HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-08-27; Child Care Commission Ad Hoc; MinutesMinutes of: CHILD CARE COMMISSION WORKSHOP Time of Meeting: 6:00 P.M. Date of Meeting: August 27, 1992 Place of Meeting: CITY COUNCIL CONFERENCE ROOM CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Baker called the Workshop to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Chairperson Baker, Commissioners Gilk, Isenhart, L'Esperance, Mead and Schwei Absent: Commissioner Cutler Staff Present: Jim Hagaman, Research Manager Lori Lieberman, Assistant to the City Manager COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA: There were no requests to address the Commission. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: There were no minutes to approve. NEW & OLD BUSINESS: The Child Care Commission identified the following specific goals for the 1992-93 fiscal year: Goal I: Educate parents regarding child care choices (a) to expand awareness and usage of libraries' material on child care (Mead). (b) to reach out to the Hispanic community (Isenhart). Goal II: Development of neighborhood child watch program (Mead). Goal III: Linking with schools (Schwei). Goal IV: Address needs of child care providers (L'Esperance and Gilk). Goal V: Outreach to businesses (Baker & Isenhart) • Chamber of Commerce • Human Resources • Private Industrial Council Goal VI: Create a private Carlsbad Child Care Foundation. CHILD CARE COMMISSION August 27, 1992 PAGE 2 General Notes: 1. Schools out to speak to Commission. 2. Foundation - set up time for foundation to effectively operate. May take longer than sunset of Child Care Commission. • Consider extending life of Child Care Commission to bridge time to foundation establishment. • Staff to help with seed money acquisition (Isenhart & Jaffe). • Staff to check for potential grants. 3. Materials to check availability • Child care check list video (Hispanic) - How to select a quality child care program for your child. 4. Future topics for child care workshop for providers (L'Esperance & Gilk). General safety First aid Heimlich manoeuver/CPR Safety proof home Poisons Bike helmets - Programs for center providers (Schwei): "Better communication with provider/children/parents." ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the workshop meeting of August 27, 1992 was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, /JAMES c. HAGAMAN Research Manager / r7/, II. GOALS A. Preserve and enhance the environment, character and image of the city as a desirable residential, beach and open space- oriented community. B. Create a pleasing and unique downtown area designed to attract the tourist and to provide the necessary amenities to the permanent residents of the area. C. Promote the economic viability of the agricultural and horticultural industries. D. Develop an industrial base of light, pollution-free industries of such magnitude as will provide a reasonable tax base and opportunities for employment of local citizens. E. Generate the development of commercial enterprises that support local industries, population and tourist trade. F. Protect and conserve natural resources, fragile ecological areas, unique natural assets and historically significant features of the community. G. Provide for an orderly balance of both public and private land uses within convenient and compatible locations throughout the • city and ensure that all such uses - type, amount design and arrangement - serve to protect and enhance the environment, character and image of the city. H. Encourage development only in those areas which can best support a change in land use without impact. Encourage ,,and promote the , establishment .'"of.,,.,,childcare"1 facilities in safe and convenient locations throughout the community to accommodate the growing demand for childcare !in the community caused by demographic, economic and social forces. CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: CHILD CARE Specific Subject: Child Care Policies Pace One cf Three Policy No. 40 Date Issued 5/10/88 Effective Date 5/10/88 Cancellation Date n/a Supercedes No. n/a Copies to:City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File PURPOSE: To acknowledge the importance of affordable, accessable and quality child care as a necessary component of the city's human and economic growth, and recognize that the provision of child care is a collective responsibility to be shared by parents, child care pro fessionals, employers, employee organizations, schools, businesses, community leaders and government officials. STATEMENT OF POLICY ; 1.Need The City of Carlsbad acknowedges the importance of affordable and accessible, quality child care and recognizes the detrimental impac the lack of such care has on the individual, the family, the work place, and the community. The-City-further-recognizes-that-the-nun ber of families seeking affordable, quality child care services greatly exceeds the .current supply. 2. Partnerships The City of Carlsbad, through its officers, departments and offlcie will take a'positive and active mole in the development and promot: of cooperative relationships among parents, employers, child care professionals, employee organizations, businesses, educators, com- munity leaders and government officials. The common goal in such partnerships is to increase the availability of accessible and affordable quality child care. 3.Model The City of Carlsbad wil'l work to become a model employer in terms being an informed source for the delivery of child care services t its employees. In order to do so, the City will aggressively and prehensively explore all options available to meet the child care needs of its employees. The City will actively seek to demonstrat that employer-sponsored child care support systems are a positive, beneficial and cost-effective influence on the work force. 