Zone. An
analysis of the proposed parking standards is provided below in Table B. In addition, a more
detailed analysis comparing the proposed parking standards with those of "old" Car Country, Car
Country Expansion Area, and zoning ordinance parking requirements is provided in Attachment
SP-19(I)/LCPA 02-11 - CAR
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8 -Parking Standard Comparison Chart. The proposed parking standards are consistent with the
existing standards in the Specific Plan and/or Zoning Ordinance. In instances where the Old Car
Country and Expansion Area parking standards conflicted with one another, the more restrictive
standard was used.
Customer Parking
Employee parking
Storage and
Display (New and
Used Vehicle
All other Uses
Parking Standard
1 space/400 sf of gross floor area.
Gross floor area includes all interior
areas that are not specified below,
including, but not limited to: interior
display, reception areas, private
offices, and closing rooms
Four spaces per work bay for the first
three bays. Two spaces per bay for
each bay in excess of three. Work
bays shall not count as parking spaces
1 space/ 1,000 sf of gross floor area
for auto parts
1 space/1,250 sf of gross floor area
for auto parts
On-site storage of vehicles is
permitted as long as it does not
encroach into any employee or
customer designated parking space
Such parking as may be required by
Section 21.44 of the Carlsbad
Municipal Code
All required customer and employee
parking spaces shall be striped and
designated as such to the satisfaction
of the Planning Director
Standard from Expansion Area
Consistent with Zoning Ordinance.
Additional text further specifies
what uses the parking ratio shall be
applied to.
Standard from Expansion Area
Consistent with Zoning Ordinance
Standard from Old Car Country
Standard from Old Car Country
(reworded from previous 1
employee per 1,000 sf and 1 space
per 1 .25 employees)
New standard (see discussion
(No standards for display in Zoning
Standard from Expansion Area
Consistent with Zoning Ordinance
Standard from Expansion Area
SP-19(I)/LCPA 02-11 - CAR
March 15,2006
Use Parking Standard Remarks
Professional Office: 1 space/250 sf.
(gross floor area)
• Less than 4,000 sf. in size, 1
space/100 sf.
• 4,000 sf. in size or greater, 40
plus 1 space/50 sf. in excess of
4,000 sf.
Commercial: 1 space/300 sf. (gross
floor area)
Hotels & Motels: 1.2 spaces/unit
Consistent with Zoning Ordinance
Consistent with Zoning Ordinance
and Commercial Visitor Serving
Overlay Zone
Consistent with Zoning Ordinance
Consistent with Zoning Ordinance
The parking requirements for storage and display areas differ significantly between Old Car
Country and the Car Country Expansion Area The Old Car Country Specific Plan contains a
computation that is outdated and based on monthly sales volumes. The Car Country Expansion
Area is silent on the issue of vehicle storage and display and the amount of area to be provided is
generally determined by the individual dealerships. Staff recommends continuing with this
approach for both Old Car Country and the Expansion Area, with the requirement to stripe and
designate all customer and employee parking spaces so that these spaces are not used for vehicle
storage. Additionally, it should be noted that a number of the dealers utilize off-site storage
areas and it is not necessary for a dealership to provide all of their vehicle storage requirements
on site.
Staff has also asked the applicant to provide an analysis of the parking requirements from several
auto parks of similar sizes in the surrounding area. As shown in Attachment 9 - Comparison of
Auto Mall Parking Requirements, there is a wide range of parking requirements. Since there was
no clearly preferred standard used by all or most of the auto parks, there was no basis to make a
recommendation to change the standards from those currently proposed.
The parking requirement revisions are not intended to remediate all of the parking problems in
Car Country. The requirement to stripe and designate required employee and customer parking
spaces should help to ensure the spaces are used for their intended purpose. However, a more
comprehensive approach will likely need to be developed and will need to include a commitment
from the dealerships to effectively address the issue.
Although the proposed amendment does not result in a comprehensive update to the Car Country
Specific Plan, it does provide for the opportunity for dealerships to construct parking structures.
Additional on-site parking could help to alleviate some of the past parking issues that have been
identified within Car Country.
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B. General Plan
The proposed amendments are consistent with the policies and programs of the General Plan.
The existing General Plan Land Use designation for the site was adopted concurrently with the
Car Country Carlsbad Specific Plan to achieve consistency. The property has a General Plan
Land Use designation of Regional Commercial (R) which allows for the development of
automobile dealerships which draw customers from outside of the City. The proposed
amendments do not include a change in the land use and therefore, the Specific Plan will
continue to comply with the General Plan.
