HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-07-06; Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Committee Ad Hoc; MinutesApproved 2/22/10 CITY OF CARLSBAD AGRICULTURAL CONVERSION MITIGATION FEE AD HOC CITIZENS’ ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES Monday, July 6, 2009 Faraday Center, Room 173A 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 1. CALL TO ORDER: ACTION: Chairperson Larson called the meeting to order at 12:32pm. Committee Members Present: Chariperson Eric Larson, Vice Chairperson Julie Baker, Jackie Stone, Hope Wrisley, Richard Erhardt Committee Members Absent: Ken Alfrey, Irv Roston Staff Members Present: Minutes Clerk, Meghan McKillop; Associate Planner, Kevin Pointer 2. APPROVAL OF JUNE 1, 2009 AND JUNE 15, 2009 MINUTES: ACTION: Committee member Hope Wrisley moved to approve the minutes of the June 1, 2009 Committee meeting with the correction to change the wording of paragraph two on page two. The motion was seconded by Richard Erhardt and carried unanimously. ACTION: Committee member Julie Baker moved to approve the minutes of the June 15, 2009 Committee meeting with the correction on page two, changed from $90,000 to $75,000. The motion was seconded by Hope Wrisley and carried unanimously. 3. RECEIVE REPORT ON STATUS OF PROJECTS AWARDED WITH AGRICULTURAL CONVERSION MITIGATION FUNDING The Committee received an update from Kevin Pointer on the 2007-2008 City grants. Page 2 Sister RayMonda representing Catholic Charities gave an update of how the funding for the Farm Worker Housing project is being spent. She stated an architect and general contractor have been selected for the project. They are 80% complete and conceptual drawings should be drafted in the next 30 days and will be distributed to other contributing foundations. She also stated a construction timeline will be completed and the soils and biological testing will begin in the near future. The Committee questioned the nightly rate of $5 (five dollars) stating it is unusually low. Sister RayMonda stated this is just a rough estimate and the numbers are subject to change as projected. 4. COMMITTEE DISCUSSION OF RENEWAL OF THE COMMITTEE’S TERM The Committee discussed the renewal terms of their term. Eric Larson stated the Committee should meet as needed with at least one annual meeting. The term length should continue at 4 years per term and the Committee should have the same member structure. Committee-member Baker added that the Committee’s budget should continue to be appropriated at $3,000 annually until all funds are disbursed. Chairperson Larson motioned the above shall be the agreed terms of the Committee that will be taken to City Council. The motion was seconded by Julie Baker and carried unanimously. 5. PUBLIC COMMENT The committee received the following public comments: Fred Sandquist stated he had some concerns on how the farmer’s housing would be combined with the homeless and how every person should be accounted for and properly charged. Casey Cinciarelli stated she would like records to be kept of those staying in the housing. She also requested clarification on whether a Coastal Conservancy Representative is still a member of the Committee. Upon direction from the Committee, Mr. Pointer provided clarification on Coastal Commission’s attendance at Committee meetings. 6. ADJOURN Chairperson Larson adjourned the meeting at 1:07 pm. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Meghan McKillop, Minutes Clerk