HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-04-03; Planning Commission; ; CDP 2018-0020/V 2018-0013/NCP 18-0005 (DEV2018-0036) – BUCCOLA ADDITION
Single Family Coastal Development Permit
Item No.
Application complete date: December 20, 2018
P.C. AGENDA OF: April 3, 2019 Project Planner: Jason Goff
Project Engineer: Tecla Levy
SUBJECT: CDP 2018-0020/V 2018-0013/NCP 18-0005 (DEV2018-0036) – BUCCOLA ADDITION -
Request for approval of a Coastal Development Permit, Minor Variance and
Nonconforming Construction Permit to 1) allow for a 3,325-square-foot one- and two-
story addition to an existing 3,499-square-foot one-story single-family home with
basement; and 2) allow for a reduced front yard setback from 20 feet to 10 feet on
property located at 5031 Tierra Del Oro within the Mello II segment of the city’s Local
Coastal Program and Local Facilities Management Zone 3. The project site is within the
appealable area of the California Coastal Commission. The City Planner has determined
that the project belongs to a class of projects that the State Secretary for Resources has
found do not have a significant impact on the environment, and it is therefore
categorically exempt from the requirement for the preparation of environmental
documents pursuant to Sections 15301(e)(2) - Existing Facilities; and Section 15305(a) -
Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations of the state CEQA Guidelines.
That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 7325 APPROVING Coastal
Development Permit CDP 2018-0020, Minor Variance V 2018-0013, and Nonconforming Construction
Permit NCP 18-0005, based upon the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein.
Project Site/Setting: The project is located at 5031 Tierra Del Oro, on the west side of the street adjacent
to the Pacific Ocean. The lot is 0.38 acres (16,658 square feet) in size. The site is developed with an
existing 3,499-square-foot one-story single-family home with basement and attached two-car garage.
Table “A” below includes the General Plan designations, zoning and current land uses of the project site
and surrounding properties.
Location General Plan Designation Zoning Current Land Use
Residential (R-4, 0-4 dwelling
units per acre) / Open Space
One-Family Residential
(R-1) / Open Space (OS)
One-story single-family home
with basement
North R-4 / OS R-1 / OS Two-story single-family home
South R-4 / OS R-1 / OS Two-story single-family home
Staff Report .
CDP 2018-0020/V 2018-0013/NCP 18-0005 (DEV2018-0036) – BUCCOLA ADDITION
April 3, 2019
Page 2
Location General Plan Designation Zoning Current Land Use
East R-4 / OS R-1 / OS One- and two-story single-
family homes.
West -- -- Pacific Ocean
Proposed Residential Construction: The project consists of renovating an existing 3,499-square-foot one-
story single-family residence with basement to include the addition of 3,325 square feet of new living area
(545 square feet on the first floor and 2,780 square feet on the second floor) for a total of 6,824 square
feet at completion. Only minor demolition to a few existing walls on the first-floor structure are proposed
to adjust for the proposed remodel and additions. No changes to the existing basement living area are
proposed. The project will also include the addition of a new 265-square-foot deck off the second-floor
west elevation facing the ocean and a 66-square-foot deck off the second-floor east elevation facing the
street. Architectural improvements to the existing exterior include a new stucco façade on the front
elevation in place of painted brick and a new 3:12 pitched standing seam metal roof in place of asphalt
shingles. The proposed additions are not exempt from the Coastal Development Permit (CDP) procedures
because the existing property is located within 300 feet of the mean high tide line of the sea and the
improvements result in an internal floor area that is greater than 10 percent of the existing structure’s
floor area.
Additional Required Permits: In addition to the Coastal Development Permit, the project also requires a
Minor Variance (V 2018-0013) and Nonconforming Construction Permit (NCP 18-0005). The
Nonconforming Construction Permit is required because additions are proposed to the existing single-
family residence which is considered a nonconforming residential structure due to inadequate yards (front
and sides). More specifically, the existing garage is setback 10 feet from the Tierra Del Oro street right-
of-way where a 20-foot front yard setback is required, and the side yard setbacks for the existing structure
are five feet where a setback of 6’-5” is required. Consistent with other front yard minor variances that
have been approved along the east side of this street, a Minor Variance is also being requested to reduce
the front yard setback requirement from 20 feet to 10 feet for the proposed new additions to the first and
second floors along the Tierra Del Oro street frontage. If approved, the minor variance for the 10-foot
setback will also encompass the existing garage. All other newly expanded living areas, which are not the
subject of the minor variance, have been designed to comply with current development standards and
are providing setbacks consistent with current zoning regulations.
Proposed Grading: The project does not propose any grading. Therefore, a grading permit will not be
required for this project.
