HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-03-20; Planning Commission; ; MCA 17-0002 (PUB17Y-0013) - CLIMATE ACTION PLAN ORDINANCESPLANNING COMMISSION
P.C. AGENDA OF: March 20, 2019
ltemNo. 0
Application complete date: N/A
Project Planner: David de Cordova
Project Engineer: N/ A
presentation of Carlsbad Climate Action Plan (CAP) implementing ordinances recently-
adopted by the City Council relating to energy efficiency, renewable energy, water
heating, electric vehicle charging, and transportation demand management.
That the Planning Commission receive the informational presentation of the CAP implementing
On February 26, 2019, the City Council approved a series of actions to further implement CAP measures
that aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The CAP, which was adopted in 2015 in conjunction with
the city's General Plan update, describes several specific measures and actions the city must undertake
to offset and reduce forecasted emissions in alignment with state reduction goals. The measures include
applying local regulations to new construction and certain renovations that will improve a building's
energy efficiency, satisfy a portion of its electrical needs with installation of a photovoltaic system, and
reduce the need to heat its water with natural gas. In addition, CAP measures call for promoting increased
use of zero-emission vehicles (such as electric vehicles) and reducing single-occupancy vehicle travel.
Staff will provide an overview of the ordinances and related actions passed by the City Council that will
implement these CAP measures. No action is being requested of the Planning Commission related to this
presentation. More information about the CAP ordinances is available on the city's website at:
http://www.carlsbadca.gov/news/ displaynews.asp? News I D=1808& Target I D=61
Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, receiving this informational presentation does not
constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct or
indirect physical change in the environment, or a reasonable foreseeable indirect physical change in the
environment and, therefore, does not require environmental review.
1. CAP ordinance fact sheets
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Additional Resources
• Carlsbad Climate Action Plan
• 2016 Title 24 Nonresidential Reach Code Recommendations: Cost Effectiveness Analysis
for All California Climate Zones (CALGreen Tier 1-New Construction)
( City of
Carlsbad Residential FACT SHEET
Energy Conservation Ordinance
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The City of Carlsbad's Climate Action Plan seeks to improve the energy efficiency of residential
buildings and establish an ordinance to disclose and conserve energy use in existing buildings.
In pursuit of the goals established by the Climate Action Plan, the city is adopting a residential
energy conservation ordinance, which will require residential property owners to meet
specified cost-effective energy efficiency measures during a major renovation.
Why is Carlsbad pursuing this ordinance?
Residential properties account for about 25 percent of the city's greenhouse gas emissions. In
2015, the city adopted its Climate Action Plan, which included a goal to reduce energy
consumption by 50 percent in 30 percent of residential properties by 2035. This equates to
approximately 10,000 single-family homes and approximately 5,000 multi-family units. This
ordinance will address residential buildings looking to complete major improvement and
require these improvements to include energy efficiency upgrades. The measures included in
this ordinance have been proven to be cost-effective and align with the requirements of Title
24, Part 6.
Who would be required to comply with this ordinance?
All residential property owners conducting a major renovation with a permit valued at $60,000
or greater must comply with the energy conservation ordinance. The pe rmit valuation is based
on the dollar per square foot multiplier found on the city's Building Valuation Multipliers. The
required measures will be based on the building's existing conditions.
What are the requirements of this ordinance?
The residential energy conservation ordinance will require residential buildings to install
cost-effective energy efficiency measures. For homes built before 1978, required measures
include improvements to the ducts, attic insulation, or roofing material. For newer homes, the
required measures include improvements to water heating or lighting systems. Some
exceptions apply; please refer to the ordinance text for more information.
(City of
Heating, Insulation with a thermal resistance 2016 Title 24 Section 150.2(b)1E Ventilation (R-value) greater than or equal to
and Cooling R-2.1 and ~30% leakage (~25% without verification by a certified
Ducts leakage for multi-family units) Home Energy Rating System Rater
Insulation with an R-value of
Attic Insulation greater than or equal to R-5, Insulation with an R-value of R-38
vented attic
Asphalt shingles, dark Aged solar reflectance greater than
Cool Roof (project scope includes or equal to 0.25
replacement of roof) Thermal emittance greater than or
equal to 0.75
Water heater blanket with an R-value
of greater than or equal to R-6
Water Heating 40gal uninsulated tank Hot water pipe insulation greater
No pipe insulation than or equal to 3/4 inch thick Package No low-flow fixtures Low-Flow Fixtures with rated flow
rates no more than CALGreen
. requirements
Lighting Screw-in (A-base) incandescent and Screw-in LED lamps and manual-on
automatic-off vacancy sensors that Package halogen lamps meet Title 24 Section 110.9(b)4.C
When would this ordinance take effect?
After the City Council adopts the ordinance, it must receive approval from the California Energy
Commission to become effective. California Energy Commission approval is anticipated in June
or July 2019.
