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2006-04-19; Planning Commission; ; CDP 02-07A - EMERALD POINTE ESTATES
I City of Carlsbad Planning Department 9 A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION P.C. AGENDA OF: April 19, 2006 ItemNo. 0 Application complete date: November 22, 2005 Project Planner: Jason Goff Project Engineer: Jeremy Riddle SUBJECT: CDP 02-07(A) -EMERALD POINTE ESTATES -Request for approval of a Coastal Development Permit Amendment for building floor plans, elevations and plotting for the construction of 14 single-family homes on previously subdivided lots generally located south of Palomar Airport Road, east of A viara Parkway in the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program and Local Facility Management Zone 20. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 6066 APPROVING Coastal Development Permit Amendment CDP 02-07(A) based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. INTRODUCTION The proposed project includes approval of architecture and plotting of 14 single-family homes on previously subdivided lots located in the R-1-10,000 Zone and the Mello II Segment of the City's Local Coastal Program (LCP). The project complies with City standards including the RL General Plan Land Use designation, the R-1-10,000 Zone, the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program, City Council Policy No. 44 -Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines, and City Council Policy No. 66 -Livable Neighborhoods. All necessary findings can be made for the approvals being requested. III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND Background On October 4, 2004, the City Council approved a Mitigated Negative Declaration, Addendum and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and approved Tentative Map CT 02-07 creating 14 residential lots and two open space lots (Emerald Pointe Estates project). The Final Map was recorded on December 22, 2005 and the project site has since been mowed in preparation for grading. The residential lots range in size from 10,106 to 16,031 square feet. The two open space lots created by CT 02-07 consist of approximately 10. 3 acres for the purpose of habitat preservation. Project Description The proposed project consists of a request for a Coastal Development Permit Amendment for building floor plans, elevations, and plotting for the construction of 14 single-family homes ..,, .,. . ., CDP 02-07(A) -EMERAL,,OINTE ESTATES April 19, 2006 Page 2 located at the northwest comer of Cobblestone Drive and Sapphire Drive. The site is surrounded to the north by open space, to the south and east by small-lot, single-family development, and to the west by multi-family development. The project consists of 14 one-and two-story single-family homes with three floor plans ranging in size from 3,233 to 4,734 square feet. Each floor plan has two elevation styles and the project has a total of six color schemes. Each home is provided with a minimum of two garage parking spaces, with an option for a third garage parking space (front loaded, side loaded, and tandem). The following Table 1 provides a summary of square footage, garage parking, and elevation styles: a e -T bl 1 S ummary o fFl oor Pl ans Plan 1st Floor 2nd Living Garage Total Architectural No. Sq.Ft. Floor Area Sq. Sq.Ft. Bldg. Sq. Styles Sq.Ft. Ft. Ft. 1 3,233 NIA 3,233 725 3,958 Tuscan, (Plotted 2 3 car Hampton times) (2 car front loaded w/ 1 car side load option) 2 1,771 2,071 3,842 705 4,447 Monterey, (Plotted 6 3 car Tuscan times) (2 car front loaded w/ 1 car side load option) 3 2,381 2,353 4,734 844 5,578 Hampton, (Plotted 6 3 car Monterey times) (2 car front loaded w/ 1 car tandem) IV. ANALYSIS The project is subject to the following plans, ordinances and standards: A. Residential Low Density (RL) General Plan Land Use designation; B. R-1-10,000 One-Family Residential Zone (C.M.C. 21.10); C. Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program (LCP) and the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (C.M.C. 21.06); D. City Council Policy No. 44 -Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines; City Council Policy No. 66 -Livable Neighborhoods; and E. Growth Management. The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project's consistency with the applicable plans, ordinances, and standards. The project's compliance with each of the above regulations is discussed in detail in the sections below. A. Residential Low Density (RL) General Plan Land Use Designation. The General Plan Land Use designation for the project site is Residential Low Density (RL -0 to 1.5 du/ac ). This designation allows single-family residential development at a range of O to CDP 02-07(A)-EMERALIOINTE ESTATES April 19, 2006 Page 3 1.5 dwelling units per gross acre. Surrounding properties are designated Residential Low- Medium Density (RLM) to the south and east and Open Space (OS) to the north and west. The project complies with the General Plan as illustrated in Table 2 below: Table 2 -GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE ELEMENT USE, CLASSIFICATION, PROPOSED USES & COMPLY GOAL, OBJECTIVE OR IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM Land Use Site is designated for One single-family home on each Yes Residential Low Density (0 of the 14 previously subdivided to 1.5 du/ac) with one single-family lots at a density of single-family home per lot. 1.2 du/ac. Noise A vigation Easement for The project is conditioned to Yes properties located in the 60 require the recordation of an to 65 dBA CNEL airport A vigation Easement. noise contours. Residential interior noise The project is conditioned to standard of 45 dBA CNEL require residential homes to comply with interior noise standards. Housing 15% inclusionary housing The previously approved Tract Yes requirement per Objective Map was conditioned to purchase 3.6 2 credits in the Villa Loma Apartment complex as satisfaction of the inclusionary housing requirement. B. R-1-10,000 One-Family Residential Zone (C.M.C. 21.10) As shown on the following Table 3, the 14 proposed single-family homes are consistent with the R-1 Zone development standards for building height, setbacks, and lot coverage. Table 3: R-1-10,000 ZONE STANDARDS STANDARD REQUIRED PROPOSED Front Yard Setback: 20' Min. Range: 20' to 31.3' * Side Yard Setback: 10% Lot Width (5'-10')** Range: 6' to 18.4' Rear Yard Setback: 2 x Side Yard (10' -20') Range: 15' to 18.8' Building Height: 30' Max. Range: 18'-5½" to 33'-1" *** Lot Coverage: 40% <40% for all lots *Homes proposed on Lots 2 and 11 include second story balconies, which protrude into the required 20-foot setback. Pursuant to C.M.C. Section 21.46.120, balconies are allowed to project into the front yard setback no more than 2-feet. In the case of Lots 2 and 11, neither is projecting further than 2-feet. **Where one side yard setback has been reduced to 5', the other side yard has been increased an amount equal to the reduction, and the increased side yard is greater than 10' in width in accordance with Section 21.10.070(A)(l)(b) of the Zoning Ordinance. CDP 02-07(A) -EMERAL,OINTE ESTATES April 19, 2006 Page 4 ***Plans 2 and 3 each include a stairwell access to a roof deck, which exceeds the 30-foot building height envelope. Pursuant to C.M.C. Section 21.46.020, roof structures specifically for housing stairways may be erected above the height limits provided the roof structure is not creating additional floor space. For both the Plan 2 and Plan 3, the roof structure does not create any additional living space and is no taller or greater in area than the minimum necessary to access the roof deck area. C. Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program (LCP) and the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (C.M.C. 21.203) The 14 single-family lots proposed to be developed with single-family homes have been previously found in compliance with the applicable Mello II LCP resource preservation policies and implementing ordinances pertaining to soil erosion, sediment control and drainage facilities as part of the subdivision map and subsequent grading permit. The proposed one-and two-story single-family homes are consistent with surrounding development and will not obstruct public views or otherwise damage the visual beauty of the coastal zone. The proposed construction of a single-family home on each of the 14 single-family lots is consistent with the LCP Land Use and Zoning Map designations (RL/R-1-10,000) calling for single-family development at low density. D. City Council Policy No. 44 -Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines and City Council Policy No. 66 -Livable Neighborhoods. New single-family residential projects of five or more homes are required to comply with all provisions of City Council Policy No. 44 -Neighborhood Architectural Guidelines. These guidelines require some single story units, single story building edges, separate building planes on front and rear elevations, increased average side yard setbacks, recessed or projected doors and windows, front elevations with porches, balconies, or courtyards, variation in roof ridges and heights, front entries that are visible from the street, and specific architectural design elements. Residential projects are also required to comply with all applicable provisions of City Council Policy No. 66 -Livable Neighborhoods. These provisions require varied and articulated front building facades, clearly identifiable front doors, front-facing windows, front porches, courtyards, and balconies, and a variety of garage configurations. The intent of these provisions is to enhance the street scene and create opportunities for greater social interaction within a neighborhood. The building floor plans, elevations, and plotting for the 14 proposed single-family homes comply with City Council Policy No. 44 and City Council Policy No. 66 as shown in the Tables below. CDP 02-07(A) -EMERALIOINTE ESTATES April 19, 2006 Page 5 City Council Policy 44 -NEIGHBORHOOD ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES Architectural Guideline Standard A minimum of 15% (see Note #1 below) of the total number of homes shall be single-story structures. Single-story is defined as a maximum plate-line of 15 feet and a maximum building height of 20 feet. Lofts are permitted subject to CMC Section 21.04.330. As an alternative to encourage homes with alley- loaded garages, a minimum of20% of the homes shall be single-story for the front 20% of the home (overall depth of house times 20%). Comments The project includes a total of 14 units, which equates to a requirement of 2 of those units consisting of one-story. The Plan I-Hampton and Tuscan elevations are both single-story units and are plotted twice within the Emerald Pointe Estates development on Lots 9 & 10. Though they are single-story, the Plan 1 elevations include tower elements and a steeply pitched main roofline (Hampton), which are exceeding the 20 ft. maximum single-story building height as defined by the Policy Guidelines. Tuscan Main Roofline = 18'-5½" Roof Pitch= 4: 12 Tower= 26'-3" Tower Lookout= 23 '-3" Hampton Main roofline = 22'-2½" Roof Pitch= 6:12 Tower= 29' -6" Tower Lookout = 24' The applicant has requested a deviation from the strict interpretation of this guideline, and is requesting to utilize Procedure No. 1 (see below) of Council Policy No. 44, which allows them to propose an architectural style of equally superior quality that complies with the intent and purpose of the guideline. Policy 44, Architectural Guideline No. 9, requires that floor plans in a project exhibit a variety of roof ridges and roof heights within a neighborhood. The applicant has attempted to do so with authentic architecture that is true to its form. A defining characteristic of the Hampton style of architecture that differentiates it from the Tuscan is its steeply pitched rooflines. The roofline of the Hampton is designed with a 6: 12 pitch, which is appropriate for the architecture. While the main roofline exceeds the desired 20-foot requirement of the guidelines, the average roof height is much lower, at approximately 16 feet, with the neighboring two story plans reaching 30 feet in height. Policy 44, Architectural Guideline Nos. 13 & 14 also encourages a number of design elements, one being "towers," to help give residential neighborhoods greater architectural style and interest. According to C.M.C. Section 21.46.020, towers are allowed to project above the required height limits prescribed by the zone in which the building is located, provided it does not create additional floor space. On both the Hampton and Tuscan plans, the applicant has proposed two types of tower features, which are not only true to form for the Hampton and Tuscan styles of architecture, but are also consistent with the intent of the guidelines. One of the towers is situated over the entryway of both plans, and would be open to the area below allowing light and air to fill the space. The other tower is situated over the courtyard entry and provides a unique lookout feature, which would only be accessed from the outside courtyard. In the case of these two elevations, the proposed towers do not create any additional livable floor space. The applicant has attempted to meet the spirit and intent of the guidelines by achieving architectural diversity with two unique one- story homes. The non-livable elements featured in these homes are encouraged by the Policy 44 guidelines. If the applicant is required to change the roof pitch or eliminate the tower features, it would dramatically affect the character and nature of the intended architectural styles. CDP 02-07(A)-EMERAL:IOINTE ESTATES April 19, 2006 Page 6 City Council Policy 44 -NEIGHBORHOOD ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES CONTINUED Architectural Guideline Standard Comments 2 A maximum of20% of the total number of homes 20% of the total number of proposed units is 2.8 units or 3 units are exempt from the requirement to have a single-per Note #1 of the policy. All of the proposed units however, are story building edge. either a single story unit as defined by Architectural Guideline No. 1, or include a single story building edge as required by Architectural Guideline No. 3. 