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2008-10-01; Planning Commission; ; |GPA 06-08|ZC 06-07|LCPA 06-08|HDP 05-12|V 07-03|HMP 07-04| - ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION
The City of Carlsbad Planning Department A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION P.C. AGENDA OF: October 1, 2008 ItemNo. 0 Application complete date: June 23, 2007 Project Planner: Jason Goff Project Engineer: David Rick SUBJECT: GPA 06-08/ZC 06-07/LCPA 06-08/HDP 05-12N 07-03/HMP 07-04-ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION -Request for a recommendation of adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; a recommendation of approval for a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, and Local Coastal Program Amendment; and a request for approval of a Hillside Development Permit, Variance, and Habitat Management Plan Permit for the subdivision, grading and development of a 1.08-acre site into two (2) residential parcels, one (1) common area parcel, and one (1) open space parcel, and the construction of two single-family residences on property generally located on the south side of Adams Street along the north shore of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon between Highland Drive and Park Drive within the Agua Hedionda Segment of the Local Coastal Program and Local Facilities Management Zone 1. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 6474 RECOMMENDING ADOPTION of a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, and ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6475, 6476, and 6477 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of a General Plan Amendment (GPA 06- 08), Zone Change (ZC 06-07), and Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCP A 06-08), and ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6478, 6479, and 6480 APPROVING a Hillside Development Permit (HDP 05-12), Variance (V 07-03), and Habitat Management Plan Permit (HMP 07-04), based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. INTRODUCTION The proposed project includes a General Plan Amendment (GP A), Zone Change (ZC), Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCP A), Hillside Development Permit (HDP), Variance (V), Habitat Management Plan Permit (HMP), Minor Planned Development Permit (PUD), and Minor Subdivision Map (MS) to allow for the subdivision and residential development of a vacant 1.08-acre parcel (APN 206-200-01) located on the south side of Adams Street along the north shore of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon between Highland Drive and Park Drive and within the Agua Hedionda Segment of the Local Coastal Program (LCP) and Local Facilities Management Zone 1. The subdivision of land will result in two residential parcels for the development of two custom single-family homes, one common area parcel for a driveway, and one open space parcel for the purpose of habitat preservation. In accordance with the City's Habitat Management Plan (HMP), the preserved lands will be designated as Open Space. Therefore, the project requires a GP A, {'\ •+;' GPA 06-08/ ZC 06-07/ LCPA 06-08/ HDP 05-12/ V 07-03/ HMP 07-04 -ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION October 1, 2008 Pa e2 ZC, and LCP A. The GP A will also amend the Open Space & Conservation Element of the General Plan to add the OS designation to the Open Space & Conservation Map. The PUD and MS are administrative permits and will be acted upon by the Planning Director and the City Engineer subsequent to the other associated discretionary actions. The HDP, V, and HMP are within the purview of the Planning Commission, and the GP A, ZC, and LCP A are legislative actions that require a recommendation of the Planning Commission to the City Council for approval. The project is located within the Agua Hedionda Segment of the Local Coastal Program. The City does not have coastal development permit authority within the Agua Hedionda Segment of the LCP, and therefore, the California Coastal Commission (CCC) has permit authority of the Coastal Development Permit (CDP). The CDP will be acted upon by the CCC subsequent to the City's action on the other permits. The project has been reviewed for environmental impacts and no unmitigable significant impacts were found. As designed and conditioned, the project is consistent with all applicable standards and policies, and the necessary findings to approve the project can be made. III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The Adams Street project is located on a 1.08-acre site on the south side of Adams Street along the north shore of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon between Highland Drive and Park Drive within the Agua Hedionda Segment of the Local Coastal Program and Local Facilities Management Zone 1. The site slopes downward from north to south with approximately 78 feet of elevation change between the highest point of the site at Adams Street and the lowest point of the site at the lagoon edge. Slopes range from mild (5%) to steep (in excess of 40%) with the steepest portions of the site nearest the lagoon. The site is currently undeveloped and contains 0.84 acres of occupied Coastal Sage Scrub (CSS), 0.01 acres of Wetland (Open Water/Rocky Beach), 0.28 acres of Non-native Grassland (NNG), and 0.02 acres of Disturbed Habitat. Surrounding land uses include Adams Street and single-family development to the north, the Agua Hedionda Lagoon to the south, an existing two-story single-family home to the east, and vacant residentially designated land to the west. The project site has an existing General Plan Land Use Designation of Residential Low-Medium Density (RLM), which allows low to medium density residential development (0 to 4 du/ac) with a Growth Management Control Point (GMCP) of 3.2 du/ac. The site is Zoned One-Family Residential (R-1-15,000), which allows one-family dwellings with minimum 15,000 square foot lots. The surrounding adjacent properties to the north, east, and west have the same General Plan Land Use designation and Zoning classification. To the south is the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, which has a General Plan Land Use designation and Zoning classification of Open Space (OS). The proposed project includes a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Local Coastal Program Amendment, Hillside Development Permit, Variance, Habitat Management Plan Permit, Minor Planned Development Permit, and Minor Subdivision Map to allow for the subdivision and residential development of the site. The parcel will be subdivided into four (4) separate parcels. Parcel 1 is approximately 0.16 acres (7,081 sq. ft.) in size and will be developed with a two-story custom home. Parcel 2 is approximately 0.22 acres (9,756 sq. ft.) in size and will also be developed with a two-story custom home. Parcel 3 is approximately 0.60 acres (26,007 sq. ft.) in GPA 06-08/ ZC 06-07/ LCPA 06-08/ HDP 05-12/ V 07-03/ HMP 07-04 -ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION October 1, 2008 Pa e 3 size and will remain in open space (representing 55% of the project site and 67% of the CSS onsite). Parcel 4 is approximately 0.10 acres (4,415 sq. ft.) in size and will be developed as common area consisting of a driveway and parking area to serve the two proposed residences. The open space parcel (Parcel 3) will have a new General Plan Land Use, LCP Land Use Plan, and Zoning designations of OS. The GP A will also amend the Open Space & Conservation Element of the General Plan to add the OS designation to the Open Space & Conservation Map. The remaining parcels will retain the existing RLM (Residential Low-Medium Density) General Plan Land Use designation and the R-1-15,000 Zoning classification. A Local Coastal Program Amendment is required to reflect the new OS General Plan Land Use designation on the Local Coastal Program Land Use Map. A two-story residence with basement, totaling 3,000 square feet (1st floor = 1,294 sq. ft., 2nd Floor== 1,706 sq. ft.), is proposed on Parcel 1. A two-story residence, totaling 3,243 square feet (1st floor= 1,393 sq. ft., 2nd Floor= 1,850 sq. ft.), is proposed on Parcel 2. Eaph residence will include a two-car garage fronting on a common motor court. An 8 foot wide public bicycle/pedestrian trail will be constructed on Parcel 3 in accordance with the Agua Hedionda Segment LCP Land Use Plan. As previously discussed, the balance of this parcel will be retained as open space. Given the severe topographic, biological, HMP, and LCP constraints of the site and adjacent properties, full development of the site as a standard single-family subdivision with minimum 15,000 square foot lots is not possible. Accordingly, smaller lot single-family development is proposed on the least environmentally sensitive portions of the site through a PUD. The project requires the extensive use of retaining walls ( 6 ft. maximum height) and a variance to standards in order to maximize the preservation of on-site sensitive habitats and to develop all structures below the street elevation of Adams Street per the Agua Heidonda LCP Land Use Plan. As such, the site requires 4,838 cy/ac of earthwork to concentrate development in the northeastern portion of the site. The project will impact a maximum 33% (0.27 acres) of the occupied Coastal Sage Scrub, and will preserve the remaining 67% (0.57 acres) in open space, and create an additional 0.54 acres offsite in the coastal zone to result in a "no net loss" of habitat. No impacts to wetland habitat will occur, and impacts to Non-native Grassland and Disturbed Habitat will be mitigated through the payment of in-lieu habitat mitigation fees consistent with the Carlsbad HMP. Variances (V 07-03) to two Planned Development standards are being requested to 1) reduce the common driveway width from 24 feet to 16 feet, and 2) to allow encroachments into the standard 25 ft. x 25 ft. useable private rear yard area. IV. ANALYSIS The project is subject to the following plans, ordinances and standards: A. Carlsbad General Plan Residential Low-Medium Density (RLM) and Open Space (OS) Land Use designation regulations; B. One Family Residential (R-1-15,000) Zone, Open Space (OS) Zone (Chapters 21.10 and 21.33 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code), and Planned Development Regulations (Chapter 21.45 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); C. Variance Regulations (Chapter 21.50 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); GPA 06-08/ ZC 06-07/ LCPA 06-08/ HDP 05-12/ V 07-03/ HMP 07-04 -ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION October 1, 2008 Pa e4 D. Inclusionary Housing (Chapter 21.85 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); E. Subdivision Map Act and City of Carlsbad Subdivision Regulations (Title 20 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); F. Agua Hedionda Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan; and Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone ( Chapter 21.203 of the Carlsbad Municipal .Code); G. Hillside Development Regulations (Chapter 21.95 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); H. Habitat Preservation and Management Requirements (Chapter 21.210 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); and I. Growth Management Ordinance (Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) and Zone 1 Local Facilities Management Plan. The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project's consistency with the applicable regulations and policies. The project's compliance with each of the above regulations is discussed in the sections below. A. Carlsbad General Plan Residential Low-Medium Density (RLM) and Open Space (OS) Land Use Designation Regulations The General Plan Land Use designation for the project site is Residential Low-Medium Density (RLM). The RLM designation allows low to medium density residential development (0 to 4 du/ac) with a Growth Management Control Point (GMCP) of 3.2 du/ac; which is also used for the purposes of calculating the City's compliance with Government Code Section 65584. According to the constraints analysis used for density calculations, 2.56 dwelling units could be located on the site based on 0.8 net developable acres. A total of 2 dwelling units at a density of 1.85 du/ac is proposed. The General Plan Amendment would change the General Plan Land Use designation from RLM to Open Space (OS) on the portion of the site proposed for open space habitat preservation (Parcel 3). Pursuant to Government Code Section 65863, the City may not reduce the residential density on any parcel below that which was used by the California Department of Housing and Community Development in determining compliance with Housing Element law, unless the City makes the findings that the reduction of residential density is consistent with the adopted General Plan, including the Housing Element; and that the remaining sites identified in the Housing Element are adequate to accommodate the City's share of the regional housing need pursuant to Government Code Section 65584. The project is consistent with the City's General Plan since the proposed density of 1.85 du/ac is within the RLM density range of 0-4 du/ac as specified for the site. The project's proposed density of 1.85 du/ac is below the Growth Management Control Point density (3.2 du/ac) used for the purposes of calculating the City's compliance with Government Code Section 65584. However, consistent with Program 3.8 of the City's Certified Housing Element, all of the dwelling units which were anticipated toward achieving the City's share of the regional housing need that are not utilized by developers in approved projects are deposited in the City's Excess Dwelling Unit Bank. These excess dwelling units are available for allocation to other projects. Accordingly, there is no net loss of residential unit capacity and there are adequate properties identified in the Housing Element allowing residential development with a unit capacity, GPA 06-08/ ZC 06-07/ LCPA 06-08/ HDP 05-12/ V 07-03/ HMP 07-04 -ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION October 1, 2008 Pa e 5 including second dwelling units, adequate to satisfy the City's share of the regional housing need. Accordingly, 0.56 dwelling units will be deposited in the excess dwelling unit bank. Additionally, the property is subject to the preservation standards of the Habitat Management Plan (HMP) and, as a property within the Coastal Zone, is subject to additional HMP conservation standards. As designed, the project complies with these conservation standards and results in the need to amend the General Plan to reflect the preservation of sensitive habitat within Parcel 3. The City's HMP requires designation of the project's open space habitat preserve areas as Open Space (OS) on the General Plan Land Use and Open Space and Conservation maps concurrent with development. This action is consistent with the General Plan Open Space Element and is in accordance with the intent and purpose of the OS Zone to designate high-priority resource areas as OS at the time of development. The amendment will redesignate 0.6 acres of the existing RLM designated property to an OS designation to preserve habitat within Parcel 3. The project complies with all elements of the General Plan as illustrated in Table A below: TABLE A -GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE USE, CLASSIFICATION, PROPOSED USES & ELEMENT GOAL, OBJECTIVE OR IMPROVEMENTS COMPLY PROGRAM Land Use Site is designated as RLM 2 single-family dwelling units Yes (Residential Low-Medium are being proposed. Density; 0-4 du/ac with a GMCP of 3.2 du/ac). The project's density of 1.85 du/ac is within the RLM density 2.56 single-family dwelling range of 0-4 du/ac and 0.56 units could be constructed on dwelling units will be deposited the site at the GMCP. into the City's Excess Dwelling Unit Bank. Designate high-priority Open space preserve areas Yes resource areas as open space at (Parcel 3) will be designated as the time of development. Open Space. Housing Provision of affordable The project is conditioned to Yes housing. pay affordable housing in-lieu fees prior to issuance of a building permit. Public Safety Review new development The project includes or has been Yes proposals to consider conditioned to provide facilities emergency access, fire hydrant to ensure that the development locations and fire flow proposal complies with Public requirements. Safety Requirements. GP A 06-08/ ZC 06-07 I LCP A 06-08/ HDP 05-12/ V 07-03/ HMP 07-04 -ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION October 1, 2008 Pae 6 TABLE A -GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE (CONTINUED) USE, CLASSIFICATION, PROPOSED USES & ELEMENT GOAL, OBJECTIVE OR IMPROVEMENTS COMPLY PROGRAM Open Space & To preserve, protect and For purposes of habitat and Yes Conservation enhance those areas of the City wildlife preservation, the that provide unique and special project is providing a separate open space functions, 0.6-acre open space parcel including, but not limited to, (Parcel 3) located between the cultural and visual amenities, proposed residences and the active and passive recreational boundaries of the Agua uses, landmarks, buffers Hedionda Lagoon. A 20 ft. between incompatible land wide upland habitat buffer uses, wildlife habitats, and along with a 100 ft. wide unique and desirable wetland buff er is also being vegetation. provided between the proposed development area and both the preserved habitat and wetland habitat areas. The visual beauty of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon and Pacific Ocean beyond is maintained through restricting building height, and requiring that all proposed structures are constructed below the street elevation of Adams Street. Lastly, active and passive public recreational uses are provided in the form of an 8 ft. wide bicycle/pedestrian trail within a 25 ft. wide lateral access easement consistent with the Agua Hedionda LCP Land Use Plan and those which have been conditioned and developed on other adjacent parcels located along the Agua Hedionda Lagoon east of the site. Utilize Best Management Project will conform to all Yes Practices for control of storm NPDES requirements. water and to protect water quality GPA 06-08/ ZC 06-07/ LCPA 06-08/ HDP 05-12/ V 07-03/ HMP 07-04 -ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION October 1, 2008 Pae 7 TABLE A -GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE (CONTINUED) USE, CLASSIFICATION, PROPOSED USES & ELEMENT GOAL, OBJECTIVE OR IMPROVEMENTS COMPLY PROGRAM Circulation Require new development to Improvements to Adams Street Yes construct roadway along the project frontage will improvements needed to serve include an additional 8.2 ft. the development. width of travel lane, an 8 ft. wide pedestrian sidewalk on the west side of Adams Street, and protective guard rail separating the sidewalk and vehicular travel lanes. B. One Family Residential (R-1-15,000) Zone, Open Space (OS) Zone (Chapters 21.10 and 21.33 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code), and Planned Development Regulations (Chapter 21.45 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) The site is currently zoned One-Family Residential with a 15,000 square foot minimum lot size (R-1-15,000). A Zone Change is proposed as part of the project to redesignate the site as R-1- 15,000 and OS ( over the 0.6 acre environmentally sensitive habitat area). This will result in the zoning for the site being consistent with the proposed General Plan Land Use designation of RLMandOS. A Planned Development Permit (PUD) is proposed in order to cluster development on the site. The 1.08-acre site is constrained by both topography and environmentally sensitive habitat. Furthermore, the site is located directly adjacent to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, which the HMP recognizes as a Hardline Preserve Area. The combined constraints would preclude standard development of the site under the R-1-15,000 Zone. The clustered design is proposed because one of the main purposes of the Planned Development Regulations is to allow for the clustering of development when impacts to environmentally and topographically constrained land would preclude the full development of a site as a standard single-family subdivision. The clustered design is further supported by Implementing Policies & Action Program C.29 of the City's General Plan Open Space & Conservation Element that supports innovative site design techniques such as cluster-type housing and transfer-of-development-rights to preserve sensitive environmental resources and to allow development projects to comply with the City's HMP. Since the project is proposing less than 5 parcels, the