HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-06-21; Planning Commission; ; MS 16-05 (DEV 13014) – 1284 PINE PARTNERS
The City of Carlsbad Planning Division
Item No.
Application complete date: February 8, 2017
P.C. AGENDA OF: June 21, 2017 Project Planner: Shannon Werneke
Project Engineer: Steve Bobbett
SUBJECT: MS 16-05 (DEV 13014) – 1284 PINE PARTNERS – An appeal of the City Planner’s decision
to approve a request to subdivide a 0.44-acre parcel into two parcels within the One-
Family Residential (R-1) zone on property addressed as 1274 Pine Avenue, in Local
Facilities Management Zone 1. The City Planner has determined that this project is
exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
pursuant to Section 15315 “Minor Land Divisions” of the State CEQA Guidelines and will
not have any adverse significant impact on the environment.
That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 7247 DENYING the appeal
and UPHOLDING the City Planner’s decision to approve Minor Subdivision MS 16-05 based on the findings
contained therein.
Existing Setting
The subject 0.44-acre site is located on the north side of Pine Avenue between Highland Drive to the east
and Pio Pico Drive to the west. The project site is located in the One-Family Residential (R-1) zone and
has a General Plan Land Use designation of Residential, 4-8 dwelling units per acre (R-8). Currently, the
rear portion of the site is developed with a two-story, 4,642 square foot house with an attached five-car
garage and a 640 square foot attached accessory dwelling unit.
Table A below includes the General Plan designations, zoning and current land uses of the project site and
surrounding properties.
Location General Plan Designation Zoning Current Land Use
Residential 4-8 dwelling
units per acre
One Family Residential
Single-family home and
accessory dwelling unit
North R-8 R-1 Single-family homes
Residential 0-4 dwelling
units per acre
R-1 Single-family homes
East R-8 R-1 Single-family homes
West R-8 R-1 Single-family homes
MS 16-05 (DEV 13014) – 1284 PINE PARTNERS
June 21, 2017
Page 2
Project Description/History
On July 21, 2016, a Minor Subdivision application (MS 16-05) was submitted to subdivide a 0.44-acre
parcel addressed as 1274 Pine Avenue into two parcels with proposed lot sizes of 7,526 (Parcel 1) and
11,564 (Parcel 2) square feet. The existing single-family home is proposed to be located on Parcel 2.
Access to Parcel 2 is proposed to be provided by an existing 12-foot-wide private driveway which will be
located within the panhandle portion of the lot.
The subject Minor Subdivision request represents the second such request to subdivide the property. The
original Minor Subdivision was submitted in 2013 (MS 13-03), but was withdrawn by staff due to
outstanding code violations at the time relating to grading on the property. Those violations have been
resolved, and no code violations currently exist at 1274 Pine Avenue. Staff has conducted an inspection
of the existing home and confirmed that it was constructed consistent with the approved building plans.
On March 7, 2017, a Notice of Request for a Tentative Parcel Map was mailed out to the surrounding
property owners (Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) Section 21.54.060.B.1, 300-foot radius). The primary
intent of the Notice of Request is to solicit comments, particularly any objections with respect to the
request. The notice is typically mailed out to the community when all staff comments have been
addressed. If there are objections, any member of the community can request an administrative public
hearing within 10 calendar days of the notice (March 7-16, 2017).
Several correspondence letters were received from the public, three of which requested an administrative
public hearing (please see Attachment 5). Primary concerns focused on the owner’s prior code violation
history in the neighborhood. These concerns related to the illegal conversion of single-family homes into
multi-family units with multiple illegal kitchens on Oak Avenue to the north and the impact that it has had
on the neighborhood. Additional concerns were raised regarding the size and resulting mass/scale of the
homes associated with the illegal conversions and how it has affected the character of the neighborhood.
Several neighbors expressed concern regarding the proposed subdivision as it would allow for the
construction of an additional potentially large single-family home, which may lack design elements and
articulation which complements the older single-family neighborhood.
On April 6, 2017, a notice for the administrative public hearing was mailed out to the community pursuant
to CMC Section 21.54.060.B.2.
On April 12, 2017, the City Planner received public comments at the administrative public hearing on the
proposed request to subdivide the property. Approximately 10-15 people attended the hearing. A
majority of the comments received mirrored the concerns expressed during the public comment period
for the Tentative Parcel Map. Two persons spoke in favor of the project. The applicant’s representative
indicated that the applicant intends to sell the additional lot created, and will not have any financial
interest or involvement with the development of the future single-family home on that lot. A prospective
buyer of the proposed parcel also attended the hearing.
With consideration given to the comments received, as well as the fact that the proposed project meets
the findings of CMC Titles 20 and 21, the City Planner approved the Minor Subdivision MS 16-05 on April
21, 2017. Please see Attachment 4 for reference.
MS 16-05 (DEV 13014) – 1284 PINE PARTNERS
June 21, 2017
Page 3
Three unique conditions were included to address neighborhood concerns and to ensure that the home
built on Parcel 1 and, if desired, an accessory dwelling unit which complies with the Municipal Code, shall
remain as such and cannot be converted into multi-family units. These conditions are summarized as
Condition No. 13 requires that the standard Notice of Restriction recorded on title include a
statement indicating that a maximum of one single-family home and one accessory dwelling unit
can be permitted per lot.
Condition No. 29(E) requires that a note be added to the map indicating the same information but
with the additional statement that multi-family units are not permitted on the lots as the
properties are located in the One-Family Residential (R-1) zone.
Condition No. 32 requires that building plans for the future home on Parcel 1 be reviewed and
approved by the City Planner and Building Official to confirm compliance with the CMC. This will
provide staff with the opportunity to review the lay out of the floor plan to confirm that it does
not lend itself to future conversions, such as the addition of more than one kitchen.
On May 1, 2017, the Planning Division received an appeal of MS 16-05 from Joseph Kratcoski, on behalf
of 20 property owners in the neighborhood (please see Attachment 3). As the last day to appeal fell on a
weekend, staff accepted the appeal on Monday, May 1, 2017.
Chapter 21.54.140 of the CMC states that the burden of proof is on the appellant to establish by
substantial evidence that the grounds for the requested action exist. The grounds for the appeal shall be
limited to the following:
1. That there was an error or abuse of discretion on the part of the City Planner in that the decision
was not supported by the facts presented to the City Planner prior to the decision being appealed;
2. That there was not a fair and impartial hearing.
The appeal hearing before the Planning Commission is de novo; however the Planning Commission shall
consider only the evidence presented to the City Planner for consideration in the decision being appealed.
The Planning Commission shall determine all matters not specified in the appeal have been found by the
City Planner and are supported by substantial evidence. The Planning Commission may affirm, modify or
reverse the decision of the City Planner, and make such order supported by substantial evidence as
deemed appropriate, including remand to the City Planner with directions for further proceedings.
The appeal cited three (3) reasons for the appeal. The grounds for the appeal are further discussed below,
along with staff’s response.
1. Appellant statement:
The decision to approve the lot split has been made without regard or acknowledgement of the
Council Policy Statement on Livable Neighborhoods, effective 12/11/01. The Policy Statement
outlines “Principles for the Development of Livable Neighborhoods” with Point 1 having particular
MS 16-05 (DEV 13014) – 1284 PINE PARTNERS
June 21, 2017
Page 4
Staff response:
City Council Policy Statement No. 66, Livable Neighborhoods (please see Attachment 3),
establishes principles for the development of livable neighborhoods. Point 1 of the Policy,
Building Facades, Front Entries, Porches, encourages the design of facades which create interest
and character through the use of building articulation and utilizing different architectural styles.
Clearly identifiable front doors and porches are encouraged to enhance the street scene and
promote social interaction.
The scope of the proposed project is limited to the request to subdivide one lot into two lots. The
construction of a single family home is not included as a part of the proposed project. Further,
this Policy is not intended to be applied to the development of one single-family home. This Policy
is required to be applied to a larger development project when multiple lots and homes are
proposed. CMC Chapter 21.45, the Planned Development Ordinance, requires compliance with
City Council Policy No. 66. The construction of a single-family home on a lot which complies with
the R-1 zone is not subject to the Planned Development Ordinance.
