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2017-03-15; Planning Commission; ; CT 16-10/PUD 16-12 – HOME AVENUE
The City of Carlsbad Planning Division A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Item No. Application complete date: December 8, 2016 P.C. AGENDA OF: March 15, 2017 Project Planner: Chris Garcia Project Engineer: Steve Bobbett SUBJECT: CT 16-10/PUD 16-12 – HOME AVENUE – Request for approval of a Tentative Tract Map and Planned Development Permit to allow for the development of a five-unit, residential air-space condominium project on a 0.42 acre infill site located on the south side of Home Avenue between Jefferson Street and Hope Avenue, within Local Facilities Management Zone 1. The City Planner has determined that this project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15332 “In-Fill Development Projects” of the State CEQA Guidelines and will not have any adverse significant impact on the environment. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 7234 APPROVING Tentative Tract Map CT 16-10 and Planned Development Permit PUD 16-12, based upon the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The applicant proposes to construct a five-unit residential air-space condominium project on a 0.42 acre infill site. More specifically, the site is located on the south side of Home Avenue between Jefferson Street and Hope Avenue. The project proposes three detached single-family homes and two attached units. The development of the proposed condominium project requires the processing and approval of a Tentative Tract Map and a Planned Development Permit. Topographically, the site is generally flat and presently developed as a parking lot serving an existing office/commercial project adjacent to the site at 800 Grand Avenue. An application for a residential condominium project at 800 Grand Avenue (CT 16-09/RP 16-16) is in process and would eliminate the need for this additional parking. The proposed project contains a 24-foot wide pervious paver drive aisle down the middle of the site. Two detached single-family homes are located on the east side of the drive aisle, while one detached and two attached residential units are located along on the west side of the drive aisle. Each home includes an attached two-car garage with direct entrance into each unit. There are variations of two different floor plans and all five of the homes contain three bedrooms, three and a half bathrooms and range in size from 2,418 square feet to 2,467 square feet. The five homes are three stories with an overall building height of 35’ as measured from the new finished grade. The finished grade for measuring building height is being established slightly higher than the existing grade for a uniform design and for drainage purposes. All units include a large covered deck area off the second floor as well as an exclusive use rear yard at the ground level. The underlying lot will be held in common interest divided between the five airspace condominiums. This common area includes, but is not limited to, the private drive aisle, guest parking spaces, landscaping and swimming pool recreation area. 5 CT 16-10/PUD 16-12 – HOME AVENUE March 15, 2017 Page 2 The project represents a California coastal architectural design. Building materials include smooth finish stucco, wood board and batten siding, wood balcony posts and railing and horizontal lap siding. Composite asphalt shingles cover the roofs with varied roof pitches ranging from 3:12 to 8:12. A variety of roof planes are included that provide different roof heights and each elevation includes off-setting building planes. Table “A” below includes the General Plan Land Use designations, zoning and current land uses of the project site and surrounding properties. TABLE A – SURROUNDING LAND USE Location General Plan Designation Zoning Current Land Use Site R-15 Residential 8-15 du/ac with a Growth Management Control Point (GMCP) of 12 du/ac. Multiple-Family Residential (R-3) Zone Parking lot North R-15 Residential R-3 Multiple-Family Residential South V – Village V-R – Village Review Office/Commercial East R-15 Residential R-3 Single-Family Residential West V – Village V-R – Village Review Senior Apartments Table “B” below includes the project site’s gross and net acreage, the number of dwelling units allowed by the General Plan’s Growth Management Control Point (GMCP) density and the proposed projects number of dwelling units and density. TABLE B – PROPOSED DENSITY Gross Acres Net Acres DUs Allowed at GMCP Density DUs Proposed and Project Density 0.42 acres 0.42 acres 4.83 units @11.5 du/ac. 5 units at 11.9 du/ac. In order to meet the city’s Inclusionary Housing requirements, the project is conditioned to pay an affordable housing in-lieu fee on a per unit basis prior to final map approval. Grading quantities include 500 cubic yards of cut, no fill or export, and 1,090 cubic yards of remedial grading. The project meets the city’s standards for planned developments and subdivisions, and as designed and conditioned, is in compliance with the General Plan, Subdivision Ordinance, and relevant zoning regulations of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC). III. ANALYSIS The project is subject to the following regulations: A. R-15 Residential General Plan Land Use designation; B. Multiple-Family Residential (R-3) Zone, Planned Development Regulations and Planned Development Regulations (CMC. Chapters 21.16 and 21.45); C. City Council Policy Nos. 44 and 66 (Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines and Livable Neighborhoods); D. Subdivision Ordinance (CMC. Title 20); E. Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (CMC. Chapter 21.85); and F. Growth Management Ordinance (CMC. Chapter 21.90) and Zone 1 Local Facilities Management Plan. CT 16-10/PUD 16-12 – HOME AVENUE March 15, 2017 Page 3 The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project’s consistency with the applicable regulations and policies. The project’s compliance with each of the above regulations is discussed in detail in the sections below. A. R-15 Residential General Plan Land Use Designation The General Plan Land Use designation for the property is R-15 Residential which allows residential development at a density range of 8-15 dwelling units per acre with a Growth Management Control Point (GMCP) of 11.5 dwelling units per acre. The project site has a net developable acreage of 0.42 acres. The project’s proposed density of 11.9 du/ac is within the R-15 density range of 8-15 du/ac but is slightly above the R-15 GMCP of 11.5 du/ac. At the GMCP, 4.83 dwelling units, or 5 when rounded up per CMC. Section 21.53.230(e), would be permitted on this 0.42 net developable acre property. Although the project exceeds the GMCP for the R-15 General Plan Land Use designation by the fractional unit allocation of 0.17 dwelling units, the General Plan Land Use Element allows the city to approve residential development at a density that exceeds the GMCP for the applicable density range provided the proposed residential development complies with certain findings as discussed below. To exceed the GMCP, the project must be consistent with the following required General Plan findings: 1) that the project qualifies for and will receive an allocation of “excess” dwelling units, pursuant to City Council Policy No. 43; 2) that there have been sufficient residential projects approved at densities below the GMCP so the citywide and quadrant dwelling unit limits will not be exceeded as a result of the proposed project; and 3) all necessary public facilities required by the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan will be constructed, or are guaranteed to be constructed, concurrently with the need for them created by this development and in compliance with the adopted city standards. The proposed project is consistent with the above required findings in that there have been sufficient developments in the northwest quadrant that have developed at densities below the GMCP such that the allocation of 0.17 dwelling units would not result in exceeding the quadrant limit, the project is conditioned to pay the appropriate fees to comply with the city’s Growth Management Program, and the city’s public facilities plans will not be adversely impacted as the allocation of 0.17 units has already been analyzed and anticipated within the northwest quadrant. Furthermore, pursuant to City Council Policy No. 43 – Proposition E “Excess Dwelling” Unit Bank, in approving a request for an allocation of excess dwelling units, the following three findings must also be made: 1) That the project location and density are compatible with existing adjacent residential neighborhoods and/or nearby existing or planned uses; 2) That the project location and density are in accordance with the applicable provisions of the General Plan and any other applicable planning document; and 3) That the project complies with the findings stated in the General Plan Land Use Element for projects that exceed the GMCP for the applicable density range. The proposed project is consistent with the above required findings for the allocation of excess dwelling units in that: 1) the project is located within the R-15 Residential General Plan Land Use Designation and Multiple-Family Residential (R-3) zone, which consists of single-family homes as well as attached multiple- family residential condominiums and apartment buildings that are approved at a similar density (8-15 du/ac) as the density of the proposed project (11.9 du/ac); 2) that the project’s location and density CT 16-10/PUD 16-12 – HOME AVENUE March 15, 2017 Page 4 described above are in accordance with the applicable provisions of the General Plan for the R-15 Residential Land Use designation; and 3) that the project complies with the findings stated in the General Plan Land Use Element for projects that exceed the growth management control point (11.5 du/ac) for the R-15 Residential Land Use designation as discussed above. Lastly, the project complies with the Elements of the General Plan as outlined in Table “C” below: TABLE C – GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE ELEMENT USE, CLASSIFICATION, GOAL, OBJECTIVE OR PROGRAM PROPOSED USES & IMPROVEMENTS COMPLY Land Use Policy 2-P.7 Do not permit residential development below the minimum of the density range except in certain circumstances. Policy 2-P.8 Do not permit residential development to exceed the applicable Growth Management Control Point (GMCP) density unless certain findings are made. The five-unit residential project density at 11.9 dwelling units per acre is within the R-15 Residential density range of 8-15 du/ac and above the R- 15 Residential minimum of 8 du/ac used for the purpose of calculating the city’s compliance with Government Code Section 65863. However, the project is 0.17 dwelling units above the GMCP (11.5 du/ac) and therefore 0.17 dwelling units will be withdrawn from the city’s excess dwelling unit bank consistent with City Council Policy No. 43. Yes Mobility Policy 3-P.5 Require developers to construct or pay their fair share toward improvements for all travel modes consistent with the Mobility Element, the Growth Management Plan, and specific impacts associated with their development. Goal 3-G.3 Provide inviting streetscapes that encourage walking and promote livable streets. The proposed project has been designed to meet all of the circulation requirements, which includes a single driveway access point from Home Avenue. In addition, the applicant will be required to pay traffic impact fees prior to issuance of building permit that will go towards future road improvements. The proposed project is located approximately a half mile from the train/Coaster station which provides service throughout the day. The project’s close proximity to the transit stop will provide residents with the opportunity to commute to major job centers, thereby reducing vehicle miles traveled (VMTs) and the carbon footprint. Furthermore, the project supports walkability and mobility by locating the project near existing goods and services within the adjacent Village area. Yes CT 16-10/PUD 16-12 – HOME AVENUE March 15, 2017 Page 5 ELEMENT USE, CLASSIFICATION, GOAL, OBJECTIVE OR PROGRAM PROPOSED USES & IMPROVEMENTS COMPLY Public Safety Goal 6-G.1 Minimize injury, loss of life, and damage to property resulting from