PUD is considered minor and the Planning Director can administratively consider the permit. However, because the project is contingent upon additional discretionary actions, including a Variance to two Planned Development standards (i.e., driveway width and rear yard recreational space), the Planning Director will take action on the Minor Planned Development Permit (PUD 05-19) subsequent to the City Council's action on the land use changes. The project meets or exceeds all development standards with exception of driveway width and the required dimension for recreational space (private rear yard). A Variance (V 07-03) is included to deviate from standards, and all findings can be made to support the request (see GPA 06-08/ ZC 06-07/ LCPA 06-08/ HDP 05-12/ V 07-03/ HMP 07-04 -ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION October 1, 2008 Pa e 8 Section C below). Compliance with the applicable development standards of the Planned Development Regulations are outlined below in Tables B and C, and staff report Attachments 12 and 13 demonstrate project compliance with City Council Policies 44 and 66. TABLEB-GENERALDEVELOPMENTSTANDARDS APPLICABLE TO ALL PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS (C.M.C. SECTION 21.45.060) STANDARD REQUIREMENT PROPOSED COMPLY Visitor Parking 10 units or less: 1 space for 1 visitor parking space Yes each 2 units or fraction is provided on Parcel 2. thereof. Driveway Minimum 24 feet wide with 16 ft. with no parking No* no parking permitted in travel permitted within the way. travel lane. Dwelling Unit All dwelling units shall be set Both dwelling units are Yes Setback from Open back a minimum of 5 feet setback in excess of 5 Parking from open parking areas. ft. from the open parking/motor court area. Utilities Separate utility systems shall Each residence is Yes be provided for each unit. providing separate utilities. * A Vanance to standards is included. Please see the discussion in Section C below. TABLE C-SMALL-LOT SINGLE-FAMILY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS (CMC SECTION 21.45.070) STANDARD REQUIREMENT PROPOSED COMPLY Minimum Lot Size or 5,000 square feet. Parcel 1 = 7,081 sq. ft. Yes Exclusive Use Area Parcel 2 = 9,756 sq. ft. Yes Maximum Lot 40% of the net pad area for 2 Parcel 1 = 38.4% Yes Coverage story homes on lots equal to or Parcel 2 = 39.3% Yes greater than 5,000 square feet Minimum Lot Width 50 feet for single-family Parcel 1 = 55 ft. Yes development on lots equal to Parcel 2 = 105 ft. Yes or greater than 5,000 square feet Maximum Building Maximum 30 feet and two Parcel 1 = 2-story Yes Height stories if a minimum roof structure, less than 3/12 pitch of 3/12 is provided, or 24 roof pitch combined feet and two stories if less than with flat roof, ( < 24 ft. a 3/12 roof pitch. building height) Parcel 2 = 2-story Yes structure, 3/12 roof pitch, (24'-1 O" building height) GPA 06-08/ ZC 06-07/ LCPA 06-08/ HDP 05-12/ V 07-03/ HMP 07-04 -ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION October 1, 2008 Pae 9 TABLE C-SMALL-LOT SINGLE-FAMILY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS (CMC SECTION 21.45.070) (CONTINUED) STANDARD REQUIREMENT PROPOSED .COMPLY Minimum Front Residence: 8 feet Parcel 1 = exceeds 8 ft. Yes Setback from a Parcel 2 = exceeds 8 ft. Yes driveway (project) Garage: 5 feet Parcel 1 = exceeds 5 ft. Yes Parcel 2 = 5 ft. Yes Minimum Side Yard 1. Two-story homes on lots Parcel 1 Yes Setback with a minimum width of 60 feet and all one-story Lot Width is 55 ft., homes regardless oflot therefore Requirement width shall have a minimum No. 2 applies. side yard setback equal to 10% of the lot width on Required: each side. 25% of 55 ft.= 13.75 ft. 2. All two-story homes on lots A combined setback of that are less than 60 feet 13.75 ft. is therefore wide shall have a combined required. minimum side yard setback equal to 25% of the lot Provided: width with a minimum side 8 ft. (north side) yard setback of 5 feet. 11 ft. (south side) A combined setback of 19 ft. is provided. Parcel 2 Yes Lot Width is 105 ft., therefore Requirement No. 1 applies. Required: 10% of 105 ft.= 10.5 ft., which is rounded down to 10 ft.** on each side. Provided: 19 ft. ( east side) 24 ft. (west side) GPA 06-08/ ZC 06-07/ LCPA 06-08/ HDP 05-12/ V 07-03/ HMP 07-04 -ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION October 1, 2008 Pa e 10 TABLE C-SMALL-LOT SINGLE-FAMILY DEVELOPMENT ST AND ARDS (CMC SECTION 21.45.070) (CONTINUED) STANDARD REQUIREMENT PROPOSED COMPLY Recreational Space 25 ft. x 25 ft. (625 sq. ft.) of Both Parcels 1 and 2 No* (Private Rear Yard) useable rear yard with no provide greater than slope gradient greater than 5 625 sq. ft. of useable percent. rear yard within an area of the property having slope gradients of less than 5%. However, each private rear yard area does not meet the minimum 25 ft. x 25 ft. clear space dimension. Resident Parking Two car garage (minimum 20 Parcel 1: 452 sq. ft. 2-Yes feet x 20 feet). car garage provided. Min. 20 ft. x 20 ft. clear space dimension provided. Parcel 2: 450 sq. ft. 2-Yes car garage provided. Min. 20 ft. x 20 ft. clear space dimension provided. * A Variance to standards is included. Please·see the discussion in Section C below. ** Standard R-1 zoned properties are required to provide a side yard on each side of the lot, which has a width equal to 10% of the lot width, provided that such side yard shall not be less than 5 ft. in width and need not exceed 10 ft. It was interpreted by the Planning Director that the side yard setback need not exceed IO ft. consistent with the maximum outlined by the R-1 Zone. C. Variance Regulations (Chapter 21.50 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) Variances to two of the City's Planned Development regulations (Chapter 21.45 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) are being requested to 1) reduce the required project driveway width from 24 feet to 16 feet, and 2) to allow for encroachment into the required 25 ft. x 25 ft. useable private rear yard area. The required findings with justification for each are contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 6479. This section summarizes the necessary findings to support each Variance request. There are special circumstances applicable to the subject property, i.e., size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, which through the strict application of the zoning ordinance deprives the property of privileges enjoyed by other property owners within the vicinity and under the identical zoning classification. The subject property is located along the north shore of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon adjacent to an existing City of Carlsbad HMP Hardline Preserve Area and within the Agua Hedionda LCP Land Use Plan. The site is severely impacted by steep slopes and sensitive habitat. The requirements of the LCP Land Use Plan limit development heights of all structures to below the street elevation of Adams Street. The Coastal Resource Protection GPA 06-08/ ZC 06-07/ LCPA 06-08/ HDP 05-12/ V 07-03/ HMP 07-04 -ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION October 1, 2008 Pa e 11 Overlay Zone restricts development of "dual criteria" slopes. The requirements of the HMP require a 100 foot buffer from wetlands, a 20 foot buffer from upland habitat, and preservation of 67% of the Coastal Sage Scrub onsite. Combined, these constraints create a development envelop that is very small and irregularly shaped. The irregular geometrically shaped parcels that are being proposed are created based on the site constraints, and the project architecture is designed to fit each parcel. Due to the steepness of the existing property, the project driveway must be designed to meander and traverse the entire width of the existing parcel in order to achieve the necessary drop in elevation while complying with driveway slope standards. Furthermore, stepped retaining walls are necessary to construct the footprint of the driveway. Strict adherence to a 24 ft. wide driveway requirement would require larger retaining walls and further encroachment into contiguous sensitive habitat areas of the site. In addition, many other single-family properties in the City with similar slope gradients have driveways of 16 feet or less in width. Therefore, a reduction in the driveway width to 16 ft. is justified in order to allow it to fit within the parcel and still meet driveway slope standards. The project architecture is also designed to fit each of the irregularly shaped parcels. The buildings are literally constructed into the hillside and step with topography to minimize grading impacts to the site. Each parcel has been designed to provide a useable yard area that is as close to the required 25 ft. x 25 ft. dimension as is possible without compromising the integrity of the architecture and usefulness of the interior space. Each of the proposed residences is proposing a structural encroachment of one kind or another into the required rear yard area, thus partially encumbering the private rear yard area. For the residence proposed on Parcel 1, a balcony area overhangs the space above and a stairway is encroaching along one side. For the residence proposed on Parcel 2, a portion of a retaining wall forming the barrier between the open space and the rear yard area is slightly encroaching. However, the combined total area of each rear yard area is more than double the minimum 625 square feet that is required by the Planned Development regulations, and a minimum dimension of 21 ft. x 21.5 ft. is provided for Parcel 1 and a minimum dimension of 23 ft. x 25 ft. is provided for Parcel 2. The subject property has unusual topographic and environmental constraints, which other properties in the area do not possess. The strict application of driveway width and private rear yard dimension standard would deprive the property of privileges enjoyed by other surrounding properties. The Variance does not constitute a grant of special privileges, in that unusual topographical and environmental constraints exist on the property, which preclude the development of the site as a standard single-family subdivision. The proposed 16 ft. wide driveway will provide safe vehicular access down to the lots; it is consistent with other standard single-family development in the vicinity; and it preserves more habitat/open space then with a 24 ft. wide driveway. The unusual topography and environmental constraints limit the project's ability to a achieve a 25 ft. x 25 ft. useable flat yard area, and expanding the yard areas beyond the proposed limit of the retaining walls will compromise the habitat buffer area and result in more habitat disturbance. As designed, the project provides private rear yard areas for each residence that greatly exceed the minimum 625 square foot area required by the City's Planned Development regulations. The Variance does not authorize a use or activity which is not otherwise expressly authorized by the zone regulation governing the subject property, in that the project is proposing custom designed detached single-family homes consistent with the R-1 zone and at a density that is GPA 06-08/ ZC 06-07/ LCPA 06-08/ HDP 05-12/ V 07-03/ HMP 07-04 -ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION October 1, 2008 Pa e 12 consistent with both the existing single-family development surrounding the site and the sites RLM General Plan Land Use designation. The Variance is consistent with the general purpose and intent of the General Plan, in that it will allow for development of two custom designed detached single-family homes consistent with surrounding development and at a density consistent with the Residential Low-Medium Density (RLM) General Plan Land Use designation for the site. The project also complies with General Plan Open Space & Conservation Element Implementing Policies & Action Programs, 1) C.1 to utilize sensitive design criteria to preserve the unique and special resources in the City and to integrate them into the design of any development, 2) C.3 to assure that development on hillsides relates to the slope of the land in order to preserve the integrity of hillsides, 3) C.6 to designate as buffers portions ofland next to sensitive environmental areas, 4) C.27 to require adequate buffers between new development and environmentally sensitive habitats, and 5) C.29 to support innovative site design techniques such as cluster-type housing and transfer-of-development rights to preserve sensitive environmental resources and to allow development projects to comply with the City's Habitat Management Plan. Lastly, the Variance is consistent with and implements the requirements of the certified Local Coastal Program, does not reduce or in any manner adversely affect the protection of coastal resources, and implements the purposes of the zones adopted to implement the Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan, in that the Variance makes it possible to cluster development, thus avoiding increased impacts to habitat, and furthermore allowing reasonable access to the site and achieving a pad elevation which allows for compliance with the visual resource standards of the Agua Hedionda Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan. D. Inclusionary Housing (Chapter 21.85 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) Since the application is for less than 7 homes, Chapter 21.85 (Inclusionary Housing Ordinance) allows the applicant to pay an inclusionary housing in-lieu fee with the issuance of a building permit for each dwelling unit in lieu of providing 15% of the total residential units as affordable to lower income households. A condition requiring the payment of the fee is included in the conditions associated with the Minor Planned Development Permit (PUD 05-19). E. Subdivision Map Act and City of Carlsbad Subdivision Regulations (Title 20 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) The Engineering Department has reviewed the proposed Tentative Parcel Map and has concluded that the Minor Subdivision (MS 05-29), as conditioned, complies with all the applicable requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and the City's Subdivision Ordinance and is therefore ready for approval. All infrastructure improvements including street frontage widening and transitions, curb, gutter and sidewalk, and guardrail as well as onsite drainage, sewer and water facilities, are being installed concurrent with development. All easements will be dedicated concurrent with recordation of the parcel map, including reciprocal access and parking easements to serve the two dwelling units. The City Engineer will take action on the Minor Subdivision Map (MS 05-29) subsequent to the City Council's action on the land use changes. GPA 06-08/ ZC 06-07/ LCPA 06-08/ HDP.05-12/ V 07-03/ HMP 07-04 -ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION October 1, 2008 Pa e 13 F. Agua Hedionda Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan; and Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (Chapter 21.203 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code). The project is subject to the Agua Hedionda Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan. However, the California Coastal Commission (CCC) has original jurisdiction for all Coastal Development Permits within the Agua Hedionda Segment. The site is also located within and is subject to the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (Chapter 21.203 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code). The project's compliance with each of these programs and ordinances is discussed below: 1. Agua Hedionda Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan The subject site has an LCP Land Use designation of Residential Low-Medium Density (RLM). The RLM Land Use designation anticipates single-family development at O to 4 dwelling units per acre. The project is proposing two single-family residences, which is consistent with the RLM Land Use designation and density regulations. The policies of the Agua Hedionda Segment also emphasize topics such as preservation of agriculture and scenic resources, protection of environmentally sensitive resources, provision of shoreline access, and prevention of geologic instability and erosion. The project is consistent with the LCP Land Use policies as follows: a) there is no historic evidence of agricultural use of the property; b) all portions of all proposed structures will be constructed below the elevation of Adams Street (LCP Policy 8.3a), and therefore project development does not obstruct views of the lagoon as seen from public lands or public rights-of- way; c) the project is consistent with the City of Carlsbad HMP, which has been developed so as to implement and be consistent with all provisions of the LCP; d) the project has been designed to reduce the amount of runoff towards the lagoon and has been conditioned to implement the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) standards; e) the site is geologically stable and the proposed grading for the site has been limited to the least environmentally sensitive portion of the site; and f) the project has been designed and conditioned, in accordance with the LCP Policy 7 -Shoreline Access, to provide lateral public access along the Agua Hedionda Lagoon shoreline in the form of a combination bicycle/pedestrian trail. The project is proposing to develop a combination bicycle/pedestrian trail in accordance with LCP Policy 7 -Shoreline Access. The LCP requires a combination bicycle/pedestrian trail of at least 10 feet in width (LCP Policy 7.3), and specifies that its location be along the shoreline of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon (Exhibits "I" and "J") and within a lateral public access easement of at least 25 feet in width (LCP Policy 7.4). A natural shelf exists in the location of the proposed trail alignment, and it is contiguous to other lateral public access easements that have been secured on other properties adjacent to the site and to the east. However, during the public review period of the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND), the United States Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) expressed concern with its location within the 100 foot wetland buffer area (see Attachment 1 of the MND) and suggested that it be located instead within the first 15 feet of the buffer closest to the residential development. Both City staff and the USFWS recognize a conflict between the HMP and the LCP with respect to the trail alignment, and therefore in the City's response to the USFWS staff documents the steepness of slopes, existing alignment of other trail easements, and impacts to a greater amount of habitat as reasons for not relocating the GPA 06-08/ ZC 06-07/ LCPA 06-08/ HDP 05-12/ V 07-03/ HMP 07-04 -ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION October 1, 2008 Pa e 14 trail to a higher location on the slope, and instead following the trail alignment that is outlined by the Agua Hedionda Segment of the LCP. Furthermore, the LCP offers no provisions or deviations from standards when a development standard conflicts with environmental constraints. While the trail alignm~nt has been located in the least environmentally sensitive area along the shoreline, it will however impact some sensitive habitat in that area, and will also be located within the 100 ft. wetland buffer area. The area of habitat take resulting from the trail alignment has been included in the project mitigation requirements, and the amount is consistent with the HMP. Given the environmental and topographical constraints of the site, specifically in the area of the trail alignment, the project is proposing a reduction in trail width in order to reduce impacts to habitat from 10 feet to 8 feet. The trail location and reduction has been designed and reviewed in concert with the City's Trail Manager. The reduced trail width will still accommodate two-way bicycle and pedestrian traffic in accordance with the goal of the LCP, but will also allow for two additional lineal feet of habitat preservation across the entire project site. No provisions exist within the Agua Hedionda Segment of the LCP for deviations from standards. However, the California Coastal Act articulates land use priorities for the Coastal Zone, and the highest priority is placed on the preservation and protection of natural resources, including environmentally sensitive habitat area, wetlands, and agricultural lands. Land Use/Development priorities are defined by the Coastal Act in the following order: 1) preservation of natural resources and environmentally sensitive areas; 2) coastal dependant development (i.e., development requiring a site adjacent to the ocean to function); 3) public recreational uses; 4) visitor-serving commercial recreation; and 5) private residential, industrial, and commercial development. Since the Coastal Act places the highest priorities on preservation of natural resources and environmentally sensitive areas, staff proposes that the reduction in trail width from 10 feet to 8 feet is justifiable and will serve both goals, in that lateral public access in the form of a bicycle/pedestrian trail will be provided, and two additional lineal feet of habitat preservation will occur across the entire project site. The California Coastal Commission (CCC) has permit authority within the Agua Hedionda Segment of the LCP, and will ultimately determine the trail alignment for the project. They have authority to remove the requirement of the trail altogether, or allow for the modifications that the developer is proposing. Staff has tried to balance the goals of the LCP and the HMP in this trail proposal, in that the width of the trail is reduced by 2 feet in order to preserve as much of the quality habitat as possible, while still providing public access that can accommodate two-way bicycle/pedestrian traffic. 2. Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone The development is subject to the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (Chapter 21.203 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code). The Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone identifies five areas of protection: a) preservation of steep slopes and vegetation; b) drainage, erosion, sedimentation, habitat; c) landslides and slope instability; d) seismic hazards, and e) floodplain development. The project's compliance with each of these areas of concern is discussed below: a. Preservation of Steep Slopes and Vegetation. Slopes greater than 25% and possessing endangered plant/animal species and/or coastal sage scrub and chaparral plant communities are considered "dual criteria" slopes and are protected in the coastal zone. GPA 06-08/ ZC 06-07/ LCPA 06-08/ HDP 05-12/ V 07-03/ HMP 07-04 -ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION October 1, 2008 Pa e 15 The project site contains 0.38 acres of "dual criteria" slopes. A "Dual Criteria Slopes Analysis" was prepared for the project by Planning Systems, with source data provided by O'Day Consultants (Constraints Slope Analysis Map, September, 2005) and Planning Systems Biology Survey (March 2006) (see attached). Dual criteria slope areas are generally considered undevelopable per the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone, unless the application of this policy would preclude any reasonable use of the property, in which case an encroachment not to exceed ten percent (10%) of the steep slope areas over twenty-five percent grade may be permitted. The majority of impacts to dual criteria slopes are in the area of the project driveway as it connects with Adams Street, and along the area of the proposed bicycle/pedestrian trail near the lagoon edge. Impacts to these specific areas are considered unavoidable given the site constraints combined with the development standards of the Agua Hedionda LCP Land Use Plan. Of the 0.38 acres identified as dual criteria slopes, impacts to only 0.02 acres (5.2%) will occur as result of development, which is below the allowable impact percentage. b. Drainage, Erosion, Sedimentation, Habitat. Topographic and vegetation mapping and analysis was prepared as part of the project. Wetland boundaries were identified and a 100 foot buffer area has been provided between the wetland area and the edge of development to buffer sensitive habitat areas from intrusion. In addition, the project was identified as a "priority project" because the site is adjacent to and drains directly to an environmentally sensitive area, i.e. the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. As such, priority projects must incorporate structural best management practices (BMPs) and submit a water quality technical report. A Preliminary Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) (O'Day Consultants, Inc., December 10, 2007) was prepared for the project. Project grading is designed to match the historical drainage pattern of the site, with the exception of the grading for the footprint of the homes, driveway and yard areas. To the maximum · extent practicable, patios, rooftop drains, rain gutters and other impervious surfaces will be routed through vegetated bio-swales, inlet filters, pervious pavers and infiltration trenches before entering storm water conveyance systems as indicated in the project's SWMP. Concrete patios will be constructed of pervious pavement in order to reduce flow from the site. The total post development runoff discharging from the site will not exceed pre-development amounts. Furthermore, construction of the proposed project improvements will comply with all federal, state and local water quality regulations, including the Clean Water Act and associated NPDES regulations. A grading permit is required for the project prior to commencement of grading, which requires review and approval of an erosion control plan. The erosion control plan will employ grading construction Best Management Practices (BMP) which will reduce temporary impacts on water quality. Through implementation of the recommended site design and source control BMPs, post construction impacts to water quality will be mitigated to an acceptable level. c. Landslides and Slope Instability. The Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation (GeoSoils, Inc., September 28, 2006), indicates that the site contains undocumented artificial fill and colluvium/topsoil underlain by Tertiary-age Santiago Formation. The Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation indicates that existing artificial fill and colluvium/topsoil materials will reqmre removal and re-compaction in accordance with the recommendations of the report. No evidence of landslide or slope instability was GP A 06-08/ ZC 06-07 I LCP A 06-08/ HDP 05-12/ V 07-03/ HMP 07-04 -ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION October 1, 2008 Pa e 16 identified in the report. In following the geotechnical recommendations contained within the referenced report, the site is suitable for the development of the proposed project, and will not expose people or structures to geotechnical related hazards. d. Seismic Hazards. The Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation (GeoSoils, Inc., September 28, 2006), indicates that no active or potentially active faults are known to exist on or in the vicinity of the project site. The report found that the site has a relatively low risk of exposure to seismic hazards and a very low risk of liquefaction. e. Flood Plain Development. The foundation for the lowest portion of structure is located approximately 45 ft. above mean sea level (msl). No new structures or fill are being proposed within the one hundred year floodplain area. G. Hillside Development Regulations (Chapter 21.95 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) The site has a grade elevation change greater than 15 feet and slopes greater than 15%, therefore the project requires a Hillside Development Permit (HDP). Hillside conditions have been properly identified on the constraints map which show existing and proposed conditions and slope percentages. Undevelopable areas of the project, i.e., slopes over 40%, and the open space preserve area have been properly identified and are within the proposed Open Space Parcel 3. The site does contain "dual criteria" slopes, which are defined as slopes greater than 25% possessing endangered species and/or coastal sage scrub and chaparral plant communities within the Coastal Zone. The project does impact 0.02 acres (5.2%) of the 0.38 acres of dual criteria slopes. As discussed above in Section F.2.a, these impacts are considered unavoidable given the constraints of the site. The development proposal is consistent with the intent, purpose, and requirements of the Hillside Regulations, in that the site has been designed to step development consistent with the natural terrain sloping from north to south; roof slopes are oriented in the same direction as the slope; the building footprints and rooflines are parallel with the natural contours of the slope; and grading quantities are within "acceptable" levels, less than 8,000 cubic yards per acre. H. Habitat Preservation and Management Requirements (Chapter 21.210 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) The project site is located along the north shore of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon and is identified in the City of Carlsbad's HMP as developable. The surrounding environment includes Adams Street and single-family development to the north, Agua Hedionda Lagoon to the south, an existing two-story single-family home to the east, and vacant residentially designated land to the west. The HMP identifies Agua Hedionda Lagoon as an Existing Hardline Preserve Area, the adjacent vacant land to the west as a Standards Area, and the subject property as a Development Area. The HMP conservation goals require conservation of the majority of sensitive habitats in. or contiguous with biological core areas, including a "no net loss" of wetland habitat, and preservation of coastal sage scrub and maritime succulent scrub adjacent to lagoons. The HMP has additional conservation standards for properties within the Coastal Zone. The HMP requires a 100-foot buffer from wetlands, and also a 20-foot buffer for all other native habitats (i.e., coastal sage scrub) between preserved habitats and development. The HMP requires preservation GPA 06-08/ ZC 06-07/ LCPA 06-08/ HDP 05-12/ V 07-03/ HMP 07-04 -ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION October 1, 2008 Pa e 17 of 67% the Coastal Sage Scrub (CSS) · onsite, with a "no net loss" of CSS within the Coastal Zone. Project impacts to occupied CSS require a 2: 1 mitigation ratio with a minimum 1: 1 creation component that achieves the "no net loss" standard. Onsite preservation is not eligible for mitigation credit in the Coastal Zone. As part of the project, a Preliminary Biological Assessment (Planning Systems, May 9, 2007) was prepared. According to the report, the site contains four vegetative communities: Coastal Sage Scrub (CSS), Non-native Grassland (NNG), Wetland (Open Water/Rocky Beach), and Disturbed. The proposed project, including the development of a pedestrian/bicycle trail per the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Segment of the LCP, will result in impacts to CSS, NNG and Disturbed habitat areas as illustrated below in Table D. No impacts will occur to the wetland habitat located along the terrestrial margins of the lagoon. The subject site is identified as Development Area in the HMP; however mitigation is required for impacts to sensitive habitats. Table 11 (Pg. D-113) of the HMP identifies mitigation ratios for impacts to habitats identified as sensitive in the HMP. The HMP allows impacts to NNG and disturbed habitat areas to be mitigated through the payment of an in-lieu mitigation fee. Tables D and E below summarize the impacts to vegetation types and identify the proposed mitigation for those impacts: TABLED-VEGETATION IMPACTS HABITAT ACRE(S) IMPACTS Group A-Wetland (Open 0.01 0.00 Water/Rocky Beach) Group C -Occupied 0.84 0.27 Coastal Sage Scrub Group E -Annual (Non-0.28 0.25 Native) Grasslands Group F -Disturbed Lands 0.02 0.02 Totals 1.15* 0.54 *Total proJect acreage= Lot+ R.O.W. + Off-site Road Improvements (1.08 + 0.06 + 0.01 = 1.15 acres) GPA 06-08/ ZC 06-07/ LCPA 06-08/ HDP 05-12/ V 07-03/ HMP 07-04 -ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION October 1, 2008 Pa e 18 TABLE E -PROPOSED MITIGATION FOR IMPACTS TO VEGETATION COMMUNITIES VEGETATION EXISTING IMPACTED MITIGATION MITIGATION COMMUNITY ACREAGE ACREAGE RATIO REQUIREMENT Wetland (Open 0.01 0.00 -No Impact Water/Rocky Beach) Occupied Coastal 0.84 0.27 2:1 0.57 acres (67%) will Sage Scrub** (33%) be preserved onsite as Open Space (Parcel 3) 0.54 acres of offsite CSS creation or acquisition/ preservation within the Coastal Zone is required. Annual (Non-0.28 0.25 In-lieu fee for In-lieu fee Native) Habitat Group Grassland*** E Disturbed 0.02 0.02 In-lieu fee for In-lieu fee Habitat Group F Totals 1.15* 0.54 * Total project acreage= Lot+ R.0.W. + Off-site Road Improvements (1.08 + 0.06 + 0.01 = 1.15 acres) ** Coastal Sage Scrub is assumed to be occupied. *** Any remaining NNG (0.03 acres) will be revegetated with a higher value habitat type such as CSS. The biological assessment that was prepared for the project indicated that no sensitive plant species listed by the United States Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS), California Department of Fish & Game (CDFG), or the HMP were observed on the site. A listing of the sensitive plant species with a "potential to occur" on the property was prepared. The only species listed in the report as having a high potential for occurrence onsite was the Del Mar Mesa Sand Aster (Corethrogyne filaginifolia var. linifolza). As such, the site was intensively searched and determined not to be present. The majority of other sensitive plant species listed in the report were identified as having a low potential to occur onsite. In addition to the USFWS, CDFG, and HMP listed sensitive plant species, two species listed on the California Native Plant Society Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants were observed onsite outside of the area proposed for development in close proximity to the lagoon edge. These two plants are identified as: Spineshrub (Adophia californica), colonizing the slopes just above the flat bench near the lagoon edge, and Southwestern spiny rush (Juncas acutus ssp. Leopoldii), occurring on the bench just above the lagoon water surface. These plant species are located in an area outside of development, which is being preserved in permanent Open Space (Parcel 3) as part of this project. GPA 06-08/ ZC 06-07/ LCPA 06-08/ HDP 05-12/ V 07-03/ HMP 07-04 -ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION October 1, 2008 Pa e 19 With respect to sensitive wildlife species, the preliminary biological assessment indicated that no species listed as threatened or endangered by the state and federal resource agencies were observed or are expected to exist onsite, other then the federally-listed threatened California gnatcatcher (CAGN). A focused survey for the CAGN was prepared by Lincer & Associates dated November 22, 2006. Three surveys of the site were conducted in accordance with the USFWS guidelines. During one of three surveys (October 20, 2006), three CAGN were observed on the site, and also on the adjacent vacant site to the west. The CAGN were observed briefly foraging in the middle of the subject site and along the lagoon shoreline. According to the report, the fact that the birds were only observed once during three visits to the site, and given the quality of the adjacent habitat, suggests that the CAGN are spending a substantial amount of time off of the subject parcel and on the adjacent undeveloped lots that still support CSS. Impacts to the CAGN are being mitigated by: 1) clustering development on the least environmentally sensitive portion of the site; 2) preservation of up to 67% (0.57 acres) of the CSS onsite; 3) creation, acquisition/preservation of up to 0.54 acres of CSS offsite, but within the Coastal Zone; 4) managing the preserve areas to minimize edge effects, control predators, and restrict human disturbance; 5) eliminating requirements for fire management in the preserve area by utilizing fire rated construction for homes; and 6) where opportunities arise, restoring any remaining NNG areas within the project area with CSS. A preserve management program will be included in the long-term management and maintenance plan for the preserved open space. In addition, to protect CAGN breeding, mitigation measures are included with the project that would prohibit clearing, grubbing, grading or other construction activities in the CSS from February 15 to August 31, the breeding season of the CAGN. Additionally, from February 15 to August 31, no construction activities shall occur within any portion of the site where they would result in noise levels exceeding 60 dB(A) hourly average at the edge of CSS. With respect to sensitive wetland habitats, the biological assessment identified approximately 0.01 acres of open water/rocky beach area on the subject site along the terrestrial margins of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, which support wetland habitats. To identify potential "waters of the United States" and jurisdictional wetlands subject to regulation by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), CDFG, the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) and the California Coastal Commission (CCC), the report referenced a wetland delineation study that was prepared by Dudek & Associates in 1998 and 2001 for the North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Western Segment Sewer Maintenance Project. This jurisdictional wetlands delineation included the southern edge of the subject property. According to the wetland delineation study, the wetland boundary follows the 5 foot above mean sea level (MSL) contour along the southern edge of the subject property. A survey of the property above the 5 foot contour resulted in no observation of the standard wetland indicators (hydric soils, wetland hydrology, or wetland plants). No incised channels that would constitute non-wetland jurisdictional areas were observed. Based on these observations, it is determined that all jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional wetland areas are confined to the area below the 5 foot contour onsite. The HMP Zone 1 conservation goals require a no net loss of wetland habitat. To mitigate any potential impact to the wetland area, the project has been designed in accordance with the HMP to provide a 100 foot buffer between the wetland habitat area and GPA 06-08/ ZC 06-07/ LCPA 06-08/ HDP 05-12/ V 07-03/ HMP 07-04 -ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION October 1, 2008 Pa e20 project development. Since the project does not encroach into any of this area, combined with the requirement of a 100 foot wetland buffer, there are no project related impacts to wetlands. In order to prevent negative effects on the existing HMP Hardline Preserve, mitigation measures have been included with the project to address the interface between the proposed development and the existing habitat. These include fire management; erosion control; landscaping restrictions; fencing, signage, and lighting requirements; and predator and exotic species control. Additionally, in accordance with the HMP, the open space area (Parcel 3) will need to be protected by a conservation easement. An Open Space Management Plan will be prepared, and an endowment will need to be established for long-term management, monitoring and reporting of the area in perpetuity. Title to the open space parcel will need to be transferred to an appropriate land trust entity. With the approval of this project, the HMP Hardline boundary will be modified to include the open space area. The conditioned mitigation will result in a less than significant impact to biological resources. I. Growth Management Ordinance (Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) and Zone 1 Local Facilities Management Plan The proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 1 in the northwest quadrant of the City. The impacts on public facilities created by the project, and its compliance with the adopted performance standards, are summarized in Table F below. TABLE F -GROWTH MANAGEMENT COMPLIANCE STANDARD IMPACTS COMPLY City Administration 6.9534 sq. ft. Yes Library 3.70848 sq. ft. Yes Waste Water Treatment 2EDU Yes Parks 0.0139068 acres Yes Drainage 1.2 CFS I Drainage Basin "B" Yes Circulation 20ADT Yes Fire Fire District 1 Yes Open Space Acres Provided = 0. 72 ac. Yes Schools (Carlsbad) Elementary= 0.6 Yes Middle School = 0.223 High School = 0.1992 Sewer Collection System 2EDU Yes Water 1,100 GPD Yes The proposed project is 0.56 units below the Growth Management Control Point (GMCP) for RLM properties. The unit yield of the property at the RLM GMCP (3.2 du/ac) is 2.56 units and 2 units are proposed. V. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the Environmental Protection Ordinance (Title 19) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, staff has conducted an environmental GPA 06-08/ ZC 06-07/ LCPA 06-08/ HDP 05-12/ V 07-03/ HMP 07-04 -ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION October 1, 2008 Pa e 21 impact assessment to determine if the project .could have any potentially significant impact on the environment. The environmental impact assessment identified potentially significant impacts to both biological and cultural resources, as well as exposure of people or structures to wild land fire. Mitigation measures have been incorporated into the design of the project or have been placed as conditions of approval for the project such that all potentially significant impacts have been mitigated to below a level of significance. Consequently, a Notice of Intent to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) was published in the newspaper and sent to the State Clearinghouse for public agency review. One public comment letter was received during the 30-day public review period from February 26, 2008 to March 27, 2008, along with a request from the United States Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) for 10 additional days to review and comment. A comment letter from the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC), dated March 20, 2008, was received during the 30-day public review and comment period. No response to comments was necessary, as compliance with all points of the NAHC comment letter had already been addressed through compliance with Senate Bill 18 procedures pertaining to Native American Consultation. Requirements for a Pre-Excavation Agreement and tribal monitoring from a representative of the San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians are included as mitigation measures in the MMRP. USFWS comments were later received on April 4, 2008 via email. The USFWS comments and staffs responses are included as part of the MND (Attachment 1 of the MND). ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6474 (MND) 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6475 (GPA) 3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6476 (ZC) 4. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6477 (LCPA) 5. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6478 (HDP) 6. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6479 (V) 7. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6480 (HMP) 8. Location Map 9. Background Data Sheet 10. Local Facilities Impact Assessment Form 11. Disclosure Statement 12. City Council Policy 44 Compliance Table 13. City Council Policy 66 Compliance Table 14. Draft copy of PUD 05-19 conditions of approval 15. Draft copy of MS 05-29 conditions of approval 16. Dual Criteria Slopes Analysis 17. Reduced Exhibits 18. Full Size Exhibits "A" -"DD" dated October 1, 2008 SITE MAP • N ADAMS ST NOT TO SCALE Adams Street Subdivision GPA 06-08 I ZC 06-07 I LCPA 06-08 I PUD 05-19 I HOP 05-12 IV 07-03 I HMP 07-04 I MS 05-29 BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: GPA 06-08/ZC 06-07/LCPA 06-08/PUD 05-19/HDP 05-l2N 07-03/HMP 07- 04/MS 05-29 CASE NAME: ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION APPLICANT: Planning Systems REQUEST AND LOCATION: Request for a recommendation of adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; a recommendation of approval for a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, and Local Coastal Program Amendment; and a request for approval of a Hillside Development Permit, Variance, and Habitat Management Plan Permit for the subdivision, grading and development of a 1.08-acre site into two (2) residential parcels, one (1) common area parcel, and one (1) open space parcel, and the construction of two single-family residences on property generally located on the south side of Adams Street along the north shore of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon between Highland Drive and Park Drive within the Agua Hedionda Segment of the Local Coastal Program and Local Facilities Management Zone 1. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The southeasterly 127.0 feet measured at right angles of Lot 5 and that portion of Lot 6, in block "D" of Bella Vista, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to map thereof No. 2152, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, March 7, 1929, lying westerly of a line and the prolongations thereof that is drawn parallel with and distant 300 feet westerly measured at right angles from the easterly line of Lot 6. APN: 206-200-01 Acres: 1.08 Proposed No. of Lots/Units: ....;.4 ... p=a~rc"""e=IsCl..,=2....;:;u=n=it;;..s _____ _ GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Existing Land Use Designation: =R=L=M=---------------------- Proposed Land Use Designation: .=..;R=L=-M=/~O'---S~------------------- Density Allowed: 0-4 du/ac Density Proposed: _1_.8_5_d_u_/a_c ________ _ Existing Zone: R-1-15 000 Proposed Zone: """'R'-----'--1--'-1-'-5"""'0-'-0-'-0/'-'0"-'S"----______ _ Surrounding Zoning, General Plan and Land Use: Zoning General Plan Current Land Use Site R-1-15,000 RLM Vacant North R-1-15,000 RLM Single-family dwelling South OS OS Agua Hedionda Lagoon East R-1-15,000 RLM Single-family dwelling West R-1-15,000 RLM Vacant Revised 01/06 LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM Coastal Zone: t8] Yes D No Local Coastal Program Segment: Agua Hedionda Within Appeal Jurisdiction: D Yes t8] No* Coastal Development Permit: D Yes t8] No* * Area of Deferred Certification. CDP is issued by the California Coastal Commission. Local Coastal Program Amendment: t8] Yes D No Existing LCP Land Use Designation: RLM Proposed LCP Land Use Designation: RLM/OS Existing LCP Zone: _N_/ A ______ _ Proposed LCP Zone: _N_/A ________ _ PUBLIC FACILITIES School District: Carlsbad Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: Carlsbad Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): _2_E_D_U _______________ _ ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT D Categorical Exemption,----------------------,--- 1:8] Mitigated Negative Declaration, issued ""'O'""'c"""to'""b'""e.C...r-"-1""-'2"'-0"""'0'""8 ___________ _ D Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated--------------- D Other, ____________________________ _ Revised O I /06 CITY OF CARLSBAD GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM LOCAL FACILITIES IMPACTS ASSESSMENT FORM PROJECT IDENTITY AND IMPACT ASSESSMENT: FILE NAME AND NO: Adams Street Subdivision -GPA 06-08/ZC 06-07/LCPA 06-08/PUD 05-19/HDP 05-12/V 07-03/HMP 07-04/MS 05-29 LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE: l GENERAL PLAN: =-=R=LM;..;..;:_ _____ _ ZONING: R-1-15 000 DEVELOPER'SNAME:_Pl_a_nn_i_n-g~S~ys~t~em_s~----------------- ADDRESS: 1530 Faraday Avenue, Ste. 100, Carlsbad, CA 92008 PHONE NO.: (760) 931-0780 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: =20~6-=-2=-=-0-"-0--=-0-=-1 ______ _ QUANTITY OF LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT (AC., SQ. FT., DU): -=---'1.c...=...08~ac=re=s ____ _ ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: -=-U=nkn=o_.:..;w-=n'---------------- A. City Administrative Facilities: Demand in Square Footage = 6.9534 sq. ft. B. Library: Demand in Square Footage = 3.70848 sq. ft. C. Wastewater Treatment Capacity 2EDU (Calculate with J. Sewer) D. Park: Demand in Acres = 0.0139068 ac. E. Drainage: Demand in CFS = 1.2 CFS Identify Drainage Basin = Basin "B" F. Circulation: Demand in ADT = 20ADT G. Fire: Served by Fire Station No. = 1&3 H. Open Space: Acreage Provided : Parcel 1 = 0.04 acres Parcel 2 = 0.08 acres Parcel 3 = 0.60 acres I. Schools (Carlsbad Unified): Elementary School = 0.6 Middle School = 0.223 High School = 0.1902 J. Sewer (Carlsbad): Demands in EDU= 2EDU K. Water (Carlsbad): Demand in GPD = 1,100 GPD L. The project is 0.56 units below the Growth Management Dwelling unit allowance. Cit}' of Carlsbad l#i6i,i,ii,l·l•Ui·IUl•eai4,•I DISCLOSURE STATEMENT . Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. ··Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. 1. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (NIA) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person David Graham c-6/pf?"att._B_e_n_M_e_di_· n_a ______ _ Title. ___________ _ Address 305 E. 8th st. National City, CA 91950 2. OWNER (Not the owner's agent) Title _____________ _ Address._..,5,,.,,1=9~0-c_ho..,c"""c ... 1-t'!il"'tf-ef.-----Bonita, CA g1go~ Provide the COMPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership, interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e, partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPUCABLE {NIA) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person David Graham Title ___________ _ Add 305 E. 8th St. ress Nat1ottal City, CA ~1~50 c'o/pf P,l't._B_e_n_M_e_di_n_a ____ _ Title _____________ _ 5190 Choccliff Address_-HiBo..,.,rl'l""tir-tt..,.a...,,,--ec~A-'9+,1"""9~0~2,------ 1635 Faraday Avenue• Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 • {760) 602-4600 • FAX (760) 602-8559 • www.ci.carlsbad.ca.us @ 3. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST Jf any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust, list the names and addre~ses of ~ person serving as an officer or director of the non-profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the. Non Profit/Trust Non Profitrrrust ·-----------------Title Title. ____________ _ Address _______________ _ Address ______________ _ 4. Have you had more than $500 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? D Yes W No If yes, please indicate person(s): ___________ _ NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. I certify that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. i9d f/M.~ !)-1 ~~ Sip~ of ownlrjq~e_ n · ~ J..)uy\ v r \JLdU111'--.. ~p~l~ David Graham/Ben Medina David Graham/Ben Medina Print or type name of owner Print or type name of applicant Signature of owner/applicant's agent if applicable/date Paul J. Klukas Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent H:ADMIN\COUNTERIOISCLOSURE STATEMENT 12106 Page 2 of2 CITY COUNCIL POLICY 44 NEIGHBORHOOD ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES (Adams Street Subdivision -PUD 05-19) Applicability New single-family and two-family residential projects of 2-4 homes shall comply with architectural guidelines 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18. Architectural Guideline Floor Plans and Elevations I All residential projects shall be required to have a minimum number of different floor plans, different front and corresponding matching rear elevations with different color schemes as identified below: 2 ~ 2-4 dwelling units shall provide 1 floor plan and 2 different elevations. D 5-12 dwelling units shall provide 2 different floor plans and 2 different elevations. D 13-20 dwelling units shall provide 2 different floor plans and 3 different elevations. D 21 + dwelling units shall provide 3 different floor plans and 3 different elevations. Every house should have a coherent architectural style. All elevations of a house, including front, side and rear, should have the same design integrity of forms, details and materials. Floor Plans and Elevations 3 In addition to the previous requirements, design details should reinforce and enhance the architectural form and style of every house and differ from other elevations of the same floor plan. A minimum of 4 complimentary design details, including but not limited to those listed below, shall be incorporated into each of the front, rear and street side building fa9ade(s) of the house. Design Details ~ Balconies ~ Decorative eaves and fascia D Exposed roof rafter tails D Arched elements D Towers D Knee braces D Dormers ~ Columns ~ Exterior wood elements ~ Accent materials (i.e.; brick, stone, shingles, wood or siding) Compliance Comments Two custom floor plans proposed. Parcel 1 (Graham Residence) 3,000 sq. ft. two-story w/ basement Parcel 2 (Medina Residence) 3,243 sq. ft. two-story w/ basement Project complies. Architecture for both residences are custom designed. All elevations are uniquely designed and .incorporate unique forms, details and materials. Project complies. The architecture for both residences incorporate unique design features and at a minimum include 4 complementary design features. Project complies. 4 CITY COUNCIL POLICY 44 -NEIGHBORHOOD ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES (CONTINUED) (Adams Street Subdivision -PUD 05-19) Architectural Guideline Compliance Comments Floor plans in a project shall exhibit a variety ofroof Parcel 1 (Graham Residence) ridges and roof heights within a neighborhood. incorporates both flat and sloped roof elements. Parcel 2 (Medina Residence) incorporates varied roof design with a 4:12 roof pitch throughout. Project complies. Single Story Requirements 9 The remaining total number of homes shall comply The architecture for both with one of the following guidelines: residences is designed to step with hillside topography. Each house ~ The home shall have a single-story building edge has a one-story building edge with a depth of not less than 8 feet and shall run the across the entire street elevation, length of the building along one side except for and provides a courtyard along one tower elements. The roof covering the single-story side that is a minimum 15 ft. wide element shall incorporate a separate roof plane and and is setback a minimum of 15 ft. shall be substantially lower than the roof for the from the property line. two-story element. Porches and porte-cochere elements shall qualify as a single-story edge. Project complies. Houses with courtyards that are a minimum of 15 feet wide located along the side of the house and setback a minimum of 15 feet from the property line are not required to have a single-story building edge. CITY COUNCIL POLICY 44 -NEIGHBORHOOD ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES (CONTINUED) (Adams Street Subdivision -PUD 05-19) Architectural Guideline Compliance Comments Multiple Building Planes 10 For at least 66% of the homes in a project, there shall be Parcel 1 (Graham Residence): at least 3 separate building planes on street side Lot width is 55 ft., 4 planes req. elevations of lots with 45 feet of street frontage or less and 4 separate building planes on street side elevations North Elevation (Street Side): of lots with a street frontage greater than 45 feet. 8 plane changes Balconies and covered porches qualify as a building plane. East Elevation (facing driveway): 4 plane changes The minimum offset in planes shall be 18 inches and shall include, but not be limited to, building walls, All plane changes meet the windows, porches and roofs. The minimum depth minimum 18 inch offset and 30 sq. between the faces of the forward-most plane and the ft. dimension requirement. rear plane on the front elevation shall be 10 feet. A plane must be a minimum of 30 sq. ft. to receive credit The depth between the forward- under this section. most plane and rear plane is 12.5 ft. Parcel 2 (Medina Residence): Lot width is 105 ft., 4 planes req. North Elevation (Street Side): .. 5 plane changes All plane changes meet the minimum 18 inch offset and 30 sq. ft. dimension requirement. The depth between the forward- most plane and rear plane is 11 ft. Project complies. CITY COUNCIL POLICY 44 -NEIGHBORHOOD ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES (CONTINUED) (Adams Street Subdivision -PUD 05-19) Architectural Guideline Compliance Comments Multiple Building Planes (continued) 11 Rear elevations shall adhere to the same criteria Parcel 1 (Graham Residence): outlined in Number 10 above for front elevations except 7 plane changes that the minimum depth between front and back planes on the rear elevation shall be 4 feet. Rear balconies The depth between the front and qualify as a building plane. back plane on the rear elevation is 47 ft. Parcel 2 (Medina Residence): 11 plane changes (including the balcony) The depth between the front and back plane on the rear elevation is 20 ft. Project complies. Windows/Doors 13 At least 66% of exterior openings (door/windows) on The architectural design of each every home in the project shall be recessed or projected custom home incorporates a minimum of 2 inches and shall be constructed with windows and doors that are wood, vinyl or colored aluminum window frames (no recessed in excess of the minimum mill finishes). 2 inch depth. Project complies. 14 Windows shall reinforce and enhance the architectural All windows are custom designed form and style of the house through, the use of signature and enhance the architectural form windows and varied window shapes and sizes. and style of the house through, the use of signature windows and varied window shapes and sizes. Project complies. CITY COUNCIL POLICY 44 -NEIGHBORHOOD ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES (CONTINUED) (Adams Street Subdivision -PUD 05-19) Architectural Guideline Compliance Comments Front Porches 15 Fifty percent (50%) of the homes shall be designed with Parcel 1 (Graham Residence) a covered front porch, open courtyard, or balcony ( each proposes an open courtyard entry. with a minimum depth of 6 feet and a minimum area of 60 square feet) located at the front of the dwelling. The Parcel 2 (Medina Residence) minimum depth for a covered front porch shall be proposes a covered porch entry measured from the front fac;ade of the home to the inside located at the front of the dwelling of any supporting porch posts. The front and sides of with a minimum 6 ft. depth and porches shall be open except for required and/or minimum area of 60 sq. ft. The ornamental guardrails. A variety of roof elements shall porch has cantilevered top and is be provided over porches. Porches may not be open on three sides. converted to living space. Project complies. Front Entries 16 Seventy-five percent (75%) of the homes must have a Both residences are custom front entry to the home that is clearly visible from the designed below the elevation of the street. Walkways from the front door to the street are public street (Adams Street). encouraged. However, both propose a front entrance that is visible from the private driveway and include a detached walkway leading from the front door to the street. Project complies. Chimneys 17 Chimneys and chimney caps shall be in scale with the Both homes include a custom size of the home. No more than 2 chimneys shall be designed chimney and chimney cap allowed for homes on lots in planned developments that is in scale with the size of the having an area less than 7,500 square feet. proposed home. Project complies. Garage Doors 18 Garage doors for 3 or 4 cars in a row that directly face Not Applicable. Both homes the street must have a minimum of an 18" plane propose two-car garages. change between the garage doors after the 2 car garage door. CITY COUNCIL POLICY 66 -LIV ABLE NEIGHBORHOODS (Adams Street Subdivision -PUD 05-19) Principle Compliance Comments 1 Building Facades, Front Entries, Porches Compliance with the Aqua Facades create interest and character and should be varied and Hedionda Segment of the LCP articulated to provide visual interest to pedestrians. Clearly requires all structures be identifiable front doors and porches enhance the street scene constructed below the street elevation of Adams Street. and create opportunities for greater social interaction within Therefore, both homes have been the neighborhood. Building entries and windows should face the street. Front porches, bay windows, courtyards and sited below the street elevation and balconies are encouraged. are not visible to the public right of way along Adams Street. However, each home has facades that create interest and character, are significantly articulated, have identifiable front doors, and include courtyard and porches at the front entries, which face out towards the project driveway. 2 Garages As discussed above, the homes are Homes should be designed to feature the residence as the to be constructed below the street elevation of Adams Street and prominent part of the structure in relation to the street. A therefore do not include garages variety of garage configurations should be used to improve the street scene. This may include tandem garages, side-facing the public street. However, loaded garages, front-loaded garages, alley-loaded garages the project does include a motor and recessed garages. court type garage configuration at the end of a long meandering driveway. 3 Street Design Not applicable, given the An interconnected, modified (grid) street pattern should be topographic and environmental site incorporated into project designs when there are no constraints. topographic or environmental constraints. Interconnected streets provide pedestrians and automobiles many alternative routes to follow, disperse traffic and reduce the volume of cars on any one street in the neighborhood. Streets should be designed to provide both vehicular and pedestrian connectivity by minimizing the use of cul-de-sacs. The street network should also be designed to create a safer, more comfortable pedestrian and bicycling environment. Local residential streets should have travel and parking lanes, be sufficiently narrow to slow traffic, provide adequate access for emergency and service vehicles and emergency evacuation routes for residents and include parkways with trees to form a pleasing canopy over the street. Local residential streets are the public open space in which children often play and around which neighborhoods interact. Within this context, vehicular movement should be additionally influenced through the use of City-accepted designs for traffic calming measures. 