HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-06-01; Traffic and Mobility Commission; ; SEMIANNUAL TRANSPORTATION REPORTItem 5 Meeting Date: June 1, 2020 To: Traffic and Mobility Commission Staff Contact: Tom Frank, Transportation Director Tom.Frank@carlsbadca.gov, 760-602-2766 Subject: Semiannual Transportation Report Recommended Action Receive a presentation of update on the Semiannual Transportation Report and to adopt Commission comments on presentation. Executive Summary On March 20, 2018, a Minute Motion was proposed by Council Member Michael Schumacher, seconded by Council Member Packard, to ask staff to report back twice per year on the progress of multi-modal transportation initiatives. The Motion carried 4-0-1. Since this time staff has made presentations on transportation projects in January 2019, July 2019, and January 2020 and this staff report represents the fourth semiannual report. In January 2019, the first semiannual transportation report presented the framework of asset management as it relates to transportation. In July 2019, the second semiannual transportation report presented traffic impact analysis methodologies related to the review of project, in accordance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review and the city’s’ Growth Management Plan (GMP) performance standards. In January 2020, the third report provided an update of the Transportation Department’s traffic calming and the traffic signal program. This staff report provides an update on the Department’s multi model efforts with an overview of the recent reorganization to include the street’s and storm drain maintenance division as shown in Exhibit 1. With the addition of the street and storm drain maintenance division, the department is focused on transportation projects and related assets throughout their life cycle. The management of the specific projects includes the phases of planning, design, construction, and then onto operations and maintenance through the life of the specific project asset. Discussion On January 13, 2020, Public Works implemented a reorganization including moving the streets and storm drain maintenance division into the Transportation Department. This reorganizational change was implemented to allow the department to focus on all aspects of streets, traffic and mobility, which are top priorities for our community. During the City’s goal setting on February 14, 2020, the City Council confirmed that traffic and mobility is one of the top three priorities for the City along with growth management and homelessness for the next fiscal year. The COVID-19 pandemic and the rainfall event of April 10 were two significant anomalies that affected the department’s work plan within the last six months. The following update provides the individual department division’s accomplishments over the last six months and the goals for next six months. Streets & Storm Drain Maintenance Past six-month accomplishments include: • Successfully integrated with the Transportation Department in January 2020 • Addressed localized flooding issues within the City’s right-of-way during the April 10 storm event • Quickly mobilized crews and closed Carlsbad Boulevard from La Costa Avenue to Pine Avenue, Ponto Road and Ponto Drive from Ponto Road to its southern terminus per the emergency declaration tied to the COVID-19 pandemic • Continued replacing signs that were damaged in vehicle incidents (167 signs have been replaced for the fiscal year to date) • Inspected the high-priority storm drain inlets removing over 11 tons of storm drain sediment and debris for the year. • Continued managing 1,800 lane miles of street sweeping per month removing over 1,200 tons of debris from city roadways year. • Continued with street light and electrical maintenance service requests (Completed 464 requests for the year) • Continued with storm drain maintenance requests and storm drain emergency responses (Completed 114 and 43 requests respectively to date for the fiscal year) • Continued replacing of sidewalk and asphalt within the city’s right-of-way (approximately 7,000 SF and 15,000 SF replaced respectively for the fiscal year) • Completed installation of the citywide streetlight LED fixtures replacement program Phase 1 along the major streets and intersections Six-month goals include: • New professional service agreements for street sweeping, pressure washing, graffiti removal and miscellaneous maintenance service requests • Safely maintain all levels of service during the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery period • Annual Striping Program • Continue with annual maintenance programs Traffic Past six-month accomplishments include: • Completed design for traffic calming projects for three streets and hosted 12 neighborhood meetings. Plan to implement traffic calming measures on nine streets by end of the fiscal year • Completed design for three rectangular rapid flashing beacon locations and construction at eight locations. • Installed permanent speed feedback installations at 11 locations • Continued implementing the final phase of the Adaptive