HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-08-03; Traffic and Mobility Commission; ; FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 - TRAFFIC AND MOBILITY COMMISSION WORKPLANItem 6    Meeting Date: Aug. 3, 2020    To: Traffic and Mobility Commission     Staff Contact: Nathan Schmidt, Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager  nathan.schmidt@carlsbadca.gov or 760‐602‐2734      Subject: Fiscal Year 2020‐21 – Traffic and Mobility Commission Workplan    Recommended Action  The Traffic and Mobility Commissioners will approve the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020‐21 work plan for  submittal to City Council.    Background  Based on discussions during the June 1, 2020 Traffic and Mobility Commission hearing, staff has  prepared the attached FY 2020‐21 Work Plan that identifies activities that the TMC anticipates  undertaking in the coming year.  The purpose of this work plan is to encourage increased dialogue  between the TMC and City Council.    On June 1, 2020, the Traffic and Mobility Commission considered the proposed Work Plan and  recommended the following changes as outlined below and provided in Exhibit 4:     Objective  1a:  Add  Before/After  studies  from  the  Traffic  Signal Capital  Improvement  Program (CIP) project and the mobility project portions of the CIP.  Staff also revised this  objective by adding a sentence regarding review of the CIP as follows: “In addition, the  Traffic and Mobility Commission will review the list of Capital Improvement Projects (CIP)  as part of the Transportation Director’s bi‐annual transportation update report.”  This  revision is consistent with the purview of the Commission as defined in the duties of the  TMC by the Carlsbad Municipal Code section 2.28.050.   Objective  1b:  Add  review  of  the  Local  Roadway  Safety  Plan  and  the  Citywide  Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Program   Objective 1d:  Add Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Analysis Guidelines   Objective 2a: Expand this objective to include Safe Routes to School (SRTS) planning  activities and better define the TMC’s role in these planning efforts   Goal 3 was renamed to “Enhance Transparency”   Objective 3b:  This new objective was added to work with the city clerk to provide video  recordings of all Traffic and Mobility Commission meetings on the city website       Next Steps  The FY 2020‐21 Traffic and Mobility Commission work plan will be submitted to City Council for  review and approval.    Exhibits  1. Draft City Council Resolution  2. Memo from City Attorney, Dec. 18, 2018  3. Traffic and Mobility Commission Work Plan FY 2019‐20  4. Traffic and Mobility Commission Work Plan FY 2020‐21  5. Correspondence from Commissioner Linke    EXHIBIT 1   RESOLUTION NO.                   .    A  RESOLUTION  OF  THE  CITY  COUNCIL  OF  THE  CITY  OF  CARLSBAD,  CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE TRAFFIC AND MOBILITY COMMISSION WORK  PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2020‐21.        WHEREAS,  Chapter  2.15  of  the  Carlsbad  Municipal  Code  requires that  each  board  or  commission  provide  to  the  City  Council  for  its  approval  an  annual  Work  Plan  of  activities  to  be  undertaken by the board or commission; and    WHEREAS, consistent with the duties of the Traffic and Mobility Commission under Chapter  2.28 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, staff prepared a draft annual Work Plan for the Traffic and  Mobility Commission that is designed to promote mobility and traffic safety within the city and to  implement the General Plan Mobility Element; and    WHEREAS,  the  draft  annual  Work  Plan  includes  development  of  a communications  plan,  consistent with City Council direction to staff at its Aug. 3, 2020, meeting to include a communications  plan under which the Traffic and Mobility Commission Chair will provide semi‐annual reports to the  City Council on the Commission’s activities and recommendations on specific matters; and   WHEREAS, on Aug 3, 2020, the Traffic and Mobility Commission considered and unanimously  recommended City Council approval of the draft annual Work Plan for Fiscal Year (FY) 2020‐21.      NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as  follows:  1. That the above recitations are true and correct.  2. That  the  City  Council  of  the  City  of  Carlsbad  approves  the  Traffic  and  Mobility  Commission Work Plan for FY 2020‐21, attached hereto as Attachment A.       PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of  Carlsbad, California, California on the __ day of ________, 2020, by the following vote, to wit:      AYES:   NAYS:   ABSENT:              _________________________        MATT HALL, Mayor            _________________________        BARBARA ENGLESON, City Clerk        (SEAL)    Memorandurn December 18, 2018 To: All Boards and Commissions From: Celia A. Brewer, City Attorney Via: Boards and Commissions Staff Liasions Re: Work Plans {cityof Carlsbad The City Councll recently revised the Municipal Code to create uniform policies and• procedures related to boards and commissions. Included in those revisions is a requirement for each board and commission to submit an annual work plan and a subsequent report of the activities it has undertaken to the City Council. The workplan should include the activities that the board or commission anticipates undertaking