HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-06-21; Planning Commission; ; AMEND 2017-0005 (DEV2017-0023) – VILLAGE MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT FOR DISTILLERIES AND RESTAURANTS
The City of Carlsbad Planning Division A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION
Item No.
Application complete date: April 10, 2017
P.C. AGENDA OF: June 21, 2017 Project Planner: Austin Silva
Project Engineer: N/A
DISTILLERIES AND RESTAURANTS – A request to recommend approval of an applicant-
proposed amendment to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual to allow distilleries
and restaurants as provisional uses within Land Use District 6 (outside the Coastal Zone)
of the Village Review Zone and to add special provisional use standards for distilleries to
the Master Plan. The City Planner has determined that the proposed amendments do not
have a significant impact on the environment pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code
Section 19.04.070 A.c.(1), which states “minor zone or municipal code amendments that
do not involve physical modifications, lead to physical improvements beyond those
typically exempt, or which refine or clarify existing land use standards” are specific actions
considered not to have a significant effect on the environment.
That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 7245 RECOMMENDING
APPROVAL of AMEND 2017-0005 based on the findings contained therein.
A prospective Village business owner is proposing revisions to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual,
a document that regulates land uses in the city’s downtown, or “Village.” The proposed revisions consist
of modifying the land use matrix so that distilleries and restaurants would be classified as provisional uses
within Land Use District 6, and adding special provisional use standards for distilleries to the Master Plan.
Provisional uses are those which are permitted subject to discretionary approval (by either the City
Planner or the appropriate decision-making authority). These uses may be approved based upon findings
that the use is consistent with the Village vision and goals under specific conditions imposed by the permit.
Uses in this category require special scrutiny concerning location, size, and anticipated impact on adjacent
uses. For the purposes of land use policy within the Village, the term “provisional use” replaces the term
“conditional use” which is used within the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Currently, distilleries and restaurants
are not permitted in Land Use District 6. Restaurants are permitted in Land Use Districts 1 through 5, as
well as Land Use District 9, while distilleries are not currently permitted anywhere within the Village.
In recent years, craft distilling has gained popularity along with craft breweries and urban wineries. Craft
distilleries can be defined as a business that manufactures alcoholic spirits, which may include retail sales
and food sales on the premises. According to the applicant, the distilling process occurs as described
• Grain or fruit is received at an urban site from an outside grower.
• The grain or fruit is processed through a de-stemmer/crusher/press or mill.
• If fruit is used, the juice is placed in fermentation bins for eight to ten days. If grain is used, the
milled grain is cooked, and then placed in fermentation bins for three to seven days. The bins are
stored inside the building in a temperature controlled area.
June 21, 2017
Page 2
• The fermented juice is placed in a copper still to separate the alcohol, water, and solids.
• The alcoholic spirit is either placed in stainless steel tank(s) to be bottled, or in oak barrels for
aged products.
• The water and solids are placed in portable bins and transported to a local ranch to feed animals.
• Depending on the spirit created, the spirit is aged from six months to four years before bottling.
If the spirit is not to be aged, then it gets diluted and bottled.
The Craft Distillers Act of 2015 became effective in the State of California on January 1, 2016. A Craft
Distiller’s license, or Type-74, can be issued to a person who has facilities and equipment for the purpose
of commercially manufacturing distilled spirits. The license also allows for the wholesale of the distilled
spirits manufactured by the licensee, sales to consumers who attend an instructional tasting by the
licensee on its licenses premises, and sales of distilled spirits on the premises in a bona fide eating place.
Distilleries and restaurants are being proposed as provisional, rather than permitted, uses in Land Use
District 6 because there are residential uses located in the adjacent Land Use Districts 1 and 5, and in the
Barrio, that could potentially be impacted by these uses. Potential impacts associated with distilleries are
typically noise, deliveries, and the visual impacts of outdoor storage if not screened properly. Potential
impacts related to restaurants are typically parking and deliveries. If distilleries and restaurants are
permitted as a provisional use, an Administrative Review Permit would be required before such a use
could commence at a particular location. An Administrative Review Permit is decided at staff level (unless
appealed to a higher decision-making authority), subject to findings and any necessary conditions of
approval. Property owners within 300 feet of a property with a proposed distillery or restaurant would
be notified of the pending application and would have an opportunity to provide comments about the
proposed use. As provisional uses, distilleries and restaurants could either be approved with conditions
of approval to ensure compatibility with nearby residential uses, or they could be denied by the City
Planner if they do not meet the findings for compatibility with surrounding uses.
Select provisional uses have unique Village Master Plan standards that identify special considerations,
findings and conditions that are used to determine whether an identified use will be permitted at a
particular site. Staff is proposing special standards for distilleries (see Attachment 1). It is intended that
these standards, in association with project-specific conditions of approval, will ensure that any distilleries
approved in Land Use District 6 will be compatible with the surrounding residential and other uses.
A. General Plan
The General Plan contains a framework of land use goals, objectives, policies and programs. Table A below
summarizes how the proposed amendment complies with relevant parts of this policy framework.
Element Goal/Policy Compliance with Goal
Land Use Goal 2-G.29: Maintain and enhance
the Village as a center for residents
and visitors with commercial,
residential, dining, civic, cultural,
and entertainment activities.
The proposed amendment is consistent with the
General Plan in that it will assist in providing a
unique dining, shopping and cultural experience
where residents and visitors will be able to
sample and purchase locally made spirits. Craft
distilleries typically include specialty retail shops
where locally made spirits are made and sold to
June 21, 2017
Page 3
B. Village Master Plan and Design Manual
Table B below summarizes how the proposed amendment complies with relevant goals and objectives of
the Village Master Plan and Design Manual.
Goal 1 Establish Carlsbad Village as a
quality shopping, working,
and living environment.
Allowing distilleries and restaurants as
provisional uses in Land Use District 6
will further improve the Village as a
shopping and tourist destination for
both residents and visitors. The
distilleries will complement the
existing restaurants and hotels by
providing a unique tasting experience
that otherwise occurs in more
industrial areas. The potential
impacts to surrounding uses can be
avoided in that special provisional use
standards for distilleries are proposed
to ensure compatibility with
surrounding uses. By allowing
distilleries and restaurants as
provisional uses, conditions can be
placed on the land use permit to make
them compatible with nearby uses.
Objective 1.3 Attract additional tourist-
serving uses.
Objective 1.9 Provide a variety of
commercial, tourism, and
recreation activity, especially
close to the beach, in
conjunction with special
entertainment facilities,
restaurants and other uses
which will foster a village
concept and not
detrimentally impact
residential usage.
The Village Master Plan and Design Manual identifies Land Use District 6 as a “service commercial support
area.” The Village Master Plan and Design Manual states that:
District 6 has traditionally functioned as a light industrial area with an emphasis upon
automotive towing, repair and detailing uses. Other building services and light industrial
activities have also occupied large parcels in the area. Land uses of this type will be
allowed to continue in the area with some limitations to better integrate them into the
surrounding Village environment. However, as economics begin to play its role in the
Goal 2-G.30: Develop a distinct
identity for the Village by
encouraging a variety of uses and
activities, such as a mix of
residential, commercial office,
restaurants and specialty retail
shops, which traditionally locate in a
pedestrian–oriented downtown
area and attract visitors and
residents from across the
community by creating a lively,
interesting social environment.
patrons who are there to sample the product.
Land Use District 6 is within walking distance to
the core of the Village, visitor serving uses such
as hotels and restaurants, and residential
neighborhoods. Additionally, allowing
restaurants in Land Use District 6 will allow for
more dining opportunities in the Village which
would be within walking distance to hotels and
housing in the Village and Barrio.
June 21, 2017
Page 4
area, this area may begin to transition into a more commercial retail and business area
much different from the industrial land uses. The land use plan within this document
allows for the gradual transition of the area into uses which will be more compatible with
the residential character of the Barrio neighborhood.
Wineries are already a provisional use in Land Use District 6, and distilleries are similar to wineries as it
relates to production and operation. Allowing distilleries and restaurants as provisional uses in Land Use
District 6 would assist in the transition of the district into more of a commercial and retail area. As
provisional uses, a consideration in approving a distillery or restaurant would include reviewing the
compatibility with adjacent and surrounding uses, and placing conditions on the permit to limit the
potential impacts of the use on residential and other uses in the neighborhood. Provisional use standards
have been developed by Planning in collaboration with the Police Department for distilleries and include
“Location and Development Criteria” and “Findings” that must be met in order for the proposed use to
receive a Village Review Permit.
C. Zoning Ordinance
No changes are proposed to the Zoning Ordinance. Chapter 21.35 contains regulations for the Village
Review (V-R) Zone, the zone that applies to the area of the Master Plan. Zoning Ordinance Section
21.35.150 deems amendments to the Master Plan as amendments to Chapter21.35; therefore, an
accompanying Zoning Ordinance amendment is not required.
D. Local Coastal Program
The proposed amendment affects only properties outside of the Coastal Zone and particularly those
outside of the Village segment of the city’s Local Coastal Program (LCP). Therefore, an analysis of
compliance with or an amendment to the LCP is not necessary.
Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 19.04.070 A.c.(1) states “minor zone or municipal code amendments
that do not involve physical modifications, lead to physical improvements beyond those typically exempt,
or which refine or clarify existing land use standards” are specific actions considered not to have a
significant effect on the environment.
The proposed revisions to the Master Plan are similar to minor Zoning Ordinance amendments and
therefore are exempt from environmental analysis. The proposed changes would lead to development
typically found exempt from environmental review. Restaurants and distilleries would typically be exempt
from environmental analysis because, in most cases, they locate within an existing building that is
repurposed where minor improvements to the interior and exterior of the building are made. Such
projects are exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 “Existing Facilities.”
1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 7245
2. Location Map
3. Disclosure Statement
4. Public Comments
AMEND 2017-0005
Village Master Plan Amendment
Sarah Cluff
Brad Cunningham <t>
Wednesday, May 10, 2017 11:28 AM
Council Internet Email; Planning
In support of Nicholas Hammond's amendment to the master plan
Members of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission and City Council.
I am writing to ask that the Carlsbad City Staff. Planning Department and Council approve the amendment to the master plan, filed
by Nicholas Hammond, which would allow the operation of distilleries and restaurants in districts 6 of the Carlsbad Village and Barrio
Master Plan by provisional use.
I have been a resident and business owner in the city of Carlsbad for 10 years and have watched as the downtown vlllage and barrio
area have been transformed from a tourist trap strip of stores With little character to la place that is welcoming to locals and a place
where I enjoy bringing my friends and family.
However, there Is still more that could be done to leverage the valuable real estate in the village and the barrio to focus even more on
the "local" aspect of our city. In the draft village and barrio plan it says it's "time to be! a town" and that we need to develop "great
Nicholas' plan to develop a local farm to table restaurant with the unique addition of a distillery would help spur this development
goal. Additionally, I ask that you also approve the provisional use permit for Nicholas Hammond and Pacific Coast Spirits to establish
the distillery and restaurant at 3135 Tyler Street in Carlsbad.
In the draft master plan the old Cafe Paninllocation (now the succulent cafe) is highlighted as an example of a good local gem.
Nicholas' location would be right around the corner and would continue to build out this block connecting Succulent Cafe, Cafe Topes
(a resounding success), and Pacific Coast Spirits. This location also has the suppont of the Boys and Girls club right across the street
and will have a model of giving back a percentage of proceeds to charities (like the 13oys and Girls club.).
As a resident of Carlsbad I believe that such uses are desirable for the City of Carls load and compatible with the future vision of this
Nicholas Hammond understands the importance of"local" and has great plans to give back to the community and I feel he will be a
great asset to our community. I fully support Nicholas opening his business here in Carlsbad Village and Barrio.
Sarah Cluff
Gmail <c >
Wednesday, May 10, 2017 11:35 AM
Planning; Council Internet Email
Pacific Coast Spirits Approval -Local
Members of the Carlsbad City Plruming Commission and City Council,
I am writing on behalf of myself and my family as local, North COtmty San Diego residents to ask that the
Carlsbad City Stair, Planning Department and Colmcil approve the amendment to the master plan, filed by
Nicholas Hammond, which would allow the operation of distilleries and restaw·ru1ts in districts 6 ofthe
Carlsbad Village and Bania Master Plan by provisional use.
Additionally, I ask that you also approve the provisional use permit for Nicholas Hammond and Pacific Coast
Spirits to establish the distillery and restaurant at 3135 Tyler Street in Carlsbad. As a local resident I believe that
such uses are desirable for the City of Carlsbad and compatible with the future vision of this district.
Nicholas Hammond understands the importance of"local" and has great plans to give back to the community
and we feel he will be a great asset to our community. We fully suppottNicholas opening his business here in
Carlsbad Village and Barrio.
Kind regards,
Chelsea Hewitt
Sarah Cluff
Bryan Poffenberger
Encinitas, CA 92024
Bryan Poffenberger <b >
Wednesday, May 10, 2017 11:57 AM
Planning; Council Internet Email
Support for Nick Hammond's ammendment to the Master Plan
May 10,2017
Members of the Carlsbad City Platming Commission and City Counciil ,
lam writing on behalf of myself and Blue Crane Digital, LLC to ask that the Carlsbad City Staff, Plruming
Department and Council approve the ameudment to the master plan, filed by Nicholas Hammond, which would
allow the operation of distilleries ru1d restaurants in districts 6 of the Carlsbad Village and Barrio Master Plan
by provisional use.
Additionally, 1 ask that you also approve the provisional use permit for Nicholas Hammond and Pacific Coast
Spirits to establish the distillery and restaurant at 3135 Tyler Street in Carlsbad. As a business owner in
Carlsbad from 2007 to 2014 and subsequently in Encinitas 1 believe that such uses are desirable for the City of
Carlsbad and compatible with the future vision of this district.
I have known and worked with Nick for over a year. He is a responsible and hru·d-workil1g individual, loving
husband and father, and a very honest and ethical businessmru1. Your city will benefit from having Nick locate
his business in Carlsbad. Because his business acumen is so solid, he will build a restaurant and production
facility that contributes to local employment and taxes. I strongly enc:ourage you to embrace this project and
welcome Nick to yom commrutity.
Bryan Poffenberger
Sarah Cluff
Karen Ek <e >
Wednesday, May 10, 2017 12:10 PM
Planning; Council Internet Email
Pacific Coast Spirits -Amendment to the Master Plan
Dear Members of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission and City Council,
I am writing to ask that the Carlsbad City Staff, Planning Department and Council approve the amendment to the master plan, filed by
Nicholas Hammond, which would allow the operation of distilleries and restaurants in districts 6 of the Carlsbad Village and Barrio
Master Plan by provisional use.
Additionally, I ask that you also approve the provisional use permit for Nicholas Hammond and Pacific Coast Spirits to establish the
distillery and restaurant at 3135 Tyler Street in Carlsbad. As a resident of Carlsbad, I believe that such uses are desirable for the City of
Carlsbad and compatible with the future vision of this district.
Nicholas Hammond understand the importance of "local'' and has great plans to give back to the community and we feel he Will be a
great asset to our community. I fully support Nicholas opening his business here in Carlsbad Village and Barrio.
Thank you for your time and consideration,
Karen Ek
Carlsbad Resident
Sarah Cluff
Bryan Wetter <B >
Wednesday, May 10, 2017 1:30PM
Planning; Council Internet Email
Pacific Coast Spirits will add to the inprov•ement of Carlsbad
Members of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission and City Council.
I am writing on behalf of myself and my wife to ask that the Carlsbad City Staff, Planning Department and Council approve the
amendment to the master plan, filed by Nicholas Hammond, which would allow the c•peration of distilleries and restaurants in districts 6
of the Carlsbad Village and Barrio Master Plan by provisional use.
Additionally, I ask that you also approve the provisional use permit for Nicholas Hammond and Pacific Coast Spirits to establish the
distillery and restaurant at 3135 Tyler Street in Carlsbad. As a homeowner in Carlsbad, I believe that such uses are desirable for the
City of Carlsbad and compatible with the future vision of this district.
Nicholas Hammond understand the importance of "local'' and has greal plans to give! back to the community and we feel he will be a
great asset to our community. We fully support Nicholas opening his business here in Carlsbad Village and Barrio.
Thank you,
Bryan & Paula Wetter
1'h1s ~~~~~sa~::co ·•IHI any all~chc<l tlat;l nMy COI11.1hl p1~vlleged an<l conudenual llliOJ'Ill.ll101lti1Jt IS I>' otectl·d rrom di~dosmc.lf you .1re J)utth!! ltllt?lld~d J'CCip1t'111, nr ·Ill
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cummunic.tllunls slriclly JITOhihilt<d. Jfrou h:.vc n.-<:<:tY!:d U1Js communr~"auonm C'l r01, pi!!"ISI' Jelcl<' the cm~il .tnd d1> uol -;.we the e111.11l or ~11v attac:hctl d.Jt<l, in'"'''
Sarah Cluff
Kelly (Nelson) Robinson <k >
Wednesday, May 10, 2017 2:40PM
Planning; Council Internet Email
Pacific Coast Spirits
Members of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission and City Council,
I am writing on behalf of myself and my family who live in Carlsbad, to ask that the Carlsbad City Staff, Planning
Department and Council approve the amendment to the master plan, filed by Nicholas Hammond, which would allow the
operation of distilleries and restaurants in districts 6 of the Carlsbad Village and Barrio Master Plan by provisional use.
Additionally, I ask that you also approve the provisional use permit for Nicholas Hammond and Pacific Coast Spirits to
establish the distillery and restaurant at 3135 Tyler Street in Carlsbad. As a vi~ry frequent visitor or relatives and friends in
Carlsbad, I believe that such uses are desirable for the City of Carlsbad and c:ompatible with the future vision of this
Nicholas Hammond understand the importance of "local" and has great plans to give back to the community and we feel
he will be a great asset to our community. We fully support Nicholas opening his business here in Carlsbad Village and
Thank you so much for your time.
-Kelly Robinson
Sarah Cluff
Rebecca Carr <
Wednesday, May 10, 2017 5:07 PM
Planning; Council Internet Email
Request: Pacific Coast Spirits Approval
Members of the Carlsbad Cfty Planning Commission and City Council,
I am writing on behalfofmyselfand the Pacific Coast Spirits, to ask that the Cal'lsbad City Staff, Planning Department and Council approve
the amendment to the master plan, filed by Nicholas Hammond, which would allow the operation of distilleries and restaurants in districts 6
of the Carlsbad Village and Barrio Master Plan by provisional use.
Additionally, I'd like to ask that you also approve the provisional use permit for Nicholas Hammond and Pacific Coast Spirits to establish the
distillery and restaurant at 3135 Tyler Street in Carlsbad. 1 believe that such uses are desirable for the City of Carlsbad and c<;>mpatible with
the future vision of this district.
As a newly married female, it is particularly impOJiant that more family friendly (and dog friendly!) bliSiness' open in the area that promote
community, healthy living/eating, and sustainability. As I dive into the next chapter of my life and start a family, Pacific Coast Spirits in the
type of business I want to be sulTounded by.
Nicholas Hammond & his family do truly understand the importance of"local" and have great plans to give back to th.e community. My
husband and 1 feel he will be a great asset to our community. We fully support Nicholas o.pening his business here in Carlsbad Village and
Rebecca & John Carr
PS -lfyou haven't yet tried a sampling of some of the spirits! You should:) Nicholas does North County San Diego proud!
Sarah Cluff
Amy Olin <
Thursday, May 11, 2017 12:27 PM
Planning; Council Internet Email
Members of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission and City Council,
I am writing to ask that the Carlsbad City Staff, Planning Department and Council approve the amendment to the master plan. filed by
Nicholas Hammond, which would allow the operation of distilleries and restaurants in districts 6 of the Carlsbad Village and Barrio
Master Plan by provisional use.
Additionally, I ask that you approve the provisional use permit for Nicholas Hammond and Pacific Coast Spirits to establish the distillery
and restaurant at 3135 Tyler Street in Carlsbad. As a frequent visitor to Carlsbad and North County San Diego, I believe that such uses
are desirable for the City of Carlsbad and compatible with the future vision of this district.
Nicholas Hammond understands the importance of "local" and has great plans to give back to the community. He is a family man and
his primary focus will be on the restaurant. His establishment will promote the farm-to-table concept and will use locally sourced
ingredients. It will be dog, kid, and family friendly. and the business will be family owned and operated. He plans to give back a
percentage of his proceeds to charities. I've known Nick and his wife personally for several years and can wholeheartedly endorse
him: great guy, great family, honest intentions.
Nick will be a great asset to your community. I fully support him opening his business in Carlsbad Village and Barrio.
Amy Olin
Planning Commission May 11,2017
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad, California 92008
Att: Austin Silva
In re: Distillery at 3135 Tyler Street/please advise regarding the title or file number for this
Simon Angel
Carlsbad, California 92008
Mr. Silva:
Following are a number of questions and issues presented to the Planning Commission that I
believe should be addressed. My hope is that the Planning Commission can provide clear and
unequivocal responses. In the event that some of the responses are beyond the knowledge or
expertise of your department I would request that your action on this application would be to
recommend an impact study to address the impact on the environment, safety and health, and
community input beyond the 300" standard. At this point, I neither support or oppose this
project, pending your responses.
My questions and concerns are as follows:
1. What are the standards governing this project, more specifically, the distillation process
and the waste treatment process of by-products such as waste water, waste matter,
methane gas, hydrogen sulfide and any other unknown waste?
2. What is(are) the system(s) and processes to be used in distillation?
3. What is(are) the system(s) and processes to be used in the collection, treatment and
disposal of by-products and waste resulting from the distillation process?
4. What are the prevention control measures to be used to eliminate or minimize hazards?
5. What are the process control measures in the event that the prevention control
measures fail?
