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2018-07-18; Planning Commission; ; V2017-0009/PS2017-0087 (DEV12023) - UPTOWN BRESSI RANCH SIGN PROGRAM
The City of Carlsbad Planning Division A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Item No. 3 Application complete date: February 22, 2018 P.C. AGENDA OF: July 18, 2018 Project Planner: Cliff Jones Project Engineer: David Rick SUBJECT: V2017‐0009/PS2017‐0087 (DEV12023) – UPTOWN BRESSI RANCH SIGN PROGRAM – Request for approval of a Variance to allow an increase in sign/letter height for one anchor tenant sign and a Modified Sign Program to allow an additional monument sign and increases in sign/letter height and sign area for tenants within the Uptown Bressi commercial center located at the southwest corner of Palomar Airport Road and El Fuerte Street, north of Gateway Road, and east of Colt Place, within Local Facilities Management Zone 17. The City Planner has determined that this project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Section 15311, “Accessory Structures, On‐premise signs,” of the State CEQA Guidelines and will not have any adverse significant impact on the environment. I.RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 7303 APPROVING Variance 2017‐0009 and Modified Sign Program PS 2017‐0087 based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II.PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND Background Shea Properties received City Council approval to construct the subject Uptown Bressi commercial shopping center on January 24, 2017. The property is located in Planning Area 16 of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan. The approximately 91,164‐square‐foot shopping center is currently under construction and anticipated to be completed by Spring of 2019. The project was conditioned to develop a Sign Program for the commercial shopping center to establish a comprehensive design and coordinated architectural statement for the center per Planning Commission Resolution No. 7176, Condition # 90. The commercial shopping center tenant square footage consists of a 28,000‐square‐foot (sq. ft.) food market (anchor tenant; Sprouts), 16,454‐sq. ft. pharmacy/drive‐thru (anchor tenant; CVS), 7,857‐sq. ft. anchor tenant (BevMo), and 38,853 square feet of smaller commercial spaces. Outdoor plazas and dining areas (9,160 sq. ft.) are dispersed around the multi‐tenant shop areas. Architecturally, the buildings are designed to complement the existing Bressi Ranch Village Center commercial project adjacent to the south. V 2017‐0009/PS 2017‐0087 (DEV12023) – UPTOWN BRESSI RANCH SIGN PROGRAM July 18, 2018 Page 2 Project Description The project proposes a Variance to allow an increase in sign/letter height for the anchor tenant’s primary sign (Sprouts). A Modified Sign Program is also requested to allow: 1) a 30 percent increase in sign/letter height and sign area for wall signs of anchor tenants greater than 10,000 sq. ft. of floor area (Sprouts, CVS); 2) a 30 percent increase in sign/letter height and sign area for the 7,857 sq. ft. anchor tenant’s primary wall sign (BevMo); 3) a 15 percent cumulative increase in sign area for wall signs of all tenants with 10,000 sq. ft. or less of floor area; and 4) a 30 percent increase in the number of monument signs allowed for the site to allow one additional monument sign. Table 1 below includes the General Plan designations, zoning and current land uses of the project site and surrounding properties. TABLE 1 – LAND USE DESIGNATION AND ZONING OF SITE AND SURROUNDING USES Location General Plan Designation Zoning Current Land Use Site Local Shopping Center (L) Planned Community (P‐C) Uptown Bressi Shopping Center North Planned Industrial (PI) P‐M, Planned Industrial Industrial South Local Shopping Center (L) P‐C Bressi Ranch Village Center East Planned Industrial (PI) P‐C Industrial West R‐23 Residential P‐C Residential (under construction) III. ANALYSIS The proposed project is subject to the following plans, ordinances and standards as analyzed within the following section of this staff report: A. General Plan Land Use designation – Local Shopping Center (L); B. Sign Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.41); and C. Variance (CMC Chapter 21.50). The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project’s consistency with the applicable regulations and policies. The project’s compliance with each of the above regulations is discussed in detail in the sections below. A. General Plan Land Use Designation – Local Shopping Center (L) The Local Shopping Center (L) land use designates areas for shopping centers with tenants that serve the daily needs of the surrounding local neighborhoods including residents as well as employees of business and industrial centers. Table 2 below indicates how the development of the site under the Local Shopping Center (L) land use designation complies with the elements of the General Plan. V 2017‐0009/PS 2017‐0087 (DEV12023) – UPTOWN BRESSI RANCH SIGN PROGRAM July 18, 2018 Page 3 TABLE 2 – GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE ELEMENT USE CLASSIFICATION, GOAL, OBJECTIVE, OR PROGRAM PROPOSED USES AND IMPROVEMENTS COMPLY Land Use 2‐P.24 Build and operate commercial uses in such a way as to complement but not conflict with adjoining residential areas. This shall be accomplished by: a. Controlling lights, signage, and hours of operation to avoid adversely impacting surrounding uses. 2‐P.25 Ensure that commercial development is designed to include integrated landscaping, parking, signs, and site and building design... The sign program is designed to accommodate signage that is proportionate to the building facade it serves. The signage will not negatively impact the adjacent residential use to the west as illuminated wall signs are prohibited on the west elevations of buildings A, E, F, and the northwest corner elevation of building D because the facades of these buildings are within 300 feet of residentially‐zoned property. Yes B. Sign Ordinance, Chapter 21.41 of the Municipal Code A Modified Sign Program is requested to allow: 1) a 30 percent increase in sign/letter height and sign area for wall signs of anchor tenants greater than 10,000 sq. ft. of floor area (Sprouts, CVS); 2) a 30 percent increase in sign/letter height and sign area for the 7, 857 sq. ft. anchor tenant’s primary wall sign (BevMo); 3) a 15 percent cumulative increase in sign area for wall signs of all tenants with 10,000 sq. ft. or less of floor area; and 4) a 30 percent increase in the number of monument signs allowed for the site to allow one additional monument sign. Wall Signs Table 3 below shows the maximum letter heights allocated to individual tenant spaces based on their square feet and the proposed letter height increases. TABLE 3 – SIGN LETTER HEIGHTS Tenant Size in Sq. Ft. Allowed per CMC Section 21.41.095 Proposed with up to 30% Increase Proposed with Variance Potential Number of Signs <2,500 24” N/A N/A 11 @ 24” 2,500 to 10,000 30” N/A N/A 6 @ 30” 7,857 BevMo Space – Primary Tenant Sign Secondary Tenant Sign 30” 30” 39” (30%) N/A N/A N/A 1 @ 39” 1 @ 30” 16,454 CVS Space –Primary Tenant Signs Secondary Tenant Sign 36” 36” 46” (27.5%) N/A N/A N/A 2 @ 46” 1 @ 24” 28,000 Sprouts Space – Primary Tenant Sign Secondary Tenant Sign 36” 36” N/A 46” (27.5%) 60” (66.5%) N/A 1 @ 60” 1 @ 46” 2 @ 13” V 2017‐0009/PS 2017‐0087 (DEV12023) – UPTOWN BRESSI RANCH SIGN PROGRAM July 18, 2018 Page 4 Table 4 below shows the amount of signage allocated to individual tenant spaces based on the lineal frontage of tenant space and the proposed sign area increases. TABLE 4 – SIGN AREA Tenant Size in Sq. Ft. Allowed per CMC Section 21.41.095 Proposed With 15% increase Proposed With 30% increase Potential Number of Signs <2,500 1 sq. ft./lineal foot (LF) 1.15 sq. ft./LF N/A 11 2,500 to 10,000 1 sq. ft./LF 1.15 sq. ft./LF N/A 6 7,857 BevMo Space – Primary Tenant Sign Secondary Tenant Sign 1 sq. ft./LF 1 sq. ft./LF N/A 1.15 sq. ft./LF 1.30 