4 5 6 CITY COUNCIL POLICY 66 -LIV ABLE NEIGHBORHOODS (Adams Street Subdivision PUD 05 19)(CONTINUED) - Principle Compliance Comments Parkways Not applicable, given the Street trees should be planted in the parkways along all topographic and environmental site streets. Tree species should be selected to create a unified constraints. i1:11age for the street, provide an effective canopy, avoid sidewalk damage and minimize water consumption. Pedestrian Walkways Project improvements to Adams Pedestrian walkways should be located along or visible from Street along the project's street all streets. Walkways (sidewalks or trails) should provide frontage will include sidewalks per clear, comfortable and direct access to neighborhood schools, City standards. parks/plazas and transit stops. Primary pedestrian routes should be bordered by residential fronts, parks or plazas. Where street connections are not feasible (at the end of cul- de-sacs), pedestrian paths should also be provided. Centralized Community Recreation Areas The project is a small-lot planned Park or plazas, which serve as neighborhood meeting places development of only 2 residential ~nd as recreational activity centers should be incorporated structures. A Planned Development mto all planned unit developments. As frequently as possible, Permit is required because of the these parks/plazas should be designed for both active and severe topographic and passive uses for residents of all ages and should be centrally environmental constraints. The located within the project. Parks and plazas should be not be project complies with providing sited on residual parcels, used as buffers from surrounding individual private recreation area. developments or to separate buildings from streets. Given the site constraints, and the requirements of the Planned Development regulations, a centralized community recreation area is not required. Dr. Ben & Eunice Medina, Dr. David Graham P.O. Box 1766 Bonita, CA 91908 1il1. 11i1tl HH SUBJECT: PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT (PUD ,:;~~r119) -ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION . 1;:i, 1;n11•1., .,,,, <', ,., ,;,.J ''.jHi;\l The City has completed its rev_ie""'. of a Planned ~evel~pmEmtie~Vmit for th~lYy:9~ivision, grading and development of a 1.08-acre site into two (2) res1dent1al.J5arcels·, one (1) comrnon area parcel, and one (1) open space parcel; and the construction ~fl'two sin_gle-family res/d~rf~S 0~ property generally located on the south side of Adams Streera1,ong the north shore of the Aqua· Hedionda Lagoon between Highland Drive and Park Drive wittfin"ithe Aguai Hedionda Segment"of the Local Coastal Program and Local Facilities Management Zone l)L1, Y:'·'·''.:. ". ·,. It is the Planning Director's determination, that based on theH~ttclched findings and conditions of approval; the project is consistent with tneliGity of Carlsbad 'pj~i,ned Development Regulations (Chapter 21.45 of the Carlsbad Municipal C8de)\~nq. i.yith all othehag'plicable City Ordinances and P I. . •il •,,.Lif ,,,. . 1!W1 o 1c1es. 1::. "'r>;•ii,1,. s1·· :•, .11.,.Hm01;,. ,. \ I d~/ ~~.~~1;1~p;1;1;f This letter, including the lis~e.~ fir.i~Jngs and condjti,Q~s of appro~ijli'constitutes approval of a Planned Development Permit (PUD'05'...t9)ifor the Adams Street Subdivision. ,p,· '"'l' ,11 "?l ! ; > •• ·'! i i 1 ? ' , 1 ~ ,1 : ·i ~ \ Findings: ,1 ::,: 1'\" lil 'i -\:1 ' ·1 ;;r;,f -{1:L, ,:~ ;:::{,,_. ):;,'. 1 . That the proposed · pj'6j(;!ct> complies .wit~ , all applicable development standards included within,Chapter.21.45,'1in that theLproptised lots comply with the minimum lot sizes, visit'or p'a1tking'.i~ ,providdci';qnsite, and 'the homes are set back appropriately from their ,respective pr6pefu,. linesfdo, not exceed the maximum building height, and are ,/,cov.ering less thari'40% of the netpad area. ,: ':· ;:'1, 'tl 'p •i!' t:1:;,f). <, ,sf H; 2. Thaf:Hfie proposed pfbject's ,density, site design, and architecture are compatible with surro1}119i'r)g, developm'en't, in that the site is surrounded to the north and east by single- family re$idential u!j,es at similar densities, Open Space to the south, and a vacant RLM Gene·ral;F?lan,~esignated parcel to the west. The site design proposes clustering ,, l" •j· of developmentl1in the northeasterly portion of the site, and incorporates a 100 ft. setback from wetlands that are located along the shore of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, and also proposes a 20 ft. upland habitat buffer from development. The proposed architecture is considered custom and has been designed to step with topography and follow the natural terrain. The architecture considers visual resources and the building heights for both residences have been sited below the street elevation of Adams Street to preserve lagoon view and distant ocean views. 3. The City Council finds that the project, as conditioned herein, is in conformance with the Elements of the City's General Plan, based on the facts set forth in the staff report for the ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION -GPA 06-08/ZC 06-07/LCPA 06-08/HDP 05-12N 07- 03/HMP 07-04 dated October 1, 2008 including, but not limited to the following: PUD 05-19 -ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION hill& Page 2 a. The proposed density of 1.85 dwelling units per acre (2 du) is within the RLM density range of 0-4 du/ac, and below the RLM GMCP of 3.2 du/ac used for the purpose of calculating the City's compliance with Government Code Section 65863. At the RLM GMCP, 2.56 units would be permitted on this 0.8 acre (net developable) property. However, consistent with Program 3.8 of the City's certified Housing Element, all of the dwelling units which were anticipated toward achieving the City's share of the regional housing need that are not utilized by developers in approved projects, including fractional units, are deposited in the City's Excess Dwelling Unit Bank. These excess dwelling units (0.56 DUs) are available for allocation to other projects. Accordingly, there is no net loss of residential unit capacity , cl~~ there are adequate properties identified in the Housing Element allowip~{r~sidential development with a unit capacity, including second dwellinQ,i~n;ts, adequate to satisfy the City's share of the regional housing need; .!!ll'11'q1'!ij, 1111' \j 11'; b. The project is designating high-priority r~s9_~fc,~ area~1iij\n, open space Parcel 3 (as shown on MS 05-29); d:il 1':.,1t,, ' •::/!;1. ,, ~ ~ j ( .'; '. ' • ,~j;~ :~!.~~ii. c. Provisions for affordable housingilare made',in the form of'in;li~u,1fees paid prior to the issuance of a buildint{perpijt; :;)i;, \/1 111' '1i!jii1;; .1i!:•'"·,, f d. The project includes or has been conci'i.ti~~~d to provide facilities to ensure that the development proposal complies'liWith all applicable Public Safety Requirements; ",;firifr,:, '111!1h1,. ,H,1. i111h 'l!JJli , Hf !i :'. l!Pt!,, _ 1r1~!!, Jt'1 e. The project preserves, prot~ch;11i:fryd 1:~f!hances t~'.o'se areas of the City that provide unique and special op~m SP,ace'.fun,~,io~~f including, but not limited to, cultural and yis,l!al amenities, -~.cti',(e'and 'pa~~jve recreational uses, landmarks, buffers ~.e,~e'ehil!~compatiblei;l~hd uses, /Nildlife habitats, and unique and desirablel·vegetatioh in that, a\;.separate 0.6-acre open space Parcel 3 is pro~i1d~~;;~etween)be prop~sed :~~.si~ence~ and the bounda~ies of the A~ua Hedionda;;~~goon;!a:_20 ft. wide upJ~fld habitat buffer along with a 100 ft. wide wetland buffer,is)>r~vided ,~E:tw~~r.-the proposed development area and both ,:i:r~~~;~1~e,~ervecf1~~1~J.tat'arid :~~l!~fld ha~itat ~rea.s; the visual beau~ ~f the .A~ua .:;:, "Hed1ond,a1Lagooi:i:and Pac1f1c Ocean 1s mamtamed through restr1ctmg building , ,(t height1~rj~);ri~quirihij1'.t~at,all proposed structures are constructed below the }t:1).i,. street elev~!i~,n of Ad.,~s· Street; and active and passive public recreational 1 t!W\. uses are prq'{med in}He form of an 8 ft. wide public bicycle/pedestrian trail <,,;!:c;:~nsistent wit!J, those which have been conditioned and developed on other '1i1aajacent parcels located along the Agua Hedionda Lagoon east of the site; 'H,•1·, ;H, ··qm,, ,;;; f. The,'projec~,,'!"'ill utilize Best Management Practices for control of storm water and to/):,r~tect water quality, in that it will conform to all applicable NPDES require111ents; and '~ g. Circulation improvements to Adams Street along the project frontage will include an additional 8.2 ft. width of travel lane, an 8 ft. wide pedestrian sidewalk, and protective guard rail separating the sidewalk and vehicular travel lanes. 4. The project is consistent with the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan, the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 1 and all City public facility policies and ordinances. The project includes elements or has been conditioned to construct or provide funding to ensure that all facilities and improvements regarding sewer collection and treatment; water; PUD 05-19 -ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION -·· Page 3 5. 6. 7. 8. drainage; circulation; fire; schools; parks and other recreational facilities; libraries; government administrative facilities; and open space, related to the project will be installed to serve new development prior to or concurrent with need. Specifically, a. The project has been conditioned to provide proof from the Carlsbad Unified School District that the project has satisfied its obligation for school facilities. b. Park-in-lieu fees are required by Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 20.44, and will be collected prior to issuance of building permit. c. The Public Facility fee is required to be paid by Council:!f?oJicy No. 17 and will be collected prior to the issuance of building permit. i11w···'•q11 d Th L I F ·1·t· M t f f Z 1 . .J!!l!mt1i. d b C I b d M . . I . e oca ac1 1 1es anagemen ee or one ps require y ar s a unic1pa Code Section 21.90.050 and will be collected pri'~q'to issOa,~:9~,?f building permit. That the project is consistent with the City's L~no~~M~e. 1 tanual (~~:;M~ijd Municipal Code Section 14.28.020 and Landscape Manual Section I B). ·1!11h1,1 ,";iL 1, ;:qll!,,. ,t .,il\,11." 'li ,4 ,·nl· That the City has adopted a Citywide Trails Prdgrc:)m anc;J1ai,segment of the:trail network is associated with this project. The applicant shall "pr~Rare1 1ah'cts'ubmit a trail plan for approval by the Park and Recreation Director prior to constr'ai~jglf Construction shall be inspected to ensure conformity with the Starid~rds for Design·,:~~q, Construction of Public Works Improvements in the City of Carlstiaa'crstandards"); Trail!Gonstruction Standards; and the approved plans. 1:Wi'.,;i\i1;, · ill)fl'ji,1111• 11'. "'<'.i, ; ,1, ., li t.l. ttr ,,r,h _; I :C '·q, ,'' ·i,l\~ fli The Planning Director has determined 't~ft: ,;/t11,;;H\!lij:iu :i1 '1 a. the proje9t;'.i~111~(fi),,project for -~h/bh a MitiiWi~d Negative Declaration and a r , & t • , i1, 1, x; , ~ t 1< Mitiga!iqp Monit'o~ing and Repo"jpg Program -ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION -GP~1·0.~;19~, ZC 06;~!, LCPA 06-0Bi,:l/P 05-19, HOP 05-12, V 07-03, HMP 07-04, and MS 05.::.~~hwas prniyiously adopteqi['.15162]; 11;·,i\j d1,·,.J ;,,, I\' u•11t~ ,q~~li,~r*-.n~lJi•,, .,ft ~-.. : t~i\~r?jlr.?t is ·2,W,'.i)~}~nt 1 Withth~1t~foJect1p1an cited above; · ·~tr:.\1,.,1~~ 1~/;ri~ c. a Mitigat#cl' t)Jegativ~11Dec.laration and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program wa'~:'.apopted'b~:·the City Council on iNIMMW in connection with the ·.;·, prior project or1P,lan; . i Ii lili' 1!iji1 ~'-tij;i~e1project ha~!~b new significant environmental effect not analyzed as significant in th'~~Rrior Mitigated Negative Declaration; and 'tHit~) ~~:1'" · ·,10U1,,,,1r· e. none of(the''circumstances requiring a Subsequent Mitigated Negative Declaration under CEQA Guidelines Sections 15162 or 15163 exist. ~ f The Planning Director has reviewed each of the exactions imposed on the Developer contained in this resolution, and hereby finds, in this case, that the exactions are imposed to mitigate impacts caused by or reasonably related to the project, and the extent and the degree of the exaction is in rough proportionality to the impact caused by the project. Conditions: Note: Unless otherwise specified herein, all conditions shall be satisfied prior to final parcel map recordation or issuance of a grading permit, whichever occurs first. PUD 05-19 -ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION iidMM Page 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. If any of the following conditions fail to occur, or if they are, by their terms, to be implemented and maintained over time, if any of such conditions fail to be so implemented and maintained according to their terms, the City shall have the right to revoke or modify all approvals herein granted; deny or further condition issuance of all future building permits; deny, revoke, or further condition all certificates of occupancy issued under the authority of approvals herein granted; record a notice of violation on the property title; institute and prosecute litigation to compel their compliance with said conditions or seek damages for their violation. No vested rights are gained by Developer or a successor in interest by the City's approval of this Planned Development Permit. Staff is a_~tho~ized and directed to make, or require th~ Deve\~R~rl;\o make, all corrections and mod1f1cat1ons to the Planned Development Permit docurnents, as necessary to make them internally consistent and in conformity with the final aqli~'n':?,n the project. Development shall occur substantially as shown on the approved E:>;<.~.iJ~1ts~l,j;~n¥ proposed development, different from this approval, shall require an amendment[to this a'ppro,v.al. ,p 'h '\(Ir'', Developer shall comply with all applicable proyisig~~1~f f~deral, s~~i~!!taf;l,d local laws and regulations in effect at the time of building permit'issuanc~. '<!jl!:\ "'"!• 'l 'll'·", ,ll ,, '•:: ;L h, \j1{i;i If any condition for construction of any public iniJ>rpvemepfa:w facilities, orJtfo payment of any fees in-lieu thereof, imposed by this approvMt(br,;ihiposea by law on 'this Project are challenged, this approval shall be suspended as 'bro~i<;led in Government Code Section 66020. If any such condition is detemnined to be invalia(;tni~ approval shall be invalid unless the City Council determines that1[,t~·e:;:pr.oject without11tp'.~i::??.ndition complies with all requirements of law. 1".'' :c/·H,>,,. 11',rnJ,1 11 ' '•(i: r ,j\)iit, 1;f Developer shall implement, or caws~ th,e:'.:\~~i~tn~m~tit~ of, the ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION -~ijf:t;P~:;9.8/~C 06-0!'~GPA 06-08/ljj~D 05-19/HDP 05-12N 07-03/HMP 07-04/MS 05-2~ .firOJect· MH1~?t1on Monitonr,ig and Reporting Program. f.' ii. fiJit ~t~ .:!;:lj/ti, '.1i!I ';q Developer/Ope'rat.9r.; ~hall an~ does herebyi,ag~ee to indemnify, protect, defend, and hold harmless the City :p~;:9arJ;5PijP;., its CounciJ;:members, officers, employees, agents, and repre~,~n,\~t(v~.~: f_ronf$;~?,(agairtst~hYian~;a11 liabiliti~s, losses, damag~s, d~~and~, claims, and,9osts, . .1.nclud1rig couolcosts and attorney's fees incurred by the City arising, directly or ,q, , l ,· ""~' ~ 'dl~h indirectly, from:1(~)]19ity's · a_J?,moval and issuance of this Planned Development Permit, /(I;>) City's apprmia!mqr issu~'rjq~n:of any permit or action, whether discretionary or ,;'"'nohdiscretionary, 11i'fl'\ conn'ection with the use contemplated herein, and (cf6~v~loper/Operato]i'~1 install~tion and operation of the facility permitted hereby, including withdutili[Ilitation, an%!and all liabilities arising from the emission by the facility of electrom~~h,ErJ_ic fields)9;r'other energy waves or emissions. '1(,:;!'i, ,:!:' Developer stiall suomit to the Planning Director a reproducible 24" x 36" mylar copy of the Site Plan reflecti'r:lg the conditions approved by the final decision-making body . .. , ,,. Developer shall include, as part of the plans submitted for any permit plancheck, a reduced legible version of all approving resolution(s) in a 24" x 36" blueline drawing format (including any applicable Coastal Commission approvals). Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Developer shall provide proof to the Director from the Carlsbad Unified School District that this project has satisfied its obligation to provide school facilities. PUD 05-19 -ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION .. ,. Page 5 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. This project shall comply with all conditions and mitigation measures which are required as part of the Zone 1 Local Facilities Management Plan and any amendments made to that Plan prior to the issuance of building permits. This approval is granted subject to the approval of the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, GPA 06-08, ZC 06-07, LCPA 06-08, HOP 05-12, V 07-03, and HMP 07-04 and is subject to all conditions contained in Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6474, 6475, 6476, 6477, 6478, 6479, and 6480 for those other approvals incorporated herein by reference. This approval is granted subject to the approval of the Minor Subdivision (MS 05-29) and is subject to all conditions contained in the City Engineer's i~pro~al letter for this other approval incorporated herein by reference. 11 liiili!1,1:. 11ii' 'IV/Jr This approval shall become null and void if building p~rrnits anf not.issued for this project ·~ d P,<,S"\ within 4 years from the date of City Council's .~P.P,fipval of GPA;tQ6.r~8, ZC 06-07, and LCPA 06-08. 1:11r· ,i, '11tl•.:; .. /~ f l!J1J:!?· Developer shall pay the citywide Public Fa6lii\}~~! Fee i~ppsed by City c~lWcii:'Policy #17, the License Tax on new construction imposed by!G)arlsbad!~unicipal Code Sebtion 5.09.030, '~ ~ ;:_,, t', ; 4] i; "t 1" and CFO #1 special tax (if applicable), subject·!io11,t~my credits authorized by Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 5.09.040!'-Developer shall 1~l~phi;>.ay any applicable Local Facilities Management Plan fee for Zone 1 l(Pl,Jf.SUant to Chapterl~rt!~O. All such taxes/fees shall be paid at issuance of building permit{()(f~e.t~xes/fees are1n~\\jP~i,9. this approval will not be consistent with the General Plan and·~rall:be~er:t?~ void. 1,:i· Y' ''t ··J)•\1,:;.. ;, '{1' _,)di 'h'd~i ;, Prior to the issuance of the grading p~'rmi!,ip)ev~IOP,~fl~rall submit to the City a Notice of Restriction execute,d,:pfthe owner of theJ~al property'rp1be developed. Said notice is to be filed in the office,tjf th~·cquhty Recorder, '~ubject to the satisfaction of the Planning Director, notifying all irit~~~s~ed partl~s(i:rnd successo~s in interest that the City of Carlsbad has issued a(n) Planned Deve.lppmer\t1,,Permit (PUD O~r:1;9) by Planning Director approval, and a Hillside Developrri~ntPerrhit (HOP 05-12), Variance (V 07-03), and Habitat Management ··!it,1~ 11)~~1·~ -~1''·~· ~(w Permitj~l\llP 07-04),,9y;(Resblutiqn($);1',jq:>6478, 6479, and 6480 on the property. Said Not,ipe;'ot R~~tri~'ion sh~!!l;rote ttie'~'property description, location of the file containing complete project,idetails ·apal all conditions of approval as well as any conditions or .i restrictions specified!for inclusJ~h, in:lhe Notice of Restriction. The Planning Director has the ' 1'·ayth~rity to execute:i~r? recor~;:an amendment to the notice which modifies or terminates said notice upon a show,ing of good cause by the Developer or successor in interest. 'lh:, \,1Ji . "l4· d~ fl'~ At issuan'c~, of buildinQ1'permits, or prior to the approval of a final map and/or issuance of certificate· ''!qf\,com~M:!nce for the conversion of existing apartments to air-space condominiums1'.the.;oeveloper shall pay to the City an inclusionary housing in-lieu fee as an individual fee 0'~1:tper market rate dwelling unit basis in the amount in effect at the time, as established by City Council Resolution from time to time. Developer shall submit and obtain Planning Director approval of a Final Landscape and Irrigation Plan showing conformance with the approved Preliminary Landscape Plan and the City's Landscape Manual. Developer shall construct and install all landscaping as shown on the approved Final Plans, and maintain all landscaping in a healthy and thriving condition, free from weeds, trash, and debris. PUD 05-19 -ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION ., .