in the coming year. The City Cou11cil will review, amend if necessary and apprnve the work plan. The purpose of the work plan is to encourage increased dialogue between the boards and commissions and the City Council. It will also help ensure that the boards and commissions are working in line with the priorities of the City Council. Your staff liaison will present you with an initial draft work plan. Please spend some time at your next available meeting to review, modify if necessary and approve the draft work plan. In addition, please also consider any modifications to your authorizing ordinance or resolution which you may be necessary. The City Council will be reviewing the authorizing ordinances and resolutions at a future meeting. City Attorney 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-2891 t Exhibit 2 City of Carlsbad Traffic and Mobility Commission Work Plan Fiscal Year 2019-2020 I.Mission Statement The Traffic and Mobility Commission is committed to enhancing safe mobility for the city and its residents by using data-driven decision-making and a forward-looking approach to transportation. We are transparent and do the right thing the right way. II.Duties The City Council has established a goal to have the City of Carlsbad become a leader in multimodal transportation systems and creative approaches to moving people and goods through and within the City of Carlsbad. Consistent with Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 2.28, the City of Carlsbad Traffic and Mobility Commission was established. The duties of the Transportation and Mobility Commission are defined as follows by the Carlsbad Municipal Code section 2.28.050: It shall be the duty of the Traffic and Mobility Commission to study matters concerning mobility and traffic safety, including implementation of the General Plan Mobility Element, and to make written recommendations to the City Council and Planning Commission regarding measures that should be taken to promote mobility and traffic safety within the city as follows: A.Review staff studies and reports, and make recommendations to the City Council and Planning Commission on mobility and traffic safety matters, including but not limited to those related to pedestrian, bicycle, vehicular, and transit modes of travel, and parking and school safety; B.Provide a public forum to review community input regarding mobility and traffic safety matters, including but not limited to those related to pedestrian, bicycle, vehicular, and transit modes of travel, and parking and school safety; C.Review and provide recommendations for revision to the city codes and plans on mobility and traffic safety matters, including but not limited to pedestrian, bicycle, vehicular, and transit modes of travel, and parking and school safety. III.FY 2019-2020 Goals & Objectives Consistent with Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 2.15, the Traffic and Mobility Commission will provide advisory recommendations within the scope of this work plan. The Traffic and Mobility Commission will focus on the following FY 2019-20 Goals/Tasks: 1.Goal: Review staff recommendations on the multimodal transportation system, and provide input based on data, best practices and public input. a)Objective: Review and provide input on mobility policies, programs, processes and informational reports including the Growth Management Program (GMP) Annual Monitoring Report and other reports within the purview of the Commission. Exhibit 3 b)Objective: Review and provide input on mobility plans currently in process including the Sustainable Mobility Plan and Traffic Signal Master Plan. c)Objective: Review and provide input on Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program projects and proposed traffic control devices such as parking restrictions, speed limits, stop signs, roundabouts and traffic signal evaluations. d)Objective: Review and provide input to the new Mobility Systems Evaluation and Monitoring (MSEM) manual which may include: Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA), Growth Management Program Annual Traffic Monitoring, vehicle level of service (LOS) evaluation methods, and multimodal (pedestrian, bicycle, and transit) LOS evaluation methods. e)Objective: Provide opportunities for public input on scheduled city projects that have the potential to improve mobility options. 2.Goal: Focus on mobility around school locations including safety. a)Objective: Review and provide input on significant mobility and safety projects near schools. b)Objective: Receive informational reports from the Carlsbad Police Department regarding school traffic education and enforcement. 