sq. ft./LF N/A 1 1 16,454 CVS Space – Primary Tenant Signs Secondary Tenant Sign 1 sq. ft./LF 1 sq. ft./LF N/A N/A 1.30 sq. ft./LF 1.30 sq. ft./LF 2 1 28,000 Sprouts Space – Primary Tenant Sign Secondary Tenant Sign 1 sq. ft./LF 1 sq. ft./LF N/A N/A 1.30 sq. ft./LF 1.30 sq. ft./LF 1 3 All signs would be subject to the existing Sign Ordinance and Sign Program requirement that no sign shall exceed 75 percent of the tenant lease space frontage or available architectural background. Additionally, per CMC Section 21.41.095; Note 3, illuminated wall signs are prohibited on the west elevations of buildings A, E, F, and the northwest corner elevation of building D, because the facades of these buildings are within 300 feet of residentially zoned property. For comparative purposes, the city has approved variances to allow 60 inches or more sign letters and Modified Sign Programs to allow increased sign area and sign letter heights. The city approved a variance for the Lowe’s sign within the Palomar Commons project (Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real), which allowed 70 inches (45 percent increase) for the “L” and 60 inches for the remainder of the letters (25 percent increase). In addition, the city approved a Sprouts sign located at the Carlsbad Plaza South shopping center (El Camino Real and Marron Road) at 60 inches for the “S” and 37 inches for the remainder of the letters. The city has also approved a Modified Sign Program for La Costa Town Square (La Costa Avenue and Rancho Santa Fe Road) to allow a 15 percent increase in sign area for tenants with 10,000 square feet or less of floor area and a 30 percent increase in sign/letter height and sign area for anchor tenants greater than 10,000 square feet of floor area. These previous approvals are similar to the proposed request. Monument Signs The project proposes a 30 percent increase in the number of permitted monument signs to allow one additional monument sign per CMC Section 21.41.060.C.3 and 5. Table 5 below shows the four proposed monument signs for the commercial shopping center. V 2017‐0009/PS 2017‐0087 (DEV12023) – UPTOWN BRESSI RANCH SIGN PROGRAM July 18, 2018 Page 5 TABLE 5 – MONUMENT SIGNS Location Sign Height /Sign Letter Height Allowed Sign Height /Sign Letter Height Proposed Sign Area Allowed Sign Area Proposed Corner of Gateway Road and El Fuerte Street* 6 feet above grade / 24” letter height 6 feet above grade / 19” letter height 60 sq. ft. 38 sq. ft. Gateway Road Entrance** 6 feet above grade / 24” letter height 6 feet above grade / 18” letter height 60 sq. ft. 55.5 sq. ft. Gateway Road Entrance** 6 feet above grade / 24” letter height 6 feet above grade / 18” letter height 60 sq. ft. 55.5 sq. ft. El Fuerte Entrance 6 feet above grade / 24” letter height 4’‐9” above grade / 14” letter height 60 sq. ft. 52.25 sq. ft. * The project proposes a 30 percent increase in the number of permitted monument signs to allow an additional monument sign per CMC Section 21.41.060.C.3 & 5. The analysis is: Two allowed monument signs (1 per entrance) x 30 percent = .60 rounded up the next whole number (1). ** Two monument signs are allowed in cases where proposed on entry walls located on both sides of an entry drive per CMC Section 21.41.095. Modified Sign Program Findings The required findings for approval of the Modified Sign Program, pursuant to CMC Section 21.41.060, and the supporting analysis are described below. 1. The standards established by the Modified Sign Program do not exceed any applicable rules or limits in the General Plan or Local Coastal Program. The General Plan does not contain any rules or limits regarding signs. The General Plan promotes economic growth and the development of compatible commercial uses to provide for the basic commercial services that are compatible with the surrounding land uses. The modified sign program is integrated with the approved center’s design, will not adversely impact adjacent residential uses, and is consistent with applicable General Plan policies. The project site is not located within the coastal zone and is not subject to the Local Coastal Program. 2. The modified sign program is necessary to ensure that signs are proportionate to and compatible with the number, size, height, scale and/or orientation of project buildings. The increases in sign letter height and sign area are proportionate to the size of the larger commercial buildings where applicable. The sign allowance per the sign ordinance would appear small in relation to the building elevations and storefronts. The requested increases will be in scale without being excessive in size. For comparative purposes, the city has approved a Modified Sign Program for La Costa Town Square to allow a 15 percent increase in sign area for tenants with 10,000 square feet or less of floor area and a 30 percent increase in sign/letter height and sign area for anchor tenants greater than 10,000 square feet of floor area. The proposed request is similar to this previous approval. V 2017‐0009/PS 2017‐0087 (DEV12023) – UPTOWN BRESSI RANCH SIGN PROGRAM July 18, 2018 Page 6 3. The modified sign program is necessary to ensure the visibility of the overall development to pedestrians and motorist. Allowing larger signs for the anchor tenants (Sprouts, CVS, and BevMo) would ensure that visitors entering from either Gateway Road or El Fuerte Street will be able to quickly identify these shops’ location. Allowing increased sign area for the non‐anchor tenant shops will ensure the signage is visible to both visitors within the shopping center as well as pedestrians and motorists who are passing by the shopping center. The additional monument sign to be located at the corner of El Fuerte Street and Gateway Road would ensure that the shopping center is identifiable to motorists and pedestrians without having to visit the other monument signs located at the entry driveways. 4. The modified sign program is necessary to enhance the overall project design, and the aesthetics and/or directional function of all proposed signs. The increase in the size of the signs will allow the signs to be more in proportion to the building elevations. The size of signs allowed per the ordinance is small in comparison to the size of the building elevations and would look out of scale. Additional sign size will enhance the aesthetics of the project by providing signs more in scale with the buildings and by adding better recognition to the businesses. A better identified building will be easier to recognize and easier to find. Similarly, an additional monument sign located at the corner of El Fuerte Street and Gateway Road will better identify the shopping center making it easier to recognize and find. C. Variance The project proposes a variance to allow an increase in sign/letter height for the anchor tenant’s primary sign (Sprouts) on the south elevation. The Sign Ordinance, CMC Section 21.41.095, limits tenant wall signs to 36” for tenants with 10,001 to 50,000 sq. ft. The applicant is requesting to allow the one primary tenant sign on the south elevation to be 60” tall (66.5 percent increase). Each of the variance findings, pursuant to CMC Chapter 21.50, and the supporting analysis are described below. 