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2019-04-03; Planning Commission; ; CT 2017-0006/SDP 2018-0013 (DEV2017-0213) – ROOSEVELT TOWNHOMES
Item No. Application complete date: April 23, 2018 P.C. AGENDA OF: April 3, 2019 Project Planner: Chris Garcia Project Engineer: David Rick SUBJECT: CT 2017-0006/SDP 2018-0013 (DEV2017-0213) – ROOSEVELT TOWNHOMES – Request for a recommendation of approval of a Tentative Tract Map and Site Development Plan to construct a five-unit, residential air-space condominium project on a 0.22-acre site located at 2569 Roosevelt Street in the Village General (VG) District of the Village and Barrio Master Plan and within Local Facilities Management Zone 1. The City Planner has determined that this project belongs to a class of projects that the State Secretary for Resources has found do not have a significant impact on the environment, and is therefore categorically exempt from the requirement for the preparation of environmental documents pursuant to section 15332 (In-fill Development Projects) of the State CEQA guidelines. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 7326 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of Tentative Tract Map CT 2017-0006 and Site Development Plan SDP 2018-0013 to the City Council based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The subject 0.22-acre site is located on the west side of Roosevelt Street, between Laguna Drive to the north and Beech Avenue to the south. The property is generally flat and is currently vacant after recent demolition of a single-family home and detached garage. The project is located within the Village General (VG) District of the Village and Barrio Master Plan (VBMP). Table 1 below includes the General Plan designations, zoning and current land uses of the project site and surrounding properties. TABLE 1 – SITE AND SURROUNDING LAND USE Location General Plan Designation Zoning Current Land Use Site Village/Barrio (VB) Village/Barrio (V-B) – Village General (VG) District Vacant North Village/Barrio (VB) Village/Barrio (V-B) – Village Center (VC) District Commercial parking lot South Village/Barrio (VB) Village/Barrio (V-B) – Village General (VG) District Auto repair 2 PLANNING COMMISSION Staff Report . 0 CT 2017-0006/SDP 2018-0013 (DEV2017-0213) – ROOSEVELT TOWNHOMES April 3, 2019 Page 2 East Village/Barrio (VB) Village/Barrio (V-B) – Village General (VG) District Professional office building West Village/Barrio (VB) Village/Barrio (V-B) – Village Center (VC) District Photography studio / Warehouse The project proposes the construction of five residential air-space condominiums, three detached and two of which are proposed to be attached as a duplex. Access is proposed to be provided by a private drive-aisle on the south side of the site from Roosevelt Street. Each home includes an attached two-car garage with a direct entrance into the unit. All five units contain two bedrooms and two and one-half bathrooms and range in size from 2,079 square feet to 2,129 square feet. The units are three stories tall with a maximum building height of 34’-10” as measured from the new finished grade. The finished grade for measuring building height at the rear half of the property is proposed to be established at a slightly higher grade (approximately two to three feet) than the existing grade to provide a uniform design and to facilitate drainage on the property. All units include a private balcony off the second floor, as well as an exclusive use yard area at the ground level. The underlying lot will be held in common interest divided between the five air-space condominiums. The common area includes, but is not limited to, the private drive aisle and landscaped areas. Grading for the proposed project includes 78 cubic yards of fill and 356 cubic yards of remedial grading. Retaining walls up to three feet in height are proposed along the north, south and west property lines, with wood fences on top not to exceed a combined height of six feet. The entrance for Unit 1, which includes a covered porch, is oriented toward Roosevelt Street. Pedestrian access to the remaining four units is provided by a common sidewalk which parallels the northern (side) property line. The architectural design is characterized as contemporary with a coastal influence. Primary building materials include hardi-plank horizontal wood lap siding, hardi-panel vertical board and batten siding, and asphalt roof shingles. A mixture of window styles and roof pitches are proposed for each unit and the building materials are carried around all four sides. In addition, photovoltaic panels are proposed on the roof of each unit. III. ANALYSIS The proposed project is subject to the following ordinances, standards, and policies: A. Village-Barrio (VB) General Plan Land Use Designation; B. Village-Barrio (V-B) Zone (CMC Chapter 21.35), Village General District (Village and Barrio Master Plan); C. Subdivision Ordinance (CMC Title 20); D. Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.85); and E. Growth Management Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.90), Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 1. The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project’s consistency with the applicable regulations and policies. The project’s compliance with each of the above regulations and policies is discussed in the sections below. A. Village-Barrio (VB) General Plan Land Use Designation The subject property has a General Plan Land Use designation of Village-Barrio (VB) and is within the Village General (VG) District of the Village and Barrio Master Plan (VBMP). As discussed in the VBMP, CT 2017-0006/SDP 2018-0013 (DEV2017-0213) – ROOSEVELT TOWNHOMES April 3, 2019 Page 3 properties within the VG District do not have an assigned residential density as it relates to Growth Management Plan compliance. Therefore, the minimum and maximum densities for residential development are established in the Village and Barrio Master Plan. Table 2 below identifies the permissible density range for properties within the VG District, as well as the allowable density range based on the size of the project site and the proposed density and units. TABLE B – PROPOSED DENSITY Gross Acres Net Acres Allowable Density Range; Min/Max Dwelling Units per VG District Village and Barrio Master Plan Project Density; Proposed Dwelling Units 0.22 0.22 18-23 dwelling units per acre (du/ac). Minimum: Four dwelling units Maximum: Five dwelling units 22.7 du/ac Five dwelling units As identified above, the project’s density of 22.7 du/ac falls below the maximum density of 23 dwelling units per acre and, therefore, complies with the allowed density for the VG District. Pursuant to the Housing Element of the General Plan, because a Growth Management Control Point has not been established for residential development in the VG District, all residential units approved in the Village must be withdrawn from the city’s Excess Dwelling Unit Bank (EDUB). The EDUB is implemented through City Council Policy No. 43. Pursuant to City Council Policy No. 43, an applicant for an allocation of dwelling units shall agree to provide the number of inclusionary units or fee as required pursuant to CMC Section 21.85.110. As discussed in Section C below, the proposal to pay the in-lieu inclusionary housing fee is consistent with the inclusionary housing requirement as set forth in City Council Policy No. 43. The project is conditioned to pay an affordable housing in-lieu fee for four units, or five units if building permits for the five-unit project have not been applied for by February 28, 2021 (two years from demolition of the former single-family home). In order to approve an allocation of excess dwelling units, the project shall meet the findings identified in City Council Policy No. 43. Specifically, the project location and density shall be found to be compatible with adjacent land uses and the project is consistent with the General Plan and any other applicable planning document. As the proposed project requires action by the City Council, the City Council is the final decision-making authority for the allocation from the EDUB. Lastly, the project is subject to compliance with the Elements of the General Plan as outlined in Table C below: TABLE C – GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE Element Use, Classification, Goal, Objective, or Program Proposed Uses & Improvements Comply? Land Use Goal 2-G.30 Develop a distinct identity for the Village by encouraging a variety of uses and activities, such as a mix of residential, commercial office, restaurants and specialty retail shops, which traditionally locate in a The proposed project, which includes the construction of five new residential condominiums, would enhance the vitality of the Village by providing new residential land uses near the downtown core area. The project reinforces the pedestrian orientation desired for the Yes CT 2017-0006/SDP 2018-0013 (DEV2017-0213) – ROOSEVELT TOWNHOMES April 3, 2019 Page 4 Element Use, Classification, Goal, Objective, or Program Proposed Uses & Improvements Comply? pedestrian–oriented downtown area and attract visitors and residents from across the community by creating a lively, interesting social environment. Policy 2-P.70 Seek an increased presence of both residents and activity in the Village with new development, particularly residential, including residential as part of a mixed-use development, as well as commercial, entertainment and cultural uses that serve both residents and visitors. downtown area by providing residents an opportunity to walk to shopping, recreation, and mass transit functions. The project’s proximity to existing bus routes and mass transit would help to further the goal of providing new economic development near transportation corridors. Overall, the residential project would contribute to the revitalization of the Village area. Mobility Policy 3-P.5 Require developers to construct or pay their fair share toward improvements for all travel modes consistent with the Mobility Element, the Growth Management Plan, and specific impacts associated with their development. Goal 3-G.3 Provide inviting streetscapes that encourage walking and promote livable streets. The proposed project has been designed to meet circulation requirements, which include maintaining or enhancing frontage improvements consisting of sidewalks and landscaping. In addition, the applicant would be required to pay traffic impact fees prior to the issuance of building permits that would go toward future road improvements. The proposed project is located approximately one-third mile from the Carlsbad Village train station which provides rail and bus service throughout the day. The project’s proximity to the transit station would provide residents with the opportunity to commute to major job centers, thereby reducing vehicle miles traveled (VMTs) and their carbon footprint. Furthermore, the project supports walkability and mobility by locating the project near existing goods and services within the Village. Yes Noise Goal 5-G.2 Ensure that new development is compatible with the noise environment, by continuing to use potential noise exposure as a criterion in land use planning. Policy 5.P.2 The proposed project is consistent with the Noise Element of the General Plan in that the project’s building design, with windows closed, adequately attenuates the noise levels for the new condominiums as described in the noise analysis report (ABC Acoustics, Inc., dated August 28, 2017). Since the windows are required to be closed to Yes CT 2017-0006/SDP 2018-0013 (DEV2017-0213) – ROOSEVELT TOWNHOMES April 3, 2019 Page 5 Element Use, Classification, Goal, Objective, or Program Proposed Uses & Improvements Comply? Require a noise study analysis be conducted for all discretionary development proposals located where projected noise exposure would be other than “normally acceptable.” meet a 45 dB(a) CNEL interior noise level, mechanical ventilation is conditioned to be required. Housing Policy 10-P.15 Pursuant to the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance, require affordability for lower income households of a minimum of 15 percent of all residential ownership and qualifying rental projects. The inclusionary housing requirement may be satisfied through the payment of an in-lieu fee for projects that have less than seven units. Therefore, the project has been conditioned to require the payment of the housing in-lieu fee for four units prior to issuance of a building permit, or payment for five units if building permits are not applied for by February 28, 2021 (two years from demolition of the former single-family home). Yes Public Safety Goal 6-G.1 Minimize injury, loss of life, and damage to property resulting from fire, flood, hazardous material release, or seismic disasters. Policy 6-P.6 Enforce the requirements of Titles 18, 20, and 21 pertaining to drainage