Additional Resources
• Carlsbad Climate Action Plan
• Existing Building Efficiency Upgrade Cost-Effectiveness Study
(city of
Carlsbad Nonresidential FACT SHEET
Photovoltaic and Water Heating Ordinance
The City of Carlsbad's Climate Action Plan seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by
promoting the installation of commercial photovoltaic solar systems, solar water heaters and
heat pumps. In pursuit of the goals established by the Climate Action Plan, the city is proposing
a nonresidential photovoltaic and a water heating ordinance which would require specified
cost-effective renewable energy generation and water heating measures be included in
nonresidential buildings.
Why is Carlsbad pursuing this ordinance?
Commercial and industrial properties account for about 32 percent of the community's
greenhouse gas emissions. In 2015, the city adopted its Climate Action Plan, which included
goals to: 1) promote installation of commercial and industrial photovoltaic systems to produce
an additional 10.7 megawatts of electricity per year above projected amounts, or roughly 15
percent of projected commercial and industrial electricity use, by 2035, and 2) install solar
water heaters or heat pumps on all new commercial construction to support the goal of
reducing community greenhouse gas emissions by 11,604 MTCO2e by 2035. These ordinances
would support these,goals by requiring projects to implement specific photovoltaic capacities
and water heating measures. The measures included in these ordinances have been proven to
be cost-effective.
Who would be required to comply with this ordinance?
Generally, builders of the following types of nonresidential projects would need to include
photovoltaic systems and use alternative energy water heating equipment in their
Photovoltaic Ordinance
Nonresidential construction projects that meet one of the following descriptions must comply
with the photovoltaic system ordinance:
• All new nonresidential construction projects.
• Additions made to existing nonresidential construction where the total roof area is
increased by at least 2,000 square feet. This threshold aligns with the California Energy
Code (Title 24, Part 6) threshold for requiring solar zone.
• Building alterations with a permit valuation of $1,000,000 or above, that affects 75
percent or more, of the existing building flo<2rar.ea.----_____ , ____ . ________ -----------
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{city of
Water Heating Ordinance
• All new nonresidential construction projects must comply with the water heating
What are the requirements of this ordinance?
Photovoltaic Ordinance
The photovoltaic ordinance would require all affected projects to install a photovoltaic system
that meets one of the following minimum size requirements:
• Install a photovoltaic system with a minimum of 15-kilowatt per 10,000 square feet of
gross floor area. For buildings under 10,000 square feet, a minimum 5-kilowatt
photovoltaic system must be installed
• Install a photovoltaic system that offsets 80 percent of the building's electrical demand.
Water Heating Ordinance
The nonresidential water heating ordinance would require all new nonresidential construction
to install a water heating system that meets one of the following requirements:
• Heat pump water heater(s), tankless electric resistance, or other form of electric water
heating system(s) that meet Title 24 standards
• Solar water heating system that provides a 0.4 solar fraction and uses OG-100 certified
When would this ordinance take effect?
Once approved by the City Council, the ordinances must be reviewed and approved by the
California Energy Commission before they can take effect. Review by the California Energy
Commission is necessary to ensure that local energy-related ordinances meet or exceed
statewide standards and are cost-effective. Building permit applications made after the
ordinances take effect will need to meet the new requirements.
Additional Resources
• Carlsbad Climate Action Plan
• City of Carlsbad Energy Conservation Ordinance Cost Effective Analysis
{city of
Carlsbad Residential FACT SHEET
Water Heating Ordinance
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The City of Carlsbad's Climate Action Plan seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by
promoting the installation of solar water heaters or heat pumps. In pursuit of the goals
established by the Climate Action Plan, the city is proposing a water heating ordinance which
would require cost-effective water heating measures to be included on new residential
construction projects.
Why is the Carlsbad pursuing this ordinance?
Home energy use accounts for about 25 percent of the community's greenhouse gas emissions.
In 2015, the city adopted its Climate Action Plan, which included a greenhouse gas reduction
measure to install solar water heaters or heat pumps or use alternative (non-fossil fuel) energy
for water heating needs on all new residential construction. This measure was identified to
support the goal of reducing community greenhouse gas emissions by 11,604 MTCO2e by
2035. This ordinance would address new residential developments and require these
developments to include specified energy efficient water heating measures. The measures
included in this ordinance have been proven to be cost-effective and align with the
requirements of 2019 Title 24, Part 6.
Who would be required to comply with these ordinances?
Developers of all new low-rise residential construction projects would need to use
alternative energy water heating equipment in their projects.
What are the requirements of this ordinance?