1. That because of special circumstances applicable to the subject property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, the strict application of the zoning ordinance deprives such property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity and under identical zoning classification. The subject site is located at the southwest corner of Palomar Airport Road and El Fuerte Street. The site sits on a severely sloping hill that requires extensive retaining wall installations to allow buildings, roadways and pedestrian walkways to be built on it. As a result, the site pad sits above Gateway Road and the anchor tenant building (Sprouts) has limited visibility. Additionally, the anchor tenant building is located greater than 650 feet from Gateway Road, which also reduces building visibility. Comparatively, the Bressi Ranch Village shopping center located across the street has a distance of approximately 25 to 34 feet from Gateway Road and the buildings on the pad have greater visibility from Gateway Road. The variance would ensure that the anchor tenant building signage could be seen within the shopping center. V 2017‐0009/PS 2017‐0087 (DEV12023) – UPTOWN BRESSI RANCH SIGN PROGRAM July 18, 2018 Page 7 2. That the variance shall not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is located and is subject to any conditions necessary to assure compliance with this finding. The granting of a variance from the sign ordinance for the anchor tenant primary sign does not grant special privileges as other properties in the vicinity under the same zoning are not burdened by buildings being located significant distances from their entry roads. 3. That the variance does not authorize a use or activity which is not otherwise expressly authorized by the zone regulation governing the subject property. The granting of the variance does not authorize a use which is not otherwise expressly permitted by the zoning regulations in that signs are a permitted use in Planning Area 16 of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan. 4. That the variance is consistent with the general purpose and intent of the General Plan and any applicable specific or master plans. The intent of the General Plan and the Bressi Ranch Master Plan with regards to the proposed project is to ensure that signs are compatible with building architecture, are proportionate to the building facade it serves, and that the wall signs do not compromise the general aesthetic character of the surrounding area. Since the south elevation of the proposed anchor tenant building is located greater than 650 feet from Gateway Road, the increased sign/letter height of the primary sign will appear proportionate to the building. A smaller sign height would not be proportionate to the south building elevation and may compromise the directional function of the sign and the aesthetics of the building and shopping center. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The City Planner has determined that this project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Section 15311, “Accessory Structures, On‐Premise Signs,” of the State CEQA Guidelines and will not have any adverse significant impact on the environment. A Notice of Exemption shall be filed with the County Clerk upon approval of this project. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 7303 2. Location Map 3. Disclosure Statement 4. Exhibits “A” – “Z”, dated July 18, 2018 SQUARE PEG DESIGN Carlsbad, California Tenant Sign Design Criteria THE SQUARE at Bressi Ranch 06.07.2018 Version 8.0 V 2017-0009/PS 2017-0087 ATTACHMENT 4 2THE SQUARE at Bressi Ranch V 2017-0009/PS 2017-0087 Table of Contents Tenant Signage Design Criteria 3 Landlord’s Work 3 Tenant’s Work 3 Submission and Review Process 3 Final Design Submittal 3 Sign Contractor Responsibilities 3 Sign Design and Placement Criteria 4 Permit Sign Types 4 Prohibited Sign Types 4 Primary Identification Signs 5 Multi-Tenant Buildings 5 Projecting Signs 6 Projecting Sign Placement 6 Blade Signs 6 Wall Plaque Signs 7 Window Signs 7 Drive-Thru Sign 7 Suite Identification Signs 7 Service Door Signs 8 Other Required Storefront Signs 8 Special Conditions 8 Sign Lighting Recommendations 8 Type Styles and Logos 8 Colors 8 General Sign Fabrication Criteria 9 Location Plan 10 Multi-Tenant Building 11 - 19 Tenant Sign Exhibit 20 Sign Details 21 Monument Signs 22 - 25 Regulatory Vehicular Signs 26 Table of Contents Table of Contents 3THE SQUARE at Bressi Ranch V 2017-0009/PS 2017-0087 Tenant Signage Design Criteria The Square at Bressi Ranch Tenant Signage Design Criteria Landlord’s Objective The objective of the Signage Design Criteria guidelines is to provide standards and specifications that assure consistent quality, size, variety and placement for Tenant signs throughout the project. The criteria are intended to stimulate creative invention and achieve the highest standard of excellence in environmental graphic communication. Such excellence can best be achieved through open and frequent dialogue between Tenant, Landlord and the project’s graphic design consultant. Signing at The Square at Bressi Ranch is an integral part of the center’s image and appeal, so signs shall be carefully placed and proportioned to the individual architectural facade on which they are located. Care in the design and installation of store signs will enhance the customer’s appreciation of individual Tenants and contribute to the project’s overall success. Landlord’s Work - Provide base building design and construction information requested by Tenant’s sign design consultant. - Timely process the review, revision and approval of the Tenant’s sign design submissions. Tenant’s Work - Design, fabrication, permitting and installation of signs, including any structural support, connection to the Landlord’s circuit, and any special installation requiring addition or modification to the shell building approved by the Landlord. - Signs shall be powered through concealed conduit from the Landlord’s supplied circuit. - Maintenance and repair of the sign. - The Tenant shall employ sign fabricators and installers who are licensed and are well qualified in the techniques and procedures required to implement the sign design concept and approved by the Landlord. - The Tenant shall abide by all governmental regulations and by all provisions, guidelines and criteria contained within The Square at Bressi Ranch and these Signage Design Criteria. - Only those sign types provided for and specifically approved by the Landlord in Tenants’ sign submission documents will be allowed. The Landlord may, at their discretion and at the Tenant’s expense, correct, replace or remove any sign that is installed without Landlord’s written consent or that is not executed in conformance with the approved submission. - The sign shall be maintained in like-new condition. The Landlord may, at their discretion, and with two weeks written notification, replace, remove, or refurbish, at the Tenant’s expense, any sign that has become deteriorated. The Landlord may, at their discretion, maintain a service contract for Tenant’s sign subject to reimbursement by the Tenant. - Tenant shall furnish the Landlord with a copy of all sign fabrication and installation plans and permits prior to installation. - Sign illumination shall be turned on by means of a photocell and turned off by means of an astrological time clock set to center hours of operation determined by the Landlord. Submission and Review Process The Landlord may engage the services of a sign consultant for the entire project that will assist in the review and approval of Tenant sign submissions and insure their conformance to the Project’s overall Signage Criteria. The Landlord has the discretionary rights to allow for design flexibility in their approval of the signage subject to the concurrent approval of the governing agencies. Final Design Submission Allowing reasonable time for Landlord’s review and Tenant’s revision of submissions in advance of sign fabrication (but not less than 30 days), Tenant shall submit to the Landlord for approval of complete and fully dimensioned shop drawings of the Tenant’s sign. (Electronic plans) Shop drawings shall include at least the following: - Tenant’s entire building facade elevation, showing the proposed sign, in color, drawn to a scale of 1/8” = 1’-0”. - Storefront (partial building) elevation at 1/4” = 1’-0” scale, showing the location, size, color and construction and installation details (brackets, braces, etc.) of the Tenant’s proposed sign. - Typical section through letter and/or sign panel showing the dimensioned projection of the letter or panel face and the illumination method. Specify LED and intensity (if applicable). - Color and material