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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-02-27; Child Care Commission Ad Hoc; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: Time of Meeting: Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: CHILD CARE COMMISSION 6:30 p.m. February 27, 1992 City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER; Chairman Baker called the Meeting to order at 6:42 p.m. ROLL CALL; Present - Vice-chairman Cutler, Commissioners Gilk, L'Esperance, and Mead Absent - Chairman Baker, Commissioners Isenhart and Schwei Staff Members Present: Jim Hagaman, Research Manager Joni Wiltgen, Management Analyst Also Present: Susan Stark, International Child Resource Institute MINUTES; The Child Care Commission approved the minutes of January 23, 1992 as presented. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD; There were no comments from the audience. NEW & OLD BUSINESS; 1) Child Care Fund Susan Stark, ICRI, reported that the subcommittee, at their recent meeting, had requested ICRI to write an introduction to the City of Carlsbad Child Care Fund. She presented the document for discussion. The following revisions to the document were requested: Amend the wording in paragraph 1, line 5, of the Introduction to read "...mildly ill children, and the low-income community, including school age children through Grade 12." Delete the last sentence in paragraph 2 of the Introduction which reads "Other areas of interest include:" Relocate the last two sentences of paragraph 1 of the Introduction to the end of paragraph 2. In Guidelines for Eligibility, Child Care Center, renumber 4) Education and training of staff as number 1). In Guidelines for Eligibility, Family Day Care Home, renumber 2) Training and education of providers or staff as number 1). ICRI will revise the Introduction document and present it again at the next Commission meeting. Cutler Gilk L'Esperance Mead MINUTES February 27, 1992 CHILD CARE COMMISSION Page 2 COMMISSIONERS Jim Hagaman, Research Manager, commented that some consideration should also be given to the disposition of equipment provided by the Fund to child care providers who ultimately go out of business. 2) Revised Information/Resource List The Information/Resource List was presented by ICRI and discussed. The list is part of an overall plan to develop a refined child care information system as outlined in Recommendation III of the Carlsbad Child Care Needs Assessment and Recommendations Summary Report, dated January 1991. The list will be available at several locations around the City, including the City libraries and the Barrio Information Center. It will also be distributed with the Child Care Guide and as a public relations handout at various child care group meetings. The purpose of the list is to make information and resources relating to child care issues available to parents, providers, and potential providers. Commissioner L'Esperance suggested the inclusion of another child care referral service. Providers pay an annual fee of $15 to remain active; this referral service currently lists 800 subscribers. For public relations purposes, it was decided to note on the list that it was compiled by the City of Carlsbad Child Care Commission and to list Jim Hagaman's name and telephone number as a local contact. Motion was duly made, seconded, and carried to approve the Information/Resource List as amended. 3) Public Awareness Campaign Susan Stark, ICRI, presented a compilation of several organizations in San Diego County which focus their attention on issues related to child care. Each of the following organizations were then discussed: • United Way of San Diego County Children's Future Scan Project (Jim Hagaman, Research Manager, will send more information on this project to the Commissioners.) • San Diego County Commission on Children and Youth • North County Task Force • San Diego Child Care Coalition • Oceanside Child Care Task Force Commissioners Gilk and L'Esperance also mentioned that they had met with the San Diego County Licensing Division who offers orientation meetings and workshops for child care providers. They already have a schedule for future workshops through November 1992. The Licensing Division mentioned the Oceanside Task Force and also stated that there is a relatively new group in the La Costa-Encinitas area which has been holding some meetings. Commissioner Mead attended a recent meeting of the Oceanside Task Force and plans to attend the next one Cutler Gilk L'Esperance Mead MINUTES February 27, 1992 CHILD CARE COMMISSION Page 3 COMMISSIONERS ^ as well. Commissioners Gilk and L'Esperance will attend the next meeting of the La Costa-Encinitas group on March 19th. They will report at the next Commission meeting. 4) Bilingual/Bicultural Materials The issue of translating materials into the Spanish language was discussed. Jim Hagaman, Research Manager, stated that the translator who used to work for the City library is no longer there. Commissioner Mead suggested using a secretary at the Pine School who has done translation for the school district. Jim will check further on the possibility of using this person. COMMISSIONERS' REPORTS: Commissioner Mead reported on her attendance at the Child Care Task Force Joint meeting held on January 28, 1992. There was a large contingent in attendance. She reviewed what each City in North County was doing with regard to child care in their city. She provided a copy of the minutes of that meeting to each Commissioner. ADJOURNMENT : By proper motion, the meeting of February 27, 1992 was adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ^Tt. SA^^"^/Research ManajgeV BETTY /IflT^BUCKNER Minutes Clerk Cutler Gilk L ' Esperance Mead X X X X X ITEM 1 February 27, 1992 TO: CHILD CARE COMMISSION FROM: CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE CHILD CARE FUND DISCUSSION The Child Care Fund Subcommittee (Julie Baker, Mary Alice Isenhart, Barbara Mead, Jim Hagaman and Ken Jaffe) met