HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-06-20; Planning Commission; ; MP 178E|CT 06-24|CUP 06-19|SDP 06-17 - BRESSI RANCH VILLAGE CENTERrltty of Carlsbad Planning Department -
P.C. AGENDA bF: June 20, 2007
ItemNo. G)
Application complete date: March 22, 2007
Project Planner: Christer Westman
Project Engineer: Clyde Wickham
CENTER -Request for a determination that the project is within the scope of the
previously certified Bressi Ranch Master Plan Program EIR and that the Program
EIR adequately describes the activity for the purposes of CEQA; a request for a
recommendation of approval of a Site Development Plan (SDP 06-17); and
approval of a Minor Master Plan Amendment (MP 178(E)), Tentative Tract Map
(CT 06-24), and Conditional Use Permit (CUP 06-19), for the subdivision of
14.15 acres of land into 8 commercial lots, and the development of 122,800
square feet of commercial retail space within 12 buildings which include a 43,830
square foot grocery store and 12,000 square foot specialty food store, generally
located south of Gateway Road, west of El Fuerte Street, north of Bressi Ranch
Way, and north of Paradise Road, in Planning Area 15 of the Bressi Ranch Master
Plan and in Local Facilities Management Zone 17.
That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 6313
RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of Site Development Plan (SDP 06-17), and ADOPT
Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6310, 6311, and 6312 APPROVING Minor Master Plan
Amendment (MP 178E), Tentative Tract Map (CT 06-24), Conditional Use Permit (CUP 06-19),
and based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein.
The proposed project consists of a Minor Master Plan Amendment to the Bressi Ranch Master
Plan text, a Tentative Tract Map, a Conditional Use Permit, and a Site Development Plan to
construct a commercial retail center in Planning Area 15 of the Bressi Ranch. The site is
designated in the Master Plan as Local Commercial (L) and therefore the Site Development Plan
is subject to review and approval by the City Council with a recommendation from Planning
The Bressi Ranch Master Plan identifies that a retail commercial center in mixed-use Planning
Area 15 would be an integral part of the overall Bressi Ranch Master Plan area and would
provide needed commercial services to both the residential and industrial populations. As
proposed, the project includes 122,800 square feet of commercial retail space distributed among
12 buildings. Access to the center is at two locations off of Gateway Road, at a single location
off of Bressi Ranch Road and at the eastern terminus of Town Garden Road. The center is
designed after the "main street" concept which introduces shops along narrow streets with on-
street parking. The center has a major grocery store and a specialty food market as anchors at
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opposite ends of a "main street". Pedestrian activity is encouraged by use of wide sidewalks and
various open plazas.
The project site is located in the mixed-use Planning Area 15 of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan.
The site is vacant and was previously graded as part of the mass grading operations for the initial
subdivision of Bressi Ranch. The site has been used for various construction staging operations
and is therefore without vegetation or improvements.
The site has street frontage on three sides. Gateway Road to the north and Paradise Road and
Bressi Ranch Way to the south are designated as collectors and El Fuerte Street to the east is
designated as a secondary arterial. The property to the north is developing with office and
industrial uses. Property to the south is built out with single family residential detached homes.
The properties to the east are part of the Bressi Ranch open space system. The properties to the
west include the Bressi Ranch Village Square and the Mulberry Condominiums.
The Bressi Ranch Master Plan identifies the property in Planning Area 15 as being developed
with a combination of uses to create a mixed-use village center for the Master Plan. As proposed,
the project includes 122,800 square feet of commercial retail space distributed among 12
The architectural design for the project is patterned after the Bressi Ranch Community Center
building which has a Spanish/Monterey style. The project incorporates both hip and gable roofs,
exposed wooden rafter tails, brick, stucco, and vertical siding. Storefront windows are often
capped with an awning and some accent windows include shutters. The awnings are a
significant contribution to creating a pedestrian scale. Buildings have offset planes and columns
accented with both square and arched recesses.
