HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-12-05; Planning Commission; ; CUP 2017-0009/CDP 2017-0049 (DEV2017-0010) – ECO-FRIENDLY AUTO SPAItem No.
Application complete date: July 25, 2018
P.C. AGENDA OF: December 5, 2018 Project Planner: Jason Goff
Project Engineer: David Rick
SUBJECT: CUP 2017-0009/CDP 2017-0049 (DEV2017-0010) – ECO-FRIENDLY AUTO SPA – Request
for approval of a Minor Conditional Use Permit and Coastal Development Permit to allow
for 1) the demolition of an existing vacant building and parking lot, and 2) development
of the site with a new car wash use, located at 6010 Avenida Encinas within the Mello II
Segment of the Local Coastal Program and Local Facilities Management Zone 3. The
project site is not within the appealable area of the California Coastal Commission. The
City Planner has determined that the project belongs to a class of projects that the State
Secretary for Resources has found do not have a significant impact on the environment,
and it is therefore categorically exempt from the requirement for the preparation of
environmental documents pursuant to Section 15332, in-fill development projects, of the
State CEQA Guidelines.
That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 7316 APPROVING Minor
Conditional Use Permit CUP 2017-0009 and Coastal Development Permit CDP 2017-0049, based on the
findings and subject to the conditions contained therein.
The proposed project is situated on a 1.15-acre parcel located at 6010 Avenida Encinas on the east side
of the street, approximately 650 feet south of its intersection with Palomar Airport Road. The project site
is presently developed with a vacant 12,000-square foot one-story building that was previously occupied
by Cavallo Motorsports, a business dealing in the sale of used sport cars and auto repair.
The project applicant is proposing to demolish the existing building and its surrounding parking lot,
followed by the redevelopment of the site with a modern car wash facility consisting of an automated car
wash building (5,135 square feet), covered drive-up pay stations, 19 covered vacuum stations, a small
accessory building for housing vacuum equipment and restrooms, a trash enclosure, three (3) employee
parking spaces, one (1) ADA accessible parking space, one (1) monument sign (6-foot tall, 60 square feet)
oriented towards Avenida Encinas, three (3) small directional signs (4-foot tall, 6 square feet), site
landscaping, and hardscape for vehicular and pedestrian circulation.
The car wash use, proposed by Toyota Carlsbad, is intended for public use as well as the service division
of the adjacent Toyota Carlsbad facility, which includes Toyota Carlsbad Parts & Service, Toyota Carlsbad
Collision Center, Carlsbad Collision Center, and Hertz Rent-a-Car. The car wash facility is completely
automated, utilizes a water recovery recycling system, and does not employ any on-site hand washing,
hand drying or detailing services by staff. Customers will drive their own vehicles up to the wash tunnel
entrance, instructive prompts guide customers into the tunnel where they remain inside their vehicle for
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the duration of the wash cycle. The automated system will pull the vehicles through the wash cycle to
the exit on the other side, where the customer then recovers control of the vehicle and has the option of
driving to the vacuum stations or directly to the exit. For parking, three on-site employees are considered
for general maintenance and operations of the car wash facility and grounds.
The site has been carefully designed and provides for adequate stacking of multiple vehicles along its
Avenida Encinas street frontage and easy access through the site for its customers. The site plan also
provides adequate circulation for waste management services and emergency service vehicles through
shared access with the adjacent Toyota Carlsbad parcel. The exit tunnel of the car wash building is
designed to face east into the existing Toyota Carlsbad Service Center and away from any residential or
sensitive noise receptor land uses. The car wash hours of operation are proposed as 7 AM to 8 PM, seven
days a week.
The car wash building design complements the existing Toyota Carlsbad corporate theme, yet maintains
a contemporary non-branded appearance that also encourages use by the public. The exterior building
shell is steel framed with large areas of glass, satin anodized aluminum framed windows, and solid metal
panels with bands of stone/tile accents. The roof consists of solid metal and clear polycarbonate roofing
material. The interior tunnel of the car wash building is open to the structure above offering customers a
light, airy experience. All the interior and exterior finishes are durable, water-resistant, and color
coordinated with the exterior theme.
