HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-07-26; Child Care Commission Ad Hoc; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: Time of Meeting: Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: CHILD CARE COMMISSION 6:30 p.m. July 26, 1990 City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER; Chairman Baker called the Meeting to order at 6:37 p.m. ROLL CALL; Present - Chairman Baker, Commissioners Gilk, L'Esperance, Mead, and Nygaard Absent - Commissioners Cutler, and Schwei Staff Members Present: Jim Hagaman, Research Manager Joni Wiltgen, Management Analyst Also Present: Ken Jaffe, International Child Resource Institute Doris Lipska, ICRI Consultant Nadine Abbott, ICRI Consultant MINUTES; The Child Care Commission approved the minutes of July 12, 1990 as presented. Commissioner Gilk arrived at 6:41 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD; Cindy Cesena, 6439 Cayenne Lane, Carlsbad, addressed the Commission and stated that she is attempting to establish a preschool program in Carlsbad. She has been working on the project for a year and a half and it is scheduled to go before the Planning Commission on August 1, 1990. Her preschool, if approved, will be located in the La Costa Plaza shopping center. Ms. Cesena stated that the preparation and processing time has taken a lot longer than she planned. Her biggest difficulties were meeting the environmental, energy and fire requirements. She believes the process would have been easier if: She would have had a better understanding of the CUP process. She found that the same requirements were imposed on large developers as small operators. The City were geared to working with an individual. They are used to working with developers and no one was able to help walk an individual through the complicated process. She would have been given all of the information she needed up front regarding tenant improvements. The code requirements were available to the public in a single location or document, i.e. energy, handicapped, Fire Marshal, environmental, etc. Her center, when it becomes operational, will accept children from 18 mos. to 5 years of age. The original fee schedule was $95 for children in the 2-5 age range; however, she will Baker L'Esperance Mead Nygaard MINUTES July 26, 1990 CHILD CARE COMMISSION Page 2 COMMISSIONERS probably increase the fees to cover the expenses incurred in meeting various code requirements. OLD BUSINESS: Ken Jaffe, ICRI Consultant, introduced Helena Hyman who has a Masters Degree in Child Development. Ms. Hyman will be joining his staff in San Diego to work with focus groups and assist in the review of quadrant information. She has worked with the YMCA and the Children's Home Society. 1) Review Draft Results of 1987 Child Care Survey - Mr. Jaffe reviewed the ICRI analysis of the raw data from the 1987 survey. The following trends were apparent: Carlsbad has a much larger percentage of children in the 6-12 age bracket than other brackets. Many parents use child care of second choice rather than their preference. Many respondents prefer child care closer to home than work. A large number of working parents indicated that summer care was inadequate. More structured after school care is needed. The industrial survey revealed: Employees have a high ratio of very young children. Respondents would prefer child care within 5 miles of work. There is a high ratio of lost work hours due to inadequate child care for sick children. Commissioner L'Esperance left early at 7:26 p.m. 2) Progress Report on Quadrant Information Development - A schedule of focus group meetings for August was distributed. There will be a meeting on August 15th at La Costa Heights School and on the 16th with the Carlsbad Board of Realtors. Doris Lipska, ICRI Consultant, reported that there is a very low percentage of free and reduced price meals at the La Costa Heights and La Costa Meadows schools. Nadine Abbott, ICRI Consultant, reported that approximately 1,500 child care surveys would be included in the next Chamber of Commerce newsletter. 3) Review of Draft Press Releases - The Commissioners reviewed, edited and approved two press releases to be sent to local newspapers and radio stations regarding Commission activities. MINUTES July 26, 1990 CHILD CARE COMMISSION Page 3 COMMISSIONERS 4) August Meeting Motion was duly made, seconded, and carried to cancel the Child Care Commission meeting in August due to the extensive schedule of focus group meetings. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA; The draft report will be available for discussion at the September meeting. ADJOURNMENT; By proper motion, the meeting of July 27, 1990 was adjourned at 7:56 p.m. Respectfully submitted, IS C. HAG. /search Manager BETTY Minutes Clerk Baker Gilk Mead Nygaard Baker Gilk Mead Nygaard