The sidewalks along the storefronts vary in width from 10 feet to thirteen feet, more than twice
the width of a typical sidewalk. Sidewalks incorporate color and texture and a _variety of street
furniture including benches, trash receptacles, seat walls, and pedestrian level lighting.
Landscape is introduced primarily through the use of trees planted with tree grates and raised
plantings in pots. The site plan includes a primary plaza at the main street intersection with the
Village Square. Smaller pedestrian places are located adjacent and in between smaller shops.
The proposed project is subject to the following plans, ordinances, standards, and policies:
A. General Plan;
B. Bressi Ranch Master Plan, MP 178;
C. Local Shopping Center Zone (C-L) (C.M.C. 21.31);
D. Conditional Uses (C.M.C. 21.42);
E. Parking Ordinance, (C.M.C. 21.44);
F. McClellan-Palomar Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan;
G. Growth Management Ordinance (C.M.C. 21.90).
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The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project's
consistency with the applicable regulations and policies. The project's compliance with each of
the above regulations is discussed in the sections below.
A. General Plan
The project site has a combination General Plan Land Use designation of RH (Residential High
Density), L (Local Commercial), and CF (Community Facilities). Planning Area 15 of the
Bressi Ranch Master Plan is intended to develop as a mixed use center. The proposed project
implements the (L) Land Use designation part of the mixed use center. The adjacent property to
the west, the Mulberry Condominiums, implements the RH Land Use designation and the CF
Land Use designation is intended to be implemented by an application currently on file with the
City and in process for the Carlsbad Boys and Girls Club. With the approval and
implementation of these three projects, Planning Area 15 will be developed to fully implement
the mixed use vision of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan.
The L General Plan Land Use designation is intended to be developed with shopping centers that
include elements of the traditional neighborhood-serving shopping center and sometimes with
elements of the traditional community-serving shopping center. Local shopping centers must
contain tenants that service the daily needs and convenience of local neighborhoods such as a
grocery store, drug store, and/or related local commercial neighborhood-serving retail. The
project meets the criteria for a local shopping center in that the major tenants are daily need
grocery stores. Secondary tenants will provide other services that could be desired on a daily
The Bressi Ranch Master Plan was found to comply with the applicable General Plan Goals,
Objectives and Policies. This project is in conformance with the Master Plan and therefore is
also in compliance with the General Plan. The project complies with the Elements of the
General Plan as outlined in Table 1 below.
Element Goal, Ob.iective, Policy Pro.iect Consistency
Land Use Provide for a sufficient diversity of The project use would provide
land uses so that schools, parks and neighborhood-serving commercial
recreation areas, churches and retail opportunities for Bressi Ranch
neighborhood shopping centers are residents, and the project site is well
available in close proximity to each situated to serve the residents of the
resident of the City. Villages of La Costa Greens
neighborhood, Rancho Carrillo, and
other nearby residential
Circulation Require new development to construct All necessary public streets serving
roadway improvements needed to serve the Bressi Ranch Master Plan have
the proposed development. been constructed by the master
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Element Goal, Ob_jective, Policy Pro_ject Consistency
Noise Review all development proposals, The project is consistent with the
both public and private, for consistency Noise Element and the Carlsbad
with the policies of this element. Noise Manual in that the project is
not exposed to excessive noise
sources, nor will it generate noise
impacts for surrounding properties in
excess of city standards.
Public Safety Review new development proposals to Planning Area 15 proposes multiple
consider emergency access, fire access points for emergency access
hydrant locations, fire flow and fire hydrant and flow
requirements, and wildland fire requirements have been met.
