HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-05-04; Planning Commission; ; GPA 15-04/ZC 15-05 - HULSE ORTHODONTICS MEDICAL OFFICEThe City of Carlsbad Planning Division
P.C. AGENDA OF: May4, 2016
ltemNo. 8
Application complete date: N/A
Project Planner: Shannon Werneke
Project Engineer: N/ A
recommendation of approval of a General Plan Amendment to change the General Plan Land Use
designation from Planned Industrial {PI) to Office {0) and a Zone Change from Planned Industrial {P-
M) to Office (0) for a 2.48-acre property located at 6405 El Camino Real, on the southwest corner of
Camino Vida Roble and El Camino Real, within Local Facilities Management Zone 5. The City Planner
has determined that this project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental
Quality Act {CEQA) pursuant to Section 15061{B){3) {General Rule) and City of Carlsbad Municipal
Code Chapter 19.04.070{A){1){c), minor municipal code amendments that do not involve physical
modifications or lead to physical improvements beyond those typically exempt.
That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 7165 RECOMMENDING
APPROVAL of a General Plan Amendment {GPA 15-04) and Zone Change {ZC 15-05), based on the findings
and subject to the conditions contained therein.
The 2.48-acre site is located on the southwest corner of El Camino Real and Camino Vida Roble and
addressed as 6405 El Camino Real (APN 213-050-38). The property is currently developed with a 12,763
square foot building professional office occupied by Holiday Travel of America, a travel incentive
marketing company and an 85-space parking lot. An approximately 30-foot-tall, landscaped,
manufactured cut slope separates the property from El Camino Real to the east. Access to the site is
provided by a private driveway off of Camino Vida Roble. The parking lot and access driveway are not
shared with the adjacent properties to the south or west.
The site has an existing General Plan Land Use designation of Planned Industrial (PI) and a Zoning
designation of Planned Industrial {P-M). The P-M zone allows for the location of business and professional
offices, as well as light manufacturing uses. Table 1 below includes the existing General Plan designations,
zoning, and current land uses ofthe project site and surrounding properties.
May 4, 2016
Page2 ·
Planned Industrial (PI) Planned indu
strial (P-M)
strial (P-M)
strial (P-M)
1munity (P-
strial (P-M)
Pianned Industrial (PI) I Planned lndu
South I
1--E Community Facilities (CF) Planned Corr
ast __J_9__ l_w~~-----l Planned lndustriai_,_(P_I,__) _______________ i':_l_a~~~-~-~i~
Current land Use
Holiday Travel of
America (office)
Mixture of office,
fitness, and light
manufacturing uses
Medical supply and
wellness companies
Daycare and church
Variety of office uses
Attachment 4 of the staff report includes exhibits prepared b·v the applicant which summarize the types
of businesses iocated in the vicinity of the site. As demonstrr.1ted in the exhibits, a wide variety of
permitted and conditionally-permitted Planned Industrial uses surround the site. This includes real estate
offices, sign companies, a number of athletic gyms, churches, a deli, and light manufacturing companies.
While there are no medical office uses immediately adjacent to the site (i.e., not a permitted use in the P-
M zone), three (3) medical offices are located on the east side of E! Camino Real and within approximately
Y2 mile of the property: Bressi Medical Plaza, Tri-City Wellness Center, and the Cassia Medical Center
(please see Exhibit 4 for details). These properties are located in either the Office (O) zone or the Planned
Community(P-C) zone, with an underlying Office Zoning designation.
Project Description
The applicant, Howes Weiler and Associates, on behalf of Dr. Cameron Hulse, DDS, is requesting a General
Plan Amendment to change the General Plan Land Use designation from Planned Industrial (PI) to Office
(O} and a Zone Change from Planned Industrial (P-M) to Office (0) to allow for medical office use at 6405
El Camino Real.