2. Appellant statement:
The decision to approve the lot split has been made without regard or acknowledgement of the
Council Policy Statement on Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines, effective May 2nd,
2006. Appellant believes the said Guidelines apply to this development based on the referenced
applicability to “New single family and two-family residential projects of 2-4 homes.” Guidelines
1, 2, 3 and 4 are of particular relevance.
Staff response:
City Council Policy Statement No. 44, Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines (please see
Attachment 3), requires residential developers to incorporate a variety of architectural elements
into proposed dwelling units. The intent is to create units that are visually interesting, have
sufficient building articulation to reduce the bulk and mass, are in scale with the lot size, and
strongly contribute toward the creation of livable neighborhoods. When City Council Policy No.
44 was last amended in May 2006, the City Council unanimously decided to exclude requests for
the development of one single-family home on an individual lot from having to comply with the
Policy. The City Council strongly advocated for property rights for the construction of one single-
family home and did not want the process to be too costly or onerous. As a result, it is specifically
stated in the first bullet point of applicability in the Policy that new, individual, single-family
homes are not subject to the architectural guidelines. Further, as noted above, the scope of the
project is a subdivision that does not include the construction of a new home. Therefore, staff is
not able to apply the architectural guidelines outlined in City Council Policy No. 44 to the design
of the future single-family home.
3. Appellant statement:
The City of Carlsbad decision document approving the lot split does not provide sufficient
referenceable detail that will ensure the compliance of the developer in adhering to Carlsbad City
Codes as they relate to R1 development of the lot.
Staff response:
Findings 1-19 of the administrative approval letter dated April 21, 2017 (please see Attachment
4), detail the project’s compliance with the CMC and the General Plan. Specific code references
are included throughout the document, including statements referencing the project’s
compliance with the R-1 zone (Findings 2, 3, 4, 13, and 14). It should be noted, however, that
MS 16-05 (DEV 13014) – 1284 PINE PARTNERS
June 21, 2017
Page 5
staff has discovered a typographical error as it relates to Finding No. 16; the correct code
reference is “CMC Section 21.10.100” not “CMC Section 21.08.080.” In order to discourage
possible future illegal conversions of the home into multiple units, the City Planner also added
three conditions to the project (please see Nos. 13, 29(E) and 32, as discussed previously).
In summary, because the proposed Minor Subdivision meets the findings of fact for approval as specified
in the Minor Subdivision approval letter dated April 21, 2017, staff recommends that the Planning
Commission deny the appeal and uphold the City Planner’s decision to approve Minor Subdivision MS 16-
The City Planner has determined that the project is exempt from the requirements of the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Section 15315 (Minor Land Divisions) of the State CEQA Guidelines
and will not have any adverse significant impact on the environment. Specifically, the property is located
in an urbanized area; zoned for residential; is being subdivided into four or fewer parcels; no variances
are needed for the subdivision; all services for the parcels are available; the parcel was not part of a larger
subdivision within the last two years; and the parcel does not have an average slope greater than 20
percent. A Notice of Exemption will be filed by the City Planner upon final project approval.
1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 7247
2. Location Map
3. Appeal Form and Attachments from Joseph Kratcoski, dated May 1, 2017
4. MS 16-05 Administrative Approval Letter, dated April 21, 2017
5. Correspondence received during administrative notice public review period
6. Reduced Exhibit
7. Exhibit “A” dated June 21, 2017
MS 16-05
1284 Pine Partners
Jan and Peter Taylor
1351 Pine Ave
Joey Kratcoski
1302 Pine Ave
Sheila and Jim Mathews
1308 Pine Ave
Martha Law-Edwards
1366 Pine Ave
Alexa Kingaard
1364 Pine Ave
Kim and David McKibben
1380 Pine Ave
Becky and Bill Larson
1428 Pine Ave
Brian and Lauren Conroy
1606 James Drive
Marilyn Hendron
3235 McKinley
Marguerite and Bill Bowden
1199 Oak Ave
Laney and Andre Mesquita
3340 Highland Drive
Penny Johnson
1360 Hillview Court
Darlene Gillis
1225 Oak Ave
Appeal of MS 16-05 (DEV 13-014)
Supportive Residents/Property Owners
Heather and Jesse Luevano
1307 Pine Ave
Jennifer and Theodore (TO) Rolf
1345 Pine Ave
Isabel and Jose De Anda
1363 Pine Ave
Heather and Doug Chalrner
1235 Pine Ave
Snoka Sensernan
1365 Pine Ave
Mary Bernheim
3220 McKinley
Sylvia Lea Trimble
1235 Pine Ave
Date of DECISION: April 21, 2017
SUBJECT: MS 16-05 (DEV 13-014) -1284 PINE PARTNERS
Sub-division 1274 Pine Ave. Carlsbad CA. 92008
The existing structure on the Pine Avenue property that has been granted a lot split by the City of
Carlsbad and is the subject of this appeal, was developed in defiance of Carlsbad City Codes
(subsequently addressed) and its occupancy has been at times non-compliant with "single family
residential with accessory dwelling" requirements.
The existing structure is incompatible with the character of the neighborhood and was constructed
without regard for neighboring properties-obscuring views and outlooks and impinging on privacy. This
property has also resulted in neighborhood anxiety over the occupancy pattern, irregular activities and
general disregard for the character of Olde Carlsbad.
This appeal is predicated on the concern that in approving the lot split, the City has not placed sufficient
requirements and conditions on the developer with respect to the design and character of the type of
structure to be bullt, thereby offering no protection or assurances that the new structure will not have
the same potential for blocking views and outlooks, impinging on privacy, and facilitating non-compliant
multi-family apartment-type occupancy as the existing structure.
Additionally, if the City of Carlsbad permits the developer to build the same type structure with the
same architectural design as the existing structure, this would further degrade the spirit, character and
nature of the Olde Carlsbad neighborhood and will set a bad precedent for future developments on Pine
Avenue and in the expanded Olde Carlsbad neighborhood.
1. The decision to approve the lot split has been made without regard or acknowledgement of the
Council Policy Statement on Livable Neighborhoods, effective 12/11/01. The Policy Statement
outlines "Principles for the Development of Livable Neighborhoods" with Point 1 having
particular relevance.
Document is included in the Appeal submission.
2. The decision to approve the lot split has been made without regard or acknowledgement of the
Council Policy Statement on Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines, effective May 2"d,
2006. Appellant believes the said Guidelines apply to this development based on the referenced
applicability to "New single family and two family residential projects of 2 -4 homes". Guidelines
1, 2, 3 and 4 are of particular relevance.
Document is included in the Appeal submission.
3. The City of Carlsbad decision document approving the lot split does not provide sufficient
referenceable detail that will ensure the compliance of the developer in adhering to Carlsbad
City Codes as they relate to R1 development on the lot.
Policy No.
Date Issued
1 "I I I /0'
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Effective Date _,1,_,:2:.L/...!:.l-"-l '--'/ O,_,i~---
Cancellation Date ______ _
. Supersedes No.
Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department Heads and Division Heads,
Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File
5. Pedestrian Walkways
Pedestrian walkways should be located along or visible from all streets. Walkways (sidewalks or trails)
should provide clear, comfortable and direct access to neighborhood schools. parks/plazas and transit
stops. Primary pedestrian routes should be bordered by residential fronts. parks or plazas. Where street
connections are not feasible (at the end of cui-de-sacs), pedestrian paths should also be provided.
6. Centralized Community Recreation Areas
Park or plazas, which serve as neighborhood meeting places and as recreational activity centers should
be incorporated into all planned unit developments. As frequently as possible, these parks/plazas should
be designed for both active and passive uses for residents of all ages and should be centrally-located
within the project. Parks and plazas should be not be sited on residual parcels, used as buffers from
surrounding developments or to separate buildings from streets.
Po.licy No. ~44;!_ _____ _
Effective Date ~.....;2~0IUIOG~---
Cancellatlon Date N;... r..:.nrPl 1 A~ion Date
Supersedes No. 10110/89, 08/26/9?.
Specific Subject: Establishment of Architectural Design Guidelines for the Development of Livable
Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department Heads and Division Heads,
Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File
The purpose and Intent of the architectural guidelines Is to ensure that a varfety of architectural elements are
Incorporated Into single-family homes and two·fami\y structures so that they: a) are visually Interesting, b)
have sufficient building articulation to reduce their bulk and mass, c) are in scale to their lot size, and d)
strongly contribute to the creation of livable neighborhoods
• A new individual single-family home or remodel shall n.Q! be subject to these architectural guidelines.