B. Bressi Ranch Master Plan, MP 178
The Bressi Ranch Master Plan states that unless specified otherwise, all development in Planning
Area 15 of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan will comply with the corresponding regulations and
development standards of the Local Shopping Center (C-L) Zone (C.M.C. 21.31) and Parking
Ordinance (C.M.C. 21.44). Compliance with these two sections of the Zoning Ordinance is
detailed below. In addition, general design guidelines were established for the development of
the Bressi Ranch mixed use Planning Area 15. An illustrative site plan for the village center was
included in the Master Plan. The main design concept of that plan is a "main street" (Finnila
Place) off of Gateway Road lined with pedestrian scale buildings that is terminated at the south
end by a landscaped traffic circle and the Village Square. The illustrative site plan included a
second axis toward the east from the traffic circle defined as a boulevard of trees terminated by a
large anchor tenant.
The project site plan is a modification of the Master Plan's illustrative main street site plan. The
illustrative site plan concentrated shops on a singl~ north-south main street. The proposed plan
also has the main entrance off of Gateway Road but the entire "main street" is in an "L"
configuration hinged at the landscaped traffic circle and has greater emphasis on the east-west
orientation toward the grocery store anchor tenant located at the east end of the center. The
visual terminus of the north-south street is the traffic circle and village square. Shop activity is
concentrated on the east side of the street. The west side street frontage is dedicated to a single
specialty grocery store and parking. The specialty grocery store building entrance, which is the
only point of entry, is off of the parking area. The building street frontage does include clear
windows for visual access to the interior of the store. In an effort to create a visual sense of a
street lined with buildings, arbors and masonry landscape walls are proposed in between the
parking area and the street. The east-west axis is visually strengthened with a clocktower at the
eastern terminus and the landscaped round-about feature at the western terminus. The proposed
distribution of shops along both "main streets", has resulted in a lengthening of the pedestrian
oriented shopping experience over the Master Plan illustrative plan. The extension of shops
along the east-west axis also creates a stronger pedestrian connection to the grocery store than
the Master Plan illustrative plan. Secondary points of access to the center are off of Bressi
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Ranch Way and a right-in and right-out driveway onto Gateway Road east of the main project
The illustrative plan includes a village square surrounded by streets on all four sides. The
proposed plan does not include the easterly road, thereby allowing the buildings on the east side
to be immediately contiguous to the park. The project includes one building on this park
frontage which includes an outdoor patio. The outdoor patio may be used as part of a restaurant.
All buildings, including those outside of the scope of the project, surrounding the village square,
with the exception of the specialty grocery store, have some activity facing the village square.
No physical or visual access can be made from Town Garden Road into the specialty grocery
store because of internal operations.
The project has implemented the general design criteria of the Master Plan. The site plan
encourages pedestrian movement through the use of wide and articulated sidewalks along the
village "main streets". The internal pedestrian circulation is also connected with the adjacent
industrial and residential neighborhoods. Buildings have a single story pedestrian scale accented
with softer materials like landscaping and awnings. Tenant spaces are oriented toward the
internal village center streets. Internal streets accommodate on-street parking. The wide
sidewalks are enhanced with decorative hardscape, planted pots, raised landscape planters, trees
planted with tree grates, decorative lighting and street furniture. The main street through the
center is designed with bulbouts as a traffic calming measure. Details of the sidewalks, plazas,
and accent features are contained in the details book (Exhibit DB).
Bressi Ranch Minor Master Plan Amendment
The project includes requested minor amendments to the text and Exhibit X-13 of the Bressi
Ranch Master Plan.
The adopted Master Plan anticipated up to 130,000 square feet of building inclusive of a
Community Facility in Planning Area 15. The first requested amendment is to make a distinction
that up to 125,000 square feet of commercial/office space is anticipated to be developed within
the village center and that the Community Facilities component of the planning area will be of an
unidentified size. Staff supports the requested amendment because the text change sets a
maximum anticipated limit of commercial development for the site and allows for flexibility in
determining the size of the community facility based on need and ability to satisfy the applicable
development standards, like parking and setbacks.