Minor Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 2017-0009 is required for the approval of the proposed car wash
use. Because the site is located within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program, Coastal
Development Permit No. CDP 2017-0049 is required for the approval of the proposed demolition and
associated development activity.
Table ‘A’ below includes the General Plan designations, zoning and current land uses of the project site
and surrounding properties.
Location General Plan Designation Zoning Current Land Use
Site Planned Industrial (PI)
Industrial (M) w/
Vacant Building, formally
Cavallo Motorsports
North PI M Multi-tenant Office
South PI M Toyota Carlsbad
Auto Services
East PI M Toyota Carlsbad
Auto Services
West Transportation Corridor (TC) Transportation Corridor (T-C) Railroad
The proposed project is subject to the following plans, ordinances, standards, and policies:
A. General Plan (Planned Industrial (PI) Land Use Designation);
B. Industrial (M) Zone (CMC Chapter 21.32), and Commercial/Visitor-Serving Overlay Zone (CMC
Chapter 21.208);
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C. Conditional Use Permit Regulations (CMC Chapter 21.42), and Development Standards and Special
Regulations for Car Washes (CMC Section 21.42.140.B.45);
D. Parking Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.44):
E. McClellan-Palomar Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP);
F. Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program, and Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (CMC
Chapter 21.203); and
G. Growth Management (CMC Chapter 21.90) and Zone 3 Local Facilities Management Plan.
The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project’s consistency
with the applicable regulations and policies. The project’s compliance with each of the above regulations
is discussed in the following sections.
A. General Plan (Planned Industrial (PI) Land Use Designation)
The site has a General Plan Land Use designation of Planned Industrial (PI) with an implementing zoning
designation of Industrial (M). The PI land use designation, which is primarily intended to provide and
protect industrial lands for corporate office, research and development and manufacturing uses, also
allows for ancillary commercial uses, such as a car wash. The M Zone Permitted Uses Table allows for
tiering down to those uses also permitted within the Heavy Commercial (C-M) Zone, the General
Commercial (C-2) Zone and the Neighborhood Commercial (C-1) Zone. The car wash use can be found
within the permitted uses table of the C-2 Zone subject to the approval of a Minor Conditional Use Permit
and additional special development standards and regulations. Compliance with these standards are
covered in Section B below. Compliance with the various elements of the General Plan is illustrated in
Table ‘B’ below.
Element Goals & Policies Proposed Uses & Improvements Comply
Land Use &
Policy 2-G.2 - Promote a
diversity of compatible land
uses throughout the city, to
enable people to live close to
job locations, adequate and
convenient commercial
services, and public support
systems such as transit,
parks, schools, and utilities.
The proposed project provides a convenient
commercial service in close proximity to Carlsbad
residents and employees. The project site is
conveniently located near major and prime
arterial streets allowing easy access for residents
and workers within the city to wash their
Policy 2-G.3 - Promote infill
development that makes
efficient use of limited land
supply, while ensuring
compatibility and integration
with existing uses. Ensure
that infill properties develop
with uses and development
intensities supporting a
cohesive development
The proposed project is an infill development
located adjacent to the existing Toyota Carlsbad
Service Center. The proposed car wash is
compatible with and will be integrated into the
existing service center through shared points of
access and driveways. This project supports a
cohesive development pattern of automobile
service uses in this vicinity.
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Element Goals & Policies Proposed Uses & Improvements Comply
Land Use &
Policy 2-G.5 - Protect the
neighborhood atmosphere
and identity of existing
residential areas.
The proposed project has been designed and
conditioned to minimize any adverse visual and
noise impacts to existing residential
neighborhoods within the vicinity.
Policy 2-P.29 – Include
provisions in the Zoning
Ordinance to allow services
and support uses in areas
designated Planned
Industrial; such uses may
include but are not limited to
commercial/retail uses that
support planned industrial
uses, office uses, places of
worship, recreation facilities,
education facilities,
conference facilities, daycare
centers, short-term lodging,
and other services.