Dr. Hulse currently operates a dental office in the Cassia Medical Center and has outgrown the existing
medical office space. The subject application supports his desire to relocate his business to the 12,763
square foot b~ilding located at 6405 El Camino Real. Based on information provided by the applicant,
there are a number of shopping centers in which he could relocate; however, due to the fact that other
dental offices currently operate within the centers and the fact that exclusivity or non-compete
agreements exist, he has been unable to find a location which currently suits his needs.
The applicant has submitted a request to change the General Plan Land Use and zoning designations at
6405 El Camino Real as the building is large enough to accommodate his expanding business. In addition,
it is located in close proximity to his existing business, which will allow for the retention of his clientele.
Further, the existing 85-space parking lot is adequate in size to accommodate the change in use from
professional office to medical office uses and is for the exclusive use of the owners or tenants of the
building. Attachment 5 of the staff report includes correspondence submitted by colleagues of Dr. Hulse
who support the request as they have experienced similar challenges to expand and/or relocate their
medical offices in Carlsbad.
May 4, 2016
Pa e 3
A. Office (O) General Plan Land Use designation;
B. Office (O) Zoning designation (Chapter 21.27 of the Zoning Ordinance);
C. McClellan Palomar·Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP); and
D. Growth Management Ordinance (Chapter 21.90 of the Zoning Ordinance), Local Facilities
Management Plan Zone 5.
The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project's consistency
with the applicable regulations and policies. The project's compliance with each of the above regulations
and policies is discussed in the sections below.
A. Office {0) General Plan Land Use Designation
The subject 2.48-acre site, located at 6405 El Camino Real {API\J 213-050-38), has a General Plan Land Use
designation of Planned Industrial (PI). The proposed project includes a request to change the General
Plan Land Use designation from PI to Office (O) to allow for medical office use. The site is currently
developed with a 12,763 square foot professional office building occupied by a discount travel company
and an 85-space parking lot. The surrounding properties to the north, south and west also have a General
Plan Land Use designation of PI and are developed with a wide range of Planned Industrial uses including
real estate offices, sign companies, a number of athletic gyms, churches, a deli, and light manufacturing
companies. Three properties located on the east side of El Camino Real, and within Yz of a mile of the
project site, are designated as Office and allow for medical office uses (i.e. Bressi Medical Plaza, Tri-City
Wellness Center, and the Cassia Medical Center).
A comprehensive update to the city's General Plan was recently approved. As part of the update, the
General Plan land Use and Zoning designation for several properties on the south side of Palomar Airport
Road changed from Planned Industrial (PI/P-M) to Office (0) which allows for medical office use.
However, the applicant has indicated that the newly-designated properties do not meet their business
needs due to the location being outside their established market, a lack of suitable space and the high
cost to lease at the properties.
The proposed change in the General Plan Land Use designation from PI to 0 would be compatible with
the surrounding uses since there are a wide variety of office uses surrounding the project site; there are
other medical office uses in close proximity to the site; and, the existing parking lot is adequate in size to
accommodate the change of use. Please see Attachments 4 and S of the staff report for details.
The proposed project is consistent with the applicable policies and programs of the General Plan as
demonstrated in Table 2 below.
May 4, 2016
Page 4
Land Use &
OBJECTIVE OR PROGRAM ·'+----___ ;__ ________ -1---------1
2-P.33 The proposed project consists of a
!-Do not permit general or request for"' General Plan Amendment
I medical office uses on sites to change the General Plan Land Use
designated for industrial use, designation from Planned l11dustrial (PI)
unless the site is re-designated to Office (0) and a Zone Change from
through a General Plan Planned Industrial (P-M) to Office (0) to
amendment to the office or 1 allow for medical office use at 6405 El
commercial land use
designation; approval of such
re-designation shall be based
on consideration of the
following criteria:
a. Contiguity with other
established general or
medical office uses, or an
office or commercial zone;
b. Separation from industrial
uses, where establishment
of a medical office use
would not preclude
establishment or
continuation of an
industrial use within the
zone where industrial uses
are intended to be located;
c. Location. It is preferable
that general or medical
office uses be located on
sites that can be accessed
without negatively
impacting traffic on
industrial streets.