The second requested minor amendment is to specify the prohibition of drive through restaurants
versus the generic description of drive through "facilities". The Bressi Ranch Master Plan,. as
adopted, stipulates that drive-through facilities are prohibited. The proposed minor text
amendment specifies that only drive through restaurants will be prohibited. Staff supports the
amendment because it is more in keeping with the City wide policy which prohibits drive
through restaurants but does allow for facilities such as drive-through bank tellers and pharmacy
windows. In addition, the amendment is in keeping with the Local Commercial Zone which
allows non-restaurant drive through facilities by Conditional Use Permit.
The third requested minor amendment proposes text to specify parameters under which a
monument sign may be allowed to be located near the southwest corner of the intersection of
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Palomar Airport Road and El Fuerte Street. The Master Plan as adopted has no mention of
signage for the mixed use center at this location. The request allows a monument sign for the
purpose of providing identification for the Bressi Ranch Village Center along the Palomar
Airport Road corridor. Staff is in support of this minor amendment because the proposed
location near the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and El Fuerte Street is within the
boundaries of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan, the Village Center does not have a "typical"
location along a major arterial, the additional exposure may lead to a greater consumer base for
the center, and will lessen potential confusion for patrons trying to find and access the Village
Center. The applicant has stated that the Bressi Ranch Village Center may benefit from the
potential additional draw of customers that the Palomar Airport Road signage may gamer over
and above customers drawn exclusively from the Bressi Ranch community.
This minor amendment allows for one monument sign. The sign area is limited to 50 square feet
and a height of 6 feet above the adjacent sidewalk elevation. The design of the monument will
be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director as part of a Sign Program for the Bressi
Ranch Village Center.
C. Local Shopping Center Zone (C-L)
The site has a Planned Community (PC) zoning designation and a Local Shopping Center Zone
(C-L) designation in the Bressi Ranch Master Plan. The Local Shopping Center Zone is intended
to assure that C-L designated sites will be developed so as to provide a range of goods and
services to meet the daily necessities and convenience of the residents of the neighborhood in
which they are located. In addition, the zone includes established development standards that
must be applied to all developments within the zone. The project complies with all of the
applicable development standards for the zone as shown in the following Table 2.
Table 2
Local Shopping Center Zone Development Standards
Standard Compliance
Building Height
Maximum 35 feet and three levels The tallest component on most
buildings is 34 feet in height.
Additional 45 feet with appropriate findings The clock tower is 45 feet in height.
See discussion below.
Streets 10 feet 10 feet or more with allowed
Interior 10 feet 10 feet or more with allowed
Walls/Fences 6 foot masonry wall adjacent to 6 foot masonry wall adjacent to the
residential Mulberry Condominiums.
Onsite Lighting Parking Lots, walkways, building Provided onsite. Final plan to be
entrance/ exit reviewed and approved by the
Planning Director.
Roof Screened and sound buffered. Conditioned
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Table 2 Continued
Local Shoppin2 Center Zone Development Standards
Standard Compliance
Trash Masonry with gates Provided
Loading Areas Screened from the street and Provided
and Docks buffered not to exceed 65 CNEL
Parking Per 21.44 618 required/624 provided
See Parking section discussion
Employee 300 sq.ft. per 50,000 sq.ft. of total 732 sq.ft. is required. 500 sq.ft. plus
Eating Area building area 3,000 sq.ft. of common plaza area is
Signs Sign Program per Section 21.41.060 Conditioned
Recycling Area Per Chapter 21.105 Provided near the Major Grocery
(Applicable when Store Tenant
required by State
Staff has discussed the operations of the center and measures that can be incorporated and/or
conditioned to adequately address compatibility/adjacency concerns with the Bressi Ranch
residential community with the applicant. The applicant conducted a neighborhood information
meeting and received input from the adjoining Mulberry Condominium Home Owner's
Association as well as general comments from Bressi Ranch community members. As a result of
the meetings, operational and design measures have been incorporated into the project site plan
or conditions of approval.