fire, flood, hazardous material release, or seismic disasters. Policy 6-P.6 Enforce the requirements of Titles 18, 20, and 21 pertaining to drainage and flood control when reviewing applications for building permits and subdivisions. Policy 6-P.34 Enforce the Uniform Building and Fire codes, adopted by the city, to provide fire protection standards for all existing and proposed structures. Policy 6-P.39 Ensure all new development complies with all applicable regulations regarding the provision of public utilities and facilities. The proposed structural improvements are required to be designed in conformance with all seismic design standards. In addition, the proposed project is consistent with all of the applicable fire safety requirements. Further, the project has been conditioned to develop and implement a program of “best management practices” for the elimination and reduction of pollutants which enter into and/or are transported within storm drainage facilities. Yes Noise Goal 5-G.2 Ensure that new development is compatible with the noise environment, by continuing to use potential noise exposure as a criterion in land use planning. Policy 5.P.2 Require a noise study analysis be conducted for all discretionary development proposals located where projected noise exposure would be other than “normally acceptable.” The project consists of three detached single-family dwelling units and two attached units. A noise study by Veneklasen Associates, dated November 11, 2016 was provided. The windows of each unit will need to be closed to meet a 45 dB(a) CNEL interior noise level. Therefore, mechanical ventilation is required. In addition, the project is conditioned to comply with the construction requirements of the aforementioned noise study. Yes Housing Program 3.1 For all ownership and qualifying rental projects of fewer than seven units, payment of a fee in lieu of inclusionary units is permitted. The five-unit project is conditioned to pay an affordable housing in-lieu fee on a per unit basis prior to final map approval. Yes B. Multiple-Family Residential (R-3) Zone and Planned Development Regulations The proposed project is required to comply with all applicable use and development standards of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) including the Multiple-Family Residential (R-3) Zone (CMC Chapter 21.16). CT 16-10/PUD 16-12 – HOME AVENUE March 15, 2017 Page 6 The five-unit residential air-space condominium project meets or exceeds the requirements of the R-3 Zone as outlined in Table “D” below. The Planned Development regulations provides most of the development standards with the exception of those listed in the table below. The project complies with all applicable development standards for Planned Developments (CMC Chapter 21.45). Please refer to Attachment No. 4 (Exhibit “A”) for an analysis of project compliance with Tables C & E of the Planned Development regulations. TABLE D – R-3 COMPLIANCE Standards Required Proposed Comply Building Height 35’ Roof Peak = 35’ Yes Setbacks Interior Side: 10% of lot width = 10’ Rear: Twice the side = 20’ Interior Sides: 10’ Rear: 20.17’ Yes Lot Coverage 60% 33.3% Yes C. City Council Policies No. 44 (Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines) and 66 (Livable Neighborhoods) The project is subject to City Council Policy No. 44 – Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines and City Council Policy No. 66 – Livable Neighborhoods. The proposed five-unit residential air-space condominium project proposes a deviation to architectural guidelines #7 and #9 of City Council Policy No. 44 which state: #7. A minimum of 15% of the total number of homes shall be single-story structures. Single-story is defined as a maximum plate-line of 15 feet and a maximum building height of 20 feet. Lots are permitted subject to Section 21.04.330. #9. The remaining total number of homes shall comply with one of the following guidelines: The home shall have a single-story building edge with a depth of not less than 8 feet and shall run the length of the building along one side except for tower elements. The roof covering the single-story element shall incorporate a separate roof plane and shall be substantially lower than the roof for the two-story element. Porches and porte-cochere elements shall qualify as a single-story edge. Houses with courtyards that are a minimum of 15 feet wide located along the side of the house and setback a minimum of 15 feet from the property line are not required to have a single-story building edge. The home shall have a single-story building edge with a depth of not less than 5 feet and shall run the length of the building along one side. The roof of the single-story element shall be substantially lower than the roof for the two-story element of the building. The home shall have a single-story building edge with a depth of not less than 3 feet for 40% of the perimeter of the building. The policy is geared toward traditional two-story single-family development, but applies to detached single-family and two-family condominiums as well. The property’s Multiple-Family Residential zoning allows for detached single-family condominiums and two-family condominiums to go above the two-story requirement of the One-Family Residential (R-1) zone and up to 35 feet in height. Therefore, the guidelines regarding single-story home and single-story building edge does not fit with three story development permitted in the Multiple-Family Residential (R-3) zone. CT 16-10/PUD 16-12 – HOME AVENUE March 15, 2017 Page 7 City Council Policy No. 44 allows an applicant to propose an architectural style that complies with the purpose and intent of the policy which states: “The purpose and intent of the architectural guidelines is to ensure that a variety of architectural elements are incorporated into single-family homes and two- family structures so that they: a) are visually interesting, b) have sufficient building articulation to reduce their bulk and mass, c) are in scale to their lot size, and d) strongly contribute to the creation of livable neighborhoods.” A justification of how the proposed project complies with the intent and purpose of City Council Policy No. 44 is provided in Table “E” below. TABLE E – CITY COUNCIL POLICY NO. 44 INTENT AND PURPOSE COMPLIANCE Goal Justification Visually interesting. The proposed homes provide covered first level porches, second story decks and third story decks. All houses have a variety of materials consisting of colored stucco, stone veneer, horizontal lap siding and steel railing around the decks. Sufficient building articulation to reduce bulk and mass. The second story covered decks provide articulation on various elevations. The third story living area is reduced in size compared to the second story so that at it is setback at least eight feet from the story below. Both of these features reduce the bulk and mass of the project. In scale to their lot size. The project is permitted to have a lot coverage up to 60%. This project proposes a lot coverage of about half the permitted allowance (33.3%). The project is in scale with the size of the lot. Strongly contribute to the creation of livable neighborhoods. The project site could accommodate up to six attached multi-family dwellings given the existing zoning (R-3) and General Plan Land Use (R-15). The project site is bordered to the east by a single-family home. There are multiple-family residential projects to the north and west and a proposed multiple-family residential project to the south. By developing three detached single-family condominiums and a two-family condominium, the project blends into the existing area and provides future tenants with more privacy than an attached multi-family development. Please refer to Attachments No. 5 and 6 (Exhibits “B” and “C”) for a detailed analysis of project compliance with the rest of City Council Policy No. 44 and full compliance with City Council Policy No. 66. D. Subdivision Ordinance The Land Development Engineering Division has reviewed the proposed Tentative Tract Map and has found that the subdivision complies with all applicable requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and the city’s Subdivision Ordinance (Title 20) for Major Subdivisions. The subdivision is considered major because it involves the division of land into five or more condominiums (five condos proposed). The project has been conditioned to install all infrastructure-related improvements and the necessary easements for these improvements concurrent with the development. E. Inclusionary Housing Ordinance For all residential development less than seven units, the inclusionary housing requirement may be satisfied through the payment of an inclusionary housing in-lieu fee. The proposal to construct five residential condominium units has been conditioned to pay the applicable housing in-lieu fee for five units prior to final map approval. CT 16-10/PUD 16-12 – HOME AVENUE March 15, 2017 Page 8 F. Growth Management The proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 1 in the northwest quadrant of the city. The impacts on public facilities created by the project, and its compliance with the adopted performance standards, are summarized in Table “F” below. TABLE F – GROWTH MANAGEMENT COMPLIANCE STANDARD IMPACTS COMPLIANCE City Administration 17.4 sq. ft. Yes Library 9.25 sq. ft. Yes Waste Water Treatment 5 EDU Yes Parks 0.035 acre Yes Drainage .86 CFS Yes Circulation 40 ADT Yes Fire Station No. 1 Yes Open Space N/A N/A Schools Carlsbad (E=1.75/M=.52/HS = .48) Yes Sewer Collection System 5 EDU Yes Water 1,250 GPD Yes The project proposes 5 dwelling units whereas the unit yield at the GMCP of the property is 4.83 dwelling units. The proposed five-unit project is 0.17 units above the Growth Management Control Point density for this R-15 Residential designated property. Consistent with the General Plan and Policy No. 43, 0.17 dwelling units will be withdrawn from the city’s excess dwelling unit bank. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The City Planner has determined that the project belongs to a class of projects that the State Secretary for Resources has found do not have a significant impact on the environment, and it is therefore categorically exempt from the requirement for the preparation of environmental documents pursuant to Section 15332 (In-Fill Development Projects) Class 32 Categorical Exemption of the State CEQA Guidelines. The project is consistent with the General Plan as well as with the Zoning Ordinance, the project site is within the city limits, is less than 5 acres in size, and is surrounded by urban uses; there is no evidence that the site has value as habitat for endangered, rare, or threatened species; approval of the project will not result in significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality; and the site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. In making this determination, the city Planner has found that the exceptions listed in Section 15300.2 of the state CEQA Guidelines do not apply to this project. A Notice of Exemption will be filed by the City Planner upon final project approval. The five-unit condominium project is not subject to Climate Action Plan measures because the project is below the 50 unit single-family and two-family housing screening threshold listed in the city’s Climate Action Plan (Section 5.3). ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 7234 2. Location Map 3. Disclosure Statement 4. Exhibit “A” – Planned Development Tables C & E 5. Exhibit “B” – City Council Policy No. 44 Compliance Table 6. Exhibit “C” – City Council Policy No. 66 Compliance Table 7. Reduced Exhibits 8. Full Size Exhibits “A – V” dated March 15, 2017 GRAND AVHOME AVJE F F E R S O N S T M A D I S O N S T H O P E A V H A R D I N G S T H O P E A V A L L E YARBUCKLE PLJE F F E R S O N S T A L L E Y CT 16-10 / PUD 16-12Home Avenue SITE MAP SITE EL CAMINO R E A LLA COSTA AV A L G A R D C A R L S B A D B L '-' .. {cicyof Carlsbad DISCLOSURE STATEMENT P-1(A) Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610www .carlsbadca.gov Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. Note! Pe,:son'is defined as /,Arty.