and flood control when reviewing applications for building permits and subdivisions. Policy 6-P.34 Enforce the Uniform Building and Fire codes, adopted by the city, to provide fire protection standards for all existing and proposed structures. Policy 6-P.39 Ensure all new development complies with all applicable regulations regarding the provision of public utilities and facilities. The proposed structural improvements would be required to meet all seismic design standards. In addition, the proposed project is consistent with the applicable fire safety requirements. The project would be required to develop and implement a program of “best management practices” for the elimination and reduction of pollutants which enter into and/or are transported within storm drainage facilities. The project has been conditioned to pay all applicable public facilities fees for Zone 1 and meet with the fire marshal to determine if public fire hydrants are required. Yes CT 2017-0006/SDP 2018-0013 (DEV2017-0213) – ROOSEVELT TOWNHOMES April 3, 2019 Page 6 B. Village-Barrio Zone (CMC Chapter 21.35) and Village General District The subject property is located within the Village General District (VG) of the Village and Barrio Master Plan (VBMP). One-family dwellings are permitted in the VG District when developed as two or more detached units on one lot. Two-family dwellings (i.e., duplex) are also permitted. No variances or standards modifications are being requested for the project. The project’s compliance with the development standards specific to the VG District, as well as the area-wide standards within the Village and Barrio Master Plan, are provided in Tables D and E below. Please see Attachment 4 for an analysis of the project’s compliance with the Design Guidelines of the VBMP. TABLE D – COMPLIANCE WITH THE VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN VILLAGE GENERAL (VG) DISTRICT Standard Required/Allowed Proposed Comply? Front Yard Setback Minimum of five feet; maximum of ten feet to building. Additional depth permitted where area includes a plaza, courtyard, or outdoor dining. Additional depth is also permitted to accommodate electrical transformers, utility connection, meter pedestals, and similar equipment only if other locations are infeasible as determined by the decision-maker. Awnings, canopies, upper floor balconies, plazas, courtyards, and outdoor dining are permitted to encroach within the setback up to the property line. Minimum ten-foot landscape setback where surface parking areas are located adjacent to a public street. 1st floor: 10’ 2nd floor: 10’; balcony 8’ 3rd floor: 13’-6”; balcony 8’ Yes Side Yard Setback Minimum of five feet North Side: 6’-3”; South Side: 18’-5”; 13’- 8” to balcony Yes Rear Yard Setback Minimum of ten feet Main building: 10’ Projections: 8’ Yes Building Height Maximum 35 feet, 3 stories 34’-10” maximum, 3 stories Yes Building Coverage 80% maximum 44.4% Yes Building Massing Maximum wall plane and roofline variation: No building façade visible from any public street shall extend more than 40 feet in length without a 5-foot minimum variation in the wall plane, as well as a change in roofline. N/A- the length of the front elevation of Unit 1 is 32 feet. N/A Open Space 20% x 9,612 square feet (site size) = 1,922 square feet 31.6% = 3,045 square feet provided at ground level. Yes CT 2017-0006/SDP 2018-0013 (DEV2017-0213) – ROOSEVELT TOWNHOMES April 3, 2019 Page 7 Standard Required/Allowed Proposed Comply? Minimum of 80 square feet of private open space per unit; minimum dimension of 6 feet in any direction. Open space may be dedicated to landscape planters, open space pockets and/or connections, roof gardens/patios, balconies or other patios, and/or outdoor eating areas; no parking spaces or aisles are permitted in the open space. No common open space required for projects with 10 or fewer units. All open space proposed is private. Unit 1 balconies (2): 124 square feet Units 2-5 private yards: Exceeds 80 square feet each and provided at ground level adjacent to each unit. **Units 2-5 also include a balcony for each unit. However, the area does not meet minimum specifications. Parking Two garaged spaces. Tandem parking is permitted. No guest parking required. Two-car garage proposed for each unit. Yes TABLE E – COMPLIANCE WITH THE VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN AREA-WIDE STANDARDS Standard Required/Allowed Proposed Comply? Ingress and Egress Development shall be permitted a maximum of one access point from the public street. A driveway curb cut shall not exceed 20 feet in width and maintain a free line of sight. One access point is proposed off Roosevelt Street. The width of the proposed driveway, exclusive of the approach, is 20’ and it provides a free line of sight. Yes Property Line Walls/Fences Maximum height in front yard setback: 3.5’ Maximum height in side/rear yard setback: 6’ Wall/fence height shall be measured from the lowest side of finished grade. Front yard setback: 3.5 feet Side/rear yard setback: 6 feet Yes Building Orientation Buildings shall be oriented toward primary street frontage. The entrance to Unit 1, which includes a covered front porch and two balconies, is oriented toward Roosevelt Street. Due to the limited width of the lot, the remaining Yes CT 2017-0006/SDP 2018-0013 (DEV2017-0213) – ROOSEVELT TOWNHOMES April 3, 2019 Page 8 Standard Required/Allowed Proposed Comply? units are located behind Unit 1 and the entries cannot be oriented toward Roosevelt Street. Roof Protrusions All roof structures/protrusions shall complement and be consistent with the design of the building and not taller than necessary to accommodate, screen, or enclose the intended use. Photovoltaic panels are proposed on the roof areas and do not project more than necessary to accommodate the use. No other roof- mounted equipment or protrusions are proposed. Yes C. Subdivision Ordinance The Land Development Engineering Division has reviewed the proposed Tentative Tract Map and has found that the subdivision complies with all applicable requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and the city’s Subdivision Ordinance (Title 20) for Major Subdivisions. The subdivision is considered major because it involves the division of land into five or more condominiums (five residential condominiums). The project has been conditioned to install all infrastructure-related improvements and the necessary easements for these improvements concurrent with the development. D. Inclusionary Housing For all residential development less than seven units, the inclusionary housing requirement may be satisfied through the payment of an inclusionary housing in-lieu fee. The proposal to construct five residential condominium units has been conditioned to pay the applicable housing in-lieu fee for four units prior to building permit issuance or five units if building permits for the five-unit project have not been applied for by February 28, 2021 (two years from demolition of the former single-family home). E. Growth Management The proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 1 in the Northwest Quadrant of the city. The impacts on public facilities created by the project, and its compliance with the adopted performance standards, are summarized in Table F below. TABLE F – GROWTH MANAGEMENT COMPLIANCE Standard Impacts Compliance City Administration 17.69 sq. ft. Yes Library 9.43 sq. ft. Yes Waste Water Treatment 5 EDU Yes Parks 0.04 acre Yes Drainage Basin A; <1 CFS Yes Circulation 40 ADT Yes Fire Station 1 Yes CT 2017-0006/SDP 2018-0013 (DEV2017-0213) – ROOSEVELT TOWNHOMES April 3, 2019 Page 9 Standard Impacts Compliance Open Space N/A N/A Schools Carlsbad (E:1.17, M:0.59, H:0.72 Yes Sewer Collection System 5 EDU Yes Water 1,250 GPD Yes Properties located within the boundaries of the Village General District of the Village and Barrio Master Plan do not have a Growth Management Control Point or an allocation for dwelling units. Therefore, as the construction of five residential units are proposed following the recent demolition of one single-family home, a total of four (4) dwelling units will be deducted from the city’s Excess Dwelling Unit Bank. Pursuant to Planning Commission Resolution No. 7326, the allocation from the EDUB can be supported since 571 units are available for allocation in the Village according to the city’s Quadrant Dwelling Unit Report dated January 31, 2019. V. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The City Planner has determined that the project belongs to a class of projects that the State Secretary for Resources has found do not have a significant impact on the environment, and it is therefore categorically exempt from the requirement for the preparation of environmental documents pursuant to Section 15332 (In-Fill Development Projects) Class 32 Categorical Exemption of the State CEQA Guidelines. The project is consistent with the General Plan as well as with the Zoning Ordinance. The project site is within the city limits, is less than five acres in size, and is surrounded by urban uses. There is no evidence that the site has value as habitat for endangered, rare, or threatened species. Approval of the project will not result in significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. In making this determination, the City Planner has found that the exceptions listed in Section 15300.2 of the state CEQA Guidelines do not apply to this project. A Notice of Exemption will be filed by the City Planner upon final project approval. The five-unit residential air-space condominium project is not subject to Climate Action Plan measures because the project is below the 70-unit multi-family housing screening threshold listed in the city’s Climate Action Plan (Section 5.3). ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 7326 2. Location Map 3. Disclosure Statement 4. Village and Barrio Master Plan Design Guidelines Analysis 5. Reduced Exhibits 6. Full Size Exhibits “A” – “R” dated April 3, 2019 LAGUNA DRLAGUNA DRPPRRIIVVAATTEESSTT S T A T E S T S T A T E S TCCAARRLLSSBBAADDBBLL KREMEYER CRKREMEYER CRARBU C K L E P L ARBU C K L E P L BEEC H A V BEEC H A VBBUUEENNAAVVIISSTTAACCRRROOSE VE L T STROOSEV E L T S T MADISON S TMADI SO N S T JEFFERSON STJEFFERSON STCDP 2017-0006 / RP 2017-0012 Roosevelt Townhomes SITE MAP JPALOMARAIRPORTRD E LCAMREALLA COST A AVCARLSBADBLCARLSBADVILLAGEDRELCAMINOREAL MELR O SED RAVIARAPY RAN CHO S A NTAFERDCOLL EGEBLBUENA VISTA LAGOON SITE ~ Cicyof Carlsbad DISCLOSURE STATEMENT P-1(A) Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. Note: Person is defined as "Any individual, firm, co-partnership, joint venture, association, social club, fraternal organization, corporatidn, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, in this and any other county, city and county, city municipality, district or other political subdivision or any other group or combination acting as a unit." Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name and entity of the applicant and property owner must be provided below. 1. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership. include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person 2569 Roosevelt LLC Corp/Part ___________ _ Title Julian Tooma, Manager Address PO BOX 448, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 Title -------------- Address ------------- 2. OWNER (Not the owner's agent) P-1(A) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e., partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership. include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person 2569 Roosevelt LLC Title Julian Tooma, Manager Address PO BOX 448, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 Corp/Part ____________ _ Title -------------- Address ------------- Page 1 of2 Revised 07/10 3. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust, list the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non- profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the. Non Profit!Trust________ Non Profit!Trust _________ _ Title ___________ _ Title -------------- Address Address ------------------------ 4. Have you had more than $500 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? O ves [2fNo If yes, please indicate person(s): ___________ _ NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. I certify that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. 