3 The remaining 65% of the total number of homes The project complies with this guideline by providing a 5 ft. shall comply with one of the following guidelines: single-story building edge for the entire length of the building on • The home shall have a single-story building the Plan 2 and by providing a single-story building edge with a minimum depth of3 feet for more than 40% of the perimeter on edge with a depth of not less than 8 feet and the Plan 3. The single-story edge along the front, one side and rear shall run the length of the building along one of the Plan 3 equates to 40% of the plan's perimeter. side except for tower elements. The roof covering the single-story element shall Plan types 2 & 3 are plotted a total of 12 times within the incorporate a separate roof plane and shall be development. This results in 85. 7% of the unit mix complying substantially lower than the roof for the two-with the guideline. story element. Porches and Porte-cochere elements shall qualify as a single-story edge. Houses with courtyards that are a minimum of 15 feet wide located along the side of the house and setback a minimum of 15 feet from the property line are not required to have a single-story building edge. • The home shall have a single-story building edge with a depth of not less than 5 feet and shall run the length of the building along one side. The roof of the single-story element shall be substantially lower than the roof for the two-story element of the building. • The home shall have a single-story building edge with a depth of not less than 3 feet for 40% of the perimeter of the building. 4 For at least 66% of the homes in a project, there All plan types for the development meet or exceed the minimum shall be at least three separate building planes on number of building planes required for the front elevation. The street side elevations of lots with 45 feet of street front elevations of the Plan 1 & 2 include 4 building planes, with frontage or less and four separate building planes on the Plan 3 including 7 planes on the Monterey and 6 on the street side elevations of lots with a street frontage Hampton. greater than 45 feet. Balconies and covered porches qualify as a building plane. The minimum offset in planes shall be 18 inches All plan types for the development meet the minimum 18" offset and shall include, but not be limited to, building for building planes, as well as the minimum 10' depth between the walls, windows, porches and roofs. The minimum forward-most building plane and the rear building plane (Plan 1 = depth between the faces of the forward-most plane 11 ', Plan 2 = 12', Plan 3 = 27'-6"). and the rear plane on the front elevation shall be 10 feet. A plane must be a minimum of 30 sq. ft. to receive credit under this section. 5 Rear elevations shall adhere to the same criteria All plan types for the development meet or exceed the minimum outlined in Number 4 above for front elevations number of building planes required for the rear elevation. The rear except that the minimum depth between front and elevations of the Plan 1 & 2 include 6 building planes, with the back planes on the rear elevation shall be 3 feet Plan 3 including 4 planes. Rear balconies qualify as a building plane. All plan types for the development meet the minimum 3' depth between the front and back building planes (Plan 1 = 1 0', Plan 2 = 9'-4", Plan 3 = 9'-4"). CDP 02-07(A)-EMERAL,OINTE ESTATES April 19, 2006 Pae 7 City Council Policy 44 -NEIGHBORHOOD ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES CONTINUED Architectural Guideline Standard Comments 6 For at least 66% of the homes in a project, one side All of the proposed plan types include a side yard setback that elevation shall have sufficient offsets or cutouts so averages greater than 8.5 feet. that the side yard setback averages a minimum of 8.5 feet. 7 At least 66% of exterior openings ( door/windows) All of the exterior openings are either recessed or inset a minimum on every home in the project shall be recessed or of3" or trimmed with a minimum 2" thick foam trim or 2x wood projected a minimum of2 inches and shall be trim. constructed with wood, vinyl or colored aluminum window frames (no mill finishes). 8 Fifty percent (50%) of the homes shall be designed 64.3% of the proposed units incorporate either a porch or balcony with a covered front porch, open courtyard, or with a minimum area of 60 square feet. The 64.3% or 9 units is balcony ( each with a minimum area of 60 square made up of the following: feet) located at the front of the dwelling. The front and sides of porches shall be open except for -21.4%, or 3 units, of the elevations include a front porch required and/or ornamental guardrails. A variety of (Plan 2 -Tuscan elevation, 103 SF) roof elements shall be provided over porches. -42.9%, or 6 units, of the elevations incorporate a balcony Porches may not be converted to living space. (Plan 2-Monterey elevation, 141 SF total; Plan 3 - Monterey elevation, 83 SF) 9 Floor plans in a project shall exhibit a variety of The proposed architecture has a variety of roof pitches and heights roof ridges and roof heights within a neighborhood. dependent on the architectural style. Plan No. I incorporates tower features, while all plans exhibit a variety of hip and gable forms, along with changes in direction. 10 Seventy-five percent (75%) of the homes must have Plans 2 & 3 both have their front entries visible from the street. a front entry to the home that is clearly visible from They are plotted on 12 of the 14 lots. This results in 85.7% of the the street. Walkways from the front door to the unit mix complying with the guideline. street are encouraged. 11 For projects of30 or more dwelling units, a This standard is not applicable to the project as it is proposing minimum of3 different floor plans shall be fewer than 30 units. However, the project does propose 3 floor provided. plans, each of which includes 2 distinctive front elevations and 2 Each floor plan should have at least 3 different front different exterior color schemes to provide variation. elevations and 3 different exterior color schemes. 