· indlvidllal, firm,. co.:partnersbip, j9in\ventyre, ass9ciation, social qlub;. fratemalorg�nizauon. ·.corporation,estate.Arustr�ceiver,. syndiQlate, 10 tti1s. and any 1:>tll�r. county� .city and county,city··munfcipanty,.district or other_pqliticalsubdivision or any otoet group ot comt?inationacti11g. as ;;l. unit.'" Ag�nt$··mqy si�n:thisdocument; howevet,.th� legal name and entity of.th�·applioantandproperty ownermusN;,e provided below. · ·· 1.APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having afinancial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership,include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of theshares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASEINDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (NIA) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-ownedcorporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (Aseparate page may be attached if necessary.} Person Corp/Part 800 Grand MMKLG, LLC Title Title See attached for further information. Address __________ _ 2.OWNER (Not the owner's agent} P-t(A) Provide the COMPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legalownership {i.e., partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If theownership includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, titles, addresses ofan individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORETHAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (NIA) IN THESPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, andaddresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person Edmund T. Shehab Title Trustee of the Edmund T. Shehab Trust of 1989 Address 800 Grand Avenue, Ste. C-16 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Corp/Part. ___________ � Title __________ i ___ _ Address ____________ _ Page 1 of2 Revised 07 /10 ATTACHMENT 3 PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS (CMC SECTION 21.45.060) TABLE C: GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO ALL PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS REF. NO. SUBJECT DEVELOPMENT STANDARD COMPLIANCE COMMENT C.1 Density Per the underlying General Plan designation. When two or more general plan land use designations exist within a planned development, the density may be transferred from one general plan designation to another with a general plan amendment. N/A C.2 Arterial Setbacks All dwelling units adjacent to any arterial road shown on the Circulation Element of the General Plan shall maintain the following minimum setbacks from the right-of-way: Prime Arterial 50 Feet Major Arterial 40 Feet Secondary Arterial 30 Feet Carlsbad Boulevard 20 Feet N/A Half (50%) of the required arterial setback area located closest to the arterial shall be fully landscaped to enhance the street scene and buffer homes from traffic on adjacent arterials, and: Shall contain a minimum of one 24” box tree for every 30 lineal feet of street frontage; and Shall be commonly owned and maintained N/A Project perimeter walls greater than 42 inches in height shall not be located in the required landscaped portion of the arterial setback, except noise attenuation walls that: Are required by a noise study, and Due to topography, are necessary to be placed within the required landscaped portion of the arterial setback. N/A C.3 Permitted Intrusions into Setbacks/ Building Separation Permitted intrusions into required building setbacks shall be the same as specified in Section 21.46.120 of this code. The same intrusions specified in Section 21.46.120 shall be permitted into required building separation. A 2’ porch overhang projects into the front yard setback as allowed by CMC Section 21.46.120. C.4 Streets Private Minimum right-of-way width 56 feet N/A Minimum curb-to-curb width 34 feet Minimum parkway width (curb adjacent) 5.5 feet, including curb Minimum sidewalk width 5 feet (setback 6 inches from property line) Public Minimum right-of-way width 60 feet N/A Minimum curb-to-curb width 34 feet Minimum parkway width (curb adjacent) 7.5 feet, including curb Minimum sidewalk width 5 feet (setback 6 inches from property line) Street Trees within parkways One-family dwellings and twin homes on small-lots A minimum of one street tree (24-inch box) per lot is required to be planted in the parkway along all streets. N/A Condominium projects Street trees shall be spaced no further apart than 30 feet on center within the parkway. Street trees shown on conceptual landscape plan and will be approved with final landscape plan. Project complies. PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS (CMC SECTION 21.45.060) TABLE C: GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO ALL PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS Tree species should be selected to create a unified image for the street, provide an effective canopy, avoid sidewalk damage and minimize water consumption. See above C.5 Drive-aisles 3 or fewer dwelling units Minimum 12 feet wide when the drive-aisle is not required for emergency vehicle access, as determined by the Fire Chief. N/A If the drive-aisle is required for emergency vehicle access, it shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide. 4 or more dwelling units Minimum 20 feet wide. A 24’ wide drive aisle is provided. Project complies. All projects No parking shall be permitted within the minimum required width of a drive-aisle. Project does not propose any parking within the drive aisle. Project complies. A minimum 24-foot vehicle back-up/maneuvering area shall be provided in front of garages, carports or uncovered parking spaces (this may include driveway area, drive-aisles, and streets). Each garage space and visitor parking space includes a minimum 24 ft. vehicle back-up/maneuvering area behind each space. Project complies. Additional width may be required for vehicle/emergency vehicle maneuvering area. Fire Prevention has reviewed and approved of the proposed design. Parkways and/or sidewalks may be required. N/A No more than 24 dwelling units shall be located along a single- entry drive-aisle. N/A All drive-aisles shall be enhanced with decorative pavement. Project drive-aisle has been enhanced with decorative pervious pavers. Project complies. C.6 Number of Visitor Parking Spaces Required (1) Projects with 10 units or fewer A .30 space per each unit Project proposes five (5) units. At 0.30 spaces per unit, a 5 unit project would require 1.5 spaces or 2 spaces based on rounding up to the nearest whole number. Project provides two (2) visitor parking spaces on site. Project complies. Projects 11 units or more A .25 space per each unit When calculating the required number of visitor parking spaces, if the calculation results in a fractional parking space, the required number of visitor parking spaces shall always be rounded up to the nearest whole number. C.7 Location of Visitor Parking On Private/ Public Streets On-street visitor parking is permitted on private/public streets, subject to the following: The private/public street is a minimum 34-feet wide (curb- to-curb) There are no restrictions that would prohibit on-street parking where the visitor parking is proposed The visitor parking spaces may be located: o Along one or both sides of any private/public street(s) located within the project boundary, and o Along the abutting side and portion of any existing public/private street(s) that is contiguous to the project boundary No on street visitor parking is proposed. In parking bays along public/private streets within the project boundary, provided the parking bays are outside the minimum required street right-of-way width. N/A PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS (CMC SECTION 21.45.060) TABLE C: GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO ALL PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS When visitor parking is provided as on-street parallel parking, not less than 24 lineal feet per space, exclusive of driveway/drive-aisle entrances and aprons, shall be provided for each parking space, except where parallel parking spaces are located immediately adjacent to driveway/drive-aisle aprons, then 20 lineal feet may be provided. N/A Within the Beach Area Overlay Zone, on-street parking shall not count toward meeting the visitor parking requirement. N/A On Drive- aisles Visitor parking must be provided in parking bays that are located outside the required minimum drive-aisle width. N/A On a Driveway Outside the Beach Area Overlay Zone One required visitor parking space may be credited for each driveway in a project that has a depth of 40 feet or more. N/A For projects with 10 or fewer units, all required visitor parking may be located within driveways (located in front of a unit’s garage), provided that all dwelling units in the project have driveways with a depth of 20 feet or more. N/A Within the Beach Area Overlay Zone One required visitor parking space may be credited for each driveway in a project that has a depth of 40 feet or more. N/A If the streets within and/or adjacent to the project allow for on-street parking on both sides of the street, then visitor parking may be located in a driveway, subject to the following: All required visitor parking may be located within driveways (located in front of a unit’s garage), provided that all dwelling units in the project have driveways with a depth of 20 feet or more. If less than 100% of the driveways in a project have a depth of 20 feet or more, then a .25 visitor parking space will be credited for each driveway in a project that has a depth of 20 feet or more (calculations resulting in a fractional parking space credit shall always be rounded down to the nearest whole number). N/A All projects The minimum driveway depth required for visitor parking (20 feet or 40 feet) applies to driveways for front or side-loaded garages, and is measured from the property line, back of sidewalk, or from the edge of the drive-aisle, whichever is closest to the structure. N/A Compact Parking For projects of more than 25 units, up to 25% of visitor parking may be provided as compact spaces (8 feet by 15 feet). No overhang is permitted into any required setback area or over sidewalks less than 6 feet wide. N/A For all projects within the Beach Area Overlay Zone, up to 55% of the visitor parking may be provided as compact spaces (8 feet by 15 feet). N/A PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS (CMC SECTION 21.45.060) TABLE C: GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO ALL PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS Distance from unit Visitor parking spaces must be located no more than 300 feet as measured in a logical walking path from the entrance of the unit it could be considered to serve. Distance from visitor parking spaces to the furthest unit is less than 300 ft. Project complies. C.8 Screening of Parking Areas Open parking areas should be screened from adjacent residences and public rights-of-way by either a view-obscuring wall, landscaped berm, or landscaping, except parking located within a driveway. The visitor parking spaces are located between units on site and therefore screened from adjacent residences and the public right-of- way. Project complies. C.9 Community Recreational Space (1) Community recreational space shall be provided for all projects of 11 or more dwelling units, as follows: N/A Minimum community recreational space required Project is NOT within R-23 general plan designation 200 square feet per unit Project IS within R-23 general plan designation 150 square feet per unit Projects with 11 to 25 dwelling units Community recreational space shall be provided as either (or both) passive or active recreation facilities. N/A Projects with 26 or more dwelling units Community recreational space shall be provided as both passive and active recreational facilities with a minimum of 75% of the area allocated for active facilities. N/A Projects with 50 or more dwelling units Community recreational space shall be provided as both passive and active recreational facilities for a variety of age groups (a minimum of 75% of the area allocated for active facilities). N/A For projects consisting of one-family dwellings or twin homes on small-lots, at least 25% of the community recreation space must be provided as pocket parks. Pocket park lots must have a minimum width of 50 feet and be located at strategic locations such as street intersections (especially “T- intersections”) and where open space vistas may be achieved. N/A All projects (with 11 or more dwelling units) Community recreational