samples together with a photograph (if possible) of a similar installation. - A floor plan of the Tenant’s space with the identified location, type and quantity of signs. Within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt of the final sign shop drawings, the Landlord will approve, approve as noted, or disapprove with comments the Tenant’s sign design. Tenant shall respond to the Landlord’s comments and re-submit within five (5) calendar days, repeating this process until all sign design, fabrication and installation issues are resolved to the Landlord’s and Tenant’s satisfaction. Upon receipt of final sign approval, Tenant shall submit the proposed sign to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for the required fabrication and installation permits. Note: All Tenant signs shall bear the UL or equivalent testing laboratory label, and shall be fabricated by a qualified shop. No labels, plaques, or stickers may be affixed to the sign which are visible to the public. Sign Contractor Responsibilities The Tenant shall insure that their sign fabricator and installer understand their responsibilities before they begin sign fabrication. The Tenant’s sign contractor(s) are responsible for the following: - Prior to beginning installation, provide the Landlord with an original certificate of insurance naming the Landlord as an additional insured for liability coverage. - Obtain all required sign permits from the City of Carlsbad and deliver copies to the Landlord. - Keep a Landlord approved set of sign shop drawings on site when installing the sign. Tenant Signage Design Criteria 4 V 2017-0009/PS 2017-0087 Sign Design and Placement Criteria There are many acceptable sign treatments and a mixed media approach of several different elements and lighting techniques is allowed. Tenants are strongly encouraged to consider the architectural style of their facade, the overall concept of the project, the scale of the proposed sign and the critical viewing angles and sight lines when designing graphics and signs for the storefront. Permitted Sign Types Acceptable sign treatments include: - Front and halo illuminated channel letters, white LED halo only. Note: acrylic face, internally illuminated channel letters which are not also halo lit will not be permitted unless successfully used as a part of an approved mixed media sign. - Three (3”) to four (4”) inches deep halo illuminated letters, white LED halo only. - Layered letterforms with face and liner. Letter face shall be at least one (1”) inch thick, and the liner shall be a minimum of two (2”) inches thick. - Signs mounted to hard canopies, eyebrows or other projecting architectural elements. - Signs mounted to canopies and marquees. - Dimensional, geometric shapes.- Screens, grids, or mesh. - Rounded face letter forms with radius faces and eased edges. Note: Mixed media signs employ two or more illumination and fabrication methods (for example, halo lit reverse channel letters with fiber optic accents). Although simple rectangular cabinet signs are generally not allowed, mixed media signs may be composed of several elements, one of which may be a cabinet. However, the cabinet sign shall not exceed 50% of the total sign area. With the Landlord’s approval, complex shaped (i.e. polyhedron) sign cabinets may be used alone if they incorporate dimensional elements. Prohibited Sign Types - Unadorned rectangular cabinet signs with translucent or opaque faces. - Temporary wall signs, pennants, banners, inflatable displays, A-frames, or sandwich boards, unless specifically approved by the Landlord. - Window signs unless approved by the Landlord (Note: box signs hanging in display windows and use of exposed neon in window displays are not allowed). - Exposed junction boxes, wires, transformers, lamps, tubing, conduits, raceways or neon crossovers of any type. - Signs using trim-cap retainers that do not match the color of letter and logo returns (polished gold, silver or bronze trim caps are not permitted). - Pre-manufactured signs, such as franchise signs, that have not been modified to meet these criteria. - Paper, cardboard or Styrofoam signs, stickers, or decals hung around or behind storefronts. - Exposed fasteners, unless decorative fasteners are essential to the sign design concept. - Simulated materials such as wood grained plastic laminates or wall coverings. - Flashing, oscillating, animated lights or other moving sign components, except as specifically approved by the Landlord. - Rooftop signs or signs projecting above roof lines or parapets. - Signs on roofs or equipment screens. - Advertising or promotional signs on parked vehicles. - “Open” or “Closed” signs in storefront doors or display windows. - Exposed LED & neon lighting techniques are prohibited. - Any signs prohibited by the City of Carlsbad sign ordinance (21.41.030). THE SQUARE at Bressi Ranch Tenant Signage Design Criteria Tenant Signage Design Criteria 5THE SQUARE at Bressi Ranch V 2017-0009/PS 2017-0087 Tenant Signs The following outline provides guidance for each tenant building or lease space sign allowance. In addition, building diagrams with possible sign placement follows this criteria. These elevations illustrate the various tenant spaces as: Building Type 1; 10k - 50k Sq. Ft. Building Type 2; 2.5k - 10k Sq. Ft. Building Type 3; under 2.5k Sq. Ft. Primary Identification Sign The Square at Bressi Ranch Retail Signage Design Criteria supersedes all less restrictive Sign Codes by the City of Carlsbad. If the Tenant can show good cause for a deviation from the size limitations outlined within, which does not violate any City of Carlsbad written Sign Code or regulation regarding the size and placement or storefront signs, the Landlord will consider such requests at their sole discretion. - Tenant is allowed one primary identification sign located in the designated sign zone just above the primary store entrance. - Tenants located on building corners with two or more active storefronts are allowed a second primary identification sign upon approval of the Landlord. - Specific suites with building elevations facing multiple exposures may incorporate one additional primary identification sign per active storefront exposure, subject to Landlord’s approval. - Major tenants (Sprouts, CVS Pharmacy, and BevMo) are allowed more than one tenant identification sign (including non-active storefront exposure) in the locations depicted in the Signage Criteria. If the major tenant spaces are subdivided into smaller space(s) in the future, the smaller tenant space(s) will not be allowed a second sign on non-active storefront exposures. - Sign area is based upon the Tenant’s Leased frontage, as measured in a straight line from Lease line to Lease line for each store front elevation. Tenants are allowed 1.30 sq. ft. of primary sign area per lineal foot of store frontage for Building Type 1. Tenants are allowed 1.15 sq. ft. of primary sign area per lineal foot of store frontage for Building Type 2 and Type 3. The BevMo Space is allowed 1.30 sq. ft. of primary sign area per lineal foot of store frontage. Sign area shall be computed by measuring the smallest square, rectangle, triangle, circle or combination thereof, that will encompass the extreme limits of the graphic image, writing, representation, emblem or other display, together with any material or color forming an integral part of the background of the message or display or otherwise used to differentiate the sign from the backdrop or structure against which it is placed. - Stacked copy shall be allowed an additional four inches of additional sign height to accommodate a four inch minimum space between lines of copy and will not be counted towards total height. - The maximum length of any sign shall not exceed 75% of the length of the building frontage or lease space. - Note: Specific locations and surrounding architectural background can dictate the maximum sign height and length,which may differ from the general guidelines proposed