Farah Nisan
D. Sloan <d >
Saturday, May 20, 2017 6:53AM
Planning; Council Internet Email
P,acific Coast Spirits Project
Sent from my iPad
Members of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission and City Council,
I am writing on behalf of myself and my wife, to ask that the Carlsbad City Staff, Planning
Department and Council approve the amendment to the master plan, filed by Nicholas
Hammond, which would allow the operation of distilleries and restaurants in districts 6 of the
Carlsbad Village and Barrio Master Plan by provisional use.
Additionally, I ask that you also approve the provisional use permit for Nicholas Hammond and
Pacific Coast Spirits to establish the distillery and restaurant at 313 5 Tyler Street in Carlsbad. I
believe that such uses are desirable for the City of Carlsbad and compatible with the future vision
of this district.
Nicholas Hammond understand the importance of "local" and has great plans to give back to the
community and we feel he will be a great asset to our community. We fully support Nicholas
opening his business here in Carlsbad Village and Barrio.
Thank you
Mr. & Mrs. Dun Sloan
San Marcos, Ca
Farah Nisan
Andrea Russell <>
Monday, May 22, 2017 9:25AM
Council Internet Email; Planning
Pacific Coast Spirits
Members of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission and City Council,
I am writing to ask that the Carlsbad City Staff, Planning Department and Council approve the amendment to the master
plan, filed by Nicholas Hammond, which would allow the operation of distilleries and restaurants in districts 6 of the
Carlsbad Village and Barrio Master Plan by provisional use. Additionally, I ask that you also approve the provisional use
permit for Nicholas Hammond and Pacific Coast Spirits to establish the distillery and restaurant at 3135 Tyler Street in
As a citizen of San Diego and a fellow small business owner, I believe that Mr. Hammond should be allowed the
opportunity to successfully achieve his business goals and strive for a better tomorrow for he and his family. There is no
detriment to the City of Carlsbad to approve such uses as they are desirable for the City of Carlsbad and compatible with
the future vision of this district.
Nicholas Hammond understands the importance of "local" and has great plans to give back to the community and we feel
he will be a great asset to the community. We fully support Nicholas and his family opening his business in Carlsbad
Village and Barrio.
Thank you,
Andrea Russell
Farah Nisan
Marta Ashby <>
Wednesday, May 24, 2017 7:41AM
Planning; Council Internet Email
Support for Pacific Coast Spirits
Members of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission and City Council,
I am writing on behalf of myself and the Pacific Coast Spirits, to ask that the Carlsbad City Staff, Planning Department and
Council approve the amendment to the master plan, filed by Nicholas Hammond, which would allow the operation of
distilleries and restaurants in districts 6 of the Carlsbad Village and Barrio Master Plan by provisional use.
Additionally, I ask that you also approve the provisional use permit for Nicholas Hammond and Pacific Coast Spirits to
establish the distillery and restaurant at 3135 Tyler Street in Carlsbad. As a frequent visitor/vacationer of the Carlsbad
area I believe that such uses are desirable for the City of Carlsbad and compatible with the future vision of this district.
Nicholas Hammond understand the importance of "local" and has great plans to give back to the community and we feel
he will be a great asset to our community. We fully support Nicholas opening his business here in Carlsbad Village and
Barrio. Nicholas is very much a family man and wants his business to be a place for families, friends, and locals to visit
and enjoy. He has always been an upscaled person and a wonderful family man. Nicholas along with his family ran a
winery and tasting room in Martinez, Ca and was well liked and appreciated for their support and involvement in the
community. They were very involved in local activities and gave numerous donations to help in the fund raising of local
area schools and charities, along with making excellent wine that won numerous local and state awards.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Marta Hammond Ashby
From: Airica Dryden a
Subject: Pacific Coast Spirits Request for Approval of the Amendment to the Master Plan
Date: May 28, 2017 at 10:14 AM
To: planning@carlsbadca.gov, citycouncil@carlsbadca.gov
Members of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission and City Council,
Good day to you. I am writing on behalf of myself, my husband, and
Pacific Coast Spirits to ask that the Carlsbad City Staff, Planning
Department, and Council approve the amendment to the master plan,
filed by Nicholas Hammond; allowing the operation of distilleries and
restaurants in districts 6 of the Carlsbad Village and Barrio Master
Plan by provisional use.
I'm excited for the establishment of this restaurant into Carlsbad
and our North County, community as there is nothing of its
kind already in our area. The restaurant & distillery will be a well-
managed family owned and operated business that believes in,
and promotes, the use of sustainable food and crafting practices along
with locally sourced ingredients. For families (and pet parents)
that seek an enjoyable atmosphere to have a meal or cocktail, Pacific
Coast Spirits will offer that in spades.
My husband and I have been neighbors with the Hammonds for the
past year. They are genuine, kind, hardworking people that are
passionate about their life's work.
Nick has been in the business of "making things from scratch" from a
very young age. His craft and vision are too special not to share
with our community.
Nicole is dedicated to doing things well and her hospitality is warm and
fun; bringing you back to their table again & again. Together, they are
a great team that will create a restaurant & distillery occupants will
frequent often and tell all their friends about.
Additionally, I ask that you also approve the provisional use permit for
Nicholas Hammond and Pacific Coast Spirits to establish the distillery
and restaurant at 3135 Tyler Street in Carlsbad. As a resident and
frequent visitor to Carlsbad Village, I believe that such
uses are advantageous for the City of Carlsbad while
maintaining compatibility with the future vision of this district.
The Pacific Coast Spirits owners understand the importance and
benefit of "local." Nick has great plans to give back to the community.
With farm-to-table practices, creation of local employment, charity and
benefit contributions, and collaboration with Southern California
farmers; we feel that Pacific Coast Spirits will be an exceptional asset
to North County for years to come. My husband and I fully support
Nicholas in opening his business in Carlsbad Village and Barrio. And
we look forward to that first "cheers"!
Yours Sincerely,
Airica Dryden & Robert Burgess
Austin Silva
From: Planning
Tuesday, May 30, 2017 8:08AM
Don Neu; Austin Silva
Subject: FW: Pacific Coast Spirits
From: Joe Cresto [mailto ]
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2017 5:29PM
To: Planning <Pianning@CarlsbadCA.gov>; Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: Pacific Coast Spirits
Hello -I wanted to write the Carlsbad Planning Committee and City Council to express my support for a newly
proposed business in the Carlsbad area. The business is Pacific Coast Spirits and after reviewing the details of
what they plan to offer in the way of food and beverages I believe it they would make a great addition to the
community. Carlsbad does not have many businesses that offer the food selection t hey are proposing and I
would be excited to have this type of venue available. It is truly a unique offering and I hope those in reviewing
this proposal make the right decision in letting this unique business have an opportunity to thrive in our
Thank you for your consideration.
Joe Cresto
Carlsbad Resident
Austin Silva
From: Council Internet Email
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 8:29AM
Subject: FW: Pacific Coast Spirits Request for Approval of the Amendment to the Master Plan
From: Airica Dryden [mailto:a ]
Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2017 10:14 AM
To: Planning <Pianning@CarlsbadCA.gov>; Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: Pacific Coast Spirits Request for Approval of the Amendment to the Master Plan
Members of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission and City Council,
Good day to you. I am writing on behalf of myself, my husband, and Pacific Coast Spirits to ask that the Carlsbad City Staff, Planning Department,
and Council approve the amendment to the master plan, filed by Nicholas Hammond; allowing the operation of distilleries and restaurants in
districts 6 of the Carlsbad Village and Barrio Master Plan by provisional use:
I'm excited for the establishment of this restaurant into Carlsbad and our North County, community as there is nothing of its kind already in our
area. The restaurant & distillery will be a well-managed family owned and operated business that believes in, and promotes, the use of sustainable
food and crafting practices along with locally sourced ingredients. For families (and pet parents) that seek an enjoyable atmosphere to have a meal
or cocktail, Pacific Coast Spirits will offer that in spades.
My husband and I have been neighbors with the Hammonds for the p<:Jst year. They are genuine, kind, hardworking people that are passionate
about their life's work.
Nick has been iri the business of "making things from scratch" from a very young age. His craft and vision are too special not to share with our
Nicole is dedicated to doing things well and her hospitality is warm arid fun; bringing you back to their table again & again. Together, they are a
great team that will create a restaurant & distillery occupants will frequent often and tell all their friends about.
Additionally, I ask that you also approve the provisional use permit for Nicholas Hammond and Pacific Coast Spirits to establish the distillery and
restaurant at 3135 Tyler Street in Carlsbad. As a resident and frequent visitor to Carlsbad Village; I believe that such uses are advantageous for the
City of Carlsbad while maintaining compatibility with the future vision of this district.
The Pacific Coast Spirits owners understand the importance and benefit of "local." Nick has great plans to give back to the community. With farm-
to-table practices, creation of local employment, charity and benefit contributions, and collaboration with Southern California farmers; we feel that
Pacific Coast Spirits will be an exceptional asset to North County for years to come. My husband and I fully support Nicholas in opening his business
in Carlsbad Village and Barr·io. And we look forward to that first"cheers"!
Yours Sincerely,
Airica Dryden & Robert Burgess
Austin Silva
Tuesday, May 30, 2017 4:07 PM
Austin Silva; Don Neu
FW: Pacific Coast Spirits
From: Casey McFarland [mailto:
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 4:06PM
To: Planning <Pianning@CarlsbadCA.gov>; Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: Pacific Coast Spirits
Members of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission and City Council,
I am writing on behalf of myself and Pacific Coast Spirits, to ask that the Carlsbad City Staff, Planning
Department and Council approve the amendment to the master plan, filed by Nicholas Hammond, which would
allow the operation of distilleries and restaurants in districts 6 of the Carlsbad Village and Barrio Master Plan
by provisional use.
Additionally, I ask that you also approve the provisional use permit for Nicholas Hammond and Pacific Coast
Spirits to establish the distillery and restaurant at 3135 Tyler Street in Carlsbad. As a nearby resident I believe
that such uses are desirable for the City of Carlsbad and compatible with the future vision of this district. There
are not many options for family and dog friendly places in the area that have healthy farm-to-table ingredients
on the menu. I think Pacific Coast Spirits would be a great asset to our community as a family owned business
that is conscientious about the community needs and culture of the city of Carlsbad.
Nicholas Hammond understands the importance of "local" and has great plans to give back to the community
and we feel he will be a great asset to our community. We fully support Nicholas opening his business here in
Carlsbad Village and Barrio. I sincerely hope to see Pacific Coasts Spirits open in the near future!
With gratitude,
Casey McFarland
Casey McFarland, MPH
Kinesiology, Health & Nutrition
From: Paul Belmont r
Subject: Pacific Coast Spirits Support
Date: May 31, 2017 at 1 :12 PM
To : planning@carlsbadca.gov, citycouncil@carlsbadca.gov
Bee: hammondnc@gmail .com
Dear Members of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission and City Council,
I am writing on behalf of myself and family, to ask that the Carlsbad City Staff, Planning Department and Council
approve the amendment to the master plan, filed by Nicholas Hammond, which would allow the operation of
distilleries and restaurants in districts 6 of the Carlsbad Village and Barrio Master Plan by provisional use.
I am a local practicing structural engineer and witness to many projects that bring positive impacts to our local
communities such as this one. As a coastal California resident I believe that such uses are desirable for the
City of Carlsbad and compatible with the future vision of this district. Additionally, I ask that you approve the
provisional use permit for Nicholas Hammond and Pacific Coast Spirits to establish the distillery and restaurant
at 3135 Tyler Street in Carlsbad.
I have known Nicholas Hammond for 14 years. Nicholas understands the importance of "local" and has great
plans to give back to the community and we feel he will be a great asset to our community. We fully support
Nicholas opening his business here in Carlsbad Village and Barrio.
Thank you,
R. Paul Belmont
Austin Silva
Thursday, June 01, 2017 7:40AM
Austin Silva; Don Neu
FW: Pacific Coast Spirits Support
From: Paul Belmont [mailto:
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2017 1:12PM
To: Planning <Pianning@CarlsbadCA.gov>; Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: Pacific Coast Spirits Support
Dear Members of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission and City Council,
I am writing on behalf of myself and family, to ask that the Carlsbad City Staff, Planning Department and Council approve the
amendment to the master plan, filed by Nicholas Hammond, which would allow the operation of distilleries and restaurants in districts 6
of the Carlsbad Village and Barrio Master Plan by provisional use.
I am a local practicing structural engineer and witness to many projects that bring positive impacts to our local communities such as this
one. As a coastal California resident I believe that such uses are desirable for the City of Carlsbad and compatible with the future
vision of this district. Additionally, I ask that you approve the provisional use permit for Nicholas Hammond and Pacific Coast Spirits to
establish the distillery and restaurant at 3135 Tyler Street in Carlsbad.
I have known Nicholas Hammond for 14 years. Nicholas understands the importance of "local" and has great plans to give back to the
community and we feel he will be a great asset to our community. We fully support Nicholas opening his business here in Carlsbad
Village and Barrio.
Thank you,
R. Paul Belmont
Austin Silva
From: Planning
Thursday, June 01, 2017 7:41AM
Austin Silva; Don Neu
Subject: FW: Pacific Coast Spirits
From: Kevin Ashby [mailto:k
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2017 2:05PM
To: Planning <Pianning@CarlsbadCA.gov>
Subject: Pacific Coast Spirits
Members of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission and City Council,
I writing to you on behalf of my self and being a business partner and co-owner of Climbing Monkeys Winery
with Nicholas Hammond to ask that the Carlsbad City Staff, Planning Department and Council approve the
amendment to the master plan, filed by Nicholas Hammond, which would allow the operation of distilleries and
restaurants in districts 6 of the Carlsbad Village and Barrio Master Plan by provisional use.
I also see that it would be beneficial to the City of Carl's Bad for you to approve the provisional use permit for
Nicholas Hammond and Pacific Coast Spirits t<;:> establish the distillery and restaurant at 313 5 Tyler Street in
Carlsbad. I believe that such uses are desirable for the City of Carlsbad and compatible with the future vision of
this district.
Nicholas Hammond has already proven the impmiance of giving back to the community. His ownership and
leadership in C. M. Winery in Northern California lead to an abundance of community philanthropy as proven
by being involved in and donating to wonderful community causes and fund raising benefits such as public
schools, private schools, local police depruiments, foster care programs, Blue Star Moms, local churches and
many more. Nicholas truly understands the importance of giving back to the local community, I'm am sure he
would exceed any expectations you may have of his intentions as he has great plans for his local involvement. I
know he will be a great asset to your community. You should feel fortunate for the benefits you will garner
from his local involvement and business ownership.
Please feel free to contact me directly.
Kevin Ashby
Austin Silva
Monday, June 05, 2017 12:46 PM
Austin Silva
FW: Pacific Coast Spirits Ammenedment
From: Kevin Sladek [mailto:k ]
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2017 11:51 AM
To: Planning <Pianning@CarlsbadCA.gov>
Cc: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; EB Sladek
Subject: Pacific Coast Spirits Ammenedment
Members of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission and City Council,
I am writing to ask that the Carlsbad City Staff, Planning Department and Council approve the amendment to
the master plan, filed by Nicholas Hammond, which would allow the operation of distilleries and restaurants in
districts 6 of the Carlsbad Village and Barrio Master Plan by provisional use.
Additionally, I ask that you also approve the provisional use permit for Nicholas Hammond and Pacific Coast
Spirits to establish the distillery and restaurant at 313 5 Tyler Street in Carlsbad.
My wife and I are homeowners in the Barrio, on Roosevelt St. Our two young children attend the Village
Montessori School on Pine Ave and our older son will start kindergarten at Jefferson elementary next year. We
love the diversity of this tight-knit neighborhood and feel very lucky to call the Village and Barrio our home.
Fantastic local restaurants south of Carlsbad Village Drive, like Lola's, Cafe Topes, Roosevelt Pizza, and the
new Succulent Cafe, are a big part of what makes this neighborhood special. Along with our excellent parks,
schools, churches and institutions like the Boys and Girls club, they are where are families meet and community
is made.
2017 is our seventh year since moving to Carlsbad from San Francisco, and the recent culinary dynamism in our
village is a real source of pride for us. We love taking out-of-town guests to high-quality, on-trend
establishments like Campfire and Steady State coffee, and watching their surpris~ that Carlsbad is producing
these kinds of experiences. Nicholas' vision for a local, family-friendly restaurant and craft distillery would be a
terrific addition to the Carlsbad food scene and a welcome addition to our Barrio community.
My wife Emily joins me in offering our full support for Nicholas' efforts to open his business here in Carlsbad's
Village and Barrio.
Kevin Sladek
Carlsbad, CA
Austin Silva
From: Austin Silva
Monday, June 05, 2017 4:06 PM
Subject: RE: Distillery project on Tyler Street
I've spoken to the Fire Marshall (Randy Metz) and with the Don Little who is the Source Control Manager for Encinas
Wastewater Authority. A lot of the questions you are asking are items that get reviewed and worked out through the
permit process and when there is a proposal for them to review. A distillery would be subject to the State of California's
Fire and Building Codes, and the state's stormwater requirements. Any type of discharge from the distillation process or
over-spill is strictly prohibited to entering into the storm drain system (questions 15 & 16). This would be considered
illicit discharge and would be in violation of the state's MS4 permit. We would require that off-street parking is provided
to the extent feasible (question 18). Also, we would consider input from residents and businesses that are beyond the
300 foot radius of Land Use District 6 in the Village (question 20). If you would like to speak directly with the Fire
Marshall or Don Little, I can get you their contact information. I am sorry I am unable to provide you with a more
detailed response to your list of questions at this time.
Austin Silva, AICP
Associate Planner
P: 760-602-4631
City of Carlsbad
Planning Division
From: sangel [mailto:s ]
Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2017 9:54AM
To: Austin Silva <Austin.Silva@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: Re: Distillery project on Tyler Street
Thank you for your reply.
On Friday, June 2, 2017 11:51 AM, Austin Silva <Austin.Silva@carlsbadca.gov> wrote:
Hi Simon,
I'm waiting on some responses to a few of the questions from other departments/agencies. I want to give you
all of the answers at once rather than piece meal it. I should have something to you next week. I would like to
point out that we will consider input from residents outside of the 300 foot radius. The item is scheduled for the
June 21 51 Planning Commission meeting.
Austin Silva, AICP
Associate Planner
P: 760-602-4631
City of Carlsbad
Planning Division
From: sangel [mailto:
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2017 9:00AM
To: Austin Silva <Austin.Silva@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: Distillery project on Tyler Street
Mr. Silva,
I just wanted to touch bases and check on the status of the this project and if there has been any
response to the questions I raised in my previous e-mail. Also, do you have an idea when this matter
will go before the Planning Commission?
Please let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions after reading the responses.
Austin Silva, AICP
Associate Planner
P: 760-602-4631
City of Carlsbad
Planning Division
From: sangel [mailto:
Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2017 9:54AM
To: Austin Silva <Austin.Silva@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: Re: Distillery project on Tyler Street
Thank you for your reply.
On Friday, June 2, 2017 11:51 AM, Austin Silva <Austin.Silva@carlsbadca.gov> wrote:
Hi Simon,
I'm waiting on some responses to a few of the questions from other departments/agencies. I want to give you
all of the answers at once rather than piece meal it. I should have something to you next week. I would like to
point out that we will consider input from residents outside of the 300 foot radius. The item is scheduled for the
June 21 51 Planning Commission meeting.
Austin Silva, AICP
Associate Planner
P: 760-602-4631
City of Carlsbad
Planning Division
From: sangel [mailto:
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2017 9:00AM
To: Austin Silva <Austin.Silva@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: Distillery project on Tyler Street
Mr. Silva,
I just wanted to touch bases and check on the status of the this project and if there has been any
response to the questions I raised in my previous e-mail. Also, do you have an idea when this matter
will go before the Planning Commission?
From: Kevin Sladek
Subject: Pacific Coast Spirits Ammenedment
Date: June 5, 2017 at 11 :51 AM
To: ·planning@carlsbadca.go·v
Cc: council@carlsbadca.gov, EB Sladek eb.sladek@gmail.com
Members of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission and City Council,
I am writing to ask that the Carlsbad City Staff, Planning Department and Council approve the amendment to the master plan, filed by
Nicholas Hammond, which would allow the operation of distilleries and restaurants in districts 6 of the Carlsbad Village and Barrio
Master Plan by provisional use.
Additionally, I ask that you also approve the provisional use permit for Nicholas Hammond and Pacific Coast Spirits to establish the
distillery and restaurant at 3135 Tyler Street in Carlsbad.
My wife and I are homeowners in the Barrio, on Roosevelt St. Our two young children attend the Village Montessori School on Pine
Ave and our older son will start kindergarten at Jefferson elementary next year. We love the diversity of this tight-knit neighborhood
and feel very lucky to call the Village and Barrio our home. Fantastic local restaurants south of Carlsbad Village Drive, like Lola's, Cafe
Topes, Roosevelt Pizza, and the new Succulent Cafe, are a big part of what makes this neighborhood special. Along with our excellent
parks, schools, churches and institutions like the Boys and Girls club, they are where are families meet and community is made.
2017 is our seventh year since moving to Carlsbad from San Francisco, and the recent culinary dynamism in our village is a real
source of pride for us. We love taking out-of-town guests to high-quality, on-trend establishments like Campfire and Steady State
coffee, and watching their surprise that Carlsbad is producing these kinds of experiences. Nicholas' vision for a local, family-friendly
restaurant and craft distillery would be a terrific addition to the Carlsbad food scene and a welcome addition to our Barrio community.
My wife Emily joins me in offering our full support for Nicholas' efforts to open his business here in Carlsbad's Village and Barrio.
Kevin Sladek
Carlsbad, CA
Farah Nisan
Dana Hinton
Tuesday, June 06, 2017 9:03 AM
Planning; Council Internet Email
REQUEST: Nicholas Hammond -Pacific Coast Spiritis
Members of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission and City Council,
I am writing on behalf of myself, Dana Hinton, to ask that the Carlsbad City Staff, Planning Department and Council
approve the amendment to the master plan, filed by Nicholas Hammond, which would allow the operation of distilleries
and restaurants in districts 6 of the Carlsbad Village and Barrio Master Plan by provisional use.