Camino Real. The existing 12,763 square
foot building is located on a corner lot
and has street frontage along Camino
Vida Roble to the north and El Camino
Real to the east; as a result, only two
i properties to the south and southwest
I are adjacent to the project site. The
' existing building is currently occupied by
a discount travel company. As
demonstrated in Attachment 4 of the
staff report, a wide variety of uses
surround the subject site. The property
on the north side of Camino Vida Roble is
developed with three (3) buildings, each
1 of which has multiple tenants. The
tenants include sign and insurance
companies, a church, athletic faCilities
(i.e., gyms), hardware supply store,
furniture repair and a deli. The
properties to the south and southwest
are also develop~d with multi-tenant
buildings with uses ranging from a food
manufacturer, medical supply
companies, as well as real estate offices.
No heavy industrial uses are located
adjacenno the project site which could
create an issue with respect to land use
compatibility ...
In addition, the, existing private driveway
located off of Camino Vida Roble is not
shared by other properties and can be
easily accessed via El Camino Real.
Finally, the existing 85-space parking lot
can adequately support a change in use
from professional office to medical office
use. The 12)63 square foot building, if
completely occupied by medical tenants
, vyould require 64 parking spaces (1 space 1
, I per 200 square feet). The. site contains I
'-------'----------------L!!'._85-space parking._lo_t.__:.___ _ __ _.__ ____ _j
May 4, 2016
Page 5
.---------.,-----'---T_A_B_LE_· 2_-_G_E_N_E_R_AL PLAN COMPUAN__:C__:E2_(C_.O_N_T_I__:N_:_U_ED__,),_ ___ ,----------,
Land Use & 2-P,37 The 2.48-acre site is located
Require new development approximately% mile south of
located in the Airport Influence McClellan Palomar Airport. Given the
Area (AlA) to comply with the site's close proximity to the airport, the
applicable land use parcel is located within Review Area 1
compatibility provisions of the of the Airport Influence Area (AlA), as
McClellan Palomar Airport Land well as Safety Zone 6, the Traffic
Use Compatibility Plan (AlUCP) , Pattern Zone, of the McClellan Palomar
through review and approval of I Airport ALUCP. Office buildings,
a site development plan or including professional, medical and
other development permit. financial offices are considered to be
Unless otherwise approved by compatible land uses. Therefore, the
City Council, development proposal to change the General Plan
proposals must be consistent Land Use and Zoning designations from
or conditionally-consistent with Planned Industrial to Office is
applicable land use consistent with the ALUCP.
compatibility policies with
respect to noise, safety,
airspace protection, and
overflight notification, as
contained in the ALUCP.
Mobility 3-P.S ---~~--T-h-e proposal to change the General Yes
Require developers to I Plan Land Use and Zoning designations
construct or pay their fair share from Planned Industrial to Office will
toward improvements for all allow for medical office uses at 6405 El
I travel modes consistent with Camino Real. The property is currently
the Mobility Element, the developed with a 12,763 square foot
Growth Management Plan, and professional office building. The
specific impacts associated anticipated change in use from
with their development. professional office to medical office will
result in an increase of 444 Average
Daily Trips (ADTS). Any future remodel
1 or tenant improvements to
I I acconi~odate a ~~dical office will be
accordmgly-cond1t1oned to pay all
! necessary impact fees, including the
I J I traffic impact fees for the change in l __________ j__ ___ :__ ______________ l_l:JS~----------------------'-------__j
May 4, 2016
Page 6
(_ _____ + __ O_BJ_EC_"IIVE OR PROGRAM l .. .