above. The Landlord reserves the right to approve or reject any proposed sign on the basis of its size and placement. - Tenants with exposed service rear elevations may have an additional secondary identification that is no more the 75% of primary identification. - Signs identify the business name. No brand product identity or specific service descriptions may be displayed. - Unless otherwise restricted by City Codes, treated as the primary identification sign, blade signs, flags, banners and window text signs shall not count against the Tenant’s overall sign area allowance. - Signs should not cross over architectural elements or finishes such as vertical joint lines. - Illuminated wall signs are prohibited on any building elevation that faces and is within three hundred feet of any property line that adjoins residentially zoned property. If an alternative design is supported by staff such as Halo Illumination, then a night view simulation exhibit will be required as part of the sign permit application. Tenant Signage Design Criteria Tenant Signage Design Criteria 1.x 6 V 2017-0009/PS 2017-0087 THE SQUARE at Bressi Ranch Tenant Signage Design Criteria Tenant Signage Design Criteria Projecting Signs (Marquee) The Landlord may encourage that the Tenant’s primary identification sign be a projecting sign. The size and placement of these projecting signs will vary depending upon the store frontage and location, and will be determined at the sole discretion of the Landlord. Projecting signs will be sized to compliment the architectural elements on which they are placed. However, the ultimate size of the individual sign will be determined during the design and submission process, and will be subject to the Landlord’s sole discretion and approval. Projecting Sign Placement Tenants may also propose projecting signs if essential for visibility or to compliment the building architectural style. Projecting signs may be limited to a maximum projection of three feet eight inches (3’-8”) from the building and have a maximum height of ten feet (10’0”). The final size of the sign will be determined during the design and submission process and shall compliment the architectural style and scale of the area receiving the sign subject to the sole discretion of the Landlord. Where a projecting sign becomes the Tenant’s primary identification sign, the Landlord may permit a secondary storefront facade sign (i.e. wall plaque or blade sign) visible to pedestrians at the level of entry. Blade Signs Tenants in Arcades, with awnings or fixed canopies are allowed one blade sign per store front exposure. The blade sign program has been established to work with each Tenant’s graphic identity and transform it into a three dimensional double-faced sign. The Landlord encourages the Tenant to propose blade sign designs that enrich the pedestrian environment with creative use of colors and materials combined with strong store name identification. Blade signs shall be non-illuminated. Signs may have a decorative external light source that is well integrated into the sign design. Blade signs shall project no more than three feet six inches (3’-6”) from the building face, and shall be no more than three feet 3’-0” in overall height, with a maximum of six (6) square feet of area for each face, not included in total allowed area. Blade signs may be attached to wall or suspended from fixed canopy with decorative bracket consistent with the design of the blade. Blade signs are generally intended to have a horizontal proportion. Clearance from the underside of the blade sign to the finished common area paving shall be a minimum of eight feet (8’-0”). Proposals for blade sign designs will be reviewed at the time of the Tenant’s overall sign design submission. It is the responsibility of the Tenant to ensure that the fabrication and installation by their contractor includes adequate support for the blade sign.3 2 7THE SQUARE at Bressi Ranch V 2017-0009/PS 2017-0087 Tenant Signage Design Criteria Tenant Signage Design Criteria Wall Plaque Signs There may be conditions were a building plaque sign may be substituted in place of a blade sign. The Tenant plaque sign will be placed flush to the building surface adjacent to the Tenant’s entry. Plaques shall project no more then the material depth or no more then 1” from wall surface. Plaques are non-illuminated and will have a maximum of 6 sq. ft. in area. Plaques can be flat or have limited dimensional design. Plaques can be painted, silk screened, etched or carved. No vinyl or acrylic letters. Content is limited to Tenant name or logo. No other graphic content shall be allowed unless specifically requested and approved by the Landlord. Window Signs Window applied signs are allowed on second surface of glass. The total copy area for window signs shall not exceed 25% of window area. Signs may only be vinyl presenting the Tenant name, logo or brand. No other graphic content shall be allowed unless specifically requested and approved by the Landlord, at their sole discretion. Window signs are only allowed on every other pane of glass. Drive Through Sign Tenants with drive through service will be allowed (1) one freestanding entry drive directional sign mounted in landscaped area adjacent to entry drive with a maximum 4 sq. ft. of sign area and 4 ft. off grade. Suite Identification Signs A103 Suite identification signs shall be provided to the Landlord standard at the Tenant’s expense. Signs shall be centered on the window panel immediately above the primary entrance door. Alternatively, signs may be placed in the lower right hand corner of the storefront adjacent to the primary entrance. Numerals shall be gold, silver or white Mylar, four inches (4”) in height, Univers 57 Condensed font. The fire department will require the address and suite identification signs on the buiding and suites prior to turn over to the Tenant. 4 5 8THE SQUARE at Bressi Ranch V 2017-0009/PS 2017-0087 Tenant Signage Design Criteria Tenant Signage Design Criteria Service Door Signs Rear door signs shall be provided to the Landlord standard at the Tenant’s expense. Tenants shall be required to identify their service door for delivery and emergency purposes. Tenants shall provide dark brown die cut vinyl transfer letters indicating the suite letter or number affixed to service door centered at five feet (5’-0”) above the threshold. Letter height shall be three inches for Suite ID and 1” max. for name, phone number and business hours, Univers 57 Condensed font. Other Required Storefront Signs Most Tenant suites will include the primary storefront entry doors as a legal means of egress from the interior. If required by code, Tenant provide a sign at storefront entrance doors identifying “these doors are to remain unlocked during business hours” in an upgraded surface mounted panel matching the storefront finish. Vinyl letters or tape will not be permitted. If required by code, Tenants shall also provide an upgraded surface mounted accessibility plaque in a material compatible with the storefront finish. Vinyl letters will not be permitted. Sign Lighting Recommendations Tenant signs shall be creatively illuminated using a variety of lighting techniques. One or more of the following may be allowed: - Internally illuminated acrylic faced channel letters, pin mounted, with halo illumination. - Opaque faced reverse channel letter with silhouette illumination (LED). - Front lighting (including custom decorative light fixtures approved by the Landlord). - LED shall be white and 3500k. - LED’s shall substitute for neon, but will be warm white in color All front lighting fixtures and light sources shall be baffled and/or obscured from direct visibility with recessed channels that are fully integrated into the building facade elements. Alternatively, decorative shrouds or housings custom designed and fabricated to maintain or enhance the architectural integrity of the building may be used to conceal “off-the-shelf” standard fixtures