Additionally, I ask that you also approve the provisional use permit for Nicholas Hammond and Pacific Coast Spirits to
establish the distillery and restaurant at 3135 Tyler Street in Carlsbad. As a long time San Diego resident, I believe that
such uses are desirable for the City of Carlsbad and compatible with the future vision of this district.
I have known Nicholas Hammond and his family for many years. They are some of the greatest, most honest and
hardworking individuals I've ever met. I am honored to call them friends. Nicholas exudes perseverance, enthusiasm and a
love for what he does. Nicholas has large goals and the heart to reach them. He gives anything and everything he sets his
mind on 110% effort. As a community, the city of Carlsbad would be lucky to have him as a local business owner.
The Hammonds bring with them an energy, a zest for life and a love of San Diego that is hard to come by. This Is Nicholas'
dream and he will succeed one way or another. The fact he's chosen Carlsbad to be the home of this dream speaks
volumes to the community you've already created. I can assure you the addition of Pacific Coast Spirits will be a decision
you and the neighborhood are very happy with.
The primary goal of Pacific Coast Spirits is to be a local, farm to table, sustainable restaurant. This isn't another bar and it
will not operate as one. This is a neighborhood eatery that welcomes everyone including dogs and children. It's family
owned and operated and all spirits are made in house ... the goal is to become a San Diego staple, not a late night pub that
disrupts residents. The Hammond's want Pacific Coast Spirits to have a positive impact on the community and
neighborhood they call home.
Nicholas Hammond understands the importance of "local" and has great plans to give back to the community and I feel
he will be a great asset to our neighborhood. I fully support Nicholas opening his business here in Carlsbad Village and
Dana Hinton
Austin Silva
Tuesday, June 06, 2017 9:18AM
Austin Silva
FW: Pacific Coast Spirits
From: Mary Ann Ashby [mailto:m
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2017 8:33AM
To: Planning <Pianning@CarlsbadCA.gov>; Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; Nicholas Hammond
Subject: Pacific Coast Spirits
Members of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission and City Council,
I am writing to ask that the Carlsbad City Staff, Planning Department and Council approve the amendment to the master plan, filed by
Nicholas Hammond, which would allow the operation of distilleries and restaurants in districts 6 of the Carlsbad Village and Barrio
Master Plan by provisional use.
The restaurant/distillery would enhance the community with it's focus on farm to table, which will support local farmers and suppliers
and create stronger links between local businesses. Being family owned and operated is a huge asset and one that people look for in a
world that is overrun with corporate run businesses. Pacific Coast Spirits is family, children, and dog friendly and will be a place that
draws a wholesome base of clients and will crate jobs for others. This unique business is based on a give back model and will provide
a percentage of their bushiness profits to charity and is supported by Boys & Girls Club, Carruth Cellars,Solterra Winery and other
local businesses.
Additionally, I ask that you also approve the provisional use permit for Nicholas Hammond and Pacific Coast Spirits to establish the
distillery and restaurant at 3135 Tyler Street in Carlsbad. As a (RESIDENT/BUSINESS OWNER OF CARLSBAD) I believe that
such uses are desirable for the City of Carlsbad and compatible with the future vision of this district.
Nicholas Hammond understands the importance of"local" and has great plans to give back to the community and we feel he will be a
great asset to our community. We fully support Nicholas opening his business here in Carlsbad Village and Barrio. I can vouch for
this young man and have eve~y faith that this business will be one of quality, integrity, and success where folks
can gather to enjoy reasonably priced, fine quality food and beverages.
Thank you,
Mary Ann Ashby
Health Educator
Volunteer STAND! For Families Free ofViolence
Austin Silva
Celeste Biles <>
Friday, June 09, 2017 1:51PM
Austin Silva
FW: Project Distillery/Restaurant, 3135 Tyler Street
EWA Ord.pdf; Application Packet.pdf
Importance: High
From: Celeste Biles
Se nt: Friday, June 09, 2017 1:50PM
To: 'simon angel' <
Cc: Donald Little <
Subject: RE: Project Distillery/Restaurant, 3135 Tyler Street
Importance: High
Hi Mr. Angel,
Thank you for reaching out. I will be the Industrial Waste Control Inspector for this industry. I was forwarded your
original correspondence regarding the well-researched questions and concerns that you have. Without having detailed
plans of the full process and volumes of product the distillery has planned, I will answer your questions in a general
Pretreatment sense that all fermenting production facilities must abide by.
1. "W hat process, procedure and/or system will be in place to prevent "over-fill" or excessive levels from spilling
into storm drains and/or the municipal sewer systems?"
a. EWA requires secondary containment of all chemicals and processes that have a 'slug discharge'
potential. Per the attached Pretreatment Ordinance a slug discharge is defined as, "Any Discharge,
including, but not limited to, accidental and non-routine Discharges, performed in a manner or at a
concentration that could cause a violation of any Pretreatment Standard." It goes on to state that EWA
requires industries to have: "Procedures to prevent adverse impact from any Slug Discharge. Such
procedures include, but are not limited to: all pollution prevention measures that have been
implemented by the User; regular inspection and maintenance of Pretreatment systems and storage
areas; proper handling and transfer of materials; worker training; measures for containing Pollutants;
measures for ensuring against the deliberate initiation of a Slug Discharge; and measures and equipment
for emergency response."
EWA reviews building plans and application documents, conducts compliance meetings, and full facility
inspections, before issuing a discharge permit. I have also attached a typical application packet to this
email for your review of the information that we require before considering a permit issuance.
During annual inspections of permitted facility, EWA reviews documents that a facility is required to
maintain per the issued permit. These can include but are not limited to calibration logs, process control
logs, equipment logs, inventory logs, and maintenance of SDS for all chemicals. We also conduct a
facility walk-through to review compliance regarding proper segregation and storage of chemicals, drain
protection, and review any stormwater issues. Upon noting a stormwater issue, we make a referral to
the City's Stormwater Department. We also work very closely with the County HazMat Division
regarding referrals.
2. "What are the potential effects of liquid and mass waste from the distillation process being discharged into
the storm drain system and/or sewer system?" The sewer pipes at this location are vitrified clay pipe category
a. Although all prohibited discharges listed below apply to anyone discharging to the system, the
emphasized points could be the discharges indicative of a distillery (can't know until we get an
application and conduct inspections). A common requirement in a permit for breweries (and wineries,
with different solids listed) state 'The permittee is strictly prohibited from discharging spent grains,
yeast, and reject batches of beer to the sewer.' We would adjust the prohibition to reflect the spent
product from the distillery. Language from the Ordinance:
A. No Person shall Discharge a quantity or quality of Wastewater to the Encina Sewerage System
which causes, or is capable of causing, either alone or by interaction with other substances,
Pass-through or Interference.
B. No Person shall Discharge into the Encina Sewerage System any of the following:
1. Pollutants which create a hazard of fire or explosion in the Encina Sewerage System including,
but not limited to, wastestreams with a closed cup flash point of less than 140° F (60° C) using
the test methods specified in 40 C.F.R. Section 261.21;
2. Pollutants which will cause corrosive structural damage to any component of the Encino
Sewerage System, but in no case Discharges with a pH lower than 5.5;
3. Solid or viscous Pollutants in amounts which will cause obstruction of the flow in the Encino
Sewerage System resulting in Interference or damage to the Encino Sewerage System;
4. Wastewater having a temperature that will inhibit biological activity in the treatment
process resulting in Interference, but in no case Wastewater that causes the temperature at
any component of the Encino Sewerage System to exceed 40° C {104 ° F);
5. Pollutants which cause danger to life, health or safety of any Person, or cause damage to the
6. Pollutants, including oxygen-demanding Pollutants such as BOD, released in a Discharge at
a flow rate and/or concentration which, either singly or by interaction with other Pollutants,
cause Interference or Pass-through;
7. Petroleum oil, non biodegradable cutting oil or products of mineral oil origin in amounts that
will cause Interference or Pass-through;
8. Pollutants which result in the presence oftoxic gases, vapors or fumes within the Encina
Sewerage System in a quality or quantity that may cause health and safety problems;
9. Pollutants or Wastewater that would cause violation of any permit, statute, rule, regulation
or ordinance of any public agency or regulatory agency having jurisdiction over the Discharge
of Wastewater to or from the Encino Sewerage System;
10. Wastewater or any substance that is defined as a hazardous or radioactive waste by any
regulatory agency;
11. Pollutants delivered by vehicular transport, rail car or dedicated pipeline, except on a case-
by-case basis, at discharge points designated by EWA and in accordance with a valid Special Use
Discharge Permit;
12. Sludge generated by the Pretreatment of Wastewater;
13. Pollutants that cause Wastewater, Biosolids, or Wastewater byproducts to be unsuitable for
beneficial reuse or reclamation;
14. Wastewater which imparts color which cannot be removed by the treatment process, such
as, but not limited to, dye wastes and vegetable tanning solutions, which consequently imparts
color to the treatment plant's effluent, thereby violating EWA's NPDES permit; and
15. Detergents, surface-active agents, or other substances which may cause excessive foaming.
b. Part of the application packet includes a Baseline Monitoring Report, which is a certification of t he
process with various requirements but includes a submission of wastewater analysis that must be wit hin
EWA's Local Discharge Lim its. There may or may not be a need for pretreatment equipment for the
wastewater. If the flow is not of a volu me that exceeds the BOD limit (biochemical oxygen demand),
there would be no need for the in dustry to install that particular t reatment. In regards to the pH, t here
could be a requirement to batch t reat for the pH (keeping a log of course), prior to discharge. We will
not know at this time. Once the information is gathered, we make a determination whether quarterly
monitoring of the wastewater is wa rranted. In the event monitoring is re quired, the industry will collect
quarterly samples for particular pollutants of concern and EWA will also conduct quarterly monit oring
events. EWA has many opportunities to observe the facility, look for slug issues, and stormwater issues.
c. In addition to the control mechanism of the pe rmit, document review, sampling, and site inspections,
the industry will be required to submit Semiannual Compliance Status Reports gives the industry an
opportunity to report any changes, planned changes, and update information regarding water
3. I also give breweries and other industries that may be subject to explosive dust issues a handout regarding good
housekeeping to avoid a combustion event. I know the local fire departments do their inspections and address
those issues as well. I also give a handout to industries regarding compatible chemical storage and the County
HazMat address those issues more thoroughly.
I hope I have assuaged your concerns and please feel free to contact me directly if you have any additional questions.
Thank you,
Celeste Biles
Industrial Waste Control Inspector
Encina Wastewater Authority
From: simon angel [mailto:s ]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 12 :33 PM
To: Celeste Biles
Subject: Project Distillery/Restaurant, 3135 Tyle r Street
Ms. Bil es :
It is my understanding t hat you would be the Industrial Waste Co ntrol Inspector for t he project identified as
the subject above. Regarding this project I sent a list of quest ions to Austin Sliva, Ca rlsbad Planning
Com mission staff member, since this is a distillery/restaurant and may present ce rtain potential hazards
specific to t he distillation industry. Among other questions I requested a response to these queries;
"What process, procedure and/or system will be in place to prevent "over-fill" or excessive levels from spilling
into storm drains and/or t he municipal sewer systems?" and
"What are the potential effects of liquid and mass waste from the distillation process being discharged into
the storm drain system and/or sewer system?" The sewer pipes at this location are vitrified clay pipe category
The response from Mr. Silva was that, "Any type of discharge from the distillation process or over-fill is strictly
prohibited to entering into the storm drain system(questions 15&16). This would be considered illicit
discharge and would be in violation of the state's MS4 permit." However this response is unresponsive and in
no way addresses these questions as they refer to preventative measures as opposed to reactive to an ex post
facto event. At this point I have no idea whether there is some preventative measure in place to address these
questions. I would request your response as soon as practicable since the Planning Commission meets on June
21, 2017. I thank you for your attention in this matter.
Austin Silva
From: Austin Silva
Monday, June 12, 2017 4:06PM
'simon angel'
Subject: RE: AMEND 2017-00S(Dev 2017-0023)
The proposed amendment will not restrict all of Land Use District 6 to distilleries and restaurants. All ofthe permitted
and provisional land uses that are currently allowed in Land Use District 6 will remain. If approved, the amendment will
allow distilleries and restau rants as additional provisional land uses. The original application you are referring to is a
Preliminary Review application. The Preliminary Review application that was submitted prior to the master plan
amendment was to get city staff's comments on a potential distillery and restaurant at 3135 Tyler Street. One of the
comments back to the applicant was that the Village Master Plan would need to be amended in order to allow a
distillery and restaurant at 3135 Tyler Street. That is why the Village Master Plan amendment has been submitted. In
order for this to go to a city-wide vote by the residents, it would require a special election which would either have to be
voted on by the City Council, or a petition would have to circulated with enough signatures to call for a special election.
The mayor is not allowed to vote on this proposal because of the conflict of interest. He will be recusing himself during
the public hearing for this proposed amendment.
Austin Silva, AICP
· Associate Planner
P: 760-602-4631
City of Carlsbad
Planning Division
From: simon angel [mailto:]
Sent: Saturday, June 10, 2017 10:45 AM
To: Austin Silva <Austin.Silva@carlsbadca.gov>
Cc: Attorney <attorney@CarlsbadCA.gov>
Subject: AMEND 2017-005(Dev 2017-0023)
Mr. Siva:
With regard to the subject above, I wish to convey my opposition to this amendment to the Village Master
Plan. This amendment attempts to restrict the entire District 6 area to distilleries and restaurants. This would
create an unnecessary financial burden on the businesses within this district. In my opinion this is beyond the
scope of the original application which I understood to be limited to 3135 Tyler Street. This could also impact
the Barrio community and District 5 adjacent to District 6 designated as Hispanic Mixed Use Support. This
proposed action should be held in abeyance pending further study and possibly a proposition to be voted on
by the entire city in the event action and appeals are denied. Considering that businesses and residents would
be socially and financially impacted detrimentally by a determination to proceed with this amendment and
that there is no adequate remedy at law I demand that this matter be placed on a measure to be submitted to
the residents of Carlsbad for determination and to consider the potential conflicts of interest in that the
Mayor of the City of Carlsbad, Matt Hall, has a vested interest in the properties within District 6 and is acting in
concert with Hammond&Co. and Pacific Coast Spirits. I would also request that this matter be referred to the
counsel for the City of Carlsbad to review and present a legal opinion to the public concerning these issues. I
also request that this communication be incorporated into the public record and file in this matter
Austin Silva
From: Austin Silva
Tuesday, June 13, 2017 12:30 PM
'simon angel'
Subject: RE: In re Distillery project 3135 Tyler Street
The applicant is not working with a consultant. He is representing himself.
Austin Silva, AICP
Associate Planner
P: 760-602-4631
City of Carlsbad
Planning Division
From: simon angel [mailto:s
Sent: Saturday, June 10, 2017 5:04 PM
To: Austin Silva <Austin.Silva@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: In re Distillery project 3135 Tyler Street
Mr. Silva:
You had Indicated that the applicant had a consultant regarding the distillery. Do you have the contact
information for this consultant? If so will you please forward that information to me.
Additionally, considering the existing characteristics of Tyler Street, I would request that the standard
regarding off-street parking(feasible) be amended to provide that off-street parking be provided to
accommodate the occupancy of the business.
Please incorporate this request into the public record.
Thank you.
Austin Silva
From: Council Internet Email
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2017 8:06AM
Subject: FW: REQUEST: Nicholas Hammond -Pacific Coast Spiritis
From: Ben Hinton [mailto:]
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2017 4:23PM
To: Planning <Pianning@CarlsbadCA.gov>; Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: REQUEST : Nicholas Hammond -Pacific Coast Spiritis
Members of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission and City Council,
I, Ben Hinton, am writing to ask that you approve the amendment to the master plan in district 6 of the Carlsbad Village and the
Barrio to allow provisional operation of distilleries and restaurants. I also ask that you approve the provisional use permit for Nicholas
Hammond and Pacific Coast Spirits to establish the distillery and restaurant at 3135 Tyler Street in Carlsbad.
I have known and done business with Nicholas Hammond for many years. He is one of the most honest and hardworking individuals
I've ever met and the city of Carlsbad would be lucky to have him as a local business owner. He values family, sustainability and truly
cares for the community and its people. I believe his unique concept of a farm-to-table eatery and distillery with locally sourced
products (and all goods distilled and produced in house) will be in line with the future visions of the district and will not only be a
great asset to the community and business landscape, but a cornerstone of Carlsbad for years to come.
I hope you make the necessary changes to allow for such a great opportunity for our community.
-Ben Hinton
Farah Nisan
Matthew Belmont <
Tuesday, June 13, 2017 2:06PM
Pacific Coast Spirits
Members of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission and City Council,
I am writing on behalf of myself and the Pacific Coast Spirits, to ask that the Carlsbad City Staff, Planning Department and Council approve
the amendment to the master plan, filed by Nicholas Hammond, which would allow the operation of distilleries and restaurants in districts 6
of the Carlsbad Village and Barrio Master Plan by provisional use.
Additionally, I ask that you also approve the provisional use permit for Nicholas Hammond and Pacific Coast Spirits to establish the distillery
and restaurant at 3135 Tyler Street in Carlsbad. As a frequent visitor to the Carlsbad area I believe that such uses are desirable for the City of
Carlsbad and compatible with the future vision of this district.
I have known Nicholas Hammond and his family for almost 10 years, and I believe someone of his character will produce a very fine
establishment, and place for family and friends to gather. He knows the value or "local" and giving back to the place that one calls home. I
believe Nicholas Hammond and Pacific Coast Spirits will further establish the City of Carlsbad as one ofthe most premiere places in
Southern California.