• New single-family and two·famlly residential projects of 24 homes shall comply with architectural
guidelines 1, 2, 3, 4, 9,1 0, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 (regardless of stated percentages).
• New single-family and two·famlly residential projects of 5 or more homes shall comply with all of the
architectural guidelines.
1. Applicants for discretionary project applications shall design projects/homes so that they comply with
the guidelines. Each applicant shall provide documentation demonstrating compliance with this
policy concurrent with the submittal of development permit applfcatlons.
If an applicant wishes to propose an architectural style that complies with the Purpose and Intent of
this policy and yet cannot comply with 1he requirements of the guidelines, the applicant may request
deviations from any of the architectural guidelines to achieve an architectural design or style of
equally superior quality. All such requests shall be fully justified specifying how the Purpose and
Intent of this policy Is being achieved.
2. Staff shall l'evlew projects for compliance with the guidelines and provide recommendations to the
decision-makers regardlny:
a. Project compliance with the policy;
b. Whether or not any requested deviations are justified; and,
c. Whether or not the purpose and intent of the policy would still be achieved if a deviation Is
3. Decision-makers shall determine, on a case-by-case basis, whether the project complies with the Intent
of the policy to create livable neighborhoods.
Policy No.
Dste Issued
Effective Date
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Cancellation Date "7":"'~~--~--:---l
Supersedes No. 10/10/89. 08/26/97. ·
Specific Subject: Establishment of Architectural Design Guidelines for the Development of livable
Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department Heads and Division Heads,
Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File
Floor Plans and Elevatlons
1. All residential projects shall be required to have a minimum number of different floor plans, different
front and corresponding matching rear elevations wilh different color schemes as Identified below:
o 2-4. dwelling units shall provide 1 floor plan and 2 different elevations.
o 5~12 dwelling units shall provide 2 different floor plans and 2 different elevations.
IJ 13·20 dwelling units shall provide 2 different floor plans and 3 different elevations.
o 21 + dwelling units shall provide 3 different floor plans and 3 different elevations.
2. Every house should have a coherent architectural style. All elevations of a house, Including front, side
and rear, should have the same design integrity offorms, details and materials.
3. In addition to the previous requirements, design details should reinforce and enhance the architectural
fonn and style of every house and differ from other elevations of the same floor plan. A minimum of 4
complimentary design details, Including but not limited to those listed below, shall be Incorporated into
each of the front, rear and street side building fa9ade{s) of the house.
• Balconies
• Decorative eaves and fascia
• Exposed roof rafter tails
• Arched elements
• Towers
• Knee braces
• Dormers .
• Columns
• Exterior wood elements
• Accent materials {I.e.; brick, stone, shingles, wood or siding)
4. Floor plans In a project shall exhibit a variety of roof ridges and roof heights within a neighborhood.
Pqllcy No.
Date Issued
Effective Date
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Cancellation Date-:-:-~':':"'::'-~~~~
Supersedes No. ..:..1 0=1....:.:1 O:::.:.IB::.:9:::.a... _...::0~8!.!::./2~6/~9..w.7.
Specific Subject: Establishment of Architectural Design Guidelines for the Development of Livable
Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department Heads_ and Division Heads,
Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File
Site Planning
5. Houses with both the same floor plan and elevation style shall not occur on adjacent Iota.
e. Reverse floor plans shall be included where possible to add variety to the street scene.
Single Storv Requirements
7. A minimum of 15% or the total number of homes shall be single-story structures. Single-story is defined
as a maximum plate·line of 15 feet and a maximum building height of 20 feet. Lofts are permitted subject
to CMC Section 21.04.330.
A minimum of 10% of the total number of homes shall be slngla-story structures and 15% shall be
reduced second story structures. A reduced second story structure shall comply with the following
c A minimum of 60% of the roofllne shall be single story:
c A 2~story element may be added in the central portion of the front and rear elevation; and
c The second story element may be no greater than 25% of the floor area of the first floor of the house
(Including garage).
For alley·loaded product, a minimum of 20% of the homes shall be single-story for the front 20% of the
home (overall depth of house times 20%).
B. A maximum of 20% of the total number of homes are exempt from the requirement to have a single-story
building edge.
9. The rernalnlng total number of homes shall comply with one of the following guidelines:
• The home shall have a single-story building edge with a depth of not less than 8 feel and shall
run the length of the building along one side except for tower elements. The roof covering the
slngle·story element shall Incorporate a separate roof plane and shall be substantially lower than
the roof for the two·story element. Porches and porte·cochere elements shall qualify as a single~
story edge. Houses with courtyards that are a minimum of 15 feet wide located along the side of
the house and setback a minimum of 15 feet from the property line are not required to have a
single-story building edge.
PQlicy No. ~44~------
-Effective Date
Cancellation Date ~-~------1
Supersedes No. 10/10/89. 08/26/97,
Specific Subject: Estabtishment of Architectural Design Guidelines for the Development of Livable
Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney; Department Heads and Division Heads,
Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File
a The home shall have a single-story building edge with a depth of not less than 5 feet and shall
run the length of the building along one side. The roof of the single-story element shall be
substantially lower than the roof for the two-story element of the bull ding.
• The home shall have a single-story building edge with a depth of not less than 3 feet for 40% of
the perimeter of the building,
Multiple Building Planes
10. For at least 66% of the homes in a project, there shall be at least 3 separate building planes on street
side elevations of lots with 45 feet of street frontage or less and 4 separate bull ding planes on street side
elevations of lots with a street frontage greater than 45 feet. Balconies and covered porches qualify as a
building plane.
The mlnimum offset In planes shall be 18 Inches and shall Include, but not be limited to, building walls,
windows, porches and roofs. The minimum depth between the faces of the forward-most plane and the
rear plane on the front elevation shall be 10 feet. A plana must be a minimum of 30 sq. ft. to receive
credit under this section.
11. Rear elevations shall adhere to the same criteria outlined in Number 10 above for front elevations except
that the minimum depth between front and b~ck planes on the rear elevation shall be 4 feet. Rear
balconies qualify as a building plane.
12. For at least 66% of the homes in a pro}ec1, one side elevation shall have sufficient offsets or cutouts so
that the side yard setback averages a minimum of 8.5 feet.
13. At least 66% of e)derior openings (door/windows) on every home In the project shall be recessed or
projected a minimum of 2 inches and shall be constructed with wood, vinyl or colored aluminum window
frames (no mill finishes).
14. Windows shall reinforce and enhance the architectural form and style of the house through, the use of
signature windows and varied window shapes and sizes.
Front Porches
Policy No.
Date Issued
Effective Date
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Cancellation Date ~~~-----,----t
Supersedes No. ~10:.:.1,.,_,10=/8=9"'-. --=O~B/.::2.:.r.61.::.97u.
Specific Subject: Establishment of Architectural Design Guidelines for the Development of Livable
Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department Heads and Division Heads,
Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File
15. Fifty percent (50%) of the homes shalt be designed with a covered front porch, open courtyard, or
balcony (each with a minimum depth of 6 feet and a minimum area of 60 square feet) located at the front
of the dwelling. The minimum depth for a covered front porch shall be measured from the front facade
of the home to the inside of any supporting porch posts. The front and sides of porches shall be open
except for required and/or ornamental guardrails. A variety of roof elements shall be provided over
porches. Porches may not be converted to living space.
Front Entries
16. Seventy-five percent (75%) of the homes must have a front entry to the home that Is clearly visible from
the street. Walkways from the front door to the street are encouraged.
17. Chimneys and chimney caps shall be in scale with the size of the home. No more than 2 chimneys shall
be allowed for homes on lots in planned developments having an area less than 7,500 square feet.
Garage Doors
18.Garage doors for 3 or 4 cars In a row that directly faoe the street must have a minimum of an 18" plane
change between the garage doors after the 2 car garage door.
Note #1: Fractional units of .5 or greater shall be rounded up to the next whole number and located In a
manner to achieve the best project design as determined by the project planner. When a percentage of
units are described in the guidelines, the Intent is to have that percentage spread throughout the entire
Policy No.