The car wash use proposed by Toyota Carlsbad is
an ancillary commercial service intended to
support their adjacent service center, as well as
being made available for use by other
surrounding businesses and the general public.
Policy 2-P.37 – Require new
development located in the
Airport Influence Area (AIA)
to comply with the
applicable land use
compatibility provisions of
the McClellan Palomar
Airport Land Use
Compatibility Plan (ALUCP)
through review and approval
of a site development plan or
other development permit.
Unless otherwise approved
by City Council, development
proposals must be consistent
or conditionally-consistent
with applicable land use
compatibility policies with
respect to noise, safety,
airspace protection, and
overflight notification, as
contained in the ALUCP.
The subject site is located within Review Area 2
of the Airport Influence Area (AIA); and thus, the
proposed use and development proposal is
subject to the McClellan-Palomar Airport Land
Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP). However, the
project site is located outside of Safety Zones 1-6
as well as all noise exposure contours; and thus,
the proposed use is considered compatible.
Additionally, the project site, with a pad
elevation of 55 feet above mean sea level (MSL)
is well below the minimum FAA Height
Notification Boundary of 331 feet MSL. Although
the subject site is located within the Airport
Overflight Notification Area, an overflight
notification is not required due to the proposed
use being non-residential development. The
proposed use and development is therefore
consistent with the applicable land use
compatibility policies as contained within the
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Element Goals & Policies Proposed Uses & Improvements Comply
Noise Goal 5-G.3 Guide the
location and design of
transportation facilities,
industrial uses and other
potential noise generators to
minimize the effects of noise
on adjacent land uses.
The proposed project has been designed to
minimize noise impacts to adjacent properties,
especially the residential homes to the west on
the other side of the railroad tracks. The project
utilizes the most modern technology to minimize
noise levels emanating from the car wash facility.
The design and orientation of the proposed
facility ensures that noise is directed away from
residential uses. A noise impact analysis,
conducted by Eilar Associates Inc. (dated
December 5, 2017), concluded that the project
does not exceed any city noise standards as
designed. The proposed dryer equipment
discussed in the report is conditioned to be
incorporated into final construction design as
well as a requirement to perform a subsequent
operational-type noise impact analysis prior to
final inspection and operation of the car wash
Policy 5-P.5 – Noise
Generation. As part of
development project
approval, require that noise
generated by a project does
not exceed standards
established in Table 5-3 –
Performance Standards for
Non-Transportation Sources
(as measured at property
line of source/sensitive use).
Policy 5-P.12 – Use the noise
policies in the McClellan-
Palomar Airport Land Use
Compatibility Plan (ALUCP)
to determine acceptability of
a land use within the
airport’s influence area (AIA)
as depicted in the ALUCP.
Noise compatibility is evaluated pursuant to the
policies and noise contours as set forth in the
ALUCP, Section 3.3 Noise Compatibility Policies
for McClellan-Palomar Airport. The proposed
building is located outside of the 60 dB CNEL
Noise Exposure contour pursuant to Exhibit III-1
of the ALUCP. Where the project site is exposed
to less than 60 dB CNEL, the proposed land use is
considered compatible.
Mobility Goal 3-G.2 - Improve
connectivity for residents,
visitors and businesses
A project traffic analysis prepared by Chen Ryan
Associates on October 3, 2017, shows that the
previous use (auto dealership, parts and repair
for specialty vehicles) had a total average daily
trip (ADT) generation of 600 ADT (30 during AM
peak and 48 during PM peak). For purposes of
existing street and intersection capacity, this
traffic is already included in existing levels. With
the proposed car wash, the total ADT generation
for the site would be 660 ADT, so only 60 ADT
(net 12 new peak trips) will be added to the
street system from this project. The 60 ADT net
increase is considered very minimal to the
existing street system and would not create a
change to the existing level of service.
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Element Goals & Policies Proposed Uses & Improvements Comply
Mobility Goal 3-G.7 - Provide for the
safe and efficient movement
of goods throughout the city.