09/19/2017 Signature of applicant/date Julain Tooma Print or type name of owner Print or type name of applicant Signature of owner/applicant's agent if applicable/date Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent P-1 (A) Page 2 of2 Revised 07/10 1 VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN DESIGN GUIDELINES CT 2017-0006/SDP 2018-0013 (DEV2017-0213) – ROOSEVELT TOWNHOMES INTENT The Design Guidelines (guidelines) intend to implement and enhance the existing character within the Village and Barrio as new development and property improvements occur. Together, the Village and Barrio are a unique, mixed-use environment. They serve as both a shopping and entertainment destination as well as a place to live and work. The guidelines aim to improve the character of the Village and Barrio while improving livability. Guidelines address many components of building style and orientation, including site layout, building massing, roof form, building façades, and appurtenances. Images are intended to provide a visual example of a targeted topic described in the caption and may not represent all aspects and direction provided within this document. Through these areas of focus, the guidelines strive to foster authentic designs with straightforward and functional construction. All development should align with the spirit and intent of the design guidelines presented in this chapter. Designers and developers should consider at a minimum that these guidelines are a starting point for quality development, and do not comprise every possible strategy for achieving high quality design. Therefore, it is prudent that designers use their own techniques for achieving authentic, high quality design. The following guidelines apply to all new and remodeled development within the entire Master Plan Area unless exempt as determined by Section 6.3.2. 2.8.2 SITE PLANNING GUIDELINES CONSISTENCY STATEMENT A. Site layout 1. Place buildings adjacent to, and oriented towards, the street. Locate prominent architectural features near corners and intersections. 2. Orient storefronts and major building entries towards major streets, courtyards, or plazas. 3. Minimize gaps between buildings in order to create a continuous, pedestrian- oriented environment. 4. Place parking lots so as not to interrupt commercial street frontages. 5. Incorporate functional and aesthetic vehicular and pedestrian connections to adjacent sites. 6. Create small pedestrian plazas along the street wall through the use of recesses in building form. 7. Provide easily identifiable pedestrian access from the street and/or sidewalk to key areas within the site. 8. Incorporate plazas, landscaped areas, fountains, public art, textured pavement, and vertical building features to create focal points that enhance a pedestrian’s experience. 9. Utilize atriums and outdoor courtyards to increase the variety and number of views and to bring additional sunlight into large developments. 10. Give careful design consideration to corner lots, as they are typically a focal point in the urban fabric. 11. Utilize courtyards or other methods to break up the building mass and provide natural ventilation, wherever possible. The proposed site layout for the five- unit condominium project takes advantage of the configuration of the lot, which has a limited street frontage width of 62 feet and no alley access. Vehicular access to each unit is provided by a 24-foot-wide private drive-aisle off Roosevelt Street. The entrance to Unit 1 is oriented toward Roosevelt Street and includes a covered porch and front-facing balconies to activate the street frontage and enhance the residential context. A sidewalk with landscape planters paralleling the northern property line provides pedestrian access to the units. The detached condominium design breaks up the massing of the project and allows for private courtyards for each unit. B. Parking and access 1. Locate parking behind buildings and away from the street, wherever possible. 2. Use pervious paving materials, whenever possible. 3. Buffer residential uses from commercial parking lots by landscaping, fencing, and/or walls. Parking for each unit is provided by a two-car garage off the private drive- aisle. Due to the narrow street frontage of 62 feet and 154-foot depth of the lot, the garage elevations are oriented toward the 2 4. When walls or fences are utilized to screen parking, provide breaks to allow for pedestrian circulation and limit height for safety and security purposes. 5. Divide large parking lots into smaller areas with landscaping and clearly marked pedestrian paths. 6. Highlight primary pedestrian access paths within parking areas with decorative paving, trellises, canopies, lighting, and similar improvements. 7. Create pedestrian paseos to parking lots of buildings. 8. Locate parking below grade or in structures, where feasible. 9. Design parking structures so their height and bulk are consistent with adjacent buildings. 10. Provide bicycle parking at convenient locations such as entrances or other visible and accessible areas. 11. Provide electric vehicle charging stations and equipment where feasible and as otherwise required. south or side property line, which reduces the visibility and prominence of the garages as viewed from Roosevelt Street. Pervious pavers are included in the private drive-aisle to assist with storm water compliance and to visually enhance the project design. Visitor access to each of the units is provided by a walkway adjacent to the north property line. A combination fence/retaining wall up to six feet in height is proposed along the north, south and west property lines to facilitate drainage and to provide privacy screening between the subject residential project and commercial uses to the north and south. C. Plazas and open space 1. Provide private or common open space and pedestrian connections to such spaces to enhance the living environment and contribute to a walkable neighborhood character. 2. Semi-public outdoor spaces, such as small plazas and courtyards are encouraged between private and public spaces to support pedestrian activity and connectivity. 3. Design plazas and building entries to maximize circulation opportunities between adjacent uses. 4. Provide landscaping and high-quality paving materials, such as stone, concrete or tile, for plazas and open spaces. 5. Place outdoor furniture, such as seating, low walls, trash receptacles, bike racks and other elements, in outdoor pedestrian spaces. 6. Site buildings to define open space areas. Ensure that outdoor areas are visible from public streets and accessible from buildings, as well as, streets and pedestrian and bicycle networks. The proposed five-unit condominium project complies with the private open space requirements of the Village General (VG) District of the Village and Barrio Master Plan (VBMP), which requires a minimum of 80 square feet per unit. Each unit has a private ground floor area that exceeds 80 square feet in addition to private balconies. F. Mechanical Equipment and Service Areas 1. Carefully design, locate, and integrate service, utility, and loading areas into the site plan. These critical functional elements should not detract from the public view shed area or create a nuisance for adjacent property owners, pedestrian circulation, or vehicle traffic. 2. Locate loading areas in the rear of a site where possible. 3. Locate mechanical equipment and service areas along and accessed from alleys or the rear of properties, wherever possible. 4. Place public utility equipment, meter pedestals, and transformers underground or away from sidewalks and pedestrian areas, where feasible. 5. Screen all mechanical equipment from public view. 6. Ensure roof mounted mechanical equipment and screening do not interfere with required solar zones or installed solar photovoltaic or solar water heating systems. Four of the five units have their ground-mounted air conditioning units screened by buildings. Unit 1’s ground-mounted air conditioning unit will be screened from Roosevelt Street by landscaping. Each unit will have its own trash and recycling bins within the exclusive use area. Roof plans demonstrate adequate solar zones for the proposed photovoltaic systems. 3 7. Design trash and recycling enclosures to be consistent with the project and building architecture, and site and screen them to minimize visual impact. G. Landscaping Landscaping shall meet the policies and requirements set forth in the City of Carlsbad Landscape Manual. 1. Utilize landscaping to define building entrances, parking lots, and the edge of various land uses. 2. Utilize landscaping to buffer and screen properties. 3. Consider safety, environmental impacts, and accent elements when selecting and locating landscaping elements. 4. Landscaping, between the front property line and the building creates a visually interesting transitional space. Select and place plants to enhance and soften architectural elevations, screen undesirable building features and contribute to the overall quality of the streetscape. 5. Select species that are compatible with Carlsbad’s semi-arid Mediterranean climate, and that will grow to an appropriate size at maturity. 6. When there are minimal landscape areas between the building and the street, incorporate planters onto porches, recessed building entrances, and planters on decks and balconies. 7. Minimize paved vehicle areas such as driveways and parking areas. Design driveways to be no wider than necessary to provide access. Incorporate permeable surfaces, such as interlocking pavers, porous asphalt, power blocks, and lattice blocks/ grass-crete or ribbon driveways where feasible. 8. Utilize planting to screen less desirable areas from public view, i.e., trash, enclosures, parking areas, storage areas, loading areas, and public utilities. 9. Provide landscaping between any parking lot and adjacent sidewalks or other paved pedestrian areas, as well as, within surface parking lots. 10. Incorporate native and drought tolerant vegetation whenever possible. Avoid use of invasive or noxious plants. 11. Incorporate lattice work and landscaping onto existing blank walls to support flowering vines growing out of planters placed at their base. 12. Plant trees and fast growing and flowering vines along fences and walls to soften the appearance of the fencing and screen views to functional on-site work and storage areas. 13. Utilize vines, espaliers, and potted plants to provide wall, column, and post texture and color and to accentuate entryways, courtyards, and sidewalks. 14. Incorporate large planters into seating areas. Planters should be open to the soil below and should incorporate permanent irrigation systems. 15. Maintain landscaping and yard areas regularly to keep a desirable, healthy appearance, eliminate trash, and control vermin. 16. Incorporate Low Impact Development (LID) strategies, site design, and source control measures into projects. Examples include rain gardens, rain barrels, grassy swales, soil amendments, and native plants. 17. Utilize seasonal shading from trees and shrubs when developing planting schemes for courtyards and streetscapes on south and west facing facades. The proposed landscape plan complies with the city’s Landscape Manual. Landscaping is provided between the back of the sidewalk and the front of the building facing Roosevelt Street which creates a visually interesting transitional space while screening the utility transformer. Planters are incorporated in the porch areas of each unit. Interlocking pavers are provided in the drive-aisle with trees located along the south side of the drive- aisle where they do not conflict with vehicle turning movements. H. Fences and walls 1. Construct fences of quality and durable materials, such as, wood, vinyl or To facilitate drainage on the property, retaining walls up to three (3) feet are proposed along the 4 wrought iron. 2. Architecturally treat all site walls to complement the building design. 3. Chain link fences and other “see-through” fences are not appropriate for screening. 4. Fences and walls directly adjacent to sidewalks and pedestrian plazas in commercial and mixed-use areas should be avoided unless designed as a pedestrian amenity or a low wall landscape feature. north, south and west property lines. Wood fences are provided in combination with retaining walls along the perimeter of the property. Wood fences are also provided between the units which define exclusive use areas. 2.8.3 BUILDING FORM AND MASSING GUIDELINES CONSISTENCY STATEMENT A. Building Form and Articulation 1. Reduce the imposing appearance of tall buildings by stepping back from street level on elevations above the ground floor. 2. Utilize horizontal and vertical articulation to break up monolithic street walls and facades. 3. Utilize techniques to reduce massing, such as variation in wall plane and height and variation in roof form and levels. 4. Surface detailing may be used, but does not serve as a substitute for distinctive massing. 5. Consider adjacent low density uses when designing and orienting a building. For example, avoid balconies overlooking rear yards. 6. Minimize the vertical emphasis of architectural design elements by incorporating features such as horizontal bands, reveals, trims, awnings, eaves, and overhangs or other ornamentation, along different levels of the wall surface. 