12 Chimneys and chimney caps shall be in scale with The proposed chimneys and chimney caps are in scale with the the size of the home. No more than 2 chimneys size of the home. The proposed lots are a minimum 10,000 sq. ft., shall be allowed for homes on lots in planned however none of the Plans propose more than 2 chimneys. Please developments having an area less than 7,500 square refer to the enclosed architecture plans. feet. 13 In addition to the previous requirements, a All elevations comply. Please refer to the attached "Building minimum of 4 of the design elements, such as those Elevation Design Elements" matrix. listed in Table "A" below, shall be incorporated into the front building facade(s) of the home. CDP 02-07(A)-EMERAL:IOINTE ESTATES April 19, 2006 Page 8 City Council Policy 44 -NEIGHBORHOOD ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES CONTINUED Architectural Guideline Standard Comments 14 If any elevation of the home is adjacent to and All elevations comply. Please refer to the attached "Building visible from a Circulation Element roadway, such Elevation Design Elements" matrix. elevation is also required to include 4 design elements such as those listed in Table "A" below. Table A DESIGN ELEMENTS • Knee braces • Varied window • Exposed roof rafter shapes tails • Dormers • Arched elements • Columns • Window and door • Exterior wood lintels elements • Towers • Accent materials such as brick, stone, shingles, wood or sidin_g Note# I: Fractional units of .5 or greater shall be rounded up to the next whole number and located in a manner to achieve the best project design as determined by the project planner. When a percentage of units are described in the guidelines, the intent is to have that percentage spread throughout the entire project. Procedure# 1, Council Policy No. 44: If an applicant wishes to propose an architectural style that complies with the Purpose and Intent of this policy and yet cannot comply with the requirements of the guidelines, the applicant may request deviations from any of the architectural guidelines to achieve an architectural design or style of equally superior quality. City Council Policy 66 -LIV ABLE NEIGHBORHOODS Princiole Guideline Comments I Building Facades, Front Entries, Porches The proposed plan types have provided numerous Facades create interest and character and should be varied and building planes and articulation within the front facades to meet the visual intent of guideline. The articulated to provide visual interest to pedestrians. Clearly front of the homes also incorporate a variety of identifiable front doors and porches enhance the street scene and porches and balconies to enhance the street scene and create opportunities for greater social interaction within the promote social interaction within the neighborhood. neighborhood. Building entries and windows should face the street. Front porches, bay windows, courtyards and balconies are encouraged. 2 Garages The project utilizes a combination of tandem and Homes should be designed to feature the residence as the side-loaded garages to provide variety throughout the neighborhood and eliminate any instances of front prominent part of the structure in relation to the street. A variety loaded three-car garages. With the addition of the of garage configurations should be used to improve the street porches and balconies incorporated into the different scene. This may include tandem garages, side-loaded garages, architectural styles and the absence of front loaded front-loaded garages, alley-loaded garages and recessed garages. three-car garages, the intent of the design for the proposed units was to promote the residential qualities of the home and de-emphasize the garage. CDP 02-07(A) -EMERAL1'0INTE ESTATES April 19, 2006 Page 9 City Council Policy 66 -LIV ABLE NEIGHBORHOODS CONTINUED Principle Guideline Comments 3 Street Design Not applicable. The street design for the project was An interconnected, modified (grid) street pattern should be previously approved on 6/16/04 per CT 02-07, incorporated into project designs when there are no topographic Emerald Pointe Estates. or environmental constraints. Interconnected streets provide pedestrians and automobiles many alternative routes to follow, disperse traffic and reduce the volume of cars on any one street in the neighborhood. Streets should be designed to provide both vehicular and pedestrian connectivity by minimizing the use of cul-de-sacs. The street network should also be designed to create a safer, more comfortable pedestrian and bicycling environment. Local residential streets should have travel and parking lanes, be sufficiently narrow to slow traffic, provide adequate access for emergency and service vehicles and emergency evacuation routes for residents and include parkways with trees to form a pleasing canopy over the street. Local residential streets are the public open space in which children often play and around which neighborhoods interact. Within this context, vehicular movement should be additionally influenced through the use of City-accepted designs for traffic calming measures. 4 Parkways Not applicable. The planting of the street trees was Street trees should be planted in the parkways along all streets. previously approved on 6/16/04 per CT 02-07, Tree species should be selected to create a unified image for the Emerald Pointe Estates. street, provide an effective canopy, avoid sidewalk damage and minimize water consumption. 5 Pedestrian Walkways Not applicable. The pedestrian walkways for the Pedestrian walkways should be located along or visible from all project were previously approved on 6/16/04 per CT streets. Walkways (sidewalks or trails) should provide clear, 02-07, Emerald Pointe Estates. comfortable and direct access to neighborhood schools, parks/plazas and transit stops. Primary pedestrian routes should be bordered by residential fronts, parks or plazas. Where street connections are not feasible (at the end of cul-de-sacs), pedestrian paths should also be provided. 6 Centralized Communi!):'. Recreation Areas Not applicable. The proposed project is not a planned Park or plazas, which serve as neighborhood meeting places and unit development. as recreational activity centers should be incorporated into all planned unit developments. As frequently as possible, these parks/plazas should be designed for both active and passive uses for residents of all ages and should be centrally-located within the project. Parks and plazas should not be sited on residual parcels, used as buffers from surrounding developments or to separate buildings from streets. E. Growth Management The proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 20 in the southwest quadrant of the City. Consistency with the Growth Management Plan for this development was analyzed with the previous subdivision and found to be in compliance. CDP 02-07(A)-EMERAL1'0INTE ESTATES April 19, 2006 Page 10 V. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed project has been reviewed pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Staff has concluded that no potentially significant impacts would result with the implementation of this project that were not previously examined and evaluated in the Mitigated Negative Declaration, Addendum and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Emerald Pointe Estates project CT 02-07, dated October 5, 2004 (City Council Resolution No. 2004-318). The Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program evaluate the potential environmental effects of the development. The City Council adopted the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program on October 5, 2004. At that time CEQA "Findings of Fact" were approved. All mitigation measures contained in the adopted Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Emerald Pointe Estates project applicable to this project have been completed, incorporated into the project design or are required as conditions of approval for this project. The proposed project would have no effects beyond those analyzed in the Mitigated Negative Declaration. This project is within the scope of the previously adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and no further CEQA compliance is required. The previously adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Emerald Pointe Estates project CT 02-07 are available at the Planning Department. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6066 (CDP 02-07(A)) 2. Location Map 3. Background Data Sheet 4. Disclosure Statement 5. Table "Individual Lot Data" 6. Table "Building Elevation Design Elements" 7. Reduced Exhibits' 8. Full Size Exhibits "A" -"BB" dated April 19, 2005 SITE MAP • N NOT TO SCALE Emerald Pointe Estates CDP 02-0?(A) ~ACKGROUNDDATASHEET - CASE NO: CDP 02-07(A) CASE NAME: Emerald Pointe Estates APPLICANT: RWR Homes, Inc., San Diego Division REQUEST AND LOCATION: Request for approval of a Coastal Development Permit Amendment for building floor plans, elevations and plotting for the construction of 14 single- family homes on previously subdivided lots located at the northwest corner of Cobblestone Drive and Sapphire Drive in the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program and Local Facility Management Zone 20. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1-14 of the City of Carlsbad Tract CT 02-07, Emerald Pointe Estates in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to map no. thereof no. 15222 filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County on December 22 2005 as File No. 2005-1098766. APN: 212-040-50, 212-190-53 Acres: _ll__ Proposed No. of Lots/Units: ~1~4 _____ _ GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Existing Land Use Designation: Residential Low Density (RL) and Open Space (OS) Density Allowed: 0 -1.5 du/ac Density Proposed: --=1=.2=--d=u/=--=-ac"----_______ _ Existing Zone: R-1-10,000 & OS Proposed Zone: -=R-"---=-1--=1....c...0=0-'--00-'--=&'--O~S"---_____ _ Surrounding Zoning, General Plan and Land Use: Zoning General Plan Current Land Use Site R-1-10,000/OS RL/OS Vacant North P-M-Q OS Vacant (under construction) South R-1 RLM Single-Family Residential East R-1/OS RLM Single-Family Residential West RD-M-Q RH Multi-Family Residential LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM Coastal Zone: t8J Yes D No Local Coastal Program Segment: -=-M=-e=l=loc.....=I=-I _____ _ Within Appeal Jurisdiction: D Yes t8J No Coastal Development Permit: t8J Yes D No Local Coastal Program Amendment: D Yes ~ No Existing LCP Land Use Designation: RL/OS Existing LCP Zone: R-1-10,000/OS Proposed LCP Land Use Designation: ~N~/ A~-- Proposed LCP Zone: N.=...:..:....e/A~------- Revised 01/06 PUBLIC FACILITIES School District: Carlsbad Unified Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: Carlsbad -=====---- Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): _1_4 ________________ _ ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT D Categorical Exemption,. ______________________ _ D Negative Declaration, issued ____________________ _ D Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated ______________ _ IZ] Other, Mitigated Negative Declaration, Addendum and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for Emerald Pointe Estates -CT 02-07, dated October 5, 2004 (City Council Resolution No. 2004-318). Revised O 1/06 • -. • City of Carlsbad l=dh,1111 ,f·■•l4·ihiii,t401 . DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Applicantls statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. 1. APPLICANT (Not the applicantls agent) Provide the COMPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership. include the names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person_.N......_I .... A ________ _ Title ___________ _ Address _________ _ 2. OWNER (Not the ownerls agent) Corp/PartsaddJ eview, LLC Title Applicant Address 16461 Sherman Way Suite 325 Van Nuys, Ca 91406 Provide the COMPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e, partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership. include the names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person_-~N~/~A~-------- Title ___________ _ Address _________ _ Corp/Part Saddleview, LLC Title owner Address 1646 Sberman-·wa:y--si:1ite-'c.325::· Van Nuys, Ca 94106 1635 Faraday Avenue• Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-4600 • FAX (760) 602-8559 • www.ci.carlsbad.ca.us @ • 3. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust, list the name~ and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non-profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the. Non Profit/Trust~-------Non Profit/Trust __________ _ Title ___________ _ Title _____________ _ Address Address ------------------------ 4. Have you had more than $250 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? D Yes g)_ No If yes, please indicate person(s): __________ _ NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. I certify that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature of owner/date Signature of applicant/date Print or type name of owner Print or type name of applicant 10 20 2005 ature of owner/applicant's agent if applicable/date Don MacLean Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent H:ADMIN\COUNTER\DISCLOSURE STATEMENT 5/98 Page 2 of 2 Lot Plan Type 1 2B 2 3A 3 3 CR 4 2A 5 3A 6 2B 7 3C 8 2A 9 1 B 10 1 C 11 3A 12 2B 13 3 CR 14 2AR 1st floor Pian 1B 3,233 Pian 1C 3,233 Plan2A 1,771 Pian2B 1,771 Pian3A 2,381 Plan 3C 2,381 A= Monterey Elevation B= Tuscan Elevation C= Hampton Elevation . Lot Coveraae Lot Size Building Footprint 0.280 2,476 0.313 3,225 0.237 3,225 0.245 2,476 0.242 3,225 0.244 2,476 0.232 3,225 0.242 2,476 0.368 3,958 0.324 3,958 0.327 3,225 0.234 2,476 0.238 3,225 0.244 2,476 Garage 2nd floor 725 N/A 725 N/A 705 2,053 705 2,053 844 2,295 844 2,295 %of Proposed Req'd Front Coverage Lot Widths Yard (min 20') 20.3% 84 20 23.7% 84 20 31.2% 94 20 23.2% 75 20 30.6% 82 20 23.3% 80 20 31.9% 83 20 23.5% 94 20 24.7% 75 20 28.0% 75 20 22.6% 78 20 24.3% 100 20 31.1% 100 20 23.3% 79 20 Building Total Livable Total SF Coverage 3,958 3,233 3,958 3,958 3,233 3,958 2,476 3,824 4,529 2,476 3,824 4,529 3,225 4,676 5,520 3,225 4,676 5,520 RWR Companies Emerald Pointe Estates Provided Provided Front Front Yard Yard Deck 20 -- 20.3 18.5 20 -- 20 -- 31.3 29.3 20 - 20.3 - 20 -- 20.3 -- 20.1 -- 20.2 18 21 - 20 -- 20 -- Setback Reauirements Required Provided Rear Required Provided Left Provided Right Provided Combined Rear Yard Yard Side