The existing uses on the adjacent site (Toyota
Carlsbad Parts & Service, Toyota Carlsbad
Collision Center, Carlsbad Collision and Hertz
Rent-a-Car) would make up for approximately 34
percent of all car wash usage. Because the
internal driveway system connects the project
site with all of these adjacent uses, there would
be no traffic generated by these users that would
enter the public street system. This cohesive
development pattern of automobile service-
related uses allows for a sharing of private
driveways on site, providing for a safer and more
efficient movement of goods.
Sustainability Policy 9-P.1 – Enforce the
Climate Action Plan as the
city’s strategy to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions.
A Greenhouse Gas Emissions study was prepared
for the project by Rincon Consultants, Inc.
(November 2017). The estimated emissions
associated with both construction and
operational activities are projected to be below
the 900-metric ton screening threshold of the
city’s Climate Action Plan (CAP); and thus, the
project is exempt from the provisions of the CAP.
Public Safety Policy 6-P.34 – Enforce the
Uniform Building and Fire
codes, adopted by the City,
to provide fire protection
standards for all existing and
proposed structures.
The project requires approval of a building
permit. The building permit review process
requires submittal of construction drawings for
review and compliance with the Uniform
Building and Fire codes.
B. & C. Industrial (M) Zone (CMC Chapter 21.32), Commercial/Visitor-Serving Overlay Zone (CMC
Chapter 21.208); Conditional Use Permit Regulations (CMC Chapter 21.42), and Development
Standards and Special Regulations for Car Washes (CMC Section 21.42.140.B.45)
The proposed car wash use is in the Industrial (M) Zone (CMC Chapter 21.32) and the Commercial/Visitor-
Serving Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter 21.208). Pursuant to CMC Section 21.208.050, where the underlying
zoning authorizes conditionally permitted uses, CMC Chapter 21.42, not CMC Chapter 21.208, shall apply.
Car wash facilities located in the M Zone require approval of a minor conditional use permit subject to the
provisions of CMC Chapter 21.42, as well as compliance with additional Development Standards and
Special Regulations found in CMC Section 21.42.140.B.45. Chapter 21.42 of the CMC requires four findings
to be made to approve a conditional use permit. Additionally, CMC Section 21.42.140.B.45 includes eight
development standards and special regulations.
The four findings for approving a minor conditional use permit can be made, and the project is in
compliance with the Development Standards and Special Regulations for a car wash use as discussed
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1.That the requested use is necessary or desirable for the development of the community, and is in
harmony with the various elements and objectives of the General Plan.
The use provides a retail car wash service in a convenient location to the surrounding residential,
commercial, office and industrial users. The use is located near major arterials (Palomar Airport Road
and Avenida Encinas) that will provide easy access to the facility without the need of driving through
residential neighborhoods. A car wash facility is a desirable use within the city because strict water
usage laws discourage residents from washing their vehicle at home and an alternative method is
needed. This facility will reduce water usage by its enhanced recycled water system and by allowing
an alternative to residents who otherwise may wash their cars at home. Also, the project will result
in lower carbon emissions from people who may otherwise have to drive longer distances to go to
other car washes. Lower vehicle miles traveled, reduced carbon emissions and lower water usage
resulting from this project are all goals of the city’s General Plan.
2.That the requested use is not detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the
zone in which the proposed use is to be located.
The project will not create traffic issues in the vicinity. A project traffic analysis was prepared by Chen
Ryan Associates on October 3, 2017, and concluded that all transportation standards will be met (see
additional discussion below). There is sufficient access from Palomar Airport Road and Avenida
Encinas to accommodate the proposed use without creating any detrimental impacts to adjacent
users or major intersections. Usage of the site will be spread over the entire day and there will be no
peak time impacts to the major roadways and intersections in the vicinity. The project has also been
designed to minimize noise impacts emanating from the car wash facility. The building is oriented to
direct noise away from nearby residences to the west. A noise impact analysis, conducted by Eilar
Associates Inc. (dated December 5, 2017), concluded that the project does not exceed any city noise
standards as designed. Additionally, the project is compatible with surrounding uses since it is an
automobile service center that is incorporated into the surrounding automobile service-related uses,
such as Toyota Carlsbad Parts & Service, Toyota Carlsbad Collision Center, Carlsbad Collision Center,
and Hertz Rent-a-Car. A car wash use is specifically permitted in the M Zone and supports a cohesive
development pattern of automobile service uses. Therefore, this use is not detrimental to existing
uses located nearby and those permitted in the M Zone.