3.Goal: Develop a Commission communications plan a)Objective: Review and consider recommendations to improve the existing communication practice between the Commission and City Council. b)Objective: Discuss and determine the roles of the Chair and Commission members in providing in-person input to the City Council at City Council Meetings. c)Objective: Revise the Commission’s Rules and Regulations to be consistent with the communications plan. d)Objective: Propose upgrades of the city website to enhance public input related to mobility issues. City of Carlsbad Traffic and Mobility Commission Work Plan Fiscal Year 2020-2021 I. Mission Statement The Traffic and Mobility Commission is committed to enhancing safe mobility for the city and its residents by using data-driven decision-making and a forward-looking approach to transportation. We are transparent and do the right thing the right way. II. Duties The City Council has established a goal to have the City of Carlsbad become a leader in multimodal transportation systems and creative approaches to moving people and goods through and within the City of Carlsbad. Consistent with Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 2.28, the City of Carlsbad Traffic and Mobility Commission was established. The duties of the Transportation and Mobility Commission are defined as follows by the Carlsbad Municipal Code section 2.28.050: It shall be the duty of the traffic and mobility commission to study matters concerning mobility and traffic safety, including implementation of the General Plan Mobility Element, and to make written recommendations to the city council and planning commission regarding measures that should be taken to promote mobility and traffic safety within the city as follows: A. Review staff studies and reports, and make recommendations to the city council and planning commission on mobility and traffic safety matters, including but not limited to those related to pedestrian, bicycle, vehicular, and transit modes of travel, and parking and school safety; B. Provide a public forum to review community input regarding mobility and traffic safety matters, including but not limited to those related to pedestrian, bicycle, vehicular, and transit modes of travel, and parking and school safety; C. Review and provide recommendations for revision to the city codes and plans on mobility and traffic safety matters, including but not limited to pedestrian, bicycle, vehicular, and transit modes of travel, and parking and school safety. III. FY 2019-2020 Goals & Objectives Consistent with Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 2.15, the Traffic and Mobility Commission will provide advisory recommendations within the scope of this work plan. The Traffic and Mobility Commission will focus on the following FY 2020-21 Goals/Tasks: 1. Goal: Review staff recommendations on the multimodal transportation system, and provide input based on data, best practices and public input. a) Objective: Review and provide input on mobility policies, programs, processes and informational reports including the Growth Management Program (GMP) Annual Monitoring Reports, Before/After Studies from the Traffic Signal CIP project, and other reports within the purview of the Commission. In addition, the Traffic and Mobility Commission will review the list of Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) as part of the Transportation Director’s bi-annual transportation update report. b) Objective: Review and provide input on mobility plans currently in process including the Sustainable Mobility Plan, the Local Roadway Safety Plan (LRSP), the Citywide Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Program, and the Traffic Signal Master Plan. c) Objective: Review and provide input on Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program projects and proposed traffic control devices such as parking restrictions, speed limits, stop signs, roundabouts and traffic signal evaluations. d) Objective: Review and provide input to the new Mobility Systems Evaluation and Monitoring (MSEM) manual including: Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) Guidelines, Growth Management Program Annual Traffic Monitoring Manual, vehicle level of service (LOS) evaluation methods, multimodal (pedestrian, bicycle, and transit) LOS evaluation methods, and Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Analysis Guidelines. e) Objective: Provide opportunities for public input on scheduled city projects that have the potential to improve mobility options. 2. Goal: Focus on mobility around school locations including safety. a) Objective: Review and provide input on significant mobility and safety projects near schools. Proactively engage the school district in Safe Routes to School (SRTS) planning and work with the schools to develop SRTS and access plans. b) Objective: Receive informational reports from the Carlsbad Police Department regarding school traffic education and enforcement. 3. Goal: Enhance transparency. a) Objective: Propose upgrades of the city website to enhance public input related to mobility issues. b) Objective: Work with the city clerk’s office to provide video recordings of all Traffic and Mobility Commissions meetings on the city website. 1 Traffic and Mobility Commission, Commissioner Correspondence From: Commissioner Steve Linke Meeting Date: August 3, 2020 Subject: FY 2020-21 Traffic and Mobility Commission Work Plan The proposed Work Plan looks quite good, but I wanted to share a one-page summary of Carlsbad’s Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) Program and advocate that it be added to the Work Plan. Under the Growth Management Plan (GMP), conditions are placed on developers to pay for projects that address the direct traffic impacts of their developments on adjacent streets. Additional money is collected from developers through the TIF Program to pay for the more indirect, cumulative, citywide impacts of developments on the arterial street system. Pooled TIF funds are used for projects like the addition of through lanes, turn lanes, sidewalks, etc. that were not otherwise anticipated or funded through other mechanisms. The GMP monitoring results are supposed to be used every year to