space shall be located and designed so as to be functional, usable, and easily accessible from the units it is intended to serve. N/A Credit for indoor recreation facilities shall not exceed 25% of the required community recreation area. N/A Required community recreation areas shall not be located in any required front yard and may not include any streets, drive-aisles, driveways, parking areas, storage areas, slopes of 5% or greater, or walkways (except those walkways that are clearly integral to the design of the recreation area). N/A Recreation Area Parking In addition to required resident and visitor parking, recreation area parking shall be provided, as follows: 1 space for each 15 residential units, or N/A PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS (CMC SECTION 21.45.060) TABLE C: GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO ALL PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS fraction thereof, for units located more than 1,000 feet from a community recreation area. The location of recreation area parking shall be subject to the same location requirements as for visitor parking, except that required recreation area parking shall not be located within a driveway(s). N/A Examples of recreation facilities include, but are not limited to, the following: Active Swimming pool area Children’s playground equipment Spa Courts (tennis, racquetball, volleyball, basketball) Recreation rooms or buildings Horseshoe pits Pitch and putt Grassy play areas with a slope of less than 5% (minimum area of 5,000 square feet and a minimum dimension of 50 feet) Any other facility deemed by the City Planner to satisfy the intent of providing active recreational facilities Passive Benches Barbecues Community gardens Grassy play areas with a slope of less than 5% C.10 Lighting Lighting adequate for pedestrian and vehicular safety shall be provided. The project is conditioned to complete a final landscape plan. Appropriate lighting for the five unit project will be evaluated with the final landscape plan. Project complies. C.11 Reserved C.12 Recreational Vehicle (RV) Storage (1) Required for projects with 100 or more units, or a master or specific plan with 100 or more planned development units. Exception: RV storage is not required for projects located within the R-15 or R-23 land use designations. N/A 20 square feet per unit, not to include area required for driveways and approaches. Developments located within master plans or residential specific plans may have this requirement met by the common RV storage area provided by the master plan or residential specific plan. RV storage areas shall be designed to accommodate recreational vehicles of various sizes (i.e. motorhomes, campers, boats, personal watercraft, etc.). N/A The storage of recreational vehicles shall be prohibited in the front yard setback and on any public or private streets or any other area visible to the public. A provision containing this restriction shall be included in the covenants, conditions and restrictions for the project. All RV storage areas shall be screened from adjacent residences and public rights-of-way by a view-obscuring wall and landscaping. N/A C.13 480 cubic feet of separate storage space per unit. PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS (CMC SECTION 21.45.060) TABLE C: GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO ALL PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS Storage Space If all storage for each unit is located in one area, the space may be reduced to 392 cubic feet. Each unit provides a two-car garage with minimum dimensions of 20’x20’. Project complies. Required storage space shall be separately enclosed for each unit and be conveniently accessible to the outdoors. Required storage space may be designed as an enlargement of a covered parking structure provided it does not extend into the area of the required parking stall, and does not impede the ability to utilize the parking stall (for vehicle parking). A garage (12’x20’ one-car, 20’x20’ two-car, or larger) satisfies the required storage space per unit. This requirement is in addition to closets and other indoor storage areas. (1) This standard does not apply to housing for senior citizens (see Chapter 21.84 of this code). PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS (CMC SECTION 21.45.080) TABLE E: CONDOMINIUM PROJECTS REF. NO. SUBJECT DEVELOPMENT STANDARD COMPLIANCE COMMENT E.1 Livable Neighborhood Policy Must comply with City Council Policy 66, Principles for the Development of Livable Neighborhoods. SEE SEPARATE COMPLIANCE CHART E.2 Architectural Requirements One-family and two-family dwellings Must comply with City Council Policy 44, Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines SEE SEPARATE COMPLIANCE CHART Multiple-family dwellings There shall be at least three separate building planes on all building elevations. The minimum offset in planes shall be 18 inches and shall include, but not be limited to, building walls, windows, and roofs. N/A All building elevations shall incorporate a minimum of four complimentary design elements, including but not limited to: A variety of roof planes; Windows and doors recessed a minimum of 2 inches; Decorative window or door frames; Exposed roof rafter tails; Dormers; Columns; Arched elements; Varied window shapes; Exterior wood elements; Accent materials such as brick, stone, shingles, wood, or siding; Knee braces; and Towers. N/A E.3 Maximum Coverage 60% of total project net developable acreage. Proposed building coverage is 33% of the net lot area (0.42 acres). Project complies. E.4 Maximum Building Height Same as required by the underlying zone, and not to exceed three stories (1)(7) The project is located within the R-3 zone, and therefore subject to a 35’ height limit. The project is proposed at 35’ above finished grade. Project complies. Projects within the R- 23 general plan designation (1)(7) 40 feet, if roof pitch is 3:12 or greater N/A. The project is located in the R- 15 general plan land use designation. 35 feet, if roof pitch is less than 3:12 Building height shall not exceed three stories E.5 Minimum Building Setbacks From a private or public street(2)(3) Residential structure 10 feet Home Avenue is a public street. The residential structure is setback 10’ as measured from the outside edge of the required street right-of-way width. A 2’ porch overhang projects into the setback as allowed by CMC Section 21.46.120. No direct entry garages are proposed from the street. Project complies. Direct entry garage 20 feet From a drive-aisle(4) Residential structure (except as specified below) 5 feet, fully landscaped (walkways providing access to dwelling entryways may be located within required landscaped area) N/A. Project is less than 25 units and located within the R-15 General Plan designation (see section below for compliance). PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS (CMC SECTION 21.45.080) TABLE E: CONDOMINIUM PROJECTS REF. NO. SUBJECT DEVELOPMENT STANDARD COMPLIANCE COMMENT Residential structure – directly above a garage 0 feet when projecting over the front of a garage. N/A. Project is less than 25 units and located within the R-15 General Plan designation (see section below for compliance). Garage 3 feet N/A. Project is less than 25 units and located within the R-15 General Plan designation (see section below for compliance). Garages facing directly onto a drive-aisle shall be equipped with an automatic garage door opener. Projects of 25 units or less within the R-15 and R-23 general plan designations 0 feet (residential structure and garage) Residential structure and garage is setback ≥ 0’ from the drive-aisle. Project complies. Garages facing directly onto a drive-aisle shall be equipped with an automatic garage door opener. Each garage is equipped with an automatic garage door opener. Balconies/decks (unenclosed and uncovered) 0 feet Project proposes one balcony that projects over the 24’ drive aisle, but not into the required 20’. Project complies. May cantilever over a drive-aisle, provided the balcony/deck complies with all other applicable requirements, such as: Setbacks from property lines Building separation Fire and Engineering Department requirements From the perimeter property lines of the project site (not adjacent to a public/private street) The building setback from an interior side or rear perimeter property line shall be the same as required by the underlying zone for an interior side or rear yard setback. The underlying zone for the project is R-3. The required interior side yard setback for R-3 is 10% of the lot width or 10’ in this case. The project has interior side yard setbacks of 10’. The required rear yard setback for R-3 is 20% of the lot width of 20’. Project complies. E.6 Minimum Building Separation 10 feet The homes are separated by 10’. Project complies. E.7 Resident Parking (6) All dwelling types If a project is located within the R-23 general plan designation, resident parking shall be provided as specified below, and may also be provided as follows: 25% of the units in the project may include a tandem two-car garage (minimum 12 feet x 40 feet). Calculations for this provision resulting in a fractional unit may be rounded up to the next whole number. N/A One-family and two- family dwellings 2 spaces per unit, provided as either: a two-car garage (minimum 20 feet x 20 feet), or 2 separate one-car garages (minimum 12 feet x 20 feet each) In the R-W Zone, the 2 required parking spaces may be provided as 1 covered space and 1 uncovered space (5) A two-car garage with a minimum 20’x20’ interior dimension is provided for each dwelling. Project complies. Multiple- family dwellings Studio and one- bedroom units 1.5 spaces per unit, 1 of which must be covered (5) N/A When calculating the required number of parking spaces, if the calculation results in a fractional parking space, the required number of parking spaces shall always be rounded up to the nearest whole number. PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS (CMC SECTION 21.45.080) TABLE E: CONDOMINIUM PROJECTS REF. NO. SUBJECT DEVELOPMENT STANDARD COMPLIANCE COMMENT Units with two or more bedrooms 2 spaces per unit, provided as either: a one-car garage (12 feet x 20 feet) and 1 covered or uncovered space; or (5) a two-car garage (minimum 20 feet x 20 feet), or 2 separate one-car garages (minimum 12 feet x 20 feet each) In the R-W Zone and the Beach Area Overlay Zone, the 2 required parking spaces may be provided as 1 covered space and 1 uncovered space (5) N/A Required parking may be provided within an enclosed parking garage with multiple, open parking spaces, subject to the following: Each parking space shall maintain a standard stall size of 8.5 feet by 20 feet, exclusive of supporting columns; and A backup distance of 24 feet shall be maintained in addition to a minimum 5 feet turning bump-out located at the end of any stall series. N/A Required resident parking spaces shall be located no more than 150 feet as measured in a logical walking path from the entrance of the units it could be considered to serve. Each unit provides a two-car garage with direct access into the unit. Project complies. E.8 Private Recreational Space One-family, two-family, and multiple- family dwellings Required private recreational space shall be designed so as to be functional, usable, and easily accessible from the dwelling it is intended to serve. Each home provides a private recreation area in the form of ground level area, second level balconies and third level decks which meet or exceed the 200 total sq. ft. requirement. The balconies are easily accessible from the interior living area. None of these areas encroach within the required front yard setback; nor include any driveways, parking areas, storage areas, or common walkways. Project complies. Required private recreational space shall be located adjacent to the unit the area is intended to serve. Required private recreational space shall not be located within any required front yard setback area, and may not include any driveways, parking areas, storage areas, or common walkways. One-family and two- family dwellings Minimum total area per unit Projects not within the R- 15 or R-23 general plan designations 400 square feet The project is located within the R-15 general plan designation and provides at least 200 sq. ft. of