3.That the site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the yards, setbacks, walls, fences,
parking, loading facilities, buffer areas, landscaping and other development features prescribed by
code and required by the city planner, planning commission or city council, in order to integrate the
use with other uses in the neighborhood.
The car wash will occupy a newly constructed 5,135-square-foot stand-alone building on a 1.15-acre
lot. Parking will also be provided for each vacuum station for the convenience of customers. The car
wash building and accessory structures meet all required setbacks, height limits and parking
requirements pursuant to the city’s Municipal Code. Landscaping is proposed within the parking lot,
along the street frontage and throughout the site consistent with all requirements of the city’s
Landscape Manual. The building is oriented to ensure minimal visual and noise impacts to
surrounding land uses. The site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the proposed car wash
use while meeting all Municipal Code requirements.
4.That the street system serving the proposed use is adequate to properly handle all traffic generated
by the proposed use.
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A project traffic analysis prepared by Chen Ryan Associates on October 3, 2017, shows that the
previous use (auto dealership, parts and repair for specialty vehicles) had a total average daily trip
(ADT) generation of 600 ADT (30 during AM peak and 48 during PM peak). For purposes of existing
street and intersection capacity, this traffic is already included in existing levels. With the proposed
car wash, the total ADT generation for the site would be 660 ADT, so only 60 ADT (net 12 new peak
trips) will be added to the street system from this project. The 60 ADT net increase is considered very
minimal to the existing street system and would not create a change to the existing level of service.
Additionally, the existing uses on the adjacent Toyota Carlsbad site, such as Toyota Carlsbad Parts &
Service, Toyota Carlsbad Collision Center, Carlsbad Collision Center, and Hertz Rent-a-Car, would
make up approximately 34 percent of all car wash usage. Because the internal driveway system
connects all the above uses, there would be no traffic generated by these users that would enter the
public street system. The existing street system of Palomar Airport Road and Avenida Encinas is
adequate to properly handle the traffic generated by the new car wash.
5.The site shall be designed to reduce the visual impacts of buildings and waiting cars on surrounding
development and from public streets.
The project incorporates a 36-inch-high green screen planted with dense landscaping to reduce any
potential visual impacts of cars stacking parallel to the Avenida Encinas street frontage. Trees and
other informal landscape groupings have been strategically located within a 15-foot-wide landscape
planter along the Avenida Encinas street frontage to accent, screen and/or otherwise enhance certain
architectural features of the proposed architectural design. Groupings of dense landscape have been
placed near the entrance into the car wash building and street frontage to help in reducing views of
the interior operations of the car wash building to pass-by traffic. Adjacent properties to the north
and south of the site are also buffered by landscape planters of approximately 8-to-10 feet in width,
which are each planted with 4-to-5-foot tall green screen type shrub rows and additional palm trees
planted every 30 feet for visual effect.
6.All structures shall be architecturally designed to ensure compatibility with surrounding
The proposed car wash facility design complements the existing office and industrial buildings that
are situated adjacent to the site. Like the surrounding architecture, the exterior of the proposed
building employs large areas of glass, aluminum-framed windows, and accent bands of stone/tile. The
proposed colors are similar to and consistent with the adjacent Toyota Carlsbad campus theme.
Landscape plantings and dense green screens have been incorporated along the project frontage to
reduce any potential visual impacts of cars stacking parallel to the Avenida Encinas street frontage
and to further reduce direct visibility into the car wash building itself.
7.A noise analysis addressing noise impacts on surrounding development may be required.