7. Minimize blank walls by: a. Adding window openings and/or entrances and other relief. b. Providing recessed glazing and storefronts. c. Adding vertical pilasters which may reflect internal building structure. d. Changing color and texture along the wall surface. e. Varying the planes of the exterior walls in depth and/or direction. f. Adding trims, projections, and reveals along different wall surfaces. 8. Articulate the building façade by varying building elements to create contrast. Integrate all architectural elements into the building design to avoid the look of “tacked on” architectural features. 9. Utilize facade projections and recesses such as bay windows, planter boxes, roof overhangs, and entry way recesses. 10. Arrange columns such that they appear to support the weight of the building or feature above and are balanced in height, weight, and depth. Spindly columns can appear out of proportion with the element it is supporting. 11. Size shutters appropriately, when used to cover the window opening. 12. Avoid exterior sliding or fixed security grilles over windows along street frontages. 13. Discourage and avoid “chain” corporate architecture and generic designs. Each project should strive to achieve the unique architectural style or character. 14. Design roofs to accommodate a solar photo-voltaic system and/or solar water heating system, as required by California Building Code. 15. Utilize details such as wall surfaces constructed with patterns, changes in The third floor of the unit facing Roosevelt Street is stepped back from the street helping to reduce bulk and mass. The elevation facing Roosevelt Street has been designed with an entry door and two balconies to activate the street frontage. Balconies of the remaining four units are located overlooking the drive-aisle and set back from the adjacent property to the south. The pitched roofs are designed to incorporate solar panels for each unit. 5 materials, building pop-outs, columns, and recessed areas to create shadow patterns and depth on the wall surfaces. 16. Ensure that proportions are consistent with selected architectural styles. 17. Incorporate the characteristic proportions of traditional facades in new infill development. 18. Balance the ratio of height, width, and depth of arches and columns to emphasize strength and balance. 19. Ensure consistency between the height of a column and its mass or thickness with the weight of the overhead structure the column supports. 20. Infill buildings that are much wider than the existing facades should be broken down into a series of appropriately proportioned structural bays or components. 21. Consider transitions between the height of new development and the height of adjacent existing development. 22. Utilize vertical building focal elements. Towers, spires, or domes may foster community identity and serve as landmarks. 23. Utilize windows and open wrought iron balconies to provide opportunities for residents to passively observe and report suspicious activity. 24. Utilize accent materials to highlight building features and provide visual interest. Accent materials may include any of the following: a. Wood b. Glass c. Glass block (transom) d. Tile e. Brick f. Concrete g. Stone h. Awnings i. Plaster (smooth or textured) 25. Use building materials and finishes that are true to the structure’s architectural style. 26. Windows, doors, and entries should be designed to capture the desired architectural style of the building. 27. Generally, use no more than three different materials on exterior wall surfaces. While certain styles may successfully incorporate multiple surface materials, caution must be used as too many materials can result in a less than aesthetically pleasing building. 28. Ensure material changes occur at intersecting planes, preferably at inside corners of changing wall planes or where architectural elements intersect, such as a chimney, pilaster, or projection. 29. Utilize light and neutral base colors. Generally muted color schemes will promote visual unity and allow awnings, window displays, signs and landscaping to be given proper emphasis. 30. Ensure lighting is architecturally compatible with the building. 31. Articulate storefronts with carefully arranged doors, windows, arches, trellises, or awnings, rather than blank walls. Horizontal and vertical siding is provided to break up the exterior walls and to provide visual interest. Open wood balcony railings are provided so that residents can observe the property below. Accent materials such as decorate support columns, awnings above the second-floor balcony doors, and textured siding panels provide visual interest. No more than three main exterior materials are provided creating a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing project. The project is conditioned to provide an exterior lighting plan. 6 32. Ensure that the main entrance to a building is clearly identifiable and unique, as it is the primary point of arrival and should be treated with significance. 33. Window type, material, shape, and proportion should complement the architectural style of the building. 34. Utilize recessed windows where appropriate to the architectural style, to provide depth. Unit 1 has the main entry directly facing Roosevelt Street. Additionally, balconies on the second and third floor are visible at the front of the building. All other entries are located along a clearly identifiable pedestrian walkway on the north side of the property. C. Balconies 1. Place balconies adjacent to operable doorways. Faux balconies or those that do not appear usable are discouraged. 2. Visually support all balconies, either from below by decorative beams and/or brackets, from above by cables, or by other parts of the building. 3. On corners, balconies may wrap around the side of the building. Usable second floor balconies are provided for each unit. The balconies are supported by decorative wood beams and utilize decorative wood safety railings. In addition, the front unit has second and third floor balconies that wrap around the southeast corner of the building. D. Roof Forms 1. Ensure that roof materials and colors are consistent with the desired architecture or style of the building. 2. Utilize multi-roof forms, hips, gables, shed roof combinations, and sufficiently articulated flat roofs to create interesting and varying roof forms that will reduce building mass, add visual appeal, and enhance existing Village and Barrio character and massing. 3. Avoid long, unbroken, horizontal roof lines. 4. Avoid flat roofs unless sufficient articulation of detail is provided, such as precast treatments, continuous banding or projecting cornices, lentils, caps, corner details, or variety in pitch (sculpted), height, and roofline. 5. Avoid the “tacked on” appearance of parapets, and ensure their appearance conveys a sense of permanence. If the interior side of a parapet is visible from the pedestrian and/or motorist area of the project, utilize appropriate detail and properly apply materials. The proposed roof plan provides multiple roof forms and varied roof pitches. The composite roof is consistent with the desired architecture and consistent with the traditional Village and Barrio character. E. Lighting 1. Provide exterior building lighting, particularly in commercial and high- pedestrian areas. 2. Design or select light fixtures that are architecturally compatible with the building. 3. Integrate light fixtures that are downcast or low cut-off fixtures to prevent glare and light pollution. 4. Design lighting in such a way as to prevent the direct view of the light source from adjacent properties or uses, particularly residential properties or uses. 5. Utilize lighting on architectural details, focal points, and parking areas to increase safety, help with orientation, and highlight and site attributes and the identity of an area. 6. Use energy-efficient lamps such as LED lights for all exterior lighting along with adaptive lighting controls to contribute to energy conservation and potentially reduce long-term costs. Exterior sconce lighting fixtures will be located on each unit and consistent with other typical residential lighting. F. Residential Design 1. Design with architectural features such as porches, balconies, chimneys, door The five-unit residential condominium project has been designed with porches and 7 placement, window proportions, dormers, wood detailing, fencing, siding, and color scheme to complement the overall building design, site and neighborhood context. 2. Incorporate porches, trellises, landscaping, and other features to extend the living area toward the street, soften the transition between the street and the dwelling, and encourage community. 3. Design and site units as much as possible to front primary streets to provide “eyes on the street,” create pedestrian environments, and support the walkable, connected character of the Village and Barrio. 4. Articulate windows with accent trim, sills, kickers, shutters, window flower boxes, balconies, awnings, or trellises authentic to the architectural style of the building. 5. Incorporate safe, efficient, and convenient access to usable open space within multifamily developments. 6. Locate garages and parking areas to have the least amount of visual impact on the street. 7. Design garages so that they are subordinate to the main living area, when viewed from the street. Where possible, recess the garage behind the dwelling unit and do not locate it between the main living area and the street. 8. Recess garage doors into the exterior wall, rather than keeping them flush. 9. Design detached garages and accessory structures to be an integral part of the architecture of the project. They should be similar in materials, color, and detail to the principal structures of a development. balconies. The exterior siding and trim materials and colors complement the overall building design. Unit 1 fronts on Roosevelt Street. Landscaping is provided consistent with the city’s Landscape Manual and designed appropriately for the residential site. Exclusive use yards are located directly adjacent to each unit. Garages are located off a side drive-aisle and do not face directly onto the street. ROOSEVELT TO\NNHOMES ... .,,"'.~ .,, ..... : ·•·i',. ...... PROJECT SUMMARY: ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NI.NIBER L.Ea.-.1.DESCRIPTlc»I: '-"'""" EXISTING USE GENERAL.PLAN LAND USE '°"' NUMBEROFLOTS: LOTDENSITY; LANDSCAPEAREA: PARKING SPACES . .. ,.-~ · .. .1.· • .. ~ ROOSEIIELT ST. CARLSBAD, CA. IDCl08 NORTHWEST HALF OF LOT 22 OF SEASIDE LANDS IN COUNTY OF SAN DIEOO, CALIFORNIA, MAP 1722 ~G~HED ~~~;;;;;::DISNCT 4%0R3111S.1' 10 REQUIRED/ 10 PROPOSED TOTAL.OPEN SPACE REQUIRED TOTAL OPEN SPACE PROPOSED UNDEVELOPABLEAREA: WATER/SEWER: YEAR.BUILT: BUILDING CODE OCCUPANCY TYPE: CONSTRUCTlONTYPE NUt.EER OF STORIES: NUt.EER OF DWELLINGS; '""""' NOT APPLICABLE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISNCT / CITY OF CARLSBAD WASTEWATER DIVISION CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ,.,. ~l[:DBUII.DINGCODE(CRC)2018 5'-10' . ,a ,._,.,, ~'-11"FT ""' 44.35" NFPA 13D raqullm throughout ■I ■trucbn■ PRO.ECTNUMBER:CT2D17.DDDl!/SDP2111&-00131 SHEET INDEX: ARCHITECT\JRAL ;;;-PROJECT TEAM: IANDSCAPS ARCHITECT: FRONTIS STUDIO ATTN; SCOT FRONTIS 7542FAYAVE SI.NDIEGOCAll2037 PH.8511.837.2078 EMAIL:sl'ton6'@g1Ml.eom WICHMANN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ATTN: STEVE WICHMANN 405 VIA DEL NORTE. SUITEC ::.:J~~~37 EMAIL.:alfie@wlchrnann-1■.eom =!P~ CORONA DEL MAR, CA 112625 PH:{949)887-3796 EMAIL:Jull■n.loorna@gmall.ccm =l~~::N~D SURVEYING & :!'5TE~ESAPEAKE DR, ~~[~~92123 EMAIL:lnl'oQedlN.com © . ' +"' Q) > Q) en 0--o> 0:: ~111@2017 Al-. ........ ~ 1111-.. --.. .... -""F!101111111Ul10 .. --111-11_..., ..... ~IIIJ-111111111 ---........ -~nlllonoOIIJlil•c, __ .,_..,.._ ----rlFIDfTII Job ""' T1.1 I) 111'-D"SETIIACK ... ""' I PROJECTNUMBER:CT2D17.000M!IDP21111-0C11SI ~;~!~.~--~~~~.~-E_□_S_IT_E ___ P_LA_N _________________ @~ ~ LEGEND: - - -LINEINDICATESPROPERTYUNEIASSUMEDPROPERTYLIPESASNOTED - - - -LINEINDICATESSITESETB,,t,CKS ---LINE INDICATES NEW WOOD FENCINGOVERRETAININGWAU.NOTTO EXCEEDS' IN OVERALL HEIGHT FROM LOWE8T AD.W:ENT GRADE ====-INDICATES NEW RETAINING WALL HEIGHT INDICATEl ON CMLPLANS ~ NEWONGRADECONCRETEPADISIDEWAI..K/DRIVEWAY ~ NEW BRICK PAYERS I::::::::::::::: :j NEW LANDSCAPE AREA PER L.ANDl!ICAPE PLANS ~ NEW STRUCTURES -VISIBILITYTRMGLE NEW GM METER DOWNSPOLJTLOCATlON ABBREVIATIONS: T0F -TOP OF FENCE BOF • BOTTOM OF FENCE TOW-TOP OF WALL BOW-BOTTOM OF WALL PROJECT SUMMARY: LOTAREA: EXISTING USE: ::~PLAN LAND USE: NUM!IEROFLOTS: LOT DENSITY: L.AND!ICAPEMEA:. PARKING SPACES: 2l!IOROOSEVELTST. CARl..9BAD,CAll:2DOI 2m.-101-35-00 NORTHWEST IW.F OF LOT 22 OF SEASIDE LANDS IN COUNTY OF~ DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, MAP 17:22. Zl.7dlffC-lil,a12.7SS.F. SINGLE FAMILY DETACIED VB-VILL.AOEIBARRIO V-8 -VILLAGEIIIARRIO; Vil.LAGE GENERAL DISTRICT POR110NOFLOT22 11UNITSMIN./23UNITSW.X.PERACRE PROPOSED 6 UNITS FOR 22.7 ACRES 4%0R3118.F. 10 REQUIRED/ 10 PROPOSED TOTAi.OPEN SPACE REQUIRED TOTAL OPEN SPACE PROPOSED UNDEVELOPABLEAREA: WA.