Date Issued
Effective Date
Page 5 of 5
Cancellation Date ----------1
Supersedes No. 10/10/89,
08/26/97, -
Specific Subject: Establishment of Architectural Design Guidelines for the Development of Livable
Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department Heads and Division Heads,
Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File
15. Fifty percent (50%) of the homes shall be designed with a covered front porch, open courtyard, or
balcony (each with a minimum depth of 6 feet and a minimum area of 60 square feet) located at the front
of the dwelling. The minimum depth for a covered front porch shall be measured from the front fa99de
of the home to the Inside of any supporting porch posts. The front and sides of porches shall be open
except for required and/or ornamental guardrails. A variety of roof elements shall be provided over
porches. Porches may not be converted to living space.
Front Entries
16. Seventy~five percent (75%) of the homes must have a front entry to the home that Is clearly visible from
the street. Walkways from the front door to the street are encouraged.
17. Chimneys and chimney caps shall be in scale with the size of the home. No more than 2 chimneys shall
be allowed for homes on lots In planned developments having an area less than 7,500 square feet.
Garage Doors
18.Garage doors for 3 or 4 cars In a row that directly face the street must have a minimum of an 18" plane
change between the garage doors after the 2 car garage door.
Note #1: Fractional units of ,5 or greater shall be rounded up to the next whole number and located In a
manner to achieve the best project design as determined by lhe project planner. When a percentage of
units are described In the guidelines, the Intent is to have that percentage spread throughout the entire
April 21, 2017
{City of
Mr. Kevin Bresnahan
Fallbrook, CA 92028
SUBJECT: MS 16-05 (DEV 13-014) -1284 PINE PARTNERS-Request for approval ofTentative Parcel
Map MS 16-05 to subdivide an existing 0.44 acre parcel into two parcels with areas of
7,526 square feet and 11,564 square feet in size at 1274 Pine Avenue (APN 205-020-04),
in the R-1 Zone and Local Facilities Management Zone 1. The City Planner has determined
that this project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality
Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15315 "Minor Land Divisions" of the State CEQA
Guidelines and will not have any adverse significant impact on the environment.
Dear Mr. Bresnahan,
The City Planner has completed a review of the application for a Tentative Parcel Map located at 1274
Pine Avenue. The existing parcel contains one single-family home and an attached accessory dwelling
unit. The subdivision will create two residentially-zoned parcels with the existing home and attached
accessory dwelling unit being preserved on-site. The remaining parcel will be available for the
construction of a single-family dwelling under the current R-1 zoning designation.
The City Planner has made a decision pursuant to Section 20.24.120 of the City of Carlsbad Municipal Code
to APPROVE this Tentative Parcel Map based on the findings and subject to the conditions listed below.
1, That the City Planner has determined that the project is exempt from the requirements of the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Section 15315 (Minor Land Divisions) of the State
CEQA Guidelines and will not have any adverse significant impact on the environment in that the
property is in an urbanized area; zoned for residential; is being subdivided into four or fewer
parcels; no variances are needed for the subdivision; all services for the parcels are available; the
parcel was not part of a larger subdivision within the last two years; and the parcel does not have
an average slope greater than 20 percent.
2. That the proposed map and the proposed design and improvement of the subdivision as
conditioned, is consistent with and satisfies all requirements of the General Plan, any applicable
specific plans, Titles 20 and 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and the State Subdivision Map Act,
and will not cause serious public health problems, in that the R-8, Residential 4-8 dwelling units
per acre, General Plan land Use designation allows for single-family homes on individual lots. The
parcels being created satisfy all minimum requirements of Titles 20 and 21 regarding lot sizes and
configuration and have been designed to comply with all other applicable regulations.
Community & Economic Development
Planning Division 11635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 1760-602-4600 1760-602-8560 f I www.carlsbadca.gov
MS 16-05 (DEV 13-014) -1284 PINE PARTNERS
April 21, 2017
Page 2
3. That the proposed project is compatible with the surrounding future land uses since the adjacent
properties to the north, east and west are also designated for Residential at 4-8 dwelling units
per acre on the General Plan, and that the subject property is bordered by existing single-family
homes to the north, east and south. The two-lot subdivision will provide for one single-family
home per lot consistent with the R-1 zone.
4. That the site is physically suitable for the type and density of the development since the site is
adequate in size and shape to accommodate residential development at the density proposed, in
that the proposed subdivision meets all development standards and design criteria required by
the R-1 zone for the creation of one standard lot and one panhandle lot, including but not limited
to requirements for access, minimum lot size, lot width, lot coverage, and setbacks.
5. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements of
record or easements established by court judgment, or acquired by the public at large, for access
through or use of property within the proposed subdivision, in that the developer will delineate
and preserve on the tentative parcel map, all existing easements of record.
6. That the property is not subject to a contract entered into pursuant to the Land Conservation Act
of 1965 (Williamson Act).
7. That the design of the subd ivision provides, to t he extent feasible, for future passive or natural
heating or cooling opportunities in the subdivision, in that the lots provide ample area to take
advantage of prevailing breezes and allow for passive or natural solar heating and cooling
opportunities for the future dwelling unit.
8. That the City Planner has considered, in connection with the housing proposed by this subdivision,
the housing needs of the region, and balanced those housing needs against the public service needs
of the city and available fiscal and environmental resources and the project has been conditioned
to pay inclusionary housing in-lieu fees for one unit.
9. That the design of the subdivision and improvements are not likely to cause substantial
environmental damage nor substantially and avoidably injure fish and wildlife or their habitat, in
that the proposed development site does not contain any significant habitat and no significant
wildlife or habitat will be impacted by the project.
10. That the discharge of waste from the subdivision will not result in violation of existing California
Regional Water Quality Control Board requirements, in that the project has been designed in
accordance with the Best Management Practices for water quality protection in accordance with
the city's sewer and drain~ge standards and the project is conditioned to comply with the
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements.
11. That the City Planner finds that the project, as conditioned herein, is in conformance with the city's
General Plan in that the subject property is designated R-8 (4-8 dwelling units per acre w ith a 6
du/ac Growth Management Control Point). The property has a lot area of 0.44 acres and at the
R-8 Growth Management Control Point (GMCP), 2.64 dwelling units are allowed. The project's
proposed density of 4.54 du/ac is within the density range allowed by the R-8 designation and the
MS 16-05 (DEV 13-014) -1284 PINE PARTNERS
April 21, 2017
Page 3
Growth Management Control Point used for the purposes of calculating the City's compliance
with Government Code Section 65863. As 2.64 dwelling units are permitted at the GMCP and the
proposed minor subdivision ultimately allows for the construction of a total of two dwelling units
on the 0.44-acre site (i.e., one single-family home per lot), one dwelling unit will be deposited
into the city's Excess Dwelling Unit Bank.
12. That the property cannot be served adequately with a public street without a panhandle lot due to
unfavorable conditions resulting from unusual topography, surrounding land development, or lot
configuration, in that due to the narrow configuration {90.75' wide) and considerable depth
(210.34') of the existing lot and the fact that it is surrounded by existing subdivided and developed
properties, the subdivision of the property Into two lots, as the General Plan allows, is feasible
only if a panhandle lot is proposed.
13. That the project's panhandle lot will not preclude or adversely affect the ability to provide full public
street access to other properties within the same block, in that the 11stem" (i.e., 20' wide
panhandle) and 12' wide private driveway is within the boundaries of the subject property and
extends completely to Pine Avenue as required by Section 21.10.100 of the Carlsbad Municipal
Code. In addition, the proposed panhandle lot does not include access easements that are located
on adjacent properties and all adjacent properties currently have direct access to a public street.
14. That the buildable portion of each panhandle lot consists of a minimum of 8,000 square feet, which
meets the requirements of Section (1) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code.
15. That the front, side, and rear property lines of the buildable lot, for purposes of determining
required yards, are as shown on Exhibit 11A".
16. That the project's panhandle lot complies with all requirements of Section 21.08.080 of the Carlsbad
Municipal Code in that the lots, as demonstrated on the project exhibits, meet all development,
dimensional, and area standards, and have sufficient area to meet requirements regarding
adequate parking and vehicle maneuvering, drainage, driveway width, and lot frontage.