The proposed project has been designed to minimize noise impacts to adjacent properties, especially
the residential homes to the west. The project utilizes the most modern technology to minimize noise
levels emanating from the car wash facility. The design and orientation of the proposed facility
ensures that noise is directed away from residential uses. A noise impact analysis, conducted by Eilar
Associates Inc. (dated December 5, 2017), concluded that the project does not exceed any city noise
standards as designed. The proposed dryer equipment discussed in the report is conditioned to be
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incorporated into the final construction design as well as a requirement to perform a subsequent
operational-type noise impact analysis prior to final inspection and operation of the car wash use.
8.A traffic study which analyzes the impact of the proposed car wash on adjacent and nearby
intersections may be required. The limits of this study shall be established by the city planner.
A project traffic analysis prepared by Chen Ryan Associates on October 3, 2017, shows that the
previous use (auto dealership, parts and repair for specialty vehicles) had a total average daily trip
(ADT) generation of 600 ADT (30 during AM peak and 48 during PM peak). For purposes of existing
street and intersection capacity, this traffic is already included in existing levels. With the proposed
car wash, the total ADT generation for the site would be 660 ADT, so only 60 ADT (net 12 new peak
trips) will be added to the street system from this project. The 60 ADT net increase is considered very
minimal to the existing street system and would not create a change to the existing level of service.
Additionally, the existing uses on the adjacent Toyota Carlsbad site, such as Toyota Carlsbad Parts &
Service, Toyota Carlsbad Collision Center, Carlsbad Collision Center, and Hertz Rent-a-Car, would
make up approximately 34 percent of all car wash usage. Because the internal driveway system
connects all the above uses, there would be no traffic generated by these users that would enter the
public street system. The existing street system of Palomar Airport Road and Avenida Encinas is
adequate to properly handle the traffic generated by the new car wash.
9.Adequate parking and circulation shall be provided on-site to accommodate the proposed use.
The project provides adequate parking for employees, disabled persons and customers; and the
onsite circulation is designed to accommodate the queuing of multiple vehicles and easy access
through the site for customers, emergency personnel and waste management services.
10.Waiting areas for cars shall be screened by a combination of landscaping, fencing and berming.
The stacking lanes for cars approaching the entrance to the car wash facility will be lined with a 36-
inch tall metal green screen type fence set directly behind the drive aisle curb edge closest to Avenida
Encinas. The screen will be planted with pink jasmine vines at densely-spaced intervals to immediately
grow to form a natural visual barrier. This screen will extend along the length of the drive aisle
paralleling Avenida Encinas to help with the screening of stacked cars awaiting entrance into the car
wash building. In addition, a 15-foot wide area of landscaping has been incorporated along this
frontage between the green screen and back of public sidewalk. This area is being planted in
accordance with the city’s Landscape Manual and with time will grow to further assist in visually
buffering waiting cars.
11.All signs shall comply with an approved sign program.
A requirement to submit a sign program consistent with the signage requirements as outlined within
the city’s Municipal Code has been made a condition of approval.
12.Adequate means of eliminating grease and oils from drainage systems shall be provided
The proposed car wash building employs a water recovery recycling system specifically designed for
capturing drain water emanating from the car wash use, filtering out grease, oils and other debris,
and restocking in underground tanks for continued reuse during the wash cycle applications.
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In addition to making the above use permit findings, the proposed car wash facility is also subject to the
development standards of the Industrial (M) Zone (CMC Chapter 21.32). Table ‘C’ below demonstrates
the project’s consistency with the required development standards of the M Zone:
Standards Required Proposed Comply
Building Height 35 feet maximum Ranges from 20’-5” to 34’-10”. Yes
Front Yard As may be required by the
Conditional Use Permit
10 feet (landscaped). 15 feet (fully
landscaped) when an additional 900
square feet of landscaping located
within the public right-of-way (behind
the back of sidewalk) is included.
Side Yard None required Ranges from eight (8) to 10 feet on
average, fully landscaped.