The project is subject to the following regulations and requirements:
A. Residential (R-4) and Open Space (OS) General Plan Designation;
B. One-Family Residential (R-1) Zone (CMC Chapter 21.10) and Open Space (OS) Zone (CMC
Chapter 21.33);
C. Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program; Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone
(CMC Chapter 21.203); Coastal Shoreline Development Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter
D. Variance (CMC Chapter 21.50);
E. Nonconforming Lots, Structures, and Uses (CMC Chapter 21.48);
CDP 2018-0020/V 2018-0013/NCP 18-0005 (DEV2018-0036) – BUCCOLA ADDITION
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F. Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.85); and
G. Growth Management (CMC Chapter 21.90).
The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project’s consistency
with the applicable city regulations and policies. The project’s compliance with each of the above
regulations is discussed in detail in the sections below.
A. General Plan Land Use Designation
The project site has a General Plan Land Use designation of Residential (R-4) and Open Space (OS). The
OS General Plan Land Use designation applies to the bluff and beach portions of the site and no
development is being proposed within this area. The R-4 Land Use designation allows development of
single-family residences at a density of 0-4 dwelling units per acre with a Growth Management Control
Point (GMCP) of 3.2 dwelling units per acre. At the R-4 GMCP, one dwelling unit would be permitted on
this 0.38-acre property. One single-family residence currently exists on the site. The proposed remodel
and additions are not increasing the number of dwelling units on the site, thus the project remains
consistent with the R-4 General Plan Land Use designation.
B. One-Family Residential Zone (R-1) and Open Space (OS)
The project site is zoned One-Family Residential (R-1) and Open Space (OS). The OS Zone applies to the
bluff and beach portions of the site and no development is being proposed within this area. The R-1 Zone
applies to the portions of the site currently developed with the existing single-family residence. The
project is required to comply with all applicable regulations and development standards of the Carlsbad
Municipal Code (CMC) including the One-Family Residential (R-1) Zone. With the exception of the
requested variance, the proposed project meets or exceeds all applicable requirements of the R-1 zone
as shown in Table B below:
Front Yard Setback 20 feet 10 feet *
Side Yard Setback Not less than 10 percent of lot
width; provided that such side
yard shall not be less than 5 feet
and need not exceed 10 feet
The interior side yard setback is located along
the north and south sides of the proposed
residence. The lot measures approximately
64 feet in width. As such, 10 percent of 64
feet equates to 6.38 decimal feet or 6’-5”. A
minimum interior side yard setback of 6’-5” is
provided along both the north and south sides
of all newly proposed construction. The
existing portions of the ground floor and
basement that are proposed to remain in
place will maintain their existing 5’-0” setback
along the north and south sides. **
Rear Yard Setback Must comply with a “stringline”
All new construction complies with the
“stringline” setback. ***
Max Building Height Maximum 30 feet if a minimum
roof pitch of 3:12 is provided, or
maximum 24 feet if less than a
3:12 roof pitch is provided.
27’-4” with a 3:12 pitched roof
CDP 2018-0020/V 2018-0013/NCP 18-0005 (DEV2018-0036) – BUCCOLA ADDITION
April 3, 2019
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Lot Coverage 40 percent 23.7 percent
Parking A one-family residential
dwelling shall provide a garage
with two spaces per unit,
provided as either a two-car
garage with a minimum interior
dimension of 20 feet x 20 feet;
or two separate one-car garages
with a minimum interior
dimension of 12 feet x 20 feet
The existing two-car garage satisfies this
requirement with an interior dimension of
20’-10” x 26’-0”.
* A 10-foot front yard setback (V 2018-0013) minor variance is being requested for the proposed additions to the
first and second floors (see Section D below).
** Existing Nonconforming Structure because of inadequate yards. A nonconforming residential structure may be
expanded to occupy a greater area of land or more floor area subject to provisions of CMC Chapter 21.48 and the
approval of a Nonconforming Construction Permit (NCP 18-0005) (see also Section E below).
*** All new construction for this project complies with the coastal “stringline” structural ocean setback standard,
which specifies that no enclosed structure, deck, or other appurtenance be permitted further seaward than similar
structures on adjacent properties (see also Section C.3 below).
C. Conformance with the Coastal Development Regulations for the Mello II Segment of the Local
Coastal Program (CMC Chapter 21.201); the Coastal Resources Protection Overlay Zone (CMC
21.203); and the Coastal Shoreline Development Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter 21.204)
The project site is located within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program and is within the
appealable jurisdiction of the California Coastal Commission. The site is also located within and subject
to the Coastal Resources Protection Overlay Zone and the Coastal Shoreline Development Overlay Zone.