C. Comprehensive Land Use Plan for McClellan-Palomar Airport
The three southern most lots within Car Country are located within the Airport Influence Area
(AIA) for the McClellan-Palomar airport and, therefore, are subject to the regulations contained
in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) for that airport. The CLUP essentially controls
land uses through two mechanisms: flight activity zone restrictions and aircraft noise exposure
compatibility. No portion of the Car Country Specific Plan area is located within the flight
activity zone for the airport, therefore the land use restrictions of the CLUP do not apply.
The three lots within the AIA are located outside of the 60 dBA CNEL aircraft noise contour.
According to the Noise/Land Use Compatibility Matrix contained in the CLUP, commercial
retail uses are compatible within the noise contour listed above. The noise levels can be
sufficiently attenuated by conventional construction so that the indoor noise level is acceptable
and both indoor and outdoor activities associated with the land use may be carried out with
essentially no interference from aircraft noise. Therefore, the proposed Specific Plan
Amendment is consistent with the CLUP for McClellan-Palomar Airport.
D. Zoning
The Car Country Carlsbad Specific Plan area is located in the General Commercial (C-2) and
General Commercial-Qualified Development Overlay (C-2-Q) zones. However, development
proposals within the Specific Plan area are subject to the unique development standards of the
Specific Plan, rather than the City's Zoning Ordinance. Similar to the General Plan Land Use
designation, the zoning designations for the site were adopted concurrently with the Car Country
Carlsbad Specific Plan to achieve consistency. The proposed 35-foot height limit for parking
structures is consistent with the C-2 and C-2-Q zone regulations, which allow a maximum height
of 35 feet, with provisions for protrusions above 35 feet for roof parapets and other similar
structures. There are no lot coverage or setback standards in the C-2 or C-2-Q zones applicable
to this site so the proposed setbacks and coverage would not be inconsistent with the zoning
ordinance, but would be more restrictive that the underlying zone.
Development proposals in Old Car Country currently require approval of a Planning
Commission Determination (PCD), whereas a Site Development Plan is required for projects in
the Car Country Expansion Area. In order to provide consistency between the two Specific Plan
areas, modifications are proposed to the approval process so that all developments throughout
Car Country would require approval of a Site Development Pan.
March 15, 2006
E. Local Coastal Program Consistency
The Specific Plan implements the intent of the Regional Commercial (R) General Plan Land Use
Designation and General Commercial (GC) Local Coastal Program Land Use designation. With
regard to consistency with the Local Coastal Program, the Specific Plan is the implementing
ordinance for the LCP. The LCP Amendment is necessary to ensure consistency between the
LCP and the Specific Plan. The proposed amendment will not result in any conflict with the
provisions of the LCP. The Specific Plan also implements the C-2 and C-2-Q zones and the C-2
LCP zoning designation. The original Car Country and the Car Country Expansion area are
currently covered by two separate documents. The proposed amendment will consolidate the
two documents into one and will provide one set of standards for signage and parking for the
entire Specific Plan area. Although the amendment does not result in a comprehensive update to
the Specific Plan, it does address major areas of concern and conflicting standards between Old
Car Country and the Car Country Expansion Area, and the amendment also corrects a number of
typographical and other errors.
The purpose of the proposed Local Coastal Program Amendment is to ensure consistency
between the proposed Specific Plan Amendment and the Land Use Policies of the Mello II
Segment of the Local Coastal Program. The original Car Country Specific Plan was found to be
consistent with the Coastal regulations in effect at the time as indicated in the permit issued June
15, 1973 by the San Diego Coast Regional Commission. Subsequently, LCPA 87-2 (LCPA 87-
2F), which was processed in conjunction with the Car Country Expansion area, was approved by
the City Council on December 22, 1987. The proposed amendments to the Specific Plan will not
result in any inconsistencies with the policies of the General Plan and LCP Land Use Plan, or the
provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed amendments will correct existing
inconsistencies and will allow for the development within Car Country Carlsbad to respond to
the changing demands of the automobile sales industry.