4.Planning The City of Carlsbad will integrate the child care needs of those who live or work in Carlsbad into the City's land use planning process. This will be accomplished, in part, through the inclusi< of child care objectives and goals, where appropriate, in the elements of the various Master Plans and Specific Plans. 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: Specific Subject: CHILD CARE Child Care Policies Page Two of Three Policy No. 40 Date Issued 5/10/88 Effective Date 5/1Q/88 Cancellation Date n/a Supercedes No. n/a Copies to:City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File PURPOSE STATEMENT OF POLICY 5. Facilities (Continued) The City will review existing procedures and institute changes where appropriate to expedite the approvals and permits .required for' the construction~of-child care-facilities and or-projects which include the construction ,of -child ^care .-facilities * The j City will investigate appropriate incentives for the development of child care services in Carlsbad.' 6.Property The City wiLl be cognizant of child care needs when in the future vacant or under-utilized City-owned land or facilities become available. Such facilities, if meeting adopted criteria, could be made available to non-profit child care providers by lease or other suitable•arrangement. 7. Expertise The City of Carlsbad shall ensure that appropriate personnel in City departments possess, requisite understanding of, and famil- iarity with, all legal, regulatory and procedural requirements - for quality child care programs. 8.Resources The City of Carlsbad shall utilize all services available through Federal, State and County funded agencies, in order to enhance the availability of affordable, quality child care in Carlsbad. CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT P-.ge Three -j Policy No. 40 General Subject: Specific Subject: CHILD CARE Child Care Policies Date Issued 5/10/88 Effective Date 5/10/88 Cancellation Date n/a Supercedes No. n/a Copies to:City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File PURPOSE STATEMENT OF POLICY 9. Legislation (Continued) The City of Carlsbad's State and Federal Legislative Program shall include support of legislation consistent with the intent of this policy and which assist the City in successfully pursuing the goals of this policy. In particular, the City of Carlsbad will continue to support State and/or Federal legislation which: seeks to reduce the present regulatory complexities relating to child care services seeks to reduce the burden of insurance costs on other funding for child care programs, and funding for the construction, renovation and/or maintenance of child care facilities; provides reasonable tax incentives for employers who offer child care services. * 10. Policies The City of Carlsbad shall encourage all employers in Carlsbad to address the issue of child care. In particular, businesses will be encouraged to adopt a. stated policy on child care. 11. Review To determine their effectiveness, the City of Carlsbad will annual] review all activities, programs and service's it has undertaken to promote and encourage the expansion of child care services. MINUTES Meeting of: Time of Meeting: Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: CHILD CARE COMMISSION 8:00 a.m. April 21, 1990 City Council Conference Room COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER; Chairman Baker called the Child Care Workshop meeting to order at 8:15 a.m. ROLL CALL; Present - Chairman Baker, Commissioners Cutler, Gilk, L'Esperance, Mead and Nygaard, Absent - Commissioner Schwei Staff Members Present: Jim Hagaman, Research Manager Joni Wiltgen, Management Analyst Also Present: Ken Jaffee, International Child Resource Institute Doris Lipska, Mulberry Children's Center Nadine Abbott, Mulberry Children's Center Commissioner Mead arrived at 9:20 a.m. Commissioner Gilk arrived at 9:45 a.m. DISCUSSION PERIOD; Ken Jaffee conducted a question/answer period and allowed Commissioners the opportunity to discuss a variety of topics relating to child care. Some of the questions discussed were: How the Child Care Commission can most effectively address pressing child care needs in Carlsbad. Where most citizens of Carlsbad currently receive their information about child care issues, supply, and needs. What local or county-wide information sources are available to assist parents and prospective child care providers in gaining information regarding Carlsbad child care issues. • Which child care programs are considered "models" in Carlsbad. Do residents perceive that the City of Carlsbad promotes, discourages, or is neutral regarding development of additional child care sources. What role should the Child Care Commission play: As a catalyst? An information source? A change agent? A source of data and statistics? What local conditions and issues are critical to development of an expanded quality child care system in Carlsbad. GOAL SETTING; After discussion, the Commissioners unanimously adopted the following goals for the next six months; MINUTES April 21, 1990 CHILD CARE COMMISSION Page 2 COMMISSIONERS Facilitate the growth of child care opportunities in the City of Carlsbad Needs assessment Communication ADJOURNMENT; By proper motion, the workshop of April 21, 1990 was adjourned at 12:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, S^fC. HXGAjJfti 'Research Manager JJCKNER Minutes Clerk MINUTES ARE ALSO TAPED AND KEPT ON FILE UNTIL THE MINUTES ARE APPROVED. Baker Cutler Gilk L'Esperance Mead Nygaard