17. The project is consistent with the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan, the local Facilities
Management Plan for Zone 1 and all city public facility policies and ordinances. The project includes
elements or has been conditioned to construct or provide funding to ensure that all facilities and
improvements regarding sewer collection and treatment; water; drainage; ci rculation; fire; schools;
parks and other recreational facilities; libraries; government administrative facilities; and open
space, related to the project will be installed to serve new development prior to or concurrent with
need. Specifically,
a. The project has been conditioned to provide proof from the Carlsbad School District that the
project has satisfied its obligation for school facilities.
b. Park-in-lieu fees are required by Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 20.44, and will be collected
prior to issuance of building permit.
c. The Public Facility fee is required to be paid by Council Policy No. 17 and will be collected prior
to the issuance of building permit.
MS 16-05 (DEV 13-014) -1284 PINE PARTNERS
April 21, 2017
Page 4
18. That the project is consistent with the City's Landscape Manual and Water Efficient Landscape
Ordinance (Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 18.50).
19. The City Planner has reviewed each of the exactions imposed on the Developer contained in this
resolution, and hereby finds, in this case, that the exactions are imposed to mitigate impacts caused
by or reasonably related to the project, and the extent and the degree of the exaction is in rough
proportionality to the impact caused by the project.
NOTE: Unless specifically stated in the condition, all of the following conditions, upon the approval of
this tentative parcel map, must be met prior to approval of a final parcel map, building permit, or
grading permit, whichever is first.
1. If any ofthe following conditions fail to occur, or if they are, by their terms, to be implemented and
maintained over time, if any of such conditions fail to be so implemented and maintained according
to their terms, the City shall have the right to revoke or modify all approvals herein granted; deny
or further condition issuance of all future building permits; deny, revoke, or further condition all
certificates of occupancy issued under the authority of approvals herein granted; record a notice of
violation on the property title; institute and prosecute litigat ion to compel their compliance with
said conditions or seek damages for their violation. No vested rights are gained by Developer or a
successor in interest by the City's approval of this Tentative Parcel Map.
2. Approval is granted for MS 16-05 as shown on Exhibit "A", dated April 21, 2017, on file in the
Planning Division and incorporated herein by reference. Development shall occur substantially as
shown unless otherwise noted in these conditions.
3. Staff is authorized and directed to make, or require the Developer to make, all corrections and
modifications to the Tentative Parcel Map documents, as necessary to make them internally
consistent and in conformity with the final action on the project. Development shall occur
substantially as shown on the approved Exhibits. Any proposed development, different from this
approval, shall require an amendment to this approval.
4. Developer shall comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state, and local laws and regulations
in effect at the time of building permit issuance.
5. If any condition for construction of any public improvements or facilities, or the payment of any fees
in-lieu thereof, imposed by this approval or imposed by law on this Project are challenged, this
approval shall be suspended as provided in Government Code Section 66020. If any such condition
is determined to be invalid, this approval shall be invalid unless the City Council determines that the
project without the condition complies with all requirements of law.
6. Developer/Operator shall and does hereby agree to indemnify, protect, defend, and hold harmless
the City of Carlsbad, its Council members, officers, employees, agents, and representatives, from
MS 16-05 (DEV 13-014) -1284 PINE PARTNERS
April21, 2017
Page 5
and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, demands, claims and costs, including court costs
and attorney's fees incurred by the City arising, directly or indirectly, from (a) City's approval and
issuance of this Tentative Parcel Map, (b) City's approva l or issuance of any permit or action,
whether discretionary or nondiscretionary, in connection with the use contemplated herein, and (c)
Developer/Operator's installation and operation of the facility permitted hereby, including without
limitation, any and all liabilities arising from the emission by the facility of electromagnetic fields or
other energy waves or emissions. This obligation survives until all legal proceedings have been
concluded and continues even if the City's approval is not validated.
7. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Developer shall provide proof to the Building Division
from the Carlsbad Unified School District that this project has satisfied its obligation to provide
school facilities.
8. This project shall comply with all conditions and mitigation measures which are required as part of
the Zone 1 Local Facilities Management Plan and any amendments made to that Plan prior to the
issuance of building permits.
9. Building permits will not be issued for this project unless the local agency providing water and sewer
services to the project provides written certification to the City that adequate water service and
sewer facilities, respectively, are available to the project at the time of the application for the
building permit, and that water and sewe r capacity and facilities will continue to be available until
the time of occupancy. A note to this effect shall be placed on the final map.
10. Prior to the approval of a final map, the Developer shall pay to the City an inclusionary housing
in-lieu fee as an individual fee on a per market rate dwelling unit basis in the amount in effect at
the time, as established by City Council Resolution from time to time.
11. Developer shall pay the citywide Public Facilities Fee imposed by City Council Policy #17, the License
Tax on new construction imposed by Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 5.09.030, and CFD #1 special
tax (if applicable), subject to any credits authorized by Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 5.09.040.
Developer shall also pay any applicable Local Facilities Management Plan fee for Zone 1, pursuant
to Chapter 21.90. All such taxes/fees shall be paid at issuance of building permit. If the taxes/fees
are not paid, this approval will not be consistent with the General Plan and shall become void.
12. Developer shall report, in writing, to the City Planner within 30 days, any address change from that
which is shown on the permit application, any change in the telecommunications provider, or any
transfer in ownership of the site.
13. Prior to the approval of the final map, Developer shall submit to the City a Notice of Restriction
executed by the owner of the real property to be developed. Said notice is to be filed in the office
of the County Recorder, subject to the satisfaction of the City Planner, notifying all interested parties
and successors in interest that the City of Carlsbad has issued a Tentative Parcel Map on the real
property owned by the owner/applicant. Said Notice of Restriction shall note the property
description, location of the file containing complete project details and all conditions of approval as
well as any conditions or restrictions specified for inclusion in the Notice of Restriction. Said Notice
of Restriction shall also specify that a maximum of one single-family home and one accessory
dwelling unit shall be permitted on Parcels 1 and 2. The City Planner has the authority to execute
and record an amendment to the notice which modifies or terminates said notice upon a showing
of good cause by the Developer or successor in interest.
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April 21, 2017
Page 6
14. If satisfaction of the school facility requirement involves a Mello-Roos Community Facilities District
or other financing mechanism which is inconsistent with City Council Policy No. 38, by allowing a
pass-through of the taxes or fees to individual home buyers, then in addition to any other disclosure
required by law or Council policy, the Developer shall disclose to future owners in the project, to
the maximum extent possible, the existence of the tax or fee, and that the school district is the
taxing agency responsible for the financing mechanism. The form of notice is subject to the
approval of the City Planner and shall at least include a handout and a sign inside the sales facility
stating the fact of a potential pass-through of fees or taxes exists and where complete information
regarding those fees or taxes can be obtained.
NOTE: Unless specifically stated in the condition, all of the following conditions, upon the approval of
this proposed subdivision, must be met prior to approval of a final map, building permit or grading
permit whichever comes first.
15. Prior to hauling dirt or construction materials to or from any proposed construction site within this
project, developer shall apply for and obtain approval from, the city engineer for the proposed haul
16. This project is approved upon the express condition that building permits will not be issued for the
development of the subject property, unless the district engineer has determined that adequate
water and sewer facilities are available at the time of permit issuance and will continue to be
available until time of occupancy.
17. Developer shall prepare, submit and process for city engineer approval a final parcel map to
subdivide this project. Developer shall pay the city standard map review plan check fees.
18. Developer shall install sight distance corridors at all driveway intersections with street in accordance
with City Engineering Standards. The property owner shall maintain this condition.
Fees/ Agreements
19. Developer shall cause property owner to enter into a Neighborhood Improvement Agreement with
the city on a city standard form for the future public improvement of Pine Avenue along the
property frontage for a half street width of thirty (30)-feet. Public improvements shall include but
are not limited to paving, base, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, grading, clearing and grubbing,
undergrounding or relocation of utilities, sewer, water, fire hydrants and street lights.
20. Developer shall cause owner to execute, for recordation, a city standard Loca l Improvement District
Agreement to pay fair share contributions for undergrounding of all existing overhead utilities and
installation of street lights, as needed, along the subdivision frontage, should a future district be
MS 16-05 (DEV 13-014) -1284 PINE PARTNERS
April 21, 2017
Page 7
21. Based upon a review of the proposed grading shown on the tentative map, a grading permit is
required prior to the development of Parcell. At the time of development of Parcel 1, developer
shall prepare and submit plans and technical studies/reports a~ required by city engineer, post
security and pay all applicable grading plan review and permit fees per the city's latest fee schedule.