1 Noise 5-P.12 The project site is located within
Use the noise policies in the Review Area 1 of the Airport Influence
and Tourism
McClellan-Palomar Airport 1 Area (AlA) butoutside of the noise
Land Use Compatibility Plan exposure range as shown on Exhibit 111-
(ALUCP) to determine 1 of the McClellan-Palomar Airport
acceptability of a land use ALUCP. In addition, pursuant to Exhibit
within the airport's influence 111-6, the site is located within the
area (AlA) as depicted in the Overflight Notification Area but outside
ALUCP. of the area which requires an avigation
I 5-P.l6 I
Require new nonresidential
developrnent to comply with
the noise compatibility criteria
I in the ALUCP. Require
I dedication of avigation
· easements for new
developments designated as
conditionally compatible for
I noise in the ALUCP, and which
1 are located within the 65 dB
CNEL noise contour as mapped
on Figure 5-4: Airport Noise
Compatibility Policy Mal?...: __ _
Facilitate retent1on, expansion, I
and incubation of businesses
that meet the city's economic
I development objectives.
I Continually monitor land use in
I ~he city to ensur~ ~ balance.d
1 Inventory of suff1c1ent land m
. strate~ic locations for all uses,
espec1ally those uses that are
· critical to the city's fiscal
As the proposed project only involves a
change in the land use designation and
zoning from Planned Industrial to
Office, the project is consistent with
the ALUCP as it relates to noise
compatibility. Any future development
which requires a discretionary permit
will be subject to the ALUCP.
The proposal to re"designate the site
from Planned Industrial to Office will
allow for additional medical office
space in Carlsbad. Pursuant to
Attachment 5 ofthe staff report, a
number of medical practitioners in
Carlsbad feel that there is a shortage of
medical office space. The subject
proposal facilitates the retention of an
I existing business in Carlsbad and
provides new opportunities for medical
office uses at 6405, El Camino Real.
position. ------"----------------------------·-'------____...J
B. Office (O) Zoning Designation (Chapter 21.27 of the Zoning Ordinance)
The project proposes a Zone Change from Planned industrial (P-M) to Office (0) for a 2.48-acre parcel
located at 6405 El Camino Real. The proposed Office zone implements the Office General Plan Land Use
designation and will allow for medical office uses. The existing professional office building has been
designed to comply with the setbacks and height of the P-M zone, which are more restrictive than the 0
zone. Therefore, a nonconforming situation will not be created by the proposed Zone Change. In addition,
May4, 2016
a Qualified Development Overlay Zone is not required as the Office Zone has a requirement that a Site
Development Plan be processed for every project (CMC 21.27.04()), in accordance with the provisions of
the Qualified Developmen't Overlay Zone (CMC 21.06). ·
C. McClellan Palomar Airport Land Use Compatib-ility Plan (ALUCP)
The 2.48-acre site is located approximately~ mile south of McClellan Palomar Airport and is subject to
the policies and standards outlined in the McClellan-Palomar Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP).
Specifically, the project site is located within Review Area 1 of the Airport Influence Area, which consists
of locations where noise and/or safety concerns may necessitate _limitations on the types of allowable
land uses. In addition, Review Area 1 encompasses locations exposed to aircraft noise levels of 60 dB
CNEL or greater.
More specifically, pursuant to Exhibit 111-2 of the ALUCP (Safei~v Compatibility Policy Map), the site is
located within Safety Zone 6, the Traffic Pattern Zone. Office buildings, including professional, medical
and financial offices are considered to be compatible land uses within Safety Zone 6. In addition, pursuant
to Exhibit !11-1 of the ALUCP, the project is located outside oft he 60 dB CNEL noise contour, but within the
Overflight Notification area pursuant to Exhibit 111-6. As the proposed project only involves a change in the
land use designation and zoning from Planned Industrial to Office, tile project is consistent with the ALUCP
as it relates to noise compatibility. Any future development which requires a discretionary permit will be
subject to the ALUCP.