A solid masonry wall and landscaping is proposed between the center and the Mulberry
Condominiums along the western edge of the site. Hedgerow planting is proposed along the
property edges at Bressi Ranch Way, El Fuerte Street, and Gateway Road to reduce the visibility
of cars onsite as well as reduce the visibility of headlights from outside of the center in the
evening hours. Main building entries face internally versus the adjoining residential
neighborhoods thereby reducing the potential for a steady stream of noise. The onsite project
lighting must provide adequate illumination for safe passage but will be reviewed prior to
issuance of building permits to ensure that lighting will not have significant offsite impacts.
Onsite deliveries as well as maintenance of landscape and parking lots shall be restricted to be
performed within the hours of 6:00 a.m and 10:00 p.m.
D. Conditional Uses
The project includes a proposal for a drive-through facility (pharmacy window) as part of a
16,900 square foot drug store (Major B) building. Pursuant to Section 21.31.030 (Local
Shopping Center Permitted Uses), drive-through facilities that are non-restaurant may be
approved by the Planning Commission by Conditional Use Permit. The findings to support the
Conditional Use Permit request are detailed in the attached Planning Commission Resolution No.
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The drive-through component of the Major B building has been designed with details found
elsewhere on the building so that it is an integral part of the building. The dedicated drive-thru
aisle allows for cars to access the window without interfering with the shopping center's general
circulation aisles.
The inclusion of the drive up window will be beneficial in that the surrounding area residents
will have access to the convenience of the service offered through a drive-through window and
there will be a segment of the population that will benefit from the availability to access a
pharmacy before and after "normal" store hours. The location of the drive-thru is central to the
center and intervening landscape and other site features will adequately buffer the homes south
of Paradise Road from activity and noise. Drive-through hours of operation have been limited to
6:00 a.m. to 11 :00 p.m. by the conditions of approval for this CUP request (Planning
Commission Resolution No. 6312).
E. Parking Ordinance
Parking onsite is required at a ratio of one space per every 200 square feet of gross floor area.
The ratio is used for commercial centers and assumes a variety of retail uses that will result in an
averaged parking need. The project includes 122,800 square feet and therefore is required to
provide 614 parking spaces. The site is designed to provide 624 parking spaces. Table 3 below
provides a breakdown of building areas and its related parking requirement.
Table 3
Parking Compliance
Buildin2 Sq.Ft. Standard Required Provided
Pad A 5,000 1 space per 200 Sq.Ft 25 25
PadB 4,500 1 space per 200 Sq.Ft 22.5 22.5
Shop A 5,160 1 space per 200 Sq.Ft 25.8 25.8
ShopB 5,970 1 space per 200 Sq.Ft 29.85 29.85
ShopC 5,100 1 space per 200 Sq.Ft 25.5 25.5
ShopD 8,540 1 space per 200 Sq.Ft 42.7 42.7
ShopE 5,020 1 space per 200 Sq.Ft 25.1 25.1
ShopF 6,000 1 space per 200 Sq.Ft 30 30
ShopG 4,780 1 space per 200 Sq.Ft 23.9 23.9
Major A 43,830 1 space per 200 Sq.Ft 219.15 219.15
MaiorB 16,900 1 space per 200 Sq.Ft 84.5 84.5
Major C 12,000 1 space per 200 Sq.Ft 60 60
Total building 122,800 1 space per 200 Sq .Ft 614 614
Survlus 10
Outdoor dining 2,000 1 space per 200 Sq.Ft. 10 10
Total Site 624
The parking provided onsite satisfies the parking requirement for all of the proposed buildings.
In addition there is surplus parking that can accommodate up to 2,000 square feet of outdoor
dining area. Individual restaurant tenants may also be granted up to an additional 400 square feet
of outdoor dining area per tenant that is exempt from the requirement to provide parking through
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the administrative issuance of an Incidental Outdoor Dining Permit by the Planning Director.
(CMC 21.26.013)
The Parking Ordinance allows for up to 25% of the total parking spaces required to be sized for
compact cars. The site design includes only 5% compact stalls.