The proposed amendments would not affect any of the Mello II Land Use Policies related to
grading, landscaping, erosion, steep slopes, landslides and slope instability, seismic hazards,
erosion control practices, or removal of native vegetation. Individual development proposals
would be required to obtain approval of a Coastal Development Permit and comply with the
Land Use Polices of the Mello II Segment of the LCP. Additional Mello II Land Use Policies
that are applicable to this site include Policy 1-1 Allowable Land Uses, Policy 7-10 Parking,
Policy 7-13 Visual Access, Policy 8-1 Site Development Review (currently applies to expansion
area only), and Policy 8-5 Signage. The proposed amendment would not affect Policy 1-1 since
there is no proposed change to the allowable land uses. In accordance with Policy 7-13, the
parking revisions are consistent with the Zoning Ordinance and with the existing Specific Plan as
discussed previously. The proposed 35-foot height limit for parking structures would not result
in improvements that would obstruct public views or visual access to the coastline, therefore the
amendment is consistent with Policy 7-13. The amendment would add the requirement for a Site
Development Plan Review to the Old Car Country area and therefore is consistent with Policy 8-
1. The proposed amendment would not affect Policy 8-5, since no modifications are proposed to
the existing Sign Program, except for relocating the text into a new section of the Specific Plan.
A six-week LCPA public notice of availability period was required for the project. No
comments were received as of the date of preparation of this report.
March 15, 2006
The initial study (EIA Part II) prepared for this project did not identify any potentially significant
impacts on the environment. A Negative Declaration has been prepared and is being
recommended for adoption as part of the approval of the proposed Specific Plan Amendment and
Local Coastal Program Amendment.
A Notice of Intent (NOI) to Adopt the recommended Negative Declaration was posted in the
newspaper, on the City's website, and was mailed to the California Coastal Commission and
State Clearinghouse for circulation. No comments were received in response to the NOI during
the 30-day public review period (January 24, 2006 - February 23, 2006).
1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6041 (Neg Dec)
2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6042 (SP)
3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6043 (LCPA)
4. Location Map
5. Background Data Sheet
6. Disclosure Statement
7. Summary of Car Country Specific Plan Amendments
8. Parking Standard Comparison Chart
9. Comparison of Auto Mall Parking Requirements
10. Strike-out Version and Final Version of proposed Car Country Specific Plan SP 19(1),
dated March 15, 2006
SP19(I)/LCPA 02-11
CASE NAME: Car Country Specific Plan Amendment
APPLICANT: Lexus Carlsbad
REQUEST AND LOCATION: Request for a recommendation to adopt a Negative Declaration
and to recommend approval of Specific Plan Amendment SP 19(D and Local Coastal Program
Amendment LCPA 02-11 on property generally located on the south side of Cannon Road, north
and west of Car Country Drive, and east of Interstate 5 within the Mello II Segment of the Local
Coastal Program and Local Facilities Management Zone 3.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1 through 11 of Carlsbad Tract Map 72-3. in the City of
Carlsbad. County of San Diego, State of California, according to map thereof no. 7492, filed in
the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego, November 30, 1972 as file number 320455 and
Lots 1 through 10 of Carlsbad Tract Map 87-3. in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego,
State of California, according to map thereof no. 12242, filed in the Office of the County
Recorder of San Diego. October 28.1988 as file number 88-552341.
APN: 211-060-02. 06 thru 10. & 13 thru 19 and 211-080-05 thru 14 Acres: Approx. 85 acres
Proposed No. of Lots/Units: N/A
Existing Land Use Designation: Regional Commercial (R)
Proposed Land Use Designation: N/A
Density Allowed: N/A Density Proposed: N/A
Existing Zone: C-2 and C-2-Q Proposed Zone: N/A
Surrounding Zoning, General Plan and Land Use:
General Plan
Site General and Neighborhood
Commercial (C-2 & C-2-Q)
North Public Utility (P-U)
South General and Neighborhood
Commercial (C-2 & C-2-Q)
East Open Space (OS)
West Transportation Corridor
Regional Commercial (R)
Commercial (T-R)
Regional Commercial (R)
Open Space (OS)
Transportation Corridor
Current Land Use
Auto Mall
Regional Commercial
Shopping Center
Interstate 5
Coastal Zone: [X] Yes I I No Local Coastal Program Segment: Mello II
Within Appeal Jurisdiction: I I Yes 1X1 No Coastal Development Permit: I I Yes No
Revised 01/06
Local Coastal Program Amendment: [X] Yes I I No
Existing LCP Land Use Designation: GC Proposed LCP Land Use Designation: N/A
Existing LCP Zone: C-2 Proposed LCP Zone: N/A
School District: Carlsbad Unified Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: Carlsbad
Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): N/A
Categorical Exemption,,
/\ Negative Declaration, issued January 24, 2006
Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated.