Matt Belmont
Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 Petition Signatures
First Name Last Name Email Address Date Signed Petition Title
Kristy Ashby Kristy.ashby®gmail.com 2017-06-12 05:14:05 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -
Christian Baker tastefullyoffensive@gmail.com 2017-06-12 03:18:42 Allow Disblleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -
Laura Busch K9weim@yahoo.com 2017-06-12 03:07:32 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 - -
Hannah Busch Hannahlbusch@yahoo.com 2017-06-11 19:34:10 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ---
Robert Burgess Burgessbrewing@gmail.com 2017-06-09 08:47:22 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -------
Pill Hackett Buddybeer@aol.com 12017-06-08 09:13:09 Allow Diiltilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ---
llo'atthew Gooder mgooder@comcast. net 12017-06-08 06:22:05 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 , ____ -
Ryan Whipple rwhipple@ocweekly.com 2017-06-08 04:31 :23 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ---
Maggje Romanovich Maggiecar80@gmail.com 2017-06-08 03:06:52 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
MaryJo Piumbroeck Maryjoachille@yahoo.com 2017-06-08 02:13:35 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ---
Nora Hackett Nora.hackett@hotmail.com 2017-06-08 02:07:19 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ---
Nick Novak 1 novaknicholas@gmail.com I 2017-06-07 17:28:11 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Allie Pieramico allie.pieramico@gmail.com 2017-06-07 16:08:59 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Neisha LeVecke Neishalevecke@gmail.com 2017-06-07 15:28:51 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ---
Theresa Warren Theresashoe@gmail.com 2017-06-07 13:55:06 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
~,-I hurdlek@yahoo.com .I 2017-06-07 13:47:27 LKendra_ Nemitz Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -~
Sandra Anderson Rewrite31 ®yahoo.com 2017-06-07 13:04:02 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
Chrisly Woods christywoods@live.com 2017-06-07 06:04:45 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
!Beth McCloskey Beth@bethmccloskey.com 2017-06-07 05:47:05 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
1 !Yiaegan Cooper I Maegankc@gmail.com 12017-06-07 04:46:16 1 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District ~----
Tyler Utzenberger tlitz@hotmail.com 2017-06-07 04:36:46 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Mark Tucker Marktucker08@yahoo.com 2017-06-07 04:08:29 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
Dave May Davejmay2000@gmail.com 2017-06-07 03:21:35 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
t~andi Mader Sandnsun12@gmail.com 12017-06-07 03:20:11 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Micah Mclendon : Micahmclemdon@gmail.com 12017-06-07 02:57:50 I Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
1 Amber Miller adumas1 01 @yahoo.com 2017-06-07 02:37:35 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Laura Hoffard Ldreamer16@gmail.com 2017-06-07 02:17:03 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -Nikki Wegener Nwegener40@gmail.com 2017-06-07 01:35:26 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
Ron Lowe rclowe@rocketmail.com 2017-06-06 23:59:21 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ). ~Michelle-Tucker Michelle_tucker67@yahoo.com 2017-06-06 23:51:03 ' Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
-~ --
anneliese gibson travdesign@aol.com 2017-06-06 23:17:46 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
Joe Rogers Josephmrogers3@gmail.com 2017-06-06 23:04:44 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Brian Kuzma Brjan@greatwhitevenice.com 2017-06-06 23:04:01 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 t-:::--Kendrick 1 Breetannia@gmail.com 12017-06-06 20:26:25 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 I 8ree --
~ristina Dettwiller Kristina.dettwiller@gmail.com 2017-06-06 20:06:13 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Patricia Martin Pqtricianims@icloud.com 2017-06-06 19:46:41 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ----
Jordan Berg jordanberg78@gmail.com 2017-06-06 19:40:33 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -----
L Allyson Dragoo Bigmama24@hotmail.com 2017-06-06 19:38:53 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
JoAn Mclean-Turner jrstar357@hotmail.com 2017-06-06 19:3223 I Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
C_hant!ra Gallo Chandra_iversen@yahoo.com 2017-06-06 19:19:40 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -
~yan Thomas Ryan.brad.thomas@gmail.com 2017-06-06 18:54:22 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ----
~0~~ Ahmed Ocdirtybyrd@yahoo.com 2017-06-06 18:41:19 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ----
.,lennifer Grech jennifer.m.grech@gmail.com 2017-06-0618:33:16 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
decker erikafdecker@gmail.com '2017-06-06 18:22:52 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village Distric!6
Stephanie Janicki Steph@sellinginsocal.com 2017-06-0618:10:24 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -
Amy Clark amyclark81 @cox. net 2017-06-06 18:04:06 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Ashley Gibbons Ashleyanngibbons@gmail.com 2017-06-06 18:03:23 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -1 Sherri Knight Srknight01 @gmail.com 2017-06-06 17:56:47 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ---
Jamie Houlihan I jamie.houlihan@cjc.com 2017-06-06 17:54:30 1 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -
Richard Prouty Rprouty28@gmail.com 2017-06-06 17:53:21 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
kalina sousa karina.sousaO@gmail.com 2017-06-06 17:51 :06 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
~ -
Nicole Alexander Nicolenys@gmail.com 2017-06-06 17:44:54 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
~ --
John Boydston jboydston2@ verizon. net 2017-06-06 17:39:45 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
kimberly Sexton kims.avery@gmail.com 2017-06-06 17:35:26 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -
Jim Lyman JALinHB@gmail.com 2017-06-06 17:26:36 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ----
Stacie Mullin Stacie.mullin@gmail.com 2017-06-06 17:18:02 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Ashley Blassingame Ashley.w.loeb@gmail.com 2017-06-06 17:13:35 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Justin Holmes Justinholmes@firstteam.com 2017-06-06 17:10:20 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
1 Levi
--I Levitipie@gmail.com Mattoon 2017-06-06 17:07:20 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -~
Katherine Pinkalla Katemcpheron@gmail.com 2017-06-06 17:00:02 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
Meagan Guzman L --Meagan.dunn@gmail.com 2017-06-06 16:56:38 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
1 Lauren Sheets Laurensheets6@gmail.com 2017-06-06 16:53:20 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Alyson Osterberg Osterbergsd@gmail.com 2017-06-06 16:49:24 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 __j
~~ Newcomer Alyssanewcomer1 @gmail.com 2017-06-0616:40:14 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Lindsay Walsh Undsaywalsh33@gmail.com 2017-06-06 16:28:16 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ---
Casey Chambers Caseymchambers@gmail.com 2017-06-06 16:27:53 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Yese111a Earl yesi_seni@yahoo.com 2017-06-0616:24:10 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ---
Barbllra Bruce Barbarabruce77@gmail.com 2017-06-06 16:23:49 I Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Michael Uscano Mliscrealtor@gmail.com I 2017-06-06 16:23:48 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ---
Erin Call Erincall724@gmail.com 2017-06-06 16:20:42 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ----
Erin Freimann Erinfreimann@yahoo.com 2017-06-06 16:16:23 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Jenifer Fenter Jjfenter@gmail.com 2017-06-0616:15:12 I Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ---
Brian McDonald 'bmcdonal1975@hotmail.com 12017-06-06 16:14:59 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Rich Quintilone req@quintlaw.com 2017-06-06 16:14:03 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ----
Oana Hinton dana. hinton3262@gmail.com 2017-06-06 16:04:13 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
-----I kurtrink@goesolutions.com Kurt Rink I 2017-05-31 19:28:28 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Gary Raskin 1 graskin@earthlink.net 2017-05-31 16:27:11 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ------
Andrea Russell andrea.kaplan@gmail.com 2017-05-22 16:24:58 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
Jessica Minan jzehr81 @hotmail.com 2017-05-16 20:00:11 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ---
Steven Ahlquist Stevenahlquist@gmail.com 2017-05-14 17:26:56 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 L·
Cindy Pence j cpence33@gmail.com 12017-05-14 16:28:58 1 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ----
Cathy Steele Steele_wilkinsons@hotmail.com 2017-05-13 20:15:47 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ---
Ben Hinton ben@nerdalertmarketing.com 2017-05-12 18:54:49 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
LISA CAUDLE caudle.lisa@gmail.com 2017-05-11 19:30:03 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ------
Amy Olin amyeolin@gmail.com 2017-05-11 19:15:42 1 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ~~n--I Sloan dun@calspirits.com 2017-05-11 17:44:08 I Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -
Chris Engemann Chrisengemann@hotrnail.com 2017-05-11 16:30:06 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 I
phil spencer philip.spencer@lpl.com 2017-05-11 15:41 :38 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -
Matt Harding matt@fanandfuel.com 2017-05-11 14:52:12 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ---
Whitney Rigali Wrigali@gmail.com 12017-05-11 13:37:21 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
l carme~ Nickel berry I Yea.whatevah@gmail.com 2017-05-11 05:53:00 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
1 Brent Pearson spam@cobratime.com 2017-05-11 04:57:02 Allow Di!>tilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Jim Stewart Jimstewart@sbcglobal.net 2017-05-11 04:36:29 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
Chnst;ne DiSilvio Uacat0351 @yahoo.com 2017-05-11 04:11:04 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ---
Dawn Muscolino dawn_shennae@hotmail.com 2017-05-11 03:53:55 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -
Danny Engel! danielengell@gmail.com 2017-05-11 03:36:14 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
~ -
1 Justine Shelton 1 Justinemshelton@gmail.com 2017-05-11 02:27:28 . Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ,--·-
Bethany Kistler Bethkistler@yahoo.com 2017-05-11 02:13:38 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Suzanna Ryan suzannaryan @yahoo. com 2017-05-11 01:55:30 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ·--
Sharon Williams winesrus13@gmail.com 2017-05-11 00:39:58 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
Jason Bell Bubbas4600 @yahoo. com 2017-05-10 23:19:06 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 I r::· ---
1 Frank Msrtin fdmartin11 @gmail.com 2017-05-10 22:08:49 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -----
Serellfl u Yattanoaiai@gmail.com 2017-05-10 21:01 :06 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -----
chris van alyea cvanalyea@yahoo.com 2017-05-10 19:47:50 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Danief Baker
D3738@yahoo.com 2017-05-10 19:22:11 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ----
Bryan Poffenberger bryanp2@cox. net 12017-05-10 18:40:47 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 I i"Bradl!l~-Hartman Bhartman831 @gmail.com 2017-05-10 18:40:37 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ---
Justin Wilkinson Justin.wilkinson87@gmail.com 2017-05-10 18:32:03 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -
Casey Miles casey@calspirits.com 2017-05-10 18:23:20 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
~u~in Hambleton j@hmb~n.io 2017-05-10 16:44:14 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
~-rya~ Webster bryantwebster@gmail.com 12017-05-03 17:32:11 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -
Brad Cunningham Brad@BradCunningham.net 2017-05-02 20:41 :36 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ----
Holly Brunson iloveholly4ever.tb@gmail.com 2017-05-02 00:47:36 Allow Distilleries-and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ---
Jeralct Brunson shine_down_3@yahoo.com 2017-05-02 00:42:01 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 • --
Mike Curtin mcurtin612@hotrnail.com 2017-04-20 01:51:29 I Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Mary Pleil marypleil@gmail.com 2017-04-19 15:50:46 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
' ---
karen ek ekxxx020@gmail.com 2017-04-19 00:33:31 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -
Heather Hetrick heatherhetrick@hotmail.com 2017-04-18 21 :00:33 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
Jake Byrnes byrnes.jake@gmail.com 2017-04-18 20:41 :13 1 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
G~r~ny ----
Hodges harmony.hodges@gmail.com 2017-04-17 03:48:06 I Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 I
amy Woodson 1 Olivecrestfarm@gmail.ccm 2017-04-14 22:29:21 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 I -
Mindy Joslin M indycagan@gmail.com 2017-04-1417:50:14 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --- -
Paul Antho Vild paulvild@cox. net 2017-04-1416:42:11 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
Blayne Harvey Blayne. harvey@suntrustcom 2017-04-14 04:14:35 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
Julie Reasoner julnaj01 @hotmail.com I 2017-04-14 00:42:06 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 +-Autumn Dorschner avonesch@hotmail.com 2017-04-13 23:20:07 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
Joe Deutsch joe.deutsch@outlook.com 2017-04-13 22:58:28 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
Bonnjp Hammer bonniemhammer@gmail.com 2017-04-13 22:48:27 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ,--
1 Adam Carruth
adam @carruthcellars.ccm 12017-04-13 22:40:45 j Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -I
Scott Sand sgsand@yahoo.com 2017-04-13 22:34:19 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ---
Jeffrey Hollenbeck touchofperfectiondetail@gmail.cc 2017-04-13 21:41 :22 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -
Dinean Farraher Dineanwolf@hotrnail.com 2017-04-13 21:37:33 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ---
Kelli Obryan Kelli.obryan@gmail.com 2017-04-13 20:56:03 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Lowe lowe.don@gmail.com 2017-04-13 20:28:40
Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
,-Darcy-Sed a Darcy.seda@gmail.com 2017-04-13 19:16:53 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Jodi Williams Jodiwilliams829@gmail.com 2017-04-13 19:06:38 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
Laura Fairchild Laurafairchild@yahoo.com 2017-04-13 18:03:58 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
~effrey Pearson jocdoc@twc.com 2017-04-12 03:46:59 Allow Di!>tilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
1 Katie Posner klposner@gmail.com 2017-04-12 03:23:14 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
I •---
Rosio Marez Rqsiomarez@gmail.com 2017-04-12 01:31:48 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -
~ryan Wetter Bryanwetter@gmail.com 2017-04-12 01:06:17 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Lawrence -
Valerie -
Karen -
L Jason _
, Chri~lna
, Jaclyn
Barbara -
r "my
Bradley t Kately~
f ronya
. Beverly
•Krista r--
Miller ----
LHPosner@hotmail.com 2017-04-11 22:35:21 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad VIllage District 6
vlindholm @pacbell.net 2017-04-11 18:20:54 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad VIllage District 6
ktinley@wiley.com 2017-04-11 18:18:40 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad VIllage District 6
jasonsb1969@gmail.com 2017-04-1113:19:24 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad VIllage District 6
kns711 O@gmail.com 2017-04-11 04:40:11 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Mburkholder06@gmail.com 2017-04-11 04:20:08 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
M illersteve385@gmail.com 2017-04-11 03:53:52 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
1 arnter@gmail.com 2017-04-11 03:27:55 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -----
Cgnr97@yahoo.com 2017-04-11 03:23:44 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
julbaker@pacbell.net 2017-04-11 03:18:21 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Catemiller6@att.net 2017-04-11 03:13:34 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
csbdman@gmail.com 2017-04-11 01:40:08 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Jamie_mackie@yahoo.com 12017-04-10 23:20:26 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Jaclyn.huber@gmail.com 2017-04-10 22:13:49 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
kwharty@gmail.com 2017-04-10 22:04:48 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Chad.majer@mac.com 2017-04-10 20:57:03 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
lynn.endres@yahoo.com 2017-04-10 20:35:23 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
[ djbrian619@gmail.com 12017-04-;0 20:19:13 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
peprpot@gmail.com 12017-03-22 23:26:45 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Amandajaneotr@yahoo.com 2017-03-20 15:03:27 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
' Seaclunes@aol.com 2017-03-20 14:35:03 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
bjanhunen@gmail.com 2017-03-20 01:11:48 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Tafrench@roadrunner.com 2017-03-1711:36:15 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Kelly.oday24@gmail.com 2017-03-17 06:18:05 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Kellyschaller@att.net 2017-03-17 01:20:29 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
brad@audiomidiplus.com 2017-03-16 20:01:29 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
I Surfinkk13@gmail.com 12017-03-1616:43:08 j Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ,
tonyarupp@aol.com 2017-03-16 15:49:42 1 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village Distric~
tracymgroves@gmail.com 2017-03-16 14:48:22 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
keoni.sundseth@gmail.com 2017-03-16 13:21:36 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
1 Jeff_tyo@yahoo.com 2017-03-1613:04:53 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -----I Beverlym ularkey@yahoo.com 2017-03-16 05:08:32 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
jordanjgroves@gmail.com 2017-03-16 03:19:16 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Dave.schaller@sbcglobal.net 2017-03-16 03:18:38 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Jillpy@gmail.com 2017-03-16 01:41:40 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Kristahurley@gmail.com I 2017-03-16 01 :21 :45 1 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
' jessica. w. peterson@gmail.com 2017-03-16 00:56:29 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Maisilverio@gmail.com 2017-03-16 00:53:20 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Hannahsansone@yahoo.com 2017-03-15 22:59:52 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Shanan.walker23@gmail.com 2017-03-15 22:47:40 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
j john@miracleearsd.com 2017-03-15 18:55:37 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Ehorn92629@cox.net 2017-03-15 17:15:35 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Anna.chrisman@gmail.com 2017-03-15 17:10:36 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
whiskey@kylederkacz.com 2017-03-15 17:09:40 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
eb.sladek@gmail.com 2017-03-15 17:01:07 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
kevin.sladek@gmail.com 2017-03-15 16:56:41 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
barkingatnothing@gmail.com 2017-03-15 16:34:42 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Kimtaggart5@aol.com 2017-03-15 16:10:06 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
-Brandt~n Murray Brandenlmurray@gmail.com 2017-03-1515:55:49 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
Larry Hesselgesser Sardiver3@yahoo.com 2017-03-1514:55:15 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
tGabe Candelaria Gabe_ Candelaria @yahoo.com 2017-03-15 14:48:59 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ---
Elizabeth Carey Carey_ba@sbcglobal.net 12017-03-15 14:38:53 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ---
Marina Chibidakis Mchibidakis@gmail.com 2017-03-15 14:35:46 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
Robert Jensen K9weim@gmail.com 2017-03-15 13:05:30 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ·---
Katherine Rtch kfitch7@hotmail.com 2017-03-15 12:33:51 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ---
Kenneth Mondaca Kennethmondaca @yahoo.com 2017-03-15 09:30:13 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ---
Blaine Suque blainesuque@yahoo.com 2017-03-15 07:45:59 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ---
I Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 Christian Bruyere Christianbruyere20@gmail.com 2017-03-15 05:50:23 ------
Roxy Martinez Roxy61 03@hotrnail.com 2017-03-15 05:41 :37 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ----
Lisa Blackledge Alissa.blackledge@gmail.com 2017-03-15 05:40:04 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
'Nathan Reza Nathanr.reza @gmail.com 2017-03-15 05:35:46 I Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -
LS~sh_a_ Marson sashamarson@gmail.com I 2017-03-15 05:33:30 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 I
David NOLAN davidnono24@mail.com 2017-03-15 05:28:12 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ---
.james Busch Jamesbusch1188@yahoo.com 2017-03-15 05:19:42 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ---.
Craig Matthews cbmatthews09@gmail.com 2017-03-15 05:15:18 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
christophermarcbrown@hotrnaii.J2017-03-15 05:01:57
I I 1christop~e Brown Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
arian Deurmier bdeurmie@gmail.com 2017-03-15 04:48:30 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
krystal jackson krystai@Jacksonstrength.com 2017-03-15 04:13:11 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -----
Suzanl"e Kaiser Skaiser6@hotmail.com 2017-03-15 03:03:46 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
Paula Haberkem paulahaberkem@yahoo.com 12017-03-15 02:43:47 , Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -----
; cara_richards89@yahoo.com Cara Richards 2017-03-15 02:32:02 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -·-----
Rita Cervone rrta. m k1 @comcast net 2017-03-15 01:46:31 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
lindsey Olson lindsey.olson@yahoo.com 2017-03-15 01:36:20 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ----
, Mary Ann Ashby Maryann.ashby@gmail.com 2017-03-14 22:39:11 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad V~lage District 6 ---
Scott Smrth --scotttalbotsmith@gmail.com ! 2017-03-14 22:32:52 1 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Eric Frothingham efrothingham @yahoo.com 2017-03-14 22:15:53 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
:Paige Jensen pdavis127@gmail.com 2017-03-14 21 :30:18 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ------
Chris Brown cbrownj06@gmail.com 2017-03-14 21 :01 :33 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ----
Kara Morris Karamorris330@gmail.com 2017-03-14 20:59:32 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Kelly Ginelli Kellylopey@aol.com 12017-03-14 20:39:38 1 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ·--
Shelley Sc~ Scalzo Brown shelley4679@hotmail.com 2017-03-1419:51:09 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -----
Nicole Esposrto nicole.esposito89@gmail.com 2017-03-1419:36:08 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -
Cody Smith Codyraffosmith@gmail.com 2017-03-1418:50:57 1 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Kelly Robinson kelso_nelso@yahoo.com 12017-03-14 18:50:40 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ----
Mark Bucci MbucciOO@yahoo.com I 2017-03-14 18:13:38 1 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ----
Jennifer Lyons jlyonsacupuncture@gmail.com 2017-03-1418:01:41 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ---
Jarett Jensen Jarettjensen@gmail.com 2017-03-14 17:56:01 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ------
Victoria Jensen victoriajensen07@gmail.com 2017-03-1417:47:01 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
[ -----
Ashley Greenley ash.greenley@gmail.com 12017-03-1417:17:18 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ---I Linda Novy lindamnovy@aol.com 2017-03-1415:48:20 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ------
.julie Ross julieakross@comcast.net 2017-03-1415:33:33 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -
j!.ndrew HewiTt Hewrtta77@gmail.com ,2017-03-1414:02:11 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Skip Coomber Skip@coomber.com 2017-03-1410:04:53 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
Kathl.,en Sickafoose Kayfoose@hotmail.com 2017-03-14 05:20:22 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ---
~ean Mcintire smcdpt@gmail.com 2017-03-14 05:04:33 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Tatiana McDonnell Tatiana.mcdonnell@yahoo.com 2017-03-14 04:48:28 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -
1 Rebecca
'Beau ~
t Sh-;;;.Ofl
; Lisa
1 Chad
1 Susan
Cindy L_
LRachel _
I Thyme
i Kev~
Benko vic
Michaliszyn ----
Goode -
Gum ban
Euse Chloe
' eue Kaylor
Malt Belmont
Anna Laura Kruse
colemansell@gmail.com 2017-03-14 04:12:25 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 61
BonniejHampton@gmail.com 2017-03-14 03:38:25 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -
carr302@gmail.com 2017-03-14 03:32:12 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Carr.rebeccaj@gmail.com 12017-03-14 03:30:41 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Netoalexander@gmail.com 2017-03-14 02:35:16 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Emilynordee@gmail.com 2017-03-14 01 :20:49 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Beaugsilva @gmail.com 2017-03-14 01 :02:31 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Smalls793@gmail.com 2017-03-13 23:34:14 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Sharonkayusa@yahoo.com 2017-03-13 22:03:29 1 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Smichaliszyn@yahoo.com 2017-03-13 22:01:15 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
itscarolreeve@gmail.com 2017-03-13 21 :55:32 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
catherine_sowards@hotrnail.corT 2017-03-13 21 :52:20 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Lgiacinti@gmail.com 2017-03-13 21 :43:11 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Kozerskij @yahoo.com 2017-03-13 19:48:42 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --1
bsmack1 @yahoo.com 2017-03-13 19:19:47 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
robinson_pam@yahoo.com 2017-03-13 19:19:33 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Courtzanini@hotmail.com 2017-03-13 19:06:34 I Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
tiffanycrockerlac@gmail.com 2017-03-13 18:59:26 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District -~
sondrabm@aol.com 2017-03-13 18:50:59 1 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
rina.murray@mac.com 2017-03-13 18:46:09 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
annrossfitmama@gmail.com 12017-03-13 18:09:46 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
chadmgarrett@icloud.com 2017-03-13 18:04:08 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -
mtscot@aol.com 2017-03-13 17:58:29 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
smpede@gmail.com 12017-03-13 17:48:16 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Cynthia.dougherty@sbcglobal.nE 2017-03-13 17:41 :06 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
rachellorraineyoung@gmail.com. 2017-03-13 17:31 :27 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
I airica_d@hotmail.com 12017-03-1317:18:35 I Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
I anna.santoro@gmail.com 2017-03-13 17:18:32 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Kelly.cabal@att.net 2017-03-13 16:54:03 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
jgoodejd@gmail.com 2017-03-13 16:44:14 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Steve@aleindustries.com 12017-03-13 16:43:57 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
[ Magge@solanabeachtravel.com 2017-03-13 16:40:24 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Ondrea143@aol.com 2017-03-13 16:40:05 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
robinson_todd@yahoo.com 2017-03-13 16:29:28 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
caitlinrolla@gmail.com 2017-03-13 16:19:01 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
chelshewey@gmail.com 2017-03-13 16:15:34 I Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
KDBLOND@YAHOO.COM 2017-03-13 16:03:05 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
verleepearl@gmail.com 2017-03-13 15:54:43 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Kayciegage@hotmail.com 2017-03-13 15:41:36 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
maliastuthers@gmail.com 12017-03-13 06:30:13 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Kpashby@gmail.com 2017-03-13 06:19:34 I Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 I
kegleyderek@gmail.com 2017-03-13 04:30:35 ' Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
chloeeuse@gmail.com 2017-03-13 04:29:08 Allow Di~lleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village Qistrict 6 -
Rpbelmont34@yahoo.com 2017-03-13 02:56:08 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
ldalager77@gmail.com 2017-03-13 02:32:13 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
ellelynnk@gmail.com 2017-03-13 02:29:14 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Mjbelmont28@gmail.com 2017-03-13 01:25:41 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
A!]nalaurae@icloud.com 2017-03-13 00:29:19 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Nora Hackett Nora.hackett@cbrands.com 2017-03-12 23:07:57 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -
Carter Petersen retracclothing@gmail.com 2017-03-12 22:54:42 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -
Stacy Cohen Stacert76@aol.com 2017-03-12 22:53:21 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
olosepll Cohen [ Joecohen15@gmail.com [2017-03-12 22:49:16 I Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
Justin Hambleton -justin@hambleton.co 12017-03-12 22:22:58 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Breanne Heal Dreisbach12@hotmail.com 2017-03-12 21 :58:20 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -
Dan Schaller dan11 schaller@gmail.com 2017-03-12 21:54:45 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -----
Tara Holmes Tarakienast@mac.com 2017-03-12 21:47:35 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
Ashley Janhunen Ashley.janhunen@gmail.com 2017-03-12 20:47:53 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -
Larry Cambra Larry.cambra@gmail.com 2017-03-12 20:39:11 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
Sean Heal Sean.c.heal@gmail.com 2017-03-12 20:07:25 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
Marta Ashby mashby52@gmail.com 2017-03-1219:42:13 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
-·-I Laura Busch Jaden123@msn.com [2017-03-12 19:28:25 1 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
Alexis Smith I Alexisclaire@gmail.com 12017-03-12 18:52:59 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
Andriana Day 1 adunatov12@gmail.com 2017-03-12 18:15:46 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ---
Christophet Busch Ohsirr@yahoo.com 2017-03-12 18:07:29 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Ashley Hamilton ashley.ironrootrepublic@gmail.c< 2017-03-12 17:40:10 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Qeanna Lantieri Deannalantieri @gmail.com I 2017-03-12 00:24:38 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
Katrina Lantieri Katrinalee11 @gmail.com 2017-03-11 23:25:55 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Kellen Carr Kcarr22@hotmail.com 2017-03-11 23:11:31 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 --
,loan Schaller ! joanie@robertoscafe.com I 2017-03-11 19:23:38 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Nick Schaller nschaller11 @gmail.com [2017-03-11 17:16:20 I Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 ----
Nicole: Busch --nicole.busch@gmail.com [2017-03-11 01:05:33 [ Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6
Nicholas Hammond hammondnc@gmail.com 2017-03-10 21:25:56 Allow Distilleries and Restaurants in Carlsbad Village District 6 -
I SUPPORT the City of Carlsbad allowing distilleries and restaurants (by provisional use) in Carlsbad Village District 6
Name & Signature Home or Business Address* Emair Phone Nurrrber
Signature: x1'~~
Circle One: Home I Business
N•;~~Y~ ;
Signature: / ~l
X G-rb/~Mf~ v
'/TY-v Circle One: Home I Business
1~ft\<e) ~fYUtl)
Circle One: Home I Business
Name: ~ 70 9-~~ _Wo~ f3a~ ~/d-{ VI-:ignh /t----
Circle One: Home I Business
*Note your information will ONLY BE USED to demonstrate your support and to keep you informed about our progress regarding our project.