D. Growth Management Ordinance (Chapter 21.90 of the Zoning Ordinance), Zone 5 Local Facilities
Management Plans
The proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) Zone 5 in the southwest
quadrant of the City. The change from Planned Industrial (PI/P-M) to Office (O) uses on the site will have
minimal impact on pubUc facilities as planned industrial and general office uses result in comparable
facility demands and impacts. The anticipated change in use from professional office to medical office
will result in an increase of 444 Average Daily Trips (ADTs). Any future remodel ortenant improvements
to accommodate a medical office will be accordingly-conditior1ed to pay all necessary public facilities
impact fees, including the traffic impact fees for the change in use. Thus, the proposed project's public
facility demand will be in compliance with the public facility assumptions of the Zone 5 LFMP.
The City Planner has determined that the project is .exempt from the provisions of CEQA, pursuant to
CEQA Guidelines Section .15061(B)(3l (General Rule) and City of Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter
19.04.070(A)(l)(c), minormunicipal code amendments that do not involve physical modifications or lead
to physical improvements beyond those typically exempt. A Notice of Exemption will be filed by the City
Planner upon project approval. The appropriate level of environmental review will be completed when
an application is submitted to develop the subject sites.
1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 7165 (GPA 15-04/ZC 15-05)
2. Location Map
3. Disclosure Statement
4. Exhibits prepared by the applicant
5. Correspondence from the public in support of request
IX: c
t--1-----l~t----,-~ ::!!: ...J ~ t----~--L~A. ro
• N
Hulse Orthodontics Medical Office
GPA 15-04 I ZC 15-05
Development Services
Planning Division
1635 Faraday Avenue
(760) 602-4610
Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will
require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission
or Committee.
The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project
cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print.
1. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent)
Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a
financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership,
include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the
corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A
separate page may be attached if necessary.)
Person Cameron Hulse Corp/Part. __ N_A ________ _
Title Applicant Title NA ------------------------Address 7177 Sitio Corazon, Carlsbad, CA 92009 Address NA ------------------------
2. OWNER (Not the owner's agent)
Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of Abb persons having any
ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal
ownership (i.e., partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the
ownership includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, titles, addresses of
all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MQRE
SPACE . BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and
addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.)
Corp/Part 'TFA-.t e.c..us c.e,..,-~ :qsc;:. .
Title t::..~ Title __________________ _
Address (,;,~t!IS EL. ~ ~I'Si-L Address ----------------------
c~ c..t-te:t..z.~o?
Page 1 of 2 Revised 07/10
If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust,
list the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non-
profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the.
Non Profit/Trust Non Profit/Trust. _________ _
Title. __________ _ Title. ____________ _
Address. _________ _ Address ___________ _
4. Have you had more than $500 worth of business transacted with any member of City
staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12)
DYes lv"l No If yes, please indicate person(s): __________ _
NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary.
J<tc.J, R_o M'i It)(: L{J;:) a-aD
Print or type name of owner Print or type name of applicant
Signature of owner/applicant's agent if applicable/date
Mike Howes
Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent
P-1(A) Page 2 of2 Revised 07/10
SOURCES: Google Earth, December, 2015; Howes, Weiler and Associates, November, 2015.