Revised 01706
City of Carlsbad
Planning Department
Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require
discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee.
The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot
be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print.
Person is defined as "Any individual, firm, co-partnership, joint venture, association, social club, fraternal
organization, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, in this and any other county, city and county, city
municipality, district or other political subdivision or any other group or combination acting as a unit"
Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name and entity of the applicant and property owner must be
provided below.
1. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent)
Provide the COMPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial
interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership, include the
names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO
APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW If a publiclv-owned corporation, include the
names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if
Person Judith A. Jones ' Corp/Part Lexus Carlsbad
Title President
Address 5444 Paseo Del Norte
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Address 5444 Paseo Del Norte
Carlsbad, CA 92008
OWNER (Not the owner's agent)
Provide the COMPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership
interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e,
partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a
corporation or partnership, include the names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more
than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES,
owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate
page may be attached if necessary.)
Person Judith A. ]ones
Title Trustee
Address 5444 Paseo Del Norte
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Corp/Part Judith A. Tones Separate Property Trust
Title Property Trust
Address 5444 Paseo Del Norte
Carlsbad, CA 92008
1635 Faraday Avenue • Carlsbad. CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-4600 • FAX (760) 602-8559
If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2). above is a nonprofit organization or a trust, list the
names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non-profit
organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the.
Non ProfitflTrust Judith A. Jones
Title Trustee
Non Profit/Trust.
Address 5444 Paseo Del Norte Address
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Have you had more than $250 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff,
Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months?
Yes No If yes, please indicate person(s):_
NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary.
I certify that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
ignature ofSignatre of owner/date
Judith A. Jones, Trustee
Print or type name of owner
of applicant/date
Judith A. Jones , President
Print or type name of applicant
Signature of owner/applicant's agent if applicable/date
Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent
Attachment 7
SP 19 - Car Country Specific Plan
Ordinance 9288, approved January 18, 1972
SP 19 (A) - Amend/clarify sign regulations
Ordinance 9720, approved June 19, 1984
SP 19 (B) - Amend sign regulations, spacing requirements for monument signs
Ordinance 9734, approved January 22, 1985
SP 19 (C) - 35 acre Expansion of Car Country
Ordinance 9842, approved December 22, 1987
SP 19 (D) -Allow auto rental and leasing, used vehicle sales, and auto repair subject to
approval of a CUP on lot 1 and 4-10 of Car Country Expansion area.
Ordinance NS-214, approved October 6, 1992
SP 19 (E) -Allowing a delicatessen within the auto service center (SDP 88-3(A)
Ordinance NS-116, approved August 20, 1991
SP 19 (F) - Used car dealership & car wash on Lot 1 (withdrawn)
SP 19 (G) -Amendment of Car Country Specific Plan sign regulations
Ordinance NS-315, approved June 27, 1995 and Ordinance NS-317, approved July 18, 1995
SP 19 (H) - Expansion for Toyota Carlsbad
Ordinance NS-96-141, Denied April 23, 1996
Attachment 8
Parking Standard Comparison Chart
Parking Standard
Sales (New and Used)
Customer parking
Employee parking
Customer parking
Employee parking
Customer parking
New car storage
Old Car Country
New Car customers: 1 space/1.5
new car closing room
Used Car customers: 1 space/ used
car closing room
1 space/ 1.25 employees based on
1 employee/closing room
1 space/ 1 .25 employees based on
1 employee/60 sf general office
1 employee/private office
Customer Reception - 1 space/6
service stalls (may be part of
enlarged driveway)
2 spaces/service or body shop stall
1 space/1 .25 employees based on 1
employee/1.25 stalls
1 space/1 000 sf of parts area
1 space/1 .25 employees based on
1 employee/1000 sf parts floor area
1 >i times the average monthly sales
of new cars
Car Country Expansion
1 space/400 sf of gross floor area
Customer and employee parking shall be
designated to the satisfaction of the Planning
4 spaces per work bay for first 3 bays plus
2 spaces per bay in excess of 3
Revised Specific Plan
1 space/400 sf of gross floor area*.
(Consistent with CMC Sec. 21.44)
20% of required sales spaces for
80% required for employees
Includes all interior areas not specified^
below, including but not limited to |
interior display, reception areas, private
offices and closing rooms.
