HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-08-03; Traffic and Mobility Commission; ; TRAFFIC CALMING FOR CADENCIA STREET FROM DEL REY AVENUE TO APPROXIMATELY 500 FEET NORTH OF PIRAGUA STREETItem 4 Meeting Date: Aug. 3, 2020 To: Traffic and Mobility Commission Staff Contact: Miriam Jim, Senior Engineer Miriam.Jim@carlsbadca.gov or 760-268-4796 Subject: Traffic Calming for Cadencia Street from Del Rey Avenue to approximately 500 feet north of Piragua Street. Recommended Action Based on the findings contained in this report, staff recommends the Traffic and Mobility Commission support the proposed traffic calming plan on Cadencia Street from Del Rey Avenue to approximately 500 feet north of Piragua Street. Background Cadencia Street is located in the southeast quadrant of the City. It stretches approximately 1.5 miles from Romeria Street to Paseo Capuchina (see Exhibit 1). Cadencia Street is classified as a residential street with a posted speed limit of 25 miles per hour (mph), as defined by the California Vehicle Code, except for the segment between Del Rey Avenue to approximately 500 feet north of Piragua Street. This segment of Cadencia Street does not meet the definition of a residential street per the California Vehicle Code and has a speed limit of 40 mph established based on an Engineering and Traffic Survey performed in accordance with the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD) (see Exhibit 2). Two segments of Cadencia Street have gone through Phase II of the Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program (CRTMP). In 2018, three speed cushions were installed in the segment from Calle Conifera to approximately 500 feet north of Piragua Street. In 2019, the segment from Del Rey Avenue to La Costa Avenue has received its support from the residents through a survey to install two speed cushions. The project was supported by the Traffic and Mobility Commission in January 6, 2020 and approved by the City Council in February 25, 2020. Construction of this project is expected to be completed by the end of 2020. Data Cadencia Street between Del Rey Avenue to approximately 500 feet north of Piragua Street is located between the aforementioned two residential street segments of Cadencia Street that have been or will be addressed by the CRTMP. With the non-residential segment in between two residential segments, it creates a situation where the speed limit on the approximately one-mile long Cadencia Street varies between 25 mph and 40 mph, resulting in a speed differential of 15 mph between segments along Cadencia Street. The portion of Cadencia Street that is posted at 40 mph exhibits grades to approximately 10%. In the past years, city staff has received speeding concerns from residents on this non-residential segment of Cadencia Street, especially along the downhill portion of the roadway. City staff has deployed temporary speed feedback signs to collect speed data and help address speeding concerns. These speed feedback signs alert drivers of their speed at real time to encourage slower speed. The speed data collected indicates a critical speed of 41 mph, which is consistent with the posted speed limit of 40 mph. Although the speed data does not necessarily indicate a speeding problem on the non-residential segment of Cadencia Street, a lower speed would be desirable to reduce the speed differential on the roadway. Traffic calming measures, therefore, are recommended for this segment of Cadencia Street. Three permanent speed feedback signs are proposed; two will be installed in the southbound direction and one in the northbound direction. The project will also install a marked crosswalk supplemented with a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) on Cadenica Street at Venado Street to increase pedestrian crossing awareness on Cadencia Street based on residents’ request (see Exhibit 3). Based on past experience, a reduction of roadway speeds is possible with permanent speed feedback sign installations. In order to reduce the speed limit to 35 mph on Cadencia Street, a reduction in the critical speed to 39 mph or lower would be necessary. A reduction of 5 mph in critical speed is within the range of expected results for speed feedback signs. Based on the residents’ concerns and the intent to reduce the speed differential along Cadencia Street, staff recommends the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support the proposed project to install three permanent speed feedback signs and a marked crosswalk with RRFB on Cadencia Street between Del Rey Avenue and approximately 500 feet north of Piragua Street. Necessary Council Action The estimated construction cost of this project is $75,900. The project can be executed by the City Manager therefore no Council action is required. Next Steps Project will be posted for bids and a contractor will be selected for construction. Exhibits 1. Location Map 2. Engineer and Traffic Survey 3. Cadencia Street Traffic Calming Plan Traffic Calming 1 LOCATION MAP AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOOON BATIQUITOS LAGOON CANNON ROAD PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD E L C A M I N O R E A L POINS E T TI A LANE AVI A R A PARKWAY COLLE G E BOULEVARDLA C O S T A AVENUEEL CAM INO REAL C O L L E G E B L V D . FA R A D A Y AVENUEEL FUERTES TR E E T I- 5 FR E EW A Y ALGA Cadencia Street from Del Rey Avenue to 500 Feet North of Piragua Street PROJECT LOCATION