Storm Water Quality
22. Developer shall comply with the city's Stormwater Regulations, latest version, and shall implement
best management practices at all times. Best management practices include but are not limited to
pollution control practices or devices, erosion control to prevent silt runoff during construction,
general housekeeping practiceS', pollution prevention and educational practices, maintenance
procedures, and other management practices or devices to prevent or reduce the discharge of
pollutants to stormwater, receiving water or stormwater conveyance system to the maximum
extent practicable. Developer shall notify prospective owners and tenants of the above
23. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit for Parcel 1, developer shall complete and submit to the
city engineer a Determination of Project's SWPPP Tier Level and Construction Threat Level Form
pursuant to City Engineering Standards. Developer shall also submit the appropriate Tier level
Storm Water Compliance form and appropriate Tier level Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
(SWPPP). to the satisfaction of the city engineer. Developer shall pay all applicable SWPPP plan
review and inspection fees per the city's latest fee schedule.
24. Developer is responsible to ensure that all final design plans (grading plans, improvement plans,
landscape plans, building plans, etc.) incorporate all source control, site design, pollutant control
BMP and applicable hydromodification measures.
25. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit for Parcell, developer shall complete the City of Carlsbad
Standard Stormwater Requirement Checklist Form. Developer is responsible to ensure that all final
design plans, grading plans, and building plans incorporate applicable best management practices
(BMPs). These BMPs include site design, source control and Low Impact Design (LID) measures
including, but not limited to, minimizing the use of impervious area (paving), routing run-off from
impervious area to pervious/landscape areas, preventing illicit discharges into the storm drain and
adding storm drain stenciling or signage all to the satisfaction of the city engineer.
26. Developer shall cause owner to make a ten (10') foot Irrevocable Offer of Dedication to the city
and/or other appropl'iate entities for public street and public utility purposes to complete a thirty
(30') foot half street width for Pine Avenue along the subdivision frontage. The offer shall be made
by a certificate on the map or by a separate recorded document. All land so offered shall be free
and clear of all liens and encumbrances and without cost to the city. Additional easements may be
required at final design to the satisfaction ofthe city engineer.
MS 16-05 (DEV 13-014) -1284 PINE PARTNERS
April 21,2017
Page 8
27. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit for Parcell, developer shall design the private drainage
system, as shown on the tentative map to the satisfaction of the city engineer. All private drainage
systems (12" diameter storm drain and larger) shall be inspected by the city. Developer shall pay
the standard improvement plan check and inspection fees for private drainage systems.
28. Developer shall obtain a right of way permit and install a street to the satisfaction of the Parks
Services Manager of the Parks and Recreation Department
Non-Mapping Notes
29. Add the following notes to the final map as non-mapping data:
A. Building permits will not be issued for development of the subject property unless the
appropriate agency determines that sewer and water facilities are available.
B. No structure, fence, wall, tree, shrub, sign, or other object may be placed or permitted to
encroach within the area identified as a sight distance corridor as defined by City of Carlsbad
Engineering Standards or line-of-sight per Caltrans standards.
C. The owner of this property on beha lf of itself and all of its successors in interest has agreed
to hold harmless and indemnify the City of Carlsbad from any action that may arise through
any diversion of waters, the alteration of the normal flow of surface waters or drainage, or
the concentration of surface waters or drainage from the drainage system or other
improvements identified in the city approved development plans; or by the design,
construction or maintenance of the drainage system or other improvements identified in the
city approved development plans.
D. There are no public park or recreational facilities to be located in whole or in part within this
subdivision. The subdivider is therefore obligated to pay park-in-lieu fees in accordance with
section 20.44.050 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and has either paid all of said park in-lieu
fees or agreed to pay all of said park-in-lieu fees in accordance with section 20.16.070 of the
Carlsbad Municipal Code.
E. The M inor Subdivision allows for the construction of a maximum of one single-family
dwelling unit and an attached accessory dwelling unit on Parcel l which complies with the
Carlsbad Municipal Code. Multi-family dwelling units are not permitted on Parcels 1 and
2 as t he properties are located in the One Family Residential (R-1) zone.
30. Developer shall meet with the fire marshal to determine if fire protection measures (fire flows, fire
hydrant locations, building sprinklers) are required to serve the project. Fire hydrants, if proposed,
shall be considered public improvements and shall be served by public water mains to the
satisfaction of the district engineer.
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April21, 2017
Page 9
31. The developer shall agree to install sewer laterals and clean-outs at locations approved by the city
engineer. The locations of sewer laterals shall be reflected on public improvement plans.
Code Reminders:
The project is subject to all applicable provisions of local ordinances, including but not limited to the
32. Prior to the issuance of building permits for the single-family home on Parcell, the City Planner
and Building Official shall review and approve the building plans to confirm compliance with the
Carlsbad Municipal Code.
33. One dwelling unit shall be deposited into the city's Excess Dwelling Unit Bank.
34. This tentative parcel map shall expire two years from the date on which the city planner approves
this application unless extended per Chapter 20.24.180 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code.
35. Developer shall pay planned local area drainage fees in accordance with Section 15.08.020 of the
City of Carlsbad Municipal Code to the satisfaction of the city engineer.
36. Developer shall pay traffic impact and sewer impact fees based on Section 18.42 and Section 13.10
of the City of Carlsbad Municipal Code, respectively. The Average Daily Trips (ADT) and floor area
contained in the staff report and/or shown on the Tentative Parcel Map are for planning purposes
37. Developer shall pay park-in-lieu fees to the city, prior to the approval of the final parcel map as
required by Chapter 20.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code.
38. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, Developer shall pay a Public Facility fee as required by
Council Policy No. 17.
39. Subdivider shall comply with Section 20.16.040(d) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code regarding the
undergrounding of existing overhead utilities.
40. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, Developer shall pay the Local Facilities Management fee
for Zone 1 as required by Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.90.050.
41. Approval of this request shall not excuse compliance with all applicable sections of the Zoning
Ordinance and all other applicable city ordinances in effect at time of building permit issuance,
except as otherwise specifically provided herein.
Shannon Wernel<e
School <
Thursday, April 06, 2017 4:47 PM
Shannon Werneke
1284 pine partners
I'm a resident at 1 oak ave. I received the parcel map for another structure. I have a few concerns about this. Is this
the same man that has the structure on the back? He also owns many units on my street. He adds many illegal units to
them and it causes a major headache for parking and people everywhere. It's my understand ing that this builder has
been tagged for making illegal structure mult iple unit properties. I hope the city is not allowing this again with this guy.
Please advise.
Alicia Torres-
Shannon Wernelce
Letter to City of Carlsbad
AdministTative Hearing
Dana Clymer
Wednesday, April OS, 2017 3:39 PM
Shannon Werneke
Letter to City of Carlsbad-Administrative Hearing
Suppmt of Lot Split and Development of property located at 1284 Pine Avenue,
To whom it may concern,
This letter is written to suppo1t the project to complete the lot split and finally build a house on the property on
Pine Street, I think the address is 1284 Pine.
1 am cmrently living in a home built by the same builder on Oak Street and it is a beautiful property and I am
very happy there.
As I have lived here for a while I noticed there is a very angry man who lives across the street from me. He has
given me "the finger" and glares at me. T his person does not represent the whole neighborhood and I do not
share his anger or vitriol.
Please vote Yes on this project and allow this propetiy to be brought to completion so we can all just get on
with our lives.
Dana Clymer
Shannon W erneke
Shannon Werneke
City of Cru·lsbad
Plaruring Department
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad CA 92008
March 14,2017
Dear Ms. Werneke,
Martha Law-Edwards <>
Tuesday, March 14, 2017 11:38 AM
Shannon Werneke
Debbie Fountain; Don Neu
Request for a Tentative Parcel Map -Case No: MS 16-05
Please accept this as a formal request for an administrative heru·ing to voice my objections and concerns to the
granting of this tentative parcel map. I will deliver to your office a signed copy of this request by week's end.