(Office uses included above)
4 spaces per work bay for first 3 bays
plus 2 spaces per bay in excess of 3.
Work bays shall not count as parking
(Consistent with CMC Sec. 21.44)
1 space/1 000 sf of parts area •
Reworded as 1 space/1 ,250 sf
(equates to previous standard of 1
space/1.25 employees, based on 1
employee/1000 sf parts floor area)
Storage - May not encroach into
employee or customer designated
Parking Standard Comparison Chart Continued
Parking Standard
Used car storage
Other vehicle display
Development Areas
(Lots 1,4, 6&7SP19)
Professional Office
Commercial Uses
All other uses
Old Car Country
7z to 1 1/2 times the monthly sales
volume of new cars
Vehicles other than passenger cars
shall be displayed under same
regulations as for passenger cars
1 space/225 sf of net floor area.
1 space/3 seats plus 1 space/each
1.25 employees
1 space/200 sf
1 space/each guest plus 1 space per
each 1 .25 employees
Car Country Expansion
Not Applicable
As required under CMC Section 21.44 for a
specific use not listed above
Revised Specific Plan
Storage - May not encroach into
employee or customer designated
(Included above)
1 space/250 sf of gross floor area J
(Consistent w/CMC Section 21.44)
Less than 4,000 sf in size - 1
space/1 00 sf
4,000 sf or greater - 40 spaces plus 1
space/50 sf in excess of 4,000 sf
(Consistent with CMC Section 21.208
1 space/300 sf of gross floor area
(Consistent with CMC Section 21.44)
1.2 spaces per unit
(Consistent with CMC Section 21.44)
As required under CMC Section 21 .44
for a specific use not listed above J
Escondido Auto Park National City Mile of Cars Temecula Auto Mall City of Riverside
Zoning A-S Overlay (Automobile Service)CA-(Commercial Automotive)SC -(Service Commercial)Auto Center Specific Plar.
slew/Used Sales space/ 250 sf of building GFA
Display Area (Indoor & Outdoor) = 1 space/
1,000 sf
1 space/ 2 employees of the shift of maximum
employment, plus 1 space for each vehicle used
n conjunction with the use. This is the only
standard set up to provide the employee and
customer parking for sales.
1 space/1,000 sf of outdoor display area.
1 space/ 300 sf of indoor display area.
1 space / 500 sf of street level GFA
1 space/ 750 sf of GFA above or below street
imployee Parking Employee parking is covered under the parking
•atio for New/Used Sales
Employee parking is covered under the parking
•atio for New/Used Sales
employee parking is covered under the parking
atio for New/Used Sales
Employee parking is covered under the parking
ratio for New/Used Sales .
The Specific Plan proposes an employee
parking lot to be built to remove employee
parking that should be available for customers
lustomer Parking Customer parking is covered under the parking
•atio for New/Used Sales
Customer parking is covered under the parking
ratio for New/Used Sales
Customer parking is covered under the parking
•atio for New/Used Sales
Customer parking is covered under the parking
ratio for New/Used Sales
The off-street customer parking spaces should
be immediately obvious to anyone pulling into
the dealership. These spaces should be able to
"speak" for themselves. Customer parking
spaces should be clustered, and, if part of a
larger lot, clearly read as a separate group with
one purpose only.
Storage (New and
Jsed Inventory)
Storage = 1 space/ 800 sf. [This includes parts
storage, automobile inventory, and any other
type of storage. But for autos to be considered
'stored', they must be in an area that is not freely
accessible by the customers.]
Inventory parking need only abide by the regular
parking lot standards re: circulation, space size,
Inventory parking need only abide by the
General Design Guidelines.
All off-street dealership parking; with the
exception of short-term demo and service
vehicle parking, should be kept totally separate
from customer areas and customer use of the
dealership property. This separation can be
achieved by use of walls and screens as
required, and non-public means of access.
Auto Repair/Service 1 space/ 250 sf of GFA 1 space/ 800sf, or fraction thereof, GFA plus 1
space for any amount of vehicles used in
conjunction with the business.
spaces per service/repair bay Automobile Service Stations require 6 spaces
on the same lot, plus 2 additional spaces for
each service bay on the same lot or within 100'
Automobile Service Centers require 6 spaces
on the same lot, plus 3 additional spaces for
each service bay on the same lot or within 100'.
Jack Henthom & Associates
Table A-Parking Comps Table.xls