• Page 6 18. 19. 20. The first submittal of Final Landscape and Irrigation Plans shall be pursuant to the landscape plancheck process on file in the Planning Department and accompanied by the project's building, improvement, and grading plans. The project shall be required to use efficient irrigation systems and landscape designs or other methods to minimize or eliminate dry weather flow in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.203.040. The Final Landscape and Irrigation Plans shall address these requirements as approved by the City of Carlsbad Planning Director. Developer shall establish a homeowner's association andd(&>rresponding covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC&Rs). Said CC&Rs shall be supmitted to and approved by the Planning Director prior to final map approval. Prior to i,~~4~hge of a building permit, the Developer shall provide the Planning Department with a1recorb'$d;:copy of the official CC&Rs that have been approved by the Department of Real Egt~te anct''tqe,Planning Director. At a minimum, the CC&Rs shall contain the following pro'ifision's1. (" '.;,, a. b. C. . ~ _. ,~l{:" '~\ ;r:-, General Enforcement by the City. ,1:The City ,shall have th~1fight, bl;Jt not the obligation, to enforce those Protective'.Cpvenants'set forth in this D'e~laration in favor of, or in which the City has an interest. 'i [:;;f /;1 , 1 ,m:111 ',1:.1(;, iH \, ! r r. ~ ,. i I Notice and Amendment. A copy of any prdpRs~d amendment shall be provided to the City in advance. If the'.P.rQposed amendmeHt(~ffects the City, City shall have the ,,."'l..' 11, ~ ,.~p:,~ ... right to disapprove. A copy:of:\the1final approved am¢ndment shall be transmitted to 't,~"~P~1 "}~ . , 'J '! .1C· City within 30 days for the offipjal•repord.,: ''!ili\:i· '11~ . '~~ ;, ) ;:lrh .: il Failure of Association to Maint~ih ComWJo'·~llAr~a,L0t~ and Easements. In the event that the Association fails to 1nnair\tain ttie.\li"Common Area Lots and/or the Associatiq~f§'1EMs~rn~nts" as provi~~d in Article';; ' Section ----- the City/s~,all have:th_e, right, but not}~e duty, to perform the necessary maintenance. If the· Citfet~,cts to perform such mai~t~~~nce, the City shall give written notice to the Ass?ciati?n;;,:wH.h 9_:;c~py)here~f to Jn1e _Owners in the Pr~ject, setting fo~h with p~rt1culanty the,<n:i_amtenanpe· wh,iqhJithe City finds to be required and requesting the ,ijilf:~$'.W;~:q!=r;,Carriecl.(~\f by thEf Association within a period of thirty (30) days from the .·j)i': giving11Qfrl~uph notic¢. In the event that the Association fails to carry out such .;i;W maintenaks~1of the' c~'rnm<:>n Area Lots and/or Association's Easements within the .i1''1•i!il i> · period specif:i#d by the'qify's notice, the City shall be entitled to cause such work to ·, ri:;,. be completedj·and shall·be entitled to reimbursement with respect thereto from the ·i· nii , . 1,1,e~ners as proyi~ed herein. d. ';'!qtti,, ,./ ~ 1 /: C O J ~ ! ; Special Assessments Levied by the City. In the event the City has performed the nece;s~a:r;yd;ljiaintenance to either Common Area Lots and/or Association's Easem~rjf~:· the City shall submit a written invoice to the Association for all costs incurreqiby the City to perform such maintenance of the Common Area Lots and or Association's Easements. The City shall provide a copy of such invoice to each Owner in the Project, together with a statement that if the Association fails to pay such invoice in full within the time specified, the City will pursue collection against the Owners in the Project pursuant to the provisions of this Section. Said invoice shall be due and payable by the Association within twenty (20) days of receipt by the Association. If the Association shall fail to pay such invoice in full within the period specified, payment shall be deemed delinquent and shall be subject to a late charge in an amount equal to six percent (6%) of the amount of the invoice. Thereafter the City may pursue collection from the Association by means of any remedies available PUD 05-19 -ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION WMii#I Pae 7 21. 22. 23. 24. e. at law or in equity. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, in addition to all other rights and remedies available to the City, the City may levy a special assessment against the Owners of each Lot in the Project for an equal pro rata share of the invoice, plus the late charge. Such special assessment shall constitute a charge on the land and shall be a continuing lien upon each Lot against which the special assessment is levied. Each Owner in the Project hereby vests the City with the right and power to levy such special assessment, fo impose a lien upon their respective Lot and to bring all legal actions and/or to pursue lien foreclosure procedures against any Owner and his/her respective Lot for purposes of collecting such special assessment in accordance with the procedures set forth in Article __ ___ of this Declaration. dlih 1 Landscape Maintenance Responsibilities. The HOft-st!ll~I~ ind 1 i~idual lot or unit owner landscape maintenance responsibilities shall be ~~!~el'~qrtt\ in Exhibit ___ _ •'''( iqhnr Prior to recordation of the Final Parcel Map or is~u.a~ie, of a G~~~Vng Permit, whichever occurs first, the Developer shall apply for and,98ta1iW:approval of 'a :ppi8,stal Development Permit issued by the California Coastal Commission or its succes·sc/r1;in interest, that f' j t ~ ; , , , I. , substantially conforms to this approval. A.,sign~d copy Q(the Coastal Dev~)ppment Permit must be submitted to the Planning DirectoL''ilf:lt~~ ap8[9~!31 is substantiaH_y;different, an amendment to PUD 05-19 shall be required. :;1:/;11.,1/V ·•:. :· 'H/liH ' '•l\lPL As a condition of this approval, appl.ip:3nt must comply wjtt\·t~e requirements of all regulatory age.ncies having jurisdiction over{t,H~1,project and a~Y;(nm)ga!ion require_ments of the environmental documents for the pro1ect1Rursuant to Government Code section 65871 and 'J ~ '.;) ~' 'f • " t' 'i Carlsbad Municipal Code Title 20, Cl'l~pter'20:P~i:~~ction 2q;o4.140 applicant shall grant a conservation easement for the conservation,.,protection, and management of fish, wildlife, native plants and tp~,ib~qitat necessarY,t/~{biologi~allf;;~ustainable populations of certain species thereof, in :a·ccdr¢1ahce with the Cify.'s adopted l!-labitat Management Plan. flt ".,tn\ n .. ,,,, ··1•,,,,, .,; . . ,,Ji>t) \~tl~ . . 1H1-. . . Thi~ project has ~~~n fo.unwto result 1n lmP,fj~\~ to WIidiife ha~1tat or ~ther lands, such as a~n~ultural land, nq~;.~1~t1~?:Wii3,s~l~nd, and ~!~turbed lands, which provide some ~enefits to w11dhfe_:.,~t.d~cume_nt~~1·!n1:tne!;S1r~iftii~,~p1tat Manag~ment Plan and the ~nv1ro~~e~tal analys1sifo1Hh1s.proJect,[)eyelopens·aware that the City has adopted an In-lieu M1t1gat1on Fee'consisti)it'With,SectiofrE.6 of the Habitat Management Plan and City Council Resolution ~ .J '-{l'~»di1117 ~ ''1.1!~~ . No. 2000-223 to(funa mitig·atipn .f9r,impacts to certain categories of vegetation and animal :·:.'.'s'i:iec_ies. The Deveiopef. is furthe6aware that the City has determined that all projects will be req!Jir~9 to pay the tefin ordeP"to be found consistent with the Habitat Management Plan and 1lt't)~1110pen Spac~1'.'and Conservation Element of the General Plan. Developer or Developer.s successor(s) in interest shall pay the fee prior to recordation of a final map, or issuance''of Lc;1. grading;' permit or building permit, whichever occurs first. If the In-lieu Mitigation F~el~or .thiM'project is not paid, this project will not be consistent with the Habitat Management 'p!~r 'and the General Plan and any and all approvals for this project shall become null and void. Developer shall pay the citywide Public Facilities Fee imposed by City Council Policy #17, the License Tax on new construction imposed by Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 5.09.030, and CFO #1 special tax (if applicable), subject to any credits authorized by Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 5.09.040. Developer shall also pay any applicable Local Facilities Management Plan fee for Zone 1, pursuant to Chapter 21.90. All such taxes/fees shall be paid at issuance of building permit. If the taxes/fees are not paid, this approval will not be consistent with the General Plan and shall become void. PUD 05-19-ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION MiiiM Page 8 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Prior to the issuance of any permits for the project, the applicant shall submit to the Planning Director a digital copy of the biology report exhibits in Autocad DWG or ESRI-Shape-File Format registered to CCS zone 6 NAD 83. The Planning Director has the discretion to waive this condition based on factors such as the scope of the study and the format in which the exhibits were prepared. The project site is located in an area that may contain soil material that is suitable for beach sand replenishment as defined in the Carlsbad Opportunistic Beach Fill program (COBFP) adopted by the Planning Commission on May 17, 2006 (SUP 04-13). Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, and as a part of the grading plan preparation, the developer shall test the soil material to be exported from the project site to determin~11tn~:.materials suitability for sand replenishment pursuant to the requirements of the COBP;P. If the material is deemed suit~ble !or beach replenishment the developer is encourij~~~:1~o comply with the proce~s outlined in the COBFP to transport and place the beaqhj'.quahty:rDaterral on the beach site identified in the COBFP. 1:;t ·-;,;',, ' '\! ' '''' ih, i, ·,wiii, ,Jil\i\,j, ! . , 1 i\ ~, Prior to the recordation of the first final parcel map (MS 05-29) or thenssuance of building permits, whichever occurs first, the Developer[:shall prepare and record'. a·Notice that this .f1<1\ I, , 1! ' property is subject to overflight, sight and spJ'.JQ~ 19( aircraft\gperating from Mc~l~llan-Palomar Airport, in a form meeting the approval ofthe 'Rlahning Oirector and the City:Attorney (see Noise Form #2 on file in the Planning Department)~illl!l;d;r' ··i, ,. 1111,1,, ~, \ V 1 ~ l 1 ~ ~ Developer shall dedicate, on the fif1al ,parcel map (MS 0:~,~~9), an open space easement for those portions of Parcels 1 and 2 whi:Ch' are (identified asiai2Q ft. upland habitat buffer) to . , p~q:t:,f",~'~. . ~1!'~1!H~.·f' proh1b1t any encroachment or develop,:rient,:,!n9.1.y.d1ng but not.11rn1ted to fences, walls, decks, storage buildings, pools, spas, stairw~ys, and·:lal'}dscaping,!las shown in Exhibits "A" - "DD". ' :.. ':':;'.>·;)JiHi)H;pp•' . . -,: ,'• iq ,:u' ;pp} .,m,,Js:,r,h, ,,;j,· 11· Removal of nativei:vegetatiQ):i and development of Open Space Parcel 3, including but not limited to fences\walls, d~c~~. storage builclings, pools, spas, stairways, and landscaping, other than th'at\'.~'pproved ia:s part of (thJ,: gr~ding plan, improvement plans, biological revegetation progranj;;landscaP.~ ,plan, etc.) a~ 'shown in Exhibits "A" -"DD", is specifically prohibi1ed, ,e),<Cept uW61r1'1wH«~g11q~~*r::~frt~e' Carlsbad Fire Department for fire prevention purp9~es/'.'.p1r/(llpon w'ritt.e11) apprmia1·tof ·the Planning Director, and (California Coastal I<. &; << j ' 0 \' I'\ Com'mission if. i,i tC,oastal·Z9r,i~). based upon a request from the Homeowners Association . ; 1:~~?0~panied by<q; r:~~ort fro'rnll~1r~ualifie~ arborist/?otanis~ indicating the ~eed to re~ove :• · specified trees and/or p!ants be~ause of disease or 1mpend1ng danger to adJacent habitable • . ~ \ 1' ., ' ; • ~ • dwelling units. For are1::1s containing native vegetation, the report required to accompany the reque~f ~hall be prep.m~c:1 by a qualified biologist. l • ! i{ f,i\~ ;~~; '-'?.!,f\! J'..1111 Prior to recor,t:lation of:the Final Parcel Map (MS 05-29) or issuance of a Grading Permit, whichever dccurs first, the Developer shall provide an irrevocable offer of dedication to the City of Carlsbacljbt a trail easement for trail(s) shown on the tentative parcel map (MS 05- 29) within Open1Space Parcel 3. Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the trail shall be constructed as a public trail for public use and accepted by the City of Carlsbad upon adoption of a Citywide Trails Program that includes provisions for maintenance and liability. Prior recordation of the Final Parcel Map (MS 05-29) or issuance of a Grading Permit, whichever occurs first, the owner shall comply with the Agua Hedionda Local Coastal Program -Land Use Plan Policy 7 (Shoreline Access), and dedicate a 25 ft. wide lateral public access easement to the California Coastal Commission or their designee as agreed to with the California Coastal Commission in order to accommodate the proposed combination bicycle/pedestrian trail. PUD 05-19 -ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION MiiiM Page 9 Code Reminders: Note: The project is subject to all applicable provisions of local ordinances, including but not limited to the following code requirements: 32. Developer shall pay park-in-lieu fees to the City, prior to the approval of the final map as required by Chapter 20.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 33. Developer shall pay a landscape plancheck and inspection fee as required by Section 20.08.050 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. ,, . -:!iii;:. ,iiJ~ "H~ 34. Approval of this request shall not excuse compliance wit~ 1~11' applicable sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City ordinances,ip;effect at time of building permit issuance, except as otherwise specifically provided her~\1!1 1 11!i1;;11,. •ii 1, '1iLi, t~t d. ': ~ .. 35. Premise identification (addresses) shall be proYii9,~~,1,c8nsistent Wi!b1,farlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.04.320. :11· ·1 ·l1l1,1, ,id;· '1ii)jl,, ,[•.f · '111 lh, I NOT,ICE:,,lh '11: ' 011\ji11 { ' !tf I~' f 'lh) ~ I:·;, 'iii/If ,·W'''l '• Please take NOTICE that approval of your project inclLlc:J~~t\~l "imposition" of fe~s, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referreaitp/fpr convenience as "fees/exactions." '', . i)' "' You have 90 days from date of final app~i~~)!l;<?14Rrotest impo;i\\gijll?.{1th~se fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest pr&;9,e1dur~i?,~t,f~rth in Gove:~~~ent Code Section 66020(a) and file the protest and any other required''.i,~forriiati_9in!zyyim the yity Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Sectipn ~192.030..H\~~ily,re to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal:action to attack, re'vi13w!'set asidet1~oid, or annul their imposition. ,1!:Jt!<l!l•i •. •,!).' /,' • fjJ.. . · t1: ;\. /It !Jt " You are hereby FURTrlER NOTfFIEQ that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to wafeNJ'.~b:<;I sewer';d6nnection fee~\¥iflP capacity charges, nor planning, zoning, grading, or other similar a~pli,cf3tionl proc~ssing or s~ryibe fees in connection with this project; NOR DO~S IT APP_~Y)P }ny feesf.~~.~cti~h~'.'.~~!wm~hiiYRU 1~ave previous_ly bee~ given a NOTICE similar to this, or as tq1wt,1ch:the statute of hm1tat1ons·tias1prev1ously otherwise expired. d) I~' ., · ; 1 f' ~} ~ • { l,f r, 1f/ ,q~;f~~;~, 1:t'J: • r,i . <}'"~":h ~i ,\dL SincerelY,i ''1\;\l i ·.;,ldi, ,,. ,-;il.11it\ \:I~:-,;~t'~:~P i' <. Hn (~rlrr' "flJ'~i . ',t~:Jl.i 'c_L;1; ;·;·. ·,,\,:l, ¥Hi1 ,1· ~ nfh}, -Hfi1 ~ l . ' ',, \ GARY T. BARBERIO ,:,-:«1, Assistant Planning1Dir,e,ctor ,, ',}al'\,) GTB:JG:sm ·:%1;1:ii;· ii' (, c: Paul Klukas, Planning System, 1530 Faraday Ave., Ste. #100, Carlsbad CA 92008 Chris DeCerbo, Principal Planner David Rick, Project Engineer File Copy Data Entry Benjamine and Eunice Medina, and David Graham PO Box 1766 Bonita, CA 91908 PROPOSED MINOR SUBDIVISION NO. 05-29, ADAMS STREET SUBDIVISION A preliminary decision has been made, pursuant to Section 20.24.120 of the City of Carlsbad Municipal Code, to approve the tentative parcel map of the proposed minor subdivision subject to the conditions that follow in this letter. Unless specifically stated in the condition, all of the following conditions, upon the approval of this tentative parcel map, must be met prior to approval of a final parcel map. ENGINEERING CONDITIONS NOTE: Unless specifically stated in the condition, all of the following conditions, upon the approval of this proposed subdivision, must be met prior to approval of a parcel map, building permit or grading permit whichever occurs first. General 1. Prior to hauling dirt or construction materials to or from any proposed construction site within this project, Developer shall apply for and obtain approval from, the City Engineer for the proposed. haul route. 2. This approval is subject to the approval and conditions of PUD 05-19 and HDP 05-12. 3. Developer shall submit to the City Engineer, a reproducible 24" x 36", mylar copy of the tentative map and a digital copy of said map (in AutoCAD format, latest version) reflecting the conditions approved by the final decision making body and any applicable coastal commission approvals. The reproducible shall be submitted to the City engineer, reviewed and, if acceptable, signed by the City's project engineer and project planner prior to submittal of the building plans, final map, improvement or grading plans, whichever occurs first. The digital file copy shall be submitted in a format as approved by the City Engineer. 4. Developer shall and does hereby agree to indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless the City of Carlsbad, its Council members, agents, officers, and representatives, from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, demands, claim and costs, including court costs and attorney's fees incurred by the City arising, directly or indirectly, from (a) City's approval and issuance of this tentative parcel map, (b) City's approval or issuance of any permit or action, whether discretionary or non-discretionary, in connection with the use contemplated herein, including an action filed within the time period specified in Government Code Section 66499.37 and (c) Developer's installation and operation of the facility permitted hereby, including without limitation, any and all liabilities arising from the emission by the facility of electromagnetic fields or other energy waves 1635 Faraday Avenue• Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-2720 • FAX (760) 602-8562 @ or emissions. 5. Developer shall provide to the City Engineer, an acceptable means, CC&Rs and/or other recorded document, for maintaining the private easements within the subdivision and all the private improvements (e.g. driveways, storm drain facilities, etc.) located therein and to distribute the costs of such maintenance in an equitable manner among the owners of the properties within the subdivision. 6. Developer shall install sight distance corridors at all street intersections and driveways m accordance with City Engineering Standards. 7. 8. Fees/ Agreements Developer shall cause property owner to execute and submit to the City Engineer for recordation, the City's standard form Geologic Failure Hold Harmless Agreement. Developer shall cause property owner to execute and submit to the City Engineer for recordation the City's standard form Drainage Hold Harmless Agreement. 9. Prior to approval of any grading or building permits for this project, Developer shall cause Owner to give written consent to the City Engineer for the annexation of the area shown within the boundaries of the subdivision into the existing City of Carlsbad Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 1 and/or to the formation or annexation into an additional Street Lighting and Landscaping District. Said written consent shall be on a form provided by the City Engineer. 10. Developer shall cause property owner to apply for, execute, and submit, to the City Engineer _for recordation, an Encroachment Agreement covering a private retaining wall located over the existing public right-of-way or easements as shown on the tentative map. Developer shall pay all associated costs of said Encroachment Agreement. Grading 11. Based upon a review of the proposed grading and the grading quantities shown on the tentative· map, a grading permit for this project is required. Developer shall apply for and obtain a grading permit from the City Engineer prior to issuance of a building permit. 