Yard Side Yard Side Yard Side Yard 16.8 53.9 16.8 11.5 10.1 21.6 16.8 59.4 16.8 10.1 9.9 ' 20 18.8 22.9 18.8 6 14 20 15 28.7 15 6.7 12 18.7 16.4 40 16.4 9.6 10.1 19.7 16 57.1 16 9.8 10.2 20 16.6 30 16.6 10 10.4 20.4 18.8 31.4 18.8 10 18.4 28.4 15 28.9 15 7.3 10.8 18.1 I 15 16.7 15 8.3 9.8 18.1 l 15.6 15.8 15.6 14.3 5.9 20.2 I ' 20 25.5 20 21 19 40 20 20.8 20 18.4 21.6 40 15.8 17.4 15.8 6 29.8 35.8 Building Building Height Height (Top of (Main Roof) Tower\ 18'-5.5" 26'-3" 22'-2.5" 29'-6" 29'-7" N/A 29'-7" N/A 29'-7.5" N/A 29'-9" N/A 2/2/2006 11 :02 AM R:10608\Piot\Planning\Submlttals\04 Feb-02-06\Emerald Point Estates Setback & Coverage Table.xis Saddleview, .LLC ,i in cooperation with: i Bloodgood Sharp Buster Architects and Planners, Inc. Emerald Pointe Estates APN 212-040-50 212-190-53 BUILDING ELEVATION DESIGN ELEMENTS . - PLAN ONE PLAN TWO PLAN THREE DESIGN ELEMENTS Tuscan Hampton Monterey Tuscan Monterey Hampton Front Side Rear Front Side Rear Front Side Rear Front Side Rear Front Side Rear Front Side I Rear a. Knee Braces X X X -b. Exposed Roof Beams or Rafter Tails X X X X X X X X X X X X ' C. Arched Elements X X X X X X Window and Door Lintels d. (all windows and doors either have trim or an accent breaking the plane) e. Towers X X f. Varied Window S.hapes X ,x X g. Dormers X i. &· h. Columns X .x X X X X X X X X -.,· I. Exterior Wood Elements X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ,.x X j. Accent Materials soch as brick, stone, X X X .X X X x· ·x X X X X X X .x X shin Jes, wood or sidin Other -Metal (Wrought Iron ~r Copper) potshelves, vents, roof · X X X X X X X X X .x X X elements or accents Other -Projection,.Bay Window, X X X Juliet Balcon TOTAL (4 Design Elements Min.) 6 4 4 7 4 4 5 5 4 5 4 5 4 4 4 7 4 4 10/20/2005 I . VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE LEGEND --lOfl..t,t" D'IS1X'/t,; lOr HIM90I LO-r ZIO l"RCf'OsrolOTHl.lllSD? lltnlPA(JCU\')lrn,H ~ £A~fll£1,I s-'-4lC ""'""'"" = ..... .,, RIPRAP(PmfCYDISSJ'ATER) tl3' tASG/tHTlJHF; 21n.tlt£1'01r111nftl(I. © Slfl"C(t-tJJ.U, ~ ('R('Jl>(JSEl)•t£CRAIJ( = tmllhGSll!fRJIAIN -------o F'R'OPOsctlstltERII~ {I" pvc 111/r.LSS 0116111$( HOIID) ---0 txrstTHC w,mJlllnN __ ..,_!tt __ . ~~"'::,l/.,,::'NO";g,,wr --w....!r- U:,SIJM;~ltlf,:R --lfW--- H:OPOSEJJ~lf,l,Jm --RW-- lmrJNr;STOIWDRMNSTSml ~--==='l PRrP05l1J$1D'IIIORJJNsr.;,tJ,I A.."'li:TOICl.talli.-sw 4,_ __ ~ .. ...,,,.., c. armoo, C rlt'RJJ' PROl'OstORCWNINCW-'U. f)'l$~RIT~NfJW,,ILt UJSTW(; sPOT R£VA11CWS (2555) ~SP(fT[tMnCII ...uu... """""'""""' ~~ """""'""""" ~ £,1lSl),\'(l$1T<fETIJQ{T -¢- """""'"""'""" ~ B0t.M1Mrl'Alffl1,4lll'.:WCAUWt <D "'""" OJ tt£VA110Y ANO caDR ~ © lf'fl'N«INC C8J z:· Aea;::$$ntOl1'SMl..lm.Jl!!KD rt1'Ct"IUU8.£VAJ'll)lf ,,, 1tf'<:F'FDDrtllIElEYAT/OH .. -u-tnfsatltm£1111S£ COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT .EMERALD POINTE ESTATES CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA KEYMAP SCALE t".,.100' PARl(]NG SUMMARY ARCHfTECWRESUMMARY llU's 7'.aa:5,_' ICTJlS'.lttS !lilA[f,llllY 1' 2 BUILDING COVERAGE SUMMARY ruu.-lJ2£Dt-"-) 1, ,z 't\!J?III,_. 'l'II TOTK.'J; U 10 ___ .,uar 1nut•X1E-1-Tfhtr.Mll1Nl H&A 2/2/2006 REFERENCE DRAWINGS CITYOf"C411l.S80PRAA'fN¢NO -4J0-.$ ctr'f(JF"GW.SiJADDRl,WfNt;NO, -4JO-~ PUBLJC U11LIT/ES AND D1$7RICT$ C"5»Dll.£C1RIC -1IA'IF.R """' $nr.MCi1All'I "" pa"" = ""' --PN:lr/C 00.(. mrno,c CAAI.SR,fD WIICIPAI. MT.ER DIST, CAlilSaW WIICll'AI. IM1ER DIST CITTU'Cl/lt.58-ID ClrT OF' Col,q.!;al() ClrTOFCM'tSWD C,Ull.S!MI) LNIF'IED SOt:er. 01sr. DMI/EtSCA!Ut'H'I.J(f ,. CDP02-07 A GENERAL NOTES fll.DMR£5 11.SArn!;<; (SC£ CCHf;T'lll,/lfrSu.,,J>J -RODI <RM£D (f'f/1 U?J.11/Ml I ,J0-5A} t,U,ILY P£S/COl11AL A/.D CffH ~Aa: GENERAL DESIGN NOTES-COASTAL PERMIT 1 ,v,. a?ADrm rm PRCl"OSm AID FUTIR£' smFTTS .!;;ULL cararu TO TIC c,rr (F CAA.s;o.tD DE'S/QI STNlM.'IDS ml ,(S' P£«1/Fl!D IIY 11-CC,O'DJC/IF.ER, LEGAL DESCRIPTION D.CJW..DFO/NrEtsTAIIS :;~Tlm'MID}Or 0,Llff':~AM'J Hm'WnS'10~ RM,JtRfJJllrC.,N'C,,::ltnR. Otl'l'4JO-!I, nCCI.Rl,!l!ADV/l!X,l"E:IWllll JJa'tJ ND fl,Sf,IJL~,n:tr:1 IHJlilffR""'101'W(JY «P»lnoH'-m4FTIC m,5,MJIO-,Sf~ rot~. f:,,:,.-0,, 1111111.Ull'OS/Tl'l'fOl'AlltACl;'al 1/1/LlltDJ.Sl.l.llJIICtll"[ll'CEOttaHfC<i. 9-26-0$ FF;Rt~ooawm.r: LOIS 1-ll r,' 'TIC ctrv ,:r CA/1!.S!W> TRAtr r:r 02~,. O(RJU) f'O/tm: £STA'ltS" /Ill Jl~ C,Tl'tFGIRl.siµcl. GO>llr,:rsmnirco. ST.CJI"(F(:)Lfl'CJINIA, JICD:R:111,C rtlWNl, T;O;£(TJIJ W'.:'.1FII.EIIIH11£(FFlatC£"1l-E'a»rrtRtCMt:ll/Us»tOJ£P'J mH1rC'IRTDE{)'lU,to:x,~SrtJ.CIIJ 2CC5-IOt870! OWNER /APPLJCA/fT S"!IDti'NW; UC :1110 tOCKm Al'!" 11'1'$7'. SIE" ,l,o CMtSIMO, (:.I; r,,ooe {76D}918-f'i1D7 ~-/414 FICFR&J/rnr.r . our REPRESENTATIVE J4C'/<'J<NTlffl'l,A.~IAt£$ $J6:; Al,(1(/lM ln::tMAS, S/Jlte. A ~500,CA $217.16 (m)•M-JO!KJ COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 1 EMERALD POINTE ESTATES OF CfJY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 4 SLOPE EDGE BUILDING SETBACK INDEX PROPOSED CUL-DE-SAC SAPPHIRE DRIVE NOT 10 SCAtE n'l'tJttJCSTJIUT ,.. 4"Pr:t;'>Q!ll:4l.lt "",?-;?.,b,=3:=====~-==::========~=- ~ l" = ~~1Wo1:~+~R~~~~1?:A~f41~.~BUC STREB) EXISTING COBBLESTONE RD. (PUBLIC STREEl} (STAllON 10.-.onoo TO STATION 20+5811) HOT 70SCAL£ """""""""' -1·m~ LOH FlAN2A MONTEREY J-20.1 A.CruAL --I LOT 4 Stl8ACK~ m ~ TOP OF SLOPE SETBACK SECTION "A' • TYPICAL SC,.1.E, r., 10' 'NOTC ,-5 LONC AS A 17.5° ldH DISTA~C: IS M.'WTAINEO, lHE Tel" Of' $toP( S[Ja.1,CI( R!:0\mEMEJll'S ARt J.ICI, TOP OF SLOPE SETBACK SECTION "B' • T't'PICAL SCALE! 1• .. 10 •NOTE: AS LaiG AS A 71' !,ff/, OCSTI.HCE IS MAINTNIIED, flit TCfl or Sl.OPE SETB-'OC RtQIJIRD,l[NTS ARE MET. \-~;;:r-' lOTIISE.TBACK• TOP OF SLOPE SETBACK SECTION "C' -TYPICAL SCM.E: 1• .. 10 •~om AS LOOG A 17,0 IJ/UMll,I OlS"IANCf. JS 1,/,t,IHTANCO, THC TOP OF SLOPESClDACKRtCUl;'tfl.lEt-llSA~l.t!;T SC18AO:SN1tT.utllf""ll![JIOl't"nsJJCJ!$1"1Xf'ftM.. SE£NIOlittTI.RILl<'tAAfl!VATICNSFOOSS1:Clf'1:S. TOP OF SLOPE SETBACK SECTION 'D' • TYPICAL SCA!.[: 1• ~ 10" 'HOT£. AS lOt.C AS A 17J' Utl DISl,V,IC[ IS J.IAIHT.wEO, TI< Ta> or st.OPE: st'mAC1< llEOUJREMO/JS AP£ LIET SLOPE EDGE BUILDING SETBACK SCAll'l"•lrf l(.(JtltLAmMIS.t/llC.1CR 70R:tOC.dil>OIIJSU: .. ,,....,, CDP02-07 A ~,::a11r • REOOIRES OTY rnclHEER APPROVAL I 1YPICAL LOT DRAINAGE AND LATERAL LOCATIONS --iforroSCM£ • REQUIRES CITY ENG1NEF.R APPROVAL ISO\ [N(.IIICfJ!INC ~T REWRED) lYPICAL DRAINAGE SWALE DETAILS HOT1DSCAIC EXISTING SAPPHIRE DR. OFFSITE (PUBLIC ROAD) H<>rm~ PREPARED BY: 111111 HUNSAKER -~!'~\".'P'8 SHEET COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2 EMERALD POINTE ESTATES OF CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ~ L--------------------------------------------------------------'---------'---------;;;.,.;...,;;;,-.:,-;;;:;;""""';;;;,;;..,;:;:.:;;,:..;;;,,.;;,;;:, . .,;;.~,,,,..;;;:;;,,.;;-,~ ~ltlC ll:l>tll-"'°" OIQNtW'IJ:i,o.°"""o'"" atl'l'lff'Cn~~-4 ~ 0 ' H&A 2/2/2006 -----------------------·-··-· Y~½/// , .------/%' -l ~ ,~ !JI' ll&A 2/2/2006 CDP02-07 A -,,,, _, ,oct, " l.,01 'f.,.