recreational space per dwelling as discussed above. Project complies. Projects within the R-15 or R-23 general plan designations 200 square feet May consist of more than one recreational space. Recreational space is located at the ground level, second level and third level of each dwelling. Project complies. May be provided at ground level and/or as a deck/balcony on a second/third floor or roof. Balconies and decks are included in the recreational space. Project complies. If provided at ground level Minimum dimension Not within the R-15 or R- 23 general plan designations 15 feet The project is located within the R-15 general plan designation and provides a yard at least a 10’ in dimension for required recreational space located at the ground level. Project complies. PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS (CMC SECTION 21.45.080) TABLE E: CONDOMINIUM PROJECTS REF. NO. SUBJECT DEVELOPMENT STANDARD COMPLIANCE COMMENT Within the R- 15 or R-23 general plan designations 10 feet Shall not have a slope gradient greater than 5%. The ground level does not have a slope of greater than 5%. Project complies. Attached solid patio covers and decks/balconies may project into a required private recreational space, subject to the following: The depth of the projection shall not exceed 6 feet (measured from the wall of the dwelling that is contiguous to the patio/deck/balcony). The length of the projection shall not be limited, except as required by any setback or lot coverage standards. N/A Open or lattice-top patio covers may be located within the required private recreation space (provided the patio cover complies with all applicable standards, including the required setbacks). N/A If provided above ground level as a deck/ balcony or roof deck Minimum dimension 6 feet The project provides at least a 6 ft. dimension and a minimum 60 sf in area for required recreational space located above ground level as a balcony or deck. Project complies. Minimum area 60 square feet Multiple-family dwellings Minimum total area per unit (patio, porch, or balcony) 60 square feet N/A Minimum dimension of patio, porch or balcony 6 feet N/A Projects of 11 or more units that are within the R-23 general plan designation may opt to provide an additional 75 square feet of community recreation space per unit (subject to the standards specified in Table C of this Chapter), in lieu of providing the per unit private recreational space specified above. N/A (1) If a project is located within the Beach Area Overlay Zone, building height shall be subject to the requirements of Chapter 21.82 of this code. (2) See Table C in Section 21.45.060 for required setbacks from an arterial street. (3) Building setbacks shall be measured from the outside edge of the required street right-of-way width, whichever is closest to the building. (4) Building setbacks shall be measured from one of the following (whichever is closest to the building): a) the outside edge of the required drive-aisle width; b) the back of sidewalk; or c) the nearest side of a parking bay located contiguous to a drive- aisle (excluding parking located in a driveway in front of a unit’s garage). (5) Any uncovered required parking space in the R-W zone may be located within a required front yard setback and may be tandem. (6) This standard does not apply to housing for senior citizens (see Chapter 21.84 of this code). (7) Protrusions above the height limit shall be allowed pursuant to Section 21.46.020 of this code. Such protrusions include protective barriers for balconies and roof decks. APPLICABLE FOR PROJECTS WITH 5 OR MORE HOMES CITY COUNCIL POLICY 44 – NEIGHBORHOOD ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES Architectural Guideline Compliance Comments Floor Plans and Elevations 1. All residential projects shall be required to have a minimum number of different floor plans, different front and corresponding matching rear elevations with different color schemes as identified below: 2-4 dwelling units shall provide 1 floor plan and 2 different elevations. 5-12 dwelling units shall provide 2 different floor plans and 2 different elevations. 13-20 dwelling units shall provide 2 different floor plans and 3 different elevations. 21+ dwelling units shall provide 3 different floor plans and 3 different elevations. The project contains five dwellings and two floor plans and varying elevations containing different materials and four color schemes. Project complies. 2. Every house should have a coherent architectural style. All elevations of a house, including front, side and rear, should have the same design integrity of forms, details and materials. All homes have this consistent design on all elevations. Project complies. 3. In addition to the previous requirements, design details should reinforce and enhance the architectural form and style of every house and differ from other elevations of the same floor plan. A minimum of 4 complimentary design details, including but not limited to those listed below, shall be incorporated into each of the front, rear and street side building façade(s) of the house. Design Details The homes include at least one covered deck and a variety of materials that include wood board and batten siding wood horizontal siding, wood balcony posts and railing, corrugated metal awnings, composite flat tile, smooth finish stucco, and a variety of window sizes. Project complies. Balconies Decorative eaves and fascia Exposed roof rafter tails Arched elements Towers Knee braces Dormers Columns Exterior wood elements Accent materials (i.e.; brick, stone, shingles, wood or siding) 4. Floor plans in a project shall exhibit a variety of roof ridges and roof heights within a neighborhood. A variety of roof ridges, roof pitches and roof heights are provided. Project complies. 5. Houses with both the same floor plan and elevation style shall not occur on adjacent lots. The project is one lot. However, the same floor plan and elevation do not occur on adjacent units. Project complies. 6. Reverse floor plans shall be included where possible to add variety to the street scene. The floor plans have been varied to add variety to the project. Only two of the five units have frontage on Home Avenue. Project complies. CITY COUNCIL POLICY 44 – NEIGHBORHOOD ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES Architectural Guideline Compliance Comments Single Story Requirements 7. A minimum of 15% of the total number of homes shall be single-story structures. Single-story is defined as a maximum plate-line of 15 feet and a maximum building height of 20 feet. Lofts are permitted subject to CMC Section 21.04.330. or A minimum of 10% of the total number of homes shall be single-story structures and 15% shall be reduced second story structures. A reduced second story structure shall comply with the following criteria: A minimum of 60% of the roofline shall be single story; A 2-story element may be added in the central portion of the front and rear elevation; and The second story element may be no greater than 25% of the floor area of the first floor of the house (including garage). or For alley-loaded product, a minimum of 20% of the homes shall be single-story for the front 20% of the home (overall depth of house times 20%). The project consists of five dwelling units and four total buildings. The project does not technically meet this guideline. However, the homes meet the purpose and intent of City Council Policy 44 which provides guidelines for homes to be visually interesting, have sufficient building articulation to reduce their bulk and mass, are in scale to their lot size and contribute to the creation of livable neighborhoods. See Section III.C of the staff report for more information. 8. A maximum of 20% of the total number of homes are exempt from the requirement to have a single-story building edge. See Section III.C of the staff report for more information. 9. The remaining total number of homes shall comply with one of the following guidelines: The home shall have a single-story building edge with a depth of not less than 8 feet and shall run the length of the building along one side except for tower elements. The roof covering the single- story element shall incorporate a separate roof plane and shall be substantially lower than the roof for the two-story element. Porches and porte-cochere elements shall qualify as a single-story edge. Houses with courtyards that are a minimum of 15 feet wide located along the side of the house and setback a minimum of 15 feet from the property line are not required to have a single-story building edge. The home shall have a single-story building edge with a depth of not less than 5 feet and shall run the length of the building along one side. The roof of the single-story element shall be substantially lower than the roof for the two-story element of the building. The home shall have a single-story building edge with a depth of not less than 3 feet for 40% of the perimeter of the building. The project consists of five dwelling units and four total buildings. The project does not technically meet this guideline. However, the homes meet the purpose and intent of City Council Policy 44 which provides guidelines for homes to be visually interesting, have sufficient building articulation to reduce their bulk and mass, are in scale to their lot size and contribute to the creation of livable neighborhoods. See Section III.C of the staff report for more information. Multiple Building Planes 10. For at least 66% of the homes in a project, there shall be at least 3 separate building planes on street side elevations of lots with 45 feet of street frontage or less and 4 separate building planes on street side elevations of lots with a street frontage greater than 45 feet. Balconies and covered porches qualify as a building plane. The minimum offset in planes shall be 18 inches and shall include, but not be limited to, building walls, windows, porches and roofs. The minimum depth between the faces of the forward-most plane and the rear plane on the front elevation shall be 10 feet. A plane must be a minimum of 30 sq. ft. to receive credit under this section. The project has at least 4 separate building planes on street side elevations. Project complies. CITY COUNCIL POLICY 44 – NEIGHBORHOOD ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES Architectural Guideline Compliance Comments Single Story Requirements 11. Rear elevations shall adhere to the same criteria outlined in Number 10 above for front elevations except that the minimum depth between front and back planes on the rear elevation shall be 4 feet. Rear balconies qualify as a building plane. The project has at least 4 separate building planes on the rear elevation. Project complies. 12. For at least 66% of the homes in a project, one side elevation shall have sufficient offsets or cutouts so that the side yard setback averages a minimum of 8.5 feet. The project site has a 10’ side yard setback on each side. Project complies. Windows/Doors 13. At least 66% of exterior openings (door/windows) on every home in the project shall be recessed or projected a minimum of 2 inches and shall be constructed with wood, vinyl or colored aluminum window frames (no mill finishes). All windows and doors are recessed at least 2 inches and consist of an aluminum frame. Project complies. 