Traffic Signal project • Completed the first phase of the Intelligent Traffic Control project by linking all of the schools’ flashing beacons • Began work on the Traffic Signal Master Plan, completed the draft Evaluation & Monitoring Manual • Developed conceptual designs for fiber optic communications network • Managed the signal maintenance contract including resolution of service requests and 746 mark-outs for the Dig Alert System • Prepared the FY 2017-18 Annual Growth Management Plan (GMP) monitoring report and presented eight deficient street facilities for consideration by City Council Six-month goals include: • Prepare traffic studies associated with reported traffic concerns and identify proposed improvements • Continue updating the Engineering Standards in accordance with the General Plan Mobility Element • Update the Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program • Continue implementation of traffic calming improvements on residential streets per the Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program • Continue to implement the Traffic Signal Master Plan • Continue implementation and development of the Adaptive Traffic Signal Program and Intelligent Traffic Signal Program Transportation Engineering and Asset Management Past six-month accomplishments include: • Completed engineering design of 2019 Concrete Repair Project • Completed engineering design of 2019-20 Slurry Seal Project • Completed engineering design of 2019-20 Bridge Preventive Maintenance Project • Completed engineering design of Replacement and Repair Program Phase II – Project will line 840 LF of CMP pipeline with cured in place pipe technologies • Completed engineering design of State Street Drainage Improvements • Completed engineering design of El Camino Real and College Blvd Improvement Project • Completed engineering design of El Camino Real and Cannon Rd • Completed construction of 2018 Pavement Overlay (Rebid) Project • Completed construction of 2019 Parking Lot Maintenance Project • Completed construction of 2019 Concrete Repair Project • Completed construction of 2019-20 Slurry Seal Project • Completed construction of 2019-20 Bridge Preventive Maintenance Project • Completed construction of ADA Ramp Upgrade at Stagecoach Park • Completed construction of Romeria CMP Replacement. Replaced 220 LF of CMP pipeline with RCP. Reconstructed two drainage inlets and an ADA curb ramp upgrade • Completed construction of 2019 Kelly Channel Emergency Repair. Spot repair to Kelly Channel concrete lining in response to Thanksgiving Day storms • Completed construction of the State Street Drainage Improvements. Installed 250 LF of new storm drain pipeline and several inlet structures to alleviate nuisance ponding on state street. Project also included curb/gutter/sidewalk replacement, ADA curb ramp upgrades and resurfacing the entire street segment of State Street between Grand and Carlsbad Village Drive • Substantially completed construction of the City Hall Exterior Refurbishment, and ADA and Drainage Improvements Project, continued construction support for the project • Las Encinas Creek Revetment - 10-years of successful performance, vulnerability assessment underway • Implementation of Improved Process and Procedure - Easement processing and approval • Completed environmental review process for the Agua Hedionda Creek Maintenance – 0.5 acre of vegetation removed from AH channel between the bridges of Cannon and ECR in preparation for 19-20 winter season • Completed environmental review process for the Lake Calavera Dam Maintenance – Two vegetation maintenance events completed to maintain compliance with State Department of Water Resources Division of Safety of Dams requirements • Completed environmental review process for the Farol Court Drainage Improvements – Long term maintenance and monitoring requirements of permits fulfilled, and project signed off by resource agencies • Completed environmental review process for the Buena Vista Creek Channel Maintenance Assessment District – 1/3 of an acre of vegetation removed from BVC between the bridges of Jefferson and South Vista Way • Continued with designs of the project included in the Transportation Capital Improvement Program Project Status Update provided in Exhibit 2. • Prepared and processed a variety of annual reports to various transportation agencies including SANDAG, Caltrans and California Transportation Commission to secure funding for transportation CIP projects • Created, edited and added asset inventory data associated with Transportation, Drainage, Facilities, and Parks and Recreation assets • Produced a variety of atlas books, mapping products and data analysis for use by design, maintenance and operations staff Six-month goals include: • Continue with designs of the project included in the Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program Project Status Update provided in Exhibit 2. Planning and Mobility Past six-month accomplishments include: • Transitioned to the staff liaison to the Traffic and Mobility Commission • Transitioned to lead the Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program • Led and reassessed development of the Sustainable Mobility Plan • Managed the Carlsbad Connector on-demand shuttle service program and crafted the option for the second year of service • Completed conceptual designs and feasibility analysis for Americans with Disabilities (ADA) compliant access ramps for the beach access points at Pine Avenue and Tamarack State Beach • Received Caltrans grant funding to prepare a Local Roadway Safety Plan (LRSP) for a citywide study of traffic collisions to address traffic safety needs of all roadway users in Carlsbad • Presented the College Boulevard extension project to City Council for direction on financing options • Prepared the draft FY 2018-19 annual Growth Management monitoring report and presented the draft MMLOS methodology for the first time Six-month goals include: • Finalize the Sustainable Mobility Plan • Continue to develop TDM program and create community wide awareness to inspire change in commuter travel behavior • Incorporate data-driven metrics to create both qualitative and quantitative updates • Work zone road management to include TDM solution messaging • Initiate the draft FY 2019-20 annual Growth Management monitoring report. The Transportation Department is focused on implementing projects in a timely, well vetted, and cost-effective manner. Staff looks forward to continuing to work with the Traffic and Mobility Commission to optimize the public input process and publicly vet projects to help produce the best projects possible. Exhibits 1. Transportation Department Organization Chart 2. Transportation Capital Improvement Program Project Status Update Deputy City Manager, Public Works Paz Gomez Deputy City Manager, Public Works Paz Gomez Public Works Branch Transportation Department * Traffic Division * Planning and Mobility Division * Transportation Engineering/Asset Management Division * Streets & Storm Drain Maintenance Division Rev 5/28/20 Transportation Director Tom Frank Transportation Director Tom Frank Senior Engineer – Transportation Eng. Jonathan Schauble Senior Engineer – Transportation Eng. Jonathan Schauble Secretary Eliane Paiva Secretary Eliane Paiva Management Analyst Fred Gaines Jr. Management Analyst Fred Gaines Jr. City Traffic Engineer John Kim City Traffic Engineer John Kim Engineering Manager Hossein Ajideh Engineering Manager Hossein Ajideh Senior Engineer Doug Bilse Senior Engineer Doug Bilse Senior Engineer Miriam Jim Senior Engineer Miriam Jim Associate Engineer Part Time Transportation Demand Management Program Manager Associate Engineer Engineering Tech II Traffic Signal Operations Specialist Associate Engineer Associate Engineer VACANTAssociate Engineer Associate Engineer Engineering Technician II Engineering Technician II Engineering Technician I Senior Engineer – Drainage Projects Scott Lyle Senior Engineer – Drainage Projects Scott Lyle Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Nathan Schmidt Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Nathan Schmidt Part Time VACANT Streets & Storm Drain Maintenance Public Works Superintendent Michael O Brien Streets & Storm Drain Maintenance Public Works Superintendent Michael O Brien Public Works Supervisor Matt Paxson Public Works Supervisor Matt Paxson Public Works Supervisor Clayton Dobbs Public Works Supervisor Clayton Dobbs Senior Storm Drain Maintenance Worker Senior Storm Drain Maintenance Worker Storm Drain Maint Worker VACANT Storm Drain Maint Worker VACANT Streets Maint Worker III Streets Maint Worker III Streets Maint Worker II Streets Maint Worker II Maintenance Assistant (PT) VACANT Maintenance Assistant (PT) VACANT Streets Maintenance Worker III VACANT Streets Maintenance Worker III VACANT Streets Maintenance Worker II Streets Maintenance Worker II Streets Maintenance Worker I Streets Maintenance Worker I Street Electrician VACANT Street Electrician VACANT Senior Office Specialist Frances Ballard Senior Office Specialist Frances Ballard Exhibit 1 I I ~1 I- ~ - r r - I I ~ - --~ - Exhibit 2 Semiannual Transportation Report Transportation Capital Improvement Program – Project Status Update • Pavement Management Program - CIP 6001 o 2020-21 Pavement Overlay - Project will pave portions of El Camino Real and other residential streets. Currently in design phase, anticipated completion of engineering design (June 2020), anticipated construction (November 2020) o 2020-21 Slurry Seal - Project will resurface streets throughout the city using slurry seal and fog seal treatments. Currently in design phase, anticipated completion of engineering design (August 2020), anticipated construction (March 2021) • Beach Access Repairs from Pine Ave to Tamarack Ave - CIP 3896 o Project will repair sidewalks, handrails, stairways, retaining walls and sea wall. Currently in environmental phase and 50% design o Anticipated completion of engineering design (early 2021), anticipated construction (fall 2021) • Carlsbad Blvd and Tamarack Ave Pedestrian Improvements - CIP 6058 o Project will widen sidewalk, add crosswalks, improve ADA access and improve transit stop. Currently