The project’s compliance with each of these programs and ordinances is discussed below:
1. Mello II Segment of the Certified Local Coastal Program and all applicable policies.
The project is located within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program. The project site has a
Local Coastal Program (LCP) Land Use designation of Residential (R-4) and Open Space (OS) consistent
with the General Plan Land Use designations for the site. The OS LCP Land Use designation applies to the
bluff and beach portions of the site and no development is being proposed within this area. The R-4 LCP
Land Use designation allows development of single-family residences at a density of 0-4 dwelling units per
acre with a Growth Management Control Point (GMCP) of 3.2 dwelling units per acre. At the R-4 GMCP,
one dwelling unit would be permitted on this 0.38-acre property. One single-family residence already
exists on the site. The proposed renovations are not increasing the number of dwelling units on the site,
thus the project remains consistent with the R-4 LCP Land Use designation.
The project consists of renovating an existing 3,499-square-foot one-story single-family residence with
basement to include the addition of 3,325 square feet of new living area (545 square feet on the first floor
and 2,780 square feet on the second floor) for a total of 6,824 square feet at completion. The proposed
two-story, single-family residence with basement is compatible with the surrounding development of
one- and two-story single-family homes. The two-story residence, which is conditioned to replace any
existing solid type fencing across the north and south side yard areas with a minimum 75 percent see-
through/open type fencing, will not obstruct views of the coastline as seen from public lands or public
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rights-of-way or otherwise damage the visual beauty of the coastal zone. No agricultural uses currently
exist on the previously graded site, nor are there any sensitive resources located on the developable
portion of the site. The proposed single-family residence is not located in an area of known geologic
instability or flood hazard. The property is located adjacent to the shore; however, since the site is
residentially designated and presently developed, it is not suited for water-oriented recreation activities.
Furthermore, because there are adequate vertical public access points to beaches located to the north
along Carlsbad Boulevard across from the Encina Power Plant, and to the south along Carlsbad Boulevard
near Cerezo Drive, there is no need for additional vertical public access to beaches from this site.
Therefore, the project will not interfere with the public’s right of physical access to the sea.
2. Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone
The project is consistent with the provisions of the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (CMC
Chapter 21.203) in that the project will adhere to the City’s Master Drainage Plan, Grading Ordinance,
Storm Water Ordinance, BMP Design Manual and Jurisdictional Runoff Management Program (JRMP) to
avoid increased urban run-off, pollutants and soil erosion. No development is proposed in areas of steep
slopes (≥25 percent gradient) and no native vegetation is located on the subject property. In addition, the
site is not located in an area prone to landslides, or susceptible to accelerated erosion, floods or
3. Coastal Shoreline Development Overlay Zone
As the project site is located within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program and is located
between the ocean and the first public road parallel to the ocean, it is subject to the provisions of the
Coastal Shoreline Development Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter 21.204). The proposed development
complies with all applicable requirements of the Coastal Shoreline Development Overlay Zone as
illustrated in Table C below:
Bluff Top Access
Applies to lots where no beach is
present or where beach is not
Public beach access is available in close proximity of the
project site located to the north along Carlsbad Boulevard
across from the Encina Power Plant, and to the south
along Carlsbad Boulevard near Cerezo Drive. Additionally,
private beach access for the Terra Mar community
residents is available via an existing stairway on Shore
Drive. Since vertical public access is available in close
proximity and the beach is present, the bluff top access
requirement does not apply to this project.
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Lateral Access
25 feet of dry sandy beach
The project has been conditioned to grant a lateral access
easement for a minimum of 25 feet of dry sandy beach.
Geotechnical Report
Analyze bluff erosion and geologic
A geotechnical analysis for the project was prepared by
CTE Inc. on September 12, 2018. The analysis concluded
that the proposed addition will not modify the existing
structural footprint and is not anticipated to have a
negative impact on the overall stability of the bluff.
Geologically, the potential for surface rupture from
displacement or fault movement beneath the proposed
improvements is considered to be low. The potential for
liquefaction or significant seismic settlement in the site
improvement areas is considered to be low. The likelihood
of a tsunami or storm event during a sea surface super
elevation impacting the proposed improvement area of
the site is considered to be low. The potential for deep
seated landslides at the subject site is also considered to
be low. Additionally, the report analyzed seacliff
recession and concluded that the proposed addition, given
the stringline setback and the existing rip-rap revetment
on the slope below, is adequately protected from seacliff
recession for the anticipated life of the structure.
Building developed on site with a
general attractive appearance related to
surrounding development and natural
The proposed residential additions will maintain the
general quality and character of the existing residence.
Architectural improvements to the existing exterior
include a new stucco façade on the front elevation in place
of painted brick and a new 3:12 pitched standing seam
metal roof in place of asphalt shingles. The design and
character of the residence is in keeping with the
residential neighborhood and presents a generally
attractive appearance related to the surrounding
Maintain a “stringline” setback for
structures, patios, decks, and other
similar structures.
The project adheres to all coastal “stringline” setback
requirements. All enclosed portions of the existing and
proposed structure, including a new second floor deck,
adhere to the coastal “stringline” setback requirements.