~, ~- ------------ /-___ _ ( l \ / I,:' --- SHEET C9ASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 3 EMERALD POINTE ESTATES OF I CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 4 : -···-------------------------------~~---~------------·----------------.. ·------------·--------- L fXl5PW fA$flJM$ ©~,.~lrfllD~~~~11fv!Mf:CT 8C/Cl(fllll;,A\Q"~t,t()(~,'!:!:o,<lll$. ®:::~r:;~~~lfftl,:;mr,Ji·l'llt1VS£S © ~.'l:,r,'~16110.m;Jff'W~IID:01ID!D ©t~===l=~.ml 1tl/1"1or'omi:::ll.1'm)lm$; ®=~~z~mr=r-ralk~ ®=~';,~~mr~..;;~~ © ~~~~a-~n_w~~!'.b~W:1/(J,., ~PURf'C!:r.lll{t;Ol'0Q).o,.(.llH1ASfl£1,(lt7-ms.,,.Jtr, """"""""' ®==IW~~~~~~fffllS. PREPARED BY: HnUNSAKER -~f~~-~ES CDP02-07 A \ \ " I' / '>---I I '--I I 'r.. I I I '--.. I / {'/ I I ,c-.A-,Y -'{9'fl 'k. / .. I SHEET 4 COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT EMERALD POINTE ESTATES OF = s:_"" CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 4 i1 '---------------------------------------------------------------'--------'---------,::-:""'"::;;'""'""':-:,:::,,.c,,::c~c,•:-::,..,=,:::,.,,:-.:c,.:=.,_-!:,,,,:,-:,n~=-'~ H&A 2/2/2006 ---------------------------~---------··-------------------·-----------··----------------------- ~ · ... BSB ABBREVIATIONS ~~.::'$::/f'&... PROJECT TEAM GENERAL SYMBOLS L~ai.w.:.m'Ofltllnblltt'-~ ""----r:::::::iv.r-~""'ltl'm ~ Ml«'O,no,-, ,-,,~u,am,.,,_,,, ill'Zl ~----l 1, .. """I==-::. ·~----t&!OI ~lla:t: lnMl,.,,:P [:Z] """" Eo:ll!I--=--=--=·-~ ,_,_.,..., -~ IIIIlJllD1111J;n,- fi2iW}$11'..,, .... flNll1 --1-ffj! Ml'F#Sd,i,u.'4f\J)IDI"'- ~~~~ ~"""J.~t-.;~W::nr,-~~~~~ .111.N!U:.lll!SUll!MJ -- EMERALD POINTE ESTATES CARLSBAD, CA FOR RWR HOMES, INC. •~; Architects and Planners, Inc. i-11 Blo~dgood Sharp Buster I SHEET INDEX . fill ARCHITECTURAL ~ G5 COvcR9EET ill! ml """' A-IJ """" """'"""6 JJ1iJIIIIII A-12 F1.NIIG """'"""' .... ,,.,.,. 1:Xl'ERIGRB.?V,\tla-5 "" ,vnm R001""f'I~ ..,., =~ ~fie/Artt16 A-L6 =~ ROOl'f'IAI '""'' A-11 PLA»2A K'oltlfl.OORF'I.A~ A-1:> ft.AU2A l.ff'ER:Fi~Ft.AW A·'1:J f\Rl:.O H,l,/l,IR.G\?RFV,H A•:14 A,.IJI :;e 1/Pf'ER FLOOR ft.NI •ooa, ,.,_25-f\)J/2.A. E:lCTEl<'IORW:VAT'lo:-6 ~~oi A-,.6 PI.MV. P.OO!'FL,1,11 A-11 ~l:.B E~l:iEVATIGt6 -3~~ A-2/J ftM2' Po::lf'f'Ull IB1it ,,,,,,, , .. , J'LJJ,I~ WJHFiJX;RFL.AA A-32 PLAll;I"" l.f'f'ERR.OOll:n.Al-1 '.2""'~ A·3.:J A.,'<Jl,C. w.:Nrt.OCRPLAA OJ~~ -,._,, Pl>Jl:1<'1 Lff'ERf\LICIR;PI..Alt A·!JS FUH;JA EXJS!lOR!:I.EVATk'.NS :J:,-.. A-36 RM~ ~Fl>SI cr:JJ; A?l rt.NI% EXTCRIORCl.[\IA~ s:..JC'Ja, h-3h !'UH¾ ~Fl>H O"t:a "' TOTN. AFOIIIEG,ll.RN...90:TS o:~t3b I i 1. r----------' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' --~ ---7 ! :-----------..J : ! i i l ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ! i I i ·-------------- [=J------------------r-1 I L.--1 ' I ' I l r-t---------------· : L_..J _t-, I ;---------------· L----________________ J r------------ , ' ' ' I ~ qi ' ' ' r- f: " " " " " " " --------~ Upper Floor Plan "B" !Uil,Ul"ol'.c' '""' !Ill f~! ,Ill ~~ JJlillllm 1 •OQ!CI ~~o~ i -3m~ i -<?mm filaiE~ ~i~i ot~:: I ... ~ 01'0 a:XtVUJ :;:.3im a:~~g NOt:. l i j i j z l 0 j j::: j () :::, I a: i Iii z i 0 () en ,I a: w 0 u. E .... H 0 i I z .:., en !! ~ w Main Floor Plan "B" w • :E I-lfij m t•· :::, z i' rn 0 !Ji ~ w CL :E .... cc3 ! a: if ..J c:i ' w <(.:i: ,i 0 ccm !i C, z W..J 1i z ~~l.a z <! Wo~ -' D. IUU!ltt-r~ ""' !~ ~l$ 'ti lt2 ! (D -· ... II) .,, -: !loci 0 = .... 'ti iii ::J iii:: 'ti • II) QI f-• ;:i. ::J -.,, !. 118 d .. : 'ti iii' ::J 11 [! ' ' ! ! i " .. It r-----------.. ---------------------------------; r-------------------7 I I I I : : I l------------I I : I l I I I 1 I I / l ! L ________ J l ! Ii ' ' J l [[G] y--------TJ r---J : ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' -----, ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' : 0 : : ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' : ---/4, i ,-, CJ I l--+--l-~--1 ! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I : : I : : / L_r:::::c-,--, f------m------_j ' ' : ' ~ ,i!\I ;;m :~ !I ff ~~ f"- !l ~,,i: EMERALD POINTE ESTATES RWR HOMES INC 1 ,a:_ -,r==i !a -f .. 1 2710 Loker Ave wa~t. Suite ssO J:;;;:...,:;: -S CARLSBAD, CA 8~1:~:r1s9~~W~Jf9~J:~1\~ ===== ~ ~ i1nW'"'o:-.nda11TT1Bu.5ter =~~... 1~:.:.;.".=♦:.._ ..... _ ........ ~,-•e-.ij .... _. .. ,_, ___ 1 ... ,~.... WllWMbdtt/qn.c~ ------01-27-06 ?LANNING DEPARTMENT SUBMITTAL· NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION -- 11· ~1~ 'O '=-m [ ti) -6' :s 'il ~!Ill 1,a _J_ -,,ii Ci i i i i i i I j j j i i l - 'Ir-~ i~~I I [ ~ W Ufh 0 ~ :s Ef3l EE] ml -➔--1! :a --+-~!! EMERALD POINTE ESTATES CARLSBAD, CA i'J ;::;,;:,;;;;-d Shar,, Buster ~---WIOt\11 1~::~:!::. c-u,.._al"'-1 ;a..,,,ffl.US,.JIIO) ,,c,,1t,.., µ, I l1 : (I) 'Cl ... m iii" < Cl -er ::I .Cd' .. •t--• 01-27-06 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBMITTAL· NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION - ... ,,a,,,. ... -.... ~1.wo•- ~1-· t~ m ~ -o· :s [EE] EB 83] EE] i ..,_ B~llt19.~~?sultJ~o Carlsbad. Calltornfia 92010 (i60l 918-6797 Fax {780) 918•8798 ,rww,t>abdoslO,,,tO<'TI - " ll□J;;'Sti'L""------~------- n' jH I ~1~ ! s. 3! 11§ ~ ! I I I I,. • ! I I I ! ! ! r. 11:111,11 ,I ,I~ :i Ji ' :if. [ ! !fl ! ~s lil::.2_ :~•-/ ,_, I I '' mu '--¾ '' t_J L,-----t-----, ~, _____ _ h " " ,, II " " " ,, :,, ~ " " "' r~ 1i ! " µ ----.. iH H L--~ :a~ '!t il .. ,,,. I L_J r"'-1 --------,. ~j-----.... ❖, 'I' I m ' ' ' ' ._, .... '' ,_, ' ' ' ' '' i ---------r7 ---.J .---.. 1..--f ' ' ' ·--· I ' ' LJ ~ •!ll• EMERALD POINTE ESTATES RWR HOMES, INC. r-=--- 11 - 1 -M' :! g-~~sL.;'~:, ~:1~~;3~·ia ~~o~S rti=.Z..::...,:Z ! CARLSBAD, CA (780) 918-8797 Fax (760) 918-6790 = i1;.::-,.,..., ..., Buster =~~-1:n:. .. ~.:-:i:;.._,,c,..,,n.. ,..., .. ,e-i,.,,..,.., ,-.,g..,,.,_._,D-. ....,..,~IQdnl;,i,::,m 01•27·06 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBMITTAL-NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION -- ·1 ;, ~1::t' lO . ::, -m i !::. 0 :I '!J,~111: 11a ~-" -,.ii ~! 01-27-06 -·~ EMERALD POINTE ESTATES RWR HOMES INC. r=---ii--i 2710 Loker Ave West, Su/ta, 350 ~ CARLSBAD, CA fi?:01i?:g,9<;~~p~1J)gff:g1~ ~ ~ _ ... ,...._..... =:~·:-~ KIii Ofr~ Loc~ucn~ ,r,f)f,b10~Hlgll.~""1 ==== Bloodgood Buster --11-f!o<-,o•>-•f-11•°"''"'"""""''°""''e,.•M-•.»,I-••-• ICN.I .. '--•-=== a,;:. PLANNING DEPARTM -- !PHI ,, ;, al ' •! I ii ~· ! g! i111 1ph! lj ,l '' 1, jll !I Id •I 'I ,i I! li !! ,; 1P!il d, • IP l 111 I i • l I I' l d ! I ' c I~ i I I ! Id i I § l • X ! R f I, p I ! I § i f iL iP > ! ! I! ~m: !Z -··u - ~! ...... --...... ;O 11::n ~9. "Cl 6i 11::J q : I ! I I r-1 I L_J :F-i I' ~LJ I ~) LJ I ¾ ' l•,V c··:-::::1.(: _____ _ . ' f-----I ';st~. ' -j '7 : : : 1: ~ il '-!," EMERALD POINTE ESTATES CARLSBAD, CA T 1 T ... --... L __ J ----1 ....... 1L rn I' p: ~II ~,. -1·.;.;_:.-- iI.t B'·-~-::::::s,-.-Buster ~-.. ,~.,. :::.--;:,,.: I ~~r.:!:~_,.•o.~~••-•nn•:..I• -•lt<-••-•'•""•-11> .....,,Doo"' -· ...... ,1a • .-............... ----·--··-··· ., ....... -......................... _ .... ,, ................. - t__J ~ .