~ISEWER: YEAR BUILT: BUILDING CODE: OCCUPANCY TYPE: CONSTRUCTlONTYPE: NUMBER OF STORIES: NUMBER OF DWEWNGS: ~===:::::;;;;;;;;;:;::')so~UARE~sJF~OOT"'.;;w,'sEs;BREAKDOWNe'~~;',s';'-UcaNJT[c;;ONa,:E:::::::;:::::===:J ~: UNITa!ElR~~l ~ITHA>~l~!~I cw;: la,11:$1'10~11~ UNIT TWO 117 m 772 1™ 4211 2121 11C • m m • MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE HEIGlfT: A.CTUALHEIGHT: A.U.OWED LOT COVERAGE: • m • PROPOSED LOT COVERNll:: FIRESPRINKLERSYSTEM: 20% OF11,B12.76•1,1122.56 3,D4SSFA.TGROUNDLEVEL ABOVE. THE PROPOSED OPEN f/l'N:;E DOES NOT INCLUDEDRIVE-IIISLESORPA.RKINOA.REAS,IT c»ILYINCLLIJESI..ANDSCA.PEJHARDSCA.PE PA.TH WAYS AND DEO<IPA.TIOMIALCONY AREM. """"""""-' =::::i..:~~1::1~~~:Rw::T/CrTYOF CARLSBAD UNIFlmSCHOQ.DISTRICT "" ~l~~IA IUILDING CODE (CRC) 201B ""'"' 3PROPOSED 5(SSFR) 6'-10' . ,. "'~~ M'-11"FT ,,. ...... NFPA.13D~lrwlllra11111hDwt■l■lruc:tu-SITE PLAN KEYNOTES: [_,] 1. Prq,m■dRukl■no■. Exl■lll"GBuldqj. Prapo■■dl■ncl■o■pe-■-,lpllll .... 4. Praix-:IOll■driaalpan■I. -Drt-■,,.s.■ a.llp1■,-fara:ld111Dn■ln'l:,rr,.!!0n. -lllrilll■■w■t■rh■-t■rll'NUll■donWllllng,ng■. ,. "' B. Praix-:1-m--•rvlo■far,..ic.n.iunft(■■l■b■l■d)-s.■a.llpl■,-far ■dd....,. ---11. Pfllix-:i-labnl-S..Civilplln11Drldcliliarllllinbfflllion. 10. PrapmedGNm■t■r-S■■CIYlpl■,.lbr.tdlllDn■ll'mm■llon. 11. Exillil"GCily-liclNfllkMdaurb. 12.~~in-,i■r,tob■■IMl■dfi'ornvl■wwlllpl■l"llqi-S..Clwllpl■n■b-addlllon■I 14. -lnlnlngWlllwllh-f■rdlgonlDp.Nol.10-ll'ft-lhlllghlfi'orn-of■dj■o■nl gradel,1Dp1ndbollDmofw.lllp1rlllYllplMl.r.t.hllghtol1'9no■lnll'onl~llti.clc1hllllbe42" 15.Exlsllng-pol■. 11. H■lchlndl-,_t.rlngbon■ p■.-tnlkp■wm 17.~ 11. Pfllix-:ll'w-ifancirQ'alllN.Muhlightolfano■infronl,wdlltbeclltahlllbe"'2" 111.Prapmedlr■rwlt>rrner_,IDbelh~ll'Dmvl11Wwlhpl■nlq 20.Pfllix-:ilrnhlUldNC';Clftgloodorl 21. Pn:,ix-:IOll■drimlmnlr 22.Ex1■11111w■t■r..-....io■1Drr■■ld■nll■lri(•l■b■la:l)-S-Clvlpl■rafor■dclll0n■llnl,. 23.ACurli~lolllwift SITE PLAN NOTES: 1. n.■cr01■1iop9dr■rnp~""•lb■n0gr■■llrll■n1:5Dor2%. 2. Slbt-l>lllty.i.llconformlo1hefollowlngs■ctlorl1d1he201BCdlbmlllB~l'lgCoot: 2.1. Secllll:o'l1111A.-Ciw,g-■lnl-lon~tll■~ 2.2. S■dlori1112A-CurbR■mp■onA.a.■■ibl■Ra..-. 2.3. Sealloll1113A-w.lks.-.c1SlclltnbonM~tll■Roota. I @ 0 . ' C0pyriglrl@2017 .. _..., ... __ -.. --.. .... ,..,..,.,FIDll111111mDn -1o•-n-.., ;:;':1~~ Job: Tille: PRIJIOIIEDSIIE "" AS1.1 '''"""""""" .,,,..,... mi/::il,,~Tll LEGEND: PROJECT SUMMARY: ---LINEINDICATESPROPERTYLINEIA.SSUMEDPROPERTYUNESASNCJTED PROJECT ADDRESS: 2519ROOSEVELTST. ---LINEINDICATESEXISTlNGRETAINl<IGWALL I·-~; ___ ,... ·,I EXISTINGONGRADECONCRETEPADISIDEWALKIDRIVEWAY ~ EXISTlNGLANDSCAPEAREAPERL.NESCAPEPLANS ~ EXISTlNGSTRUCTlJRES ABBREVIATIONS: TOF-TOPOFFENCE BOF -BOTTOM OF FENCE TOW-TOP OF WALL BOW-BOTTOM OF WAU. LANDSCAPEAREA: PARKINGSPACES: CARI..SBAD,CA9200fl NORTHWEST 1W.F OF LOT 22 OF SEASIDE LANDS IN COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, loW" 1722. ::G~~~j_~~~ED VB-VIL.LAGE/BARRIO V-11-VILL.AGEIIIARRIO;VIL.LAGEGENERALDISTRICT =~~~:':3~NITSIMX.PERACRE PROPOSED 6 UNITS FOR 22.7 ACRES 4"'OR311S.F. 10 REQUIRED/10PROPOSED I PROJECTNUMBER:CT2017.000l-8DP2011-00131 """"',... ...... -~--;"-'a'"!~-~,,,~.,,~"'"G""'S"'l"'T"'E"'P"""LA"'"'N"'---------------'"--"'_""_'_"_"_'_'"_·'-"""-'"-----<~ ~~=DSTRUCTIJRESTOBE TOTAL OPEN SPACE REQUIRED TOTAL OPEN SPACE PROPOSED UJrEEIIEL.OPAIILEAREA: WATER/SEWER: YEARBUILT: BUILDING CODE: OCCUPANCY TYPE: CONSTRUCTION TYPE: NUMIIEROFSTORIES: znl,OFll,S12.7ll=1,1122.511 3.046SFATGROL.trlDLEVEL AB0YE. THE PROPOSED OPEN .. ACE DOES NOT INCI..UDEDRIVE-AISLESORPARKINGAREAS,IT ONLYINCLli>ESLAN~E PATHWAYS AND DECK/PATIOS/BALCONY AREAS. NOT APPLICABLE =:::-:1::=~~CTICITYOF CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT "" er:IABUILDING CODE (CRC)2011 '""'°'m 5(5SFR) 6'-10' . " -~ 34'-11"FT ... "'" NFPA13D,_l..tllra1111houtllllslruclln5 IPROJECTNUt.EIER:CT2017.000&-8DP201&-001:il D~I I u, ! -.a I-u I Z-5 oiu 0:: LL. en (I) E 0 ..c: C ~ I-(I) > (I) en 0--&> CopyrW11@2D17 .. ___ _ -.. --. .... -IIFJOrntfl\lllOn -~•-n-• .. .,.._..., .. 111111 ... ---~ ... --llMIIIIIIIO•-· ----.-___ ... _... """ JOO: TIiis: .... "'"'"'~ """" AS1.2 0 ystems 0 ive Holding 0 Periscope Media Q Carlsbad ViUage Association Laguna Dr 0 RW Surfboards O BigOTires Laguna Dr Laguna Dr Laguna Or 0 Chamberlain Property Management Laguna Dr VICINITY PLAN -100' ~ _N_T_S---------------------------.~~ Mad AREA PLAN KEYNOTES: STRUCTURES -EXISTING & PROPOSED 0Exi"ting1-stor\l-=alttuildi1g. l_!JExistlJll2-story-=altllilding. i37Existin1l2-sto,,yrnsiden1ialb<Jiding ~Exi,ting3-otorycorrrn•rciilllt>uilding i s I Exioting 1-.toryre•kl~= i67Exlstl111J1-storyresldenoetobeden"Olwdforproposedlownhomes l2.Jfaisling1-sL<>ryresidenlial<>ul-buildingloOOdemalished. AREA PLAN LEGEND: WALLS & FENCES -EXISTING & PROPOSED -•-•-•-LINE INDICATES 100' DEMARCATION DISTANCE FROM PROPOSED PROJECT '"' ---LINE INDICATES EXISTING Cf-lAIN LINK FENCING. HEIGITTVARIES FROM 4'-0" TO6'-0". AREA PLAN KEYNOTES: MAJOR VEGETATION -EXISTING & PROPOSED ,---\ i A ; lxiot"'I C..-, P.,, 1ri> 1~'lolll !~:•l"xiltillg'llr'Hlll111ib1Pillla,:IO'i>H' ... !,_c)l"xi1tillgCtTi1tnouP1111,l'i>1t'IIIII (~) l"xiot"'I c ... -Too1,H'lc.-.,IIII (~) lxiotillg Con■ry 1111-, D111 Pal• i> be....,..~. ~0' 111111. (~· hill .. a ... 11;o:1 ol~•-•loba•...,··· 11' lol (~) l"xilt._ a.,1 ■io:I "'~,-,JiH, ,,, ,. (~) l"xiltilQ l'liiol'llilll Y-. 'I> i. ,_,Id, 11'111 "' "-I_../ l"••t-. k .. ~r--,r,_ 1~ '1>20'11111 ,--, '<-~) Exl1tl11g D'agon T•• ,.,_,,.., l' 'I> 4' tal (~) Exl1tlllg ll)Q"lly ■-Ou• E-i,o;,tc.., :E'ill. (~) l"xiltilQ .,_,thu, 111.,,.., r,-, 11' id Ci> lxilt"'I To•H PIWol •-• l' -4' •1 (~-;-l"xiotillgl.-mo:J,JO'-tl'IIII. (~j-■xi1tillg-ill.nFllpporT-'l>t.,....,,ld,1~·11111 ,,-, '· Q : l"xi1tillg ~icn 1"1111l00 T••'I> bara,.,,ld, 1~'11111 (~) Exiltilg R-ahr .. , :I' Ill . . ,--, 1l;l"•ilt"'1■..,-.r11111 i;;_~·l"•i1tillgTr,.-.1tLt,,l'·:l'lllll i'-..~,)l"•i1tillgLl,-0ft111Nl1,l'-4"•1 (~) lixiotilg •rd d ~-i•. ~· -I'._ I ~ Copyright@ 2017 .. ______ _ ... _, ___ ..... -• ... c.111ra:, ... _, .... --.-.. . , ... ____ ,,. ____ ,_,.. ... , "''""·'""·~-, .... _ . ..... ,, .... ____ _ ....... _.,., ... Tltle: Sheet AS1.3 , .... ""'' 1111 DIFFERENCE ..lo FROM OUTSIDE :NI" GRADE TO ~ 1 ~ ro """ ~ ,. """'"""·'-• m ""z lio m □ i> ~ p :t:-I I ~ I I ~ ~ t en ~ -I ~~~ci ;:g F~:Ta8tE y}:c~~D~P.L. 9'-D"GRADETO T. FENCE OUTSIDE P.L. 3'-11"GRADETO 5 T.FENCEINSIDEP.L. 11"-0"GRADETO T. FENCE OllTSIDE P.L. 1'4'GRADE DIFFERENCE FRON OUTSIDE 3' .. "0RADETO TO INSIDE H T.FENCEINSIDEP.L -------1'-41"WAI.L 5'-:f'GRADETO T. FENCE OUTSIDE P.L 1111 ~1~ .= ~ i;Z • C"J 1'-e"GRADE DIFFERENCE FRON OUTSIDE TO INSIDE 4'-1" GRADE TO T.FENCEINSIDEP.L 1'-rWALL 5•.r GRADE TO m T.FENCEOUTSIDEP.L □ ~ I ~ ~ J: "C r I I I I n= ffil I I pu I I! q I I I I ~ t 1D"GRADE DIFFERENCE I ~ FROM OUTSIDE TOl<ISIDE 6'-2"0RADETO T.FENCEINSIDEP.L 1'-!"WAU. 8'.q'GRADETO T.FENCEOUTSIDEP.L I I I I I I I I 4"0RADE I DIFFERENCE FROM OUTSIDE TOINSIDE 6'-rGRADElO T.FENCEINSIDEP.L 1'-3"WAU. 8'-D"GRADETO T.FENCEOlJTSIDEP.L 3 1"GRADE DIFFERENCE FROMOIJTSIDE TOlrlSIDE IMO"GRADETO 8"WAU. T.FENCEINSIDEP.L 5'-11"GRADETO T.FENCEOUTSIDEP.L ~-------~ 11 I Tli i'lll'llli 1,1,l:·•1 !111hjl ;-->' I! -. ·i: :Ui!j .i:,. • a! hft,,,. ~In ';;;· . .., •m ""z Ii C"J m □ i> G) ~ ~ z □ ~ J: ;g F::~~ :~ TO INSIDE ····-l~ DIFFERENCE FROM OUTSIDE TO INSIDE 2'-4"GRADE DIFFERENCE FROM OUTSIDE TO INSIDE 2-li"GRADE DIFFERENCE FROM OUTSIDE TO INSIDE l 8'-0"GRADETO T.FENCEINSlllEP.L B'-D"GRADETO T.FENCEOUTSIDEP .L ~~ pn I U ! I I ~ I ~ 4'-10"GRADETO T.FENCEINSIDEP.L a".Q"GRADETO T.FENCEOUTSIDEP.L <!',&"GRADE TO T.FENCEINSIDEP.L B'.Q"GRADETO T.FENCEOUTSIDEP.L a".Q"GRADETO T.FENCEOUTSIDEP.L 3'-5"GRADETO T.FENCEINSIDEP.L. I~~ ""C"J Ii Fii ID fj ;,,; C "C □ "C m z en ~ m □ ~ D :t:> s: ~-l-~GRADETO < 1111' ~~'"~'"'' u s~ -Roosevelt Townhomes Village Review Area 2569 Ro088V91t St.. Certsbad. CA 92008 ~==~!!!!~~ r~ I t I ! i I' !@ """' --"'~"'/~"'~"'-,'"~'".□a.,;.F"'LD=D'"R""P""LAN="--------------------....,~ II O~I I 0~. fRO.ECTNl.MIER:CT2D17.00DIIA'Z017.0CJ121 I © . , ~"1!@2017 ,._...., ___ ___ ....,_t, ~rllllQlfTSITIDJn -•--M-• ... .-....... 111111 ___ .,.,.., .. -11,nnllOM .... NO' ___ ...,_ .. __ ., __ '"" Jab: Tllla: A1.1 PHOTO\IOLTAIC PANELS,TYP. ~~F~R-----------~ ~~~~-=F~----=----~~.,:;;;;;--I ..L+ -.,,I, ... I I lJ"., iT I Ii I j: I ,I i l~;:oo.li Ii I ! . ·: =-~~ =-~~ =-~ --=--=-~~ =-~~-=-~~ i :J PIIOJECT TlilJE ""™ -_R_OO ___ F_P_LAN __________________________ ~ 1/B••11.0" ~ II I IPAOJECTi'IJMIIER:CTZ017.000&'SDPZ011-00131 I © . , ~"1!@2017 ,._...., ___ ___ ....,_t, ~rllllQlfTSITIDJn -··-·--... .-....... 111111 ___ .,.,.., .. _..., ............. .. ___ ...,_ .. __ ., __ '"" Jab: Tllla: TliRDlROOF -~ A1.2 1. UNIT 5 EXTERIOR ELEVATION-EAST 2. EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS -SOUTH 1/8"•1'-0" .~. 1;e·-1•-0n 3. UNIT 3 EXTERIOR ELEVATION -EAST 4. UNIT 2 EXTERIOR ELEVATION -EAST 1;e·-1•-0n O~I 1/8"•1'-CJ"' O~I EXTERIOR FINISH KEYNOTES [!J 1. Wood"1g■.-.door 2. Adcnls Nullmra: ll"tdcut ■klmlnum hOUN nun1>1rs, Hlln ftlah. Bllncl rncutrc1 3. Wood"1gulldrall 4. H■rcl-pllrkhDrlzont■l&mDCllhwoodl■p1klng,pllln!MllnTBD 5. HMl-p1nn11l-ilcal&mDCllhbo■nl•b■ttw1sklrQ,paln!MlhTBD 7. TllenrayAlhwoodclacldlngwllhn■tural~lh S.. Ch■ruxl A■pt,al;StinglN 11. Scarmllghllng 11. TntuNdli:lng O~I 5. UNIT 1 EXTERIOR ELEVATION -EAST 1/8"•1'-0" O~I I © . , ~"1!@2017 ,._...., ___ ___ ....,_t, ~rllllQlfTSITIDJn -•·-M-• ... .-....... 111111 ___ .. .,.., .. _..., ............. .. ___ ...,_ .. __ ., __ '"" Jab: Tllla: A3.1 6. UNITS 5 EXTERIOR ELEVATION -WEST 7. EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS -NORTH 1/8"•1'.(]" G~I 1/8"•1'.(]" 8. UNITS 4 EXTERIOR ELEVATION -WEST 9. UNITS 2 EXTERIOR ELEVATION -WEST 1/8"•1'.(]" G~I 1/8"•1'.(]" O~I EXTERIOR FINISH KEYNOTES [!J IPROJECTNJMIIER:CTZ017.000MIDP2011-0D131 2. Adcnls Nullmra: ll"tdcut ■klmlnum hOUN nun1>1rs, Hlln ftlah. Bllncl rncutt"Q 3. Woodin i,Md rail 4. H■rdl-pllrkhorlzomalsmoolhwoodl■p1lclng,palnlM:llnTBD 5. H■rdl-p1mn11lvwtlcal1moothba1nll.battwnlldhg,palnlM:llnTBD 7. TllenrayAlhwoodclacldlngwllhn■tural~lh &. Ch■ruxl Alpt,lll;StinglN a. Soormllghllng 11. TntuNdli:lng D~I 10. UNITS 1 EXTERIOR ELEVATION -WEST 1/8"•1'.(]" D~I I © . , ~1111@2017 ,._...., ___ ___ ....,_t, ~rl11101ffl1111Dln -•--M-• ... .-....... 111111 ___ .. __ _ ..., .............. .. ___ ...,_ .. __ rllll0lffll '"" Jab: Tllla: A3.2 oSCO cp=i --.,---/✓----('-----,-----~ c,, 1Jc------------------i ' R O O S E V E LIT--MAIN. (NO DWG)l ST RE -------c=.........,,----------------------=== ~~ = ?~'-c_o_Nc/i~=E-{]/iA/iA PIPE - - ----- - ---- - ---- - -7f-------= = =----J----=== = = = === = = === -= == ,, SEASJDt LANDS MAP 1722 LDT21 □ SEASJD! LANDS \ I I I I I I I \ y :::: _j r(ID 9 µ1ooxi~1ctitr1;,1 I / / ' 10 ' ' ;!: f i I I I I II I ...-,-,-..-,,~-..-...-...-,-'"-,,_--..-_--..-,.-..-,,-...--..-,--..-,-,-,,,-..-, ----1 II I ! ! ~ ~ ! EXISTING BUILDING 11 I L ________________________________ J 1: : 11 ------s --e--SMH--- -SEASJD£ LANDs MAP 1722 LDT 2~ 1 TWO STORY :STUCCO BUILDING PLANNING CASE NO. CT 2017-0006 I SOP 2018-0013 DEMOLITION PLAN FOR ROOSEVELTTOWNHOMES (2569 ROOSEVELT STREET) LEGEND: GRAPHIC SCALE '~ --LW' --r ( IR PDT) llllCII• 10 ft. __.....,___.__, INDICATES SILT FEHCE cx=coCO INDICATES CHECK DW / ~'o£L fW.S I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \I :,Tee!,"PEJMOus """ ro BE NOTE, 1. N.1. EXISTING STRUCTURES, PAVING AND 1,£G£TA110H TO BE REMOIIED FROltl SITE 2. TOTAL DC/STING 1/tlfffMOUS ARf'A -2,504 SF. SILT FENCE CHECK DN1S / GRA~ fMGS STR£ET SW££PING SOLJD WASTE" WrNA.G£NENT' SC-1 SC-4 SC-7 WM-5 SAN DIEGO I.AND SURVEYING AND ENGINEERING, INC. 96155 CHESAPEAKE DRIVE, SLKTE 445 DEMO Pl.AN SAN DIEGO, CA. 92123 PHONE: 858-565-8382 FAX: 858-585-4354 MSMITHOSDLSE.COM APN: 203-101-35 PROJECT 2569 ROOSEVELT STREET BASE.DWG 11/15/2018 MICt-Li.Ei... L SlillTH DATE RCE 35471, MY REGIST'RATlON EXPIRES ON M-30-20111 For the exclusive 1111e of: D 1 2559 ROOSEVELT. LLC P.O. BOX 448 CORONA DEL MAR. CALIFORNIA. 92825 San Diego Land Surveying & Engineering, Inc. 98M ChNape•D Drlw, Suite 4-46, San D1e,o. c.Jifol'D1a 92123-1354 i @) I O.J' II T-r----f~~~~~~~~~~~~"""~~~~~~=~~~~d~~==~~~~~~-------------------~------------, EXISTING BUILDING j j I: Phom,; (858) MIS-83112 !'az; (8611!1) &IS6-436-4-Date: 01-02-2018 Reviaed: Reviaed: Scale: 1·-10· Drawn by: M.LS. ShNt::, of 3 s11 .. 1ai Drawing: RoOHl/elt st 2se9 8'.S'E .A.P.H. 20.1-ror-.s.5 EXISTING SIDEWJ.LK TENTATIVE TRACT MAP FOR: ROOSEVELT TOWNHOMES 66' ,,. 