NOTE: Not to scale ~ ~ ~ ~~~~
6405 El Camino Real, Carlsbad CA
Area# Business Name Business Use
1 Encinitas Upholstery Furniture Repair
Minutemen Press Reprographics
Carlsbad CrossFit Fitness
Cousin's Signs Signs and Repro
Vitality Massage Massage & Wellness
Allstate Insurance Insurance
Mission Surgical Inc. Medical Equipment
Computer Repair Computer Repair
Realty Broker Real Estate Broker
Xtreme Fun Event Planning
Agile Display Signs and Repro
Studeo DNA Fitness
NCB Reprographic Repropgraphics
Restore It Yourself Hardware Supply
Deli Restaurant
Natural Health Supply Health Nutrients Supply
Masris Document Management Software
Bravo Jewelers Jeweler
Officer Survival Solutions Officer Training
Sign Me Up Signs and Repro
The Fields Church Religious Institution
Rancho Coastal Humane Society Non-Profit Office
Cable Builder, Inc. Electronics Manufacturer
3 North Coast Church Religious Institution
FMT Consultants Management Consulting
Luxtera Electronics Manufacturer
4 lcetown Carlsbad Skating Rink
5 XSStudio Home Decor Design
6 Via Sat Telecommunications
7 Summit Capital Real Estate & Finance
Premiere Hire Temp Staffing
Harcourts Prime Properties Carlsbad Real Estate
Home Loan Specialists Mortgage
Intervention Drug Rehab Association Non-Profit
8 Custo Pharm Pharmaceuticals
The Sock Guy Clothing
Chopra Enterprises, LLC. Wellness Company
Chuao Chocolatier Food Manufacturer
9 Salter Labs Medical Supply
Chopra Enterprises, LLC. Wellness Company
PhotoMedex Medical Supply
1) Industrial/Commercial
2) Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses
3) Vacant Lot and Jasper Road ,_
4) Single-Family Residential
SOURCES: Google Earth, September, 2015; Howes, Weiler and Assodates, September, 2015.
-Planned Industrial Proposed Zoning and Surrounding Land Uses
Off. ( 8 h d f p M) Hulse Orthodontics Medical Office ICe 2.4 ac c ange rom -6405 El Camino Real
~ Planned Community i_
-Exclusive Agriculture HowesWeiler ~ -------------------~E~~~!~~~!u~ ------------------
\1\llL"LIAl'\1( J. CH:O, D.D.S., J\,-1,5.
Diplornate, American Board of Periodontology
3144 El Camino Real, Suite 104, Carlsbad, CA 92008, tel: 760.720.7372, fax: 760.720.7305
e-mail: wjcperio@yahoo.com, website: www.wjcperio.com
December 9, 2015
Shannon Werneke
Associate Planner
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Subject: Review for GPA 15-04/ZC 15-05-Hulse Orthodontics Office
Dear Ms. Werneke,
I am writing you to call your attention to the critical shortage of adequate medical office
space in the City of Carlsbad. I am a periodontist and have an established practice on
Camino Real and Carlsbad Village Drive.
My practice has been very successful and I have literally grown out of my current office
space. Like Dr. Hulse, I have been searching for available medical office space within
Carlsbad so I can maintain my practice in a location to serve my existing clientele and
attract new business. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find any available office space
within the city that accommodates the needs of my practice.
This is extremely frustrating for me because I have been successful at my current location
but now I must either shrink my practice and stay at my current location (which is not an
acceptable option) or relocate my practice outside of Carlsbad and risk losing business and
essentially start all over again building my practice in a new location. I only hope you can
appreciate the concern I have given the predicament I face in the need to grow my practice.
Dr. Hulse and I are in very similar circumstances, where due to our success, we have
outgrown the typical medical office space, leaving us with a critical business problem that
can only be solved with the help of the planning staff. I know first-hand that this is a
problem faced by more than a few practices and unless more space becomes available,
Carlsbad's most successful medical professionals are likely to relocate out of the City.
I applaud Dr. Hulse's efforts to try and create a solution by making more space available
through his attempt to change the zoning so he can accommodate his growing practice
needs. I just hope that planning staff will assist him as it will also be of benefit to the city
and Carlsbad residents because the city's most successful medical practices will not have to
Dr. William Cho
0 --;,
l!l c
' co
' '<
Shannon Werneke
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Diplomate, American Board of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
December 7, 2015
tel: (760) 448-2228
fax: (760) 448-2232
Subject: Review for GPA 15-04/ZC 15-05-Hulse Orthodontics Office
Dear Ms. Werneke,
I am writing this letter because Dr. Hulse asked me to relate my business history and my
concerns to you. My family and I have been residents of Carlsbad for 10 years now. I am an
oral surgeon, and I built my practice from the ground up in the Bressi Ranch Medical Plaza.