As an encouragement for alternate modes of access to the site there are several points of
pedestrian connection to the adjoining industrial and residential neighborhoods, several locations
with bicycle racks, and a bus stop is located on Gateway Road.
F. McClellan-Palomar Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan
The project is consistent with the Bressi Ranch Master Plan and therefore also consistent with
the Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan since the San Diego Regional Airport Authority
Airport Land Use Commission reviewed the Bressi Ranch Master Plan for consistency with the
McClellan-Palomar Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) and found it to be consistent
with the CLUP. Subsequent projects consistent with the Master Plan are therefore not required
to be reviewed by the Airport Land Use Commission for CL UP consistency.
More specifically, the project site is located southeast of the McClellan-Palomar Airport. It is
not within the current boundaries of the Airport Influence Area (AIA) or the Flight Activity Zone
(FAZ). The AIA is generally the area in which current and future airport-related noise,
overflight, safety and/or airspace protection factors may affect land uses or necessitate
restrictions on use. The FAZ identifies properties that in addition to the considerations of the
AIA, should be held free of intensive development. The project site is also outside of the plotted
airport 65 CNEL noise contours in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP). Therefore, noise
attenuation and land use compatibility with the airport are not an issue.
G. Growth Management Ordinance (C.M.C. 21.90)
The proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 17 in the southeast
quadrant of the City. The proposal is a commercial project and that is reflected in the Local
Facilities Impacts Analysis. The impacts on public facilities created by the project and its
compliance with the adopted performance standards are summarized in Table 4 below.
Growth Mana2ement Compliance
City Administration NIA Yes
Library NIA Yes
Waste Water Treatment 68EDU Yes
Parks Park fee $.40ISF Yes
Drainage 35.8 cfs after detention Yes
Circulation 8,750 ADT Yes
Fire Stations No. 2 and 5 Yes
Open Space NIA Yes
Schools NIA Yes
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Growth Management Compliance
Sewer Collection System 68EDU Yes
Water 14,960 GPD Yes
The proposed project has been reviewed pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA). Staff concluded that no potentially significant impacts would result with the
implementation of the project that were not previously examined and evaluated in the Final
Program Environmental Impact Report for the Bressi Ranch Master Plan MP 178 (EIR 98-04),
dated July 9, 2002. EIR 98-04 evaluates the potential environmental effects of the development
and operation of the "Bressi Ranch Master Plan" including analysis of traffic circulation, water
quality and compliance with SB 221 and SB 610 regarding water availability, biological
resources, and land use and associated actions inclusive of the proposed planning area project
reviewed here.
The City Council certified EIR 98-04 on July 9, 2002. At that time CEQA Findings of Fact, a
Statement of Overriding Considerations, and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
were approved. All mitigation measures contained in the adopted Mitigation Monitoring and
Reporting Program from EIR 98-04 applicable to the proposed planning area projects have been
completed and incorporated into the project design or are required as conditions of approval for
the project. The EIR 98-04 "Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations"
applies to all subsequent projects covered by the Bressi Ranch Master Plan Final Program EIR.
The proposed activities would have no effects beyond those analyzed in the program EIR, as
they are a part of the program analyzed earlier. This project is within the scope of Final Program
EIR 98-04 and no further CEQA compliance is required. EIR 98-04 is available at the Planning
1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6310 (MP A)
2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6311 (CT)
3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6312 (CUP)
4. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6313 (SDP)
5. Location Map
6. Background Data Sheet
7. Local Facilities Impacts Assessment Form
8. Disclosure Statement
9. Reduced Exhibits
10. Exhibit DB -Details Book dated June 20, 2007
11. Full Size Exhibits "A" -"Y" and "Al "-"A21" dated June 20, 2007
CASE NO: MP 178(E)ICT 06-24/CUP 06-19/SDP 06-17
CASE NAME: Bressi Ranch Commercial Center
APPLICANT: LNR Bressi Commercial, Inc.