Your information will NOT be sold or used for any other purposes
I SUPPORT the City of Carlsbad allowing distilleries and restaurants (by provisional use) in Carlsbad Village DistrictS., .
Name & Signature Home or Business Address* Email Phone Number
NJ:·~[O ~<:v-0 . :ignatuiA-)/ ~
Circle One: Home I Business
ZE:V <JCHI'l$~
Circle One: Home I Business
N~e)ot/]_e.IM rC ~ [ fcur J
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X ~'-Circl~ OneGI Business vy ..
*Note your information will ONLY BE USED to demonstrate your support and to keep you informed about our progress regarding our project.
Your information will NOT be sold or used for any other purposes
I SUPPORT the City of Carlsbad allowing distilleries and restaurants (by provisional use) in Carlsbad Village DistrictS
Name & Signature Home or Business Address* Email Phone Number
Name: 1110" A}w)6 ~J -r,J(;;W..~e e jr't"l1-ca..., Cr&t~~ [&~ _.,..-. r
(A '11A?J( t:/VI C)& 1/f 4(
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Name: d~Jop\~n f \,. ""Q.i." Q... f"' l<."". c.o-~.4~;';) 1.). 6odJ~5 IZ4t Ct1\\e cr \OC:.
" ~'2. 0 Z.L{ :i~ G.,,, M~ cf..\
7--Circle One: Home I Business
Circle One: Home I Business
Circle One: Home I Business
*Note your information will ONLY BE USED to demonstrate your support and to keep you informed about our progress regarding our project~
Your information will NOT be sold or used for any other purposes
Sarah Cluff
Kelly (Nelson) Robinson <>
Wednesday, May 10, 2017 2:40 PM
Planning; Council Internet Email
Pacific Coast Spirits
Members of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission and City Council,
I am writing on behalf of myself and my family who live in Carlsbad, to ask that the Carlsbad City Staff, Planning
Department and Council approve the amendment to the master plan, filed by Nicholas Hammond, which would allow the
operation of distilleries and restaurants in districts 6 of the Carlsbad Village and Barrio Master Plan by provisional use.
Additionally, I ask that you also approve the provisional use permit for Nicholas Hammond and Pacific Coast Spirits to
establish the distillery and restau rant at 3135 Tyler Street in Carlsbad. As a very frequent visitor or relatives and friends in
Carlsbad, I believe that such uses are desirable for the City of Carlsbad and compatible with the future vision of this
Nicholas Hammond understand the importance of "local" and has great plans to give back to the community and we feel
he will be a great asset to our community. We fully support Nicholas opening his business here in Carlsbad Village and
Thank you so much for your time.
-Kelly Robinson
Sarah Cluff
Andrea Russell <>
Monday, May 22, 2017 9:25 AM
Council Internet Email; Planning
Pacific Coast Spirits
Members of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission and City Council,
I am writing to ask that the Carlsbad City Staff, Planning Department and Council approve the amendment to the master
plan, filed by Nicholas Hammond, which would allow the operation of distilleries and restaurants in districts 6 of the
Carlsbad Village and Barrio Master Plan by provisional use. Additionally, I ask that you also approve the provisional use
permit for Nicholas Hammond an.d Pacific Coast Spirits to establish the distillery and restaurant at 3135 Tyler Street in
As a citizen of San Diego and a fellow small business owner, I believe that Mr. Hammond should be allowed the
opportunity to successfully achieve his business goals and strive for a better tomorrow for he and his family. There is no
detriment to the City of Carlsbad to approve such uses as they are desirable for the City of Carlsbad and compatible with
the future vision of this district.
Nicholas Hammond understands the importance of "local" and has great plans to give back to the community and we feel
he will be a great asset to the community. We fully support Nicholas and his family opening his business in Carlsbad
Village and Barrio.
Thank you,
Andrea Russell
Sarah Cluff
Joe Cresto <j >
Friday, May 26, 2017 5:29 PM
Planning; Council Internet Email
Pacific Coast Spirits
Hello-I wanted to write the Carlsbad Planning Committee and City Council to express my support for a newly
proposed business in the Carlsbad area. The business is Pacific Coast Spirits and after reviewing the details of
what they plan to offer in the way of food and beverages I believe it they would make a great addition to the
community. Carlsbad does not have many businesses that offer the food selection they are proposing and I
would be excited to have this type of venue available. It is truly a unique offering and I hope those in reviewing
this proposal make the right decision in letting this unique business have an opportunity to thrive in our
Thank you for your consideration.
Joe Cresto
Carlsbad Resident
Sarah Cluff
Casey McFarland >
Tuesday, May 30, 2017 4:06 PM
Planning; Council Internet Email
Pacific Coast Spirits
Members of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission and City Cotmcil,
I am writing on behalf of myself and Pacific Coast Spirits, to ask that the Carlsbad City Staff, Planning
Department and Council approve the amendment to the master plan, fi led by Nicholas Hammond, which would
aUow the operation of distilleries and restaurants in districts 6 of the Carlsbad Village and Barrio Master Plan
by provisional use.
Additionally, I ask that you also approve the provisional use permit for Nicholas Hammond and Pacific Coast
Spirits to establish the distillery and restaurant at 3135 Tyler Street in Carlsbad. As a nearby resident I believe
that such uses are desirable for the City of Carlsbad and compatible with the future vision of this district. There
are not many options for family and dog friendly places in the area that have healthy farm-to-table ingredients
on the menu. I think Pacific Coast Spirits would be a great asset to our community as a family owned business
that is conscientious about the community needs and cuJture of the city of Carlsbad.
Nicholas Hammond understands the importance of"local, and has great plans to give back to the community
and we feel he will be a great asset to our community. We fully support Nicholas opening his business here in
Carlsbad Village and Barrio. I sincerely hope to see Pacific Coasts Spirits open in the near future!
With gratitude,
Casey McFarland
Casey McFarland, MPH
Kinesiology, Health & Nutrition
Sarah Cluff
Ladies and Gentlemen:
simon angel <s >
Monday, June 12, 2017 8:55AM
AMEND 2017-000S(DEV2017-0023)-Amendment to Village Mater Plan for Distilleries.
and Restaurants District 6
I am opposed to there-designation of the entire area of District 6 to Distillery/Restaurant. This action is
beyond the scope of the original application which identified the location as 3135 Tyler Street. This property is
owned by Mayor Matt Ha ll. If the mayor wishes to request this designation foe his own properties, he may do
so. However, it is inappropriate to apply this designation to the entire area of District 6 w ithout regard to t he
potential impact on the residents and businesses, not on ly of District 6 but also of District 5 which abuts
District 6 on the east side of Tyler Street and is designated as "Hispan ic Mixed Use Support".
The understanding is that t he application was limited to the 3135 Tyler Street address. With regard to this
location there are a number of questions regarding "hazard prevention" that have not been adequately
Among these is the issue of off-street parking. Given the present characteristics and limitations of Tyler Street
I have proposed that the parking standard be changed from "to the extent feasible" to "shall accommodate
the occupancy as determined by the Fire Marshal". Tyler Street is extremely narrow, some call it an alley.
There is on street parking only on the east side of Tyler Street which is technically a part of District 5. The west
side of Tyler Street is "No parking". Sidewalk on the west side of Tyler Street is intermittent. In July of 2016 I
submitted a proposal to Scott Donnell requesting that Tyler Street be changed to a one way street for traffic
safety reasons. No action has been taken to make this happen.
For these reasons I request that the recommendation of the staff be denied at this time with a
recommendation to perform a more extensive impact study on businesses and residents not only of District 6
and District 5 but of the Barrio as a whole.
Simon Angel
Sarah Cluff
From: Nicole Busch
Friday, June 16, 2017 6:49AM Sent:
To: Council Internet Email; Planning
Subject: Support for Pacific Coast Spirits -Request to amend the Carlsbad Master Plan
Greetings City Council and City Planning,
My name is Nicole Hammond and my 1msband~ Nicholas Hammond has filed the request for you to approve the
amendment of the Carlsbad Master Plan, which would allow the operations of distilleries and restaurants in
district 6 ofthe
Carlsbad Village and Barrio Master Plan by provisional ~se. I join the many in asking you to support this impmtant
amendment. Below you will find a number of reasons why.
To start, my husband and I were both raised by strong, single women who worked two jobs while also ensuring
our involvement with communal activities (sports, music, scouts, etc.). We have taken their strong work ethic
and been taught to be persistent in life to achieve our dreams. We value these beautiful women and their true
testament to life and we carry the same life lessons to our daughter. This distillery is my husband's dream, he
has worked many years to come to this point in his dream and now you have the opportunity to help make it a
A reality that will be our family's future as well as a benefit to the Carlsbad Community. My husband is a
family man. He is an integral part in our daughter's day to day upbringing and together we have raised an
amazing little girl. We want Pacific Coast Spirits to be a place where she can grow up swrounded by a
community of family and friends. Carlsbad is a place that we plan to call home. We want to be part of the
transition that is inevitable and why not allow us to be at the forefront of this positive transition.
In another aspect, I am a change management consultant. I see people that are committed to change, people that
are somewhat comfortable with change and people that resist it. In order to move people along with change,
they need to be educated and have a clear understanding of what is going on and they also need to get a taste
("pilot") of the big picture.
Like any change, we are hearing noise resisting Pacific Coast Spirits, and I see the same consistent theme, they
are not educated on the matter. So let me share some educational facts and feel free to pass this information
aJong to them:
• Pacific Coast Spirits will be a restamant with a bar, no clifferent than the many already in Carlsbad.
• Pacific Coast Spirits will be a differentiator based on the fact that it will make all of its spirits from
• Pacific Coast Spirits won't be open after 1 Opm, it will not be a late night restaurant/bar.
• Pacific Coast Spirits will be focused on families. The atmosphere is a place where families like ours can
bring their kids and hang with the best of em.
• Pacific Coast Spirits will give back to the community. We aim to have functions related to this and the
theme of giving back is important to us.
When I met my husband, his motto was "work hard, stay humble". I can assure you this will never change. His
dream is to build a place of community, to make products of quality and make monumental steps in the
craft distillery business. Carlsbad should consider allowing these permits so they can be along for the ride.
This will bring many of the following benefits to Carlsbad:
• Tax Revenue
• "Pilot" of some of the changes with Master Plan
• Quality 11pet friendly11 restaurant for families, like Pizza Port and Campfire
• Community give back program
• Community support and involvement
• Diversification for tourists
• One of the fiJst distillery/restaurants in California (quickly growing)
• First Farm to Table/Farm to Bottle distillery/restaurant in California (not easy to do)
• Edge of Craft Distillety movement (similar to the Big Bang we saw with Craft Breweries)
I promise my husband will be successful if you allow him to be. I promise it will do wonders for the community
and the city of Carlsbad. So I ask you, why not bring the good vibes to Carlsbad and allo w for this pem1it so we
can all be part of a monumental time.
The time is NOW!
Nicole Hammond
Nicole Busch
Farah Nisan
Sean Kirkwood <>
Friday, June 16, 2017 6:52 PM
NO on the proposed Distilliery in downtown Carlsbad
To the city council, Are you out of your mind. For years this council has suppressed alcohol in the area. Now that our
mayor Matt Hall wants one you will be willing to change the rules for HIM. This sickens me that you would try to pull this
trick on the citizens of this city. There is a Boys Club and the music classes within a block of the distillery which puts this
venture in the world of absurd. If you want to know if we are paying attention, My answer is YES . Please stop this
madness. Sean Kirkwood Life long Ca rlsbad resident.
Sent from my iPad
Farah Nisan
Robin Hansen <>
Friday, June 16, 2017 7:16PM
Planning; Council Internet Email
Village master plan amendment for distilleries and restaurants
How very odd and indeed, highly questionable, that the City would consider amending the Plan in order to allow a
distillery when in the past, STRONG reasons were given for denying an existing establishment (Circle K) permission for an
Alcoholic Beverage Permit AND in the past, the Boys Girls Club director also argued against such a permit.
I believe other busihesses have been denied such permits as well.
Now, miraculously-permission is being considered-AND WE CITIZENS KNOW WHY AND IT STINKS TO HIGH HEAVEN.
While you're at it, why don't you banish anyone underage from any downtown activity since kids can't purchase
alcohol .. just make the entire village area adults-only, add a few strip clubs and rake the money in?
Aside from the vital considerations concerning the residential nature of immediate community, the presence of the Boys
and Girls Club and nearby Giacoletti music students, the idea of PLACING A DANGEROUS FLAMMABLE/EXPLOSIVE
enterprise in that environment is unconscionable ..
Also, many ask why such effort is directed towards preventing LEGAL medical marijuana dispensaries but the City is
considering a distillery ...
I don't have to ask why. We already know.
Very sincerely yours,
Robin Hansen
Carlsbad 92008
Farah Nisan
Teri Polley-Michea <>
Sunday, June 18, 2017 4:50PM
Tyler stover development
Date_6/18/_2017 __________ _
City Planning Dept.
Planning Commission
Members of the City
Re: Village Master Plan Amendment, District 6 to allow distilleries and restaurants as provisional uses
I am a Carlsbad resident and am in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants in District 6 and to add
special provisional use standards for distilleries to the Master Plan.
Without requiring an identification and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and
safety impact studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant in District 6, specifically on Tyler St. because it would
present a danger to children at the Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad, directly across the street
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the extent feasible" is
insufficient in light of the present conditions and characteristics of Tyler St. Th is recommendation
fails to address street parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-
street parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler St. within District 6.
Finally I had the opportunity to read the staff report to the Planning Commission and noted the
petitions and letters submitted. I sincerely hope that the Planning Commission takes into account that
the online petition "FOR" the amendment to the Village Master Plan and proposed provisional uses
do NOT contain addresses from residents. On that petition, I counted 309 names; none had
addresses so I would maintain that non-residents of Carlsbad could have submitted their names. On
another petition consisting of 25 names, only 14 of those were from Carlsbad residents. Of the letters
submitted "For" the project, only 7 had listed addresses. This would make a total of 21 residents in
support of the amendment as of the date of publication of the staff report.
Name Teresa Polley
Address __, carlsbad,
ca92008. __ ~~-----------------------------Sent from my iPhone
Farah Nisan
Sunday, June 18, 2017 5;28 PM
3135 Tyler St
I would like to add my voice to the many who oppose the proposed distillery project for this location. To begin with, why
on earth do we need a distillery? Are there not enough bars and liquor stores downtown already? Second, why does it
need to be at this particular location? It seems to me that with a Boys and Girls Club in close proximity this is a less than
ideal spot for such a project. In addition the required zoning change seems to be intended to benefrt the current owner
thus posing the likely assusation of a conflict of interest. I'm sure there are other reasons you will hear from members of
the Carlsbad community, but this last one m ust surely be the strongest.
Donald Burton
Carlsbad, CA 92009
Farah Nisan
Sandra Meador <>
Sunday, June 18, 2017 7:15PM
Barrio Master plan
Having lived in Carlsbad since 1969, I was appalled to learn that a Distillery is being considered for Tyler Street
near the Boys and Girls Club.
Not only will this destroy the Barrio that we cherish, it should never be considered because of its location that is
so close to a building where our young
students are encouraged to go when school is not in session.
SAVE OUR BARRIO! It is a proud part of Carlsbad's heritage.
Sandra Meador
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Farah Nisan
City Planning Dept.
Planning Commission
Members of the City Council
Sunday, June 18, 2017 10:33 PM
Re: Village Master Plan Amendment. District 6 to allow distilleries and restaurants as provisional uses
I am a Carlsbad resident and am in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning Commission to approve
an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants in District 6 and to add special provisional use standards for
distilleries to the Master Plan.
Without requiring an identification and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant in District 6, specifically on Tyler St. because it would present a danger
to children at the Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad, directly across the street. I am a parent with two children enrolled
at the Boys and Girls Club, and cannot fathom why a distillery would be approved across the street from a busy
aftercare facility.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the extent feasible" is insufficient in light of
the present conditions and characteristics of Tyler St. This recommendation fails to address street parking
deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street parking commensurate with the
occupancy for businesses on Tyler St. within District 6. Parking is already tight during drop off and pick up times.
Adding a distillery/restaurant in this busy location will create congested and dangerous conditions. especially with
intoxicated drivers.
I would like for this letter to be added to the public record for comment.
Thank you,
Keith Hunter
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Keith Hunter
Farah Nisan
Matt Hall
Cori Schumacher
Michael Schumacher
Keith Blackbum
Mark Packard
Momophd Momofphd
Monday, June 19, 2017 9:15AM
Distillery Opposition
This letter is in opposition to staff recommendation to the Planning Commission to approve an applicant
proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special
provisional use standards for distilleries to the Master Plan.
This recommendation needs to be denied for many reasons:
1. There is no identification and assessment of hazard prevention protocols.
2. Safety and environmental impact to the surrounding communities.
3. It presents a cleat and present danger to children at the Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad, directly across the
4. Parking is insufficient and not appropriately addressed.
Rosanne Bentley
Sarah Cluff
Brett Farrow <
Monday, June 19, 2017 11:05 AM
Council Internet Email; Planning
Support for Vlllage Master Plan Amendment
Support for Amendment-Resolution No. 7245.pdf
Honorable City Council and Planning Commission,
I wish to express my strong support for the proposed Village Master Plan Amendment for Distilleries and Restaurants.
As an architect and owner of property in Carlsbad Village I see the proposed amendment as an appropriate step that
should be taken for multiple reasons.
First, the zoning for District 6 in the Village Master Plan is now zoned for continuation of automobile emphasis and
storage. This is not what should be promoted in this unique coastal location near mass transit. We see the results of
this zoning in not only inappropriate and visually unappealing uses in the area but also in the neglected or abandoned
buildings. The current zoning is not working as intended.
Second} the economies of downtowns and main streets have changed. Retail is approaching obsolescence and the era
of the gas powered privately owned automobile is coming to an end. What people need and want is a place to gather,
enjoy themselves and establish personal connections. Restaurants are primary to achieving this end.
Third, as a city Carlsbad has the opportunity to promote more innovation, creativity and new ideas through the re-use of
formerly industrial sites.
By allowing a unique and authentic "makers district11 that promotes craft and the culinary arts, we are setting the stage
for both vitality and economic growth. Local jobs and unique businesses will be attracted and created with this simple
zoning change.
The proposed amendment will bring a positive change to this area of Carlsbad Village. We should be promoting
innovation and choose a path forward that creates the places we want to live, play and work.
A pdf version of the letter is also attached.
Brett Farrow
P R 0 J E C T:
R E:
0 FAX No.:
June 19. 2017 0 U.S. MAIL
Carlsbad Planning Commission 0 COURIER
Village Master Plan Amendment 0 HAND DELIVER
Support for Amendment 181 OTHER: e-mail
Resolution No. 7245 NO. OF PAGES: (1)
Honorable Commissioners,
I wish to express my strong support tor the proposed Village Master Plan Amendment for Distilleries
and Restaurants.
As an architect and owner of property in Carlsbad Village I see the proposed amendment as an
appropriate step that should be taken tor multiple reasons.
First, the zoning for District 6 in the Village Master Plan is now zoned for continuation of automobile
emphasis and storage. This is not what should be promoted in this unique coastal location near
mass transit. We see the results of this zoning in not only inappropriate and visually unappealing uses
In the area but also in the neglected or abandoned buildings. The current zoning is not working as
Second, the economies of downtowns and main streets hove changed. Retail is approaching
obsolescence and the era of the gas powered privately owned automobile is coming to on end.
What people need and want is a place to gather, enjoy themselves and establish personal
connections. Restaurants ore primary to achieving this end.
Third, as a city Carlsbad has the opportunity to promote more innovation, creativity and new ideas
through the re-use of formerly industrial sites. By allowing a unique and authentic "makers district"
that promotes craft and the culinary arts, we ore setting the stog.e tor both vitality and economic
growth. Local jobs and unique businesses will be attracted and created with this simple zoning
The proposed amendment will bring a positive change to this area of Carlsbad Village. We should
be promoting innovation and choose a path forward that creates the places we want to live. ploy
and work.