identify projects that can proactively address future GMP deficiencies that arise due to changing circumstances, such as changes in anticipated traffic, land use, intensity of development, etc. The TIF project list is then supposed to be updated and the fee schedule adjusted to ensure sufficient funding of the new projects and to account for inflation in construction costs for existing projects. Unfortunately, Carlsbad’s defective GMP monitoring methods masked many GMP deficiencies for several years, and the TIF Program has not been updated for the last 12 years. This created a perfect storm that has resulted in the flood of GMP deficiencies we have been dealing with, along with the issues around funding the projects/programs needed to address them. For the last TIF update, adopted by council on 4/8/2008, several future GMP deficiencies were anticipated, and the TIF project list and fees were adjusted accordingly. Several on the council were disappointed that they had waited so long since the previous update in 1991. Mayor Lewis lamented the fact that, without adjusting the fees, later developers and average taxpayers would have to disproportionately cover the costs of the projects in order to stay compliant with the GMP. And there was discussion about looking at the TIF program in more detail at least every two years to keep it properly updated. Sadly, this was all ignored. One current example is the College Boulevard extension. The recent traffic study for that project showed that two lanes (one in each direction) will essentially be filled up by pre-existing traffic that is currently using Cannon Road and El Camino Real, causing them to have deficient levels of service. The developers adjacent to the College Boulevard extension should be responsible for funding the other two lanes to accommodate their new traffic, but the lanes handling the pre-existing traffic could have been funded, at least in part, through the TIF Program. Unfortunately, Carlsbad’s inaccurate GMP vehicle monitoring methods and the failure to update the TIF project list and fees may mean that taxpayers will now be on the hook to pay. Conclusion: This all highlights the need to update the TIF Program as soon as possible—before potential additional revenue opportunities are lost. 1 Nathan Schmidt From:Steve Linke <splinke@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, June 2, 2020 5:32 PM To:Nathan Schmidt; David Graham Cc:Eliane Paiva; 'Jason Stack'; Doug Bilse Subject:RE: T&MC Work Plan Attachments:T&MC Work Plan FY 2020-2021 - Linke proposal v2.docx Hi Nathan and David,    As discussed at our meeting last night, below is a summary of my proposed changes to the T&MC’s FY 2020‐21 Work  Plan, and I have attached a “track changes” Word document showing the updated proposed changes relative to last  year’s plan.    In Objective 1a, I am proposing adding:   Before/After Studies from the Traffic Signal CIP project (pursuant to Mr. Bilse’s suggestion)   Mobility project portions of the Capital Improvements Program (I realize staff has some opposition to this, but I  feel the CIP is a key component of implementation of the Mobility Element)    In Objective 1b, I am proposing adding:   Local Roadway Safety Plan (LRSP)   Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Program update and guideline documents    Objective 1d already included review of the Evaluation and Monitoring Manual, and I am just clarifying that it includes  the Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Analysis Guidelines, as we discussed at the meeting. If VMT is not included, then I  would propose adding it as a separate item.    I am proposing changing Goal 3 to “Enhance transparency,” because the three objectives related to the communications  plan (3a, 3b, and 3c) have all been completed and can be removed. I am proposing adding the objective:   Work with the city clerk’s office to provide video recordings of our meetings to the public.    I think the Work Plan process is working well.    Best regards,  Steve      From: Doug Bilse [mailto:Doug.Bilse@carlsbadca.gov] Sent: Tuesday, June 2, 2020 3:09 PM To: Nathan Schmidt Cc: Steve Linke; Eliane Paiva; Jason Stack; David Graham Subject: T&MC Work Plan   Hi Nathan,    I called Commissioner Linke today to clarify his request last night regarding the upcoming T&MC work plan.  Commissioner Linke will submit his official request, but I wanted you to know that we talked and clarified some  documents and terminology. To help all of the team going forward I think it might be helpful to summarize our  discussion as follows:  2  I am preparing a Traffic Signal Master Plan that is an overview of the traffic signal program, but has nothing to  do with signal performance. We are in the process of finalizing the draft report, but it is not likely to be ready for  the July T&MC meeting. I feel comfortable having an item on the August T&MC meeting to review the Draft  Traffic Signal Master Plan. I can use input received by the T&MC to submit comments back to STC so that they  can finalize the document.   As part of the Traffic Signal CIP project, we will be preparing Before/After Studies that do reflect the  performance of the signals along our main corridors. We expect the adaptive signals to be operational by the  end of summer, and the Before/After Study ready for review by the end of the calendar year. Tom noted this  last night as part of his semi‐annual report to City Council.    