The residential water heating ordinance would require new low-rise residential buildings to
install cost-effective water heating measures. Required measures would include a water
heating system that meets one of the following requirements:
• Heat pump water heater, or other form of electric water heating system, that meets
California Energy Code (Title 24, Part 6) standards and is paired with a ~0.31<W (300W)
photovoltaic system
• Solar water heating system that is OG-300 _c~rtified.and-ir:idudes ;;;4Q_sqJt_,_2._f collectors
or provides a 0.6 solar fr;::1ction-:-·-·-·----------· ----------.... ___ _
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{city of
When will these ordinances go into effect?
The residential water heating ordinance will be implemented when the 2019 building code
(Title 24) standards are adopted . The 2019 standards will include a requirement for residential
phot ovoltaic systems, which will support the water heating measures identified in the
ordinance. Therefore, the proposed effective date for this ordinance is Jan. 1, 2020.
Additional Resources
• Carlsbad Climate Action Plan
• City of Carlsbad Energy Conservation Ordinance Cost Effectiveness Analysis
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{city of
Carlsbad Nonresidential FACT SHEET
Electric Vehicle Ordinance
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The City of Carlsbad's Climate Action Plan seeks to increase the amount of zero emission vehicle miles
traveled by 2035. In pursuit of this goal established by the Climate Action Plan, the city is proposing an
electric vehicle ordinance which would require the installation of electric vehicle chargers or prewiring
in certain projects requiring a building permit.
Why is Carlsbad pursuing this ordinance?
Cars and trucks account for 39 percent of the community's greenhouse gas emissions. In 2015, the city
adopted its Climate Action Plan which included a goal to increase the amount of zero emission vehicle
miles traveled from 15 percent to 25 percent of total vehicle miles traveled by 2035. The proposed
ordinance would support this goal by providing for electric vehicle charging in new nonresidential
construction. The measures included in this ordinance align with the requirements of the California
Green Building Code and have been proven to be cost-effective when compared to a later retrofit.
Who would be required to comply with this
All new nonresidential construction would need to include electric
vehicle charging capabilities as part of their project.
What are the requirements of this ordinance?
The electric vehicle ordinance would require new nonresidential
projects to have:
• 10 percent of parking spaces, or a minimum of one space,
must be electric vehicle service equipment capable.
• 50 percent of the electric vehicle capable spaces, or a
minimum of one space, must have electric vehicle service
equipment installed (chargers).
Key Terms
EVSE Capable: Installation of "raceway"
(the enclosed conduit that forms the
physical pathway for electrical wiring to
protect it from damage) and adequate
electrical panel capacity to accommodate
future installation of a dedicated branch
circuit and electric vehicle service
equipment (chargers).
EVSE Installed: One or more electric
vehicle charging spaces served by electric
vehicle service equipment (chargers)
allowing charging of electric vehicles.
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When would this ordinance take effect?
The ordinance would take effect 30 days after the City Council adopts it and would apply to projects
that apply for building permits after the effectiveness date. The ordinance is expected to be presented
to the City Council by spring 2019.
Additional Resources
• Carlsbad Climate Action Plan
• City of Carlsbad Electric Vehicle Ordinance Cost
Effectiveness Analysis
{city of
Carlsbad Residential FACT SHEET
Electric Vehicle Ordinance
The City of Carlsbad's Climate Action Plan seeks to increase the amount of zero-emission
vehicle1 miles traveled by 2035. In pursuit of this goal established by the Climate Action Plan,
the city is proposing an electric vehicle ordinance which would require the installation of
electric vehicle chargers or prewiring in certain projects requiring a building permit.
Why is Carlsbad pursuing this ordinance?
Cars and trucks account for about 39 percent of the community's greenhouse gas emissions. In
2015, the city adopted its Climate Action Plan which included a goal to increase the amount of
zero emission vehicle miles traveled from 15 percent to 25 of total vehicle miles traveled by
2035. The proposed ordinance would support this goal by providing electric vehicle charging in
new residential construction and major renovations. The measures included in this ordinance
align with the requirements of the California Green Building Code and have been proven to be
cost-effective when compared to a later retrofit.
Who would be required to comply with this ordinance?
All new residential construction and major renovations would need to include electric vehicle
charging capabilities as part of their project.
What are the requirements of this ordinance?
The electric vehicle ordinance would apply to certain projects requiring a building permit, and
would require some amount of electric vehicle charging capabilities, as summarized in the table
Project Type
One-and two-family dwellings
and townhouses with attached
private garages
Multi-family projects (three or
more dwellings)
Must have one parking space per dwelling unit be electric
vehicle supply equipment ready.
Must have 10 percent of parking spaces, or a minimum of one
space, be electric vehicle supply equipment capable.
50 percent of the electric vehicle capable spaces, or a
minimum of one space, must have electric vehicle supply
equipment installed.