Ocean Views
Building designed to preserve to the
extent feasible ocean views.
The project proposes an attractive architectural design
that is consistent with other adjacent homes within the
neighborhood. The project is conditioned to replace
existing solid fencing located within the north and south
side yard areas with view type fencing that incorporates a
minimum 75 percent see-through/open design to increase
ocean view opportunities from the public street.
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Natural Features
To the extent feasible, retain natural
features and topography.
The proposed remodel and addition retains the natural
features and topography of the site, in that no grading is
proposed that would otherwise alter these features.
Additionally, the new second floor addition has been
stepped further back from the bluff in comparison to the
existing residence below and the new roofline is oriented
to follow the general topography of the site.
Grading executed so as to blend with
existing terrain.
The improved site has been previously graded to
accommodate the existing single-family residence with
basement. The basement will remain in place. No grading
is proposed for the new additions.
D. Minor Variance
The applicant has requested a minor variance for a reduced front yard setback. A 20-foot front yard
setback is required in the R-1 Zone. The property includes an existing one-story single-family residence
with basement, legally constructed in 1971 and sited on the front half of the lot with a 10-foot front yard
setback. The applicant is proposing a 10-foot setback consistent with the current development footprint
of the existing home. The variance is considered minor because the reduced 10-foot setback does not
exceed 75 percent (i.e., 15 feet) of the required front yard. Pursuant to Chapter 21.50 of the Carlsbad
Municipal Code, minor variances may only be granted if five findings can be made. Each of the findings
and the supporting analysis is described below.
1. That because of special circumstances applicable to the subject property, including size, shape,
topography, location or surroundings, the strict application of the zoning ordinance deprives such
property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity and under identical zoning
The subject site is constrained between the street and coastal bluff, which reduces the approximately
260-foot deep lot to a buildable area measuring only 53 feet (factoring in a 20-foot front yard setback
and rear yard stringline setback). As a result, less than 30 percent of the site is considered developable
and setbacks applicable to the subject lot result in a significantly smaller buildable area than that of
comparable sized lots. Additionally, other residences within the immediate neighborhood and along
coastal bluff areas within the city have been developed with 10-foot front yard setbacks, or have
received approval of variances for 10-foot front yard setbacks. The requested 10-foot front yard
setback for the proposed additions to the single-family home with basement is consistent with that
which was legally constructed in 1971; does not exceed 75 percent (i.e., 15 feet) of the required front
yard; and does not exceed other front yard setback variance requests granted in the same zone and
general vicinity. Therefore, requiring strict adherence to the front yard setback requirement would
deprive the property of privileges that are enjoyed by other properties in the general vicinity and
under the identical zoning classifications.
2. That the minor variance shall not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the
limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is located
and is subject to any conditions necessary to assure compliance with this finding.
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Other homes in the immediate neighborhood have 10-foot front yard setbacks, so the proposed front
yard setback reduction will be consistent with the setbacks allowed for other properties in the same
vicinity and zone. Therefore, the variance would not constitute a special privilege that is not enjoyed
by other properties in the vicinity and under the identical zoning classification.
3. That the minor variance does not authorize a use or activity which is not otherwise expressly
authorized by the zone regulation governing the subject property.
A one-family dwelling is allowed by right within the One-Family Residential (R-1) Zone. Therefore, a
deviation from the front yard setback standard from 20 feet to 10 feet to allow for the remodel and
expansion of an existing one-family dwelling does not authorize a use or activity which is not
authorized by the zone.
4. That the minor variance is consistent with the general purpose and intent of the general plan and
any applicable specific or master plans.
The proposed use will remain as a one-family dwelling, consistent with the Residential (R-4) Land Use
designation; the proposed project does not change the use or density of the property as discussed
above; and no development is proposed within the Open Space (OS) designated portions of the site
reserved for the coastal bluff and beach area below.
5. The minor variance is consistent with the general purpose and intent of the certified local coastal
program and does not reduce or in any manner adversely affect the requirements for protection of
coastal resources.
The granting of a minor variance is consistent with and implements the requirements of the Local
Coastal Program, and will not have an adverse effect on coastal resources as discussed above.
Furthermore, the project will maintain coastal “stringline” limits, building height and lot coverage
requirements, and will have no impact on sensitive environmental resources. Therefore, granting
such a variance will not adversely affect the Local Coastal Program.
E. Nonconforming Construction Permit
As discussed above, the existing single-family home is considered a nonconforming residential structure
because of inadequate yards (front and sides). A nonconforming residential structure may be expanded
to occupy a greater area of land or more floor area subject to provisions of CMC Chapter 21.48 and the
approval of a Nonconforming Construction Permit (NCP). Pursuant to CMC Section 21.48.080(D), a NCP
shall be granted if all four findings of fact are found to exist. Each of the findings and the supporting
analysis is described below.