Brett Farrow
Austin Silva
Austin Silva
Monday, June 19, 2017 2:09 PM
'Patricia Amador'
Amanda Mascia; Lisa McKethan; Simon RAngel; Kris Wright
RE: Pacific Coast Spirits
Right now we have two business license applications in for 3135 Tyler Street. One is for Climbing Monkeys Winery, and
the other is for Pacific Coast Spirits. We don't have a business license application in for a restaurant at that location. I
don't have access to t he actual business license applications, but you can contact the Finance Department at 760-602-
2495 and they should be able to provide you with what you're looking for.
Thank you for including the Type 741icense info. We are aware of the license regulations for a craft distillery and have
met with the ABC and the Police Department to discuss the license regulations.
Austin Silva, AICP
Associate Planner
P: 760-602-4631
City of Carlsbad
Planning Division
From: Patricia Amador
Sent:-Monday, June 19, 2017 1:16PM
To: Austin Silva <Austin.Silva@carlsbadca.gov>
Cc: Amanda Mascia ; Lisa McKethan ; Simon RAngel
; Kris Wright
Subject: Pacific Coast Spirits
Regarding the Business License Applications for Pacific Coast Spirits; can you please advise if the
applicants have applied for a general sales Restaurant and Bar license? If yes, do you have copies
of the business applications? If the applicant has applied only for a Type 74 -craft
distilleries/restaurant license, can you please also send copies of the restaurant applicat ion.
Per the ABC Licensing guidelines, I am attaching the Type 74 license regulations that can provide
you with information regarding the limitations of that type of license, e.g., sales are limited to
'private events' and the amount served to a patron is also limited.
I believe it is important for the Planning Department to be aware of the type of license designation
as related to the building regulations/ design to ensure the application is in agreement with ABC
guidelines and law.
lease also include a copy of this letter and attachments to the Planning Commission as per public
Thanks &. regards,
Patricia Amador
Farah Nisan
Monday, June 19, 2017 5:03PM
Subject: Village Master Plan Amendment, District 6 allowing distilleries
18 June, 2017
City of Carlsbad Planning Dept
Planning Commission
Members of the Carlsbad City Council
Re: Village Master Plan Amendment, District 6 to allow distilleries and restaurants as provisional uses
Dear Planning Commissioners and Council Members:
I am a 25 year Carlsbad resident and am in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning Commission to
approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants in District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan.
As a pediatrician, I am very concerned about these planned distilleries being less than 100 feet from the Boys and
Girls Club. Aside from the Boys and Girls Club's daytime students, there is a swim school at that same location,
which also has classes in the evenings. The playground would be mere feet away from the proposed property.
Additionally, Tyler St. is very narrow and there is minimal parking there, currently. I am concerned parking would
become a nightmare, and a hazard. The staff answer to the concern about parking, i.e., that parking will be planned
for "as. feasible", is not acceptable. What is "feasible''? It really tells us nothing .. This recommendation fails to
address street parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street parking
commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler St. within District 6.
I reviewed information about distilleries, and found there are less than 10 in the whole county. The only one in North
County is in San Marcos, in an industrial park. All of the other distilleries are also in large industrial parks or urban
areas, and nowhere near residential areas or child care facilities. Most of them are only open during the day and do
not serve food. I am not opposed to a distillery in our city, but changing the land use designation of the Barrio is not
the way to go about it, as this area is NOT suited for distilleries.
As far as the "petitions" which were circulated by the applicant, most with no addresses (I have never heard of our
city staff paying any mind to an owner's petition to not only allow his/her business. but also to change land use
designations in the areal), please be mindful of the remarks of Councilman Blackburn when he voted on the
Carlsbad Boat House property on April11, 2017. The residents opposing the Boat House submitted some petitions
and signatures they had collected. Mr. Blackburn stated: ""Looking at the surveys, I don't give surveys much
credibility. I'm not even taking that into consideration." Please keep that in mind when reading through the
submitted documents. I also noticed that the majority of letters submitted in support of the applicants were from
persons who not only do not reside in Carlsbad, but some don't even reside in Southern California. This Isn't a vote
on admitting someone to a social club -his character is not the issue. The main issue 1s whether this proposed
amendment is best for Carlsbad and appropriate for that area, and it is obvious that distilleries do NOT fit in this
Additionally, without requiring an identification and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and
safety impact studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Diane Bedrosian . Carlsbad, CA 92010
Farah Nisan
Sue I.
Monday, June 19, 2017 8:32PM
Opposition to proposed distillery on Tyler St.
Honored members of Planning Commission and City Council members,
I am writing in opposition of the proposed Distillery on Tyler St in Carlsbad Village.
I am opposed to this development for several reasons, this location is not the proper place to have a distillery located 100
feet from the Boys and Girls Club!
It is one thing to propose this project to adults but the children in this close proximity of a distillery do not have a voice to
the dangers involved.
Let me speak to this:
Drop off and pick up can be very congested and confusing.
Children will be exposed to the customers and any dangers associated with this project.
I don't' believe exposure to a distillery is a great idea, being so close to alcohol and customers associated with a distillery.
The parents of the children have their kids at the Boys and Girls because it is a less expensive form of after school care.
I understand working parents and members of our community like myself understand there is a need for a SAFE place for
o.ur children.
Don't jeopardize the safety of our ch ildren by approving this project!
Other projects will surely come along that would be much more compatible with this location.
I urge you to consider more space for our little ones to have freedom and play.
Carlsbad, Ca. 92008
Farah Nisan
natalie shaprro
Monday, June 19, 2017 8:50PM
Comments on land use changes
Dear Carlsbad Planning Commissioners:
June 19, 2017
Natalie Shapiro
Carlsbad, CA 92009
I oppose the Land Use and zoning change in the Carlsbad Village Plan that will allow distilleries and
alcohol at restorations as provisional uses. The area is not conducive to businesses that serve hard
alcohol-it is in a high-crime area, and is near the Boys & Girls Club.
Thank you,
Natalie Shapiro
Farah Nisan
Planning Commission:
Sonja Spano Pratt <
Monday, June 19, 2017 10:13 PM
Distillery District on Tyler Street
My name is Sonja Spano Pratt and I live with my family at in Carlsbad. I live just a few
blocks from the proposed zoning changes on Tyler Street. 1 am very concerned about the decision to change
Tyler Street to a "distillery district." I walk by this area several times a week and I think this would be a very
poor planning decision for many reasons.
Any radical zoning changes such as this should wait until after this final Village Barrio Master Plan is complete.
It does not seem judicious to make these sort of changes before this plan is complete and it seems oddly
The placement of this "distillery district" is not well thought out and goes against the past precedent of decisions
already made for this area. It not only is within 100 feet of a Boys and Girls Club, but there already has been a
denial of a hard liquor license right next door to the 7/11 on the grounds that it was too close to the Boys and
Girls Club as recently as 2015. To throw that precedent out is as I mentioned ''oddly suspicious".
Tyler is a narrow unimproved street lacking in sidewalks and adding a "distillery district there seems like a
problem for drivers and with parking. I am concerned for my and my family's safety as we enjoy running,
walking and biking this area on a weekly basis. I am very concerned about people entering and exiting the
distillery on these streets near children. train tracks, senior housing. auto shops and unimproved streets. The
reasons "why not" are so numerous.
I respectfully request that the planning commission not allow this zoning change for the safety of the children
and the people that live in the Barrio and the adjacent neighborhoods. I also ask that you look at all the letters
that you have received and make sure that the people that are writing letters for the "distillery district" actua1ly
live in Carlsbad. Tyler Street is not the place for this type of business and defYing "process and prior precedent"
is bad planning for all the residents of Carlsbad.
Respectfully submitted,
Sonja Spano Pratt
Sonja Spano .Pratt
Farah Nisan
Dear Planning Commission,
Lisa <>
Monday, June 19, 2017 11:43 PM
No to zoning change for distillery
SAY NO to the DISTILLERY! A drinking establishment feet from a major children's daycare/recreation facility? I can't
believe the planning commission would even consider this a good idea. It is ridiculous!!!
And furthermore, it is shameful that an elected official will profit from a zoning change he is pushing through; pathetici
He can hide behind an LLC, we all know who owns Tyler St. !=ollow the money.
I am a resident on Roosevelt St. and I am firmly against this zoning change that is so far from anything the Village/Barrio
plan stands for. Please do not change zoning for this purpose. NO DISTILLERY ON TYLER!! I Our kids deserve better! Out
city deserves better.
Lisa Ash
Carlsbad, CA
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN l 9 lot?
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
businesses on Tyler Street within
City Planning Dept.
Planning Commission
Members of the City Council
IUN 1 9 2017
Re: Village Master Plan Amendment, District 6 to allow distilleries and restaurants as provisional uses
I am a Carlsbad resident and am in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning Commission
to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants in District 6 and to add special
provisional use standards for distilleries to the Master Plan.
Without requiring an identification and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and
safety impact studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant in District 6, specifically on Tyler St. because it would
present a danger to children at the Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the extent feasible" is
insufficient in light of the present conditions and characteristics of Tyler St. This recommendation fails
to address street parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler St. within District 6.
Finally I had the opportunity to read the staff report to the Planning Commission and noted the petitions
and letters submitted. I sincerely hope that the Planning Commission takes into account that the online
petition "FOR" the amendment to the Village Master Plan and proposed provisional uses do NOT
contain addresses from residents. On that petition, I counted 309 names; none had addresses so I
would maintain that non-residents of Carlsbad could have submitted their names. On another petition
consisting of 25 names, only 14 of those were from Carlsbad residents. Of the letters submitted "For"
the project, only 7 had listed addresses. This would make a total of 21 residents in support of the
amendment as of the date of publication of the staff report.
Address (a,v-\s\otto Ctr
CJ26o ?f
611&12017 img018.jpg
Fecha V)lq ll() n
A: Mayor Matt Hall
Miembros de Ia Comision de Planiftcacion
Miembro del Consejo Municipal Corie Schumacher
Miembro del Consejo Municipal Michael Schumacher
Miembro del Cosejo Municipal Keith Blackburn
Miembro del Consejo Municipal Mark Packard
JUN 19 2017
Esta carta es en oposici6n a Ia recomendaci6n de personal de Ia Comisi6n de
planificaci6n al aprobar una propuesta de Ia solicitante para permitir destilerias y
restaurantes como usos provisionales dentro de tierra utilizar Distrlto 6 y a nadir
provisional especial utilizan estandares para destilerfas para el Plan Maestro. Sin
necesidad de una identificaci6n y evaluaci6n de protocolos de prevenci6n de
riesgo, medio ambiente y estudios de impacto de seguridad de Ia comunidad
circundante, esta recomendaci6n debe ser negado.
Ademas, me opongo a un destilerfa de restaurante en Ia calle de Tyler 3135
porque presentar{a un peligro claro y presente a los nif\os en los chicos y chicas
Club de Carlsbad, directamente cruzando Ia calle.
Me opongo aun mas a este proyecto porque el estandar actual para el
estacionamiento, "a Ia medida de lo posible", es insuficiente a Ia luz de las
presentes condiciones y caracteristicas de Ia calle de Tyler. Esta recomendaci6n
no direccl6n calle deficiencias y rlesgos de seguridad de trafico. La norma debe
ser, fuera de Ia calle acorde con Ia ocupaci6n de negocios en Ia calle de Tyler en
Distrito 6.
Nombre (ZESC1!r' q J±tf V1 0((/J J ~ ~
Direccion crt[/or.ld'd .
https:l/mail.google.com/mail/u/01#6earch/simon/15cb4bd5b06e07be?projector= 1
611812017 img018.jpg
A: Mayor Matt Hall
Miembros de Ia Comision de Planificacion
Miembro del Consejo Municipal Corie Schumacher
Miembro del Consejo Municipal Michael Schumacher
Miembro del Cosejo Municipal Keith Blackburn
Miembro del Consejo Municipal Mark Packard
tUN 1 9 20t7
Esta carta es en oposici6n a Ia recomendaci6n de personal de Ia Comisi6n de
planificaci6n al aprobar una propuesta de Ia solicitante para permitir destilerias y
restaurantes como usos provisionales dentro de tierra utilizar Distrito 6 y a nadir
provisional especial utilizan estandares para destilerfas para el Plan Maestro. Sin
necesidad de una identificaci6n y evaluaci6n de protocolos de prevention de
riesgo, medio ambiente y estudios de irnpacto de seguridad de Ia comunidad
circundante, esta recomendacl6n debe ser negado.
Ademas, me opongo a un destileria de restaurante en Ia calle de Tyler 3135
porque presentarfa un peligro claro y presente a los ninos en los chicos y chicas
Club de Carlsbad, directamente cruzando Ia calle.
Me opongo aun mas a este proyecto porque el estandar actual para el
estacionamiento, "a Ia medida de lo posible", es insuficiente a Ia luz de las
presentes condiciones y caracteristicas de Ia calle de Tyler. Esta recomendaci6n
no direcci6n calle deficiencias y riesgos de seguridad de trafico. La norma debe
ser, fuera de Ia calle acorde con Ia ocupaci6n de negocios en Ia calle de Tyler en
Distrito 6.
Nombre ---------------------------------
Direction ---------------------------------
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/OI#searchlsimon/15cb4bd5b06e07be?projector= 1 1/1
City Planning Dept.
Planning Commission
Members of the City Council
c:: E
JUN 9 2011
P:...r.;--.. l\:G DIV!S!ON
Re: Village Master Plan Amendment, District 6 to allow distilleries and restaurants as provisional uses
I am a Carlsbad resident and am in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning Commission
to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants in District 6 and to add special
provisional use standards for distilleries to the Master Plan.
Without requiring an identification and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and
safety impact studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant in District 6, specifically on Tyler St. because it would
present a danger to children at the Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the extent feasible" is
insufficient in light of the present conditions and characteristics of Tyler St. This recommendation fails
to address street parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler St. within District 6.
Finally I had the opportunity to read the staff report to the Planning Commission and noted the petitions
and letters submitted. I sincerely hope that the Planning Commission takes into account that the online
petition "FOR" the amendment to the Village Master Plan and proposed provisional uses do NOT
contain addresses from residents. On that petition, I counted 309 names; none had addresses so I
would maintain that non-residents of Carlsbad could have submitted their names. On another petition
consisting of 25 names, only 14 of those were from Carlsbad residents. Of the letters submitted "For''
the project, only 7 had listed addresses. This would make a total of 21 residents in support of the
amendment as of the date of publication of the staff report.
City Planning Dept.
Planning Commission
Members of the City Council
J 1 9 2017
P_. .r ~.NG Dl'l £10. •
Re: Village Master Plan Amendment, District 6 to allow distilleries and restaurants as provisional uses
I am a Carlsbad resident and am in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning Commission
to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants in District 6 and to add special
provisional use standards for distilleries to the Master Plan.
Without requiring an identification and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and
safety impact studies ofthe surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant in District 6, specifically on Tyler St. because it would
present a danger to children at the Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the extent feasible" is
insufficient in light of the present conditions and characteristics of Tyler St. This recommendation fails
to address street parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler St. within District 6.
Finally I had the opportunity to read the staff report to the Planning Commission and noted the petitions
and letters submitted. I sincerely hope that the Planning Commission takes into account that the online
petition "FOR" the amendment to the Village Master Plan and proposed provisional uses do NOT
contain addresses from residents. On that petition, I counted 309 names; none had addresses so I
would maintain that non-residents of Carlsbad could have submitted their names. On another petition
consisting of 25 names, only 14 of those were from Carlsbad residents. Of the letters submitted "For''
the project, only 7 had listed addresses. This would make a total of 21 residents in support of the
amendment as of the date of publication of the staff report.
Address (/yz_;_s,'UYJ(A
To: Mayor Matt Hall 17
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name \\\\ OJ'f\ -----~~~------~~--------~~~-----------------
Date _______ _
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, 11tO the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
June 19, 2017
City Planning Dept.
Planning Commission
Members of the City Council
City of Carlsbad
JUN 1 9 2017
Planning Divlston
Re: Village Master Plan Amendment, District 6 to allow distilleries and restaurants as provisional uses
I am a Carlsbad resident and am in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning Commission
to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants in District 6 and to add special
provisional use standards for distilleries to the Master Plan .
Without requiring an identification and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and
safety impact studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant in District 6, specifically on Tyler St. because it would
present a danger to children at the Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the extent feasible" is
insufficient in light of the present conditions and characteristics ofTyler St. This recommendation fails
to address street parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler St. within District 6.
Finally I had the opportunity to read the staff report to the Planning Commission and noted the petitions
and letters submitted : I sincerely hope that the Planning Commission takes into account that the online
petition "FOR" the amendment to the Village Master Plan and proposed provisional uses do NOT
contain addresses from residents. On that petition, I counted 309 names; none had addresses so I
would maintain that non-residents of Carlsbad could have submitted their names. On another petition
consisting of 25 names, only 14 of those were from Carlsbad residents. Of the letters submitted "For"
the project, only 7 had listed addresses. This would make a total of 21 residents in support of the
amendment as ofthe date of publication of the staff report.
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Sarah Cluff
Patricia Amador <
Tuesday, June 20, 2017 5:10 PM
Request for Recusal of Arthur Black -Plannihg Commissioher-Meeting of June 21,
RE: Amend 2017-005 (Dev2017 -0023) VHlage Master Plan Amendment For Distilleries and
Restaurants, District 6, Carlsbad, CA
June 21 , 2017
I request that Planning Commissioner Arthur Black recuse himself from discussion, hearing and
deliberation and decision of the requested Amendment for Distilleries and Restaurants, District 6,
in the City of Carlsbad, Ca., Amendment 2017-005 (Dev2017-0023).
On May 3, 2017, Commissioner Black, in discussion for deliberation and decision regarding K-1
Indoor Speed, Amend CUP, at minute: 54.42 stated: · it would be hypocritical to vote against the
serving of alcohol" as he is in the business.
It would be obvious to the most casual of listeners that Commissioner Black has a publicly stated
Patricia Amador
Sarah Cluff
20 June 2017
City Planning Department
Planning Commission
Members of the City Council
Larry Peifer
Tuesday, June 20, 2017 7:27 PM
Larry Peifer
Village Master Plan Amendment -Planning Commission meeting Wed, 6/21
Re: Village Master Plan Amendment, District 6 to allow distilleries and restaurants as provisional uses
I am a Carlsbad re sident and am in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning Commission to
approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants in District 6 and to add special provisional use.
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan.
Without requiring an id entification and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety
impact studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied. I further oppose this
project because the present standard for parking, "to the extent feasible" is insufficient in light of the present
conditions and characteristics ofTyler St. This recommendation fails to address street parking deficiencies and
traffic safety haza rds. The standard should be, off-street parking commensurate with the occupancy for
businesses on Tyler St within District6.
Finally, I'm concerned about the petitions and letters submitted to the Planning Commission. I sincerely hope
that the Commission takes into account that the online petition ''FOR" the amendment to the Village Master
Plan and proposed provisional uses do NOT contain addresses from residents. I'm told that on that
petition there are 309 names; none had addresses, so I would maintain that non-residents of Carlsbad could
have submitted their names. On another petition consisting of 25 names, only 14 of those were from Carlsbad
residents. Of the letters submitted "For'' the project, only 7 had listed addresses. This would make a total of 21
residents in support of the amendment as of the date of publication of the staff report.
Larry Peifer
Carlsbad, CA 92010
Sarah Cluff
From: Hope Nelson
Tuesday, June 20, 2017 7:36PM
Sobject: Re: SDP 2017-0005 District 6 Land Use and Zoning Amendment
Planning Commissioners,
On this Wednesday, June 21, 2017, you will be asked to considerer the above mentioned
District 6 Land Use and Zoning Amendment.
I respectfully ask you to deny this change for the following reasons:
1. This area is adjacent to a highly popular and well utilized Boys and Girls Club. The Club
facilitates all kinds of activities for the children of the surrounding communi ty. The
Club's posted hours are lOam to 10pm. Making it possible to house a distillery in this area
seems counter to the current uses of the area, lessening the degree of safety and
security typical of areas where children gather. Would this happen if the Boys and Girls
Club were a public school? Probably not.
2. There are residences along Tyler St, across the street from the proposed zoning change
in district 6. Does the proposed change fit with the current neighborhood, which has
historical value? No.
3. The current Land Use does not permit bars/cocktail lounges , night clubs, microbreweries
and wineries so why would the city even consider changing the Land Use and Zoning to
allow distilleries? Isn't this a huge, deep dive into uncharted territory for this area?
4. Where would patrons of this district park if, in fact,, a number of distilleries were to
open business here due to the change? Until this is determined, isn't a Land Use and
Zoning change premature?
In considering what is before you and to consider the position of the citizens who live in
Carlsbad, please pay particular attention to where comments are coming from. Are the
comments from the citizens of Carlsbad or are they from friends and outside interests that
don't vote in. our city, don't live in our city and who will not be impacted daily by the result of
your decision?
Sincere thanks for your consideration,
Hope Nelson
17 year Carlsbadian
Austin Silva
From: Council Internet Email
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2017 8:03AM
Austin Silva Cc:
Subject: FW: SOP 2017-0005 District 6 Land Use and Zoning Amendment
From: Hope Nelson
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 7:44PM
To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>.
Subject: Re: SOP 2017-0005 District 6 Land Use and Zoning Amendment
City Council Members,
On this Wednesday, June 21, 2017, Carlsbad's Planning Commission will be asked to consider the
above mentioned District 6 Land Use and Zoning Amend ment.
I am respectfully asking them to deny this change for the following reasons:
1. This area is adjacent to a highly popular and well utilized Boys and Girls Club. The Club
facilitates all kinds of activities for the children of the surrounding community. The
Club's posted hours are lOam to lOpm. Making it possible to house a distillery in this area
seems counter to the current uses of the area, lessening the degree of safety and
security typical of areas where children gather. Would this happen if the Boys and Girls
Club were a public school? Probably not.
2. There are residences along Tyler St, across the street from the proposed zoning change
in district 6. Does the proposed change fit with the current neighborhood, which has
historical value? No.