1 A zero-emission vehicle is a vehicle that emits no tailpipe pollutants from the on board source rJ
of po"".'er. Zer~-emission vehicles include electric vehicles, fuel cell vehicles, and plug-in hybrids, '.,.( City of
when in electric mode. ~
Project Type
Additions and
One-and two-family dwellings
and townhouses with attached
private garages whose project
includes an electrical service
panel upgrade or a permit
valuation ;;:$60,000**
Multifamily project (three or
more dwelling units)
performing a major
renovation 2 and has a permit
valuation of ;;:$200,000
Must have one parking space per dwelling unit be electric
vehicle supply equipment ready.
Must have 10 percent of parking spaces, or a minimum of one
space, be electric vehicle supply equipment capable.
50 percent of the electric vehicle capable spaces, or a
minimum of one space, must have electric vehicle supply
equipment installed.
*For all residential projects where common or visitor use parking is provided, at least one space shall be equipped
with an electric vehicle charging station and shall be available for use by all residents.
**Projects with a permit valuation ;;:$60,000 but do not include an electrical service panel upgrade must meet
these requirements to the maximum extent that does not trigger a panel upgrade.
When would this ordinance take
The ordinance would take effect 30 days after
the City Council adopts it and would apply to
projects that apply for building permits after
the effectiveness date. The ordinance is
expected to be presented to the City Council
by spring 2019.
Additional Resources
• Carlsbad Climate Action Plan
• City of Carlsbad Electric Vehicle
Ordinance Cost Effectiveness Analysis
Key Terms
EVSE Capable: Installation of "raceway" (the
enclosed conduit that forms the physical pathway
for electrical wiring to protect it from damage) and
adequate electrical panel capacity to accommodate
future installation of a dedicated branch circuit and
electric vehicle supply equipment (chargers).
EVSE Ready: Installation of dedicated branch
circuit(s), circuit breakers, and other electrical
components, including a receptacle or blank cover
needed to support future installation of electric
vehicle supply equipment (chargers).
EVSE Installed: One or more electric vehicle
charging spaces served by electric vehicle supply
equipment (chargers) allowing charging of electric
2 Major Renovations: Renovations where interior finishes are removed and significant site work and upgrades to
structural and mechanical, electrical and/or plumbing systems are proposed. Significant site work as used herein
means site alterations that: require a grading permit pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal /'I' .
Code Chapter 15.16; rehabilitate or install 2,500 square feet or more of landscaping; or repave, '.f City of
replace or add 2,500 square feet or more of vehicle parking and drive area. C~lsbad
Carlsbad Transportation FACT SHEET
Demand Management Ordinance
What is the Transportation Demand Management ordinance?
The general purpose of the Transportation Demand Management ordinance is to establish
policies and guidelines for transportation demand management in the City of Carlsbad that
support the Climate Action Plan. The purpose of the ordinance is to reduce the number of
Carlsbad employees driving alone to and from work and increase alternative commuting
options like transit, biking, carpool and vanpool, to meet 2035 greenhouse gas reduction
Why is Carlsbad pursuing this ordinance?
In the city's Climate Action Plan, nearly 40 percent of the community's greenhouse gas
emissions are from transportation. By setting targets to reduce the number of employees
driving alone to and from work, we can reduce how much transportation contributes to the
community's overall greenhouse gas emissions.
Who would be required to comply with this ordinance?
All new nonresidential development projects where the employees generate a minimum of 110
average daily trips. For example, a resort hotel in Carlsbad with a total of 2,000 daily trips
generated, of which 675 are generated by employees, would be subject to the ordinance.
However, a restaurant with a total of 300 average daily trips generated, of which 60 trips are
generated by employees, would not be subject to the ordinance.
What are the requirements of this ordinance?
The ordinance requires development of a Transportation Demand Management plan for review
and approval by the city. The Transportation Demand Management plan would outline facility
improvements, programs, incentives, education, marketing and outreach for a development
project. The city will provide support material to help developers meet their requirements.
When would this ordinance take effect?
The Transportation Demand Management ordinance will go into effect thirty days after the City
Council adopts it, which is anticipated to be in the spring of 2019.
( City of
How does a development comply with the Transportation Demand
Management ordinance?
The city has prepared a Transportation Demand Management handbook including tips and
tools to assist applicants in the development of their Transportation Demand Management
plan. The Transportation Demand Management handbook is a living document that will be
updated as the city and development community work together to meet our Climate Action
Plan goals.
What about existing development and existing businesses?
The Transportation Demand Management ordinance will place requirements only on new
nonresidential development. The city recognizes that Transportation Demand Management on
new development alone will likely not be sufficient to meet the city's Climate Action Plan
targets. In the future, the city plans to implement a broader Transportation Demand
Management program along with the Transportation Demand Management ordinance. The
Transportation Demand Management program will create ways to educate, market, encourage
and support existing businesses to implement and execute Transportation Demand
Management plans for their employees.
( City of