22' 22' STING AC. PAVING.AND s-.SE" TYPICAL STREET SECTION OF SOOE: r-40• DDilOI..ITION NOTE: ROOSEVELT STREET (EXISTING S'fflfIT) NO SCALE ALL EX/sr/NG STJ?UCTURES, PA\IING AND \IEGETl,T/ON TO ~ REMCMD FROM S/1c. SITE SECTION "AA" -GRADING ,,. (2569 ROOSEVELT STREET) RUNNING WALL SEE JIIAU. DErNL AT RIGH1' 50 GENERAL NOJES: 1. HUMBER OF EXISTING LOTS • 1 2. HUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS • 1 J. roTAL ~ AREk 9,614 SF., 0.2207 AC. -4. A.P.N.: 20.J-10I-.J5 5. PROPOSED UH/TS: 5 5. SETBACKS: FRONf 15', Rf"AR 5', SID£ 15, CORNER SID£ 10' 7. EARTHWORK: cur 0.0 CUBIC YARDS FILI. 78 CUBIC YARDS RDilOVE AND RECOMPACT .J.56 C.Y. 1/rlPOl?f 78 CUBIC YARDS SEE SHEET J FOR MORE INFORMATION OH &.RTHWORK & ~GE PAVIHG,/HARDSCN'E: 0.0 :C BU/lDING: 36.5 Jr BRICK PA'l'ERS: 5J.5 Jr I.AHOSCAPc; 10.0:C i. BUILDING HEIGH1' • 35' AVERAGE .AB0\1£ FINISH£D GRADE. 10. ZONING: V-R 11. SLOPE ANALYSIS: LESS TH,i,H 5X 12. Rl:FUSE AHO RECYCLING REC£PrACL£5 ARE PROVIDro FOR WITHIN THE GARAGE OF E'A.CH UHff (SEE ARCHrrrer5 PUrNS FDR LOCATION). IJ. AU DWEU.IHGS SHN..L B£ FIRE SPRIHKI..ERED PER HF'PA 130. 14. E'ACH DWEWNG UNff SHALL REQUIRE SMOKE N..,t,RMS PER 2013 CALJFDRHIA FIRE COOc, CALJFORHIA BUILDING COD£ AND CAUFORHIA REStDfNTIA/.. CODE:. 15. EACH DWELLJNG UNff SHN..L REQUIRE CARBON MONOXIDE Al.ARMS PER 201.l CALIFORNIA FIRE COO£. CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE: NID CALJFORNIA RESIDENTIAi.. CODE. 15. AVERAGE 1:MILY TRIPS (ADT): 5 CONDOS X 8 ADT/COHDO • 40 ADT. 17. WATER D£JIAHD • 250 GPO/CONDO X 5 CONDOS -1,250 GPD 18. SEWER DEMAND • 5 rous X 220 GPD/EDU • 1,100 GPD ~ NOTE: THE PROPEl?TY IS ~TED Wf1HIN AN ARf'A ~WNG A ZONE DESIGNATION •)(' (NOH-SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA) l1'f THE FmERN. EMERGENCY l,W,/AGEMEHT At;EHCY (FEMA) ON FLOOD INSURANCE RA.TE MAP NO. 06073C07tlfG, Wf1H A l:MTE OF IDENTIFJCl,TJON OF MAY 16, 2012, FOR COAIMUNfTY NO. 060294, IN SAH DIEGO COUNTY, STATE OF Cl,LJFORN,,__ WHICH IS THE CURREm' FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP FOR THE COMMUNITY IN WHICH THE PROPERTY IS Sfl™TED. PLANNING CASE NO. CT 2017-0006 I SOP 2018-0013 .D1ltJIB: SURVfYQR/ENG/NEFR 2569 ROOSEVELT, U.C SAN DIEGO I..AND SURVEYING .t ENGINEERING, INC JUL/1,N T00MA. CEO 9665 CHESAP9,}(E DRIVE, SUtrr .f.45 P.O. BOX +f8 SAN DIEGO, CA. 92123 CORONA D£L MAR, CA 92625 PHONE: (858) 565-8362 PHONE: JJ£YELQf£B; MARC CICCHmD .:,.Jts5 IBIS STREIT SAN DIEGO, CA 9210J PHONE: (619) 992-1..f..J.4 ~ 2569 ROOSEVELT STREIT lfGAI QfSCRIPTIQN· FRONTIS STUDIO 8.JO MISSOURI STREIT, #2 SAN DIEGO, CA. 92109 PHONE: (85tJ) 837-2078 THE NORTHWESTERI...Y HALF OF THE NORTI-MESTERLY HN..F OF LOT 22 OF SEASIDE I..ANDS, IN THE CITY OF CARLSS'.D, COUNTY OF SAH DIEGO, STATE OF Cl,LJFQRN,,__ ACCORDING TO MAPS THEREOF NO. 1722 IN THE OFF1CE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF !WO SliN DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 28, 1921. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION THEREOF DESCRIBED "5 FOLLOWS: THE MOST f"ASJERLY PORTION, 8 FEET IN WIDTH, N..ONG THE E:JSrffil...Y BOUNIMRY OF !WD LOT BEARING NORTH :J-,f-DEGREES, .:,.J MINUTES WEST AND 62.165 FEIT IN LENGTH, "5 GRANTED TO THE CfTY OF CARLS~ ON OOCUMEHT RECORDED JUNE 28, 1991 "5 INSTJ?UMENT NO 1991-o.Jl6665 OF OFFJCll,L RECORDS. ASSESSQR PARCfl NQ 20J-101-.35 -CITY OF CARLS~ BENCHMARK FROM RECORD OF SURVEY NO. 17271, POINT NO. 129, BM -OC 155. L~TED ON A CONCRE:TE SIGNAL PEDESTAL .500' SOU1H OF THE CARLS~ BOULEVARD BRIDGE. El..EVA110Nas 22.25'4 NAYD 88. CONDOlrllNIUlrl NOJE: THIS SUBDMS/ON IS A CONDOMINIUM PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SECTION '4 I 25 OF THE Cl,LJFORNIA CML CODE: AND CONSIS15 OF A MAXIMUM OF 5 CONDOMINIUM UNfrS. PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICTS: WATER -CMWD SEWER -CITY OF CARLSS'.D SCHOOL -CARLSS'.D UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT sm: VARIES 3' TO 6' HIGH 0000 FEHCE PLI NOTE> JIIAU. AND FENCE NOT TO EXCEED 6' IN HEIGHT. PRIVATE RETAINING WALL AT PLANTER NOT TO Soo.£ SETBACK DETAIL LEGEND: -------INDICATES PROPERTY LINE ~ INDICATES PROPOSED I..ANDSCAPED ARf'A 963 SF. '433 SF. 5.14-2 SF. ~ INDICATES PROPOSED SDG.tE TRANSFORMER 1 EA. -e-tii1 INDICATES PROPOSED t• WATER SERVICE 3 EA. AND I • MEIER/BACK FLOW PER CMWD W-~ --q~:;1~---:·.-;-·.~t~Q-, INDICATES PROPOSED 20' ~y 1 EA. M M M M M INDICATES PROPOSED RE:TNNING JIIAU. 351 LF. CD INDICATES PARKING SPACE 0 INDICATES NEW TREE: [ID INDICATES SEWER ~CKFLOW VAL~ ~ INDICATES DIRECJION OF DRNNAGE FF INDICATES FINISH FLOOR El..EVATION PNJ INDICATES PAD EJ..£VA110N "' INDICATES TOP OF CURB FL INDICATES FLOWI..INE EG INDICATES EX/SnNG GRADE "' INDICATESFIN/SHGRNJE 1W INDICATES TOP OF WALL aEVAJJON .. INDICATES BOTTOM OF WALL aEVAJJON TOP F INDICATES TOP OF FENCE cs INDICATES CONCRE:TE SURFACE /ND/Cl,TES PLANTER LS INDICATES I..ANDSCAPE SURFACE OOP INDICATES DOWN SPOUT ----INDICATES EX/STING CONTOUR INDICATES EK/STING CONCRE:TE PAWNG ~~=~~ (IMPERVIOUS) -----INDICATES EX. WA1ER LJNE _.. -• ---o -• -INDICATES EK. SEWER UNE ~ INDICATES EX. SEWER LA1ERAL. -~~~-INDICATES EK. MJOD FENCE ® INDICATES EXISTING I~ WA.1ER SERVICE AND 1• MEfER/BACK FLOW PER CMWD W-~ INDICATES EX. GAS METER/VAL~ INDICATES EK. Vnl.IrY POL£ Q 0 ~ INDICATES EX. TREES TO BE REMOVED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVE't'OR: SAN DIEGO LAND SURVEYING .t ENGINEERING, INC. 9605 CHESAPEAKE ORN£, SUITE 445 SAN DIEGO, Cl,LJFQRN/1, Q212J (858) 565-8362 PROJECT NO. 203-101--35 2569 ROOSEVELT ST St.SE.DWG T£NTATIV£ MA.P !OE'A '"'· HA For the ell:cl1111ive Wle of: C 1 2lJ89 ROOS£V£LT, LLC P.O. BOX~ CORONA D£L MAR, CALIFORNIA. 92625 San Diego Land Surveying & Engineering, Inc. 91M16 Chnll.pellke Drift, !'lui.te '4'45, &n Diego, Ca1iforDla "2123-136-4 Pluma: (858) 6Cl5-8382 Pu:: (868) 585-'4354-Date: 01/02/2013 Revised: Revised: Scale: NONE Drawn by: M.LS. SHEU 1 OF 3 SHE£1S Drawing: 2569 ROOSEVELT ST. !MSE A..P.N. 20.3-fOf-.35 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP FOR: ~~OSEVEL T TOWNHOMES PLANNING CASE NO. CT 2017-0006/ SOP 2018-0013 ----~ 1JAp 1722 ---------_.!::.PL~---® / / ON£ STORY BLOCK BUILDING _____________ T ________ -----------I \ I I \ \ I I I \ _J 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEASID( lAND5 I JWl 1122 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LOT23 --------------------~v"'"'rrN"~R'!lr..!.=ae,,a~N~M~"OO~~~f"~W~~=::-:;~===~~-------------------~-----------SLg~: :irta~NG 1 l GRAPHIC SCALE '~ --tW· --i i I ff-N Qf5CRIPTIQN• THE NORTHW£STERI..Y HALF OF THE NOIIDMESTERI..Y HALF OF LOT 22 OF 51:ASIDE 1..AHDS, IN THE CITY OF CARLSSI.D, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, ST.A1E" OF CALJF'ORNIA, ACCORDING ro WJ>S THEREOF NO. 1722 IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 28. 1921. Df.CEP11NG THEREFROM 11-IAT PORTION THEREOF D£SCRIB£D AS FOLLOWS: THE MOST EAS1ERLY PORTION, 8 FE£f IN WID1H, ALDNG THE EASTERLY BOUHCMRY OF SAID LOT BEAR/HG HORTH :U DEGREES, 33 /rl/HUTES WEST AND §.165 FE£f IN I.EHGTH, AS ~ TO THE CITY OF CARLS!MD OH DOCUMDff RECORDED JUNE 2/J, 1991 AS INSTRUMENT NO 1991-0316665 OF OFFJC/AL RECOROS. APN; 203-101-35 -CfTY OF CARLS.!MD BENCHMARK FROM RECORD OF SURVEY NO. 17271. POINT NO. 129, BAI -OC 155. L~1ED ON A CONCRITE SIGNAL PEDcSTAL 500' SOUTH OF THE cw.5840 BOULEVARD BRIDGE. E1..£VAT10N-22.25'4 NA\'D BIJ. LEGEND: INDICATES WA7E'R ME:TER INDICATES POWER POLE ';" INDICAITT ~S METER/VAL~ INDICATES WOOD FENCE INDICATES CHAIN UNK FENCE --- ---INDICAITT PROPERTY UN£ LS INDICATES LANDSCAPING AREA EM INDICATES £/..£C1RIC METER TC /ND/CATES TOP OF CURB FL /ND/CATES FLOWI./NE FF INDICATES FINISHED FLOOR PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR: SAN DIEGO I.ANO SURVEYING 4" ENGINEERING. INC. 9865 CHESAPEN<E ORN£. SUITE 445 SAN DIEGO, CALJFORHIA 92123 (858) 585-8382 PROJECT NO. 203-101-35 25159 ~T ST &1.SE.dw9 ~~·----.., 01-15-2019 ROBERT J. ~ • P.LS. 7048 !M.TE TM / TOPOGRAPHY MAP C2 For the exclwi:i've wi:e of: 2569 ROOSEVELT. LLC P.O. BOX 448 CORONA DCL MAR. CALIFORNIA 92825 San Diego Land Surveying & Engineering, Inc. 98156 Chellapeake Dr1w, Suite 4-46, San D1eeo, Callforme. 92123-1364 Phone: cees) eee-e•2 Fu: (1568) &M-4384 De.le: 01-02-2018 Revised: Revised: Scale: 1•-10• Drawn by: H.W.B. Sheet 2 of 3 Sheela Dra'Wing: RoOHWlt st 2569 BASE A.P.N. 203-fOf-35 Hmc: UPSrllfAI,/ SEIIEli'RIII El.£161110H • 46.00 ~ ------EX SEASJDt LANDS NAP 1722 LD121 □ £XISTING BUILDING " R 0 0 SE ' VE LIT--MAIN. (NO DWG.)l ST RE \ £XISTING BUILDING PLANNING CASE NO. CT 2017-0006 I SOP 2018-0013 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP FOR: ROOSEVELTTOWNHOMES SEASJDE l.ANDS MAP 1722 LDT 2~ , TWO STORY jSTUCCO BUILDING SAN DIEGO LAND SURVEYING AND ENGINEERING, INC. 9665 CHESAPEAKE DRIVE, SUITE #5 SAN DIEGO, CA. 92123 PHONE: 858-565-8362 FAX: 858-585-4354 MSMITHOSDLSE.COM APN: 203-101-35 PROJECT 2569 ROOSEVELT STREET BASE.DWG (2569 ROOSEVELT STREET) VJ GRAPIDC SCALE i (llfl'ln) 1 IIICH -10 rr. PROJECT M£li PllWECf"" ___ Q.22f1l[JCRES]ORUHSF. fAR1HWORK OIMN11TJfS: 0.22fll[JCRES} 0.2207[K.;RfS} O[CYO] 471{CYD] J:fi::lj 711[CYD} 711[00] i THE QUNm1'/ES J.BOY£ AR£ THE ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: AND FOR BONDING PURPOSES OHLY. THE CONTRM:TOR SHAU. VERIFY THE OUltHTIT/cS AND RU'ORT ANY DISCREPANCIES ro THE ENGINEER OF WORK BEF'ORc SfARTING WORK. NOTES f. EXl!mHG TREES OHS/1E 1D BE REMOVED. 2. EXISTING WA1ER MITERS TO BE RE-USED. .J. FIRE SERVICE AND IRRIGATION TO BE TAKEN FROM DC»tlES11C SERVICE. ,f.. ADT • 5 CONDOS X 8 ADT/CONDO • -fO ADT. 5. IHST'N..L 8¢KFLOW F'REVEmER ON THE 6• SEWER IA7E'IW.. 6. AU JREES LOCAJED Wf1HIN A. VEHICUI..AA SIGHT' LJNE MUST HAI/£ At.L Ll/rlBS RalOVED TO A HDGHT OF 6 FffT ABOV£ THE ADJACD<T TOP OF CURB. 7. A!.L ROOF DRAJN WILL DISCHARGE TO THE BRICK PA'IE:RS OR UrNDSCAPED "'""· IMPERVIOUS AAEA PROPOSED: .J,507 SF PEIMOUS AAEA PROPOSED: 6,107 SF TOTAL. AREA; 9,014 SF PERMANENT BMPs PREVENTION OF /WCIT DISCHMGES TRASH STORAGE AREAS UrNDSCAPE/OUITJOOR PESTICJDE USE FIRE SPRINKLER TEST WATER MISCEl.1.ANEOUS DRAIN OR WASH WATER Pu.zAS, SIO£WA/..KS AND PARKING LOTS M'JHTNH HATIJRAI.. DRAINAGE MINIMIZE IMPERVIOUS AAEA MINIMIZE SOIL COMPAC110N IMPERVIOUS AAEA DISPERSION RUHOFF COLJ.£CTION UrNDSCAPIHG WITH HA11VE SPECIES SC-I SC-5 sc-, sc-, SC-6 sc-, SD-I SD-.J SD-.f. SD-5 SD-6 SD-7 TM / CONC£PTUAL GRADING Pl.AN C3 For the e:icclusive use of: 2569 ROOS£V£LT. UC P.O. BOX 448 CORONA 0£L MAR. CALIFORNIA 92825 ----1 I I I I Ml(.;HAl:.L L SMIIH 011.IB,2019 San Diego Land Surveying & Engineering, Inc. 1 ~~IR~41~ :-~~rcmTION 98M Chellapeaktl Dr1w, Suite 4-46, San Diep. Califol'llia IK!123-1Sfi,4. ____________________ L ________ _ Phom,; (8fi8) Mlfi-83112 !'u: (MS) fiS&--+sfi,4. De.le: 01-02-2018 Revised: Revised: I I Scale: 1·-10· Drawn by: M.LS. Sheet 3 ot 3 s11 .. t. Drawing: RoOHYelt st 2569 8',SE A.P.N. 203-fOf-35 TIER 2 CITY STORM WAIER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (TIER 2 SWPPP) STORM WATER POILUTION PREVENTION NOTES TH£FOI.LOl#IGGDERALSl1CIIANAG£M£NTRCOURCMENTSSHAl.1./EAOHE1l£D ro 1HROOGHWr 1HE DlJRA7ION OF 11£ COIS1RIJC'TKM lf(RI( (t£J,R RWMJ) 1. IIC-4SEEMERfi!ENCYl!tWll'fSRfOURfD,CCNTACT:J.JUAN100IIA.Cf0 AT(m..NO.) 619-992-14J4. 2. OEVfCES SHOWN ON arr APl"ROIEl.) Pl.ANS SHAil. NOT (£ A«,lfl) OR ltKXJlf/ED W1HOOT1H£N'PRO~OF1H£ENGIEERIIGIISPCC~ J. 1HECOlfTRACroRSHAllRESTOREAl.LEROSIONCCN1ROLDEm::ESTOWORKIIGORDER ro 11£ .5i411SFAC1ION OF 1HE arr ENGINEER N1ER £ACH RUN-UT PRaJIJCING RNNFAJ.1. .f. 1Hc CCNTRACroR SHA/.1. INSTAU. AODl1/aW.. EROSION CON1ROL IEASlHS AS MAY lE R£QtJEED BY 11£ arr ENQ/EER DIJ£ ro /JNCOll'f.ETED GRADING O"m411alS OR UNRRSEEN CECUIIISTN«:£5/ffQfMAYMISE. .5. 1HE CCNTRACroR SHAU 8£ RESPONSIBI.£ ANO SHAJ.1. TAKE NCCESSARY PREC.AU'TKN.i ro PRfl£NTPUBUC lRESPASS ONTO ARE:AS IH1i'£ IIIPOONOED WATERS Oi£A1E A HAZARDOUS ctH/11/0N. ts. GRADING ARE"AS ARaJN/J 11£ PRO.£Cr PERIIE1ER 11111ST DRNN AWAY FRrM 11£ FACE OF SI.OPE AT 11£ca,/Cl.lJSJa,I OF EACH WORKJNGDAY. 7. ALL /lEIIOVABt£ PR01CC11'<£ OEVfCES SHALL IE II Pl.ACf AT 1H£ END OF EACH 'fllORKIIG OAYtl!HENFl'<£(5)DAYRMIFRaJNJIJTYFCR£CASTEXr:EETJSFORTYPERCEJtr(,wx). SILT ANO OTHER OE1JR/S SHALL BE /iBIOW AFTER EAQf RMIFAl.1. a. All Gili'Alfl. lMGS SHAl.1. CONTA#I J'/4 IKJI,..,,,,., A~1E 9. All. D<POSED DISM/J£D ARfJ.S JIUST HA\£ EROSION PROm:1lal SW. f'R(ffR/_y INSTAl1.E1l 11#5 /NallJES All. 8UIWING PADS. IHNSHE1J RQ40S. ANO Slll'B 10. ADEWA TE" PERIIE1ER PR01EC1/0N 81/Ps MUST BC NSTAl.1£D AND IINNTNIED ANO JIil 8£ UPfiRADED. If N£CESSARY. ro PRO',fOE st.FFICENT PROTECTION FROM RIJN(ff DURNG RMI Elof1i15. 11. AllEWA1E SEDIMENT cam«JI.. 8lilPs IIIJST 8£ NSTAJ.lID AND IINNTAIED. 12. ADE'Qt/A1E81t1Ps 10 CON1ROL OFFSl1ESEDIIENT1RACKINGlll1JSTB£/NSTAU£DAND IWNTAINEil IJ. A lallllJII OF 1:ZSX OF 1H£ MA 1ERIAL NEED£D 100 NSTALJ. STANDBY SIA ro PR01CCT11EEXPOSE'DAR£ASFRCW£ROSKJNANDPRCl£NTSEDll£NTDISCHARG£S. JIUST lE SroRErJ ON511C. ARE"AS AI.RFADY PROTECTED FRrM EROSION USING ffll'5lC4l. STABIJZA1/0N OR £STAa.JSIED IBiETA1/0N STABIJZA7ION BIIPs ARE" NOT CONSIOERfD ro 8£ 'DPOsrn" FOR PURPOS£S OF 1115 RBUREJENT. 14. 1HE OIH1i'~1RAC1llli' WST Fr11.0W "ll£A 1HER 1RIGCERED" AC1/0N Pl.AN .ANO BE .Aa'.E TO DEPLOY STANDBY 8IIPs TO PRO'fECT TIE EXPOSED POR110NS OF rJEJ:M1irA ~~ t,/1f&Cff1Hlfr-'~1~B11iRru:tltfT Flllim!ST}. ON fEQIEST, TH£ OIIIEi'.,.1Zl£L~mAC1lJi' MUST PRO'ta PROOF OFTHISCN'ABIUTY. 