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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-03-28; Child Care Commission Ad Hoc; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: Time of Meeting: Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: CHILD CARE COMMISSION 6:30 p.m. March 28, 1991 City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER; Chairman Baker called the Meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. ROLL CALL; Present - Chairman Baker, Commissioners Cutler, Gilk, L'Esperance, and Mead Absent - Commissioner Mead and Schwei Staff Members Present: Jim Hagaman, Research Manager Lori Lieberman, Assistant to the City Manager Joni Wiltgen, Management Analyst Ken Jaffe, International Child Resource Institute Doris Lipska, Mulberry Children's Center MINUTES; The Child Care Commission approved the minutes of February 11, 1991 as presented. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD; Christy Smith, 740 Breeze Hill Road #143, Vista, addressed the Commission and stated that she is representing a non-profit national Children's ID program. The program consists of a parent purchasing pre-printed labels at a cost of $25.00 containing an 800 number which could be called in case a child is lost, found, or has a medical emergency. The child's name remains in the databank for one year. Ms. Smith explained that the program is new to southern California but has been in operation over a year in other parts of the country. Most parents are in favor of this type of program because information is only released to emergency personnel on request. Commissioner Mead arrived at 6:37 p.m. OLD BUSINESS; There was no old business to discuss. NEW BUSINESS 1. Review of ICRI's Workplan for Phase Two of the Carlsbad Child Care Development Program Jim Hagaman, Research Manager, announced the the Summary Report would be going to the City Council on Tuesday, April 2, 1991. Ken Jaffe, ICRI Executive Director, reviewed the Child Care Needs Assessment report recommendations and the timeline and activity steps associated with each recommendation. The recommendations are: the expansion of current child care programs; changes in City planning ordinances; the development of a refined child care information system; • the development of a plan for the expansion of critical child care; quadrant specific recommendations; Baker Cutler Gilk L'Esperance MINUTES March 28, 1991 CHILD CARE COMMISSION Page 2 COMMISSIONERS special school-age programs; other City child care policies; and funding approaches The goals of these recommendations is to lessen the distance between the demand and supply of child care in Carlsbad. 2. Review of Federal Child Care Legislation Ken Jaffe reviewed potential sources of child care funding from the federal government. The Act for Better Childcare (ABC) Bill provides two major sources of funding through the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 1990 and through the 1990 Child Care Amendments to Title IV of the Social Security Act. Funding is provided for states to administer to children of parents on Aid for Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), low-income families at risk for AFDC, child care licensing, monitoring and improvements, social services block grants and other uses. All Title IV funds are administered by the Department of Health and Human Services. 3. Review of State Child Care Legislation Ken Jaffe reviewed potential sources of child care funding from the state, as proposed by Governor Wilson in his budget speech. This includes $50 million to expand and reform state pre-schools to comply with and compliment federal Headstart standards. However, this funding was pulled out of other parts of the budget so that cuts in existing child care programming or content will have to be made. Overall, there is no net increase for child care in the state budget. The state's Legislative Analyst has recommended an annual $50 family day care licensing fee. Also under discussion is a $100-$300 fee for family day care centers. Ken Jaffe feels that these fees will cause many day care providers to "go underground" to avoid government regulation. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA At the April 25, 1991 meeting, Ken Jaffe, ICRI Consultant, will make a presentation on state child care legislation being proposed in the new legislative session. COMMISSIONERS' REPORTS There were no Commissioner reports presented. ADJOURNMENT; By proper motion, the meeting of March 28, 1991 was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, J7AMES C. HAi /Research Mana BETTY BUCKNER Minutes Clerk Baker Cutler Gilk L'Esperance Mead