3. The current Land Use does not permit bars/cocktail lounges , night clubs, microbreweries
and wineries so why would the city even consider changing the Land Use and Zoning to
allow distilleries? Isn't this a huge, deep dive into uncharted territory for this area?
4. Where would patrons of this district park if, in fact, a number of distilleries were to
open business here due to the change? Until this is determined, isn't a Land Use and
Zoning change premature?
In considering what is before them and to consider the position of the citizens who live in
Car lsbad , please pay particular attention to where comments are coming from. Are the
comments from the citizens of Carlsbad or are they from friends and outside interests that
don't vote in our city, don't live in our city and who will not be impacted daily by the result of
their decision?
I hope you will support a NO regarding this Land Use and Zoning Amendment.
Sincere thanks for your consideration,
Hope Nelson
17 year Carlsbad ian
Date& -/2 -I 1
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corle Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
IUN 2 0 2017
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking1 "to the
extent feasiblen, is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6 ..
Name !Jefjl/ j_;t_btUIJJf;(
(f)t'i3 fid/ t
Date /r; ~ /;1
I I '
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN 2 0 2017
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, uto the
extent feasible», is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name /?be;mr aiL/.!612-Y
Address ~IP!fDJ' Cit,?~
Date. ______ _
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
This letter is in opposit ion to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6 Name_..;...._;..)t--r-.:.f/11..;...:;...~---$---"12=--=--:.'tf~ ........... 'l &"""--._ _/ 5'- --r;:r----
Address { ?U f~ ~ C( cj tJ I ~
Date lo /2--o /17
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
/UN 2 0 2017
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Wrthout requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible'', is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name ~-ertH~ $e.m&n, cjJ Q'3 ---
Address eel-{\ sborJ I @ Jr g pOl)~
Date C:, -d. 0 -~ 0 I 7
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
IUN· 2 0 201!
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan; Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because ~he pre.sent standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name 7) ~ommP....: :iJ.D.RA.De Q
Address t a.FLO.aba d, {}A 9 ()D (J r
Date ~ 2 0; 2 01( u
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN 2 0 20t7
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Wrthout requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly. across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, uto the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
L l-, lA_ t111l c K. e. ~"'--0~ ""--7 ~ ~ 714 ~ Name G) ------- - ------ -------------~-----------------------
Date v/20 lit'
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name Ter-n e ) ~ (' ;;Vi0!1 u~CX" c4E:l""--...
Address / flc;r/5Jaui'rz2:
Fecha G2 /2~.' 1/7 r /
A: Mayor Matt Hall
Miembros de Ia Comision de Planificacion
Miembro del Consejo Municipal Corie Schumacher
Miembro del Consejo Municipal Michael Schumacher
Miembro del Cosejo Municipal Keith Blackburn
Miembro del Consejo Municipal Mark Packard
Esta carta es en oposici6n a Ia recomendaci6n de personal de Ia Comisi6n de
planificaci6n al aprobar una propuesta de Ia solicitante para permitir destilerias y
restaurantes como usos provisionales dentro de tierra utilizar Distrito 6 y anadir
provisional especial utilizan estandares para destilerlas para el Plan Maestro. Sin
necesidad de una identificaci6n y evaluaci6n de protocolos de prevenci6n de
riesgo, medio ambiente y estudios de impacto de seguridad de Ia comunidad
circundante, esta recomendaci6n debe ser negado.
Ademas, me opongo a un destileria de restaurante en Ia calle de Tyler 3135
porque presentar{a un peligro claro y presente a los ninos en los chicos y chicas
Club de Carlsbad, directamente cruzando Ia calle.
Me opongo aun mas a este proyecto porque el estandar actual para el
estacionamiento, "a Ia medida de lo posible", es insuficiente a Ia luz de las
presentes condiciones y caracteristicas de Ia calle de Tyler. Esta recomendaci6n
no direcci6n calle deficiencias y riesgos de seguridad de trafico. La norma debe
ser, fuera de Ia calle acorde con Ia ocupaci6n de negocios en Ia calle de Tyler en
Distrito 6.
Nombre Car0 J
Scher+zer (c~ ~
Dr . Ctl r Is ba.cl...
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Wrthout requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasibfeH, is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Date (a \atl \~Q=
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Wrthout requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6 ... ll
Name ltwNU
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Wrthout requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a dear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name }; /Lc;.. ~ Addre-s ---~~~~~~~~~0-0~-/)__. S t ~
• til e7jV4
Date. ______ _
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Date iR · Zf) , f -l
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to ~ddress street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name }Aa:q~ 1 ¥\Jeh\oocl fo \\ vm~cL!JaJJ.J
Address CaJ)SJ::t:Lt/ c~rr~oa?
oate~W__.;.-l,_;;O ___ ._J l--'--
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasiblen, is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name CJ1 (1 S.tJ ne_ Q_j Q VI~ )
Address q2-oc<?
Date. ______ _
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasibleH, is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Address /
Sarah Cluff
Wednesday, June 21, 2017 2:19AM
City Clerk; Planning
Additional letters for meeting tonight re: distillery "district"
Dear City Clerk and Planning Commission staff:
There were many letters submitted recently, both via email and in person, regarding the distillery "district" amendment
which will be discussed at the Planning Commission meeting tonight. I do not see them online with the rest of the staff
report. It is my understanding that those are to be made available to the public prior to the meeting. I am requesting that
staff make those letters available, preferably online also, as soon as possible.
Thank you.
Diane Bedrosian
Carlsbad resident
Sarah Cluff
Dear Planning Commission,
KC Krause <
Wednesday, June 21, 2017 8:56AM
Patty Segovia-Krause
Distillery in District 6
Our family has really enjoyed living in the Carlsbad Village/Barrio & Old Carlsbad area for the past 21 years. We
have had only positive experiences with the City of Carlsbad employees. Recently we have become more and more
alarmed with the decisions being made by our city council. We feel too many decisions are now being made for
personal financial gain for a few over the greater good and will of the citizens of Carlsbad. This change has
prompted us to voice our opposition to some of the proposals coming out of the city for the first time in 21 years.
Our family is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning Commission to approve an applicant
proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants in District 6 and to add special provisional use standards for distilleries to
the Master Plan.
Without requiring an identification and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant in District 6, specifically on Tyler St. because it would go against
California state law. California law says they may deny any retail license located (a) within the immediate vicinity of
churches and hospitals, or (b) within at least 600 feet of schools, public playgrounds and nonprofit youth facilities.
This area is within 600 feet of the Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the extent feasible" is insufficient in light of
the present conditions and characteristics of Tyler St. This recommendation fails to address street parking
deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street parking commensurate with the
occupancy for businesses on Tyler St. within District 6.
Finally I sincerely hope that the Planning Commission takes into account that the online petition "FOR" the
amendment to the Village Master Plan and proposed provisional uses do NOT contain addresses from residents.
On that petition none had addresses so I would maintain that non-residents of Carlsbad could have submitted their
names. On another petition consisting of 25 names, only 14 of those were from Carlsbad residents. Of the letters
submitted "For'' the project, only 7 had listed addresses, This would make a total of 21 residents in support of the
amendment as of the date of publication of the staff report.
Thank you,
Segovia-Krause Family
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Sarah Cluff
Dear Planning Commission,
Vickey Syage
Wednesday, June 21, 2017 9:06AM
City Clerk; Planning
Pacific Coast Spirits -Tyler Street -Planning Commission Letter
I am a 25 year resident of Carlsbad. I think it's important that you take into consideration residents' concerns when
approaching items that come before the Planning Commission because we live here, pay taxes here, and have to live
with the decisions you collectively make.
I am opposed to the change in zoning of District 6 on Tyler Street to allow distilleries for 4 reasons:
1. The Village Barrio Plan is near completion. This is a big change and we don't know how it will fit into the vision for
the Village and Barrio for years to come. We should not piecemeal development in our home town. This request can
wait the few more months to ensure that our Village looks like we all want it to look for the next 50 years, and see how
it fits in the new Village Barrio plan.
2. Distilleries use dangerous chemicals in processing and create toxic byproducts. There has been no study (ies) as to
how these chemicals would be handled, stored, disposed of nor has there been a study of the infrastructure of this very
old part of Carlsbad to ensure the City sewer lines are in shape to handle this sort of chemical processing. The
infrastructure wasn't designed for this type of chemical processing. More work needs to be done before it would be
reasonable to approve such a change. We need to safeguard our city from toxic spills or potential explosions from the
use of these very dangerous chemicals.
3. It's an inappropriate location for a distillery. Whiskey is a hard liquor. The location is less than 100 feet from the
Boys and Girls Club. This project and change would never be considered across the street from an elementary school.
The Boys and Girls Club should be treated similarly as there are a many children there as there are in many elementary
schools. The distillery might be a great concept-just not at this location. Perhaps if were situated on the north side of
Carlsbad Village Drive, near the other bars, wineries, and breweries, it might be more appropriate. There are plenty of
alternate locations in Carlsbad for this business to be successful. This parcel is just not one of them.
4. The elephant in the room is that this is the Mayor's property. Legal titling changed from a family trust to an LLC, but
the fact of the matter is that this is the Mayor's property, and for that reason, the optics must be impeccable for the
sake of the reputation of our City. Anything less makes the City and this Commission look like a bunch of corrupt
lackeys. This is a very aggressive zoning change, coming so close to the change in the Village Barrio Plan. All of you were
appointed by the Mayor, and we've come to find out that those appointments were illegal based on City code. You all
should have been nominated by Council Members, not appointed by the Mayor. This Commission must have the
appearance of not playing favors in exchange for appointments, which is why it is imperative that you wait for the
Village Barrio Plan to be complete. Anything less, even if legal, has the optic of backroom deals and corruption.
Perception is reality, and that would be the perception in this particular case.
And finally, there have been many signatures submitted in support of this change, but in going through those signatures
(public record), the overwhelming majority are from non-residents. Non-resident opinions shouldn't count. This is a
LOCAL issue affecting Carlsbad re sidents. I wouldn't have a credible right in telling San Jose or Santa Clara how to zone
their City; out of town and out of state folks have no business pressuring the Commission on how to vote for ours. As a
longtime Carlsbad resident, I find the submission of those signatures arrogant and insulting. It appears there were a
sum total of less than 25 Carlsbad residents in favor of this change, while many, many more RESIDENTS oppose it. As
you should see by your email and letter counts, resident opposition to this proposed change is huge. Please respect that
opposition and vote No.
Victoria Syage
Carlsbad, CA 92011
Sarah Cluff
Wednesday, June 21, 2017 12:39 PM
Planning; City Clerk
Linda Breen
To: Mernbers of the Planning Commission: Concerns about distillery district
Dear members of the planning commission.
I am writing to express my serious concerns about allowing a "distillery district" near to
the Boys and Girls Club, and near to a music school with hundreds of young students.
Allowing businesses which serve alcohol to be located so near to areas where children
congregate makes no sense. Th e danger of drunk drivers wou ld be real. Channeling
drinking drivers through the Barrio area is disturbing from a social justice standpoint: it
is extremely disrespectful to residents in the area to locate distilleries so close to a
residential area. Parking would be a serious problem. Additionally, distilleries have a
danger of explosion, and may also pose an environmental hazard. I understand that the
nearby Circle K had recently applied to sell alcohol on site,
and this was declined based on proximity to the Club. The Circle K would not have
included onsite consumption!
I am ala rmed and dismayed to see any support whatsoever for a distillery in this
area. Why would so many out of town people argue that the distillery would be "family
friendly"? More puzzling, what is wrong with the CEO of the Boys and Girls Club? What
level of corruption is required in order for a Boys and Girls Cl ub to advocate for a
dangerous alcohol-serving establishment to be located so near? The previous Club
management had advocated against the Circle K's liquor permit. I am deeply concerned
about conflicts of interest by our city leaders. Clearly, the Mayor has a serious financial
conflict of interest, but we need to consider the impact of his power in t his decision.
Some planning commissioners were personally appointed by the Mayor, contrary to city
policy which required the entire City Council to appoint commissioners. It is my belief
that commissioners who were personally appointed by the Mayor should recuse
themselves from this decision.
This situation is a horrible embarrassment to our lovely city. Pfease do the right thing
and do not approve a new distillery.
Thank you for your work,
Linda Breen
, Carlsbad CA 92010
Date %-~ l't J t1 I
City Planning
Members of the City Council
JUN 21 Z0f7
Re: Village Master Plan Amendment, District 6 to allow
distilleries and restaurants as provisional uses
I am a Carlsbad resident and am in opposition to the staff
recommendation to the Plannjng Commission to approve an
applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants in District 6
and to add special provisional use standards for distilleries to the
Master Plan.
Without requiring an identification and assessment of hazard
prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact studies of
the surrounding community; this recommendation needs to be
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant in District 6,
specifically on Tyler St._ because it would present a danger to
children at the Boys and Girls Club of Carlsb~ directly across
the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for
parking, "to the extent feasible" is insufficient in light of the
present conditions and characteristics of Tyler St. This
recommendation fails to address street parking deficiencies and
traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street parking
commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler St.
withln District 6.
Finally I had the opportunity to read the staff report to the
Plaruring Commission and noted the petitions and letters
submitted. I sincerely hope that the Planning Commission takes
into account that the online petition "FOR" the amendment to
the Village Master Plan and proposed provisional uses do NOT
· ··--t9(:itfii!i;_;~{1di:esses from residents. On that petition, I counted
309 names: none had addresses so I would maintain that non-
residents of Carlsbad could have submitted their names. On
·.another peji#on consisting of 25 names:: only 14 of those were
-fronr·c :atlsbad residents. Of the letters submitted ''For'' the
project, only 7 had listed addresses. This would make a total of
21 residents in support of the amendment as of the date of
publication of the staff report.
Name ~a~~Jg~~-~
'12oe::> ~-
Date -------------------------------
City Planning
' Commission
Members of the City Council
JUN 21 20 17
Re: Village Master Plan Amendmen~ District 6 to allow
distilleries and restaurants as provisional uses
I am a Carlsbad resident and am in opposition to the staff
recommendation to the Plannjng Commission to approve an
applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants in District 6
and to add special provisional use standards for distilleries to the
Master Plan.
Without requiring an identification and assessment of hazard
prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact studies of
the smrounding community, this recommendation needs to be
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant in District 6,
specifically on Tyler St because it would present a danger to
children at the Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad, directly across
the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for
parking, "to the extent feasible" is insufficient in light of the
present conditions and characteristics of Tyler St. 1bis
recommendation fails to address street parking deficiencies and
traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street parking
commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler St.
within District 6.
Finally I had the opportunity to read the staff report to the
Planning Commission and noted the petitions and letters
\ v
City Planning
Members of the City Council
JUN 21 2017
Re: Village Master Plan Amendmen~ District 6 to allow
distilleries and restaurants as provisional uses
I am a Carlsbad resident and am in opposition to the staff
recommendation to the Planning Commission to approve an
applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants in District 6
and to add special provisional use standards for distilleries to. the
Master Plan.
Without requiring an identification and assessment of hazard
prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact studies of
the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant in District 6,
specifically on Tyler St. because it would present a danger to
children at the Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad, directly across
the street.
I further oppose this project because fue present standard for
parking, "to the extent feasible" is illsufficient in light of the
present conditions and characteristics of Tyler St. 1bis
recommendation fails to address street parking deficiencies and
traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-stJ::eet parking
commensurate vvith the occupancy for businesses on Tyler St.
within District 6.
Finally I had the opportunity to read the staff report to the
Plannjng Comm.ission and noted the petitions and letters
Sarah Cluff
To the Planning Commission.
Noel Breen
Wednesday, June 21, 2017 3:04PM
Tyler Distillery
It is my understanding that the commission is considering a change in zoning to pe1mit a distillery to be built in
the land owned by Mayor Hall on Tyler Street adjacent to the Boys and Girl's Club. This development is
troubling on a variety of levels, I will note that the commission heard a city staff report at the meeting
pursuant to the pacific wind project, that the area (Barrio/village east of the railroad tracksO as a potential
site for affordable housing. Permitting
Halls industrial distillery will eliminate the potential for affordable housing that had been mandated by the
Adding to my concerns, is that not only is a potentially dangerous still set to be placed in this area, a
mixed use project Is envisioned for this project. If the author of this project was not mayor of Carlsbad, it
would be laughed at.
Just say no.
Noel Breen
carlsbad 92010.
Sarah Cluff
Nicholas Hammond
Wednesday, June 21, 2017 3:29 PM
Austin Silva
Planning; Council Internet Email
Letter in Support of our Amendment
Jim D PacCoast.pdf
Please see the attached letter from Mayor of San Marcos, Jim Desmond in support of our amendment. Would
you mind making this letter part of our filing?
Thank you sir.
June 21 , 2017
Carlsbad City Council
Cadsbad City Hall
1200 Carlsbad Village Dr.
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Jim Desmond
Mayor San Marcos
San Marcos, CA 92069
Re: Distilleries and their positive impact to the community.
City of Carlsbad representatives,
I am writing this letter on my personal behalf to share San Marcos's experience with
distilleries and their impact to the community. Overall, it has been a positive experience
and I would encourage local cities to embrace distilleries as they provide to be
prosperous to the city as well as seen as the next wave for craft, behind breweries.
Before I share more about that, I would like to provide a bit of industry facts and
As an industry, distilled spirits revenue has grown from $11.7 billion to $24.1 billion
nationally over the past 15 years with the majority of that growth in the last five. Distilled
spirits are one of the most heavily taxed consumer products in the United States, with
more than half of the price that consumers spend on a bottle of distilled spirits going
towards a tax, state, federal and local revenue. Alcohol beverages are the major profit
component of the hospitality industry including bars, restaurants. liquor stores, hotels,
convention and tourism. The distilled spirits industry is a major contributor to the
nation's growing economy generating over $110 billion in U.S. economic activity
annually. In job creation, 1.2 mi llion people are employed in the United States in the
production, distribution and sale of disti~Jced spirits.
We have seen this industry impact in San Marcos over the last few years and distilleries
have proven to be good neighbors and great businesses. They are positive for the local
economy, have less parking needs than a brewery and providing local jobs. Within the
city of San Marcos, our distillers are also heavily involved in the community, including
the education at our local colleges. Environmentally they create no odor and their
wastes are recycled into local farms as livestock feed. Their Impact to the community is
positive on a number of fronts.
I would be happy to discuss the opportunities further and in short would recommend
allowing distilleries in Carlsbad, as you will likely see a great value add to the
Sincerely, ~y
Mayor, San Marcos
Date b I "t/l 7
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Carie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Marl< Packard
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an appficant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, l oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, ''to the
extent feasible". is lnsuffident in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name c o..s 0. {\& \CATo~n t·'l o...S
Cet rls bo..cl \ CY\ 9 L.-00 '\
Date ~ ~~ ao J7
To; Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to ad~ special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Wrthout requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking. "to the
extent feasibleu, is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name~a-~ t
Address ' t,ar'6~~&
Date. __ c._p_,_/_")-{J __ ,-:;-__
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within land Use District 6 and to ad~ special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Wrthout requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking. "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
Date lo. 2\ . \]
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Carie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to ad.d special provisional use
standards for djstilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety Impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, l oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasiblen, is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6 _ Q
Name ,Q\ 'fY\0..(\®. ~~\Lt
~L~OO)J (o_ C\:LCO~
Sarah Cluff
Mr. Wrench,
Sarah Cluff on behalf of Planning
Thursday, June 22, 2017 9:05 AM
'Gary Wrench'
RE: General Plan; proposed amendment
Our sincere apologies that your letter arrived too late to be produced for last evening's 6 p.m. hearing.
P·lease forward your letter in Microsoft Word, Adobe PDF, or a photo format (i.e. jpg) as we can't access your document
in its current pages format. It will then be added it to the correspondence received for the item.
Thank you,
Sarah Cluff
Senior Office Specialist
Community & Economic Development
Planning Division
City of Carlsbad
1635 Faraday Ave.
Carlsbad, CA 92008
760-602-46271 760-720-8560 fax I sarah.cluff@carlsbadca.gov
---Original Message--
From: Gary Wrench [mailto:g
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2017 5:41 PM
To: Planning <Planning@CarlsbadCA.gov>
Subject: Gene ral Plan; proposed amendment
Please forward my attached letter to the members of the Planning Staff and Commissioners for tonight's meeting.
Thank you,
Gary Wrench
June 20, 2017
Gary Wrench
Carlsbad, CA 92008
To: All Members of the Carlsbad Planning Commission
Dear Commissioners:
Please record my opinion as opposed to any currently-pending prospective
amendment to the General Plan that would give entitlement for a distillery in the
Village. A distillery downtown is a bad idea; you know the reasons.
Equally annoying is the attempt at a procedural end-run that would fast-track
such entitlement. In the matter of the Simon Development, many citizens were
as incensed by the attempted short cuts to normal procedure as by the project
itself. (I voted for the project, but hated the heavy-handed procedural shortcut.)
In the present matter I urge you not to be complicit in facilitating a fast-track end
run whose transparent purpose is accommodating a purely personal commercial
objective by a not-wholly-objective elected official.
I am a former member of the Planning Commission, the Arts Commission and a
resident of Carlsbad since 1960. In former times, people used to tell us that we
should seek to emulate the ambiance and general flavor of a nrce village like
Carmel by the Sea. That train has obviously left the station , but we have
generally preserved a classy reputation. Let's not move more in the direction of
a party town. That may be wonderful for (some of) the business folks downtown,
but the benefit to citizens generally is less clear.
Gary Wrench
Date J 1 Jl.J.Ne ;>.o/1
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN 1 9 2017
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name /h A R. \ 1\ a .. rnAUGA.