1. The expansion/replacement of the structure and/or use would not result in an adverse impact to
the health, safety and welfare of surrounding uses, persons or property.
The existing property is currently developed with a single-family home consistent with the R-1 zone
and is surrounded by single-family residences of similar sizes to the north, south and east. In addition,
the proposed areas of expansion comply with all current Planning, Building and Engineering
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April 3, 2019
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2. The area of expansion shall comply with all current requirements and development standards of
the zone in which it is located, except as provided in Subsection 21.48.050(A)(3) of this chapter.
With the exception of a front yard setback reduction from 20 feet to 10 feet per the minor variance,
the proposed areas of expansion comply with current side yard and stringline setback requirements,
and all other development standards, including building height and lot coverage.
3. The expansion/replacement structure shall comply with all current fire protection and building
codes and regulations contained in Titles 17 and 18.
A building permit issued by the City of Carlsbad is required for the project and the building plans will
be reviewed for consistency with all applicable fire protection and building code standards.
Furthermore, the project will undergo standard building inspection procedures during the
construction of all improvements to the site.
4. The expansion/replacement would result in a structure that would be considered an improvement
to, or complementary to and/or consistent with the character of the neighborhood in which it is
The proposed renovation constitutes an update and enhancement to the existing architecture
consistent with and complementary to other homes along this same street. Moreover, the proposed
renovated single-family residence is comparable in size and height to other existing single-family
residences adjacent to and within the vicinity of the project site. Therefore, the proposed project will
be consistent with the character of the neighborhood in which it is located.
F. Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.85)
The inclusionary housing ordinance does not apply to existing residences which are altered, improved,
restored, repaired, expanded or extended, and provided that the number of units is not increased. Since
there will not be an increase in the number of units on the subject property, and the project involves the
alterations and expansion of an existing residence, the project is exempt from the inclusionary housing
G. Growth Management
The project site is a previously graded site developed with an existing single-family residence. The
proposed addition does not increase demand on city facilities beyond that which has previously been
The City Planner has determined that this project is exempt from the requirements of the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Sections 15301(e)(2) - Existing Facilities; and Section 15305(a) -
Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations, of the State CEQA Guidelines and will not have any adverse
significant impact on the environment. A Notice of Exemption shall be filed with the County Clerk upon
approval of this project.
CDP 2018-0020/V 2018-0013/NCP 18-0005 (DEV2018-0036) – BUCCOLA ADDITION
April 3, 2019
Page 10
1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 7325
2. Location Map
3. Disclosure Form
4. Reduced Exhibits
5. Exhibit(s) “A” – “K” dated April 3, 2019
CDP 2018-0020 / V 2018-0013 / NCP18-0005
Buccola Addition
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(city of
P-1 (A)
Development Services
Planning Division
1635 Faraday Avenue
{760) 602-4610
Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will
require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission
or Committee.
The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project
cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print.
Note:·· .
Person is defined as "Any individual, firm, cci-partnership, joint venture, association, social club, fraternal
org~nization, totporation, estate, trus( receiver, syndicate, in this arid any otfi~r· county, city and cqunty,
citimuhfcipality: distrfct or other political subdivision or any other grbupor combination acting as a uniU ..
Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name arid entity of the applicant and property owner
must be provided belqyv. . . . .
P-1 (A)
APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent)
Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a
financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership,
include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the
corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A
separate page may be attached if necessary.)
Person Jtc me_s. C-64-(}J {'-1 Corp/Part ___________ _
Title ~~~~ .k_ ~\ \tfTitle __________ _
Address~J~jQtt:<~, C(. Address __________ _
OWNER (Not the owner's agent)
Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any
ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal
ownership (i.e., partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the
ownership includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, titles, addresses of
all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE
SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and
addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.)
Person {:9~ fJ¼CG0L(>-. Corp/Part~----------
Title __ ~_·_:-eA?--_____ _ Title _____________ _
Address 81 t{ () X~T( (J~ ~T· Address -------------f:0:::,r--e>A-tt.1 2 e,~ C?t;tt&~
Page 1 of 2 Revised 07/1 O
If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust,
list the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non-
profit. organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the.
Non Profit/Trust________ Non Profit/Trust _________ _
Title Title --------------------------
Address Address ------------------------
4. Have you had more than $500 worth of business transacted with any member of City
staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12)
D Yes Q97No If yes, please indicate person(s): ___________ _
NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary.