I am copying others involved with agenda setting and the development of the work plan. I’m happy to answer any  questions.    Take care,        Doug Bilse, T.E.  Senior Engineer  Public Works Department  Traffic & Mobility Division  City of Carlsbad  1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008‐7314  www.carlsbadca.gov    P: (760) 602‐7504  F: (760) 602‐8558  doug.bilse@carlsbadca.gov      CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   City of Carlsbad  Traffic and Mobility Commission Work Plan Fiscal Year 2019‐2020‐ 2021    I. Mission Statement  The Traffic and Mobility Commission is committed to enhancing safe mobility for the city  and  its residents by using data‐driven decision‐making and a forward‐looking approach to  transportation. We are transparent and do the right thing the right way.    II. Duties  The City Council has established a goal to have the City of Carlsbad become a leader in  multimodal transportation systems and creative approaches to moving people and goods  through and within the City of Carlsbad.  Consistent with Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter  2.28, the City of Carlsbad Traffic and Mobility Commission was established.  The duties of  the Transportation and Mobility Commission are defined as follows by the Carlsbad  Municipal  Code section 2.28.050:    It shall be the duty of the traffic and mobility commission to study matters concerning  mobility and traffic safety, including implementation of the General Plan Mobility  Element, and to make written recommendations to the city council and planning  commission  regarding measures that should be taken to promote mobility and traffic  safety within the city as follows:    A. Review staff studies and reports, and make recommendations to the city  council  and planning commission on mobility and traffic safety matters,  including but not  limited to those related to pedestrian, bicycle, vehicular,  and transit modes of  travel, and parking and school safety;  B. Provide a public forum to review community input regarding mobility and  traffic  safety matters, including but not limited to those related to  pedestrian, bicycle, vehicular, and transit modes of travel, and parking and  school safety;  C. Review and provide recommendations for revision to the city codes and plans  on  mobility and traffic safety matters, including but not limited to pedestrian,  bicycle, vehicular, and transit modes of travel, and parking and school safety.    III. FY 2019‐2020 Goals & Objectives  Consistent with Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 2.15, the Traffic and Mobility  Commission  will provide advisory recommendations within the scope of this work plan.       The Traffic and Mobility Commission will focus on the following FY 2019‐20‐21  Goals/Tasks:    1. Goal: Review staff recommendations on the multimodal transportation system, and  provide input based on data, best practices and public input.  a) Objective: Review and provide input on mobility policies, programs, processes  and  informational reports including the Growth Management Program (GMP)  Annual  Monitoring Reports, Before/After Studies from the Traffic Signal CIP  project, the mobility project portions of the Capital Improvements Program,  and other reports within the purview of the Commission.  b) Objective: Review and provide input on mobility plans currently in process  including the Sustainable Mobility Plan, the Local Roadway Safety Plan (LRSP), the  Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Program update and guideline  documents, and the Traffic Signal Master Plan.  c) Objective: Review and provide input on Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management  Program projects and proposed traffic control devices such as parking restrictions,  speed limits, stop  signs, roundabouts and traffic signal evaluations.  d) Objective: Review and provide input to the new Mobility Systems Evaluation and  Monitoring (MSEM) manual which may includeincluding: Transportation Impact  Analysis (TIA) Guidelines, Growth Management Program Annual Traffic  Monitoring Manual, vehicle level of service (LOS)  evaluation methods, and  multimodal (pedestrian, bicycle, and transit) LOS evaluation  methods, and  Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Analysis Guidelines.  e) Objective: Provide opportunities for public input on scheduled city projects that  have the potential to improve mobility options.    2. Goal: Focus on mobility around school locations including safety.  a) Objective: Review and provide input on significant mobility and safety projects  near schools.  b)   Objective: Receive informational reports from the Carlsbad Police Department  regarding school traffic education and enforcement.    3. Goal: Develop a Commission communications planEnhance transparency.  a) Objective: Review and consider recommendations to improve the existing  communication  practice between the Commission and City Council.  b) Objective: Discuss and determine the roles of the Chair and Commission members  in  providing in‐person input to the City Council at Council Meetings.  c) Objective: Revise the Commission’s Rules and Regulations to be consistent with the  communications plan.  a) Objective: Propose upgrades of the city website to enhance public input related to  mobility issues.  d)b) Objective: Work with the city clerk’s office to provide video recordings of our  meetings to the public.