HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-01-23; Child Care Commission Ad Hoc; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: Time of Meeting: Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: CHILD CARE COMMISSION 6:30 p.m. January 23, 1992 City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER; Chairman Baker called the Meeting to order at 6:37 p.m. ROLL CALL; Present - Chairman Baker, Commissioners Cutler, Gilk, Isenhart, L'Esperance, Mead, and Schwei Staff Members Present: Jim Hagaman, Research Manager Joni Wiltgen, Management Analyst Lori Lieberman, Assistant to the City Manager Also Present: Ken Jaffe, International Child Resource Institute MINUTES; The Child Care Commission approved the minutes of December 5, 1991 as presented. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD; There were no comments from the audience. Commissioner Schwei arrived at 6:41 p.m. NEW & OLD BUSINESS; 1) Fieldstone Presentation on Master Plan Community Cheryl Bradstreet, Community Relations Manager for Fieldstone La Costa, and Ross Sutherland, Regional Director of Dahlia Group Architects and Planners (consultants to Fieldstone), reviewed plans for a Master Plan Community on 530 acres bordered by Levante, El Camino Real, Rancho Santa Fe Road, and Olivenhain Road. The community will include 1,075 single family homes, a trail system, junior high school, elementary school, church, and recreation center with a child care facility. The recreation center will be adjacent to Calle Barcelona. The trail system will be interwoven throughout the community and will funnel into the recreation center. The child care facility will be located next to the recreation center. The child care facility will be U-shaped with a courtyard, and will resemble a facility at UCSD. There will be four classrooms for approximately 90 children, with restrooms, a kitchen, and other amenities, as well as open space for different age groups. The parking spaces will be oversized to enable easier drop off. Although the facility is geared for 5 year olds and up, it could be adjusted to accommodate infants, if needed. It is also possible that the adjacent recreation center might be used for after school care. Commissioner Isenhart arrived at 7:05 p.m. Baker Cutler Gilk L'Esperance Mead MINUTES January 23, 1992 CHILD CARE COMMISSION Page 2 COMMISSIONERS Fieldstone will be exploring several possibilities for operation of the child care facility, including for profit and non-profit. RFP's for operation of the facility will be sent out at a later date. A homeowner's association will ultimately own and operate the child care facility. 2) Child Care Fund Ken Jaffe, ICRI, stated that the subcommittee will meet on Friday, January 24th, to again discuss the Child Care Fund. He did report that if the Child Care Fund is set up as a trust fund account within the City (similar to an escrow account), and developers submit the fees directly to the City, it is possible to give money to private operators and individuals as well as non-profit organizations (family daycare homes and centers). A trust fund arrangement would have no effect on Federal, State, or other outside funding. However, he noted that some foundations will not be able to donate to a tax-supported entity. Mr. Jaffe reported that Contra Costa County currently uses a trust fund/escrow arrangement. When funds are disbursed, an agreement is signed stating how the funds will be used. Developers are given the option of constructing a child care facility or paying into the child care fund. 3) Public Awareness Campaign Commissioner L'Esperance reported on the meeting of the subcommittee. It was felt that the Commission needs to be more proactive in getting to the public. A monthly column in a local newspaper was suggested. Also suggested was a quarterly seminar for daycare and center providers, featuring a special speaker. The seminar may have to be presented in two sessions in order to accommodate some of the smaller daycare providers. Members of the subcommittee suggested that a goodie bag be given to providers who attend the seminar to entice them to return again. Ken Jaffe, ICRI, suggested that the best way to implement the program would be to create an annual agenda, with dates, followed up by advertising. He suggested that many companies are usually willing to donate products for goodie bags. Commissioners Gilk and L'Esperance volunteered responsibility for the first seminar. Commissioner L'Esperance reported on a letter which was received from the City of Oceanside which sounded as though they were unaware of Carlsbad's Child Care Commission. Ken Jaffe, ICRI, suggested that Commissioners visit officials in surrounding cities in order to make others aware of the existence of the Child Care Commission and Carlsbad's proactive position towards child care. In addition, it would be good for Commissioners to attend various public meetings which are being held throughout the County so that public officials will get to know our Commissioners. MINUTES January 23, 1992 CHILD CARE COMMISSION Page 3 COMMISSIONERS (, Ken will bring a list of the public meetings which are being held throughout the County to the next meeting. Child Care Commissioners can then sign up to attend the various meetings. 