14. Windows shall reinforce and enhance the architectural form and style of the house through, the use of signature windows and varied window shapes and sizes. Each dwelling unit provides multiple window shapes and sizes. Project complies. Front Porches 15. Fifty percent (50%) of the homes shall be designed with a covered front porch, open courtyard, or balcony (each with a minimum depth of 6 feet and a minimum area of 60 square feet) located at the front of the dwelling. The minimum depth for a covered front porch shall be measured from the front façade of the home to the inside of any supporting porch posts. The front and sides of porches shall be open except for required and/or ornamental guardrails. A variety of roof elements shall be provided over porches. Porches may not be converted to living space. Three of the units (60%) have a covered front porch that is at least 6’x10’. Project complies. Front Entries 16. Seventy-five percent (75%) of the homes must have a front entry to the home that is clearly visible from the street. Walkways from the front door to the street are encouraged. The two units facing Home Avenue have been designed to have the front entry directly face the street. The remaining three units have entries that are located off the drive aisle. Decorative pavers are proposed to designate pedestrian travel on the sides of the drive aisle. Project complies. Chimneys 17. Chimneys and chimney caps shall be in scale with the size of the home. No more than 2 chimneys shall be allowed for homes on lots in planned developments having an area less than 7,500 square feet. The project site is over 7,500 square feet and the proposed chimneys and chimney caps are in scale with the size of the homes. Garage Doors 18. Garage doors for 3 or 4 cars in a row that directly face the street must have a minimum of an 18” plane change between the garage doors after the 2 car garage door. No garages directly face the street. Project complies. Note #1: Fractional units of .5 or greater shall be rounded up to the next whole number and located in a manner to achieve the best project design as determined by the project planner. When a percentage of units are described in the guidelines, the intent is to have that percentage spread throughout the entire project. CITY COUNCIL POLICY 66 – LIVABLE NEIGHBORHOODS Principle Compliance Comments 1. Building Facades, Front Entries, Porches Facades create interest and character and should be varied and articulated to provide visual interest to pedestrians. Clearly identifiable front doors and porches enhance the street scene and create opportunities for greater social interaction within the neighborhood. Building entries and windows should face the street. Front porches, bay windows, courtyards and balconies are encouraged. The north elevation architecture of the two units facing Home Avenue provides multiple material finishes, varied window shapes, and articulated building planes with the third story stepping back from the front. In addition, the two dwellings that have frontage along Home Avenue have been designed with a clearly identifiable front door. Project complies. 2. Garages Homes should be designed to feature the residence as the prominent part of the structure in relation to the street. A variety of garage configurations should be used to improve the street scene. This may include tandem garages, side- loaded garages, front-loaded garages, alley-loaded garages and recessed garages. Each dwelling will include a two-car garage and there are two additional parking spaces for visitors. All garages are accessed off of a private drive-aisle located in the middle of the project and oriented away from public view of the street. Project complies. 3. Street Design An interconnected, modified (grid) street pattern should be incorporated into project designs when there are no topographic or environmental constraints. Interconnected streets provide pedestrians and automobiles many alternative routes to follow, disperse traffic and reduce the volume of cars on any one street in the neighborhood. Streets should be designed to provide both vehicular and pedestrian connectivity by minimizing the use of cul-de-sacs. The street network should also be designed to create a safer, more comfortable pedestrian and bicycling environment. Local residential streets should have travel and parking lanes, be sufficiently narrow to slow traffic, provide adequate access for emergency and service vehicles and emergency evacuation routes for residents and include parkways with trees to form a pleasing canopy over the street. Local residential streets are the public open space in which children often play and around which neighborhoods interact. Within this context, vehicular movement should be additionally influenced through the use of City-accepted designs for traffic calming measures. The project is developing on an existing multi-family residentially zoned lot adjacent to an existing public street (Home Avenue) presently developed as part of an existing interconnected modified street pattern in the Carlsbad Village area. The existing street design in this area, where already improved, provides curb adjacent sidewalks as opposed to a parkway designed street system with street trees. For purposes of continuity, no parkways were required. Project complies. CITY COUNCIL POLICY 66 – LIVABLE NEIGHBORHOODS Principle Compliance Comments 4. Parkways Street trees should be planted in the parkways along all streets. Tree species should be selected to create a unified image for the street, provide an effective canopy, avoid sidewalk damage and minimize water consumption. N/A (see Section 3 above) 5. Pedestrian Walkways Pedestrian walkways should be located along or visible from all streets. Walkways (sidewalks or trails) should provide clear, comfortable and direct access to neighborhood schools, parks/plazas and transit stops. Primary pedestrian routes should be bordered by residential fronts, parks or plazas. Where street connections are not feasible (at the end of cul-de-sacs), pedestrian paths should also be provided. The project provides for pedestrian circulation in the form of an attached curb adjacent sidewalk along its frontage with Home Avenue. An existing sidewalk is located on both sides of the street. Project complies. 6. Centralized Community Recreation Areas Park or plazas, which serve as neighborhood meeting places and as recreational activity centers should be incorporated into all planned unit developments. As frequently as possible, these parks/plazas should be designed for both active and passive uses for residents of all ages and should be centrally located within the project. Parks and plazas should be not be sited on residual parcels, used as buffers from surrounding developments or to separate buildings from streets. The project consists of only five dwellings and is not required to provide community recreation areas. PROJECT NUMBER: 16015 02/01/17 MCKELLAR MCGOWAN CITY SUBMITTAL 849 HOME AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA DEV 16-55/CT 16-10/PUD 16-12 PROJECT : 1601502/01/17 CARLSBAD, CA 849 HOME AVENUEMCKELLAR MCGOWAN ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS 3337 MICHELSON DRIVE, SUITE 170, IRVINE, CA 92612 TELEPHONE 949.655.1550 4301 HACIENDA DRIVE, SUITE 560, PLEASANTON, CA 94588 TELEPHONE 925.824.0440 © 2016 ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS-ALL RIGHTS RESERVED DEV 16-55/CT 16-10/PUD 16-12 VICINITY MAP PROJECT INFO PROJECT INFORMATION DESCRIPTION DEMOLITION OF EXISTING PARKING LOT, AND CONSTRUCTION OF ONE DUPLEX AND THREE SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED RESIDENCES. CURRENT USE: PARKING LOT PROPOSED USE: SINGLE FAMILY DETACH RESIDENTIAL EXISTING STRUCTURE TO REMAIN: N/A EXISTING STRUCTURES TO BE DEMOLISHED: N/A PROJECT ADDRESS 849 HOME AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 EXISTING ZONING R-3 LAND USE R-15 CLASSIFICATION OF LOT RESIDENTIAL POLICY 44 CHECKLIST APPLICABILITY: NEW SINGLE-FAMILY AND TWO-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS OF 2-4 HOMES SHALL COMPLY WITH ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 , 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES FLOOR PLANS AND ELEVATIONS X 1 5-12 DWELLINGS UNITS SHALL PROVIDE: 2 DIFFERENT FLOOR PLANS (PLAN 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B), 2 DIFFERENT ELEVATIONS X 2 EVERY HOUSE HAS COHERENT ARCHITECTURAL STYLE X 3 MINIMUM OF 4 COMPLIMENTARY DESIGN DETAILS: BALCONIES, DORMERS, COLUMNS, ACCENT MATERIALS, EXTERIOR WOOD ELEMENTS (SEEN ON ELEVATION) X 4 FLOOR PLANS EXHIBIT VARIETY OF ROOF RIDGES AND ROOF HEIGHTS SITE PLANNING N/A 5.HOUSES WITH SAME FLOOR PLAN AND ELEVATION STYLE SHALL NOT OCCUR ON ADJACENT LOTS N/A 6 REVERSE FLOOR PLANS SHALL BE INCLUDED WHERE POSSIBLE TO ADD VARIETY TO STREET SCENE. SINGLE STORY REQUIREMENTS N/A 7.A MINIMUM OF 15% OF THE TOTAL NUMBER OF HOMES SHALL BE SINGLE-STORY STRUCTURES OR A MINIMUM OF 10% OF TOTAL NUMBER OF HOMES SHALL BE SINGLE-STORY STRUCTURE AND 15% SHALL BE REDUCED SECOND STO- RY STRUCTURES. N/A 8.MAXIMUM OF 20% OF TOTAL HOMES ARE EXEMPT FROM SINGLE-STORY BUILDING EDGE REQUIREMENT. X 9.THE REMAINING TOTAL NUMBER OF HOMES SHALL COMPLY WITH ONE OF THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES: - THE HOME SHALL HAVE A SINGLE-STORY BUILDING EDGE WITH A DEPTH OF NOT LESS THAN 8 FEET AND SHALL RUN THE LENGTH OF THE BUILDING ALONG ONE SIDE EXCEPT FOR TOWER ELEMENTS. -THE HOME SHALL HAVE A SINGLE-STORY BUILDING EDGE WITH A DEPTH OF NOT LESS THAN 5 FEET AND SHALL RUN THE LENGTH OF THE BUILDING ALONG ONE SIDE. - THE HOME SHALL HAVE A SINGLE-STORY BUILDING EDGE WITH A DEPTH OF NOT LESS THAN 3 FEET FOR 40% OF THE PERIMETER OF THE BUILDING. MULTIPLE BUILDING PLANES X 10.FOR AT LEAST 66% OF THE HOMES IN A PROJECT, THERE SHALL BE AT LEAST 3 SEPARATE BUILDING PLANES ON STREET SIDE ELEVATIONS OF LOTS WITH 45TH OF STREET FRONTAGE OR LESS AND 4 SEPARATE BUILDING PLANES ON STREET SIDE ELEVATION OF LOTS WITH A STREET FRONTAGE GREATER THAN 45 FEET. THE MINIMUM OFFSET IN PLANES SHALL BE 18 INCHES AND SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, BUILDING WALLS, WINDOWS, PORCHES AND ROOFS. THE MINIMUM DEPTH BETWEEN THE FACES OF THE FORWARD MOST PLANE AND THE REAR PLANE OF THE FRONT ELEVATION SHALL BE 10 FEET. A PLANE MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 30 SQ. FT. TO RECEIVE CREDIT UNDER THIS SECTION 11.REAR ELEVATIONS SHALL ADHERE TO THE SAME CRITERIA OUTLINES IN NUMBER 10 ABOVE FOR FRONT ELEVATIONS EXCEPT THAT THE MINIMUM DEPTH BETWEEN FRONT AND BACK PLANES ON THE REAR ELEVATION SHALL BE 4 FEET. N/A 12.AT LEAST 66% OF THE HOMES IN THE PROJECT, ONE SIDE ELEVATION SHALL HAVE SUFFICIENT OFFSET OR CUTOUTS SO THAT THE SIDE YARD SETBACK AVERAGES A MINIMUM OF 8.5 FEET. WINDOWS/ DOORS X 13.AT LEAST 66% OF EXTERIOR OPENINGS ON EVERY HOME IN THE PROJECT SHALL BE RECESSED OR PROJECTED A MINI- MUM OF 2 INCHES AND SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH WOOD, VINYL OR COLORED ALUMINUM WINDOW FRAMES. X 14.WINDOWS SHALL REINFORCE AND ENHANCE THE ARCHITECTURAL FORM AND STYLE OF THE HOUSE THROUGH, THE USE OF SIGNATURE WINDOWS AND VARIED WINDOW SHAPES AND SIZES. FRONT PORCHES X 15.50% OF HOMES SHALL BE DESIGNED WITH A COVERED FRONT PORCH, OPEN COURTYARD OR BALCONY (EACH WITH A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 6 FEET AND A MINIMUM AREA OF 60 SQUARE FEET) LOCATED AT THE FRONT OF THE DWELL- ING. FONT ENTRIES N/A 16.75% OF HOMES MUST HAVE A FRONT ENTRY TO HOME THAT IS CLEARLY VISIBLE FORM THE STREET. CHIMNEYS X 17.CHIMNEYS AND CHIMNEY CAPS SHALL BE IN SCALE WITH THE SIZE OF THE HOME. NO MORE THAN 2 CHIMNEY SHALL BE ALLOWED FOR HOMES ON LOTS IN PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS HAVING AN AREA LESS THAN 7,500 SQUARE FEET. GARAGE DOORS N/A 18.GARAGE DOORS FOR 3 OR 4 CARS IN A ROW THAT DIRECTLY FACE THE STREET MUST HAVE A MINIUM OF AN 18” PLANE CHANGE BETWEEN THE GARAGE DOORS AFTER THE 2 CAR GARAGE DOOR. SITE TABULATIONS GROSS SITE AREA: 0.41 ACRES = 18,138 SQ. FT. DWELLING UNITS: 5 SITE DENSITY: 5 D.U. / 0.41 ACRES = 12.2 DU/ACRE TOTAL BUILDING COVERAGE: 6,100 SQ. FT. = 34% TOTAL BUILDING AREAS: GARAGE AREA 2,220 SQ. FT. LIVEABLE AREA 12,264 SQ. FT. DECK AREA 1,405 SQ. FT. TOTAL GROSS AREA 15,889 SQ. FT. PLAN TABULATIONS PLAN TYPES GROSS FLOOR AREA PER UNIT PLAN 1A 3 BEDROOM, 3.5 BATH 2,442 SQ. FT. PLAN 1B 3 BEDROOM, 3.5 BATH 2,418 SQ. FT. PLAN 2A 3 BEDROOM, 3.5 BATH 2,467 SQ. FT. PLAN 2B 3 BEDROOM, 3.5 BATH 2,467 SQ. FT. PARKING TABULATIONS AUTOMOBILE PARKING: PROVIDED: 10 PRIVATE, 2 VISITOR UNIT TABULATION PLAN 1A OCCURS 1 TIME FIRST FLOOR SECOND FLOOR THIRD FLOOR TOTAL GARAGE PRIVATE DECK 745 797 900 2,442 472 332 PLAN 1B OCCURS 1 TIME FIRST FLOOR SECOND FLOOR THIRD FLOOR TOTAL GARAGE PRIVATE DECK 745 797 876 2,418 449 302 PLAN 2A OCCURS 1 TIME FIRST FLOOR SECOND FLOOR THIRD FLOOR TOTAL GARAGE PRIVATE DECK FRONT PORCH 731 844 893 2,467 433 257 95 PLAN 2B OCCURS 1 TIME FIRST FLOOR SECOND FLOOR THIRD FLOOR TOTAL GARAGE PRIVATE DECK FRONT PORCH 731 844 893 2,467 433 257 95 STORAGE SPACE (CUBIC FEET) PER UNIT STORAGE REQUIREMENT SATISFIED BY 20’ X 20’ GARAGE. PRIVATE OUTDOOR SPACE TYPES PLAN QTY.SQ.. FT. (PER UNIT) PLAN 1A 1 332 SQ.. FT. PLAN 1B 1 302 SQ.. FT. PLAN 2A 1 257 SQ.. FT. PLAN 2B 2 257 SQ.. FT.. TOTAL AREA 1,405 SQ. FT. PROJECT TEAM OWNER/ APPLICANT MCKELLAR MCGOWAN 888 PROSPECT ST., SUITE 330 SAN DIEGO, CA 92037 PH: 858-342-9725 