I certify that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Signature of applicant/date
Print or type name of owner Print or type name of applicant
ture of owner/applicant's agent if applicable/date
Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent
P-1 (A) Page 2 of 2 Revised 07 /10
CS CO\IER SHEET 1 SITEPLAN Toro TO?OG~r-f'.C Sl.Ji<VEY STRN0..-N!: E>O·f~ E>OST. EX15TNG PI.A'-15 2 F .. ~T R.00~ B.A....C.S...,.iEi'-'TS A..OOi<. PLAN 3 =:ECO'\.'D A...OOR PLA'\I I~ PLAN '1 EXT'ER'~ ELEVATI0:\!5 5 EX1'EJa,0l<ELEVA110N 6 EXT'El".'vR EL...."VA110, 7 FOU.'-'OATI0.'-1 A...AN VICINITY l"tAP NS! PROJECT DATA AP.N. :210-020-10-00 LEG;>L : LOT 10. MAP 3052. TERR" D--::L = ADD""55 : 5031 TIER~A D8-ORO C~c:..e.AD.c.A.92008 O\V1't,R : ROa:RT 6UCCOI.A 8\dO S"..NTI.'F-L ST. FA-~ O.A..KS. C.~ 95:::528 (9:6) 203-0264 Ga-.:-:RAL !'\..AN : R-4 ="!../OPEN SPACE' ZONE R-1.0S LOT SIZE 16.658 S.F. EXIS'llNG HOUSE 2l51 S.F. RRST R..00< LNNG 1348 5.F. BA..S,l=...J""i5'1'f LN'11~G 34gg S.F. LN'.'5 EXISTING 600 S.F. GAR-AGE EXl5TNG 638 S.F. DECK EX!ST,'sG 545 S.F. ~T R..00< LN !G .ADDrrON 2780 S.F. SE:CO!s'D A..00R LNNG ADDnlON 33:0 S.F. TOf PL LNNG ADD,110N 331 S.F. DECK,AOD11lONS LOT COVERAGE 23.7% { 3955 S.F. / 16,658 S.F.) SPRM~LERS YES CONSTT<UCT'ON · V-8 =uPANCY R-3/U PA'KNG : 1:S.9% {6CY'o0 S.F. I 16,658 S.F.) 2 { N G,AR"-C-€) F.!<E SUPP;<.ESSVN ZONE NIA CDP 2018-0020 V2018-0013 NCP18-0005 EXlSTNG LAND USE : S'.NGLE FAHL Y D\VEUJNG {ON= STORY WI B'\...<=Er-'.ENT) PROPOSED LAl-.'D USE : SNGI.E F~L Y D\VEUJNG (TWO STORY \\II B"-S".J-'oENT) SCHOOLCISTl<lCT' : G'-"1..SBAD PROA:JS=..D WATER DEM""-'D 550 GPO SE'\VER GENER"-TION 1 EDU D=NAGE D'.sCl-l"-RGE M"-STER D!~NN"-GE B"-SN : BASIN A 0C.Y.OUT OC.Y.FLL 0C.Y.1-,=r 0 C.Y. EXPORT 0C.Y.REMED~ PROPOSED D:STlJl'!BED AREA : ~5 S.F. PROPOSED N::\V L-oPERV.OUS SL/RFACE 545 S.F. ,ADO/TION 72 S.F. w=vAY 617 S.F. TOf,AL 1,"1.:>ER\l10I.JS SL/RF,'CE : 37'9 S.F. ROOF A'<cAS l'\..ANS6Y 585 S.F. Dl<l\lEWAYS 356 S.F PAVED PATIOS 1\\1,AIJQ.VAYS ,16GQS.F.TOfAL 12.508 S.F. LA'JDSC.APED AREA ..!N'.ES CHNN. ARCHTECT 2120 .J1,-,.--,y DUlU'NTE e,_ 111\A. DB...M"-RG"-.920\A. B5a-73S-58n3 li::V=GNS . .,. t3 ~ ;! I § l) ~ u~ ~ ~~ z ., &j z I'! &l I !~~ l) afm <( tl'l-ll) ~ u! w ~o ~ N z 0 ~i F D 00 ~ ~~ s h 0 ~g u 8 u ll1 =i ct) Dote\'2..-2C4-18 ~'e .AS NOTED o.-c..,~ JAC J~:, 20'.B-1 5>--, cs Of 51-~s,
18 P.PEP--<:R r:;'1.VG 233-8 \ \ CDP 2018-0 020 V2018-0013 NCP18-0005 'OTE: l<OOFTOHAVE ROOF C7.<.AIN,AG~ERS Ai'-D ALI D11<c=CTED TOJ./ c: SHALL BE -A'<DS THE Sl"RE:ET.