Date__,G"'""":,f-/ 1__,1 ,f--L+-17..____
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN 1 9 2017
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name tJ IC<fl-4!'(. pt~
Address r~cr<t
Date (o -ll--11-
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN 1 9 20\7
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name St -e_ V e., L 0 tU"z. lA
Date (, (11,!J 1
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackbum
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN 1 9 Z0\7
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name ~.)<~
Address r C~ fhd Cit-f 8..0C>~
Date lo/rt h1
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
.JUN 1 9 2017
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name {)/~~n f Addre._:_, ~~-=-~-~~;6i-==c£J-=-
7 c~ ?'oJ:>6rP
Date j, /t-1 /11 I
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN 1 9 Z0\7
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name ,~~& A~d
Date ______ _
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name Co \e., \+e., t±o \ o 'b0,J
Address · C:.c.v-.~\:r,~ '/d-CV~
Date ______ _
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN 9 Z017
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name .5t!;5AN iJ fl,· Tf£N
Address (!fr~,t)_B-JJ
Date. _______ _
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Carie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
______ ,,
JUN 1 9 ZO\?
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name L\so._ .--("~eel
Address . Cat \sbadtCI3 Cf&.M8
Date ~-/?-/7 >
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
.JUN l 9 20t7
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, 11to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
oistrict6 Q _;/
Date. _______ _
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
.JUN 1 9 2fl1 7
CITY OF CARt. ":>8f-<0
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street w ithin
District 6
Name L~/~
Address ) · ~ ~-
Fecha __________________ __
A: Mayor Matt Hall
Miembros de Ia Comision de Planiflcacion
Miembro del Consejo Municipal Corie Schumacher
JUN 1 9 1.0\7
Miembro del Consejo Municipal Michael Schumache c~~~ CLERK'S oFFICE
Miembro del Cosejo Municipal Keith Blackburn
Miembro del Consejo Municipal Mark Packard
Esta carta es en oposici6n a Ia recomendaci6n de personal de Ia Comisi6n de
planiflcaci6n al aprobar una propuesta de Ia solicitante para permitir destilerias y
restaurantes como usos provisionales dentro de tierra utilizar Distrito 6 y anadir
provisional especial utilizan estandares para destilerras para el Plan Maestro. Sin
necesidad de una identification y evaluation de protocolos de prevenci6n de
riesgo, medio ambiente y estudios de impacto de seguridad de Ia comunidad
circundante, esta recomendaci6n debe ser negado.
Ademas, me opongo a un destileria de restaurante en Ia calle de Tyler 3135
porque presentarfa un peligro claro y presente a los nifios en los chicos y chicas
Club de Carlsbad, directamente cruzando Ia calle.
Me opongo aun mas a este proyecto porque el estandar actual para el
estacionamiento, "a Ia medida de lo posible", es insuficiente a Ia luz de las
presentes condiciones y caracteristicas de Ia calle de Tyler. Esta recomendaci6n
no direcci6n calle deflciencias y riesgos de seguridad de traflco. La norma debe
ser, fuera de Ia calle acorde con Ia ocupaci6n de negocios en Ia calle de Tyler en
Distrito 6.
Nombre (tl~Q< ~~ H
Direction cflfis.6e;:l-cA L-
qd oo</
Date (, /11 /1 7
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN 1 9 2017
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name M j t J.vlJ·<f A ¥J ~f
Address .6) Ctu(1>f.tuJ.<J64 '1Ja?~
DaterPfl 'i I n l I I
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JU~ 1 9 '"''7
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible'', is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name RooeJ.T t1DNnt.\f'Je.:z :Jt'
Address ' C't1~LS8AJ)
Date ~fehti"WIC]-
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN 1 9 2017
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy foj busi .esses on Tyler Street within
Name AfoftfJJL-~ · _ District 6 , , nln {;(~
Address (. 1~ao{ Cbf-C/~
Date ______ _
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN I 9 2017
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name {[J~~S
Address ~~ ?;}Bo7
Date £ ·-l ~-J-:r
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN 1 9 2017
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Address. _-____ _
Date ~VAle [Z 1 ?-at 1
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN 19 2017
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name Jil ~
Date __ ~+-/_1--~:r ;!_1_7_
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name ~~--
Address tj' z~1~
Fecha ~ ll~ /17
A: Mayor Matt Hall
Miembros de Ia Comision de Planificacion
Miembro del Consejo Municipal Carie Schumacher
Miembro del Consejo Municipal Michael Schumacher
Miembro del Cosejo Municipal Keith Blackburn
Miembro del Consejo Municipal Mark Packard
JUN 1 ~ 2017
Esta carta es en oposici6n a Ia recomendaci6n de personal de Ia Comisi6n de
planificaci6n al aprobar una propuesta de Ia solicitante para permitir destilerias y
restaurantes como usos provisionales dentro de tierra utilizar Distrito 6 y aiiadir
provisional especial utilizan estandares para destilerfas para el Plan Maestro. Sin
necesidad de una identificaci6n y evaluaci6n de protocolos de prevenci6n de
riesgo, media ambiente y estudios de impacto de seguridad de Ia comunidad
circundante, esta recomendaci6n debe ser negado.
Ademas, me opongo a un destileria de restaurante en Ia calle de Tyler 3135
porque presentarfa un peligro claro y presente a los niiios en los chicos y chicas
Club de Carlsbad, directamente cruzando Ia calle.
Me opongo aun mas a este proyecto porque el estandar actual para el
estacionamiento, "a Ia medida de lo posible't, es insuficiente a Ia luz de las
presentes condiciones y caracteristicas de Ia calle de Tyler. Esta recomendaci6n
no direcci6n calle deficiencias y riesgos de seguridad de trafico. La norma debe
ser, fuera de Ia calle acorde con Ia ocupaci6n de negocios en Ia calle de Tyler en
Distrito 6.
Nombre C ttltLr k~
t;t&~~ M 9>-aq8'
Fecha 6 · l<l. · 11
A: Mayor Matt Hall
Miembros de Ia Comision de Planificacion
Miembro del Consejo Municipal Corie Schumacher
Miembro del Consejo Municipal Michael Schumacher
Miembro del Cosejo Municipal Keith Blackburn
Miembro del Consejo Municipal Mark Packard
JUN I a 2017
Esta carta es en oposici6n a Ia recomendaci6n de personal de Ia Comisi6n de
planificaci6n al aprobar una propuesta de Ia solicitante para permitir destilerias y
restaurantes como usos provisionales dentro de tierra utilizar Distrito 6 y aiiadir
provisional especial utilizan estandares para destilerlas para el Plan Maestro. Sin
necesidad de una identificaci6n y evaluaci6n de protocolos de prevenci6n de
riesgo, medio ambiente y estudios de impacto de seguridad de Ia comunidad
circundante, esta recomendaci6n debe ser negado.
Ademas, me opongo a un destilerla de restaurante en Ia calle de Tyler 3135
porque presentaria un peligro claro y presente a los ninos en los chicos y chicas
Club de Carlsbad, directamente cruzando Ia calle.
Me opongo aun mas a este proyecto porque el estandar actual para el
estacionamiento, "a Ia medida de lo posible", es insuficiente a Ia luz de las
presentes condiciones v caracteristicas de Ia calle de Tyler. Esta recomendaci6n
no direcci6n calle deficiencias y riesgos de seguridad de trafico. La norma debe
ser, fuera de Ia calle acorde con Ia ocupaci6n de negocios en Ia calle de Tyler en
Distrito 6. J u ~ j r
Nombre VY\.c\-1<>..£..\ Av',,_<J _L~ "\~\___
Direccion c~ )(,Ish I Gl(} 720~6
Date (l{ t :f I '2-\l \1;
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN 19 2017
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name._G_e.Q_B _uc---'--l_\~~-------
Address 3
Date b-/i -)tJ /f
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN 1 9 ZG\7
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
Name ~ul {') C'u.....{'C~. 9 _ ?ro ~e<a ,
Address c t±BlDsSD ~~. c ~ .
Date roj;o/11
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN 1 9 'Z0\7
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, 11to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District6 /)
1 t.,.fJ' ~v/J 'de ~ret "'J.e?
Name ______ ~--------~-------------~----·--~--------------
Address Q,/,IJru/ 0# f_2tQJ'
Date (o !/~It! T I
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN 1 9 ZG17
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, uto the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name ______ ~~t ~(~4-~4A~M~~--~f~&hcd==~t~'-1~P~~=-~~-------------------
Address. _ _
Date. ______ _
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN 19 t.m7
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name Alejanol@ G. /Zodvl~ez_
Address Cotv1 s d
r; -17-l7
Fecha __________________ __
A: Mayor Matt Hall
Miembros de Ia Comision de Planificacion
Miembro del Consejo Municipal Corie Schumacher
Miembro del Consejo Municipal Michael Schumacher
Miembro del Cosejo Municipal Keith Blackburn
Miembro del Consejo Municipal Mark Packard
JUN 19 20H
Esta carta es en oposici6n a Ia recomendaci6n de personal de Ia Comisi6n de
planificaci6n al aprobar una propuesta de Ia solicitante para permitir destilerias y
restaurantes como usos provisionales dentro de tierra utilizar Distrito 6 y aiiadir
provisional especial utilizan estandares para destilerias para el Plan Maestro. Sin
necesidad de una identificaci6n y evaluaci6n de protocolos de prevenci6n de
riesgo, medio ambiente y estudios de impacto de seguridad de Ia comunidad
circundante, esta recomendaci6n debe ser negado.
Ademas, me opongo a un destilerla de restaurante en Ia calle de Tyler 3135
porque presentaria un peligro claro y presente a los ninos en los chicos y chicas
Club de Carlsbad, directamente cruzando Ia calle.
Me opongo aun mas a este proyecto porque el estandar actual para el
estacionamiento, "a Ia medida de lo posible", es insuficiente a Ia luz de las
presentes condiciones y caracteristicas de Ia calle de Tyler. Esta recomendaci6n
no direcci6n calle deficiencias y riesgos de seguridad de trafico. La norma debe
ser, fuera de Ia calle acorde con Ia ocupaci6n de negocios en Ia calle de Tyler en
Distrito 6.
Nombre.---7iP...4'4..t.I4'-4.L41:(J~8~--~-~0..:;_i,zjkb;~~.::::....O ___ _
q + Direccion
Date (Q /18 ( \ J
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN 1 9 2017
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name {l!E-cTDR VX '-'LARJ<EfoL
Address cAP-L-sBAD c-A
Date )--{ B
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
IUN 1 9 Z017
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name RvQe~ /-2e;f> ;-c::=:
Date ~ / t B J l7 r 1
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN 9 20\7
QFCARLS6A0 C\T'f ~oK'S off\CE. CI"N CL~~"'
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name S ~a_ (3 ~
Address ~
Date t; (1 y/zal7 --------
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
IUN 19 2017
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name Dev~ T:l/~
Address {*1~~~~1
/ . r 7 Date &!' -!/-"'-I
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN l ft Z017
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name &dh t d ~
Address /!.
CdfiVSbci~~~ 7;@~~-~~~7
3. According to land Use Key in the Vi llage Master Plan, District 6 does NOT permit Bar/Cocktail
lounges, Night clubs, Microbreweries, and wineries. (Specifics on Wineries, night clubs, bars and
cocktail lounges can be found in the Village Master Plan but no specifics are found for
microbreweries. Nothing is mentioned about distilleries.
4. Applicant is requesting a Provisional Use Permit "{which are permitted subject
to discretionary approval)" and are based upon the findings that the use is "consistent with the
Village vision and goals under specific conditions imposed by the permit. Uses in this category
require special scrutiny concerning location, size, and anticipated impact on adjacent uses."
Those visions and goals can be found in the Village Master Plan ie: Goal# 1.6-Limit commercial
development in and adjacent to residential neighborhoods. Note: There are residences across
the street and along Tyler St. from the proposed zoning change in district 6.
5. To allow a conditional use permit, the Village Master Plan states under Findings for Bars and
Cocktail Lounges {which is the closest use in the plan) " In order for this use to receive a Village
Review Permit, it should be consist~nt with the following findings: 1. The Bar/Cocktail lounge
will not likely have a negative impact on Village residents. 2. Adequate parking is conveniently
located near the premises. 3. The e><terior design of the facility and signage are appropriate to
the Village and compatible with adjacent uses."
6. The ABC permit applied by Matt Hall is for a type 74 (Craft Distiller's license) and a type 4
(Distilled Spirits Manufacturer). None of those are found currently in Carlsbad .
7. According to litigation AB9484 dated August 2015, Circle K (also located on an adjacent
street to the Boys and Girls Club) was DENIED an Alcoholic Beverage Permit Type 21 (Off Sale
General) which allows the sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits for consumption off the
premises. Such examples in Carlsbad are: Texas Liquor, Vons, Smart N Final.
https://abcappealsbd.ca gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/27 /2017/06/9484.dec .FJH .pdf
8. District 6 is adjacent (across the street) from the Boys and Girls Club. Patrons of distilleries
could create a problem if children are nearby. According to the lawsuit, the Director of
Operations "expressed concern for the safety ofthe children coming and going from the club."
9. In the lawsuit, the crime rate (according to CPD) within that census tract is 111% of the
citywide average. As per business code section 23958.4(a){l) anything above 120% of the
average is considered "HIGH CRIME." Also "the CPO has limited resources to deal with the
existing crime and alcohol-related problems in this area."
Kathleen Derham
Oceanside, CA 92054
Date: June 20, 2017
To: Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad Re : Amending 2017-0005 Village Master Plan
Amendment for Distilleries and Restaurants
Dear Commissioners,
I would like to take this opportunity to describe the impacts a brewery can have on a neighborhood
environment as it pertains to the proposal to bring a distillery into the Carlsbad neighborhood on Tyler
St. I live in nearby South Oceanside adjacent to Mason Ale Works ( brewery) which is ancillary to the
Urge Gastropub Restaurant/Bar on South Coast Highway. Our older neighborhood is directly behind this
establishment and consists of retirees and young families with elementary school age children. There is ·
some mixed use businesses including a coffee house, children's art and dance studio, a market, and hair
salon. We were informed by the City of Oceanside that Mason Ale Works was "permitted by right"
because it is associated with a restaurant. There had never been a restaurant at that site before, let
alone a full bar and brewery. The brewery is allowed to manufacture up to 5,000 barrels of beer
annually to consume onsite or ship offsite. It is shocking that just adjacent to where my family fives,
beer is being manufactured. We are not in an industrial zone, it's residential!
The Mason Ale Works/Urge Gastropub establishment opened it's doors in January 2016. Prior to
opening, our neighborhood was not provided an opportunity to ask questions or comment on the
proposal in a City hearing or meeting. Instead, we felt the immediate negative impact on the quality of
our life. We can no longer park in front of our homes due to spill over patron parking and the traffic on
our residential streets has become unbearable as both driveways from the establishment pour out onto
our streets. The parking lot for the establishment is undersized to accommodate the patrons and the 30
employees per shift that need to find parking. We have had fire hydrants blocked, driveways blocked,
and even sidewalk access ramps for the disabled blocked. Employees take smoking breaks in their cars
which are parked in front of our homes so we have exposure to second hand smoke. Drunk patrons
urinate on our fawns and front gates and at times vomit. There is take out food garbage waste in our
planters and noise from car alarms, car stereos, arguments, and loud conversations from inebriated
patrons. At times we can smell hops in the air from the brewery process. Beer supply deliveries are
being made from diesel trucks parking and id ling on our streets which also block traffic.
Date{; -/2 -I 7
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN 2 0 2017
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6 ..
Name BefJl/ J_;fbC(IIJ1A/(
Address r17r6 ffl1 qz()(J6
oate 1o be /11 I (t
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN 2 0 2017
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name ~fjqtf 4 1LPGI2-Y
Address C~l??ft[), C/t ~~
Date (o /J--o /17
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN 2 0 Z017
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6 (
Name ~-etfl+gr l)em:>eAfl / ~ Q?3 ------
Address ~ \ SSc~J I e Jr Ci k'11 K"
~ ~o zur? Date ~ .?-I u
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Carie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JIJN 2 0 2017
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
L t. S k_ fV1 C K e. +J\_c,_ v-'-J L L-'}1/L ~~ Name------------------------------~-----------------
Address I
Date Fit.& l 'l3 .20I 7
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN 21 20J7
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, uto the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name ~-~1/cv ~
Address C#-"M.hJ.-9 fl._O II
Date bj2o)•-=t-
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN· 2 l 2DI7
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name ~ c_. G ilb.e_ci-c: -=~.:;;;Q:5
Address :. C-.erLs.J>CV£2-J
L/L. CJ~ce
Date .:::Jv-I'(_ 7 0 t 2A f 7
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN 2 1 2017
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parkin& "to the
.extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Na~~ {r4.f1/cr-
Address Ca..-fstnt~l C fJ 1;l~dcf
Date 6,/19 It?
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN 2 1 20t7
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name 1111~1< !J.~l>p~;:,J --p(f~.,
Address ~,f2iSB46
Date Juw ~ 111 2o 17
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN 2 l 20\7
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name Eot\o'tbamCI 812!:::) W/b~~
Address Co r~W J CA: q d-0 L I
Date ~vue-. 2.o 1-o 17 I
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN 2 1 ZOI7
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, '1tO the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name kf:/J Mu..sser c:K.A ~ ~
Address C:ttrb 6q j_ C4 '/Zoo~
Date. __ ~ __ 0_:<_"--L-/_.;2._~_, 7_ ....
To: Mayor Matt HaiJ
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corle Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN 2 l 2017
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name_~~..:::;..,u...;..:::;~-~~-~~----~~-S")-fJ_,..;;.;__/~;;:__M_u._s_$;_~_1" ..... )_
Address _ ;l::-;;..__-=(!:;_4~"_.;.;~~);.._de{~-c4-::::::;_:_~9 ~_o-o_8' __
Date (p. 2.o -1 7
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN· 2 1 2017
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name ;0/'L I Mu?5c::l?., (r::r ~~
Address C!rtU,(tCla ~ 2 eo~
Date b · 2.D· \f
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corle Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN· 2 I 2017
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Wrthout requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols# environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible'', is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name 16t2."-1A...J Mv..(S£(2
CA~lsliA-CJ 1 CA. 9ta~
Date CJ -()0---11
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
JUN ~ 1 2017
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
~xtent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6 Afl .~ L~k' '
Name E LA-I iJ 4:-<J roE?-~ () v ..._ ~
Q VrR l£~fri> J ~Pr Cf ~(9 t:> ~
Date ~ ~b d..O IJ
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corle Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parkin~ ''to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Na ~a -~
Address u ~~~~
t 1;., 1 '\11, 7 Oate ____ rv __ -r-__
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corie Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to add special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasibleu, is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name~~ ,
Date._-=-t}_vw __ ~'+-4 ....;..#_1 T-,__
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corle Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to ad~ special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety Impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible11, is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6
Name _ __.(f:rb-v ..._·~_.;."' --r:::...Jt(..__~=-=-v....,_U""""\.1 =-~c__,">.__ _______ _
Date (o. 2\. \]
To: Mayor Matt Hall
Members of the Planning Commission
Council Member Corle Schumacher
Council Member Michael Schumacher
Council Member Keith Blackburn
Council Member Mark Packard
This letter is in opposition to the staff recommendation to the Planning
Commission to approve an applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants as
provisional uses within Land Use District 6 and to ad~ special provisional use
standards for distilleries to the Master Plan. Without requiring an Identification
and assessment of hazard prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact
studies of the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be denied.
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant at 3135Tyler Street because it would
present a clear and present danger to children at the Boys & Girls Club of
Carlsbad, directly across the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for parking, "to the
extent feasible", is insufficient in light of the present conditions and
characteristics of Tyler Street. This recommendation fails to address street
parking deficiencies and traffic safety hazards. The standard should be1 off-street
parking commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler Street within
District 6 _ Q
Name ,_Q\t¥\Q.(\Ao... ~\)\b_q_
Cax-Lfuo£) I Co.. C\200~
the Village Master Plan and proposed provisional uses do NOT
contain addresses from residents. On that petition, I counted
309 names: none had addresses so I would maintain that non-
residents of Carlsbad could have submitted their names. On
another petition consisting of 25 names, only 14 of those were
from Carlsbad residents. Of the letters submitted "For" the
project, only 7 had listed addresses. This would make a total of
21 residents in support of the amendment as of the date of
publication of the staff report.
Date -------------------------------
JUN 2 1 2017
City Planning
Members of the City Council
Re: Village Master Plan Amendment, District 6 to allow
distilleries and restaurants as provisional uses
I am a Carlsbad resident and am in opposition to the staff
recommendation to the Planning Commission to approve an
applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants in District 6
and to add special provisional use standards for distilleries to the
Master Plan.
Without requiring an identification and assessment of hazard
prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact studies of
the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant in District 6,
specifically on Tyler St. because it would present a danger to
children at the Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad, directly across
the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for
parking, ''to the extent feasible" is insufficient in light of the
present conditions and characteristics of Tyler St. This
recommendation fails to address street parking deficiencies and
traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street parking
commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler St.
within District 6.
Finally I had the opportunity to read the staff report to the
Planning Commission and noted the petitions and letters
Date ~-@ -' \]
City Planning
Members of the City Council
JUN 2 1 2017
Re: Village Master Plan Amendment, District 6 to allow
distilleries and restaurants as provisional uses
I am a Carlsbad resident and am in opposition to the staff
recommendation to the Planning Commission to approve an
applicant proposal to allow distilleries/restaurants in District 6
and to add special provisional use standards for distilleries to the
Master Plan.
Without requiring an identification and assessment of hazard
prevention protocols, environmental and safety impact studies of
the surrounding community, this recommendation needs to be
Additionally, I oppose a distillery/restaurant in District 6,
specifically on Tyler St. because it would present a danger to
children at the Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad, directly across
the street.
I further oppose this project because the present standard for
parking, ''to the extent feasible" is insufficient in light of the
present conditions and characteristics of Tyler St. This
recommendation fails to address street parking deficiencies and
traffic safety hazards. The standard should be, off-street parking
commensurate with the occupancy for businesses on Tyler St.
within District 6.
Finally I had the opportunity to read the staff report to the
Planning Commission and noted the petitions and letters