I decided on Carlsbad after doing much research about where my services were most
needed. My research was accurate because after 6 years of being open my practice is
rapidly growing and expansion is always on my mind. Therefore, my concern is the same as
Dr. Hulse's: where do I go from here?
There are truly no options within the area that my practice is located in. This is frustrating
because this will hurt my business whether I stay and face the overcrowded space I am in
or move to another city and re-establish a client base in which to operate. I hope you can
see and understand the dilemma that I and many of my colleagues like Dr. Hulse are faced
with here in Carlsbad. I would be happy to discuss the scenario in more detail if you would
like me to. Please feel free to contact me at 760-448-2228.
Alan Shelhamer DDS
[ 0
December 4, 2015
Shannon Wemeke
Associate Planner
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Subject: Review for GPA 15-04/ZC 15-05-Hulse Orthodontics Office
Dear Ms. Wemeke,
I am Dr. Michael Murasko, a dentist practicing in Vista. I have been asked by Dr. Hulse to
relate my experience in trying to find adequate medical office space within the City of
A large portion of my patients reside in Carlsbad. A few years ago, as the space requirements of
my practice grew beyond my office limits, I searched to find office space within Carlsbad
close to the center of my patient base.
I conducted a detailed search within Carlsbad to fmd suitable medical office space. After an
extensive search, I could not find any space that would meet my practice's needs. While I did
find a small amount of lease spaces, they were tied up with exclusivity or non-compete
agreements, whereby a landlord would not rent to an additional dentist. This is problematic for
two reasons: it restricts patient choice as fewer doctors are present, and, for those doctors who
do lease, they will ultimately be forced to abandon their space due to unlimited rent increases.
Please understand that moving a practice can be ruinous to a business that operates on a
personal and local basis like health care, one of the fastest growing segments of our economy.
Ultimately, I was able to fmd appropriate office space in Vista and my practice continues to
grow. I am fortunate that some iny Carlsbad patients continue to be willing to travel to Vista to
receive the dental care they need. However, this is a burden on my patients that would not have
been necessary ifl could have found appropriate space within Carlsbad.
I know of three other successful medical professionals, like Dr. Cameron Hulse, whose
growing practices require more space and nothing is currently available in Carlsbad. For the
sake of these medical professionals and for the sake ofthe.Carlsbad residents who need their
services, I sincerely hope you will work collaboratively to help solve their office space
requirements as soon as possible before they are forced to leave your city as I was.
Michael Murasko, DDS
Michael Murasko-DDS 2351 South Melrose, Vista -CA 92081 T: 760.598.8881 • F: 760.598.8271 • www.crossings-dental.com
Dr. Sam Spencer, DPM Podiatry Dr. Adam Dustin, DPM, FACFAS
December 5, 2015
Shannon Wemeke
Associate Planner
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Subject: Review for GPA 15-04/ZC 15-05-Hulse Orthodontics Office
Dear Ms. Werneke,
I am writing in support ofDr. Cameron Hulse's efforts to obtain a medical office building so he
can remain in Carlsbad and continue to serve the citizens of Carlsbad with his excellent
orthodontic practice. It would be a tremendous loss to the city if he were forced to move his
practice outside of Carlsbad because he simply can't find adequate office space within the city's
boundaries. Far too many medical professionals are being forced to locate outside of the city due
to insufficient or inadequate office space located within the prime traffic corridors.
I speak from experience because I was unable to find adequate medical office space within
Carlsbad, the city of my choice because I am a resident, and had to locate my practice in
Encinitas instead. I hope you will address this urgent issue so other medical professionals can
continue to serve Carlsbad.