Please note that I have sent copies to Don Neu and Debbie Fountain as they ru·e most familiar with past
concems that were expressed by my neighborhood in 2013. It is unacceptable that any decision or discussion
occur in isolation ofthose previous issues; consequently, please see that both Don and Debbie ru·e present at the
It is most troubling that we ,as a neighborhood, continue to deal with a builder/owner who has clearly
demonstrated a blatantly defiant pattern ofbehavior as it relates to city building codes and standards. I will, at
thi s moment, give the city the benefit of doubt that certain legal constraints have deterred city staff from
decreeing that this individual can not function within the city's borders. In any event, I wm be recommending to
my neighbors that we form a Resident Review Panel, who will work with the city staff: in equal standing, to
review and/or approve any and all matters that relate to this given property-1274-1284 Pine Avenue-now and
in the futme. We are fortunate to have residents on Pine Ave. w ho are licensed contractors and/or real estate
lawyers, and so are more than qualified to help oversee any and all pertinent matters-from lot split to final
building inspection ... ,if it should ever come to that. Please include this on the hearing agenda, so we can discuss
the collaborative process of the city staff with the Panel.
It has been my deep pleasme to reside on Pine Ave. fm almost 28 yeru·s, so please understand my strong intent
to preserve the integrity ru1d character of my neighborhood. It is true that no one on Pine Ave. or in the
neighborhood has the "deep pockets' of the builder/owner in question, but, as a Cru·lsbad community, we have
an unwavering and determined voice ... ,that will be heard.
Most Sincerely,
Martha Law-Edwards
Shannon We.rnelce
Peter Taylor
Sunday, March 12, 2017 1:34 PM
Shannon Werneke
Jan; Peter Taylor
Subdivision Case# MS 16-05 I 1274 Pine Ave
Dear Ms. Werneke, please accept this as formal disapproval of the sub division request for 1274 Pine Ave .
The property known locally as the Fishback property was developed with complete disregard for the zoning
and neighborhood.
The property was developed as a multi -unit dwelling (similar to properties developed on Oak Ave. by the
same developer) and despite the objections from the neighbors the developer did unpermitted grading,
unpermitted construction of a retaining wall and disregarded height limitations and set backs. The City
endorsed the construction despite the very obvious design with multiple kitchens and entrances. Since this
occurred, the vacant part of the lot has ben left as a dirt lot degrading the neighborhood.
The neighbors took the case to the mayor but received no indication that the grievances would be addressed.
When the property was put back on the market, the neighbors had the opportunity to meet with the realtor
and an interested buyer. We also had the opportunity to walk the entire building. At the time there were at
least 3 different households within the structure. The buyers interest was in the rental income that would help
defray the cost of subdivision and construction of another housing unit.
Your notification states as follows: "The existing single-family home on Parcell will remain". Have you
inspected the property? It is not a single family home and this needs to be corrected in the records.
The neighbors regard this blatant abuse of City Codes as irreversible, much as we would have liked to have
stronger actions taken to restore the property to an acceptable state that aligns with the spirit of "old
Carlsbad". However, we do not expect the same level of disregard for the front portion of the lot.
As such1 you can only expect co-operation from the neighbors if there is a sworn affidavit from the applicant
that the structure to be built on the sub divided lot be a single family house with appropriate set backs and
height restrictions. We are also recommend that appropriate landscaping and other architectural features be
included to block the unsightly multi unit building in the rear. lfthese points are not considered we will take
other actions to ensure what has happened on the back part of the lot will not be repeated.
The City needs to do all it can to rectify the gross mismanagement of this property.
You can reach me via my cell phone below. I would be very pleased to discuss.
Yours sincerely, Peter.
Peter R Taylor
Carlsbad. CA. 92008
Email: p
Shannon Werneke
Ms. Wemeke,
William Bowden <
Thursday, March 16, 2017 12:48 PM
Shannon Werneke
Debbie Fountain; Don Neu; Martha Law-Edwards; Bill Larson; Jan; Peter Taylor; Joeys
Email; Joey Kratcoski
Lot Split case No. MS 16-05
Please acceptlhis letter as my official request for a public hearing regarding the proposed tot split for 1274 Pine Ave.
As A 25-year resident and a former employee of the City of Carlsbad, I am unequivocally opposed to the proposed lot split.
The owner/developer has demonstrated a complete disregard for all City Building Codes and Standards. According to the Carlsbad's own Code Enforcement
section, Fischbach is the most investigated and the worst offender In the history of Carlsbad. In 2013. the Mayor and the City Council met with a group of residents
who exposed the blatant and numerous violations at each of his building sites. In response, l!le city was forced to review and change how developers like
Fischbach are Inspected. His lola I lack of respect for the city and Its residents forced the city to change how II does business. Do we really need more grief from
this ''Bad apple".
In my personal and professional opinion, this lot spOt should be denied because of the owner/developer's long history of violations, his known history of
intentionally deceiving the city at every level of construction and the fact the violations are repeated at each building site, even afler being notified of the same
violations at his other sites. He honestly doesn't believe our laws apply to him and that he Is above them. The City of Carlsbad has given the residents of Oak Ave
a life sentence, having to deal with Fischbach's projects. Please don't do I he same thing to the residents on Pine Ave.
Thank You,
William Bowden
C 0
1. Hard copy of this presentation
2. Hard copy of Street & Sidewalk Policy Committee Report
• The basis for our appeal is that we believe the City Planner has erred in its approval of the
1274 Pine Avenue lot split by omitting certain architectural conditions that should be included
in the approval which will ensure that the design of the home to be constructed will be
"compatible" with the unique character and history of our Olde Carlsbad neighborhood.
• There is historical precedent for the City of Carlsbad and its residents to acknowledge and
distinguish our Olde Carlsbad neighborhood as a "unique, quaint and special community" and
to take action for the "protection and preservation of these qualities".
• For example, pursuant to a mandate of the City Council on February 23, 2000, Pine Avenue
from Pio Pico to Highland was designated as an "Alternative Design Street". This special
designation ensures that the unique character of our neighborhood will be protected against
new development that is not consistent or compatible with our existing identity.
• In our appeal, we've asked that certain architectural guidelines be applied to the prospective
development of 1274 Pine Avenue. TIMING is an important consideration that must be
included in the "gray area" of interpretation of the City Council Policy Statement No. 44
"Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines" when determining whether these architectural
guidelines should be applied to an individual, single-family home or to a two-family residential
project of 2-4 homes. The development of 1200 ---1212 Oak Avenue and the proposed
development of 1274 Pine Avenue are essentially multi-family residential projects of 2-4
homes that have exploited this "gray area" by delaying and staggering the lot splits and the
development of the homes over time so that they are not required to comply with the
architectural guidelines set forth in the City Council Policy Statement.
• While the current owner of 1200-1212 Oak Avenue and 1274 Pine Avenue is not a resident of
our neighborhood, has developed these properties for rental income purposes and therefore
has little incentive to develop structures that are compatible with the character of Olde
Carlsbad, our appeal is not intended to be specific to any particular owner of 127 4 Pine
Avenue. Regardless of who ultimately owns the property, we would like these architectural C conditions and safeguards to be put in place to protect our neighborhood from the
0 0
development of more of the same multi-family box-like eyesores that have been constructed at
1274 Pine Avenue and 1200-1212 Oak Avenue in the past.
SLIDES 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9
• Aerial map showing Oak and Pine Fish properties
• 1274 Pine Avenue Photo -as it exists today
• 1200 Oak Photo -this is what was developed by the same owner in 2009
• Multiple Photos of Oak and Pine Fish property vs. other homes on Pine to demonstrate not
"compatible" with the character of our neighborhood
• On February 23, 2000, following direction from a policy committee designated by the Carlsbad
City Council, the City of Carlsbad was directed to amend the General Plan and "adopt a
philosophy of distinguishing the Northwest Quadrant of Carlsbad (which includes the portion
of Pine Avenue at issue in this appeal) as a unique, quaint and special community. This
philosophy would recognize the necessity for the protection and preservation of the qualities
unique to each area."
• Further, Pine Avenue from Pio Pico to Highland, among other streets in Olde Carlsbad
(include portion of Alt Streets Map), was designated as an "Alternative Design Street" deemed
to be of "special character" and therefore subject to restrictions on construction of sidewalks
and other common improvements in order to preserve this "special character".
