HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-07-12; Child Care Commission Ad Hoc; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: Time of Meeting: Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: CHILD CAKE COMMISSION 6:30 p.m. July 12, 1990 City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER; Vice Chairman Nygaard called the Meeting to order at 6:50 p.m. ROLL CALL; Present - Vice-Chairman Nygaard, Commissioners Cutler, Gilk, and L'Esperance Absent - Chairman Baker, Commissioners Mead and Schwei Staff Members Present: Jim Hagaman, Research Manager Joni Wiltgen, Management Analyst Also Present: Ken Jaffe, International Child Resource Institute Doris Lipska, Mulberry Children's Center Nadine Abbott, Mulberry Children's Center MINUTES; The Child Care Commission approved the minutes of May 24, 1990 and June 18, 1990 as presented. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: There were no comments from the audience. OLD BUSINESS: 1)Progress Report on Survey Analysis - Ken Jaffe, consultant, gave a progress report on the data received from SANDAG from the 1989 survey. He had hoped to be able to break down the data by school districts but will be unable to do so. He will be able to categorize the comment information, which will be helpful. Mr. Jaffe reported that there is a way to assess income levels by school sites using the percentages of the Federal subsistence program for free and reduced cost meals. He noted the present percentages: Jefferson Elementary Pine Street Elementary Buena Vista Elementary Valley Jr. High School Carlsbad High School Magnolia Elementary Kelly Elementary Hope Elementary Free Meals 52% 45% 22% 18% 12% 8% 4% 3% Reduced Cost Meals 8% 10% 9% 4% 2% 3% 1% 1.6% 2) He will attempt to contact the Encinitas and San Marcos School Districts to attempt to get information on Carlsbad students. Progress Report on Quadrant Information Development - Doris Lipska, consultant, reported on currently Cutler Gilk L'Esperance Nygaard MINUTES July 12, 1990 CHILD CARE COMMISSION Page 2 COMMISSIONERS 3) available child care in the City of Carlsbad. A map has been prepared and coded showing the child care resources by type. She noted that: The highest concentration of child care resources are in the Northwest quadrant. All schools in the Carlsbad Unified School District have the Scampers program during the normal school year except Pine Street School. The only summer Scampers program is at Jefferson Elementary School. There are a number of family day care homes in the La Costa area. Schools serving the area are in the Encinitas and San Marcos School Districts. Nadine Abbott, consultant, reported on the contacts she has been making with key persons in the Carlsbad community. The following suggestions have been made by persons she has spoken with to this date: There is a major need for quality care for elementary school age children. Jr. High School and High School recreation programs are needed. Child care facilities are needed in the Southwest quadrant. Five years ago parents desired child care for preschool children in an area close to home; at the present time the emphasis seems to be shifting to the work locality. Ms. Abbott felt that a good public relations tool might be to have a Child Care Conference in the fall which involves the business community. Doris Lipska passed out a schedule of Focus meetings which have been arranged. Several of the Commissioners indicated a desire to attend those meetings and additional information will be provided at the next Child Care meeting on July 26, 1990. Also suggested for Focus meeting were: Pastor groups Carlsbad Board of Realtors Merchants at the Plaza Camino Real PTA's (after school starts) Progress Report on Policy Development Issues - Ken Jaffe, consultant, proposed several possible recommendations regarding child care policy development. He feels that the packet currently available at the Planning Department could be improved if a fee schedule separating mandatory fees and other fees were included on one sheet rather than in several places throughout the packet. Mr. Jaffe will begin working with Jim Hagaman on reviewing the preliminary Child Care Ordinance. MINUTES July 12, 1990 CHILD CARE COMMISSION Page 3 COMMISSIONERS 4) Review of Draft Press Releases - Ken Jaffe, consultant, passed out two proposed press releases regarding the activities of the Child Care Commission. The commissioners suggested another press release should be prepared regarding the current survey. Doris Lipska stated that she has received permission to print the survey questions in the Chamber of Commerce newsletter. Jim Hagaman will notify City Council members. COMMISSIONERS' REPORTS; There were no reports from Commissioners. ADJOURNMENT; By proper motion, the meeting of July 12, 1990 was adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, C. HAj Research Mana BETTY/ BU£KNER Miriutes Clerk MINUTES ARE ALSO TAPED AND KEPT ON FILE UNTIL THE MINUTES ARE APPROVED. Cutler Gilk L'Esperance Nygaard