There are so many factors that go into selecting a community in which to locate a medical
practice that perhaps are never considered by planning staff because they have not had to make
the tough decisions that a small business like mine has had to do. For example, just having excess
un-leased office space within the city is not an adequate measure of having sufficient medical
office space available. When one considers required practice space needs, location, parking
requirements, traffic concerns, competing practice building restrictions and the all important cost
factor, the City of Carlsbad is severely limited in having adequate medical office space available
to serve the needs of its residents. After recently completing an exhaustive examination of the
available medical office space in Carlsbad I could not find adequate office space for my practice.
I sincerely hope you will reconsider your position on Dr. Hulse's proposed application for a
zoning change to address his practice needs so he can keep his thriving practice within the city
and reduce the continued loss of medical professionals, already practicing within the city and
potential new practices, by not accommodating their needs.
Please call me at 760-436-5533 should you need any additional information.
Most sincerely, ' , ~
317 N. El Camino Real #50 I • Encinitas • C~lifornia • 92024
Phone • 760 • 436 • 5533 Fax • 760 • 436 • 0611
GPA 15-04/ZC 15-05
® SOURCES: Google Earth, December, 2015; Howes, Weiler and Associates, November, 2015.
NOTE: Not to scale
HowesWeller ~.~~~"::::;-"'
6405 El Camino Real, Carlsbad CA
Area#·· .... Bu~iJie~~ Na171e > ·.·. Business;Vse/ :~ '. • • • 7 • . • .··~
1 Encinitas Upholstery Furniture Repair
Minutemen Press Reprographics
Carlsbad CrossFit Fitness
Cousin's Signs Signs and Repro
Vitality Massage Massage & Wellness
Allstate Insurance Insurance
Mission Surgical Inc. Medical Equipment
Computer Repair Computer Repair
Realty Broker Real Estate Broker
Xtreme Fun Event Planning
Agile Display Signs and Repro
Studeo DNA Fitness
NCB Reprographic Repropgraphics
Restore It Yourself Hardware Supply
Deli Restaurant
Natural Health Supply Health Nutrients Supply
Masris Document Management Software
Bravo Jewelers Jeweler
Officer Survival Solutions Officer Training
Sign Me Up Signs and Repro
The Fields Church Religious Institution
Rancho Coastal Humane Society Non-Profit Office
Cable Builder, Inc. Electronics Manufacturer
3 North Coast Church Religious Institution
FMT Consultants Management Consulting
Luxtera Electronics Manufacturer
4 lcetown Carlsbad Skating Rink
5 XS Studio Home Decor Design
6 ViaS at Telecommunications
7 Summit Capital Real Estate & Finance
Premiere Hire Temp Staffing
Harcourts Prime Properties Carlsbad Real Estate
Home Loan Specialists Mortgage
Intervention Drug Rehab Association Non-Profit
8 Custo Pharm Pharmaceuticals
The Sock Guy Clothing
Chopra Enterprises, LLC. Wellness Company
Chuao Chocolatier Food Manufacturer
9 Salter Labs Medical Supply
Chopra Enterprises, LLC. Wellness Company
PhotoMedex Medical Supply
~ SOURCES: Google Earth, December, 2015; Howes, Weiler and Associates, November, 2015.
NOTE: Not to scale
Howes Weller &Associates ............._
3405 El Camino Real, Carlsbad CA
Planned Industrial
~ Office (2.48 ac changed from P-M)
~ Planned Community
Exclusive Agriculture
1) I ndustriai/Commercial
2) Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses
3) Vacant Lot and Jasper Road
4) Single-Family Residential
SOURCES: Google Earth, September, 2015; Howes, Weiler and Associates, September, 2015.
HoweS Weiler ~ &Associates
Proposed Zoning and Surrounding Land Uses
Hulse Orthodontics Medical Office
6405 El Camino Real
I :::::: " ... I
SOURCES: Google Earth, December, 2015; Howes, Weiler and
Associates, November, 2015. Not to scale.
Howes wei ~ &Associates