ADMIN@MCKELLARMCGOWAN.COM CONTACT: CHRIS MCKELLAR ARCHITECT ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS 3337 MICHELSON DRIVE, SUITE 170 IRVINE, CA 92612 PH: 949-655-1550 CONTACT: CHRIS BARLOW CIVIL ENGINEER BHA, INC. 5115 AVENIDA ENCINAS, SUITE “L“ CARLSBAD, CA 92008-4387 PH: 760-931-8700 RBRADLEY@BHAINCSD.COM CONTACT: ROB BRADLEY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT C.M. BROWN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PH: 858-633-3550 CHRIS@CMBROWNLA.COM CONTACT: CHRISTOPHER BROWN PLAN QUANTITY PLAN 1A PLAN 1B PLAN 2A PLAN 2B TOTAL (PER PLAN)1 1 1 2 FIRE SPRINKLERS NFPA13D SYSTEM THROUGHOUT BUILDING PROPOSED ARCHITECTURE/ ARCHITECTURAL INFLUENCES DESCRIPTION THE ARCHITECTURE CAN BE DESCRIBED AS “CALIFORNIA COASTAL ARCHITECTURE.” THIS STYLE ORIGINATED IN THE EARLY 20TH CENTURY AS AMERICA EXPANDED WEST. EAST COAST ARCHITECTURAL TRADITIONS WERE MODIFIED TO INCORPO- RATE THE LOCAL MATERIALS AND TECHNIQUES, AND TO RESPOND TO THE MILD CLIMATE AND SUNSHINE OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. A UNIQUE STYLE WAS CREATED AND BECAME CHARACTERISTIC OF COASTAL SETTINGS THROUGHOUT CALI- FORNIA. THIS STYLE IS DEFINED BY WOOD SIDING AND DETAILING, MODERATELY SLOPED ROOFS WITH EAVE OVERHANGS, GENEROUS WINDOWS, AND A STRONG CONNECTION TO THE OUTDOORS. HISTORIC EXAMPLES OF THIS STYLE CAN BE FOUND IN CARLSBAD, AND IT IS A WELL-LOVED STYLE THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF TIME. PROJECT : 1601502/01/17 CARLSBAD, CA 849 HOME AVENUEMCKELLAR MCGOWAN ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS 3337 MICHELSON DRIVE, SUITE 170, IRVINE, CA 92612 TELEPHONE 949.655.1550 4301 HACIENDA DRIVE, SUITE 560, PLEASANTON, CA 94588 TELEPHONE 925.824.0440 © 2016 ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS-ALL RIGHTS RESERVED DEV 16-55/CT 16-10/PUD 16-12 SITE PLAN PROJECT : 1601502/01/17 CARLSBAD, CA 849 HOME AVENUEMCKELLAR MCGOWAN ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS 3337 MICHELSON DRIVE, SUITE 170, IRVINE, CA 92612 TELEPHONE 949.655.1550 4301 HACIENDA DRIVE, SUITE 560, PLEASANTON, CA 94588 TELEPHONE 925.824.0440 © 2016 ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS-ALL RIGHTS RESERVED DEV 16-55/CT 16-10/PUD 16-12 FIRST FLOOR PLANS PLAN 1A PLAN 1B PLAN 1B PLAN 2A PLAN 2B PLAN 2B LOCK-OFF SUITE OPTION PROJECT : 1601502/01/17 CARLSBAD, CA 849 HOME AVENUEMCKELLAR MCGOWAN ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS 3337 MICHELSON DRIVE, SUITE 170, IRVINE, CA 92612 TELEPHONE 949.655.1550 4301 HACIENDA DRIVE, SUITE 560, PLEASANTON, CA 94588 TELEPHONE 925.824.0440 © 2016 ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS-ALL RIGHTS RESERVED DEV 16-55/CT 16-10/PUD 16-12 SECOND FLOOR PLANS PLAN 1A PLAN 1B PLAN 2A PLAN 2B PLAN 2B PROJECT : 1601502/01/17 CARLSBAD, CA 849 HOME AVENUEMCKELLAR MCGOWAN ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS 3337 MICHELSON DRIVE, SUITE 170, IRVINE, CA 92612 TELEPHONE 949.655.1550 4301 HACIENDA DRIVE, SUITE 560, PLEASANTON, CA 94588 TELEPHONE 925.824.0440 © 2016 ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS-ALL RIGHTS RESERVED DEV 16-55/CT 16-10/PUD 16-12 PLAN 1A PLAN 1B PLAN 2A PLAN 2B THIRD FLOOR PLANS PLAN 2B PROJECT : 1601502/01/17 CARLSBAD, CA 849 HOME AVENUEMCKELLAR MCGOWAN ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS 3337 MICHELSON DRIVE, SUITE 170, IRVINE, CA 92612 TELEPHONE 949.655.1550 4301 HACIENDA DRIVE, SUITE 560, PLEASANTON, CA 94588 TELEPHONE 925.824.0440 © 2016 ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS-ALL RIGHTS RESERVED DEV 16-55/CT 16-10/PUD 16-12 PLAN 1A PLAN 1B PLAN 2A PLAN 2B ROOF FLOOR PLANS PLAN 2B PROJECT : 1601502/01/17 CARLSBAD, CA 849 HOME AVENUEMCKELLAR MCGOWAN ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS 3337 MICHELSON DRIVE, SUITE 170, IRVINE, CA 92612 TELEPHONE 949.655.1550 4301 HACIENDA DRIVE, SUITE 560, PLEASANTON, CA 94588 TELEPHONE 925.824.0440 © 2016 ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS-ALL RIGHTS RESERVED DEV 16-55/CT 16-10/PUD 16-12 ELEVATIONS NORTH PLAN 1B (SCHEME 2) PLAN 1A (SCHEME 3) PLAN 2B (SCHEME 2) 2 4 3 3 5 5 6 7 1 1 6 6 9 10 10 8 2 2 7 3 38 5 1 1 1 COMPOSITE FLAT TILE 2 CORRUGATED METAL AWNING 3 WOOD BOARD AND BATTEN SIDING 4 WOOD BALCONY, POSTS AND RAILING 5 WOOD HORIZONTAL SIDING 6 ALUMINUM FRENCH DOORS 7 SMOOTH FINISH STUCCO 1 8 FIBERGLASS GARAGE DOOR MATERIALS 1 STUCCO - SW 7011 (NATURAL CHOICE) 2 WAINSCOT - SW 7641 (COLONNADE GRAY) 3 WOOD TRIM 1 - SW 7551 (GREEK VILLA) 4 WOOD TRIM 2 - SW 7020 (BLACK FOX) 5 HORIZONTAL SIDING - SW 7551 (GREEK VILLA) 6 BOARD AND BATTEN - SW 7068 (GRIZZLE GRAY) 7 DOORS- SIERRA PACIFIC (HERITAGE COLLECTION ICI BROWN 056) 8 WINDOWS- SIERRA PACIFIC (HERITAGE COLLECTION BROWN 002) 9 METAL ROOF - CUSTOM-BILT (SILVER ULTRAMET) 10 ASPHALT ROOF - GAF GRENWOOD (DUSKY GRAY) SCHEME 1 - COLORS 1 STUCCO - SW 7011 (NATURAL CHOICE) 2 WAINSCOT - SW 7641 (COLONNADE GRAY) 3 WOOD TRIM 1 - SW 7551 (GREEK VILLA) 4 WOOD TRIM 2 - SW 7020 (BLACK FOX) 5 HORIZONTAL SIDING - SW 7551 (GREEK VILLA) 6 BOARD AND BATTEN - SW 9163 (TIN LIZZIE) 7 DOORS- SIERRA PACIFIC (HERITAGE COLLECTION ICI BROWN 056) 8 WINDOWS- SIERRA PACIFIC (HERITAGE COLLECTION BROWN 002) 9 METAL ROOF - CUSTOM-BILT (SILVER ULTRAMET) 10 ASPHALT ROOF - GAF GRENWOOD (DUSKY GRAY) SCHEME 2 - COLORS 1 STUCCO - SW 7011 (NATURAL CHOICE) 2 WAINSCOT - SW 7641 (COLONNADE GRAY) 3 WOOD TRIM 1 - SW 7551 (GREEK VILLA) 4 WOOD TRIM 2 - SW 7020 (BLACK FOX) 5 HORIZONTAL SIDING - SW 9163 (RARE GRAY) 6 BOARD AND BATTEN - SW 6200 (LINK GRAY) 7 DOORS- SIERRA PACIFIC (HERITAGE COLLECTION ICI BROWN 056) 8 WINDOWS- SIERRA PACIFIC (HERITAGE COLLECTION BROWN 002) 9 METAL ROOF - CUSTOM-BILT (SILVER ULTRAMET) 10 ASPHALT ROOF - GAF GRENWOOD (DUSKY GRAY) SCHEME 3 - COLORS 1 STUCCO - SW 7011 (NATURAL CHOICE) 2 WAINSCOT - SW 7641 (COLONNADE GRAY) 3 WOOD TRIM 1 - SW 7551 (GREEK VILLA) 4 WOOD TRIM 2 - SW 7020 (BLACK FOX) 5 HORIZONTAL SIDING - SW 9163 (RARE GRAY) 6 BOARD AND BATTEN - SW 6199 (RARE GRAY) 7 DOORS- SIERRA PACIFIC (HERITAGE COLLECTION ICI BROWN 056) 8 WINDOWS- SIERRA PACIFIC (HERITAGE COLLECTION BROWN 002) 9 METAL ROOF - CUSTOM-BILT (SILVER ULTRAMET) 10 ASPHALT ROOF - GAF GRENWOOD (DUSKY GRAY) SCHEME 4 - COLORS 4 4 SOUTH PLAN 2B (SCHEME 1) PROJECT : 1601502/01/17 CARLSBAD, CA 849 HOME AVENUEMCKELLAR MCGOWAN ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS 3337 MICHELSON DRIVE, SUITE 170, IRVINE, CA 92612 TELEPHONE 949.655.1550 4301 HACIENDA DRIVE, SUITE 560, PLEASANTON, CA 94588 TELEPHONE 925.824.0440 © 2016 ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS-ALL RIGHTS RESERVED DEV 16-55/CT 16-10/PUD 16-12 ELEVATIONS EAST PLAN 2B (SCHEME 1) PLAN 1B (SCHEME 2) WEST PLAN 1A (SCHEME 3) PLAN 2A (SCHEME 4) PLAN 2B (SCHEME 2) 1 STUCCO - SW 7011 (NATURAL CHOICE) 2 WAINSCOT - SW 7641 (COLONNADE GRAY) 3 WOOD TRIM 1 - SW 7551 (GREEK VILLA) 4 WOOD TRIM 2 - SW 7020 (BLACK FOX) 5 HORIZONTAL SIDING - SW 7551 (GREEK VILLA) 6 BOARD AND BATTEN - SW 7068 (GRIZZLE GRAY) 7 DOORS- SIERRA PACIFIC (HERITAGE COLLECTION ICI BROWN 056) 8 WINDOWS- SIERRA PACIFIC (HERITAGE COLLECTION BROWN 002) 9 METAL ROOF - CUSTOM-BILT (SILVER ULTRAMET) 10 ASPHALT ROOF - GAF GRENWOOD (DUSKY GRAY) SCHEME 1 - COLORS 1 STUCCO - SW 7011 (NATURAL CHOICE) 2 WAINSCOT - SW 7641 (COLONNADE GRAY) 3 WOOD TRIM 1 - SW 7551 (GREEK VILLA) 4 WOOD TRIM 2 - SW 7020 (BLACK FOX) 5 HORIZONTAL SIDING - SW 7551 (GREEK VILLA) 6 BOARD AND BATTEN - SW 9163 (TIN LIZZIE) 7 DOORS- SIERRA PACIFIC (HERITAGE COLLECTION ICI BROWN 056) 8 WINDOWS- SIERRA PACIFIC (HERITAGE COLLECTION BROWN 002) 9 METAL ROOF - CUSTOM-BILT (SILVER ULTRAMET) 10 ASPHALT ROOF - GAF GRENWOOD (DUSKY GRAY) SCHEME 2 - COLORS 1 STUCCO - SW 7011 (NATURAL CHOICE) 2 WAINSCOT - SW 7641 (COLONNADE GRAY) 3 WOOD TRIM 1 - SW 7551 (GREEK VILLA) 4 WOOD TRIM 2 - SW 7020 (BLACK FOX) 5 HORIZONTAL SIDING - SW 9163 (RARE GRAY) 6 BOARD AND BATTEN - SW 6200 (LINK GRAY) 7 DOORS- SIERRA PACIFIC (HERITAGE COLLECTION ICI BROWN 056) 8 WINDOWS- SIERRA PACIFIC (HERITAGE COLLECTION BROWN 002) 9 METAL ROOF - CUSTOM-BILT (SILVER ULTRAMET) 10 ASPHALT ROOF - GAF GRENWOOD (DUSKY GRAY) SCHEME 3 - COLORS 1 STUCCO - SW 7011 (NATURAL CHOICE) 2 WAINSCOT - SW 7641 (COLONNADE GRAY) 3 WOOD TRIM 1 - SW 7551 (GREEK VILLA) 4 WOOD TRIM 2 - SW 7020 (BLACK FOX) 5 HORIZONTAL SIDING - SW 9163 (RARE GRAY) 6 BOARD AND BATTEN - SW 6199 (RARE GRAY) 7 DOORS- SIERRA PACIFIC (HERITAGE COLLECTION ICI BROWN 056) 8 WINDOWS- SIERRA PACIFIC (HERITAGE COLLECTION BROWN 002) 9 METAL ROOF - CUSTOM-BILT (SILVER ULTRAMET) 10 ASPHALT ROOF - GAF GRENWOOD (DUSKY GRAY) SCHEME 4 - COLORS 6 6 10 10 9 2 2 7 7 3 3 8 8 1 1 4 4 2 3 3 7 7 1 1 1 COMPOSITE FLAT TILE 2 CORRUGATED METAL AWNING 3 WOOD BOARD AND BATTEN SIDING 4 WOOD BALCONY, POSTS AND RAILING 5 WOOD HORIZONTAL SIDING 6 ALUMINUM FRENCH DOORS 7 SMOOTH FINISH STUCCO 1 8 FIBERGLASS GARAGE DOOR MATERIALS PROJECT : 1601502/01/17 CARLSBAD, CA 849 HOME AVENUEMCKELLAR MCGOWAN ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS 3337 MICHELSON DRIVE, SUITE 170, IRVINE, CA 92612 TELEPHONE 949.655.1550 4301 HACIENDA DRIVE, SUITE 560, PLEASANTON, CA 94588 TELEPHONE 925.824.0440 © 2016 ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS-ALL RIGHTS RESERVED DEV 16-55/CT 16-10/PUD 16-12 ELEVATIONS PLAN 2B (SCHEME 2) PLAN 2A (SCHEME 4) PLAN 1A (SCHEME 3) MOTOR COURT WEST MOTOR COURT EAST PLAN 2B (SCHEME 1) PLAN 1B (SCHEME 2) 1 STUCCO - SW 7011 (NATURAL CHOICE) 2 WAINSCOT - SW 7641 (COLONNADE GRAY) 3 WOOD TRIM 1 - SW 7551 (GREEK VILLA) 4 WOOD TRIM 2 - SW 7020 (BLACK FOX) 5 HORIZONTAL SIDING - SW 7551 (GREEK VILLA) 6 BOARD AND BATTEN - SW 7068 (GRIZZLE GRAY) 7 DOORS- SIERRA PACIFIC (HERITAGE COLLECTION ICI BROWN 056) 8 WINDOWS- SIERRA PACIFIC (HERITAGE COLLECTION BROWN 002) 9 METAL ROOF - CUSTOM-BILT (SILVER ULTRAMET) 10 ASPHALT ROOF - GAF GRENWOOD (DUSKY GRAY) SCHEME 1 - COLORS 1 STUCCO - SW 7011 (NATURAL CHOICE) 2 WAINSCOT - SW 7641 (COLONNADE GRAY) 3 WOOD TRIM 1 - SW 7551 (GREEK VILLA) 4 WOOD TRIM 2 - SW 7020 (BLACK FOX) 5 HORIZONTAL SIDING - SW 7551 (GREEK VILLA) 6 BOARD AND BATTEN - SW 9163 (TIN LIZZIE) 7 DOORS- SIERRA PACIFIC (HERITAGE COLLECTION ICI BROWN 056) 8 WINDOWS- SIERRA PACIFIC (HERITAGE COLLECTION BROWN 002) 9 METAL ROOF - CUSTOM-BILT (SILVER ULTRAMET) 10 ASPHALT ROOF - GAF GRENWOOD (DUSKY GRAY) SCHEME 2 - COLORS 1 STUCCO - SW 7011 (NATURAL CHOICE) 2 WAINSCOT - SW 7641 (COLONNADE GRAY) 3 WOOD TRIM 1 - SW 7551 (GREEK VILLA) 4 WOOD TRIM 2 - SW 7020 (BLACK FOX) 5 HORIZONTAL SIDING - SW 9163 (RARE GRAY) 6 BOARD AND BATTEN - SW 6200 (LINK GRAY) 7 DOORS- SIERRA PACIFIC (HERITAGE COLLECTION ICI BROWN 056) 8 WINDOWS- SIERRA PACIFIC (HERITAGE COLLECTION BROWN 002) 9 METAL ROOF - CUSTOM-BILT (SILVER ULTRAMET) 10 ASPHALT ROOF - GAF GRENWOOD (DUSKY GRAY) SCHEME 3 - COLORS 1 STUCCO - SW 7011 (NATURAL CHOICE) 2 WAINSCOT - SW 7641 (COLONNADE GRAY) 3 WOOD TRIM 1 - SW 7551 (GREEK VILLA) 4 WOOD TRIM 2 - SW 7020 (BLACK FOX) 5 HORIZONTAL SIDING - SW 9163 (RARE GRAY) 6 BOARD AND BATTEN - SW 6199 (RARE GRAY) 7 DOORS- SIERRA PACIFIC (HERITAGE COLLECTION ICI BROWN 056) 8 WINDOWS- SIERRA PACIFIC (HERITAGE COLLECTION BROWN 002) 9 METAL ROOF - CUSTOM-BILT (SILVER ULTRAMET) 10 ASPHALT ROOF - GAF GRENWOOD (DUSKY GRAY) SCHEME 4 - COLORS 6 6 9 9 10 10 2 2 7 7 3 3 8 8 1 1 4 5 5 4 2 4 4 3 3 7 7 6 6 5 8 8 1 1 1 COMPOSITE FLAT TILE 2 CORRUGATED METAL AWNING 3 WOOD BOARD AND BATTEN SIDING 4 WOOD BALCONY, POSTS AND RAILING 5 WOOD HORIZONTAL SIDING 6 ALUMINUM FRENCH DOORS 7 SMOOTH FINISH STUCCO 1 8 FIBERGLASS GARAGE DOOR MATERIALS PROJECT : 1601502/01/17 CARLSBAD, CA 849 HOME AVENUEMCKELLAR MCGOWAN ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS 3337 MICHELSON DRIVE, SUITE 170, IRVINE, CA 92612 TELEPHONE 949.655.1550 4301 HACIENDA DRIVE, SUITE 560, PLEASANTON, CA 94588 TELEPHONE 925.824.0440 © 2016 ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS-ALL RIGHTS RESERVED DEV 16-55/CT 16-10/PUD 16-12 BUILDING SECTIONS SECTION A PLAN 1B PLAN 1A PROJECT : 1601502/01/17 CARLSBAD, CA 849 HOME AVENUEMCKELLAR MCGOWAN ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS 3337 MICHELSON DRIVE, SUITE 170, IRVINE, CA 92612 TELEPHONE 949.655.1550 4301 HACIENDA DRIVE, SUITE 560, PLEASANTON, CA 94588 TELEPHONE 925.824.0440 © 2016 ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS-ALL RIGHTS RESERVED DEV 16-55/CT 16-10/PUD 16-12 BUILDING SECTIONS SECTION C SECTION B PLAN 1A PLAN 2A PLAN 2B PLAN 2BPLAN 1B PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) 6' HIGH CMU BLOCK WALL WITH SPLIT FACE