REQUEST AND LOCATION: Request for a determination that the project is within the scope
of the previously certified Bressi Ranch Master Plan Program EIR and that the Program EIR
adequately describes the activity for the purposes of CEOA; a request for a recommendation of
approval of a Site Development Plan (SDP 06-17); and approval of a Minor Master Plan
Amendment (MP 178(E)), Tentative Tract Map (CT 06-24), and Conditional Use Permit (CUP
06-19), for the subdivision of 14.15 acres of land into 8 commercial lots, and the development of
122,800 square feet of commercial retail space within 12 buildings which include a 43,830
square foot grocery store and 12,000 square foot specialty food store, generally located south of
Gateway Road, west of El Fuerte Street, north of Bressi Ranch Way, and north of Paradise Road,
in Planning Area 15 of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan and in Local Facilities Management Zone
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 4 of Carlsbad Tract 03-03, in the City of Carlsbad, County of
San Diego, State of California according to map thereof No. 14800 on file in the Office of the
County Recorder of San Diego County, May 21, 2004 as amended by certificate of correction
recorded September 30, 2005 as file No. 2005-0850805 of official records.
APN: 213-191-02-00 Acres: 14.15 ac. Proposed No. of Lots: 8 Commercial Lots
Existing Land Use Designation: =--=RH=/L=/:....;:C=F=---------------------
Proposed Land Use Designation:N =-"--'IA=-=----------------------
Density Allowed: _N::...a.:.,:a/ A""'-------
Existing Zone: -'P=-C=--------
Density Proposed: _N=--"-'/ A=-=------------
Proposed Zone: _N~/A=-=-------------
Surrounding Zoning, General Plan and Land Use:
Zoning General Plan Current Land Use
Site RD-M/C-L/CF RH/L/CF Vacant
North PM PI Vacant
South RD-M RMH Residential
East OS OS Open Space
West RD-M/C-L/CF RH/L/CF ResidentialN acant
Revised O 1/06
Coastal Zone: D Yes cg] No Local Coastal Program Segment: --=N:....:.l:..::.A-=--------
Within Appeal Jurisdiction: D Yes ~ No Coastal Development Permit: D Yes ~ No
Local Coastal Program Amendment: D Yes ~ No
Existing LCP Land Use Designation: NIA
Existing LCP Zone: NIA
Proposed LCP Land Use Designation: NIA
Proposed LCP Zone: --=N:....:.l=A-=---------
School District: Carlsbad Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: Carlsbad ~=="'------
Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): """6-=--8 _______________ _
D Categorical Exemption, _____________________ _
D Negative Declaration, issued ___________________ _
~ Certified Envirorimental Impact Report, EIR 98-04 certified on July 9, 2002
D Other, ______________________ _
Revised O 1/06
FILE NAME AND NO: Bressi Ranch Commercial Center
MP 178(E)ICT 06-24ICUP 06-19ISDP 06-17
ZONING: PC (RDM/C-L/CF in the Bressi Ranch Master Plan)
DEVELOPER'S NAME: LNR Bressi Commercial, Inc.
ADDRESS: 4275 Executive Square Suite 210 La Jolla CA 92037
PHONE NO.: 858-410-9760 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: =-21=-=3--=-1=9-=-1----"-0=-2---=-0""'-0 _____ _
QUANTITY OF LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT (AC., SQ. FT., DU): 14.5 ac./122,800 sq.ft.
A. City Administrative Facilities: Demand in Square Footage= NIA
B. Library: Demand in Square Footage= NIA
C. Wastewater Treatment Capacity 68EDU
D. Park: Demand in Acreage = $.40lsq.ft.
E. Drainage: Demand in CFS = 35.8 cfs
Identify Drainage Basin = D
F. Circulation: Demand in ADT = 8 750
G. Fire: Served by Fire Station No. = 2 and 5
H. Open Space: Acreage Provided = NIA
I. Schools: NIA
J. Sewer: Demands in EDU 68
Identify Sub Basin = H
K. Water: Demand in GPD = 14 960