Rear Yard None required 42 feet Yes
D. Parking (CMC Chapter 21.44)
The parking chapter of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) is silent regarding the required number of
parking spaces needed for a car wash use. In these cases, and where another similar use is not specified,
CMC Section 21.44.040.B allows the City Planner to modify the required parking standards where it can
be demonstrated that adequate parking will be provided and the modification will not adversely affect
the neighborhood or the site design and circulation. For this proposal, the applicant submitted a brief
parking comparative analysis of other car wash uses to support the three (3) proposed onsite parking
spaces for employees as shown on the site plan. The applicant’s analysis covers the general operations
of four approved car wash use permits within the city. A majority of the car wash facilities that were
analyzed, except for one, were tied to a combined gas station/mini-mart retail use. The exception is the
Palomar Hand Car Wash at 6019 Palomar Airport Road which includes, as part of its general car wash
operations, hand drying, detailing services, office and a mini-mart retail use, but no gas station. The other
approvals were all consistent in providing parking for the retail use. Some included an additional two (2)
to three (3) spaces for employees where detailing or hand drying was involved.
In the case of the proposed Eco-Friendly Auto Spa use permit, there is no retail sales component proposed,
and no onsite hand washing, hand drying or detailing services provided by staff. The 294-square foot
command center that is shown on the proposed floor plans is for the computer operating system that
runs the interior car wash. According to the applicant, this system only requires one (1) employee for
occasional monitoring. The 100-square foot office is for general bookkeeping and will generally
accommodate one (1) employee. The three (3) parking spaces proposed is based on the maximum
number of on-site employees that may be needed to carry out the general maintenance and day-to-day
operations of the proposed car wash facility and upkeep of the surrounding grounds. In addition, the
project includes 19 vacuum station parking stalls for customers and one (1) handicap parking stall.
Combined with the three (3) employee parking stalls, the project provides 23 onsite parking spaces total,
which is adequate for the use and will not adversely affect the neighborhood or site design and circulation.
E. McClellan-Palomar Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP)
The proposed project falls within the Airport Influence Area (AIA) boundaries of the McClellan-Palomar
Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP). All projects within the AIA are required to be reviewed for
consistency with the goals and policies of the ALUCP. The ALUCP identifies four types of airport impacts
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that must be considered for each development: Noise, Safety, Airspace Protection, and Overflight. The
project is consistent with the ALUCP in that 1) the proposed use is located outside of the 60 dB CNEL noise
contour and thus is not impacted by airport noise; 2) the project site, with a pad elevation of 55 feet above
mean sea level (MSL), is well below the minimum FAA Height Notification Boundary of 331 feet MSL and
thus notification is not required; 3) although this project is within the Airport Overflight Notification Area,
the use is non-residential development, and thus, the recordation of an overflight notification is not
required; and 4) the project site is located outside of all Safety Zones; and thus is considered a compatible
land use within the AIA.
F. Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program, and Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (CMC
Chapter 21.203).
The project site is located within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program (LCP). Development
of the project site is also subject to, and consistent with, the requirements of the Coastal Resource
Protection Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter 21.203). Approval of a CDP is required for the project. The policies
of the Mello II LCP emphasize topics such as preservation of agricultural and scenic resources, protection
of environmentally sensitive resources, provision of shoreline access, and prevention of geologic
instability and erosion. However, the proposed project is located on an existing previously developed infill
site. No habitat or undeveloped space exists. All newly proposed development remains within the
confines of the existing developed site. The project will adhere to the city’s Master Drainage Plan, Grading
Ordinance, Storm Water Ordinance, Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan (SUSMP) and
Jurisdictional Urban Runoff Management Program (JURMP) to avoid increased urban run-off, pollutants
and soil erosion. The subject property, being a previously graded and developed parcel, does not include
any steep slopes or any native vegetation. In addition, the site is not located in an area prone to landslides,
or susceptible to accelerated erosion, floods or liquefaction. Lastly, the project does not preclude any
recreational opportunities or shoreline access as the property is not a shorefront property; and the
development does not obstruct views of the coastline as seen from public lands or public rights-of-way.
Therefore, no impacts to any physical features, such as scenic resources, environmentally sensitive areas,
or geologic features will occur. Given the above, the proposed project is consistent with the Mello II
Segment of the LCP and Coastal Resources Protection Overlay Zone.