on January 24,1992, and requested that ICRI write an introduction to the City of Carlsbad Child Care Fund. Attached is a copy of the document. ICRI will facilitate a discussion about the introduction, focusing on: A. Does this accurately reflect the Commission's position on the fund? B. Are there elements of the Commission's position that are not articulated in the introduction? C. Is there an area of emphasis the Commission would like the Child Care Fund to focus on for the first funding cycle? (Area of emphasis means a specific and immediate need relating to child care in Carlsbad.) Agenda Item 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD CHILD CARE FUND Introduction The City of Carlsbad Child Care Fund has been established for the purpose of improving the quality and quantity of child care programs within this city. The Child Care Fund provides monies to providers of family day care homes and child care centers. The current area of emphasis for funding is the availability of quality care for infants, mildly ill children, and the Hispanic community. By focusing efforts on these three areas, the Child Care Fund will assist meeting the greatest needs of the City. [The last tv/o sentences of the above paragraph are for example purposes only. ICRI recognizes that the Commissioners have not chosen this as an area of emphasis.] Priorities for funding include improving quantity through site improvements and improving quality through equipment procurement, education and training for child care providers. Other areas of interest include: [list, if any] Funding for this program is provided through residential and commercial development fees, contributions from local businesses, foundations and corporations. The Child Care Fund is overseen by the City of Carlsbad Child Care Commission. Application Process The City's Child Care Commission coordinates the allocation of funds. The allocation review process is conducted in the following manner: A. Commission sends out Request for Proposals (RFP). B. Providers given reasonable time to respond. C. Commission reviews proposals. D. Commission may request further information from providers. E. Commission makes final decision on allocation of funds. Guidelines for Eligibility A set of guidelines has been established for both child care centers and family day care homes. Allocation of funds will be made for the following: Child Care Center 1) Interior site improvement, i.e. brick and mortar (One time only) 2) Exterior site improvements (One time only) 3) Equipment purchase or procurement 4) Eduction and training of staff 5) Production of Community Seminar(s) for providers Agenda item 1 Family Day Care Home 1) Equipment (non-fixtures) purchase or procurement 2) Training and education of providers or staff (in large family day care homes) 3) Production of Community Seminar(s) for providers Criteria In both cases, evaluators will review the proposals using the following criteria: 1) Does the project increase the quality of child care in the identified need areas? 2) Does the project increase the quantity of available child care in the identified need areas? 3) Does the project increase the knowledge of care givers? 4) Is the project feasible? 5) Is the project cost effective? For Further Information or to Request a Funding Proposal Form write ? or call (619)? ITEM 2 February 27, 1992 TO: CHILD CARE COMMISSION FROM: CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE INFORMATION/RESOURCE LIST Attached is the final version of the Information Resource List which ICRI created. This list is part of an overall plan to develop a refined child care information system as outlined in Recommendation III of the Carlsbad Child Care Needs Assessment and Recommendations Summary Report, dated January 1991. The purpose of the list is to make information and resources relating to child care issues available to parents, providers and potential providers. This will be available at several locations around the City, including the City library. The Information Resource List has been reviewed by the San Diego Child Care Coordinator. ICRI would like any further comments from the Commissioners and approval of this document. Agenda Item 2 INFORMATION RESOURCE LIST This resource list has been created for parents, family day care providers and child care center providers. The list is coded in order to assist you in locating information. At the bottom right-hand corner of each listing, there is a code. "P" indicates information in which parents may be most interested. T" indicates information in which family day care providers may be most interested. "C" indicates information in which child care center providers may be most interested. These codes are meant only to assist you in finding information, not to limit you. Carlsbad City Library Reference Desk 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 434-2870 ext. 2871 RFC Carlsbad City Library South Carlsbad Branch 7750 El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA 92009 434-2865 RFC Planning, Engineering and Building Departments City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 438-1161 FC Research Office City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 434-2847 FC For City Business License application: Finance Department City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 434-2882 FC For information on Fire Inspection: Carlsbad Fire Department Mike Smith, Fire Marshal 2560 Orion Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 931-2141 FC Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 1605 Carlsbad, CA, 92018 931-8400 RFC Carlsbad Unified School District Susan-Harumi Bentley, Ed.D Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services 801 Pine Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 434-0619 P For building on coastal property: California Coastal Commission 3111 Camino del Rio North Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92108 521-8036 C County of San Diego Child Care