in preliminary engineering and environmental phase. o Project requires right-of-way coordination/resolution with State Parks o Anticipated completion of engineering design (mid-2021), anticipated construction (late 2021) • El Camino Real Widening from Arenal to La Costa – CIP 6051 o Widen southbound ECR from Arenal to La Costa to prime arterial standards, add sidewalk and widen bridge o RFQ to hire a consultant for civil, structural and environmental services is being advertised o Anticipated schedule – Approval of Plans and Authorization to Bid (mid 2022), Award of Construction Contract (mid-late 2022) • ECR and Cannon Improvements – CIP 6042 o Construct a new bridge for pedestrian connectivity over the Agua Hedionda Creek along ECR and widen the sidewalk on the southside of the ECR bridge o Project resented to T&MC, currently working on environmental permits o Next steps are to take to Planning Commission, then City Council o Anticipated schedule – Planning Commission (July 2020), Approval of Plans and Authorization to Bid (Sept 2020), Award of Construction Contract (Nov 2020) • ECR and College Improvements – CIP 6071 o Enhance intersection for pedestrian safety and ADA improvements o Plans are complete and presented to T&MC o Next step is Approval of Plans and Authorization to Bid in July 28, 2020 City Council meeting o Anticipated schedule – Award of Construction Contract (Sept 2020) • Kelly Drive and Park Drive Road Diet - CIP 6075 Exhibit 2 Semiannual Transportation Report Transportation Capital Improvement Program – Project Status Update o Provide traffic calming on Kelly Drive and Park Drive, enhance biking with dedicated bike path, and add trails and improvement pedestrian access o Plans are at 90% o T&MC presentation is scheduled for July 2020, currently preparing IS/MND for public review o Next steps are to submit to resource agencies for permitting process, then Planning Commission o Anticipated schedule – Planning Commission (Nov 2020), Approval of Plans and Authorization to Bid (Jan 2021), Award of Construction Contract (March 2021) • ECR Widening from Cassia to Camino Vida Roble – CIP 6072 o Federally funded project to widen ECR to the city standards and provide an additional northbound through lane from Cinnabar to CVR to increase capacity. The project also adds new sidewalks and medians o Plans are at 50% and permitting is under review o Next steps are to get Caltrans approval on NEPA, determine CEQA process, conduct property appraisal for acquisition and present to T&MC o Anticipated schedule – Planning Commission (Mid 2021), Approval of Plans and Authorization to Bid; and Award of Construction Contract (late 2021) • PAR and College Improvements – CIP 6028 o Provide operational improvements to vehicles by adding an additional southbound through lane and improvement bike lanes o Notice to Proceed to the design consultant issued in May 2020 and surveying and plans are being developed o Next step to present to T&MC in June 2020 and prepare environmental documents o Anticipated schedule – Planning Commission (Nov 2020), Approval of Plans and Authorization to Bid (Feb 2021), Award of Construction Contract (May 2021) • PAR and Melrose Improvements – CIP 6034 o Provide operational improvements to vehicles by adding an additional southbound through lane and improvement to bike lanes o Presented to T&MC o Project design underway with no environmental impacts o Next step to prepare plans for city council o Anticipated schedule – Approval of Plans and Authorization to Bid (Sept 2020), Award of Construction Contract (Dec 2020) • Avenida Encinas Widening South of PAR – CIP 6004 o Provide new bike lanes and sidewalks o Project on hold for future funding o Anticipated schedule – Engineering design begins (2023) • Village and Barrio Traffic Circles – CIP 4015 o Construct 8 traffic circles in the Barrio area to calm traffic Exhibit 2 Semiannual Transportation Report Transportation Capital Improvement Program – Project Status Update o Feasibility study completed, the project still in engineering design phase, public outreach not started yet due to COVID19 o Presented to T&MC o Anticipated schedule – Approval of Plans and Authorization to Bid (early 2021), Award of Construction Contract (early-mid 2021) • Terramar Area Coastal Improvement Project – CIP 6054 o Construct roundabout at Cannon Rd/Carlsbad Blvd, sidewalks, crosswalks, increased parking and bluff improvements o Presented to the Traffic and Safety Commission in 2018 o Project is in engineering design and environmental review process. Michael Baker and AECOM are updating traffic analysis, GHG and CEQA MND o Anticipated schedule – Planning Commission (early 2021), Approval of Plans and Authorization to Bid (mid-late 2022), Award of Construction Contract (early 2023) • Valley and Magnolia Complete Streets – CIP 6019 o Construct sidewalks, bike paths, green street features and underground overhead utilities o Project in engineering design phase o Anticipated schedule – T&MC (August 2020), Approval of Plans and Authorization to Bid (early 2021), Award of Construction Contract (mid 2021)