subject to Landlord’s approval. Visible standard (Non- custom) “gooseneck” lamps and similar fixtures will not be approved. Type Styles and Logos The use of logos and distinctive type styles is encouraged for all Tenants’ signs. Sign lettering should be combined with other graphic and or dimensional elements denoting the type of business. The Tenant may adapt established type styles, logos and/or images that are in use on similar buildings operated by the Tenant in other locations, provided that these images are architecturally compatible and approved by the Landlord. The typeface may be arranged in multiple lines of copy and may consist of upper and/or lower case letters. The Tenant shall identify trademark protected type and marks in their sign submission to assist the Landlord in the review process. Corporate logos and graphics may be used in conjunction with allowed signage. Logos, graphics and trademarks are included in total sign area, and are subject to sign height standards, but are not subject to sign letter height standards. Colors The following guidelines are for selecting colors for Tenants’ signing. The Project and the individual building facade will consist of a variety of colors and materials. The Landlord encourages the Tenant to consider these colors when choosing their sign colors. Tenants are requested to make early color submissions for review by the Landlord. - Signs may incorporate regionally and nationally recognized logo colors. - Sign colors shall be selected to provide sufficient contrast against building background colors. - Sign colors shall be compatible with and compliment building background colors. - Sign colors shall provide variety, sophistication and excitement. - Color of letter returns shall match the face of the letter or be a contrasting dark bronze for good daytime readability (black returns are generally not permitted). - Interior of open channel letters shall be painted dark when placed against light backgrounds. - LED’s shall compliment related signing elements. - Color consistency. A103 Tenant NameXXX-XXX-XXXXService Hours 8am - 6pm A103 Tenant Name555-523-5066 Service Hours 8am - 6pm 9THE SQUARE at Bressi Ranch V 2017-0009/PS 2017-0087Tenant Signage Design Criteria Tenant Signage Design Criteria General Sign Fabrication Criteria - Signs shall be fabricated of durable appropriate weather resistant materials complimentary to the base building materials. - Dissimilar metals used in sign fabrication shall be separated with non-conductive gaskets to avoid electrolysis. Additionally, stainless steel fasteners shall be used to attach dissimilar metals. - Threaded rods or anchor bolts shall be used to mount sign letters, which are held off the background panel. Angle clips attached to letter sides will not be permitted. - Colors, materials and finishes shall exactly match those submitted to and approved by the Landlord. - Visible welds and seams shall be filled with auto body compound and ground smooth before painting. No fasteners, rivets, screws or other attachment device shall be visible from any public vantage point. - Finished metal surfaces shall be free from oil canning and warping. All sign finishes shall be free of dust, orange peel, drips and runs and shall have a uniform surface conforming to the highest industry standards. - Reverse channel letters shall be pinned two inches (2”) off the wall. The letter return depth shall be three (3”) to four (4”) inches, and letters shall have a clear Lexan backing. LED light as required for even light distribution. - No labels, plaques, or stickers may be affixed to the sign which are visible to the public. - Internally illuminated aluminum letters will have white finish for maximum reflection. 10THE SQUARE at Bressi Ranch V 2017-0009/PS 2017-0087 Location Plan Location Plan Building Type Identification AA1 - 1 AA4 - 1 AA3 - 1 AA1 - 1 AA3 - 1 Proj. Identity w/ Select Tenant Identity AA4 - 1 Proj. Identity Building Type 1 (10K - 50K sq. ft.) - 46” Cap Height Building Type 2 (2.5K - 10K sq. ft.) - 30” Cap Height Building Type 3 (under 2.5K sq. ft.) - 24” Cap Height Proj. Identity w/ Select Tenant IdentityE L F U E R T E S T R E E TQ7 23’ N Scale: 1’ = 100’ BevMo Space - 39” Cap Height Sprouts Farmers Market Space, South Elevation - 60” Cap Height A B CDE F G H N Illuminated wall signs are prohibited on any building elevation that faces and is within three hundred feet of any property line that adjoins residentially zoned property (CMC; Section 21.41.095, Note 3). No illuminated wall signs are allowed on the west elevations for Building A,E,F, and the northwest corner elevation on Building D. An alternative design may be supported. 11THE SQUARE at Bressi Ranch V 2017-0009/PS 2017-0087 C BA DE F G H S Partial South Elevation, 1/8”=1’-0” South Elevation, 1/16”=1’-0” Building Frontage: 160’ = 208 sq. ft.5'-0"20'-0"1'-1"9'-6"2'-7"2'-7"1'-1"7'-9" Sprouts Farmers Market Space 28, 000 sq. ft of lease area 1.30 sq. ft. per 1 ft. of building frontage = Sign Area Allowed 160 ft. = 208 sq. ft. allowed 205 sq. ft. total signage exhibited. Primary Tenant ID at South Elevation has a 60” Cap Height. Secondary Tenant ID signs at South Elevation has a 13” Cap Height. Secondary Tenant ID at North Elevation has a 46” Cap Height. Note: All building demising space is for example only. Final space plan may change as determined by Landlord & Tenant. Sign placement is representative only. Final sign design & location to be determined by Landlord and Tenant. Exhibits for illustrative purposes only to show options for tenant sign placement using estimated sign area. 100 sq. ft.20 sq. ft.25 sq. ft. Building A - South Elevation Maximum Square Footage Allowances and Signage Placement Guidelines Representative Elevations Illuminated wall signs are prohibited on any building elevation that faces and is within three hundred feet of any property line that adjoins residentially zoned property (CMC; Section 21.41.095, Note 3). No illuminated wall signs are allowed on the west elevations for Building A,E,F, and the northwest corner elevation on Building D. An alternative design may be supported. 12THE SQUARE at Bressi Ranch V 2017-0009/PS 2017-0087 C BA DE F G H N Partial North Elevation, 1/16”=1’-0” North Elevation, 1/16”=1’-0”3'-10"15'-9" Sprouts Farmers Market Space 28, 000 sq. ft of lease area 1.30 sq. ft. per 1 ft. of building frontage = Sign Area Allowed 160 ft. = 208 sq. ft. allowed 205 sq. ft. total signage exhibited. Primary Tenant ID at South Elevation has a 60” Cap Height. Secondary Tenant ID signs at South Elevation has a 13” Cap Height. Secondary Tenant ID at North Elevation has a 46” Cap Height. Note: All building demising space is for example only. Final space plan may change as determined by Landlord & Tenant. Sign placement is representative only. Final sign design & location to be determined by Landlord and Tenant. Exhibits for illustrative purposes only to show options for tenant sign placement using estimated sign area. 60 sq. ft. Building A - North Elevation Maximum Square Footage Allowances and Signage Placement Guidelines Representative Elevations Illuminated wall signs are prohibited on any building elevation that faces and is within three hundred feet of any property line that adjoins residentially zoned property (CMC; Section 21.41.095, Note 3). No illuminated wall signs are allowed on the west elevations for Building A,E,F, and the northwest corner elevation on Building D. An alternative design may be supported. 13THE SQUARE at Bressi Ranch V 2017-0009/PS 2017-0087Building B Elevations Maximum Square Footage Allowances and Signage Placement Guidelines Representative Elevations C BA DE F G H S N E North Elevation, 1/16”=1’-0” South Elevation, 1/16”=1’-0” East Elevation, 1/16”=1’-0” Building Frontage: 136’ = 176.8 sq. ft. 1.3 Secondary Tenant ID. - 24” Max. Cap Height 1.1 1.3 1.1 5 typ. 53 sq. ft. 1 x 4 = 4 sq. ft. 94 sq. ft. 19.5 sq. ft. Note: All building demising space is for example only. Final space plan may change as determined by Landlord & Tenant. Sign placement is representative only. Final sign design & location to be determined by Landlord and Tenant. Exhibits for illustrative purposes only to show options for tenant sign placement using estimated sign area. CVS Pharmacy Space 16,454 sq. ft of lease area 1.30 sq. ft. per 1 ft. of building frontage = Sign Area Allowed 136 ft. = 176.8 sq. ft. allowed 174.5 sq. ft. total signage exhibited Primary Tenant ID at 46” Cap Height. 