5031 TIERRA DEL ORO u l'"I ' \ ' i \ \ ' \ i {\ I i i i i \ ' i i \.,/ .,,..,· &ou•;O,l.RY n::o TO IMP 3052. CDP 2018-0020 V '7-018-C:Ot'? NCP18-o:x>0 E.LEVATIOtlS neo TO CIIY OF CARI.Sl!AD E!'EJKJ-'.V,Rl( 6U-Y1lJ7,,Ki\1JEld.l.9H, Ft-OT BY snr.cER LUEY SIJRIIEV E-S&-1ill-92Al-ca::vaa~ EY I-\j w I-;! I I'! \j ij\ g Cl ~ g ~1 i ttt! ~ z ~ l? ~ I [{~I!! \j Bi., <( f ; i: -l.l) ,ul w ~o ~ n 7 z C) 01 F ri & D 00 Q J !h <( ~~ s h IU Ill C) '.': ~ \.) 8~ \.) 111 u :J ct) °"" 5<C<e,>S"-'OTED Dr-::-.,n JAC .ht> 20\S-1 51-~ct TOPO O' S!-~rs
\ \ CDP 2018-0020 V ~15-0c>I"..> NCP I b · ax><? z z I lj <( ~ ~ z 0 F Ei ~ ~ 0 u u ::::) cO 1 ~& 0 f2 ~~ ~ . ~i ~g 8 U\ Jcb 20.a..1 el-=STRJNG 0 LINEs,-...,.
8'6TI'\:G eo.,L-S~-1 EXISTING BASEMENT PLAN LIVING AREA 13-l&sqR ~=rl 0 2 4 CDP 20i8-0020 NCP 16-a::::ion t======~----------~,;__ ______________ ~v~i'l--~0~1e,-c.::::>1'? .-""-"'"_C"5_= __ ;.-5T('.'G ::.E~OH I I I I ::.__-_-_-_-_--:=__--:=__-=.-:l I D I I I I I I I D I I I I I I I EXISTING FL00"1 PLAN UVH-..!GA'<EA. Z,51~~ E'5TNS FA...,LYli.(Y.;M EX:5T ::;. l:"'.l<.~6: n D ~------------------, I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ,,. I-u w I-;I I ~ ~ iil~ <( ~~ z ii!h z ~&1 :1l I Ht u 0 \. @' <( ~ 1!!l U) ~ iil Ill nu I:: fi <( 7 .SGd4 AS N?TEO Dr-i::-.,ri JAG EXIST.
J, 534..· EXISTING BASicMENT PLAN ~=r=, 0 2 d 6 U\t,NGA'<.E"-\3485.F. l ," CDP 2018-0020 V ~18-a:::>1'? ,(--f;:::==============================i1-,~CPl8-ax:>0 II II II II II II II ~G II II II II II E',5-,,-:; :-sc<. :.'\'5T,.._G F~l"'LY~M EX:ST--.:<: o.,:,,.,-G n TI =-.......... -=:;-;=~~~===~~======rr======~=~~~~I ~~ PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR PLA'\J 0 2 -l 0 NGA'-!:A 3(Jg6S.F. 1/4":i-O. I j L _____ _ OK.::+\\000 ~•-oe-1 0 ~~O\ED \Vr'LL LE:G-:ND = '-E\ W.l.L..!..5 2'--!5 -~s@·~-o.c ~-1'5\\'J.L!...5 -o~~',j '::i.;~-=~ ..... = 9Y I-u w t: ;! I l'1 ~ ~g ~L{ z .ih z I" 0 :H I ! ~ L~ u ::, u !:: <( ~ti ll) ~ ul w Pt l) I: h <( 7 z 0 <( i= fH D 00 0 _J\!, <( ~~ :'.S ~ . R\ ~ 0 ii lf] \J 0~ \J lf1l.) :) cO Dat, s.-,_r~ AS NOTED P.o,-.n J"C Joo 20\5-1 ="'"' 2 Cf S·El!"'""'S
E'XIS NGDEC< (@ Fc'<ST FLOOR) 3116':1-0-<00F NOTES: 1. ,A.LL RO~F S~OP-6 TO eE 3J.2. TYP. 2. NO ROOr,OP M:CHAN'G-'J... EQ "M:NT OR SC!<EENNG. 3. NO '<OOFTOP DECKS c:JR STAR\VAYS. 4. NO l<OCFTOP APPu-<TENA,'<CES (NO '-!OCFTOP EQ\.,' Pr-",ENT). ~ ~ t CLO:ET IT-°' LAJ..;,,J;~ 1D <._LNG ~ l.O'T ,~-5· :;.r')_r-• ~ c ir C'E . t. CDP 2018-0020 V 2-0f/!J-Cl?I~ NCP I e> · ,xio0 C ,z_..,; ,,J'-. :--• .1.sTE< ... aa:~ CJ {) 20-<J ,....~,!!1< 0 -·~ ~ ~ ~ ILJ CJ( .uYL 1; CLO:ET .. 13-2 C I ,., ~ ~ ~ I DN :Or\J I e.~TH () O~TO := i· ea.cw llD .. [ZJ 50-"' PROPOSED SECOND FLOO;;c FL--<>N LMNGA'<EA 77805.F _, i~-0 e:.eG.Oon t, ;l cg] DC 3,~TM () U'\ () ;, 1 -f\V; o_o=• ~ ·n..A.· '" E~:iM ~ l.!f-G" -v-~ I C~=~ "" ~·-~--, rrnml " 1,-1,-'I"lECiiTij VA.":1-0 l 0 2 A. ..., -:a.\,"ao:,,,.s 8Y -lJ w t: ;! I ~j u ~ ll 9Fi1 z i~~ z "-,A I ~ "' u ::, " <( ~~ITT r i: -ll) c,,J w ~a [ fi <( 7 z 0 01 F CY.~ D 00 ~ ~~ ~ & . CY.~ 0 ~~ lJ ~ -lJ U)l) :) co Dcr.e =:.o•e.~/\,'()T'I=_[) Di-c,,r. JAG J,., ~=-, ::,-,., 3 Cf Sf-e-e-ts