---, I I ' I ' I fyY3.!:lf>.ti~l?df.:lfa Carlsbad. Callfor'nla 02010 (760) 918-6797 Fax (760) 918--8798 "'""•t)$tU;l'1,00,CQM - ....,...__,,. ■□-;J;;EP;S,§\ :1· r, m1 " lii~0 0, :ii i 0 l!l ~ llf. .,, 0 110 ... 32 Ill :I ~ L_ I ! I I f L_ ' i r 'l ~!!ll EMERALD POINTE ESTATES la l ~, ii ,___ CARLSBAD,CA ~l ~B '"'"'-:'~ Buster E-~~~ 1:~;~i::::...._.a,_. f.: , ' . i ! I i; f ' I , ~ ~ ~ ; ~ r I ~"' I 1..,,,, •-•C.•ll-•--•-•l10l.,~o,;..,,..1 .. ,i..,.., 01-27•06 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBMITTAL· NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION - if em ~":.l ,iiill r~l :i e~ ~»'3Kel;f 9.1Yis.? su\~fo Carlsbad. Callfornla 9201 O (760) 918·679'7 Fax \700) 918•8798 -• ll1l:1<:l""9'1,COm - ~~I• ~o-~~ ~ RI! im m1 nil ~,1,m11111 -ooco ~:o~ -3~~ ""'•"' filt;El '.2,:~ij o!~~ :C.;'Q~ cc"Bi~ :§:J0m a:~![ ' , l I j i i i j i j i (J) i w ,l ~ ~j I-;j (J) ~ w !:!gger Fl~or Plan "A" w li! I-Pl z Jf" 5 ~.H D.< ! cu ...J -,J <(~ a:m ll w~ :a:a: Wc3 ~ z 0 f':'. u ::, a: Iii z 0 u a: f2 ti z :,J ~1== ~ l~i ~ e . .. • ::I = -n e. r I ~ 0 llQ. ~ ,, ii)" I . --::, 1! ~!lll EMERALD POINTE ESTATES !; i N~•11 CARLSBAD, CA ,-f: ! ~1 Jjf_;;;;'.,.;;;;,-.,,_ fu.-~~v~~ 1:n:.:..'"::=.:__._,,_,o_,_ -• n~· -~!11v § t'i. effio i ~ g:;! r;:: ,,,, ·-· •-i--...... ~~ I~ e;. fl¼{~ •• ~9.~t~,;Jtl~o Carlabael, California 9201 O (760) 918-6797 Fax (760) 918°6798 ,.,..,,tis'ad•*ccm 01·27-06 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBMITTAL· NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION -- -©- ~ ·':;.;i ;.-:-:.::.:.x=-■□=-=•;;:,,. u ~!!ll ,; ! ~i-~r c........!.. l• ~! ~i "ti • Ill ~ ::I, (1) --, Ill :1s'; ·o : -, :g Ill :I . ~ ' !'"' !~ 1:1 EMERALD POINTE ESTATES C~RLSBAD, CA '1:0 38 , .... a? !I~ -""' 1; ii -®- ill -® f ~ •• 1----------~-----------------------------------------_} j fl,~8 •• ~RM~Psvl~fa Carlsbad. California 9201 o ___.....___... (760) 918-6797 Fax (780) 918-6798 si1 ~konndSbatp Buster )l,> ..... _!,r.t~ 1:'::~:::':'~."'"'""''-•0-•a.,.w.., . ..,._~•-•'--•°'-..-." ""''"·blOdts!'Jl"-~Offl C.,.1-Q.l:gl -11...ci.-11111 ■□"¥§1¥.¥ 01-27-06 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBMITTAL· NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION -- !!ig~t Elevation L r :::±=li==l===========:a:.::i.: Left Elevation m __ , -- ] J 111111 • ffiffi _] Rear Elevation Front Elevation Roof Plan "A" ~~.=..==~~J°M~~~MUT.fMl'!l!etu>HJDff.~ffl:rJ!n_,,....,,..r,..,1.,.,_-_,,....,_......,.,,,..,..._,1""r H..l.t>,91}1>-fl0(1!'/,IICN9Mll,.M,1'11;-l':MJ)llll!""-"'Dl!"rt>:&Ol11<tfla;#~Mffi00Jtlt>Ch~l,~_,..-I0"1Pt_NO_.TTo; ........... ~t.e..--itt,IJl-...fl:>.lzn:P,,a!JfilUl'l:Wffll>-Yl:>m:."'~~ HII ttU litt M ml ~ilJilllllll (J) w ~ 1-(J) w m m -1 --------------------·1 rn ] ---, ' mm J ~~t Elevation Rear Elevation --.. r m r~m=m=BE =m =]_ [ \; Left Elevation Front Elevation ~v...,.,,. b, ipl ii b !I fl 11 II !di 11 11 ~ !! l ~ I I ! I I i ! : ; I I ! I I i ' i ! I I { i d I I . : p ~!111 ,! '--"'''ii !!! ~ "Ji!\1\,\11 :11:t\l=ii EMERALD POINTE ESTATES CARLSBAO,CA -I ~i i I ' gi,I ! -µ,t~ - -----➔---------------11---7 ~ --j I I I L ____ / l [] r [] . l ! '' '' of.;) l ' '' ' ' ' ' ,_, ! ----11 1 •1·· .. ---,. I l ' '' ------------.. __ ~_J ~~L~k.~,s>M,~p~Jf!Ra Carlsbad, California 9201 O (760) 91 a-8797 Fax (760) 918•6798 ....,__,... ~! ~'j ~;::,,-::.,,d Simi> Bwter ~~~~ l~~~:.~=t: .... 01 ...... •-•e.ltt•°"1•-·-·-••h-•-'-·--•b1b<l1..,...c~ ■□"";~fr,,:§; 01-27-06 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUB MITT AL· NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION -- ll ~11:: h ! ~;ii -~! T ii:!: i;- "TI 0 110 ... "Cl ~ ~ 0 ;f EMERALD POINTE ESTATES CARLSBAD,CA D'.I iii~9,arp Bu."'-' .., ____ .., I~~;.;:~~:-.-..-.......... -·"'""-•-&•-·-·---· ...... -:'r"';'~-~ 01-27-06 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBMITTAL· NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION - ,,,. ,,ll, '"' l,i ...... , lj fJ:-Ylt.l;l.9.114~ .. ~sultlfa Carlsbad, California 9201 o (7130) 91 B-6797 Fax (760) 918•6788 -.it>wd«lqn- - ■□ I! ~111: il J ... ;,,,, i, ~! .r ~~ I~ •I~ .. -n 0 ~ "tJ gj ::, ~ i ![~ r -~--t-+ .. --------------------------r I ITT rffi I ! . I u ! L !t7.1 ";F.t,lr,-... !.~ff ~ ~ i '-] ' ' --1._ EMERALD POINTE EST ATES l?}~{~ •• ~9.~~ .. ~sJ,~~o CARLSBAD,CA Cartsbad. Callfomla 9201 o (760) 918-6797 Fax (780) 9f8•8798 iJ B1rv~ffi1~1-nBuster ,u..,1,o-~.,, 1~cr.c1 Loeot=s: ...-..r.~3bdllSl'Qffccm eo. .. -t.lr.w ,._l, ... ll•l!.:O .......... ·-·~ •Cl.-•,.-·---~----_____ ..,_,_ __ 01•27•06 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBMITTAL· NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION -- r ■□,.,--~= =--=r.:~ .,,..,.,..__.,. Partial "C" Main Flo =rn••~ ~r Plan _ _J @!..l-,W,i;,::/ ., J !!}£it Elevation r--1 ;.ci\ Hm ~--1 ;J:t\ DD Rear Elevation I ----------_Jn '--------'--._ .. --b._ __ ~ j -~~~ I =l=m ==e =m=m=m ~-~ -~ Left Elevation Front Elevation !ill ~ ~,I ~,l1il 111111 ~ "lilO~ t 0 "o~ i ~;~~ ! -aJOm IBt!l ::;:;:;:;;~ 0£~~ :I> -re otlm a::x mm 3;:.3{l.; o,:-a::~3~ l i i ! i j I i j i i ! en i I LU I-~ I! I-~, en ~ w w ~ I I-;a, if; z Ju a Q. < I co _. . ~~ ,i a:ai 11 w~ ::a:a: wc3 s z 0 t; :::, ~ z 8 a: f2 b z ' -' g ;:;; m ~ ffi ;:;; ... a: ;f w C C, z z z <[ _, D- \. ,-' LJ l_J '' l_J ---------------- 11;=:==k...--l---...;;.:=a Roof Plan "A" _,._""""""""'.......,...,....IH::1t:tntrr~r;l''llt!--,~~-M>ID>~lll:Jl!Mlllla)"'°"""'°'r;,,,(l,lC-....,,.-.alom..""'stor!U:1111N ..,_._....,.z,ce,,.,,Dl!l!l'<l'IX.1"1:1:_ro._,__,..,.,,...,:_OT..,.._ ~~~ifii:=t,~,o~~Tll!M$,...,,_"6.omti'O!A'----....-i'1111U01,W.,..-a,W.-,;_..__,,._,.,. Bil f' 1: Mil ll1illlllll • ij ogom f z;g% ! -,m-I .., . ., ff3i&I :§:~~~ oi8~ :C~,;I;; a:xncm ~.9jl;;; o.:g a:~~r;_ l j f i i ' i I i 1 i i i en "i LU ~ H s i I-; . en ~ w w ' I-iii z 'i· 0 l!1 a.<( J co ....J -ct~ ii a:a:i w~ ' :Ea: l, w~ ~ z 0 ~ :::, ~ z 0 0 cc 12 t; z ,.J ~ :E m :::, U) !z w ~ fu 0 (!) z z z ::i n. ~~ EEi r_ ,; 1 . !:[• l , ) ___ .. ------------------~-------·---,--.. ------••• ---------✓-----------·----11i;-~= m f m g, :, fl-rt ~a I:, -m [ 0 ::I 115 111 '--'--!a ~l!ll u''ii ,lh ~ EMERALD POINTE EST ATES CARLSBAD, CA ~ ~ !1-1 :r -!!! (1) I 0 ::I ,(1) '1:0 ;m ""' m [ !!l. o· ::I ~'j Busler -=-~~~-1osn"L«attor." -........ , ..... "' l>•--,-·-• .... t11~-·--·~-·,_ ... _~_,_ 01-27-06 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBMITTAL -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION • ~f:fu:~r, -.·",,lc"l\,,,o :;.~l=l::irt.tf fllYB .. ~9.~~~sJ~~.; Carlsbad, Ce.llfornla 92010 (76D) 918-6797 Fa,c (760) 91B-6798 ••wtu,:id~l'l.~'l'l - ;ff~ ~ :L -~ ■□=")-;all_g~ . __,,. 1 'I ;.,(' q I J;. I' -----. -----·------· ·-------· --~----. --- ~ [=} I ( ! ... ----Bl['> i~ L_J ' ' '---J ---1 '' '' ' ' ' ' __ , 00 ( ·l ' "~w,, EMERAtD POINTE ESTATES RWRHOMES INC. r: .- 11 - 1 <!JI w=•~1 ' ~~gs1E'~.~:;r,1g;~•1:~~031sg ,,g;.;;..'21:;: -! CARLSBAD, CA (760)918·6797Fax(7B0)918-679B == ~ B iJffl~~rm-,BtJSta' E,~;!:,S"" ·1~~/T:!!:!.,"':':.,__._. •c.,..,~ .. ij-•-•-•• ....... _._,_ ..... bsbd,.,;/\c"m === 01-27':os PLANN···----·--··-··-· --- ~ •