HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-10-05; Traffic and Mobility Commission; ; FISCAL YEAR 2020 SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, PROJECT No. 6002Item 1 Meeting Date: Oct. 5, 2020 To: Traffic and Mobility Commission Staff Contact: Scott Lyle, Senior Engineer Scott.Lyle@carlsbadca.gov, 760-602-7505 Subject: Sidewalk Construction Program – 2020 Sidewalk Construction Project, Capital Improvement Program Project No. 6002. Recommended Action Support staff’s recommendation to implement the Sidewalk Construction Program - Fiscal Year 2020 Sidewalk Construction Project (Project), Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project No. 6002. Background This Project is part of the city’s ongoing Sidewalk Construction Program (Program). The Project will improve sidewalk segments within the city’s right-of-away, in accordance with city standards. The city developed and adopted the Pedestrian Master Plan (PMP) in 2008 to help guide the future development and enhancement of pedestrian facilities within the city with the intent to make walking an integral mode of transportation in the city. The objective of the Project is to design and construct missing links of sidewalk throughout the city. The PMP developed a list of specific project improvements for high priority project areas across the city. The Traffic and Mobility division is currently updating the fiscal year 2018-19 Growth Management Plan (GMP) Circulation Section Monitoring Report, which will include a multimodal level of service evaluation for the first time. Staff will consider both the PMP and GMP in determining locations for sidewalk improvements, as well as, community feedback. Based on the PMP priority list, and input from the community and the Traffic and Mobility division, this Project will include sidewalk improvements at the following locations: • Transit Center Road North of Marron Road • Tamarack Avenue South of Carlsbad Village Drive • Garfield Street (east side) between Redwood Avenue and Tamarack Avenue Necessary Council Action Staff will finalize the Project construction plans, specifications and cost estimates to be presented to City Council for approval and authorization to advertise the Project for construction bids in winter 2020. Next Steps Following the Traffic and Mobility Commission’s review, staff will bring a staff report to City Council in winter 2020 and recommend that City Council approve the Project plans and specifications, and authorize the city clerk to advertise for construction bids for the Project. After the bidding process is complete, the Project will be brought back to City Council with a request to award a construction contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. Exhibits 1. Location Maps for the 2020 Sidewalk Construction Project. Exhibit 1 2020 SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION PROJECT LOCATION MAPS Exhibit 1 2020 SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION PROJECT LOCATION MAPS Oct 2020 Traffic and Mobility Commission Agenda Item Comments By Commissioner Pete Penseyres October 5, 2020 I have read and generally agree with Commissioner Linke’s comments submitted last Friday. However, I believe that we can do better in balancing the needs of motorists and bicyclists by optimizing shared space with vehicles and bicycles through built out intersections and segments in conjunction with education and enforcement targeting both groups. In addition, there appear to be several road segments that may or may not be categorized as exempt from MMLOS where excess capacity exists. Perhaps reducing the number of lanes from 5 to 3 or even two with single lane roundabouts could improve safety for all users by reducing the maximum speeds while raising the average speeds through a segment. Widened and enhanced Bike Lanes, sidewalks, or off street paths could significantly increase active transportation and the health of those who ride or walk, while also removing vehicles that those people would use from the same roads. Examples of each of those possibilities are included below for consideration and discussion. Item 1: I would like to consider this consent item separately to discuss if construction of the sidewalk on Tamarack can be combined with repurposing the roadway to one lane in each direction to allow buffered bike lanes on both sides. Basis for Request: The Bicycle Master Plan is more than 13 years old. It does not include changes to the segment of Tamarack between Carlsbad Village Drive and El Camino Real. The Bike Lanes are narrow and the sloped gutter pans are steep at the drains, which creates a hazard to cyclists riding slowly uphill or fast downhill. The road will need to be narrowed during construction via the TCP process, perhaps including both the Bike Lane and the #2 travel lane. Perhaps as part of a separate project, a simple restripe might be possible. This would be a huge improvement to make this segment more Bike Friendly without any significant loss of LOS for motorists. When I attended the Carlsbad Academy, one of the City employees mentioned that they didn’t consider Tamarack from CVD to be safe enough to consider commuting bicycle to the Faraday Offices. The person did not mention El Camino Real, College or Faraday as being unsafe. If this cannot be done at this time, could the road diet be considered as a priority in the next repave/resurface of this road segment?