Coordinator Gerlinde Topzand Chief Administrative Offices 1600 Pacific Coast Hwy. San Diego, CA 92101, MSA-6 531-4866 RFC For resource and referral information on licensed centers and family day care homes: YMCA Childcare Resource Service North County Branch Paula Leard, Program Director 380 Suite A Mulberry Drive San Marcos, CA 92069 471-2751 FC Referrals 495-7070 P For support & education for staff of Christian affiliated child care centers: Church Related Early Childhood Education Fellowship Shirley Swartwood, Vice President 726-9413 C For further education: Mira Costa College, Oceanslde Campus Child Development Center 1 Barnard Drive Oceanside, 92056 757-2121 ext. 369 and Palomar College Child Development Dept. 1140 W. Mission Road San Marcos, CA 92069 744-1150 ext. 2206 Agenda Item 2 INFORMATION RESOURCE LIST and Pacific Oaks College callJoeAnn Dugger for information 755-4373 PFC San Diego Family Day Care Association Carlsbad Referral Representative Cheryl Lehman 942-9621 PF San Delgo Association of the Eduction of Young Children JoeAnn Dugger, President 755-4373 PFC For before and afterschool care: "School's Out" Before and After School Activity Program Millie Birchall 2144 Pinar Place Del Mar, CA 92014 755-8700 P For financial assistance, child care subsidies and training information for low income mothers: CAIN (Greater Avenues for Independence) Department of Social Services 1255 Imperial Avenue, MS W-290 San Diego, CA 92101 338-2749 P For child care subsidies for low Income familes: Alternative Payment Program 471-2751 P For child care subsidies for recent AFDC recipients who are now working: Transitional Child Care 531-5164 P For nutritional Information and subsidies for low income pregnant women and children: WIC (Women, Infants and Children) 433-3814 P Head Start Neighborhood House Association Karen Love Area Coordinator, North West Area 560-6034 Carlsbad Office: Eloise Walker 800 W. Grand Avenue, #C 729-4924 P For active duty Navy families in need of child care: USNavy Family Day Care Home Program 556-7391 P For active duty Marine Corp Families In need of child care: Pendleton Child Development Center Family Day Care— 725-6173 Center Care — 725-6308 P For information on licensing (for providers) and referrals (for parents): Community Care Licensing Division Department of Social Services 5973 Avenida Encinas Suite 324 Carlsbad, CA 92008 929-3232 FCP For Employer Tax Identification Number, Information and Application: Internal Revenue Service 1-800-829-1040 Ask for Form SS-4 and related documents. F C For State Tax information: California Employment Development Department Employer Tax Division 3110 Camtno del Rio South, Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92108-3830 284-8615 FC Workers' Compensation Information Assistance: (619) 525-4589 1-800-736-7401 FC For Ficticlous Business Names Information: San Diego County Clerk's Office 531-3169 FC Office of Small Business (916) 445-6545 F C For loan information: California Southern Small Business Development Corporation 600 "B" Street, Suite 2200 San Diego, CA 92101 232-7771 C For further information through 1992: International Child Resource Institute 1810 Hopkins Street, Berkeley, CA 94707 (510) 644-1000 PFC ITEMS February 27, 1992 TO: CHILD CARE COMMISSION FROM: CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE PUBLIC AWARENESS CAMPAIGN ICRI has compiled a list of organizations in San Diego County which focus their attention on issues related to child care. ICRI will facilitate a discussion among Commission members regarding their interest in having someone participate in these meetings. If there is agreement on having a representative from Carlsbad at some of these events, ICRI would like to determine with the Commission who would represent Carlsbad at which meetings. ICRI has also written an article for distribution to San Diego County newspapers. This article is being reviewed by the Research Office. Meetings in San Diego County Focusing on Child Care 1. United Way of San Diego County Children's Future Scan Project Sharon Morioka, 492-2084 Sammy Moon, 492-2085 4699 Murphy Canyon Road San Diego, CA 92123 492-2000, fax 492-2059 They are creating a report that compiles existing information about the status of children in San Diego County and expands on it with a goal of encouraging people to consider the needs of future needs of children and impacting public policy. Those working on this project include City representatives, business and industry, organized labor, health care professionals, social service and community organizations. 2. San Diego County Commission on Children and Youth Child Care and Development Committee Charlene Tressler 427-4411 First Wednesday each month, 8:00 - 10:00 am 1600 Pacific Coast Hwy Meeting location posted on door of Rrn 375 Most cities are represented. Issues discussed include regional child care planning, funding streams, needs assessments, etc. (Planning Councils from Block Grant funding has merged with this committee.) 3. North County Task Force Leanore Averell 531-5555 Meet several times per year to focus on particular issues. 4. San Diego Child Care Coalition 8787 Complex Drive, Suite 400 San Diego, CA 92123-1401 495-7000 Meet 2nd Tuesday of the month at 2799 Health Center Drive, San Diego Next meeting is March 27th, 7:30-9:30 am with Assemblywoman Alpert. Coalition deals with issues related to employer-sponsored child care. Options—Strategies for Employer-Sponsored Child Care is their quarterly newsletter. Steven Gelp,Editor. 260-4620, Fax 260-6835 ITEM 4 February 27, 1992 TO: CHILD CARE COMMISSION FROM: CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE BILINGUAL/BICULTURAL MATERIALS At its meeting of January 23, 1992, the Commission agreed that it is important to provide information to the Hispanic community is both English and Spanish. ICRI would like to follow up that discussion by asking Commissioners to suggest who might be able to translate the child care resources that have been developed.