-------------------------------------------~:O f-,EGHTl.11"',T --------------------CLASS "A" ASSE.i ..... 8L. Y l""'CT.ALl<C)C)r,T'T'P. COL.Di<: S'l.V-c.R VuVr'l. \VNDO\\IS, TYP. 11011-----+---F,<A,,'-'\ECOL.Di<: et.Pel< 1111111111 I 11111111 1111111111111111111 EAST ELEVATION 1/4"=1'-0' ~EX6T1NGAM)F,•,SH I G~ I 71e, srucco o; PAPEO? eACKEDl"""ETALLAT't-\TYP. COLO< : OFF WnTE 'OTE: CDP 2018-0020 V201B-0013 NCP 18--0005 : BAS;:.-.ENT 8:!'01'!::> ___J I ~('1l-iGSDE=-.PL...."1E.Y I I =~ I L ________________________________________________________ J f<OOi= TO HAVE: GUTTERS ,AND .ALL F<OOi=DRAJNAGESHALLBE D.F<ECTED TO-VA'<DS THE ST!<EET . .,,,,-----30' f-,:,GHT L..M,T --------------------------------------------------------------------------✓------------\1/EST ELEVATION 1/4"=1'-0' EXISTNG AND F.,'-!SH Gi<AD: DAYLJG.--\T a.ASCi .... ,E:'JT (TKGSPEONLY) EXISTk'\'.G l<ETAN .. '6-WA!.L (EACH S!::>E) ~'SO,,,S SY hl l:: ;! I ~5 u ~ -~ z~h ~ i~~ I ::,~!!: u Qt! ~ E -Hl , ut ~Q ~ r, z 0 1 E n a ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ . ~i 0 ~~ \J \J ::} ct) Do,o Sc.de .,p.,S J'\.'OTED Dr~':'\ .JAC )0':> ::201e-1 Shl!!t!"t 4 Of Si-,,!e-f9
-------------------------------------------------------~:-00-HEC+:~~l\-l I I I I I L----------~------□ □ EX.:-STh~A,O RNSH I -----,G~ I I EXSTN5 ~ ~~=;~~~~cl.Y : I ________ COVE=) ______________ I __________ II _____ _ NORTH ELEVATlON 1/4"=1'-0' NOTE: CDP 2018-0020 V 2018-0013 NCPlB-0005 l<OOr TO HAVE GUTTERS ,AND ALL l<OOr C7r<AJNAGE SHALL BE DIRECTED TOWA<WS THE ST!<EET. FSVS-°'5 BY hl C: ;! I s~ ~ lJlt\ 2~ z ., ~ lll z I f2 ~ I :, g" u off <( £ -Hl ~ul ~ () ~ N z () 1 E lH D 0~ ~ ~6 ~ i . F~ () ~~ l..) l..) ::) lfl Dc>Te Scde ,AS NOTED DrC\\rl .J,AC. Job :.oia-1 Sh~e-t 5 Of s~~
;;xJST,'-.GD:CK su=ce=o=> r _______________________ L:~H=~~: _____________________ _ □ rn □ □ SOLJrH ELEVAllON 1/4"=1'-0 NOTE:: CDP 2018-0020 V 2018-0013 NCP18-0005 F<OOF TO HAVE GUTTEl<S AND ALL l<OOrD~NAGESHALLBE DIRECTED TONA'<DS THE ST!<.EET. ' 'ii.:::""'\'S,'O:,..S SY hl I= ;! I ~6 ~ g~ z "'&lll z i~~ I J~!:. l) al~ <( ~ -Hl ~g ~ ~ 1' z 0 1 F ~& D 0 &l ~ ~~ :s ~ . ~~ 0 ~~ u u => co D:te Scde,A,Sf\O'TED Drc.v.n JAC Jab :x,,e..1 Sl-eet 6 Of She~
-----~--------~----------w-------~c=--~~~~:~: _____ _ il-Q FOUNDATION PLAN 1/4":1-0" -7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I __________ _J CDP 2018-0020 V io1B-C01~ NCP 1e .a:;00