3 3 Blade Sign - 6 sq. ft. max 5 Window Graphics 1.1 Primary Tenant ID. - 46” Max. Cap Height 24'-5"3'-2"3'-10"9'-6"3'-10"1'-4"5'-7"1'-7"12'-7" 6 sq. ft. 14THE SQUARE at Bressi Ranch V 2017-0009/PS 2017-0087Building C Elevations Maximum Square Footage Allowances and Signage Placement Guidelines Representative Elevations East Elevation, 1/16”=1’-0”North/East Elevation, 1/16”=1’-0” North Elevation, 1/16”=1’-0” South Elevation, 1/16”=1’-0” Building Frontage: 32.5’ = 37.38 sq. ft. Building Frontage: 60’ = 78 sq. ft.Building Frontage: 45’ = 51.75 sq.ft. C BA DE F G H S N E J JJ J J JJJ 5 typ. 1.3 3 3 3 45 sq. ft. 6 sq. ft. 1.3 Note: All building demising space is for example only. Final space plan may change as determined by Landlord & Tenant. Sign placement is representative only. Final sign design & location to be determined by Landlord and Tenant. Exhibits for illustrative purposes only to show options for tenant sign placement using estimated sign area. BevMo Space 7,857 sq. ft of lease area 1.30 sq. ft. per 1 ft. of building frontage = Sign Area Allowed 60 ft. = 78 sq. ft. allowed 72 sq. ft. total signage exhibited Primary Tenant ID at 39” Cap Height. Secondary Tenant ID at 30” Cap Height. All other Tenant Spaces 1.15 sq. ft. per 1 ft. of building frontage = Sign Area Allowed 1.3 1.3 3 Blade Sign - 6 sq. ft. max 5 Window Graphics 1.3 Primary Tenant ID. - 24” Max. Cap Height 1.1b Secondary Tenant ID. - 30” Max. Cap Height 1.1a 27 sq. ft.1.1b 1.1a Primary Tenant ID. - 39” Max. Cap Height 3'-3"13'-11" 10'-7"2'-6" 15THE SQUARE at Bressi Ranch V 2017-0009/PS 2017-0087Building D Elevations Maximum Square Footage Allowances and Signage Placement Guidelines Representative Elevations C BA DE F G H S N W West Elevation, 1/16”=1’-0”North/West Elevation, 1/16”=1’-0” North Elevation, 1/16”=1’-0” South Elevation, 1/16”=1’-0” Building Frontage: 29’ = 33.35 sq. ft.Building Frontage: 45’ = 51.75 sq. ft.Building Frontage: 40’ = 46 sq. ft. 1.3 Primary Tenant ID. - 24” Max. Cap Height 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 3 5 typ. 3 3 1.3 1.3 Note: All building demising space is for example only. Final space plan may change as determined by Landlord & Tenant. Sign placement is representative only. Final sign design & location to be determined by Landlord and Tenant. Exhibits for illustrative purposes only to show options for tenant sign placement using estimated sign area. 1.15 sq. ft. per 1 ft. of building frontage = Sign Area Allowed Optional Sign Locations 3 Blade Sign - 6 sq. ft. max 5 Window Graphics Illuminated wall signs are prohibited on any building elevation that faces and is within three hundred feet of any property line that adjoins residentially zoned property (CMC; Section 21.41.095, Note 3). No illuminated wall signs are allowed on the west elevations for Building A,E,F, and the northwest corner elevation on Building D. An alternative design may be supported. If an alternative design is supported by staff such as Halo Illumination, then a night view simulation exhibit will be required as part of the sign permit application. 16THE SQUARE at Bressi Ranch V 2017-0009/PS 2017-0087Building E Elevations Maximum Square Footage Allowances and Signage Placement Guidelines Representative Elevations J J J J J 05 06 07 C BA DE F G H S N EW West Elevation, 1/16”=1’-0” South Elevation, 1/16”=1’-0” North Elevation, 1/16”=1’-0”East Elevation, 1/16”=1’-0” Building Frontage: 36’ = 41.4 sq. ft. Building Frontage: 25’ = 28.75 sq. ft. Building Frontage: 60’ = 69 sq. ft. Building Frontage: 60’ = 69 sq. ft. South/East Elevation, 1/16”=1’-0” 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 3 5 1.21.2 1.2 2 Note: All building demising space is for example only. Final space plan may change as determined by Landlord & Tenant. Sign placement is representative only. Final sign design & location to be determined by Landlord and Tenant. Exhibits for illustrative purposes only to show options for tenant sign placement using estimated sign area. 1.15 sq. ft. per 1 ft. of building frontage = Sign Area Allowed Optional Sign Locations 2 Primary Tenant ID. - Projected Sign 3 Blade Sign - 6 sq. ft. max 5 Window Graphics 1.3 Primary Tenant ID. - 24” Max. Cap Height 1.2 Primary Tenant ID. - 30” Max. Cap Height 1.31.3Illuminated wall signs are prohibited on any building elevation that faces and is within three hundred feet of any property line that adjoins residentially zoned property (CMC; Section 21.41.095, Note 3). No illuminated wall signs are allowed on the west elevations for Building A,E,F, and the northwest corner elevation on Building D. An alternative design may be supported. If an alternative design is supported by staff such as Halo Illumination, then a night view simulation exhibit will be required as part of the sign permit application. 17THE SQUARE at Bressi Ranch V 2017-0009/PS 2017-0087Building F Elevations Maximum Square Footage Allowances and Signage Placement Guidelines Representative Elevations J J J J 0302050607 0822'-3"04 North Elevation, 1/16”=1’-0”South Elevation, 1/16”=1’-0” East Elevation, 1/16”=1’-0” West Elevation, 1/16”=1’-0”South/East Elevation, 1/16”=1’-0” Building Frontage: 40’ = 46 sq. ft. Building Frontage: 60’ = 69 sq. ft. Building Frontage: 60’ = 69 sq. ft. C BA DE H F G N E S W 1.3 Primary Tenant ID. - 24” Max. Cap Height 3 Blade Sign - 6 sq. ft. max 5 Window Graphics 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.31.2 1.3 3 5 5 3 1.2 Note: All building demising space is for example only. Final space plan may change as determined by Landlord & Tenant. Sign placement is representative only. Final sign design & location to be determined by Landlord and Tenant. Exhibits for illustrative purposes only to show options for tenant sign placement using estimated sign area. 1.15 sq. ft. per 1 ft. of building frontage = Sign Area Allowed 1.2 Optional Sign Locations 1.2 1.2 Primary Tenant ID. - 30” Max. Cap Height 1.3 Illuminated wall signs are prohibited on any building elevation that faces and is within three hundred feet of any property line that adjoins residentially zoned property (CMC; Section 21.41.095, Note 3). No illuminated wall signs are allowed on the west elevations for Building A,E,F, and the northwest corner elevation on Building D. An alternative design may be supported. If an alternative design is supported by staff such as Halo Illumination, then a night view simulation exhibit will be required as part of the sign permit application. 18THE SQUARE at Bressi Ranch V 2017-0009/PS 2017-0087Building G Elevations Maximum Square Footage Allowances and Signage Placement Guidelines Representative Elevations J J 06 07 C BA DE F G H S N W E East Elevation, 1/16”=1’-0”West Elevation, 1/16”=1’-0” North Elevation, 1/16”=1’-0”North/East Elevation, 1/16”=1’-0” South Elevation, 1/16”=1’-0” Building Frontage: 64’ = 73.6 sq. ft.Building Frontage: 58’ = 66.7 sq. ft. Optional Sign Locations 1.2 Primary Tenant ID. - 30” Max. Cap Height 3 Blade Sign - 6 sq. ft. max 5 Window Graphics 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 3 3 3 5 typ. Note: All building demising space is for example only. Final space plan may change as determined by Landlord & Tenant. Sign placement is representative only. Final sign design & location to be determined by Landlord and Tenant. Exhibits for illustrative purposes only to show options for tenant sign placement using estimated sign area. 1.15 sq. ft. per 1 ft. of building frontage = Sign Area Allowed 1.2 19THE SQUARE at Bressi Ranch V 2017-0009/PS 2017-0087Building H Elevations Maximum Square Footage Allowances and Signage Placement Guidelines C BA DE F G H S N E WNorth Elevation, 1/16”=1’-0” South Elevation, 1/16”=1’-0” East Elevation, 1/16”=1’-0”West Elevation, 1/16”=1’-0”South/East Elevation, 1/16”=1’-0” Building Frontage: 40’ = 46 sq. ft. Building Frontage: 70’ = 80.5 sq. ft.Building Frontage: 72’ = 82.8 sq. ft. Optional Sign Locations 1.3 Primary Tenant ID. - 24” Max. Cap Height 3 Blade Sign - 6 sq. ft. max 5 Window Graphics 1.21.