15. OEPt..OYJENT OF PH'fSICAL (R l£GITATION EROSION CON1ROI. 8IIPs MUST CfMENCE AS SOON AS SLOPES ARC COIIIPf.£1ED. 1IE OIIIE1l,4UEZ.~AC1tff .IUIY NOT RELY ON TH£ ABlllrr TO DEPLOY STNIJBY BIi' MATERtAlS ro PRC'tENT EROSION OF SL<PES THAT HAl£BEENCOW'f.ETED. 16. THEARE'A THATCANBEGU'ARW. Gl'lADW. ANOLEFTCXPOSEDATaETJE/S lMTED ro TH£ AMOUNT OF Aai'E'AGE' THAT 11£ CONmAC1tlR CAN AIEQUAIEI.Y PRO'fECT PRIOR 1tlAPREDICTEDRAINEVENT. FORI.ARGERS11~ GRAO#IGSHOU.JJIEPHASED. IT MAY EE NCaSSARY ro DEPLOY £ROS/ON ANO SEDIMENT CON1ROI. BMPs IN AREilS 1HA T AR£ NOT C'atl'LE7CD. 9.JT AR£ NOT ACmEl.Y /DIG ,mf(£I) 8EF(R£ AIDTIONAL GRAD/NC /SAJ.1.0WBJ 1tlPROCEED, AT 11£DISCR£1/0NOF 11£0rrtNSPEcroR. 11. ALL OIS1I.JRB£D ARCAS THAT ARE NOT CCIIPI..E1ED ANO.A)? NOT /DIG AC111£1..Y GRADED MUST EE FW.Y PRO'fECTED FROlil EROSIOI F l£FT FOR 14 OR IIORC DA~ 11£ AIJIJrr ro INSTAU BIi' MA1ER/Al..S IN A fflfM'T MAMER IS JJDI SUFK1ENT. BIii', NEED ro 8E INSTAU£DIN 11£SE:ARE'AS. 18. 8IIPs MUST 8£ STOCKPlED AT VARt«IS LOCA'TION 1HROUGHOI.IT 1H£ PRO.ECT Sl'TC 11IKXJIJHOOT 1IE )£AR. llfE1EIICR THERE: IS A 4(JJf <RANCE OR (1;£A1ER OF ARNN •H<IA 111i££(J)DAYRlli!C!ST, 11£/NSPECnJi' 111.L IE1i'IFY1HATSMP.ARE AOCQUAIEI.Y STOa<PIJ.£D. BIi's 111.JST BE SrocKPUD ANO READY FOR DEPLOYIIENT WEN 1HER£ IS 50% CHANCE OF RAIN 'M1HIN A 48 Hall FOR£CAST. FAILURE ro COJPLY •TH 111Sfl£OOIREIENTcal.DRESILTll 11£/SSUANCEOFA~(R011£R ENRRCEJIENTAC1ION. 19. ALL1RCA1IENTANOEROSIOIOON1ROl.811PslllJST8EINSPCC1EDIIEEKLYANO PRIOR ro A FORCCASTED RAM EIENTfFGRCA1ER THAN 50;( .ANO AFTER ARNN EVENT. II AD0/1/0N, ffi£ATJENT CON1ROI. BMPs MUST 8£ SERWCED AS NE£D£D 1HROUCHWT 11£)£AR. 2Q. F SELECTED BIJP FALS DIR/NG A RAIN Et,ENT, IT MUST 8£ REPAIRED (R U'ROlEll (R RfPI.ACED 'MTH AN ACCEPTA/l.£ AL1ERNA1C AS SO<ll AS/TIS WE TO 00 SO. 1H£ FM.URE OF A 811P NJICATES IT IMS NOT AOEWA'TC FOR 11£ CfiCtAISTANCCS IN tlHQt IT IMS IJSED. REP.ARS ANO RfPI.ACEJIENT 111.JST THERfFrR£ PUT A IIORC RaJ!JST BIIP IEASVREINPI.AC£. 21. ALL cal51RUCTION EJIPL.O'IFES 111.JST 8E 1RAIIED ON TH£ IIIPORTANCE OF STaiM 1141ER P<J.1.JJTION PRfl£N1ION ANO 811P IIAJN1ENANC£ WEA1HER TRIGGERED ACTION PLAN TH£Dfl£1.0PERSHAl.lOEPf..OYST.ANOBYIESTIIANAGEJIENTPRAC11C£/EJSJR£Sro CQilPl£1El.Y PRO'fECT TIE EXPOSED POR110NS fF 11£ Sl'TC •1HIN 411 HOORS fF A PREDIC1ED STORltlEIENT(APREDIC1EDSTaiMEVENT/SDEFINEDASAFaif'CAS1ED.40X CHANCEfFRAINBY11£NATIONAl.. llf.A11£RSERH!a'), I/ADDITION 1tlBMPslltlPWENTED 'tFAR-ROtN) IIO..IIDING P£R#E1ER CON1ROI.. 11ft) EROSIOI CON1ROt.. 1RAa<WG. N<M-SroRII 1141ER CQNTRa., 11451C IIANAGEJIENT, ANO IIA1ERJAJ.S P<J.1.JJ'TION CONTROL 11£NATIONAI.. llf.A11£RSERlofa'flllim!STSHAJ.1. 8EIIOllroRED.ANO /JSEDBY 11£[)£',£1..0PERONADALYBASIS. IFPRCCIPITA1IONISPREDIC1ED(40%CHANCEOF RAIN). 'THEN TH£ IECCSSARY WATER P<J.1.JJTION OON1ROL PRAC11C£5 SHAl.l 8£ OEPf..0)£J) 'M1HIN 48 HOURS ANO PRKR ro 11£ ONSET OF TIE PRCCIPITA 1ION. 11£ DEPI..O'fll/ENT OF 11£ BIIPS SHAJ.1. tNa..WC BUT NOT 8E I.MTElJ ro GRA1£1.. BAGS .ANO 51.T FENCES. A IIIMMIM fF l:JSX OF TH£ MATERtAL NE£D£D ro INSTALL STNIJBY 8£ST lt/ANAGEJENT PRAC11C£5 IEASIRES ro PRO'fECT 11£ EXPOSED ARE'AS FalM EROSION ANO fflOENT SEDIMENT DISCHARGES MUST 8E sroRE1J ON-SITE. AREilS THAT HAI£ AI.RCNJY BEEN PRO'fECTED FRrM EROSION USING PHYSICAL STNJIUZATION OR ESTNJUSHECJ l£GITATION STABIUZA1ION BIIPS AS DflERIINED BY TIE arr OF CARi.SBAD ARC NOT CONSIDERCD ro/E"DR?SEZl.FOR 11£Pf/RPOSESOFYA11£R 1RIGGERCDAC1IONPLAN: ANAOCQUA'fCSOlRCEOFEOUIPltlENTANO IM:WKERSSHAU BE AVMAo!lEFOR OEPt..OYJENT OF "IEA11E1i' 1RtGGERED BWS: 1. ALL PERMANENT ANO TEIIPORARY EROSION CON1ROI. PU.N11NG ANO fRRIGl,TlfM SHALL 8E INSTAJJ.ED .ANO IIAINTMED AS REQlJIRED II SEC'TION 212 OF 11£ STANOARO SF£CIFICA110NS ANO 11£ Fru.OIING: A H~SHAl.18£APPUECJ7tl: 1 ALL 51.<PES THAT ARE GRADED 5:1 {HaiIZrJNTAL ro e11CAL) (R STEEPERWEN11EYARC: a. THREEFEETORIIORCINIEJQITANOADJACENTroPf/lJJC lll4U. ORS1REET. b. AU SLOPES4FE£T(RM<R£IIHEJGHT. 2 AREASGRAOEDFI.ATTU(1HAN6:1'111£NANYOF1H£ FW.O#NGCOMJITIONSEXIST: a. NOT SO£DIA£D FOR IMPROl£JIEN1S (CONS1RUCTION (R GEJERAL UMJSCAPl,IC) ,t1HIN 60 DAl'S' OF ROUGH GRAO#IG. b. EJEN'fRElJ BY TH£ PARKS .ANO RECREATION OIR£C1tlR AS I-IQ-LY\fSaEro1H£PfJII./C. ~ HA\£ ANY Sl'ftL4L CONDl110N EJEN1RED BY TH£ arr EJICIEER 1HATrARRAN1SIMIIIEDIA1C 1RCA11ENT. B H'ft.'JRO!££DINGARfASSHAl.L8EIRRIGATEDINACCOROANCEWITH11£ FW.O#NG CRl1ERIA: 1 ALLSL<PESTHATAREGRADED5:IORS1EEPERANOTHATARC.· a. THREE 1tlEJGHTFEETIN HEJGHTSHA/1. 8£ IRRIGATED BY HANO 1"111CR/NG FTKM r.MQ( COUPt.ERS,IHOSE 8IJS OR A CON'tEN110NAI. SYS7EJI OF WW PRECATATION SPRINKl.£R IEADS PRO',fOfNG 100# CO'tERAGE: b. Qi£A1ER1HANBFE£TINIEJQITSHAJ.1.8£1141EREDBYA CON\f'NTIONAI.. SYS7EJI OF WW PRECATA 1ION SPRINKl.£R H£N)S PRO'tONG 100Jf C0\£1W£ 2 AREASSLOPEDl£SSTHAN5:ISHAUB£/RRIGA1EDASN'A'lOlEllBY 1H£Orr£NGIN££R. PRKR 1tlH'fDROSEEDING. 11£Dfl£1..0PERSHAU SUBltlT A PRa'OSED SCHEJI£ ro PROIIE IRRIGA 110N ro 1IE QTY ENC/NEER, 1IE PROPOSAL SHAl.18£ SPCC#1CRCGAROING 1IE NUIIIBERS. nP!:ANDCOSTSOF1H£ElDEN1SOFTIEPRa'OSEDS1'5'7at. J IRRIGATION SHALL IINNTNN 1IE l/aS1URE /.fl£J.. OF 11£ sr:w. AT 1IE a>1IIIJll/.fl£1..FOR11£GRADINGOFTIEH"dlROS£ED£I)GR0WfH. C H'1CJROSEIDINGIIMXSHAl.l OON51STOFALL OF THE:Fala.NG: 1 SEED IIMX SHA/1. OONSJSTOFNO l£SS THAN: a. 20/N. PERAOif'OFROSEaoe b. 20/lnPERAOif'OFZORROFESCVE ~ JbaPERACRCOFESCHOa.QACAJffRNICA d 411nPERACR£0FACHl.1EAllll.1£FWA a .Jl!raPERAGRCOFAL>S:!l.ll(CARPETOFSNO'li) f. 1/26. PERAOEIFDIIORPHa.ECA fil. 17EJ/Sc:.d.-..~fOF111SSlJBSECTlfM.K-4YBEOIIIT1EDON HS&EFTKMEJ11£RAPfJBUCS1REETORRESIOENTIAL S111UC1l/RE< h. l7EJ/aOFTH/SSUBSEC1/0NWSTB£1NOCf.LA1ED•THA M1ROGEN RXJNG BACIE1lM ANO APl't.ED DRY EJ11£1i BY DRfUMG OR BRONJCAS/NG BEFORC HWJROSEECJ#IG. l ALL SE£D.K-41ERIALSSHAl.L 8£ mANSPOR1ED TO 11£.aJSl'TC INIIIOPENED OONTAIIERS 'MTH 1H£CAI.JFORNIA DEPARTJENT fF FOOD ANO AG/iYaA.TURE: Wi'IR:ATION TAG ATTACHED ro, OR PRIN1ED ON SW CONTNIERS. ). NON-PHYTO-roxJC rEnWG Ar;ENTS MAY 8£ ADDED ro 11£ H'fDROSEED SLI.JRRY AT 11£ OISalE1KJN OF 11£ CON1RACTOR. 2 m>CIIIIJLCHAPl't.EDAT11£RA1COFNOl.ESSHAN20()()1twPER Aalf: m>C 6111.11..CH (SmA'li) .K-4Y BE SVBSTl7tl1E'D. WEN S1RAW IS USE'D. ITMUSTEEANQtORETJ ro 11£51.CPCBYIECHANICAl.1.YPfJNQflNGNOLESS THAN5~F11£S1RAWIN1tlTH£SO/L J FERTl/ZER CONS/S1IIG OF AIIIICWII.M PHOSPHA'TC SI.II.FATE. 18-20-0 WITH 15/f SlJI.PHIR N'PI.JED AT 11£RA1COF 5()() lb& PER AOiE D AREASro8EH'IDROSEEDEDSHAl.18£PRtPARHJPRKR1tlHtrJROS££DINC: 1 ROOGHENINGTH£SURFAC£ro8EPLANTEDBYANYORA CQl&NATION OF: a. mACK WAL.ICWGSLOPESS'TEEPER 1HAN6:I. b. HARROff,IG AREAS 6:1 OR FLATTER THAT ARf SUFFICIENTLY "'""" 2 AREilSGRAOEDFI.ATTER THAN 5:1 'fllENANYOF THE:Fru.OflNG CONOl110NSEX/ST: o. ADJJS'TING 1H£ SlRFACE sat ltlO/SnH ro PROIIE A DAMP BITNOT£.411J1i'A1EDSE£DBED. b. 11£ ADDITION fF SOIi.. AMENDMENTS, PH ADJJS11EJ/T, /.£Aa.lG COIERIIYG SAi.iE sr:w.s TO PROMml lMaE CfH)f110NS FOR GROWIII. E H'lfJROSEEDING AREAS SHAJ.l 8£ IINNTAJNED ro PRO'ta A ',fG(JR(1J5 GROWTH I.IN'TI.. 1H£ PRO.ECT IS PERIINEN1LY I..ANDSCAPED (R. FOR AREAS 1/IIERE H'1CJROSEIDING IS 1IE PERIJNENT I..ANOSCN'rNG, I.IN'TI.. 11£ PRO.£CT IS crMPl£1EDANOALLIJ(N)5REl£ASED. 2. AU SLOPES SHAU. HA\£ IRRIGl,1/0N INSTAl1£D ~ 8£ STA81.1ZED. PU.N1ED AND.A)? H'1CJROSEHJEI) 'flll'THIN 1EN {10) DA 1'S' OF TH£ 1IE 'fll£N ~ 51.CPC IS BROlJGHT 1tlGRADEASSH(WIIONTH£N'A'lOlEllGRADINGPU.NS. .l SHOU.lJ GERftl/NATION OFH'l1JROSEEDED Sl.<PESFA/1.. ro PRO~ EFFICIENT CO'tERA6£ OFGRADING SLOPES(!IOllCO'tERA6£) PRIOR ro ocrotJER 1, 11£ SLCffS SHN.1. 8E STNJIUZED BY AN N'PROPRJA 1C EROSION caf1ROI. .K-4 T1WG .IUI 1ERW.. AffWOlEll BY 11£PfJBUCtrXiKSINSPCCTrR. 4. LANDSCNWG SHAJ.l 8£ ACCOMPUSHED ON ALL SLOPES ANO PNJS AS R8JIARED BY 11£ arr OF CARLSBAD UNlSCAPC 1/ANUAJ.. TH£ UR)SCAPfNG PU.NS FOR THIS PRO.ECT ORASOIR£C1EOBYTH£OrrENGINEER OFPI.AIHNGDIRCCTrR. 5. TH£ OWNER,/N'PI.JCANT SHAU ENSIRC THAT ALL OON1RAcroRS SHALL COOROINA'TC TH£ /IORK OF 11IS CONSTRUCTION SIIFff' SHOVW ON ANY GRNJING PLANS. UJ/DSCAP£ .ANO IRRIGATION PLANS. ANO IIIPROVEJENTPL,WS AS IEOURED FOR 1IIS PRO.ECT /IORK. VICINITY MAP BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMP) SELECTION TABLE --s.ai.itCotllrtJIBIIPI ---W...l,lnpnxlntnl~ --------' Ji Ji Ji t iii ' • l :I j ii! .; .I' ) I hi Ji I ~ • Ji -t BestManagementF'lactice· if l ,I i d~ h ! ! I i uu :r (BMP)-➔ HI ' -1Pf liJ •i '· ih : I id f 11 Hi Ui ~ l~ d ~ ~ al ti Uf hii ii~ SHEET INDEX: SHE£T I: Tl7l.£ SHEET SHEET 2: EROSION CONTROL Pt.ANS APN: 20.1-,0,-:15 """-➔ ~ ~ ~n ~ ~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ H ~ •• ~ ~ ; : --~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = = = ,= SITBADDRESS: CARLSBAD, C.A. ,~ 8 AREA OF DISTURBANCE ARE.A OF DIS71JRBANC£ ~ S.F. Dtt .. ,. th• i.n af di a,iplicabl• construction actooy (Int column) ap.ct.d to ar:cur driifl r:aistnu:ti!l'I. 2. ~~ =; ri.::; '{'/: ~""; ~~r:, i:::.· ;:,:~-~~ ;r::n:. ~O.:':~%,/~ ~S<ftl ~~,,~--· Cl!ODN oo• (THIS AREA INCLUDES BUT IS NOT L/11/'fcD TO OFF-SITE IIO'i'K INCLUDING PUBLJC IMPROVOJENTS ANO TalPORARY OIS7UR8ANCE SUCH AS YDIICLE ANO EQU/PltlENT STAGING ARE'A~ CONS7RUC710N WORKER FOOT TRAmC. SOIL/GRA~ Pll£~ UTIUTY TRV/aiES. BACKFILL CUTS ANO SLOPE KEYWAl"S) J. it.fr to th• CASCM con,lructson handbook for Information amt dehlh of th, dlONI BMP, and ho• to apply thtm to th• pro]«t. DESCRIPTION EC-4, HYDROSEEDING SE-1. SILT FENCE SE-4, CHECK OAJI SE-6, GR.A fil BAG LEGEND 5£-7, STREET SWEEPfNG AND VACUUWNG TR-1, STAB/UZW CONSTRUC110N EN11?ANC£ NS-J. PAVING AND GRINDING OPERATIONS NS-J IIM'-1, IIATERI.AL DEI.JYD?Y .ANO STORAGE IMl-1 IIM'-2, MATERIAL USE IIM'-J. STOCKPILE MANAGEJIENT IIAl-.5; SOI.JO WAS1c IIANltGEJIENT 1111'-6, HAZMOOUO W.AS1E MltNAGE/,/ENT 1111-i,, CONCRETE ll'AS7c IIANAGEJIENT ..,_, OWNER'S CER11FICAT1ON: I IHXRSTANO AMJ ACKNOII.BJCE THAT I MUST: (I) IIIPIDENT 'fiF11£J/AN,,:::k~~l=t:°Wf:STIEmtJC~Jf::~ Fa.LUTANTS SUCH AS SEDIIENT ANO ro A\00 1IE EXPOSlfiC fF SroRII 1141ER ro C<MS1RtJCTION RELATED P<J.1.JJTAN'TS; ANO (2) ADIERC ro, ANJ ATAl.1. 1lll£S CtlliR.Y•TH r,,sarrAPPRO'tED 'T/£R2CONSTRUC'TIONSIIFff' 11fifXJQIOOT 11£DURA1/0N fT TH£ CONSTRfJCTION AC111f11£S I.IN'TI.. 11£ CONSTRUC1ION IKR</Sctlff£1C.ANO SIGNED OffBY T1EarrOFCARLS8AD. 2,e9 ROOSEVELT. LLC /(II /AN TMW CFO 01'ER(s)/ OIH1i''.S Ar;ENT NAIE (PRIIT) CONSTRUCI1ON1HREAT: . ""' EMERGENCY CONTACT: NAltlE; JULIAN TOOM,\ CE:O ADDRESS: ~XJt.8MAR. CA. 92625 1El.EPHaE NO.: PHONE: (619) 992-14.J.f O'MER(S)/OIIM9i'lAr;ENTNAIE{SIGNA1URf) OA'TC ~I 119'!"l ~------------------,~I CIT~co::~BADI~ NAIE OF PRtPARER: MICHAEL L. SMITH ~TION OF PREPARER:.~RC~£~JS4=7~1 __ _ ADDRESS: SAN DIEGO I.AND SURll£YING & ENG., INC 905:'i ct1fSAPEMf QRM=: Sl/fIF ffti SIN QIE'GQ CA 92121 PHOtE NO.· (8!58) 565 8362 arrS1lJi'tl WA1ERP(J.1.UTIONPRE\£NTIONPLAN(SWPPP) ,.,,, ROOSEVELT TOWNHOMES --__,,, .... ..,,,LJ,£.,,..-----R.~1.7kn Wtf/2!JiJ 0,13.,2019 I PROECTD II"''"'""" I stASlDE LANDS JJAp 1722 LDT 21 □ I @) -:----~~~~""~~~~~~""~ r EXISTING BUILDING R -_J 1)/ 0 0 S E VE L ,y-i T R E IE Tl/ // I // f/ ff ROOSEVELTTOWNHOMES I I I I / I / : I I --------------~-' I I I I I I i ~.5 I I ir ITBJ!Y' : L ________________________________ J --I ..__ I ffi ---stASJDE LANDS \ I I I I I I I \ ::::. __J r@ g ~ ~ f i I ~ I ~ I I ! ...-,-,-,.,,~..-.--..-.._-,.-,,-y_--._-,-,_-,.-,;:,,,--..-,--..-,-..--,,--..-,.-, ----I EXISTING BUILDING 11 1: 11 O.J' II -----5 --e--SMH--- -SlAsJDt LANDS JJAp 1722 LDT 23 (2569 ROOSEVELT STREET) GRAPHIC SCALE •~ M -t.J.-;o --i """ (IKnm:r) 1DICB• 10 ff. I. ALL EX/STJNG STRUCTURES, PA'r'ING AND VEGETATION TO BEREIMNEDFROl,/S/Tc. 2. TOTAL EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AAEA • 2,504 SF. i APN 20.3-101-35 ~1 1~ ~-------------------<Ll_l CIT~co::~~BADl____g__J NME (T PREPARER: ltl/CHAEL L SMITH arr S7llliM' WATER POLLUTION PRE'o£N'TION Pl.AN (SWPPP) QIJAIJF1CA'TION <F PREPARfP:~RCC=...Je,Se,'7.,_I ___ !ER 2 NXJRESS: S>H DIEGO I.AND SURVEYING 4' ENG., INC 96115 GHCW'fi',Kf DRM: svar +f!i ROOS£V£L T TOWNHOMES . -------------------~L ________ _ I !: SM! CHFGO CA. 9212' PHOIE NO.: (858) 565-83§2 --~-=,m=~---1tfb&if~o~~ 1 PRO.ECrlJ II'""""" I 10-4-1837777-31-2010-4-18858 459-9220858 459-922037777-31-20Document of Compliance California Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO) The products below have been tested to meet the requirements of the ASABE/ICC 802·2014 standard and the California MWELO. TheaverageDU(LQ)oftheapplkableproducts@1«ttdthe0.6Sdistribution uniformity ,equirements oflhe MWELO. ____ ...,., _____ .. _________ .... _ .... __ _ ,.,..,-.,,,nb,d,om .,_"""-~'"'"-'" '""••• ,,,,.._ .. _,..,_, ... ",.. ROOSEVELT VILLAGE RESIDENCES 2569 Roosevelt Street Carlsbad, CA 92108-1920 Dll.l111HG INDU: SHfCT 1111.E SHffT NUMBER mu: SHEEr 1 PIMTIHG FUNS 2 PIM1IHG HOIES 3 PE ♦BtTION OP gsPONSIBLI ClWtGI; I ,.,.,., om,,W JtMT I JM H UCINB c:aNNlt OF IQIC Rlt lPIS l'mE1; JtMT I HAWE' DDaaD ~ OWIGE' 01D H '1£5ICW OF 1HIS ""10.B:T AS m1'ND II SC'JXW l1QJ' OF ff --NC ~ Qlll' MIO lHAT ff DaltM IS c:aarTDfT lf1H QIRJfT STMIWl:IS. I IHIOISTMD »MT K CMaC' OF l'WO£'T DMIIGI MIO Sll'Cl'lC41JCNS ff N' a1T OF CiWSMO NIO SM ll&IIO COIMTI' OPAlfflmfT OF DnllCIIIMJfTM. 