4) Bilingual/Bicultural Materials Ken Jaffe, ICRI, reported that he had checked into prices to translate the Child Care packet into Spanish but the costs were too high. Jim Hagaman, Research Manager, will contact Carlsbad's Outreach Program to see if this service may be available at a reduced price. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting of January 23, 1992 was adjourned at 7:43 p.m. Respectfully submitted, /Research Manager BETTY/M^. ByCKNER Minuses Clerk Baker Cutler Gilk Isenhart L'Esperance Mead Schwei X X X X X X X X ITEM 1 January 23, 1992 TO: CHILD CARE COMMISSION FROM: CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE FIELDSTONE PRESENTATION ON MASTER PLAN COMMUNITY Cheryl Bradstreet, Community Relations Manager for Fieldstone La Costa, and Ross Sutherland, Regional Director of Dahlia Group Architects and Planners (consultants to Fieldstone), will review their plans with the Commission. The overall Master Plan Community is in the Southwest Planning Area and consists of 530 acres with 1,075 single family homes. There is a trail system planned as well as sites for a junior high school, elementary school, church, and recreation center with a child care facility. This is an information item only. ITEM 2 January 23, 1992 TO: CHILD CARE COMMISSION FROM: CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE CHILD CARE FUND Review of Fund Options: If the Child Care Fund is set up as a trust fund account within the City (similar to what a realtor uses when setting aside money is escrow), and developers submit the fees directly to the City, it is possible to give money to private operators and individuals as well as non-profit organizations (family daycare homes and centers). There is a precedent for this in Contra Costa County. ICRI suggests that the Child Care Fund in Carlsbad be set up in a similar manner. ICRI will facilitate a discussion on how the child care ordinance (if passed as currently drafted) will lead to monies in the fund and on determining priorities for the disbursement of funds. The Child Care Fund Task Force will be meeting to further discuss this topic. ITEMS January 23, 1992 TO: CHILD CARE COMMISSION FROM: CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE PUBLIC AWARENESS CAMPAIGN A. One way to increase public awareness of the work of the Commission and the City discussed at the December 5, 1991 meeting was to formally invite family daycare providers, child care providers and parents to come to specific meetings of the Child Care Commission or to have a public hearing to promote members of each of these groups to report their concerns, suggestions and recommendations. ICRI believes that providers and parents will then expect some action to be taken by the Commission. ICRI will facilitate a discussion on the impact of initiating some of these options. B. The City of Carlsbad and the Child Care Commission have been engaged in the process of assisting City residents in accessing quality, affordable and available child care in Carlsbad. It has come to staff's attention that there are other organized groups in the county (task forces, councils, etc.) who are unaware of the Commission's and City's activities in promoting child care. ICRI will facilitate a discussion among Commission members regarding their interest in participating in meetings with these groups to promote the work of the Commission and the City, as well as bringing back ideas from these groups. ITEM 4 January 23, 1992 TO: CHILD CARE COMMISSION FROM: CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE BILINGUAL/BICULTURAL MATERIALS In an effort to provide information to the Hispanic community, ICRI would like the Commission's input on translating the child care resources developed to date (e.g. The Guide, Information/Resource List, etc.) into Spanish. ICRI believes that distributing these materials in Spanish at the Centre de Informacion would be more useful to the Hispanic community. City of Carlsbad Annual Calendar February 1992 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY • 2 9 16 23 3 3:00pm Traffic Safety Comm. 10 5:00pm Historic Preservation Comm. 17 President's Day •HOLIDAY* 24 4:00pm Hsg. & Redev. Advisory Comm. 4 6:00pm City Council 11 6:00pm City Council 18 6:00pm City Council/Hsg. & Redev. Comm. 25 7:OQpmNE Quadrant Community Forum 5 5:00pm Sister City Comm. 5:00pm Design Review Bd. 6:00pm Planning Comm. 12 Lincoln's Birthday *HOLIDAY* 19 3:00pm Library Bd. of Trustees 5:00pm Design Review Bd. 6:00pm Planning Comm. 26 2:00pm Water Comm. 7:30pm CUSD 6 l:15pm Senior Comm. 4:00pm Arts Comm. 4:30pm Cable TV Foundation 6:00pm Beach Erosion Comm. 13 20 7:00pm Friends of the Library 7:00pm Palomar Airport Adv. Comm. 27 6:30pm Child Care Comm. 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 1/16/1992