12. Developer shall complete and submit to the City Engineer a Project Threat Assessment Form (PT AF) pursuant to City Engineering Standards. Concurrent with the PT AF, Developer shall also submit the appropriate Tier level Storm Water Compliance form and Tier level Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) as determined by the completed PT AF all to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 13. Developer shall cause property owner to process, execute and submit an executed copy to the City Engineer for recordation a City standard Permanent Stormwater Quality Best Management Practice Maintenance Agreement for the perpetual maintenance of all treatment control, applicable site design and source control, post-construction permanent Best Management Practices prior to the issuance of a grading permit or building permit, or the recordation of a parcel map, whichever occurs first for this Project. 14. Developer shall submit for City approval a "Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP)." The SWMP shall demonstrate compliance with the City of Carlsbad Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan (SUSMP), Order R9-2007-0001 issued by the San Diego Region MS 05-29 2 10/02/08 15. 16. of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board and City of Carlsbad Municipal Code all to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Dedications/Improvements Developer shall cause Owner to execute a covenant of easement for private drainage and sewer, a covenant of easement for private sewer, and a covenant of easement for reciprocal private access, drainage and utilities all as shown on the tentative parcel map. The obligation to execute and record the covenant of easement shall be shown and recording information called out on the parcel map. Developer shall provide City Engineer with proof of recordation prior to issuance of building permit. ... Developer shall cause Owner to make an irrevocable offer of dedication to the City and/or other appropriate entities for the public street right-of-way shown on the tentative parcel map. The offer shall be made by a certificate on the final map. All land so offered shall be free and clear of all liens and encumbrances and without cost to the City. Streets that are already public are not required to be rededicated. 1 7. Additional drainage easements may be required. Developer shall dedicate and provide or install drainage structures, as may be required by the City Engineer, prior to or concurrent with any grading or building permit. 18. Developer shall provide the design of all drainage systems to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. All drainage systems shall be inspected by the City. 19. Developer shall execute a City standard Subdivision Improvement Agreement to install and secure with appropriate security as provided by law, public improvements shown on the tentative parcel map. These improvements include, but are not limited to paving, base, signing, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, grading, clearing and grubbing, relocation of utilities, sewer, water, guard rail, and retaining walls. Said improvements shall be installed to City Standards to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. More specifically, these improvements include: a) Widening Adams Street with AC pavement and base along project street frontage· and transitions, as shown on the tentative parcel map; b) Installation of curb, gutter, sidewalk, driveway and guard rail as shown on the tentative parcel map; c) Grading of the right-of-way as shown on the tentative parcel map. d) Installation of new water services and meters and relocation of an existing water meter. e) Installation of retaining wall and trail within the proposed public trail easement. A list of the above shall be placed on an additional map sheet on the parcel Map per the provisions of Sections 66434.2 of the Subdivision Map Act. Improvements listed above shall be constructed within 18 months of approval of the subdivision or development improvement agreement or such other time as provided in said agreement. MS 05-29 3 10/02/08 Parcel Map Notes 20. Add the following notes to the parcel map as non-mapping data: A. All improvements are privately owned and are to be privately maintained with the exception of the following: B. C. a) AC pavement and base on Adams Street along project street frontage and transitions, b) All curb, gutter, sidewalk and guard rail in public right-of-way. c) Water services and meters within the public right-of-way. d) Retaining walls, trail and related appurtenances within the publig_ trail easement. Building permits will not be issued for development of the subject property unless the appropriate agency determines that sewer and water facilities are available. Geotechnical Caution: The owner of this property on behalf of itself and all of its successors in interest has agreed to hold harmless and indemnify the City of Carlsbad from any action that may arise through any geological failure, ground water seepage or land subsidence and subsequent damage that may occur on, or adjacent to, this subdivision due to its construction, operation or maintenance. D. No structure, fence, wall, tree, shrub, sign, or other object may be placed or permitted to encroach within the area identified as a sight distance corridor as defined by City of Carlsbad Engineering Standards. E. (Covenant of easement recording information.) F. The owner of this property on behalf of itself and all of its successors in interest has agreed to hold harmless and indemnify the City of Carlsbad from any action that may arise through any diversion of waters, the alteration of the normal flow of surface waters or drainage, or the concentration of surface waters or drainage from the drainage system or other improvements identified in the City approved development plans; or by the design, construction or maintenance of the drainage system or other improvements identified in the City approved development plans. Utilities 21. The Developer shall design and construct public facilities within public right-of-way or within minimum 20-foot wide easements granted to the District or the City of Carlsbad. At the discretion of the District Engineer, wider easements may be required for adequate maintenance, access and/or joint utility purposes. 22. Prior to issuance of building permits, Developer shall pay all fees, deposits, and charges for connection to public facilities. 23. The Developer shall install potable water services and meters at locations approved by the District Engineer. The locations of said services shall be reflected on public improvement plans. 24. The Developer shall install sewer laterals and clean-outs at locations approved by the District Engineer. The locations of sewer laterals shall be reflected on public improvement plans. MS 05-29 4 10/02/08 25. The Developer shall design and construct public water and sewer facilities substantially as shown on the Tentative Parcel Map to the satisfaction of the District Engineer. 26. The Developer shall provide separate potable water meters for each separately owned unit. Code Reminder 27. The project is subject to all applicable provisions of local ordinances, including but not limited to the following: A. The tentative parcel map shall expire two years from the date on which the City Engineer _.,_ approves the application. B. Developer shall pay the Local Drainage Area Fee and Park-in-Lieu fee prior to approval of the parcel map. Fire 28. An automatic Fire Sprinkler System shall be installed for each dwelling unit per NFPA 130 Standards. The developer may request a review of the preliminary decision with the City Engineer in writing within ten (10) days of the date of this letter. Upon such written request the City Engi~1eer shall arrange a time and place with the developer for such review. The City Engineer has reviewed each of the exactions imposed on the developer contained in these conditions of approval, and hereby finds, in this case, that the exactions are imposed to mitigate impacts caused by or reasonably related to the project, and the extent and degree of the exaction is in rough proportionality to the impact caused by the project.. If you have any questions, you may contact David Rick at (760) 602-2781. Robert T. Johnson, Jr., City Engineer by: David A. Hauser Deputy City Engineer c: David Rick, Assistant Engineer Jason Goff, Project Planner O'Day Consultants File Attn: Meg Carroll· 2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92010 MS 05-29 5 10/02/08 0 15 30 60 FT EB ~ NORTH SCALE: -1" = 60' Legend ••• >25% Dual Criteria Slope with Habitat (Coastal Sage Scrub) fZivz;j Impacted by Proposed Development Analysis Table Total Acreage Total area of >25% slope with CSS (Dual Criteria) Total Area of Dual Criteria impacted by proposed development SOURCE: O'Day Consultants; Constraints Slope Analysis Map (September, 2005) Planning Systems Biology Survey (March 2006) Dual Criteria Analysis APN #206-200-01 CARSLBAD, CALIFORNIA Acres 1.08 0.38 0.02 Percentage 5.2% May9,2007 OISJ:OM:- VICINITY MAP liO 1/CAU 1 ! _1-----i ---------(i / I I I ---1 I I I _--f · I I I EASEMENT TABLE ' ,, ;;: ...........,, AU.m.lJCMl~.w4ttflt tXllf1l&f:D ,a l:4f.RW6 STMIWIP FWtJ ,.,,.....,. ... {t1MlWfD RMS ADtJP1llJ MA,; 6JtJII,) -...... jfJ;W: EM/~ A"4 n.w Ant'1. RMllfJ Ar.QA71Cf -1/lll/WltlN -MD (TRSRl) SH[[T f OF , SHEUS CPA 06-D8 PUD 05-19 ZC 06-07 HOP 05-12 LCPA 06-D8 ltlS 05-29 HIIP 07-D4 V 07-0J TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP FOR ADAMS STREET (LOT 5 &-6) A.P.N. 206-200-01 R£F£H£NC£ REPORTS; ,. lf'll7l(Uf{YM1J,nawu:snaz:wri:amtrN11SIIC. IMB~l4Kllll. .t S7fllJI MDIWWiEJEJfrlf.NflTOZMl"a:wsrL1MISIC IM1lDDCaJt/lJOl4Jm1. GENERAL NOTES; ...... ,,,.,, • lf-,-,s(J(J 1110"'121!11'Z!Jlll# ••••••••••••••• /l-l-tsaJIJ FRrl'fJD1!11AIICtJ',Clm.,$1 •.••••••• (J'l1tSNa Dlmlll:IDEIIC.IUll~D ...... .. Jl!lblla!l!OaMJN1.ltNIA!l061'110i •••••• u Alt1 C0041. /fM~D/Mftn ,0 .. as .,.MCNITLDT 'fOTIIJ..IIIJ,(TIJII$,. • •••••• ·' ....,~{IWIIB.I) ...... UJJK~{Mltal.Q. ~.nm: ................ .UlfYlr$Nl-l.D RDa.llEIIOtll ............... CMLtl(O--,s,ma;m:r --· =--· --· Af,vg(T'UE .. Ftla'OSEDUJTIIE,. lflf7'0SD},:tSl.£1'£, IUIIN(JSlEJlllfU,. IJE!OISEWl11(}11 • D11!i11111:El£tlUIOI • =--. --· --· lflOlOSEJ}DlflRIIII" • D1$1'1t;•RIE. 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' A!lJEll'JDM[ PM!" ;II Lt:Cof~IRU,Ut'X /I/JD t ll1VlllSMC""""25BIWDSINElSilfSDIC I. -~ U1V1ES NIC l'UJlJC lNDS INElB) M AfX\11.IE .J S1rRIIJRMl$NE,,,.1E OWNERS; • .,, ~ El#tE mlMf ,,,,.CN//tltJH _ .. _ atlMISIQBWW .DE. 6111$1 MotRWfl arr. a ltf(J(J CIVIL £NGIN££H: OJMl"QXSEUW,:S IC llfOUl!BtAIOU" lf3t Sll1Cf00 .......... ,,.,. {lltl)D-77'/JIJ AC: AflEIEl" . -LOT AREA SUMMARY: I I J/»'l11""'1) ·-.7,IBl;GII (1111 . ....,,, .,,, JICtW.,Al# ...,., C'74AIP ~ EARTHWORK QUANTITIES; OESOIEDIM_l.l.,G.,._!Mm~ ~IM~DUI~ l'm£I' _, Jl,&I;,,.._ ... ..,.._IDl.1&_ 1lf/1LJ/ DICDltNC AITA FILS NI£ RR li£lfRDlfX fN • .'t' ND MC NOT n, 1£ tlSl1) ,cw Ht:RzrNTM. CRlt7i'11C4l.5lRl£YcafTRa. ©2008 O'Dcy Consultants, Inc. BENCHMARK; C-fm'f'lllll ,, .. .,......, ·-- , .. .,,,,.. (t5(J(JW} ...... OESCRIPnat 1E.1. ll(MM}(T$TMff1J/fCERll' LOCAlnt AT H llf1E1l!ilr1IOI IT PNIK DlnC NtD ....... ,.,, 0TYrTOIRUli46all#la.S {ti0$11Zl1) -- ,.._ l .. -l"I/CEINCUSSltfalJ.JS'IIAX dC. II.Cll:lDt&IHOFMU :.......~f,6'::.:;J::)t-L.~ ,. '- TOF4" SIWl1C 11i4t IOlaTYSlWWillS' l"l'AlEZla:»IOID ~ JID1LO """"" I. IINUJII IJEPIH OF RJtNN; IS 1.l~ R'11(0f'ffXJIJtt;-.laJRY MTN S/J.ll.S.IJ. &-,t. Z MtJ. ftJfl£UJAT'1£SME TIICASSIIC /lffla/DEJl1S SHl1#t Of1HISIDtTA1J£AMal.61P. SHEET 2 OF ./ SHEETS GPA 06-08 PUO 05-19 ZC 06-07 HOP 05-12 LCPA 06-08 MS 05-29 HMP 07-04 V 07-0.! T£NTATIV£ PARCEL MAP FOR z:rac4l SfC110N: £XlST1NG lfT.AJNIIIC rm. ADAMS STR££T {LOT 5 & 6} A.P.N. 206-200-01 ,.,,,.,, -.,,...,, """"WEJfl'.USSIMClPZS'tlC. MOl1!DICTHOFM/.J. --,---,L_:::;._J " -~ ~11'1':----lJ...._Qat:~ -ft:-----"L...-ICIU:~ -::u=icua::u"fl::n-::-l'CID:I' -.. .....IUi,C.._ ... NO.: Jlllll-. :rno._ __ _.,..........,,o -,-noo - \ \ \ I } .i \/ ,1 ;. ·---·~-·--_ .... ...._ .. _ ..... "' ____ _ r r r ,; .. se<U;: 1•-'Zl1 ID II PliOl1lE -QRMJt'A Y SCMe .IIOIZ: ... ,._Ill' or ... r. w IZ BENCHMARK: El l10IUllfT SZWBI IICC Jr»4 ATH'~fTMll'~Ml'J --11'.0)lt) ,JIIC'.llt arr tr OIIUllf ~ {IIOS/1111) .... 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IOaE1IT $TAIRJ ,a .J1TJf U)CAT'Of: ATIEll10:18:TDIITMll(IJlltENfO --RtttRD fRtlt arr" ewJBCO mnms /IIOS1lm} W:VATdt aa' 31+50 ~ ij ·~ ~ ; 1 ~ \ ~/ '/ ' >' i ] -, 1a \ I ~ • 32+75 '{ ~ ~ I ~ ' ~~ )' ~! -~ l . l ij "' \ iij 31+75 ~ • ~ g ! ! ,! 32+00 ~ ~~ )' ~ ! ~ ' ' 8 \ ~ ~ 33+50 I\ 33+00 33+25 )'iij: s ~ ;;i ~ .~Y ~ l ~ " l ' 1,8 ~ SHEET 2 or 4 SHEETS 6'PA 06-fJ8 PIJD 05-19 ZC 06-07 HOP 05-12 £CPA 06-08 32+25 HJ/PP 07-tu llS 05-29 V 07-o.J ~ ~ t l !! ~ I I s i /l~ !!!- ~~7 l .\ )I ' 1 l i ~ . \ • ~ ~- \ \ AIMIIS STRCCT llOTS 5 AND 6) CIIOSS-SECTI/JIIS STATIONS .11 +'t.6 TO STA. .1.1# JiO ~~ ... ~::~ JIIID,£l' ~ _IL&C._ ... m.,-'1lUll...._ SHEU .J or " SHEETS GPA 06-08 PUO 05-19 zc 06-01 HOP 05-12 33+75 £CPA 06-08 HJ/PP Ol-(),1 JIS 05-29 ~ ~ V 01-0.J " " ~ " " 34+00 ~ ~ ~ ('~ " ;kii~ ll, ! " I'\ " ;' i ij I; 34+25 34+50 : ,, ~ ~ ~ ~ 1: ll -Ii l "' r " I .l I ~ ij ,.. ;!!! .. 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FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY PRELIMINARY REPORT DATED JUNE 30, 2005 ORDER NO. 1958328 EASEMENT TABLE JiflJI11 CIVIL ENGINEER/LAND SURVEYOR: 02M1aw:5U.~ltc. 010 l.(J/lf]t AlitME 1EJt 5U1£ It:() '""-""'"'"""' _,,,__ D.£CTR(NC LMTA fl£S I.IE Fr:Ji RETERDlt:C al.Y AID AR£ NOT TCJ IE lJSBJ ftlf HtllllalTA/.. lR -.oillCAJ. $1.Rlf'Y CClfllfa SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS GPA 06-08 PUD OS-19 ZC 06-07 HOP 05-12 LCPA 06-08 MS 05-29 HIIP 07-04 VICINITY MAP NO SCALE SLOPE SUMMARY "''"' SHA!£ ,&q.£ MfA V 07-0.J cm or .......... lll,J;,& .,,,,, .,.,. aHJ& ~ VIEAIER 1IWI #DZ $lH£ a»'T «l:«ISF tT: ,i}AliOm!l.YlilWJ[l)!ilfK B)Sl.tll£1ISSIW/1$F1:MQI c)!UJPCUSSWWl14IDl.5ttWIE'"FT. fTMrA D) MlSIDC Al!"A IIBIEClltUAIDI ElDDITAl:MOafY tl'IAC'aLEf:TUfS1RlI7IAJSTIJ(tOCllllll CONSTRAINTS NOTES ! =~~--.. -_._ ... _._>._<<!nM .... : ==:,::,::::sirJmi. . . ~IUII~ l.n-ftlltSIU'CS •••••.•.•••..•. stESUPC~ l.t:RCAIERJHNt«JSJU:l'D' ••.•...•. stESl.a'C~ 4 JI.A.Df/lOIXIV1li{affll.S. ,'(/.,I a EASEJE1t1S. • • • . • • • • • • • • • SEE £ASDENT OiA!fT NJ.R/JOIPtMIS •..•.••••••••.... ltONC tt. R.OODMT-• • • · • • • • • • · • · • · #,Al IZ AlfamOCICAI. ST11S.. • , ......... ,'(/.ii 1.I.9EKllMMIC'ME'AS. .••.••••• ,'(/.,I 14. ~ IWITAIS.. . . • •••• SEE PIM t:illl"m£S .••...•..••••.•..•. l(til t« IUIIIAlef78fDESOTIIIIO\. . AQM~Ul)()(M :~~,"OJD'-~iisoi:ins.·: -~~tMX.Oi f.lRMIKW)lllAOfl!OIS •••••••..... ,'(/.,I l!llJC1DllXltll,Agf,. ••·•••····• .,'(/.,I 2l. .tM.AJl'AtMDIWl)S'., ••••••••••• !LEPUN ----Ml.llGWY CONSTRAINTS MAP FOR LOTS 5 & 6 DESICl'®l'r:--f.ll.&...._~f[;~ OAAn!Err:-----11,l.___SCM-E:..&..:il:l3!L_ -----,~.=;..~f--.---.--PR0£CT MGR..:......auu;.__ JOI! NO.:.....m::.tlJL_ ©2008 O'Oay Consultants, Inc. .1l!lII]J BE11KNC lWr.A FUS ARE RR IIU1RlNCE tll.Y AMJ M£NOT TDIECl!iUJ f(RH<tillrlffAI. (R tf7i'Zfl. .5lll'IEl" t:af11itZ QJNCHIIARJ; DCiCRPIQI: nw:1111 nECT' JlJnf)' -SRD ztJINa a (Ii aK11IIU€ <FD. Cllllll:IIIEM. RUXlAO f1IOlil: $4 t:11 lfJPZI aNllla. ·--DNQDI: Jn.«nlilL SHE£T 1 or 2 SHEETS GPA 06-08 zc 06-01 LCPA 06-08 HIIP 01-tu Y 01-0J VICINITY MAP NO.SCALE ~l,.QE~ 5-UMMA/i.r """ """'TER THAN -ggi: dllli! .IIJS{N!;!!.T = ~,. • .,,c --IWAC --IUIAC --O.ISAC dlllAC ... 11111WIIIJfSUl'CDBl'Tl£CMJSC(F: A)R111!111m.YGIWIPSUl'C 6).21ft'tES5PWIISn.l«JI t:)SUl'CtESSIIWtlQO.s:ul'l!"n:<TAD DJ Hl1!JIE MrA IIBIE m:u.AJIW IIDEJfT A'MIMY at A <aHffllfS1REETIAlfTIElt%:llllD EARTHWORK ANALYSIS: GRADING ANALYSIS: TDT'III. OMQ!ZI KU1£-vsvc.r. IUt«~MfA: aac~ '4m'C.l'/AC PUD 05-19 HOP 05-12 1/S 05-29 /g_ • .,,c /WAC ...,,,, dlJAC HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT PLAN LOTS0J & 6 ©2008 O'Oay Coosullanls, Inc. HILLS/0£ Q£V£LOPM£NT CHOSS S£Cll0NS SJCU .. ,ae r-• az,,-• .- _________ j / / Nots, vllth tho sxcepllo,1 to tho .... 11. 1dor1t1nsd u having a •tens veneer, all other retaining .... 11, at a minimum &hall be conotrucled or a opllt-raead tp CM.I, and &hall conolot or an sarth tens tp color to blend In ... 1th ths natll'al "'1Vlrorm6'1\. Note, Arsso or natll'al habitat In propooed Parcel• I and 2, ><hlc:h are ldenunsd ao tho 212) root habitat burrsr arsa, 10 deed r.,.trleted open apace to prevent ·, ruture development and I\Jr\h9r enc:roac:hnent Into tho ....,.1t1ve habitat arsao:_ -I I I I / I I I I I I I I I --Note, ~th ths exceptloi, to ths ..an, ldentlned ao h!vln9 a otone veno,er, all other rstaln"9 ..allo at a minimum oh! II bs eonotn.octed or a opllt-raeed t? CMU, and oh!II eonolot or an sarth tons tp color lo blend In "''th ths natll'al envlronnenl. Note, Arsao or natural h!bltal In propooed Parcel• I and 2, ...i,1ch are Identified ao ths 20 root h!bltat burrer arsa, 11 deed reolrlc:led open opace lo prevent Mure development and rl.rther enc:roac:hnent Into ths ...,.,uve h!bl\at arsao. Tl-l ~ ~ sq;: -... ~ lliii ~ U:til i::S ~ ::§ ~ sq;: ·r , :, . , ~ . 0 I' r:19,~ I U, ·Ir E ' 11' ' II. H ·1 t Ii, '° di! "' l ~~~~----~~;-------------------~ Pl'!vate drl~~ ·---------1--.,, --r------___J_r',----~ -_..,._~ L ----__l_ LL___ -\L_ -_...,,..,.,.. __ ~~-----~--------------! FRONT ELEVATION ------ ITT REF. WNORTf-1 . --- I I ' _____ j LEFT ELEVATION I I - ---,--- -----------_L--....J---: I -- _/· __ __/· ----- BITE PLAN PARCEL •1• = ~c.: .... -.1.-.... =:::!:""-"1::-i.:1···-~_. =:,..:-ii:.;_-=.~-'--_.., ~= ...... t::'., ==::: PAllC!L. ----------J I I uf"A "6-ID8, tc tE>6·11!!11, LCPA 06-ite,R.IC "6·1't,I-IDP"6·!l, 11tn-t13,!-l"P"1·"4,MS"5·2"l" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_L ____ --=-~:;-;--:------------~~~ Frlvale drlveHa~ I I i------ _j_ _______ __J___ ____ ,.-~_ BACK ELEVATION I -~-------------,--+---- POLICX f4 REQJIREJ1ENT& ,...f"'ollc:y_ . .,..cnyorc.rw.d,t.11aproJct.i.io-or~ .ll'dl!\a:lil.tl~~2.1,",'t,10,1,n,u.e,11,,n-•r~r .Wt9d~l (jJ ~~~=!:~~:::::!-:: dl1T----~bmbo<. ON1~~2""'°1'NM02dlf1'.--...uc,rs) [!l =~~~io:===!~~~:;~·.., ,-.ct..!11 __ _... .. ('Ma--•c,;.....-a::w.-~l~~IN ..i.n bJda. a-•TI .-tloaJ "'~u..n1,011w.,.......,..~dml9"0IIIUll1t91'1ould,...,ror.»M:I -"'-·~·1, .... -... ,-*'!Jhow.--dlffw~- [!J :::;-:::n:""!:r!:'~=~~~ orins-. .... -:i,v-,l<Ml::u!ldt-s ra:adll',1ortt-.""-. <S..IRO .. A-•P-lloofs I!) ~!OtaL,.-ot~-11"'°""~..nt,..,.oFINlolb,"'g e.h"-flln ....... ,,"'ei.1~~..:tg.Mlh1~d l'IOl.i..-ar-.M<l ... ,,..,IN191glhol'INbJl~.tl,:lllg .,.. aids tJl'Clll'l ror..,... mt1.L n. roof -.."lil IN •tne'--.iory -.,,r111.-por•w1...,,..11arodpllfl-ll'IIIDII ~llJI ia,_. ~INrao! ,.., U.lloO·lltOJI...._ ,.,,.ct. M1<1~.i.-e&-n""""myn1~~mg,o. i.b..-..ttt,-.rl!Jl"dli U.t-1 ..._of& t-Hldi91oc.lmli.:..g IN •ld9af Wl'o.-a,c1.-i::.ca1 •1".of '&'-ll'Ollln.f""l"PWl!j n.. --~\O ....... ··~~~l909*- b.h--ff-•~-~~-9'"-•dlplhd --~9-r...r,c11twUn.rt thl'-gtl!ot1N~1bg-•l<k n.roofofthl•ir'£1~--.,\otwUIM~l'J..,._. ~W.r()d(Olftt>o-...,,---.du.~ c::. n. __ u ... -••~•·IM.CW'y bulldlPe .ig. .. tlh1 ~or _.._.....,1r-r ... ~o11N,,__.. r..,thll:lllld"'9- CTN.p..,.11...-llt0Jlio1n_.._.UoLJ RIGHT ELEVATION NORTH .._._,,_..,.. For1t ...... M'!l;ofthl'-t1•pn:,J-;1.ti.enbbe11.._..d'r.-.....,._~ [!i ===~7~=:.:::=.~-:,0~~:~:o:;.~":.-. '5 r-. 1!111~ -cov.-m per-q.1110'l1 • • Wlcftog pi... llw"""-om,a Ir, plMm -Ube •,a,...a ltwl ~b.t IICltbl llnltm IO,l::llldt!g ... a... .......... ~.r,c1,,:,of9. 'llw'*-'"~--1Nf-ofthlf--pi.o.lrldt111.-pi..o.,cnthll'l'otl• ..... U0111'111lbi9t,1-t. AP"""-N•.,11-ot Mllq.ft.lO ...... ~tll'drlHl..:tloll. @ ::.::::;-!:"!:'"..::¥::::, ~.:; =:..~: !.-.-u.., -nm,r-. IIMl'1:Ybn•q..,11n'!ln•l::luTl<Plg,,..... S..&u&t, ...... U.:,,,.. r,w.,u-.1-.... llo"fl-l•~~-IIFl......,.U,cnf1- .....u,-r$llgtxo'I. AtW11tan.,r-rc,,q:i,e,ir,g,tdoorMJndot,,.J...,~-1r,tt.p-oJ-=tnll1:1e Ii! ---=lorp-o,JEt.:11ffiof]lfdl9M::1111'9lbll~ .. ltl'l......:l,Yt,yO'caloral 1bn1,oa1 .. -,,-,,... ..m rw_, @ ~-,.-,-n.,._t111..t1i.::tinlromn11!119dll'lllt-o..lt'ro.,gt\ll'III -of•Tgr11W-. .. ~llld-ed .. -.. .... p,9111d1-. e..11u...,.u.:,,a.v1r-.. ~..,.._.,1--1tg,,1un."""lb .. i.-.:t~-ldro::& S..llaorp\Mltor.-dcl'IUO\llll'lto. Flfl!lr:--~1ot1Nh:inmn~i:..-igm..nh•.....-..:ltro11.po'd\.,,_, COl.f'l!ll"d.orl:,ll~(..:t1..tU11.......,.dlplhaf•r-....:1•ftl-af6&1..,._r-, IY) i.:.c.tm1t1N,-d1Ndo..iti,,g.n.'""'-dlplh'"''..........,J1n,nt.pon:t,nni:. -....rr...thltr01tracadlotu.,-,.«u.n1011ot~Mf'P""IP9pc,rdl.,_.. Yht rr ...... lrldtlOIIIIOl~11'9Ubosc,p9'1..-plfO'~lldl«-!ff.111rc*'I~ A ~dr,:,of..._.ll'llllbe~<Mr,,,...-.l"t:rd'9N!f'""1bm.........-:tta ...... - C...,l!:ll""'lllw,,:,rp:,rllallll<'~d91.lgl. a-.1iop1Moril/"fll..-.1M1mo-.c.1 ~ ~-=is:~~=-~~:;.o;;=._io:~"~"" .... S..~......u..n.-.lc::lift:s911r!t1'v1'bllllro.p1>R1er..-.:ll"lr1;"'9,JM:lq,9'1...:uiylrd ----~--\N~t,-."/dl,p1-.~-.... o. [m-~.~~=-=~:;-i:.:~~:.=-... u.,~~ -·-Nol.l!'Pbbi.. Noctcm.J•--~1mo .. ldift:& l!!J ~'*--rortarJor<1car'°1,--vwi~r-~-.