• The approval of the 127 4 Pine lot split should be conditioned upon the owner complying with
the Council Policy Statement on Livable Neighborhoods effective 12/11 /01, which outlines
"Principles for the Development of Livable Neighborhoods" and includes in Section 1 "Building
Facades, Front Entries, Porches" language stating" ... where houses are interesting to look at
with strong architectural elements; and where open spaces form focal points ... " and also
states "Facades create interest and character and should be varied and articulated to provide
visual interest to pedestrians ... "
• We believe that the "unique, special character" of Olde Carlsbad, the importance of which has
clearly been acknowledged by the City of Carlsbad in the past, should continue to be
protected and maintained by the inclusion of additional architectural conditions in the approval
of the 127 4 Pine lot split that are consistent with the guidelines set forth in Council Policy C Statement No. 66 "Livable Neighborhoods".
0 0
• Timing is an important consideration that must be included in the "gray area" of interpretation
of the Council Policy Statement No. 44 "Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines" when
determining whether the architectural guidelines should be applied to an individual, single-
family home or to a two-family residential project of 2-4 homes.
• The development of 1200 ---1212 Oak Avenue and the proposed development of 1274 Pine
Avenue are essentially multi-family residential projects of 2-4 homes that have exploited this
"gray area" by delaying and staggering the lot splits and the development of the homes over
time so that they are not required to comply with the architectural guidelines set forth in
Council Policy Statement No. 44.
• As Council Policy Statement No. 44 states: "Decision-makers shall determine, on a case-by-
case basis, whether the project complies with the intent of the policy to create livable
• Unfortunately, it's too late to address 1200 Oak Avenue. The true nature of that development
was not recognized and properly addressed by the City Planning Division during the approval
• But this is an opportunity to prevent a repeat of the same omissions and mistakes for 127 4
Pine Avenue
• The approval of the 127 4 Pine lot split should be conditioned upon the owner complying with
the Council Policy Statement Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines effective 5/2/06,
which outlines architectural guidelines to ensure" ... that a variety of architectural elements are
incorporated into structures so that they are ... visually interesting, have sufficient building
articulation to reduce their bulk and mass ... are in scale to their lot size, and strongly contribute
to the creation of livable neighborhoods."
• We believe that the "unique, special character" of Olde Carlsbad, the importance of which has
clearly been acknowledged by the City of Carlsbad in the past, should continue to be
protected and maintained by the inclusion of additional architectural conditions in the approval
0 0
of the 127 4 Pine lot split that are consistent with the guidelines set forth in Council Policy
Statement No. 44 "Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines".
• We, the residents of Olde Carlsbad, request that the Planning Commission direct the City of
Carlsbad Planning Division to modify the approval of the 1274 Pine Avenue lot split to include
specific conditions that require the owner to preserve and protect the unique character of our
Olde Carlsbad neighborhood by complying with the architectural guidelines set forth in Council
Policy Statement No. 66 "Principles for the Development of Livable Neighborhoods" and
Council Policy Statement No. 44 "Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines".
• We also request that the City Planning Division institute safeguards within the City Building
Department approvals process that reference the architectural conditions associated with 127 4
Pine Avenue property, so that any subsequent changes to previously approved plans that are
proposed by the owner of 1274 Pine Avenue must comply with the architectural guidelines.
Concerned Residents of Pine
Avenue in Olde Carlsbad
~--~--~--~----------------------------------~--------------------------~---------~ ~ --------~-------------------------------------~--~---------~-----~-------------------
JUNE 21, 2017
• • •• • • ' .... '1r I '~ I -I -~ . . IJ
llL ..... ~_:_ :.L' .. __ ... , ·---~-'=a.·· • .,,1.·>AL--..,,., ••. ~ • ._-.. ~ d I, ·-•' ' -.l -1 • -'
The Basis of Our Appeal
--------------------------------------~ --~-~~--~--· ···-···-·····-·-··-·······-·-0 ·-·················-···········--·········-··-··-··-········-········~ ~-----~. ~---
Architectural conditions should be added to the approval of the 1274
Pine Ave lot split
• There is historical precedent for _protecting the unique character of
our Olde Carlsbad neighborhood and our designatea "Alternative
Design Street" -We ask that you apply that precedent in this
c Staggering the timing of a)?plications for lot splits and permits for
develoJ?ment of multiple 'single" homes does not relieve an owner's
obligation to comply with the architectural requirements for
developments of 2-4 homes -This "gray area" must be addressed
• We don't care who owns the lot, we just don't want another ugly box
built on it.
These are our beautiful hoines!
The Basis of Our Appeal
············-······-·-·····-·····-···········-··-······-··········· .............. ········-·-·· 0 ····-···--·-··-·····-·········-············-····-··-··········-········-···-······-····-··
• Architectural conditions should be added to the approval of the
1284 Pine Ave lot split
• There is historical precedent for _protecting the unique character of
our Olde Carlsbad neighborhood and our designatea "Alternative
Design Street" -We ask that you apply that precedent in this
• Staggering the timing of a>_?plications for lot splits and permits for
develoJ?ment of multiple 'single" homes does not relieve an owner's
obligation to comply with the architectural requirements for
developments of 2-4 homes -This "gray area" must be addressed
c, We don't care who owns the lot, we just don't want another ugly box
built on it.
Subject Properties -1274 Pine & 1200 Oak
1200 -1212 Oak Avenue
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pine Avenue = Alternative Design Street ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• On Feb. 23, 2000 a policy committee designated by
the Carlsbad City Council directed that Pine Avenue
be distinguished as part of a "unique, quaint, and
special community" that deserves protection and
• Pine is designated as an "Alternative Design Street"
and is therefore subject to restrictions on
construction of sidewalks and other common
improvements in order to preserve its "special
Pine Ave = Alternative Design Street
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 ------------------------------_------------------------~ ---------------------------
Map of Alternative Design Streets Included in Street and Sidewalk Committee Final Report
Lot Split With Architectural Conditions Attached ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• The lot split should be conditioned upon the owner
complying with Council Policy Statement on Livable
" ... where houses are interesting to look at with strong
architectural elements; and where open spaces form
focal points ... "
"Facades create interest and character and should be
varied and articulated to provide visual interest to
pedestrians ... "
Which One is a Commercial Building?
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 ·-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11,. ..ii
These Are Developments of 2-4 Homes -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• TIMING is an important consideration that must be included
in the "gray area" of interpretation of the Council Policy
Statement No. 44 "Neighborhood Architectural Design
Guidelines" when determining whether the architectural
guidelines should be applied to an individual, single-family
home or to a two-family residential project of 2-4 homes.
• The development of 1200 ---1212 Oak Avenue and the
proposed development of 1274 Pine Avenue are essentially
multi-family residential projects of 2-4 homes that have
exploited this "gray area" by delaying and staggering the lot
splits and the development of the homes over time so that
they are not required to comply with the architectural
guidelines set forth in Council Policy Statement No. 44.
Timing is Important!
Permit Application Dates for 1200 -1212 Oak Ave ---------------------------. -/ ---·------------------------------------------------0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lot Split With Architectural Conditions Attached ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• The approval of the 1274 Pine lot split should be
conditioned upon the owner complying with the
Council Policy Statement Neighborhood
Architectural Design Guidelines effective 5/ 2/ 06,
which outlines architectural guidelines to ensure:
• " ... that a variety of architectural elements are
incorporated into structures so that they
are ... visually interesting, have sufficient building
articulation to reduce their bulk and mass ... are in
scale to their lot size, and strongly contribute to the
creation of livable neighborhoods."
Is this the character and
architecture we want in Olde
How Can You Help? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Modify the a_pproval of the 127 4 Pine lot split to include specific
architectural conditions that require the owner to preserve and
protect the unique character of our Olde Carlsbad neighborhood
Specifically -Apply the architectural guidelines set forth in Council
Policy Statement No. 66 "Principles for the Development of Livable
Neighborhoods" and Council Policy Statement No. 44 "Neighborhood
Architectural Design Guidelines"
Direct the City Planning division to institute safeguards within the
City Building Department approvals J?rocess that reference the
architectural conditions associated with 1274 Pine Avenue property,
so that any subsequent changes to previously approved plans that are
pro_posed by the owner of 1274 Pine Avenue must comply with the
architectural guidelines