G. Growth Management (CMC Chapter 21.90) and Zone 3 Local Facilities Management Plan.
The proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 3 in the Southwest Quadrant of
the city. The impacts on public facilities created by the project, and its compliance with the adopted
performance standards, are summarized in Table ‘D’ below.
City Administration N/A N/A
Library N/A N/A
Waste Water Treatment 5.37 EDU Yes
Parks N/A N/A
Drainage 2 CFS / Basin ‘C’ Yes
Circulation 660 ADT (60 ADT net increase) Yes
Fire District No. 4 Yes
Open Space N/A N/A
Schools N/A N/A
CUP 2017-0009/CDP 2017-0049 – ECO-FRIENDLY AUTO SPA
December 5, 2018
Page 12
Sewer Collection System 5.37 EDU Yes
Water 1,181 GPD Yes
The City Planner has determined that this project is exempt from the requirements of the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Section 15332, in-fill development, of the State CEQA Guidelines
and will not have any adverse significant impact on the environment. A Notice of Exemption shall be filed
with the County Clerk upon approval of this project.
1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 7316
2. Location Map
3. Disclosure Statement
4. Reduced Exhibits
5. Exhibits “A” – “S”, dated December 5, 2018
CUP 2017-0009 / CDP 2017-0049
Eco Friendly Auto Spa
Attachment 2
Attachment 3•·
C cityof
p .. 1 (A)
Development Services
Planning Division
1635 Faraday Avenue
(760) 602-4610
Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will
require discretionary action on the ·part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission
or Committee.
The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project
cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Pleas.e print.
No~~--. .
Person. i.5 gefined ?3S, "Any individual, ffrm ,-Go~rpartnership, jqint y~nture, associ~tiQn, secial club, fraternal
pr9.anfz,atlon, ~orporatiori, ~sta,te, -trJJst. reeeiver, !:lYndi~"t~. in this and any other f:0unty, city and county,
'c·ity ·rnuii[cip·~litY, ·d,strict or-other political subdivision or ~ny other group or comt?inati_on acting a~ a..unit.~
• • ;-+ .. •.. -• +
A9e!'ls.m_ay sign lhil? docurne_nt; how.ever, the legal name and entity of the ai;>pJicant ~nd property owner
·must b~ p_rQVided below. '
1. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent)
Provide the COMPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses .of ALL persons having a
financial interest in the application. If the applicant ineludes a corporation or partnership,
include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the
corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A
separate page may be attached if necessary.)
Person Peggy Keicher Corp/Part Toyota Carlsbad/Stellar Properties, LLC
Title Director Property Management Title Director Property Management
Address 6030 Avenlda Encinas.Sis 220 Carlsbad, CA 92011 Address 6.030 Avenida Encinas.Ste 220 Carlsbad, CA 92011
2. OWNER (Not the owner's agent)
Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of Ab!:. persons having any
ownership interest in tne property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal
ownership (i.e., partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the
ownership includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, titles, addresses of
all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE
SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, al'.ld
addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.)
Person Judith A. Jones-Cone
Title Sole Managing Member
Address 6030 Avenida Encinas,Ste 220
Carlsbad, CA 92011
Corp/Part Toyota Carlsbad/Stellar Properties, LLC
Title Sole Managing Member
Address 6030 Avenida Encinas.Ste 220
Carlsbad, CA 92011
Page 1 of2 Revised 07110
If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust,
list the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non-
profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the.
Non Profit/Trust__________ Non Profit/Trust.'-----------
Title Title ____________ _
Address"----------Address ___________ _
4. Have you had more than $500 worth of business transacted with any member of City
staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12)
D Yes [XI No If yes, please indicate person(s):. __________ _
NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary.
I certify that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Judith A. Jones-Cone
Print or type name of owner
7-e__gq \1 Ai . \,<-e.\che /'
Print or'type -hame of applicant
·~~ M ~ "/~ f 2.a, s
Signature of owner/applicant's agent if applicable/date
Print or type name of owner applicant's agent
P-1(A) Page 2 of2 Revised 07/1 O
Attachment 4