-~•-d ..... pi...,.....~IN~dc!o-.•lt.-lN2ar9"''9'"t1,oa, Not.ilppllcfblall!mldin:i9~,_2c..-s-,-9- TAa.e A.DE!JclN fl!1'9{111 AKl-.t,r._ e~roorr1r~t11i. C Artlw:l---i. ··-F. 0.:...-ilUV.-tl"ilo:Y ....... ' """'"' I b:w"la-.-,d___. J """-il.Mi.rili.adl-.. brld<,~""91-,.-ldar~ -.. .. .. " .. " .. .. " .. ""' C-2 V lo!!ll-rDl, I-MP C!.)1-4'-4, Ha 05·2" GFA O&·c!'.:e, 'lJ:. 06-01, LCPA [a ei&·i:!!I&, RID £15,.f"l, I-OP a;.12, REF. NORTH ::-------~--------1, --------------------------------~,,\, ,,-,,-~-------- .,/"..-;,li,~[ow ,,-\ ,,-\ ' / ', / ', / 'J / / / / / \ \ \ I .,---r----- /\ I / \ I / / \ I \ I / \ $ &1.£1'FR.. I v/\ Aulomalic fire sprinkler system shall be designed for residerice. Deolgned o~olem or.all provide fire proleclion for all level• and epaces in dcc.ordance i,,iith NFPA Standard No. 13D Aulomallc fire oprinl<.ler o~otem or.all be oubmllted al lime or building permil submilal and shall be approved~ the Carlsbad Fire Prevention Division MAIN FLOOR PLAN I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I \ \ \ ,> < ,> ARCIIl'l'llCTURAL UlOl!ND 0 0 @ -- ....... -·--Plopllll'U. ®--.. .. .. " .. u .. .. u .. ., V4",1'-li'-I' A-1 I I r---------------------:::--- I I J r-" D " ! ~ D " '11 r-0 D D "U r-:,. z I ~ " I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I i/•) .... '. Ill \ I : : ~ : :J I !H I /t I /l I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \,.\ 'I ~,~rl/i :r-" • ,; N ~ ~ GRAHAM RESIDENCE! AICHITBCTURB ADAMS STREET LOTS S & 6 / / / / / "" l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '':1 I IL: I \ ) / / ,/' / / I I I I I I I I I I I I .) ~ / ,,......,.../ ~ ~ 1--·--~JdmLa.,.~ BBB&T OBOUP INC. AJA All:Jmmllallld• ........ rlltdl -. ......... -flSl,-.W.,kD-S ~!it=' I I I I I I I I I I I/ i~! 9.!111 ~~.ii eSlri ~~ll .2i;,. jl'll-~ Sl~!i '.ll·QJ>. z;o~ Om ill ;n -4 I Nole: "ith lre exception to the Ha II• Identified ae having cl etone veneer, all ot.he:r re:tdinlng wdlle at o minimum si"la 11 be conetructed or • oplit-raceo t~pe CHU, and ehall ccwe,\e-\. ct or. ea'l'\.h \o,-.e \~ co!or lo blend in with li"e n.aturc:11 environment, C:,PAID6·12:e.'ZC""'·IZl1,L.CPA ~~~f=='====~========================}====1-----------~~~~~~~~ ~ I t, I I L) I I I I J<...d.::.. II I I ~ ------------r----}.'.'....j -~ ----l ~ +------l ---,,$-="·"""*"""==~"~~~-- : I I I II I I : I I I II I I ~' _____________ 1-_J_J ____ _JL _I ____ l --,$v-ee.._-.........,=~--- I I ·~ FRONT ELEVATION -----------1 I I I I I 0 © 0 © MATERIAL Lc6ENQ, ~·Standing Min nst.al root daM 'A' 0 ty,.U.0/1. Allsnalfvs, C1a .. 'A' ~!ls ,lrnulalsd © 1lals ElltB2cZt. era .. 'A' bu11l·1f1 roof!flg 111 9ravs1nnT1hl!fl.uD11. 0 5utl«:J t Pornpqulf · lnt.C!lgral NI nst.al roor © ~ • 3 Coal 1t.andard: ,wc:.i::o proc=oee (k:l'aLCh l::lroN'I, c:olorJ of BP.• '"'Ira 11th. W :~· rtflfll\ All '&q.lare' outeldeo erog-l!f:>. 0 ~ • 'Sliver' alUrt!run met.al d.lal 9Jazi,,c::I ® !z!f..!rl. • Fr-,tat'ldrr,g ,tae! 1ta1t, 't1<l! l11s l.!f',U.Ofl. On!lh cJOMd trllMdl, p.a,-• ope,, rl_... palntad 4,).U.011. ~ • 'S11v.-'aU!llfun Nl.ll Qia[9laz«:I @ l.!f',w:1.n. Q§QS. • nr.. rmr.i, '-!:IP· u..o.n. CiLuiDa • A:io:ed gl.aM p.ansl !rt r~ a'llrM\.ll!f'.UDA @ ~ • Stucco rtnllh t.o in,t.a, ...alla l.!.F- ~ • 1'1Harlj deccrnlvl! V9*lr ® ~ • 4!ect.f0"'110J.l.mm.alp.ardl anc:horedL!F-UD.11. door p.lll'lled l!P· UD/1. @ ~ • Meal handrall W 1talnlsn 1t.asl ~-!rolldl'vx:ld.Fin!Mlt.obe g.iardralt , it.eel potl p.Unt.ed ty,. u..o.n. approved b!f Ardilt.sel -- t I L -t -~ -""~~,$~:;-..__ I I I I I i-; I L-~ ,__ _ _,__[__ -------- I I ----i --- I I I I f'-=-:=.-==.=-===~ I I I I I I ---,_ ---'"---'-----1- I I I EABT L_'-----------------------~--I $ o-uc,.,., I ____ I _____ BACK ELEVATION WEBT EXTERIOR ELEVATIDNB .. .. " .. u .. .. "' u .. .., ""' A-3 1 I I I I el,. I I-- -I I I ----------- ------~~~~------~-=-a---------: I I I I I I I I LI••'°",._ I I ---,,--1 r -,--J I r---,,---J : 1 : :::L===~~~====::::fE~f~~r~=rr--~ I I 1 U I I I n t 1 1 ft I I I I I I I I n I I I 12 I I II I I r-1----------------------__ I I : t -~--}------1--------Y-}-1----3--.J. ~'.._ __ :L' ___ :_J ---------- ----T$ M.nia,Jl.lVll'lQJCl!ftlllg~ I 12 I lr-J•C-1 I r---,,----l I r---.--...J : I I 11 S I I I I U I I I ff I I I : is~ : : l L_ __ _!_J : L __ J__J : : ' --+---l ~(L~rl ~...-J..::-._J_:L-----:~-:=L~-----------------: r:~ --T--r ~_:-~~;=T-l -=-L~~r--= (' " ..... I I I II I : fl-1_ 1 -~ -~ ------r-~--====--~ --f --------f-.1--}--------------------------------------------------------------------....1$ ie. .. rkJll!la,nlOtnc:9 _L \ : : \ IS I l I _rl : : : .f.f : ---~--------------...,_ ____ ....1.. _____ [ ___ .1_ ----------------------------------$ 6-~ ,I,, -t------- 1 I I '111_,IO......,_.LI,. I ,.,,, .. 4,,..,,.,..,,,.._ $ I I -----"""""=="~""'--"'$ ~ ----~~~====¥, ~~~!ij::~~~~ I : ---+-,== l'nl~,til ___ __J : : :: : : : ,, I 1----L ___ ,_ ___ LL ___ L ___ L ____ T I I EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS RIGHT ELEVATIDNB I LEFIT ELEVATIDNB BauTH .... .. .. .. :, .. u .. .. = u .. < V4",1'-IZI' A-4 ROOF PLAN GPA "6·"8, U:. "6-t:11, LCPA 0&-08, PJO ~-R, HOP 01:,-U, V£11-ol!)J, l.f'1P i!l1-D4,M5 "5-2"t .. .. " .. .. .. u .. .. A-5 SB ------~--:__---1~~~~--===========-=-=====~~~~-=---~~~~~:::-------~ I I Note, Y'iit.h tre exception to tre ><d 11• Jdentfried ae. having a stone veneer, all other reldining ""alls at a m!nlmum shall be constructed of • •pllt-raced t~pe CMU, and shllll consist or an edrth tone t~pe color to blend in ""Ith tre ~tural environment. 11.a.amr DININD ~--r!J~--1 PAIIILYIOOIIII ff I PAIIILY SECTIONS SB I ff I (PA "6·itle, lC "6-4'1, LCPA 06-"8,f'LIDIZl&-l"l,I-IDPlt:6•tl, Y4'1-d!l3,1-t'P01·""1,M5£!S·2"1 ------I I ··~11m..1"Ll!llifWff._~~---=---=---:...i-_ -~ __ _ I -----... • SECTION •a• ..__ __ _,___, .. .. :, .. u .. .. = u .. < A-6 / / - Nots, Hlth ths s>«:eptlon to ths ><11 llo 1de11t1nsd ao having a o\ol19 _,_, all other rstalnlng ><1111• at a minimum oh!III bs conotructsd or a opllt-racsd \!IP" Cl1J, and oh!III cono lot or an sarth tons \!IP" color to bl...,.,j In ... 1th ths nat1ral a,vlr0fflll!l1\. Nots, Arsao or natural habitat In propoosd Parc:slo I and 2, which ars ldsmlnsd ao ths 20 root habitat burrsr arsa, lo d.....:i r"6trletsd oper, opaes to prsv1!11t . ruturs dsvslopmer,t and 1\r\h9r enc:roac:hnent Into ths 61!1161\lvs habitat arsao, 11P I I L _________________ _J --------$4"!'-f6, GPA 06-D&, 1C Oli,,,l, LCPA 06·"8, RJO IZ'S-1"1, ~ DS·12, VC,l,1'3,l-f"P"1·"-",MS"-'!>·2'! REAR l!laUTH ELSY ATIDN LEFT EABT ELEVATICIN I _....l-j 1.-----: -----------·- / / I ________ ----:d_ ________ ~ ____________________ ___i rn ~!~ PLAN PARCEL E! REF. POLICY 44 REQ.JIJsEMENIS ,,_.l"l:J~~.,-oigot~.:1.,W.~illO_Ot_ ..a,1-... 1~l2.J.•.,.,,,1,r,,u,e,11,n-•r~._,,,~ -· m ~::.r:!'=~--~.:u::;:::=i::.'::=: a,ic,'..t-aldwlln.:t.,.._ l--4c:t..91fl,gll'lltll1Nllprav!d91F1-rpi.,,,M2d!Fl'.-..... uoa. (""9~P'-'""-lrloopllN.-od2d!Fl'-. ...... lbreJ [!] ~~-:!'::.:.."'.':::~ •• !;~;r~~,fO:...~ ...... 19-Mtslllt,. m.""'-ta•---,.N_.. _ _.l•l!:flollt'ougl'O,AIN_.. 1::,1<:1g.e..1q...,.u ... J llllddll.li;:ln10tt.~...,..._, .. tg, ... n.on:,,,ld...W--..,..,.,.-..,..._, r __ • .,,~ ....... --Tl'o,,~ (!] =~=~~t=~::.:...~~a::,n._,d -fl'c:rl.--•-•1Ml:lu!\dli,gr1Clldl{.1Joru.m.a t'&,,lt.KllilA-1!1 ...... Ucr• (!] =:~tn1nerlbll.1-i.gotroof~--~ fflfll pi... mHl:J!ui • ~d roor rldgm-rodNlgta.9-1D ......_, (i] ;:::...Kogtoi.tl!Ut:le'ot~nu.....,.1y .. nh .... orv.ro~ ,.n.--nhl-••"'9••tol9t,ulldtog«:19" .. nn•""Pll'lot """'i..tJ-M&t--lll'dMIN!lrglt,orit.bulldlP,g1larg -...--..,.,,,-...u. n.roct-~-u,gl,i·IKOl'!I ...._ nn 11,c:o•,:,0.,111• 1 ..,,..i.,,,,.,rp&M...,, .. n ti. ..._-1811y__.-tl-Mltw,Q///1Fo,-loo0-~~ l"v'ct.. -paia . .,.,.;.., ...... nncp,~•••~·Wlflledgll,. J.b,.-.,llhGOU"~rdllNi-••lrl.of9f-odc»b:llla:ll.1lorgU-. ... dtN--..mdi.111t1..,r&r-rl'ml-p,,,pwtg». --~1a-1,111g•~~.::lg,I. b.lt'el'-.ff~hl-1111g1,t-t40y~~..w,·~..r l'*::lti..ltM&F_ftil_ln,r u-.lrglholU.bulld)og1larg.,.. ,Id& n..-01 U.1"'9'-·M4'!t......,.....,.n.,. .. aia11u111!jb.-u.o -roorrcr ti.1oo0 ... !0!.....i.°'"-l:ahftg. c.n.tc. .. nm,w • .r,,g•~t,u!lclJIB~..itn•~or roti..it.111-.r«_ol_,,_..__.,orl.lwbull<ft,g. NORn-l POLICY 44 REBUIREMENTS flor ...... t .. 'Sol tNt,,,,. 11,,proJcl,.U..-U be•lr.nt.llT•....-•t.Wlcftig I!!) ~=~i;:....i..;,t:-_:r.::=.:;..~r°'ioca-=.~;-~~ IIWII er-.15,11cot1-_...........,po,:t,.q.anryn•loulldlrgpt-. n......._orr .... 1npi... .. ntNo11~.,.:,i-ald.od,t,1::1uL""'-l::w111!1"1dio.~ ... 111,..-.~-...... ~ n.11"'1-0l!')lh~lhl,-ot1twr....-.:t·-pi.r-M:1-._p1119cn_h'<rt..._.u.,,,nnmw,r-. Api.r.11M1M1lllnllulaf ll!l~~IO ...... __ IH.-.lol\. fill ==::..=.=..::==..~~...::-~~:=--•••llk•n .. nto.,ir-. it.tbl~qu1111f!fa•bufldlngplma (9N!!o.v, ...... 1Jo,J Al_ .. ,,.,__._~Cdoo,,.._)cn-91'o.-"'.,._~-ni:. l§l~«~•U1.at%11,d,-_,._Ut.~0<1ll'i..:IIOd,Yty« ~IUllll'ln.,111::b,,, rr-(rr1J""1 l)IW..) ~ ~-n~«-a,a...,,.e;..arc:t1i-=i.r11....,....:i11porn......,.11T.....gt\ttw -d•~,.-lnd.....-lcl,.1'lc:lo,,o..,,..8Pod1I-.. re-.n ...... u.n. \llfi9d """"" ..,,.., •'-Ind ,rg.w. """*"'-.-i 11',ougt,l ~e..n.:,,,pi...tor.addlllo,ul)IFo.) ~.....-,i.(!ICJl,)ot1tw'--Mt.dm~ .. ttn1-,.._p,ord\.,... ~.01b11tD!!fC,..:t,"llh'.-...""""""•r-.....:t1..,,._artcr~r-., 1§1 ::!:~~,,!~:t,.h~!"::.:.~-=~~n~ tt. r,.-.,.:,i,r.::.ot,-ctm-OtM....-,~fo,~ll'll:UOI-L~IIL A Wr~oll'OOI....U.nnto.pr--~~llllj""ltll::.__.*'IO --ce..r-. ....... 1i....evy,...-,;,.._~.,11n 11i.ni.w,•. e..,n.-""'"""'"'-"'-. ..._C·l.-.d Ji.~ d'tllpi., fo,lddltlonlJ Wo) (!I ~~~-;r:=:--~iw:~=-~.:.:::llldollr~Yllll•rtao ce.. Ncrtn .._.u..n.. Rt.ldin:e "'V!l II vllhm ri-... prrwi. rold. Hlkloily ro ---.:1 f"O'dl-•.,.~11.a:t"'I0--'9' s..,n.pllnr« ..... wOLJ ~Md~...,....,.,.,,.1o-i..,!Ul-ll•or-i....No....,.lt9!2-_, !mraa1::w1~ro-~""loui"'f"""-l~'-""'9•-.-.INlll!IOII ...,,.. ... ,-. fij :'~,.:"~~=;::.::::i.r-;-:;:;.:wi:--· -at (llbt..,labi... Rm!don:8~!'911mr91raga.l TAl!lll!A•OE81C'aNl!L!H!NT8 F.~.uo..-•l'Kfl ·-"""'""' r !!xts'lor-.,.:1.....a J"'""-1.-i.11...;,11 b1ct'.1'-~..:IIOd~ald"9- !-----+--\ .. .. :, .. u .. .. ;;; u .. < C-2 SECTION •c• \ \ \ \ \ '\ \\ \ \ Nole: i'lilh the exception lo the Hdlls identlried as having a stone veneer, all other re:tdinin9 Halls dl a minimum el-lall be constructed of a eplit-raced l~pe CHU, and shall consist or an earth tone t~pe color to blend in Hilh the natural environment. -------~- \ \\ \\, \ \ \ \ '\ -_____;,_,_ -- ~ SECTION •a• SECTION •a• \ \ \ \ \ '\ \\ \ Note: (:,PA06-1Zle.ZC"6·12)1,La"A "6-"8,RIO 05-f'\,l-of"CSc·12, V 01·0], f.l"P 01-~. 115 "5--2', Section on this sheet refer to section tc1gs on sheet C-1. 5ecllon 21.46.12<!l.C-AlloH& 2'-<!l" or eaves lo be Hllhln building &elbacl<A. ------__ \,... ------$"'~"""""""--"''~~ \ \ \ \ \ _::::..__-=------~ ~,..,L.-4'=== --- \ \ ----~ --------,:.~·~?.ic'='"~ \ \ \ \ \ ---------"'----- SLOPE EDGE BUILDING SETBACK EXHIBIT .. .. :, .. u .. ,_ = u .. < ,,., C-3 ,. ' I j I l \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Automdlic fire sprinkler s~stem .shall be designed ror residence. De5lgned ·~•tern wll provide fire protectlo,, ror all level• and •pace! In accordance .. 1th NFFA 5tandard No. 13D Automdlic fire sprinlc.ler s~lem shall be submitted dt lime of building permit eubmital and &hall be approved b~ the Garl!bdd Fire Prevention Division e --0 @ ...... ----~u. ~ OIDw"-r ~ 1-m..... ~ .... ~o..u..m.... ~-"' ®- ---U.<il-CU.~. --' ,------, lfF-"-~="'~~~~~~d""~! I ~~~~~~A==~l 1 1 I MAIN FLOOR PLAN I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Gf"A 06-"8, ZC «,-IZT!, -' LCPA "6-cE)&, RJO "'5>-A, /-OF't*·r2,V'1)1-~J, 1-11Pt>1-04,M&ti!!IS-2"'1 I I \ REF. NORT,-1 .... .. .. .. :, .. u .. .. .. u .. < A-1 I I I I I I I l \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I tL --~----,.. __ 1-1 I r ______ _J I L ---------J I .... ~ LOWER FLOOR PLAN I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ I I \ I t \ I I \ I I \ I I \ :, .. u " .. '" u .. "' Fi'. I ,------------------------~~~----------------------- 1 ' I I I I I I GPA "6-"8, tc tD6-t'1, LCFA 06-00, RJO "5-A, I-IDP "5--12, Yt:11-tll,1-t'IP"1-"4,MS"5-:zq I ----ri----------------------------------------"a!l)'Mh!:!:f-"~,.._.,.llfl..._,,.....~z.,,. -r--- - - - - -l I I U1 I Fi'. 1! I iJI I I I I I I I I I I I ~, 1~=~== l!-~~~-4-~-l-~~~~~~~~~'I -----------'-------1-,1$>'"'"'""-'"""""""-"''F\.."'---- -~1-=(9':·~------------- ,,.,.1 ------------r-- ~ cJ ~ T!P-T~. L~~-----------------_____ J ------------------$"'""""""'"- FRONT NORTH ELEVATION 0 ® ® © ® © 0 © ® ® ® @ @ @ MATERIAL LE6ENQ, i 8'!Q[1DQ. -!undTng eosam '""1.11 roar cllN 'A' if~:r:...S, Clan 'A' COl!l'O'lldl •fmullJted .... £ ~ -ClaN 'A' bulll·l.f' rc:ioring rv gravellin1&Mt!:f:l.U.OII. Gutt.co • Pelff!29Yta -6 • Ra:::tdngut.1r a urn. gutter•• dowi,p,:iul& lom.ttchroor t.yP,u.o11. ~ -3 Coat standard •t.uct:a prOCGN (k:l'alc:t\ broN'!, color) al BP. • wlr,s lalh. NI ~":' f'ln!&h. AU 'Sqt.111ri,' oui.Td,, 5dget l.!F· ~ -·e,n..,..· ah.Jn!n.lrl m.ia! dual glued 4:P.u.Dll,M9l'IO~bdlla1<1• QQl2!'.t. -'5llwlr' alunTtll!I !IIS!Al dual glared '!iP-=A ~ -Flxad glaN p.!lrBI In r~ dilll'ltBl&4P.u.on. ~ • Masorr~ decordllt\11!11 Y~ I anchored 4:P-ut:111. ~-1119:t.alNndralll'IITein,pgl.nt g..iardraTI l.!F· ut:i.n. ~ -Frmi tt.andtng st.oM! ttalrl NI tlls Ttnf.t, claMd treads pa,,. 1 opdl'I rlasr. ~ palflt.edl.!JP.U.011. ~-Tlldiflnr.iii.y:,.u.a.n. ~-5t.uo:::annlllnt.omatd'r1"4llel.!f'. ; ~-4kt.JonalOJ.I.IIIISUllp,1!'1SI door pa!nted ~. u.a11. 1&~ ~ -5'-tl' Jo1!dei p1vollrlg NOOd door wf glaH panisl• tt.llned l!F· .ia11. • All lhs gtazec:::I openlngS an this .._t ai,a ta.th sktvaUone shall be protc,c.ted NI toirps'ad g!au per! HR. fln,rlt:ld o:::ll'Wtruct.tan -------r--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~------~~~~~~~~-----~-~~~~~~1 ---- .. .. :, .. u .. .. 1 I I I I I I I Fi'. I !,: . ii: I I ,,.,_ I I I I I I I I I I I ELEVATIONS Fi'. I "' u .. .. 2S1rt) ·-----1-c---.-~----1 =-·"==f".,::~ A-3 ' l__ '-:.___ '-'- 6FA t'ih-N, ZC "6-ll1. LCPA 11'.6-ttl,?ilOC?.&-A,\.IPf"0&-'il, vit,1-"3,!-t1P01-"-4,1150S-2"1 _______ i _____________ .:::.-~_--:.____-~_!:_-_-___________________ -------~~111,....e:!~li::~~~~~---- II'. I l I I I !11 11 I I I I I I I -I -~)~ RIGIHT WEST ELEVATION -., I J I ,, I ,,,, I - - - - - - - ---------------------_..:::::--==--==--==--==--=-----==--==--==-~-~·,.-.l-'ll..i--e.::..1r;'l"lldilW,,.,.,_Ois~Iara--11r--- II'. I ' I I I I I I I I !)I I I I I I I I I I I -- • I 1r="il » II lk=d.l ,_ _ _,_. I _...J--! ~, I I I I I I I I I I I lk=:_ -----r--F-i : I --~--------_--_ - - -_/___l_l_ _ -- - _ _J _ -.h<!!-.!!!!!r_ -_J -~1 ~====---j LEFT EAST ELEVATION ELEVATIONS II'. I I I I I I I $'°-"""'"l $MilnFloorFR... II'. I ·-----:-.:::~..:~ lljej bi lit t: . i. ··1 r:/9 f3 JI~ .. .. :, .. " .. ~ = " .. .. i "' cij "' rJl § ~ I ~ ~ I -.. 2SIIZl A-4 ~ "' ta-- - - ------- --! Fa, "' \ ?--' ~ _j' ~-- ----! I------_J '"' "'!,llgt, ~ ll }L ' ¢=, ,,o ~ lf i 4-,1' // -i / I/ I/ I I/~ / I ' 4,1:! I / ,(), I/ "'>! I V 7 ~ I/ 4,12 =1 / ¢='•,o7 -0, / Fl,n '----- ~ / ,,/ A ~u--- / u --1/ // I :R '<,I;~ I/ I ~ I / I (?4,0 L_, I .,, c;> "' _____ j / "" I / I"" : 7 ., "" 17 "" b{ ~------- ~-- ROOF PLAN "' [lZ --, I I I I I 6--- I I I ~ GPA "6-08, 'IC c2)6-ID1, LCFA U-tD8,PUO~-A.I-IOP1215-12, V 01-IZl), I-MP 01-04, Ha fl&-2"1 .. .. :, ~I j) Note, W!th tre exception to the wa 11s identirled as. having a et.one veneer, dll otrer retaining walls at a minimum shall be constructed of a •plit-raced t~pe CMU, and !!hall cone1et or an e.:trth tone t~e color to blend in Hith the: natural environme,l. ff I I I I I I I I I !11 ul I I I I I I I , __ I , I l_ I ', GPA "6-i:!'.l&, 1C "6-01, LCPA 1%-t:e. RJD ltlS-R, MDP "5-r.l, V IZ'l-03, I-ff 01-el4, MS 05-2', I ', -----:i---------'---z:::-_-..:::-_-_:::-_-_::-J/1.-~..:::-..:::-~ _--_::-..:::-_-..:::-~ = :!:!3.!:!!.>'~~.!...~---....E-.J!'ll~ - - - - - - - - - - - il1 \ ----- 1 \ - I \ I \ I ff I I \ _\ ____ _ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ BECTIDN A BECTIDN B SECTIONS ' I I I I I I !11 UI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I' J I I I I -------r $1'1,lnFloorF.FL I I I I ff I ff I .. .. " .. u .. .. ~I A-6 The Project The Medino-Graham Residential project t9 o three lot Planned Unit Development located on .lrldom1 A'*'!ue )Jst eo1t of Highland Rood. Th• project site i1 opprol<imolely 1.13 ocrH in size. and supports nolurol vegetation. and disturbed oreos. Two of the three lot, ore proposed for sW'l9'11t-fomly residential usea. and the remaining lot Is proposed 01 on open tpoce loL The topography of the site slopes moderately from o high point n~ the northwestem property comer ot 73 feet In etevolion, to a ::it:~ ~: n:,~:u::i~~";'" or::r:~.·inn~:: ~~=~.: to the .ouU\. 11'\to Agua He<liondo Lagoon. Adan\s Strnl ts ~luoled on the norlhtm property line. Exielin;i surroun<frng uses ore 01 follows: o vacant lot supporting notUfal vegetation is located wnt of the tile, single-family rnidencn occur to the north ond east, ond Agua Hedlondo occvni to the south. Responsibilities A homeowner'• association, or oltemollve ili1lrument occeptoble lo the Plonnlng OWedor, will maintain the open spaee lot. The OWfltlf of the lot ffor.tin9 ~dams ~venu• tS rnponsible 1o, R.O.W. mointenanc•. Hom•owntll's will be responsible for ony londscoping within th• confln .. of each inlfividuol lot. Water Conservation Pursuant to C.M.C. Section 21.20J.040(B)(4){b)(ix). then detolched resitlonlial homes sholJ utlize efficient ffiqOUon systems ond design fciolures to minimi:.e dfy •eolher il'Tigotion flow. Signlncont woter conservollon wm be occompllshed by preserving moat of the noturol hobilot locoted on-site. by r•veg•lollon of ·zon• .f', nolive plontings. ·R.r.n•d", Zon• 2 pion ting• ore u1ed only on the subject parcel's street frontage and perimet ... areas. Lultl "Zone 1· plonlin91 •di be uud only ot entrin, polios. onCI wolkwoy1, in the the lmmedoll• vicinity of the builCllng11. No turf i11 propoud, but moy be inchlded in sll*ted areas during constructlo,, document preporollon. This lot Is locoted In o section of CortabOd not s...-.ifced by rec:loimed woter so potable woter will be utilized for landscope irrigotion. M automatic controlled ffigation sy1tem will be installed using heod to head coverog• ond check valves. Fire Suppression lhhl projK\ (,omp\lu wllh fire .vpprnslon s\ondords by enacting multiple r.re monooement technique! as determined in consultation with the Cor11bod fire O.,,artmet'IL The brush manogment zone hos been eliminated for this proj&et. in ocknotrledgement of tho extensiw us. of fire retarcl(lnl bulkfing moteriols and design, pef Cor1st>od F"'H Deportment r9qUir.-nenta. Specifications CiENERAL: Pro,iKt Sire (w/R.O.W.): 47,580 a.f. Buillf1r1g Footprint: J,673 s.l. StrHl -PortcinO: Hordsc:op•: 9,8.57 s.l. Hobitot Areo: 28,150 •·f. Newly Planted Areo: e.ooo ~ of Site Newty Plontlld: 12 . .5'5 Planting Zones: Zone 1 -Lush: 1,720 Lf. Zone 2 -Ref.-.ed: 2.1'20 s.f. Zone 4 -Native: 2,160 Lf. Vicinity Map Preliminary Plan 6 -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Planting Description The propond plonlingtl ore dn~ to ollow controlled residential ut• of a sil• aupportini; noturol coo1tal habitat. The bull en.-e!Of)O hos been carefully sited and limited, to pro~e expanslw vied while restricting recreolionol uses thot would disptace hobilot. Native plantings wDI be r~toted in portions of the open space tot that pruenUy support disturbed t,abtlat, ond where project edges ere besl ra-plonted W1ith noliveL Rer.ned (Zona 2) lonC11cope plontin;s ore used ne(lr the "built• perimeter of tho site, wtile lush (Zone 1) plontin9s ere used MCI" entries,. polios. and walkways. Slope plontil'IQS lholl be occomplished per the Cortsbod · Londscope Monuol, Section IVE.J. Planting Legend Trees (sosu·•sos1,..-l Shrubs (50! s '*" ,ox 1 ....,, Latin name ZCNES 1 & 2 """'""'°""' """"""""""" Vines (Dl5.-,50l5ti*ln) Ground 1111:11 ~ l;'l!"it:td 1--!·l kJ·OC"cq t-;,:;,•>,c,3 Lolil nome ~WlnlSPl>dA ~ ... ZONE 4 -Cover u~or1111tal lotinnCITla PRAllA Pm.NlU.T.4 IIIA'mtSSP. ,....,._,_ MW'.IHIHJ$SP. --GAZAUIEPTANS I.MTN IOfmllDf95 ....._.. ~PO.TAUi """"""'"" .lllf'OIIJSawtllA --.,,,......,.. -·"""" COASTAi. SMJ: Dull H'd:ltl)S([D MIX l'OMClr.ilUJIEAll(IUlHNIOSCAP[ Mr::tlf'OSOGIUIS1!1tAI.. Common Ncrne ... Common Nome Commcn Ncrne ll!ffli''"" "' ~ Common Nmne llt£STAACMIJl(Jt ,.,mos --U.YCIIHENU ,..._, ....... PUll\t: 111......C LNCTMl'.4 .. , ... .,, ....... .. TtlllMMDlllPUNT .... _._. --........... PM:FNI- Lot line ZONE t 0 10 20 EB U1...J Agua Hedionda NCRTH SCALE -1" • 20' Pavement Improvements Landscape Concept Plan Existing R/W Boundary -------------------J ----... GPA 06-08 zc 06-07 LCPA 06-08 PUO 05-19 HOP 05-12 V 07-03 HMP 07-04 MS 05-29 ~M1 rim !, ! I II I' r II ~ C 0 ii: a. ., 0 C 0 u ., a. 0 0 "' " C 0 ..J Cl) Q) () C Q) -0 ·en Q) a: E (lj _c (lj .... (9 " -·e ~ (lj 0 C u :a .,; " Q) D "' ~ .:: " u SIG'l'10,I 11C01 L-1