111'/tl.lH IS CGIIPNP 1D A __.. OI.Y JIG OCIES #OT MUnE' Mt AS H UCINB DDJCiNllt OF lltlK. OF IIY~FOlf""°1£1DaJGN. JHEII[ l'IAIG IMW lall ,_,.,,_, IN ..-rAH'lW. ~ lflN lHE' AflPIIOIID LAflll9CNl[CIICIJ'TILNC, •mtocwmtYAffCWM.N\ ,_M01lt1JICW"-"C. IMDAU. caanaNS OF~ E.AllD JO I.MiOSC#IMl ..... PMJIENQ: (_J __ ,.. ____ DNM1Df IMJE': ____ _ IIHCWNQ: (_____J .....,,.._,.. ____ DNtAnc:wMm -----MCVM>Jr PJIIYIIITIB TllSTIMG; AU.--.-.UW ....... SIMU. llt DBffA l8WD 1ES1IJt N11>--.1SM11Tllt CMJrf JO K QT1" /8 K ca.-lD ...... •a GISIEf. l9f aE1IUli' N IIED NIO IJIOtltm MnlJfD 9MU.llt"Jl:lllllllf°K__,Qllllll'9. _.,,.,. QWIMCT MQllft.CIIP DBS CW IE RUIP OH Karr• Sir' Ar. =-~..,..,.,~~~ HTP.//WIIOllall!CI Wl~~~J'llf' RJlt "1rME Cit QIL (M) ..... DA PJIIOI JO JIIGOOWjG LANDSCM'I )[OBI; KCllflMl:1a9'MU.Dlllfrll:fK-t,mwMalt1"-IAIIIIOW'mw/lllDH'mmlB W .. ..U..-..NIWlill:rllllffl'J.OQUtc•Jaaa:IIAflSACCIIIIIMI.YJDAILYsmJfAU. =:" ........ ,...,..,.41LllalJB('.-rM•m.owaa;> ....... ,u,,r...,_, APPROVE:D FOR /RR/GA TION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. 'AS BUILT' m;__ ""·---..... ........... -RP2017-0012 PLANT LEGEND 0 G 0 Trachycarpusfortunel Agaveattenuata Agave'BlueGlow' Calllstemonvfmfnalls 'Little John' Marina Strawberry Tree I 24·aox Soft-tipped Agave 5 IGal. Blue Glow Agave 14 5Gal. 11 15Gal. 0 0 0 Dianellarevoluta'LlttleRev' littleRevFtaxLHy I~ 5Gal. JlKlCuspatens'ElkBtue' § Phonnium tenax 'firebird' Firebird New Zealand Rax ~ 15 Gal. Phormlumtenax'JackSpratt' JackSprattNewZealandflax 19 SantaBarbaraMexicanSage ~ "<¥ ~;::~:~viotacea V Macfaenaunuis-cati Purple Vine lilac HYDROZONE LIST ~HZ 1 --;rs Sq Ft Low Water Use JIIill] HZ 2 -seo Sq Ft Low Water Use ~ HZ 3 -229 Sq Ft Low Water Use 12222J: HZ 4 -76 Sq n Moderate Water Use Open Space Breakdown and Calculations Site 9,734sqft Open Space Area Required (20%) 1,947 sq ft At-grade Open Space provided 3,045 sq ft Decks/Balconies provided 344 sq ft Total Open Space provided 3,389 sq ft ~Echeveria'Ruffles' ~Festucaglauca filJJI[[ Seneclo mandrallscae ~Rou~RiverCobble c=]_shreddedWoodMulch selection per owner as needed2"-rdia NOR.Tl-t / I Landscape Plan Scale:1/S-•1'-0" Hydrozone Plan Scale:1/16"•1·-o· Rl>O.Stvtlt St. ~jj!l==-...,;tt---® J-ilfeiz.-1~.:?'""'T!:.ffi--/·~--,. ,a;;~ ,11:.:,~~~tt--~~6...' ~%T'-:t>~wt'J!, RE\'ISION DESCRIPllON NOTES THERE ARE NO COMMON AREAS. MAINTENANCE AREAS ARE AS SHOWN ON PLAN. ANY TREE LOCATED WITHIN THE VEHICULAR SIGHT LINE MUST HAVE ALL LIMBS REMOVED TO A HEIGHT OF 6 FEET ABOVE THE ADJACENT TOP OF CURB. INDIVIDUAL PRIVATE IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHALL BE CONTROLLED BY A RAINBIRD ESP-4SMTei (4-22 sta) A MANUAL SHUT-OFF GATE VALVE WILL BE INSTALLED AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO THE POINT OF CONNECTION OF THE WATER SUPPLY TO THE IRRIGATION SYSTEMS. ALL IRRIGATION EMISSION DEVISES USED WILL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS SET IN THE ANSI STANDARD, ASABE/ICC 802-2014, 'LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SPRINKLER AND EMITTER STANDARD.' IRRIGATION EMISSION DEVISES TO BE USED SHALL BE RAINBIRD 5QB STREAM BUBBLERS FOR ALL TREES AND PALMS AND XFCV-09-12 DRIPLINE WITH CHECK VALVE. APPROVE:o FOR /RR/GA TION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUILT" RC£ __ DP---~~ R£....oll'I': RP2017-0012 37. IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF POTABLE WATER ONLY. AS PER THE CMWO,THIS PROJECT IS NOT A CANDIDATE FOR RECYCLED WATER. 38. AT THE TIME OF FINAL INSPECTION, THE PERMIT APPLICANT MUST PROVIDE THE OWNER OF THE :~~:~~~ ::16~ :c~~~~t~~;~c::~~~~~~R~~~~~7~:N~~~~LATION, IRRIGATION 39. THE RIGHT OF WAY, EXISTING GRADES, ELEVATIONS AND BUILDING LOCATION AS SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS WAS FURNISHED TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AS A PORTION OF THE SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION AS PROVIDED IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. WICHMANN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE INFORMATION AS SUPPLIED, AND THE INCLUSION ON THESE DRAWINGS DOES NOT IMPLY ANY WARRANTY OF THE ACCURACY OR CORRECTNESS OF THE SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION. THE SUPPORT INFORMATION IS SHOWN FOR INFORMATION OHL Y AND SHALL BE VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO THE ST ART OF WORK. 40. NOTICE TO OWNER/CLIENT, Atl)'. CHANGE TO THE EXISTING SITE INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO DEMOLITION, GRADING, CONSTRUCTION OR PLANTINGMAYDISRUPT CURRENT SURFACE DRAINAGE PATTERNS. IT MAY BE NECESSARY TO ADJUST OR INSTALL SURFACE AND/OR SUBSURFACE DRAINAGESYSTEMSNOTILLUSTRATEDONPLAN. 25. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL VERTICAL STAND PIPES ON AU TREES WHERE SOIL DRAINAGE IS IMPAIRED AND/OR PLANT CULTURE REQUIRES FASTER DRAINING SOILS THEN EXISTING CONDITION PROVIDE. INSTALL (1)8°DEEPX◄-DIA.STANDPIPEFOREACH 15GAL. TREE, (2)FOREACH24" ~~N 1!~!~x~~c3i·s~A◄:~ ~p~ ~~~,B~ ~E::P~E~ ~~Hs:=F;;~ ~t F~~E;R:~R~~!~ BACKFILLEOWITH1/2"·3/◄"0IA.CRUSHEOROCK. 26. ANY TREES WITHIN 5' OF A PUBLIC SIDEWALK OR OTHER PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT WIU REQUIRE ROOT BARRIERS. A 2◄" DEEP 'DEEP ROOT' BARRIER #UB 2◄·2 SHALL BE INSTALLED AS PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS AND WILL NOT WRAP AROUND THE ROOT BALL THE ROOT BARRIERS WILL BE ~~~~~~SL~:~~:~~~E:~~N:~\~;E ~~~~~~~ :o:I:. ~~~~I~~~~ g; ;g IN BOTH 27. MAINTENANCE PERIOD BEGINS ON THE FIRST DAY AFTER ALL LANDSCAPE ANO IRRIGATION WORK ON ~H~l::~Jf~~~~~~~~~~jN\~~~~eg/p~~l~~'.TTEN APPROVAL FROM THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 28. ALL PLANTING AREAS CONSISTING OF NATIVE SITE SOIL SHALL BE LEACHED TO REDUCE SALT LEVELS PRIOR TO PLANTING. LEACHING SHALL BE REPEATED UNTIL SATURATION EXTRACT CONDUCTIVITY ~~:s':~ ~~~ciiiiNoB~ ~D~ciP~~~l~g·· CONTRACTOR TO CONDUCT SALINITY 29. POST FERTILIZATION FOR ALL PLANTING AREAS (16·6·8) SHALL OCCUR ◄5 DAYS AFTER PLANTING ATARATEOF15LBS.PER1,000SQ, FT. 30. THERE IS NO COMMON AREA LANDSCAPING ON THE PROJECT ANO ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS ARE TO BE MAINTAINED BY PRIVATE HOMEOWNERS. 31. MINIMUM TREE SEPARATION DISTANCE· IMPROVEMENT/MINIMUMDISTANCETOSTREETTREE: TRAFFIC SIGNALS (STOP SIGN)· 20 FEET, UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES· 5 FEET, ABOVE GROUND UTILITY STRUCTURES· 10FEET, DRIVEWAY(ENTRIES)-10FEET, & INTERSECTIONS(INTERSECTlNGCURB LINESOFTWOSTREETS)·25FEET. 32. CONTRACTOR ANO OR OWNER SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY APPROVALS AND OR PERMITS FOR ANY AND ALL WORK WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY (OUTSIDE THE PROPERTY LINES). 33. CONTRACTOR AND OR OWNER SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY APPROVALS AND OR PERMITS FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION WITHIN THE BOUNDS OF THE PROPERTY. 34. CONTRACTOR SHALL TAG AND PHOTOGRAPHY ALL SELECTED TREES ANO SPECIMEN PLANTS AT THE NURSERY. PHOTOGRAPHS OF TAGGED TREES AND SPECIMEN PLANTS SHALL BE SUPPLIED TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO PLANT MATERIAL BEING SHIPPED AND OR PICKED· UP FROM NURSERY. 35. IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO HAVE A I\AINBIRD 1>51-MlOX-075 OR 1>51-IM(IX-100 (DEPENDING ON LATEI\AL LINESIZE)IN-LINEPRESSUREREGULATORINSTAlLEDAFTERAVBVALVE. 13. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHOWING SIGNS OF DEFOLIATION, LEANING, CHLOROSIS (YELLOWING), OR ~~~~;~~~UT~()~~~: T~~ E~~~~~~=ANCE SHALL BE REPLACED BY THE CONTRACTOR, 1◄. LANOSCAPECONTRACTORTOPROVIOEGUARANTEESNORMAL TOTHETRADEFORLONGEVITYOFALL PLANT MATERIALS; THREE MONTHS FOR SHRUBS AND GROUND COVERS, AND ONE YEAR FOR TREES. 15. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE FOR 90 DAYS FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF INSTALLATION AS DETERMINED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RECEIVE NOTICE OF SIGNIFICANT CONFORMANCE FROM LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT ONCE SITE IS DEEMED ACCEPTABLE. 16. CONTRACTOR TO INFORM LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES SETWEEN PLANS AND ACTUAL SITE CONDITIONS. 17. PLANT QUANTITIES ARE FOR CONVENIENCE PURPOSES ONLY. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY PLANT COUNTS AND SUPPLY QUANTITY Of PLANT MATERlAL TO IMPLEMENT THE INTENT OF THE DESIGN AS SHOWN. 18. All Pl.ANTING AREAS PREVIOUSLY COVERED WITH CONCRETE, ASPHALT OR ANY OTHER IMPERVIOUS MATERIAL SHALL BE RIPPED TO A DEPTH OF 12", AMENDED AS PER APPROVED SOILS REPORT AND TREATED WITH SARVON SOIL TREATMENT PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. 19. IF ANY EXISTING HARDSCAPE OR LANDSCAPE INDICATED ON THE APPROVED PLANS IS DAMAGED OR REMOVED DURING DEMOLITION OR CONSTRUCTION, 1T SHALL BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED IN KIND WITHEQUIVAlfNTSIZEPERTHEAPPROVEDPLANS. 20. TREES AND SHRUBS SHALL BE LOCATED AND MAINTAINED TO PRESERVE A CLEAR ZONE OF AT LEAST TEN FEET FROM FIRE HYDRANTS, UTILITY POLES, OVERHEAD UTILITY WIRES, STREET LIGHT LUMINARIESANDABOVEGROUNOUTILITYSTRUCTURESSUCHASTRANSFORMERENCLOSURES. 21. TREES SHALL BE Pl.ANTED AT LEAST FIVE FEET FROM ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITY SUCH AS GAS, ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE; TEN FEET FROM SEWER. 22. OWNER TO VERIFY AND STAKE PROPERTY LINES. NO DEMOLITION, CONSTRUCTION OR PLANTING SHALL OCCUR OUTSIDE PROPERTY LINES WlntOUT ntE PRIOR CONSENT OF ntE ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER. 23. OWNER TO INSURE NEWLY INSTALLED PLANT MATERIAL RECEIVES ENOUGH WATER TO MAINTAIN GOOD HEALTH AND VIGOROUS GROWTH WITHOUT OVER WATERING. PLANT MATERIAL SHALL 8E WATERED PERIODICALLY AT SUCH TIME JUST PRIOR TO LEAF WILTING. ADJUST WATERING TO ~~:oi;:~~: ~i~IONS IN RAIN FALL, TEMPERATURE, SOLAR EXPOSURE AND SEASONAL 2◄. OWNER TO MAINTAIN AND KEEP CLEAR ALL DRAINAGE SWALES ANO INSURE POSITIVE SURFACE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM BUILDINGS TOWARDS SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE OR OFF SITE STORM DRAIN SYSTEMS AT A MINIMUM OF 2% SLOPE. LANDSCAPE NOTES ALLLANDSCAPESHALLBEDEVELOPEDINACCORDANCEWITHTHESTANDARDSADOPTIOBYTHECITY OFCARLSBADANDALLOTHERAPPLICABLESTANDARDSASOFTHEAPPROVEODATEOFTHESEPLANS. AN ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT SHALL BE OBTAINED BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO tNSTAU ENHANCEDPAVINGWITHINTHEUTILITYEASEMENT. PREPARE ALL PLANTING AREAS AS FOLLOWS, ALL QUANTITIES ARE BASED ON 1000 SQ FT.: SCARIFY EXISTING SOIL TO A DEPTH OF 8·; REMOVE ALL DEBRIS, WEEDS AND ROCKS LARGER THAN 2" DIA.; APPLY 4 CU. VOS. MIN. COMPOST (UNLESS CONTRAINDICATED BY A SOIL TEST), 150 LBS. AGRICULTURAL GYPSUM, 10 LBS. IRON SULPHATE, 50 LBS. TRI-C HUMATE AND 15 LBS. 6·20-20 FERTILIZER. ROTOTIL IN TWO DIRECTIONS ALL AMENDMENTS INTO THE TOP 6• Of EXISTING SOIL, RAKE TO GRADE AND IRRIGATE THOROUGHLY. FERTILIZER/SOIL AMENDMENT TREATMENT ABOVE IS FOR BIDDING PURPOSES ONLY. SOILS TEST MAY REDUCE OR INCREASE TOTAL SOIL AMENDMENT YARDAGE. ADJUSTMENTS (PLUS OR MINUS) MAY BE NECESSARY. CONTRACTOR SHAU OBTAIN A SOILS ANALYSIS TEST WITH AT LEAST TWO SOIL SAMPLES OF FINAL ROUGH GRADE AT SITE AND SUBMIT RESULTS TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR INTERPRETATION AND RECOMMENDATION. COST OF LAB TEST SHALL BE PAID BY OWNER. SOIL TESTING KITSAREAVAILABlf BY CALLING 1 ·800·927-3311. CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT MODIFIED SOIL PREPARATION BID TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND OWNER FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO STARTING SOIL PREPARATION WORK. GROUND COVERS INCLUDING BERMUDA GRASS AND OTHER NOXIOUS WEEDS SHALL BE SPRAYED W / "ROUND·UP'. WAIT TWO WEEKS MIN. AND SPRAY A SECOND TIME IF NECESSARY AND THEN REMOVE. WEED ERADICATION SHALL TAKE PLACE DURING ACTIVE GROWING PERIOD (JUNE· OCTOBER) AND SHALL BE COMPLETED AT LEAST 10 DAY5 PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY PLANTING AND/OR IRRIGATION WORK. GROUND COVER IS NOT SHOWN UNDER SHRUBS ANO SMALLER TREES FOR GRAPHIC CLARITY. ~~Eu~~ ~~:::so:;R~~~ONTINUE TO DRIPLINE (AT TIME OF PLANTING) OF ALL SHRUBS ANO TO ALL PLANTING AREAS EXCLUDING AREAS WITH COBBLE SHALL BE COVERED WtTH Ar LAYER OF 1 1 /2" MINUS FOREST FINES FROM AGRJSERVICE, 760-295-6255 OR APPROVED EQUAL 11. EVERY PLANT DELIVERED TO THE JOB SITE SHAU BE IN GOOD CONDITION, WITH A LEGIBLE PLANT TAGIDENTIFYINGTHEBOTANICAlGENIUS,SPECIESANDVARIETYOFPLANTFORVERlFICATIONBY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT WITH APPROVED PLANS AND OR PLANT LEGEND. PLANT MATERIAL WITHOUT TAGS Will BE REJECTED AND RETURNED TO THE NURSERY AT THE CONTRACTORS COST. APPROVE:D FOR /RR/GA TlON AND PLANT1NG ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCA TlON OF PLANT1NG AREA. "AS BUILT" RC[ __ E)p, ___ ~~ RE't1EIEDB'I! -~--I Roosevelt Village Residences 1-----+--+-----+---+---+---t------tl= I ~= -·-RE\1SION DESCRIP110N .,.. ---RP2017 •0012