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 3 3 5 Note: All building demising space is for example only. Final space plan may change as determined by Landlord & Tenant. Sign placement is representative only. Final sign design & location to be determined by Landlord and Tenant. Exhibits for illustrative purposes only to show options for tenant sign placement using estimated sign area. 1.15 sq. ft. per 1 ft. of building frontage = Sign Area Allowed 1.2 Primary Tenant ID. - 30” Max. Cap Height 1.3 Representative Elevations 20THE SQUARE at Bressi Ranch V 2017-0009/PS 2017-0087 12Pacic Neon Co. © 2012 La Costa Town SquareLa Costa Town Square LETTERS 24” to 60” Height per Lease Area nor exceed 75% of allotted major tenant fascia height Descenders not included in height calculation, but overall letter size must not exceed 75% of allotted anchor tenant fascia height TOTAL SIGN LENGTH must not exceed 75% of Tenant Lease Space or Architectural Background Typical Tenant Building Sign - Single Line Copy Layout TOTAL SIGN LENGTH must not exceed 75% of Tenant Lease Space or Architectural Background Typical Tenant Building Sign - LogoTypical Tenant Building Sign - Stacked Letters & Word Cabinet Sign Layout 7.0 Tenant Sign Exhibits LOGO 24” to 60” Height per Lease Area nor exceed 75% of allotted major tenant fascia height LETTERS 24” to 60” Height per Lease Area nor exceed 75% of allotted major tenant fascia height Descenders not included in height calculation, but overall letter size must not exceed 75% of allotted anchor tenant fascia height TOTAL SIGN LENGTH must not exceed 75% of Tenant Lease Space or Architectural Background Non illuminated shaped background Typical Retail Tenant Building Sign- Letters with Shaped Background Panel LETTERS 24” to 60” Height per Lease Area nor exceed 75% of allotted major tenant fascia height December 30, 2014 4” gap allowed & not counted towards total height Subject to sign height standards but are not subject to sign letter height standards. Tenant Sign Exhibit Details by Pacific Neon Tenant Sign Exhibit 21THE SQUARE at Bressi Ranch V 2017-0009/PS 2017-0087 Typical Letter Sections Note: For example only. Tenant will furnish specific details in their submittal drawings. HALO ILLUMINATED LETTER W/ BACKGROUND PANELHALO ILLUMINATED LETTER LETTER SECTION L.E.D. RPCL HALO LIT 1 1/2" .063 ALUM. RETURN .125 ALUM. FACE LEXAN BACK 1/4"DIA. UP TO 36" LETTER3/8" DIA. OVER 36" LETTERFASTENER TYPE PER WALL CONDITION-SEE FIELD CHECK LOW VOLTAGE CABLE W/ 1/2" DIA. FLEXIBLE SEALTIGHT CONDUIT DISCONNECT SWITCH L.E.D. RACEWAY WITH GROUNDED12V POWER SUPPLY PRIMARY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 7 4 5 6 8 9 PACIFIC NEON CO. ©2011 TOGGLER WEDGE ANCHOR 4 3” 9 4 1/2" LETTER SECTION L.E.D. RPCL HALO LIT 1 1/2" .063 ALUM. RETURN .125 ALUM. FACE LEXAN BACK 1/4"DIA. UP TO 36" LETTER3/8" DIA. OVER 36" LETTERFASTENER TYPE PER WALL CONDITION-SEE FIELD CHECK LOW VOLTAGE CABLE W/ 1/2" DIA. FLEXIBLE SEALTIGHT CONDUIT DISCONNECT SWITCH L.E.D. RACEWAY WITH GROUNDED12V POWER SUPPLY PRIMARY ALUM. BACKER PANEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 7 4 5 6 8 PACIFIC NEON CO. ©2011 TOGGLER WEDGE ANCHOR 5 10 FRONT/HALO LIT ILLUMINATED LETTER LETTER SECTION L.E.D. FRONT/HALO LIT 1 1/2" .063 ALUM. RETURN ACRYLIC FACE LEXAN BACK 1/4"DIA. UP TO 36" LETTER3/8" DIA. OVER 36" LETTERFASTENER TYPE PER WALL CONDITION-SEE FIELD CHECK LOW VOLTAGE CABLE W/ 1/2" DIA. FLEXIBLE SEALTIGHT CONDUIT DISCONNECT SWITCH L.E.D. RACEWAY WITH GROUNDED12V POWER SUPPLY PRIMARY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 TOGGLER WEDGE ANCHOR 4 3” 7 3 Fabrication Details Typical Sign Details Details by Pacific Neon ELEVATION VIEW, GATEWAY ENTRY DRIVE, nts PLAN VIEW, GATEWAY ENTRY DRIVE, nts 22THE SQUARE at Bressi Ranch V 2017-0009/PS 2017-0087 Master Sign Program AA1 - Gateway Sign Location Sign Designs ELEVATION, GATEWAY ENTRY DRIVE, East Wall, 1/4” = 1’-0” ELEVATION, GATEWAY ENTRY DRIVE, East Wall, 1/4” = 1’-0” SECTION, GATEWAY ENTRY DRIVE, East Wall, 1/4” = 1’-0” 10 sq. ft.26.5 sq. ft. 55.5 sq. ft. TOTAL 9 sq. ft. ELEVATION, GATEWAY ENTRY DRIVE, West Wall, 1/4” = 1’-0” Maximum allowable area per Tenant. Plan view 1’-10"1’-6"1’-3"6'-0" Wall, grade varies17'-9" 35'-9" 19'-9"16'-0" 8'-0"8'-0"18"6"9"7"11'-1"9"1'-2"4"4"3"7'-6"3" Letters Fabricated aluminum with powder-coat finish, up lit from cabinet below. Cabinet Fabricated aluminum cabinet with powder-coat for color and faux wood finish, internal illumination, routed letter and pushed through acrylic copy. SITE VISIBILITYTRIANGLES. NOTHINGOVER 30" IN HEIGHTIN THIS AREA 23THE SQUARE at Bressi Ranch V 2017-0009/PS 2017-0087 Master Sign Program AA1 - Gateway Sign Sign Designs End View Elevation, 1/2”=1’-0” Plan view This Concept would run perpendicular to El Fuerte St. Letters Fabricated aluminum with powder-coat finish, illuminated from in front of internally illuminated acrylic panel. Cabinet Fabricated aluminum cabinet with powder-coat for color and faux wood finish, internal illumination, routed letter and pushed through acrylic copy. Support Base Cast concrete monument base. 10 sq. ft. 4 sq. ft. 2 sq. ft.4 sq. ft. SITE VISIBILITYTRIANGLES. NOTHINGOVER 30" IN HEIGHTIN THIS AREA 10"4'-9"1'-0"1'-2"11'-0" 4'-0"3'-4"24THE SQUARE at Bressi Ranch V 2017-0009/PS 2017-0087AA3 - Monument Entry Sign Sign Designs Master Sign Program a t B r e s s i R a n c h T H E S Q U A R ETHE S Q U A R E Plan view ELEVATION, GATEWAY at EL FUERTE, 1/4” = 1’-0” Letters Fabricated aluminum with powder-coat finish, up lit from cabinet below. Cabinet Fabricated aluminum cabinet with powder-coat internal illumination, routed letter and pushed through acrylic copy. End View 29 sq. ft. 9 sq. ft. 38 sq. ft. TOTAL 3'-6"20'-0"1’-3"6'-0" Wall, grade varies18'-0"1'-7"1'-10"8" 25THE SQUARE at Bressi Ranch V 2017-0009/PS 2017-0087AA4 - Secondary Gateway Sign Sign Designs Master Sign Program Elevation, 1/2”=1’-0” 26THE SQUARE at Bressi Ranch V 2017-0009/PS 2017-0087Regulatory Vehicular Signs Sign Designs Master Sign Program Uptown Bressi Ranch Sign ProgramV 2017‐0009/PS 2017‐0087 Location Map Modified Sign Program1. 30% increase in sign/letter height and sign area for wall signs of anchor tenants (i.e. Sprouts, CVS, and BevMo).2. 15% increase in sign area for wall signs of all other tenants.3. One additional monument sign. Sign ElevationsAnchor Tenant 30% increase sign/letter height & sign area Non‐Anchor TenantNo increase sign/letter height & 15% increase sign area Comparable Sign Program –La Costa Town SquareAnchor Tenant 30% increase sign/letter height & sign area Non‐Anchor TenantNo increase sign/letter height & 15% increase sign area Monument Sign –El Fuerte St. & Gateway Rd. Intersection without SignIntersection with Sign Variance1. Increase in sign letter height of the Sprout's anchor tenant sign from 36” to 60”. Sign ElevationProposed – 60”Allowed – 36” Comparable SignsLowe’s –Palomar CommonsSprout’s –Los Coches Village 60” tall letters280’ from ROW60” tall letters330’ from ROW Sign ComparisonLowe’s –Palomar CommonsSprout’s –Project Site60” tall letters650’ from ROW (Gateway Rd.)60” tall letters280’ from ROW Project Consistency•General Plan – Local Shopping Center (L)•Sign Ordinance –CMC Chapter 21.41•Variance –CMC Chapter 21.50•California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) RecommendationThat the Planning Commission:ADOPTPlanning Commission Resolution No. 7303APPROVINGVariance V2017‐0009 and ModifiedSign Program PS2017‐0087, based upon thefindings and subject to the conditions containedtherein.