FINISH AND COORDINATING WALL CAP (TYP.) BUILDING SETBACK(TYP.) PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) 6' HIGH CMU BLOCK WALL WITH SPLIT FACE FINISH AND COORDINATING WALL CAP (TYP.) PRECAST CONCRETE PERMEABLE PAVER - COLOR A (TYP.) BOARD FORM CONCRETE PLANTER WALL (+-62.05 TW) BOARD FORM CONCRETE PLANTER WALL (+-62.0 TW) VEHICULAR SIGHT LINE (TYP.) 6' HIGH CMU BLOCK WALL WITH SPLIT FACE FINISH AND COORDINATING WALL CAP (TYP.) BOARD FORM CONCRETE PLANTER WALL (+-62.37 TW) 6' HIGH CMU BLOCK WALL WITH SPLIT FACE FINISH AND COORDINATING WALL CAP (TYP.) OUTDOOR KITCHEN - FINISHES TO MATCH ARCHITECTURE INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE (TYP.) TUBULAR STEEL, SELF-LATCHING POOL GATE POOL CABANA (TYP.) POOL & SPA TUBULAR STEEL POOL FENCE (TYP.) CHAISE LONGUE (TYP.) TURFBLOCK FIRE ACCESS PRECAST CONCRETE PERMEABLE PAVER - COLOR B (TYP.) BOARD FORM CONCRETE PLANTER WALL (+-60.12 TW) BOARD FORM CONCRETE PLANTER WALL (+-59.46 TW) LINED BIORETENTION OR FLOW-THROUGH PLANTER WITH TYPE B SOIL LINED BIORETENTION OR FLOW-THROUGH PLANTER WITH TYPE B SOIL LINED BIORETENTION OR FLOW-THROUGH PLANTER WITH TYPE B SOIL LINED BIORETENTION OR FLOW-THROUGH PLANTER WITH TYPE B SOIL BOARD FORM CONCRETE PATIO WALL (+-59.46 TW) BOARD FORM CONCRETE PATIO WALL (+-60.12 TW) GRASS-LINED DRAINAGE SWALE PER CIVIL ENGINEER TRANSFORMER NEW UTILITY POLE AND GUY WIRE IRRIGATION WATER METER LOCATION SEWER LINE (TYP.) DRAINAGE PER CIVIL ENGINEER (TYP.) XXX 2/6/17 TREE PLANTING LEGEND QUANTITY OLE EUR SWAN HILL FRUITLESS OLIVE FIELD DUG 2 CITRUS SPECIES - TBD CITRUS TREE - TBD 5 BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME CONTAINER/ ROOTBALL SIZE HEIGHT SPREAD 15'15' 20'20' WUCOLS MOD LOW 849 HOME AVENUE FEI SEL PINEAPPLE GUAVE TREE 48" BOX 3 10'10' ARBUTUS 'MARINA'MARINA STRAWBERRY TREE 9 15'15'LOW LOW 9/30/17 2/6/17 CT 16-10, PUD 16-12 NOTES: TREES PLANTED IN VEHICULAR SIGHT LINES WILL HAVE TREE CANOPIES PRUNED TO A HEIGHT OF 6' ABOVE PAVING SURFACE ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS WILL HAVE POSITIVE SURFACE DRAINAGE (2% GRADE IN PLANTING AREAS) AWAY FROM STRUCTURES AND SHALL TERMINATE IN AN APPROVED DRAINAGE SYSTEM ALL TREES TO BE A MINIMUM OF 15 GALLON SIZE TREE SYMBOLS PROPOSED TREE HOME AVE PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) 6' HIGH CMU BLOCK WALL WITH SPLIT FACE FINISH AND COORDINATING WALL CAP (TYP.) BUILDING SETBACK(TYP.) PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) 6' HIGH CMU BLOCK WALL WITH SPLIT FACE FINISH AND COORDINATING WALL CAP (TYP.) PRECAST CONCRETE PERMEABLE PAVER - COLOR A (TYP.) BOARD FORM CONCRETE PLANTER WALL (+-62.05 TW) BOARD FORM CONCRETE PLANTER WALL (+-62.0 TW) VEHICULAR SIGHT LINE (TYP.) JUN PAT LAU NOB LAU NOB LAU NOB LAU NOB CAR DIV MUH RIG AGA BLU LAU NOB LAU NOB 6' HIGH CMU BLOCK WALL WITH SPLIT FACE FINISH AND COORDINATING WALL CAP (TYP.) BOARD FORM CONCRETE PLANTER WALL (+-62.37 TW) RHA UMB AGA VIL KNI UVA AGA BLU RHA UMB RHA UMB RHA UMB AGA BLU SEN MAN LON JAP LON JAP LON JAP AGA VIL 6' HIGH CMU BLOCK WALL WITH SPLIT FACE FINISH AND COORDINATING WALL CAP (TYP.) OUTDOOR KITCHEN - FINISHES TO MATCH ARCHITECTURE INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE (TYP.) TUBULAR STEEL, SELF-LATCHING POOL GATE POOL CABANA (TYP.) POOL & SPA TUBULAR STEEL POOL FENCE (TYP.) CHAISE LONGUE (TYP.) TURFBLOCK FIRE ACCESS SEN MAN AGA ATT SEN MAN AGA BLU LON JAP LAU NOB AGA BLU AGA BLU LAU NOB LAN MON LON JAP CAR DIV AGA BLU MUH RIG PRECAST CONCRETE PERMEABLE PAVER - COLOR B (TYP.) BOARD FORM CONCRETE PLANTER WALL (+-60.12 TW) BOARD FORM CONCRETE PLANTER WALL (+-59.46 TW) CAR DIV MUH RIG SAL LEU CAR MAC AGA BLU AGA VAR KNI UVA CAR DIV AGA VIL AGA BLU CAR DIV CAR DIVCAR DIV SEN MAN LAU NOB SAL LEU AGA BLU KNI UVA CAR DIV SEN MAN AGA BLU AGA VAR CAR DIV MUH RIG SAL LEU CAR MAC AGA BLUAGA BLU KNI UVA AGA VAR CAR DIVCAR DIV AGA VIL AGA BLU LINED BIORETENTION OR FLOW-THROUGH PLANTER WITH TYPE B SOIL LINED BIORETENTION OR FLOW-THROUGH PLANTER WITH TYPE B SOIL LINED BIORETENTION OR FLOW-THROUGH PLANTER WITH TYPE B SOIL LINED BIORETENTION OR FLOW-THROUGH PLANTER WITH TYPE B SOIL BOARD FORM CONCRETE PATIO WALL (+-59.46 TW) BOARD FORM CONCRETE PATIO WALL (+-60.12 TW) GRASS-LINED DRAINAGE SWALE PER CIVIL ENGINEER SOD LAWN: MEDALLION DWARF FESCUE W/ BONSAI BY PACIFIC SOD CAR DIV TRANSFORMER NEW UTILITY POLE AND GUY WIRE IRRIGATION WATER METER LOCATION SEWER LINE (TYP.) DRAINAGE PER CIVIL ENGINEER (TYP.) XXX 2/6/17 849 HOME AVENUE SHRUB PLANTING LEGEND GROUNDCOVER PLANTING LEGEND LON JAP 5 GALLON 24" O.C. 5 GALLON 24" O.C. 5 GALLON 15 GALLON 15 GALLON AGA VIL 15 GALLON 1 GALLON 9/30/17 2/6/17 CT 16-10, PUD 16-12 TREE SYMBOLS PROPOSED TREE HOME AVE *PLANTING PLAN MEETS REQUIREMENT OF A MINIMUM OF 50% OF PLANTS, EXCEPT IN BIORETENTION BASINS, TO BE 5 GALLON OR LARGER NOTES: ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS WILL HAVE POSITIVE SURFACE DRAINAGE (2% GRADE IN PLANTING AREAS) AWAY FROM STRUCTURES AND SHALL TERMINATE IN AN APPROVED DRAINAGE SYSTEM. CAR BB BOXWOOD BEAUTY NATAL PLUM 18" O.C. LEY CON CALIFORNIA GRAY RUSH 1 GALLON 12" O.C. 48" O.C. 18"18" 30"36" 48"48" LOW LOW LOW STORMWATER PLANTING LEGEND SOD LAWN PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) 6' HIGH CMU BLOCK WALL WITH SPLIT FACE FINISH AND COORDINATING WALL CAP (TYP.) BUILDING SETBACK(TYP.) PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) 6' HIGH CMU BLOCK WALL WITH SPLIT FACE FINISH AND COORDINATING WALL CAP (TYP.) PRECAST CONCRETE PERMEABLE PAVER - COLOR A (TYP.) BOARD FORM CONCRETE PLANTER WALL (+-62.05 TW) BOARD FORM CONCRETE PLANTER WALL (+-62.0 TW) VEHICULAR SIGHT LINE (TYP.) 6' HIGH CMU BLOCK WALL WITH SPLIT FACE FINISH AND COORDINATING WALL CAP (TYP.) BOARD FORM CONCRETE PLANTER WALL (+-62.37 TW) 6' HIGH CMU BLOCK WALL WITH SPLIT FACE FINISH AND COORDINATING WALL CAP (TYP.) OUTDOOR KITCHEN - FINISHES TO MATCH ARCHITECTURE INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE (TYP.) TUBULAR STEEL, SELF-LATCHING POOL GATE POOL CABANA (TYP.) POOL & SPA TUBULAR STEEL POOL FENCE (TYP.) CHAISE LONGUE (TYP.) TURFBLOCK FIRE ACCESS PRECAST CONCRETE PERMEABLE PAVER - COLOR B (TYP.) BOARD FORM CONCRETE PLANTER WALL (+-60.12 TW) BOARD FORM CONCRETE PLANTER WALL (+-59.46 TW) LINED BIORETENTION OR FLOW-THROUGH PLANTER WITH TYPE B SOIL LINED BIORETENTION OR FLOW-THROUGH PLANTER WITH TYPE B SOIL LINED BIORETENTION OR FLOW-THROUGH PLANTER WITH TYPE B SOIL LINED BIORETENTION OR FLOW-THROUGH PLANTER WITH TYPE B SOIL BOARD FORM CONCRETE PATIO WALL (+-59.46 TW) BOARD FORM CONCRETE PATIO WALL (+-60.12 TW) GRASS-LINED DRAINAGE SWALE PER CIVIL ENGINEER TRANSFORMER NEW UTILITY POLE AND GUY WIRE IRRIGATION WATER METER LOCATION SEWER LINE (TYP.) DRAINAGE PER CIVIL ENGINEER (TYP.) XXX 2/6/17 MAWA AND ETWU CALCULATIONS MAWA: 53,729 Gallons ETWU: 50,195 Gallons SEE WELO WORKSHEETS FOR CALCULATIONS LEGEND STORMWATER PLANTERS - 174 SF LOW WATER PLANTING AREA - 2,669 SF MODERATE WATER PLANTING AREA - 80 SF LAWN PLANTING AREA - 475 SF POOL - 541 SF XERISCAPE PRINCIPLES 1. PLANT PALLETTE CONSISTS OF ALL LOW AND MODERATE WATER USE PLANTS AS DETERMINED BY WUCOLS IV 2. ON-GRADE AND SUBSURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION SYSTEMS WILL BE UTILIZED AT PLANTERS WHERE APPROPRIATE 3. SOIL AMENDMENTS WILL BE ADDED AS PLANTING BEDS ARE PREPARED TO IMPROVE WATER ABSORPTION 4. STREET TREES ARE PLANTED THROUGHOUT THE PROPERTY TO PROVIDE SHADE AND REDUCE EVAPORATION 5. IRRIGATION TIMES WILL BE IN THE EVENING AND EARLY MORNING, SMART CONTROLLERS WILL BE USED TO ADJUST WATERING TIMES TO SEASONAL NEEDS 6. RAIN SENSOR DEVICES WILL BE INSTALLED TO AUTOMATICALLY SHUT OFF IRRIGATION DURING RAIN EVENTS 7. ORGANIC MULCH WILL BE UTILIZED IN PARKWAYS ALONG STREET TO MINIMIZE EROSION, PROVIDE WEED CONTROL, AND ADD NUTRIENTS TO SOIL 8. HOA MAINTENANCE TO KEEP SITE CLEAN AND FREE OF DEAD PLANT MATERIAL, REPLACE MULCH WHEN NECESSARY, ADJUST IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, FERTILIZE WITH ORGANIC FERTILIZERS, AND PRUNE PLANT MATERIAL AS NEEDED 9. STORMWATER PLANTERS WILL BE UTILIZED TO PASSIVELY REMOVE POLLUTANTS FROM SITE RUN-OFF 10. IRRIGATION SYSTEMS WILL BE DESIGNED FOR THE FUTURE USE OF RECYCLED WATER 11. ONLY SUBSURFACE IRRIGATION SHALL BE USED TO IRRIGATE ANY VEGETATION WITHIN TWENTY-FOUR INCHES OF AN IMPERMEABLE SURFACE UNLESS THE ADJACENT IMPERMEABLE SURFACES ARE DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED TO CAUSE WATER TO DRAIN ENTIRELY INTO A LANDSCAPED AREA 849 HOME AVENUE 9/30/17 2/6/17 CT 16-10, PUD 16-12 TREE SYMBOLS PROPOSED TREE HOME AVE PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) 6' HIGH CMU BLOCK WALL WITH SPLIT FACE FINISH AND COORDINATING WALL CAP (TYP.) BUILDING SETBACK(TYP.) PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) 6' HIGH CMU BLOCK WALL WITH SPLIT FACE FINISH AND COORDINATING WALL CAP (TYP.) PRECAST CONCRETE PERMEABLE PAVER - COLOR A (TYP.) BOARD FORM CONCRETE PLANTER WALL (+-62.05 TW) BOARD FORM CONCRETE PLANTER WALL (+-62.0 TW) VEHICULAR SIGHT LINE (TYP.) 6' HIGH CMU BLOCK WALL WITH SPLIT FACE FINISH AND COORDINATING WALL CAP (TYP.) BOARD FORM CONCRETE PLANTER WALL (+-62.37 TW) 6' HIGH CMU BLOCK WALL WITH SPLIT FACE FINISH AND COORDINATING WALL CAP (TYP.) OUTDOOR KITCHEN - FINISHES TO MATCH ARCHITECTURE INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE (TYP.) TUBULAR STEEL, SELF-LATCHING POOL GATE POOL CABANA (TYP.) POOL & SPA TUBULAR STEEL POOL FENCE (TYP.) CHAISE LONGUE (TYP.) TURFBLOCK FIRE ACCESS PRECAST CONCRETE PERMEABLE PAVER - COLOR B (TYP.) BOARD FORM CONCRETE PLANTER WALL (+-60.12 TW) BOARD FORM CONCRETE PLANTER WALL (+-59.46 TW) LINED BIORETENTION OR FLOW-THROUGH PLANTER WITH TYPE B SOIL LINED BIORETENTION OR FLOW-THROUGH PLANTER WITH TYPE B SOIL LINED BIORETENTION OR FLOW-THROUGH PLANTER WITH TYPE B SOIL LINED BIORETENTION OR FLOW-THROUGH PLANTER WITH TYPE B SOIL BOARD FORM CONCRETE PATIO WALL (+-59.46 TW) BOARD FORM CONCRETE PATIO WALL (+-60.12 TW) GRASS-LINED DRAINAGE SWALE PER CIVIL ENGINEER TRANSFORMER NEW UTILITY POLE AND GUY WIRE IRRIGATION WATER METER LOCATION SEWER LINE (TYP.) DRAINAGE PER CIVIL ENGINEER (TYP.) XXX 2/6/17 LEGEND PRIVATE RESIDENT MAINTENANCE - 538 SF HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION MAINTENANCE - 2,860 SF 849 HOME AVENUE TREE SYMBOLS PROPOSED TREE 9/30/17 2/6/17 CT 16-10, PUD 16-12 HOME AVE PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) 6' HIGH CMU BLOCK WALL WITH SPLIT FACE FINISH AND COORDINATING WALL CAP (TYP.) BUILDING SETBACK(TYP.) PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) 6' HIGH CMU BLOCK WALL WITH SPLIT FACE FINISH AND COORDINATING WALL CAP (TYP.) PRECAST CONCRETE PERMEABLE PAVER - COLOR A (TYP.) BOARD FORM CONCRETE PLANTER WALL (+-62.05 TW) BOARD FORM CONCRETE PLANTER WALL (+-62.0 TW) VEHICULAR SIGHT LINE (TYP.) 6' HIGH CMU BLOCK WALL WITH SPLIT FACE FINISH AND COORDINATING WALL CAP (TYP.) BOARD FORM CONCRETE PLANTER WALL (+-62.37 TW) 6' HIGH CMU BLOCK WALL WITH SPLIT FACE FINISH AND COORDINATING WALL CAP (TYP.) OUTDOOR KITCHEN - FINISHES TO MATCH ARCHITECTURE INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE (TYP.) TUBULAR STEEL, SELF-LATCHING POOL GATE POOL CABANA (TYP.) POOL & SPA TUBULAR STEEL POOL FENCE (TYP.) CHAISE LONGUE (TYP.) TURFBLOCK FIRE ACCESS PRECAST CONCRETE PERMEABLE PAVER - COLOR B (TYP.) BOARD FORM CONCRETE PLANTER WALL (+-60.12 TW) BOARD FORM CONCRETE PLANTER WALL (+-59.46 TW) LINED BIORETENTION OR FLOW-THROUGH PLANTER WITH TYPE B SOIL LINED BIORETENTION OR FLOW-THROUGH PLANTER WITH TYPE B SOIL LINED BIORETENTION OR FLOW-THROUGH PLANTER WITH TYPE B SOIL LINED BIORETENTION OR FLOW-THROUGH PLANTER WITH TYPE B SOIL BOARD FORM CONCRETE PATIO WALL (+-59.46 TW) BOARD FORM CONCRETE PATIO WALL (+-60.12 TW) GRASS-LINED DRAINAGE SWALE PER CIVIL ENGINEER TRANSFORMER NEW UTILITY POLE AND GUY WIRE IRRIGATION WATER METER LOCATION SEWER LINE (TYP.) DRAINAGE PER CIVIL ENGINEER (TYP.) XXX 2/6/17 LEGEND PRIVATE RESIDENT POTABLE WATER IRRIGATION SYSTEM - 538 SF HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION NON-POTABLE WATER IRRIGATION SYSTEM - 2,860 SF 849 HOME AVENUE TREE SYMBOLS PROPOSED TREE 9/30/17 2/6/17 CT 16-10, PUD 16-12 HOME AVE NOTES: ALL COMMON AREA (HOA MAINTAINED) LANDSCAPE WILL BE DESIGNED FOR FUTURE NON-POTABLE IRRIGATION SUPPLY. PRIVATE RESIDENT LANDSCAPE WILL BE DESIGNED FOR POTABLE WATER SUPPLY. VICINITY MAP CONTIGUOUS OWNERSHIP FLOW-THROUGH PLANTER DETAIL, TYPICAL DETAIL 'A'